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one firefighters and critically injured another. the family of bay area nursing student who disappeared last week holds a vigil in hayward. >> and late season storm is here which means get ready to get wet. >> good evening i'm dan ashley. we get to the forecast in a moment. but first san francisco firefighters is still hanging on tonight. tony virginia layer 0was badly burned in a fire that killed his colleague vincent perez who died as flames and smoke raced through home in diamond heights yesterday. abc 7 lisa is live at sf general this evening where l tony is being treated. >>reporter: someone is always by tony side. his friends. family. other firefighters. in fact battalion chief do 4 hour shift here to make sure tony is never alone. outpouring of support is everywhere. it's a steady flow of sadness and kindness. and it is all for tony who remains in critical condition tonight after being injured in yesterday's house fire in diamond heights. >> trying to do the best we can to save his life. >> they are keeping him medically paralyzed in order to keep his breathing. if he moves a little bit it will injury his breathing. they put him in a bed and turn him facing the flar to help relieve the pressure of the chest on his lung. >>reporter: tony is in a coma. 53-year-old inhaled hot poison smoke that damaged his lungs. he also has burns across 12 percent of his body. mostly on his arms, legs and face. >> we still have no idea whether or not it will good one way or the other. >>reporter: he has been unconscious since firefighters found him and lieutenant perez in the hallway of the burning home. perez died yesterday. >> we are devastated. this is a tough time. about we have never had a line of duty death since i was chief. to have one dead and one fateing for his life is hard to talk by. of course it's not address. everybody is doing a heavy heart. everybody has a black wand on. we lost a brother and one in the hospital. it's pretty difficult for us. >>reporter: but those in public service know. still have a job to do. and so during shifts if they can't come to the hospital, they visit station. >> police officers are serving food to other firehouse so neighbors are offering coffee an things. it's really a touching how san francisco reached out to us. >>reporter: tony has pamly here from all over really. vacaville. bakersfield and southern california. meantime funeral arrangements are still being finalize for lieutenant perez. plans have tentatively been made for later next week possibly friday at st. mary's cathedral. live in san francisco, lisa abc 7 news. all right lisa thank you. >> we are getting a clearer picture now of what perez and tony face in the smokey home. from the last radio conversation between their unit engine 26 and other firefighters. listen. >> how much fire do you have? what's the location. >> pl we are looking zero visibility. >> activated emergency alarm and haven't confirmed response for 5 minutes. copy that. >> i copy that. you. >> confusion happening in the moments as dispatcher referred to engine 20 as being out of contact instead of engine 26. perez and tony colleague looked for them as soon as the small electronic alarm on the bodies sounded an alert. >> start moving for 15 seconds the alarm will go off until you move again. so this alarm went off and that's what let the firefighters know that both vince and tony were down. >> within moments he was began to revive both men. >> we have fwom medic unit. koip? >>reporter: we have learned that lieutenant perez was building reflecting pond for his fellow firefighters behind station 26 in diamond heights. word of that project comes from organizers of the firefighters toy drive. perez worked with that organization as well. we'll move on to some other matters. to the weather next. >> heavy rain is coming in a little bit later than we thought. spencer is here to tell us what is going to unfol unfold. spencer in the next couple hours or so. >> it should. the storm is flirting with us. most of the energy is offshore right now as you can see here live doppler 7 hd light rainfall that began to push in about 3 or 4 hours ago and so far we are just getting reports of very light rain in parts of the north bay. sonoma county. down to marin county. some up higher in mendocino county and san francisco we had a few sprinkles but again most of the energy is still offshor offshore. here's what we expect to happen. start our forecast animation at 11:00 o'clock tonight. at which point rain will be more wide spread and a bit heavier than it is now. during the overnight hours early morning hours we see areas of heavy rain developing. heaviest rain at the moment if it follows the time line should occur between 5:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. tomorrow. front will push on through and we have heavy periods of heavy rain remainder of the day showers and its is just a messy weekend. complete accu-weather forecast coming up later. >> thanks. a little later on in the hour tonight. >> former employee of the san francisco crime lab has pleaded no contest to felony charges of drug possession. that means madden case is cleared from her record when she completes court ordered