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technician. and she got the drugs while she was under investigation for possible drug crimes. we are looking into the story and dan explains how this happened. >>reporter: it is the scandal that rocked the san francisco police department. deb admitted to skimming cocaine from evidence she tested at the crime lab and using it herself. >> if some fell on the counter or something and was there afterwards i may have taken that. >> the attorney general office declined to prosecute her for lack of evidence. but with her work and court testimony in question, 700 current drug cases have been dismissed and thousands of convictions are getting a second look. the sf pd reputation is about to take another hit because of these 3 little packets. >> actually a little money envelope. no money in it but the substance in there and you can see it is a small item but that's contained p c p and tested. >>reporter: madden attorney says now that she's clear of charges in the crime lab case he can reveal a huge mistake by the sf pd. it started with a phone call from officers during the investigation. they wanted to return madden personal property they seized from the crime lab. >> physically what happened did had he actually bring you here themselves. >> yes. in one suv and one other police undercover car. >>reporter: along with madden minifrig, floor heater coat rack and clothing investigators returned boxes of personal and work related property. but they didn't go through the boxes very well. the police sent madden a file that contained proficiency test she took in the mid 80's. her supervisor gave her 3 packet of white powder. madden identified them as morphine. powerful pain killer. p c p. and illegal hallucinogen and ephedrin used to manufacture methamphetamine. incredibly when police sent the forms to madden through her lawyer, the drugs were still attached. >> this is comical. for san francisco crime lab to give her drugs when her prosecuting her for allegedly possessing drugs. >>reporter: i team commission independent lab to test the sample. lawyer forwarded them to sacramento. it confirmed the. the police sent morphine, p c p and ephedrin to deb madden who at that point was a suspect in a drug case. >> why are they keeping track of is what happening to the samples? that's the question i think that needs to be aned. >>reporter: san francisco public defender jeff has been a vocal critic of the police department. he calls this a a fitting end to the crime lab scandal. >> wasn't the whole point of the drug lab scandal for the police department to put tighter controls in place so they are not mishandling drugs. what do we find out? that they are giving drugs to the technician whether is stealing them from the crime lab. >>reporter: when the scandal broke last march then police chief promised to answer any and all questions. >> until somebody proves that i'm not being transparent and not doing the right thing, i think people need to back off. >>reporter: but that apparently changed when he was appointed district attorney month ago. he refused to be interviewed for this report. even though the mistake happened under his watch when he was police chief. >> he should address it. he should address it in a very overt way and be honest about it. >>reporter: san francisco supervisor ross is chair of the public safety committee. he says because of this report he will renew the push for independent privately run crime lab. >> the cities doing it considering it san francisco should do the same thing. this lesson is exhibit a as to why. >>reporter: through his spokeswoman acting police chief jeff go down agreed to on camera interview and then backed out after we arrived at the hall of justice. we had catch up to him at last night police commission meeting. you oversaw the madden investigation. how is it your officers sent drugs to deb madden. >> we didn't know what you are talking about. >> i can't tell you how it occurred. why it occurred. and all the information that you are asking until we conduct an investigation. we are more than willing to conduct an investigation to determine what happen. >>reporter: these drugs are felonies. people go to state prison for possession of these drugs. former san francisco police chief tony now heads the international institute of criminal justice leadership at usf. he says the story is symptomatic of a bigger problem at sf pd. >> the system and i think you know chief gaston who i guess jeff go down now would agree with me that the entire system has to be tight end up significantly. >>reporter: the dea tells me even though the drugs have been in storage since mid 80's they are still active and quote madden facing a felony drug charge in san mateo county after police there say they found a small amount of cocaine in her house last year. we are posting most important documents in the story in a new i team blog at abc 7 for the i team, abc 7 news. and note about the oakland police department for a moment. it seems that they are still having problem with department radio system. according to the oakland tribune it broke down twice overnight. during undercover drug bust officers could communicate with each other but not with dispachlt then this morning officers had to use hand signals while searching for 3 burglary suspects. same problem happened during a high speed chase last week when officers fatally shot a suspect. earlier this week mayor kwan said the problem had been resolved. evidently not quite. judge today ruled that the man accused of kidnapping j.c. dugard and holding her for 18 