rehab. she must also pay 300 dollars in finals. crime lab where she worked was shut down completely last year after she admitted takin small amounts of cocaine held as evidence. that forced prosecutors to drop hundreds of drug cases. >> judge sentenced to former yale lab technician to 44 years for killing ann lay of placerville days before her wedding. clark apologized to the court today for the 2009 murder of the yale graduate student. her body found behind a lab wall 5 days after she was last seen. the judge told clark that he took the life of a promising young woman and destroyed the lives of 2 families. gentleman federal government has now taken the lead in the scandal that has enveloped 4 current and former police officers in contra costa county. the investigation into drug dealing now includes allegations of prostitution and marijuana grow farm. laura has the story from martinez. >> growing law enforcement scandal too much of a burden on his limited resources, contra costa county district attorney mark peterson announced federal government is now taking the lead in the complex investigation. >> it is my belief that the interest for the people of this county are best served if ween list the resources of the united states attorney's office and fbi. >>reporter: peterson office will still assist and local drug and other charges against former commander norman welch. private investigators chris butler and former police officers steven knob and lewis lombardi will not be dropped. >> charges also include possession of assault weapons, embezzlement, receipt of stolen property, and bribery. >>reporter: besides the list of local charges, new federal charges against the 4 men could include those under the rico corruption statute. designed to punish racketeering. that is when an organization or group engages in a pattern of crime. welch attorney cardoza told abc 7 quote the federal charges are more draconian. not a good situation for us. we hope to stay in the state court. >> i'm 100 percent behind the u.s. attorney taking the case. >>reporter: san ramone police chief scott holder is also the chairman of theive board of c net which has been disbanded indefinitely. >> there is a difference between cop and criminal. and when you cross that line you are no longer a cop. we will investigate you as we would investigate anyone else who chooses to commit crimes. >>reporter: so now it's up to federal investigators to pursue allegations in this case that have yet to be charged but have been acknowledged by the da here. like whether welch and others were running a brothel. and perhaps marijuana growing operation. jeans martinez abc 7 news. no budget. no paycheck. coming up. decision with personal consequences facing california lawmakers. >> plus the budget scenario for one local city. closing almost all of the libraries. >> i did not break the law. >>reporter: man who once ran for the white house could now go to prison. >> we are so like star struchblingt biggest rock star in the world. >>reporter: plus why you tube lead singer bono ended up hitchhiking famous person who happened to be driving by to give him a lift. stay with us. happened to be driving by to give him a lift. stay with us. news at 9:00 continues. [ female announcer ] at the jcpenney appreciation sale, get an extra 20% off apparel, shoes and accessories with your jcpenney rewards credit card! save on all regular, sale & clearance items! no exclusions! that's an extra 20% off styles for her, an extra 20% off brands for him and an extra 20% off clothes for kids! don't have your jcpenney card? you'll still get an extra 15% off! start shopping early at 9am saturday! go to to see everything on sale. we make style affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney. >> state of california could get sued if controller john chung carries out his threat to dock lawmaker pay if a budget deadline is not reached by june 15th. today politicians privately told abc 7 news that lawsuit is possible because technically a budget was passed and signed by governor brown in march. chung claims however that deal did not balance the entire budget and under proposition 25 passed by voters last november he can withhold pay and per diem until the deal is reached. publicly lawmakers standby chung threat and some are even optimistic that a deal will get done. >> i think with the recent increase in revenue to the state we now have balance the budget funding schools and not raising taxes and we have to take advantage of that opportunity. >>reporter: the law doesn't allow retroactive pay once the lawmakers reach a budget deal so if a deal is not done on the 15th of june, they won't get paid until a budget is passed and signed by the governor. clock is ticking if they want to get full pay. >> san jose mayor reed released budget proposal and with budget deficit the city faces tough choices. in order to close the gap the city has to cut about 600 jobs. that's on top of the 800 cutlass year keep in mind. new cuts are across the board and will affect all department even police. they will lose more than 100 positions despite yawn leaders agreeing early today to a 10 percent pay cut. >> so we end up with more than 100 officers losing their job. if that's bad thing for the city