years at his antioch home is competent to stand trial. philip garrido has been charged with 18 counts of kidnapping, rape and false imprisonment. his lawyers had argued that he is not mentally competent but the judge says he based his ruling on numerous psychiatric reports that say he is competent to stand trial. san francisco portrero neighborhood evacuated this morning after several live grenades were found in the home of an elderly man who had recently passed away. police bomb squad used a row about the to move the bag outside but guess whashing the bag ripped spilling the grenades on to the street. robot put them into a blast proof container. all is well that ends well. no one was hurt. >> the budget gap facing cal train is so severe about half the train service could be stopped all together. now if that happens the severe cut back could push even more cars on to the freeway during rush hour. that story tonight from corina. >>reporter: jeff carter has been a cal train rider since 1977. he hospitals on the rail 5 day a week to get from burlingame to his job in san francisco. >> that's my life line because i don't drive and cal train is the only way i have to get to and from work. >>reporter: that life line though faces a projected 30 million dollar budget short fall. the pen la about board moved closer today to declaring a fiscal emergency and slashing cal train service. >> the worst is pretty today cone yan cut in service and confining it to commute hours and probably half the trains that we have right now. no weekend service. and those are all very varied. >>reporter: and reducing we can day service from 86 trains to 48. suspending service at 7 stations and ending all service south of san jose station. there's also proposal to eliminate weekend and special event service as well as raise fares by a quarter. cal train has no dedicated revenue source and the transit partner muni, sam tran and bta say they are tapped out with nothing left to give. cal train supporters are scrambling to come up with both short and long-term solutions. >> we about thought about ideas maybe the giant or sharks could throw a benefit game but the bottom line is we need to invest in our public transit. >>reporter: the board says it will turn over every rock in an effort to find money but the warning is clear. service will likely be cut. highways will get more congested. and jeff carter could be in a real jam. >> my desperate hope is they can find money to keep cal train operating. >>reporter: the public hearings on the fiscal emergency as well as proposed service cuts take place on march third but before that there is going to be a number of community meetings for input. first of those meetings is in san jose on february 14 but for complete list of the dates and places, just go to our web site 7 and click see it on tv. in san jose, abc 7 news. manufacture on to egypt now where there have been several development. another overnight occur few has just ended. friday morning there. this was in name only however. the echo of gunfire and flashes of fire dotted the main square all evening. "the new york times"is reporting that the obama administration is negotiating with top egyptian officials about the immediate resignation of president mubarak. any interim government would hikely include egypt newly appointed vice president. well today vice president blamed the unrest on foreigners and businessmen. reporters and human rights activist became target for the pro government protestors. fichlt uc davis professor attacked during the skirmish yesterday suffering cuts and bruises and today a student got pretty roughed up. he spoke with mark matthews. >> they ripped open my suitcas suitcases. they took my passport. passed it around. >>reporter: by skype andrew simon told me today about being repeatedly rouinged at civilian man checkpoint near the square. >> threw things on the ground. went through all of my belongings. >>reporter: simon waiting to hear if he will get in graduate school at uc berkeley next fall says he wasn't even heading into the square. he was just trying to get to his apartment. he says in the square the battle for cairo continues. with pro democracy demonstrators clashing again with those who want president mubarak to stay. at the last of 3 check points simon was assaulted. >> the man came up to me after i was pulled out of the car with a knife as if he was going to attack me. restrained. everyone is just screaming. >>reporter: the stunt told me he couldn't believe how much things have changed in just 24 hours. >> about professor is the chair of the history department at american university in cairo. on is he bat cal from nyu he spent this past week in the square. today his sister took food and bandages to the wounded there. the professor stayed home and tuned in vice president's speech. >> he says that it is a cps, cps hatched by foreign agent. he did not name them. >>reporter: professor says it is clear that government is giving reports that yesterday violence was the result of foreigners. no surprise that foreigners including reporters for abc, cnn and npr have all been roughed up. about the vice president promise add thorough investigation. the professor fears it will not be. >> we want the investigation but we want transparent and open investigation that would not coverup on what i saw with my own eyes. >>reporter: the professor says he saw for himself in the square that some of the mubarak demonstrators were identified as members of the government security police. just a couple hours from now another mass demonstration is scheduled in the square. the professor