we should be hiring more officers not laying them off. >>reporter: final budget still needs to be ratified later this month. you have heard so much about the state budget problem and effect on social programs, cops firefighters and rest but another casualty of this dilemma a.oakland public library in real trouble. as cecelia reports, to deal witness the city may be forced to take a drastic step. >>reporter: these faces from the past hanging in oakland african american museum and library might one day be a thing of the past. this institution is on the chopping block. potential victim to oakland budget crisis. >> people come and learn the history of oakland. not african american. the history of oakland. >>reporter: history like the old black panther newspaper and sweeping collection of books written by and about african americans. but this library is not alone in the potentially doomed fate. 14 of the city 18 libraries may be forced to close under one of mayor kwan proposal to balance oakland budget. >> it's not about library. it's about how bad it is. >>reporter: kwan says it's not a scare tactic but a reality. unless voters pass a personal tax or employee union yes to pay cut. >> i'm very hopeful that we'll be able to save the library but really you have to sort of save all the services. >>reporter: oakland main library would stay open. but the 3 story, 87,000 square foot building would be run with fewer than 5 employees. it now has 46. pl. that means the children reading room magnet for kids who often have no where else to go after school would be forced to shut down. 90 percent of oakland library staff would also be laid off. including children librarian amy martin. >> we are terrified. we are really terrified that all that work goes away and everything we have tried to do an bring to the community will just be gone. >>reporter: frightening prospect for the librarians and one they can barely stand to imagine. >> where will they go to really learn about african american history in their legacy especially if they are from oakland. >>reporter: abc 7 news. this may ab good weekend to do some reading indoors because spencer it sound pretty mess:00 out there. >> looks like it's going to be. slow arriving but when it gets here it will arrive forcefully and here for alive. high definition rav top camera here at abc 7 lacking along the embarcadero. we have cloudy skies and myself ty conditions over much of the bay area including san francisco but as you can see on live doppler 7 hd there is rain hitting the ground but it is light up in the north bay but it hasn't shown much movement in the last several hours. we have great deal of energy and moisture offshore but hasn't really made a forceful move on shore yet. let's move along. current temperature readings around the bay up into the north bay current temperatures in the 50's but to the east and south in the low 60's rain heavier overnight and showers last into sunday with chance of thunder showers and daily rainfall record june fourth and fifth are possible as we don't generally get this kind of rain at this time of the year. satellite radar composite image big storm sort of dropping south ward center of it is and this is our potentially record rainfall system start to make a move. later tonight start the animation later tonight and that the time see more wide spread rain and should be heavier and much heavier overnight into the early morning hours at 6:00 a.m. or so we should see areas not pocket but large area of very heavy rainfall and frontal system will slowly push inland as it is slowly approaching us now. it will stall over the east bay. mainly some break in the rain behind the front in the middle part of the day or afternoon close to the coast as the front moves inland saturday night into sunday then we see the center of low pressure beginning to move in behind it. that's going to make the atmosphere unstable. could be some thunder showers on sunday afternoon and sunday evening so look up for the thunder there or listen out for the thunder. by 7:00 p.m. sunday we should see some pretty impressive rainfall totals. we have pulled back a little bit in property next north bay up to 2 and a half inches in the santa cruz mountains up to three inches. still a lot of rain. east bay half inch to inch and a half. peninsula half inch to inch and south bay quarter inch to about 3 quarters of an inch but that's a lot of written for june fourth and fifth. back here tonight in the bay area low pressure will not be very low. drop only to the low to mid 50's or pretty mild overnight period as well as wet one and tomorrow high pressure will reach only the low to mid 60's. about as mild as it gets here and even down near monterey bay where it will also be cudy and wet and much cooler than normal. here the accu-weather 7 day forecast. rainy tomorrow with few break especially near the coast later in the day. showers off on sunday. possibly thunder showers. taper off overnight but will continue into early monday morning then we get some partial clearing and then tuesday through next friday we look at mainly sunny skies and much warmer weather. much warmer. >> rip van wink el. wake up and. >> you want to go back to sleep. >> yes. thanks spencer. >> this weather is definitely putting a damper on plans for the weekend. >> it was supposed to be all outside all day long and now we are going to have to go inside. >> up next. what some are calling the storms of jaichbility when you weigh the luggage at the airport can you trust the scale. i'm michael. 7 on your side is straight ahead. >> and bird survives more than 300 miles plastered to the front of a car and is about to go back home for romantic reunion. stay with us. news go back home for romantic reunion. stay with us. news at 9:00 continues look, every day we're using more and more energy. the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from? ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to the planet? natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is. we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go. ♪ reward for safe return has increased to 40,000 dollars. >> pl ponderosa court in hayward this is where more than 100 friends family supporters of my shell lee gather in support of finding michelle le lee. hayward police found the abandoned car last week. now there is as you said announced tonight a 40,000 dollar reward for information leading to michelle lee whereabouts. they passed out t-shirt with her picture open the front and dozen speakers about her energy and love of life and friend. she has been gone for a week. she disappeared from nursing mentoring class at hayward kaiser hospital last friday when she took a break from class at about 7:00 p.m. her brother choke back tears as they talk to us about wanting michelle found safe soon. >> it has been in my own words emotional roller coaster. sometimes l our emotions so heated up and sometimes pl really medical oychlt we are passing out fliers. billboard up and we have mobilize route with random complete strangers helping us outgoing door to door. we talk to media. we are exhausted. >> i just don't see her being, her taking off without telling me or first, hayward police search video from the hospital parking garage and track her cell phone without success. they searched the apartment of her former best friend and they still consider her a person of interest. now the girl is released by hayward police and they consider her a person of interest. they also called 7 news last week and said she hated michelle end quote but that she had nothing to do with the disappearance and hasn't been seen since she talked to police last sachlts this is 7 news. >> all right thomas thank you. >> one day after finally getting the play station network back up and running around the world a group of hackers claims it has attacked sony pictures. compromising the personal information of 100 million people. sony not confirming the latest hack attack but does say it is investigating. hackers say they have gotten a hold of personal information including pass wards e-mails addresses home addresses even dates of birth. hackers hacker group pl claims to have nabbed and then published 75,000 music codes and 3 and half million music coupons. >> well it is of course the first weekend of june and if the plans include out door activity probably trying to change them after you heard the forecast. that's what organiz organizers of annual escape from alcatraz is doing. don sanchez has that story. >> in 18 haven't we work on flexibility. >>reporter: on race morning they may modify the course. >> because the athlete start from a boat we have the ability to shorten the swim to whatever distance we choose. the bike course could be shorten but the run will be the same. giants spokesperson says the team monitor the weather all games are a go now. annual union street fair goes rain or shine. merchant association thinks the crowd will be as big as usual. >> may not see it directly on the street but i think for the stores and restaurants l i think it's going to be great because it will will push them inside not just to the street. >>reporter: one event cancelled. big alameda point antique fair won't be going on on sunday. rescheduled for next sunday. >> rhyme from seattle in seattle we make margarita out of rain. >>reporter: restaurants with view and out door dining in tiburon will see the rain effect and a place just again through renovation. >> not easy when the sun is not shining that's when you have to come through with the food and service. >>reporter: there are graduation parties and weddings on tap. this week rental companies are getting calls for heaters and canopy. >> usually this time of career they are collecting cobweb in the back but last couple a days we get callstor them the. >>reporter: they get married tomorrow outside in the area and earlier they postponed the wedding because of rain. >> it was supposed to be all outside all day long and now we are going to have to go inside and kind of squish everybody into 3 rooms and a lot of our friends donated canopy. >>reporter: wedding planner megan says it's okay. always need a plan b for your friend. >> really there to celebrate. as long as the couple keeps their guest comfort paramount they will be okay. >> we thought it would be nice in june. but instead it's january. >>reporter: n we wish them the best. first friday art walk in oakland going on. last time the giants were rained out was june 29th of 