says he will be there and andrew simon says he will not. he says both sides are calling it a jihad. in the newsroom, abc 7 news. >> abc reporter hassled there on the streets of cairo in the report spoke with president mubarak today and he told her he is ready to step down. >> he told me that he was very unhappy to see the violence of the lasts few days between his supporters and those protestors against him. but he said he did not want to see egyptians fighting egyptians. when i asked him what about stepping down? he told me he said christiane after 62 years of public service, i am fed up. i want to go. but i can not resign today he said because otherwise there would be chaos. otherwise he was afraid, he said, that the muslim brought hood, the band would take of. that's the government line ever since the protest have erupted. >>reporter: christiane describes the rest of the interview tonight on "nightline"over on channel 7 right after abc 7 news at 11. tune in for that if you have the time. >> much more ahead this thursday night. 3 suspicious fires in san francisco and resident in the castro are worried. >> it was really scary to hear people yelling fire fire. really frightening. >>reporter: marin county pizza parlor hit by vandal. it is a competitor who has been hauled off to jail for it. >> accu-weather forecast center. get ready for a weekend of short sleeves and sun screen.i'll have details in my accu-weather forecast coming up. >> vitamin water marked as healthy alternative. the you'll be surprised how much sugar it contains. ♪ you never know just how much i miss you ♪ . >>reporter: that voice. later [ male announcer ] nature is unique... ...authentic... ...pure... and also delicious. ♪ like nature valley. granola bars made with crunchy oats and pure honey. because natural is not only good, it also tastes good. nature valley -- 100% natural. 100% delicious. >> san francisco fire department is asking for help for whoever set 2 buildings on fire in the castro district. they were reported within half hour of each other early this morning. amy has the story. >>reporter: the fire at skaechbt and market street struck an apartment building full of sleeping people. it started just after 5:00 a.m. >> it was really scary to hear people yelling fire fire. really frightening. >>reporter: resident made it out safely to the streechlt then some of them used their cell phone camera to capture the fire. 13 people lost their homes. >> it shot up pretty high for a little bit. captain really tell, though. >> how are you emotionally. >> fine. fine. just shock. glad everyone made it out. you know. >>reporter: firefighters call for second alarm. so all available crews in the area were working to put this fire out in the castro when another call came in for fire just few blocks away. firefighters had to ask for help from across the city. >> truck back out now is from china town. truck in front is from pobling. this is from fourth. we had outside company coming in to put the fire out this. >>reporter: fire at 17th and hartford also involved a residential building but under renovation. no one is living here. it did threaten the building next door. >> i went and checked on the back window and looked next door and whole back of the building was on fire. so we just got out. >>reporter: firefighters called arson investigators as soon as they put out the fires. >> person that we thought about being suspicious, you had 2 fires within a block of each other within an hour. >>reporter: firefighters aren't the only ones with their suspicion. >> power switch is right there. so there is no power to the building. there is no power in that corner of the building. so it is clear that somebody did this. >>reporter: no one was hurt in these fires. arson investigators aren't willing to say yet if they are all connected but they do their theory. in san francisco, abc 7 news. the manager of san rafael pizza shop and former employee were arrested early today for vandalizing nearby pizza restaurant that just opened. manager of called police at 3:00 a.m. when 2 men spray painting graffiti on her building. police say they saw the men trying to discard paint cans and gloves down the pwlochblingt the owner says he's not discouraged by this. >> about suspect 32-year-old timothy tucker manager at extreme pizza in the far away and 26-year-old shawn climb whore used to work there. the owner of extreme pizza is extremely upset about all of this. >> am i sorry? absolutely. i have tried to contact pizza orgasmic to offer our condolence. i have offered to shut down my restaurant, bring all my employees over. whatever i can to to help him out. >>reporter: last month city officials asked pizza orgasmic to top down the bright yellow color that you see here on the exterior walls after sommer chant complained that it was too bright. okay. sun screen. sunglasses. february. one of though words do not belong in the same sentence. >> february. is that the right one? about works this year doesn't it. lovely weather had it already for a week or two armor coming our way. ears the he's bay camera in emeryville looking west ward towards bay bridge and city of san francisco. skies are clear tonight and relatively mild cool night. need to say school because it get absolutely cold in the overnight hours but rate now we are in the comfort zone right here in san francisco. 