1992. that's the last june rain out. and also the rain has dampen hair spray the mountain play in marin county cancelled for that sunday performance. in san francisco, abc 7 news. >> well reminder sometimes ordinary things happen to extraordinary people. even world famous rock stars get stuck on the side of the road. you two bono and assistant hitchhiked near vancouver when they were stuck in the rain during a walk. picked up by a hockey player and girlfriend who were driving to a park to walk their dog. >> i said no we are not picking up a hitchhiker we'll die no way. >> we kept driving for awhile i'm like come on turn around so she finally turned around. i yelled out the window. he waived at me. i got them in the car and we took them to horseshoe bay. >>reporter: you two legend inserrated the couple back stage wednesday night concert for the generosity. by the way you two also playing in oakland next week and on line ticket site is giving away 100 pair of ticket to collect shoes for the charity sole for soul. monday 3:00 p.m. at the hard rock cafe on san francisco pier 39. you two show is on tuesday. >> bird that survives hundreds of miles plastered to the front of a car engine is going to be going home soon. l the bird named gorilla hit by a car in now south wales australia. motorist thought he killed it and didn't know it attached to the car until the next dray after driving 4 35 miles. the bird suffered a cut wing but as you can see is okay. like many birds the bird mate for life. so the spca is flying the bird back home and says there is an excellent chance it will be reunited with its worried partner. all is well that ends well apparently. >> when 7 news at 9:00 continues here tonight. charges of campaign slush fund. government indiets former presidential candidate john edwards after he refuses cop a plea. >> got hit by a truck you know. it's going to take awhile for you to member. that's what happened to our economy. it's taking a while to mend. >>reporter: but republicans have a much different take on the new job numbers released today. stay with us. another half hour of news begins here today. stay with us. another half hour of news begins here in just a moment.  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[ beeping ] is a sz is saz records are f bay area could see up to 2 inches of rain by sunday night. spencer recaps the forecast later on in the hour. >> headlines. we are moving on. big story today. on the east coast. john edwards pleaded not guilty today to charges of illegally using campaign contributions to cover up an affair and out of wedlock child. charges could put edwards in prison for years. story tonight from abc bob woodruff. >> this afternoon john edwards with his daughter by his side said he will fight the charges against him and win. >> there's no question that i have done wrong. and i take full responsibility. for having done wrong. but i did not break the law and i never, ever thought i would break the law. >>reporter: government charges he did just that. alleging he illegal solicited donations during the campaign to hide his affair with miss 100 er in the child they share. indictment stating that the public revelation of the affair and pregnancy would destroy his candidacy. indictment lays out how the money was spent. keep hunter away from the attention of the media and in the lap of luxury. there are pricey flights for 100 er on charter jets including one for 29,000 dollars. payments to rae sort in florida, colorado and california. one hotel bill alone costing 8,000 dollars. 58,000 dollar bill for rental property. in just one month alone the government claims 1 80,000 dollars was spent on keeping hunter out of the public eye. to help the coverup edwards asked his campaign aide andrew young to pretend he was the father of the bey pwaichbility he also asked me to arrange for fake paternity test. >>reporter: in the indictment prosecutors point to our enter view with edwards as proof that he not only lied about being the father. >> report has been published that the baby of miss hunter is your baby. true, not true. >> not true. >>reporter: but also about money. allegedly used for the coverup. >> i have never asked anybody to pay a dime of money. never been told that any money has been paid. >>reporter: prosecutors say the money came from fred barren edward campaign finance chairman and bunny melon a wealthy heiress. fred spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on this reduce including one envelope stuffed with 1,000 dollars in cash and a note warning old chain he's saichlingt use cash not credit card. >> edwards lawyer that's money was not intended for the campaign. he says it was personal money from personal friends and certainly not illegal. legal analyst dan abrams says this case hinges on whether money is a campaign contribution or a gift. >> if it was clearly intended to further john edwards presidential campaign he could be in big trouble. on the other hand if it was a gift or even let's say an effort to prevent elizabeth from finding out about it that might make him aed about person but wouldn't make ate crime. >>reporter: again edwards has pleaded not guilty. he was rae leased without bail on the condition he surrender his passport and not