53 degrees in 50 in oakland and temperatures in the 40's in most other location in fact down to an even 40 degrees in fairfield no doubt very shortl shortly. still dropping in the 30's. so we expect another clear and cold night. temperatures will bounce back tomorrow after cooler than expected day today. we have assign and warmer weekend coming our way. this afternoon we had a few low clouds around and help keep temperatures down a bit. weren't able to bounce to a high as we were expecting and we had competing wind flow. offshore flow if not interrupted would have brought our temperatures up quite a bit today but also had an on shore flow that competed against the offshore flow and temperatures didn't rise but they will tomorrow by 10:00 o'clock tomorrow morning we see the offshore flow in place. we have establish itself and warmer tomorrow than it was today and warmer still in the weekend arrives. now overnight tonight it is going to be cold in many locations especially in the inland valley and east bay look for low up to 34. livermore 38 antioch. 37 at concord. look to the north baylow 33 at nap a.34 santa rosa. 39 at clover dale and we see some 40's right around the bay near the coast line but most inland places will be in the 30's so that's pretty chilly but tomorrow it is warming up nice limit south bay sunny sky. high pressure in the upper 60's. 68 at san jos jose. campbell. cupertino an last gattoes. on the peninsula mid upper 60's. high at 66. menlo park redwood city, 67. mountain view 68 and los altos and pacifica half moon basement around san francisco 64 downtown. 63 at south san francisco. 61 in sunset district and daly high of 60. north pay high 69 at sonoma. 68 petaluma. 71 in santa rosa. 70 calistoga. 72 clover dale. 73 ukiah. nearest bay high mild as well. 67 in oakland. castro valley. union city and fremont. over the hills into the inland valley of the east bay mid upper 60's. 68 at danville, pleasanton 68 and 66 at livermore and monterey bay mild up to 68 at santa cruz. 70 at watsonville. 72 at salinas and 70 gilroy. accu-weather 7 day forecast. it is going to be so lovely this weekend inland high mid 70's. right around 70 degrees around the bay and mid 60's mid upper 60's in fact on the coas coast. on monday tuesday temperatures moderate a bit but bounce back midweek to late week next week so we still have 7 days of sunny skies dry conditions and pretty much milder way mirld than ample for this time of the year. >> i don't have a tan. i can't put on my bathing suit. >> i'll lend you you mine. my tan. not the bathing sun. >> very foychbility okay. >> when we continues here tonight. remarkable engineering fete. tonight a look inside the tunnel at devil slide. we have georgia chuckle about that line. our wired world get a shock. explosion of web connected gadget means the internet has out grown its ♪ [ female announcer ] why choose between delicious or 100 calories? ♪ with yoplait delights, now you can finally have both. ♪ it's the perfect parfait, with two indulgently rich layers of chocolate and raspberry yogurt and only 100 calories. yoplait delights. get rid of the "or." >> cal train put on show and tell progress report today just south of pacifica where the new federally funded 350 million dollar devil slide project should open for traffic next year. but as wayne reports, crews now have reached a milestone of sorts. >> this is the construction project local resident prayed for that can not finish soon enough. based on the whim of a winding crumbling highway 1. >> maintain it properly it will last forever. >>reporter: dan helped to design the devil slide tunnel with two single lane parallel bore each 4400 feet long and now symbolic milestone because the digging and excavating have finished. crews remove 3 1 14,000 cubic yards of soil. enough to build this mountain above the project. inside a cool dark hard hat environment. this would be the cleanest part of it. crews have covered and sealed every square inch inside the bore with thick layers of water proving plastic that fits like a glove. but most of us will never see it. not after more crew come along to cover these details with thick layers of concrete. >> it is going to be about 16 inches to 20 inches depending on the depth. >>reporter: by product of the fresh concrete the tunnel floor are always wet from continuous rivers of water and mud. in some sections the puddle are so big and deep the crew refer to them as lakes. meantime giant truck mav men and equipment in and out and even though some take up most of the width of a bore they rarely get in each other way. what is the speed liment in here right now. >> 5 miles an hour. >>reporter: where i'm standing right here is a little misleading. this section here is not the roadway. this will be filled with infrastructure. when you drive through the tunnel you will never see it. the actual road level is right here. put another wait a minute if you ever make the assumption that building a tunnel is just mat of digging you change your mind after walking through the construction from one end to the other. from devil slide in pacific kashtion wayne friedman abc 7 news. >> coming up. we talk about the technology that is giving a voice to egypt democracy movement. >> won't be able to down load web content music video bloging web site. >>reporter: also here tonight. every did he advice connected to the internet requires an address and we just used up the last one. we explore that. >> drink vitamin water and skip the flu shot rail? coming up. consumer group demands the government water down those kinds of ads vl. >> the bay area boxer. on down those kinds of ads vl. >> the bay area boxer. on extraord >> good evening once again. we start this half hour by talking and returning to the subject of egypt again. technology innovation played an important role in allowing the