leave the country. one more note on this. abc bob woodruff has more on the edwards indictment on 2020 over on abc 7 at 10:00 o'clock right after this newscast. to the economy. economist are wondering tonight whether an up tick in unemployment announced today is a blip or sign of a double dip? private employers hired fewest new workers in almost a year while schools and government laid off the most since last fall. net gain for the month of may a meager 54,000 new job jobs. and national unemployment rate that inched up to 9.1%. the dismal news on jobs trigger a third consecutive sell off on wall street. dow fell 96 points today and down more than 400 points since tuesday. president obama did not mention the disappointing unemployment numbers when he toured an auto plant in ohio today. but capitol hill republicans are talking about little else. mark matthews tonight with the political ramifications of did's jobs report. >>reporter: on capitol hill republicans call ate sign of real trouble. one look at the jobs report should be enough to show the white house it is time to get serious. chrysler plant in toledo the president says it's a rough patch. >> ools going to be bump on the road to recovery. >>reporter: the head of the largest union federation in the country issued a harsh statement today saying the gain of a meager 54,000 jobs in mesa sipe of real danger for working family and for the recovery. at san francisco building site union workers know well enough construction jobs are down from last year and that the economy is the no. 1 issue. >> number one prairt is work p.put the food on the table of course. >>reporter: masonry worker voted for mr. obama last time. >> voting for him again or no. >> that we would have to sit down and really think about it. >>reporter: head of the san francisco labor council discounts any slippage in union support. >> american workers are frustrated but not stupid. >>reporter: but at working man bar on the embarcadero union carpenter paul sweeney had this response to the numbers. >> obama bush, we have the same package. >>reporter: if the election were held today would you vote for him. >> it's pretty tough. >>reporter: no question. unemployment number is bad news for the administration. but our political analyst says it is next summer numbers that will matter. >> that's the critical time to look. so a year from now in the summer will be the critical period. and it is not just the salute number. it's which direction that number is going. >>reporter: professor cape adds if the economy is slipping next summer it won't matter if the gop puts forward a flawed candidate. voters will take out their frustrations on the incumbent. in the newsroom, 7 news. all right as we continue here tonight. remembering actor james arrest necessary. man who was marshall matt dillon. >> are you holding up the building here or. >> i'm just relaxing. is there building here or. >> i'look, every day we're using more and more energy. the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from? ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to the planet? natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is. we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go. ♪ what's up? oh, what's wrong with your hair? oh. i was cruising the world-wide-web. found this do. what are you wearing? dope, right? it's got a hood. want one? boom. done. [ ding! ] [ boy ] lookin' good mr. g. thanks, bro-seph. are you video chatting? with my boyfriend? yeah! hey, tessa! mom! [ mocking tone ] mom. [ male announcer ] now everyone's up to speed. high speed internet is more affordable than ever with no home phone required. only in the network of possibilities. many. >> yemen president has been wounded in a rocket attack on his palace. 7 other people are dead. attack marks major escalation of the fighting that has been raging for nearly two two weeks now. opponent are demanding that president about president step down after today's attack he was taken to military hospital and he rae leased audio message saying he was well. white house is worried that this chaos will hurt the fight against al qaeda in yemen which has tried to attack the united states. back home now. man known as dr. death has died. 83-year-old jack voshing leading advocate of assisted suicide died this morning at hospital in michigan. he had been suffering from pneumonia and kidney problems. his attorney said today he probably warm front taken his own life if he had been able to return home from the hospital. the dodgetor claimed to have assisted in 130 sue sichltd he served 8 years in prison for second degree murder. actor james arness died today as well. best remembered for role as marshall matt dillon on gun smoke. people put flowers on his star on the hollywood walk of fame. it's the longest running drama series. we have more. >>reporter: 2 generation he was america second most famous cowboy. >> when i first heard about the show gun smokey knew there was only one man to play in it. james arness. >>reporter: james arness took the role john wayne turned down. u.s. marshall matt dillon. >> you ain't throwing nobody in jail law man. >> put the gun away. >>reporter: tv version of an ideal american man. hard to leave bee. >>reporter: marshall dillon never shirked his duties but drew the 6 shooter only as last resort. l arness says his wounds from world war ii made it painful to mount a horse. he made dozens of movies but will best be remembered as the modest marshall who for 20 tv seasons always got his man. l this is abc news. what a great picture that is. >> still ahead tonight. over weight lug annual can cost you big bucks these days. michael investigates the accuracy of big bucks these days. michael investigates the accuracy of the airport scales. stay with >> if you get caught at the airport with an over weight bag you know it's going to cost you. but can you trust the airport scale. michael has been looking into that. see what he found. >> most airlines allow check bag to weigh up to 50 pounds without additional charges. they go above that and you will pay. just one ounce over and you are looking atrophies ranging from 25 to 150 dollars. the average is about 50 or 60 dollars. >> i hope not. i mean, hopefully lake 1 or 2 pounds over it's all right. it's oka okay. it depends. i hope they will let you fly. good luck with that. thank you. with that much money on the line should you trust the airport scale? we went to the 3 bay area airport to test for ourselves without letting anyone know what we were up to in advance. think of it as pop quiz. we began at the department of weight and measure in contra costa county. i bought a 50 pound bag of sand. put it in a care on. now we are taking away sand until the total weight is exactly 50 pounds. then it is off to the airport. at the san jose international airport we checked more than a dozen scales. this one reads exactly 50 pounds. and the one next to it exactly 50 pounds too. different airlines. different scales. the exact same weight. time and again. now we thought this one was under weighing for a moment but no. 50 pounds. >> awesome. that's good. you would think that there might try and swindle you a little bit. >>reporter: it was the same at sfo. every scale we tested weighed in at exactly 50 pound pounds. over in oak land the scales by and large read 50 pounds. but this one under weighed by almost half pound. this one also under weighed by 1/10th of a pound. finally an over weight but when we manufactured the luggage around it settled in at exactly 50 pounds. are you sprays that had the scales are all this accurate. >> l i hope it would be. >>reporter: what if the scale says the luggage weighs more than allowed. here's 2 trick to not pay the fee. if the baggies over weight a few ounces roll the bag back and forth. you may get a different reading. if that doesn't work, ask to use the next scale over. i'm michael, 7 open you are a side. all right. we move from scale to rain gauges. let's go back to spencer christian update the forecast. >> you are right about. that here's a look at live doppler 7 hd. light rain falling in the north bay. working its way slowly south ward eastward but bulk of the rain and energy from the storm both remain offshore at the moment. here's satellite radar composite with big storm that is likely to produce some record rainfall for june fourth and june 5th don't generally get significant rain this late in the year. so tomorrow under rainy conditions high pressure to be well below normal again mainly in the low to mid 60's and giants playing at home tomorrow at least they are scheduled to do so at at&t park against the rockies. game time a chance of showers at that time and temperatures range from 57 to about 60. here's accu-weather 7 day forecast. rainy overnight tonight and tomorrow showers and possibly thundershowers on sunday and partial clearing on monday and dry milder, much milder the rest of the week. >> back to normal perhaps. >> lets hope. >> certainly hope so. >> now we want to show you a you tube video. basic human function sleeping and eating except they are happening at the exact same time. battle between fatigue and fondness for sweet. ice cream wins every time until 2-year-old boy is forced to surrender to exhaustion. there he goes. of course sleep coincides with the moment the ice cream in his bowl is all gone. good night. >> that's sweet. >> i wouldn't fall asleep until the ice creamiest gone. >> if you only had the giants game up that would be the nightly scene in the sports department department. pretty much how it goes. giants open 10 game home stint tonight with the rockies. but buster posey controversy continues. giants essentially apologized for inflammatory statements by their gm. sports next [ banker ] mike and brenda found a house that they really wanted. it was in my sister's neighborhood. i told you it was perfect for you guys. literally across the street from her sister. [ banker ] but someone else bought it before they could get their offer together. we really missed a great opportunity -- dodged a bullet there. [ banker ] so we talked to them about the wells fargo priority buyer preapproval. it lets people know that you are a serious buyer because you've been credit-approved. we got everything in order so that we can move on the next place we found. which was clear on the other side of town. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when you're ready to move. well mainly in traffic. i'm serious. we've been together, what, a super long time. true. and at first it was all business, you know, i'd take him here, i'd take him there. everywhere. and over the years, we've really bonded. sure. why else would you always buy me chevron with techron? 'cause we need gas. i think it's more than that. i think that you care about me. you're a good friend. best friends? um, uh, yes, best friends. yeah. [ male announcer ] your car takes care of you. care for it. chevron with techron. care for your car. ow. >> coming up tonight on 7 news at 11:00 o'clock. why the u.s. attorney o and the fbi are now investigating 4 contra costa county police officers. >> new investigation into yesterday diamond heights fire that killed one san francisco firefighters and left another in critical condition. those stories and a lot more you coming up on the late edition of abc news 11 over on channel 7. >> larry is here. giants baseball back home. >> yes. after a long road trip and back. back home tonight with two goals. beat the roc rockies and beat the rain. both mission were his accomplished on orange friday. intense orange friday. bottom of the fourth. ross double to the gap. sanchez l giants ta a two-1 lead then crawford making the home debut with the mom in the stands. pride of pleasanton. fair ball. double off the foul pole. giants lead 3-1 and matt doing what he does best. smoke. you want some dexter come get some. 2 of canes 7 strike outs. wilson save. giants win 3-1. now the giants organization essentially apologized today for the inflammatory comments by gm brian regarding the bus ter posey injury. he went on knbr radio suggesting that scott cousins had malicious intent. >> i don't blame the kid. why be hard nose. if i never plays another day in the big league i think we'll all be happy cousins. he chose to be a hero in my mind and if that's his flash of fame that's as good as it gets. >>reporter: now posey out for the season. cousins is now receiving death threats. nobody is happy about what happened. including cousins. who is repeatedly apologized. it wasn't premeditated. it's just one of those unfortunate things that happens sometimes in sports. giants say gm is just frustrated. >> we all know brian is very emotional. l as well as i know l brain needs time to let his emotions settle down and he's not out to demonize any player players. >>reporter: moving on. panda back in san jose against have i sail yeah sandoval rehab assignment today in san jose. 3 at bat. grounded tout second base twice and on the last at bat he struck out swinging. nevertheless san jose giants won the game 13. come on. pablo. >> no yawning in baseball. >> a's started a 10 game east coast road trip tonight in boston. instantly found the lost 0fechbilitys a fans representing at fenway park. 1st inning a's leading 2 nothing. ellis ground ball. barely gets by laury. 4 nothing lead but josh couldn't make it out of the third for oakland. ortiz. popy double off the green monster. ties it up at 4-4. to the fifth tied at 5. bar ton had a couple hits in the game. second rbi in the night. l lead but can't close it out. in the eighth. taking it deep and gone. and the acht a's lose 8-6. college baseball. trust me. trust me. wait for it. see i would not lie to you. stanford and kansas state in the fullerton regional. him if double to center h.2 rbi on the day. and pitcher mark apel complete game struck out 8. stanford wins the opener 10-3. elsewhere in the ncaa regional sport. all over the map. cal lost to baylor 6-4. pl zimmer struck out 11 for the don novak the hottest player on the planet until he ran into roger federer today in the french open semifinal. second rank had dropped 10 sets all year. dropped the 2 first 2 sets today. take the first but in the fourth still track down ball in the corner. pl break to go up. serving for the set roger breaks again. tie breaker serving 6-5 match point that's the way you finish up with an ace right down. federer moves on to final 7-6 in the fourth. fwl him lasting rafael remains no. 1 in the world and murray lost in straight sets. that was picke picked. murray played the tournament with a torn tendon in the foot. nadal too much for him. nadal advancing to the sixth french open final. after 19 seasons shaq made it official today retiring from the nba leaving with 4 titles and countless laugh. avenues letterman top 10 list today at the news conference. joked he might become the next gm of the knicks and retired all nickname adding a new one. >> so from now on you have to call me the big aar p. association for the advancement of retired persons. i'm going to miss a lot about the gam game.i'll miss the competition. the comrade. the friendship the fans joking with the media and really miss the free throw. >> he did a lot of them. so funny today. he had all the index cards and it was just like a letterman routine. i would like to thank so and. okay cool then go to the next car. also like to mention. it was hilarious. >> he's so entertaining on the court and has a lot of charity. he will be on tv espn or somewhere. all over the place. >> that's this edition of 7 news at 9:00 for all of us here. thanks for watching. we appreciate your time and there goes all the ice creamiest done.

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