country voices to be heard as word of this demonstration began to spread. david reports now on how volunteers here in silicon valley and around the world came up with a work around when egypt internet shut down. >> image from egypt have been powerful. it has been challenging for the western world to understand what egyptian are saying in arabic. google and witnesser provided them a platform. ad hoc group of volunteers have been doing the translation into 4 other language. he made it happen. he's a boston area tech entrepreneur and talked to him by skype. >> i sent out a tweet saying how about translate so the world can understand what egyptian is talking about. >>reporter: more than 1,000 translators have volunteered. egyptian call it google voice number and record a message. messages can be compelling. >> oh, my god oh, my god. we are in the square. they are getting us. >>reporter: the use of this voice to translate a text technology came about because most internet access was blocked for several days. >> it's quite abrupt. very pm still some service point, still seeing some traffic coming out. >>reporter: google decline to talk about the role. translation now have a large following. >> just in one day we were able to get about 20,000 users from all over the world. about 6 60,000 in just one day. here we are. >>reporter: he says google voice is helping at a time when threats against journalist impacted coverage. she was in egypt for a month leaving a week before the demonstrations gaichbility very difficult to get a complete picture, howeve however, google voice an other services have been incredibly helpful in terms of providing alternatives for people to get their message out. >>reporter: translation will continue as long as the voice messages come in. david lou abc 7 news. approximately britain mobile phone company is protesting to egyptian authorities. company admitted today that it was forced to relay pro government text message to the 31 million egyptian customers. they complied partly because of concerns about the safety of its staff. the internet as we know it has run out of room. 30 years after the first internet addresses were created the supply has literally run out. we used up more than 4 bill of them. blame the on an he can completion of web dependent gadgets. everyone requires an address. the come putting industry now has to transition to new format. something called i p v 6. i spoke with an expert about this today who says not every system is compatible with the format. >> imagine the popularity of i-phone and i pad all these did he advises must have i p address in order to communicate, users want to be able to on line banking with device so if you don't have a way to give them an address they won't be able to communicate. so we are trying in a brick wall. >> many web sites already have made their pages accessible om either type of device. not urgent problem for vrj internet condition assumers or even pisses with a lot of server but it is a problem of unprecedented magnitude since ultimatelyly it involves anything that touches the internet. something that must be addressed and dealt with. national consumer group is asking the federal government to crack down on coca-cola ad campaign for vitamin water. may have seen it vl call the ad suggestion that drinking vitamin water could have the same effect as regular flu sho shot, dangerously misleading. here's dr. richard vesser. >> vitamin water. with over 700 million dollars in sales last year it has become a popular option for workouts and sporting events. but take a look at this 2010 ad vl. >> vitamin c to support healthy i man system. >>reporter: this one. poster that says vitamin water. flu shot are so last year. >> not only deceptive but 0potentially dangerous to consumer. now federal authority are being asked to put a stop to vitamin water wrench to health benefit that are unproven. >> difference between stating that certain element of a product are good for you and implying that the product will actually prevent the consumer from catching the flu or coming down with a common cold. >>reporter: vitamin water says the content of the bench is clearly mark on the label. quote. vitamin water has always had a fun humorous and engaging personality and ads reflect. that legal experts say the line between clever advertising and over promising can be fuzzy l. but it can be crossed. if you take about what is in your product then it has to be there. if you talk about the effect of that substance then you have to have evidence that document l play of the night stan really do have those effect. >>reporter: he says the problem there is absolutely no evidence vit opinion water or anything like it for that mat can replace a flu shot. what it does have is calorie and sugar. dr. vesser explains just how much on good morning america. >> it says that the serving contains 50 calories. but this is 2 and a half servings. you are talking about 125 calorie just in this bottle alone. >> you tend to think boy no calorie at all in water. but this is packed with them. >> packed with calories. it is packed with sugar. when you look at that. individual serving has 13 gram of sugar. entire bottle has 30. let me show what you that looks like. here's a teaspoon, okay? let me know when you think we should be stopping. no. more. more the. 5. in. that bolts right there. >> in this bottle. there are 8 teaspoons of sugar in this bottle alone. less sugar in this her she bar than in that bottle of vitamin water. >> dr. vesser says and you figure this out yourself vitamin water is closer to soda than water. best way to get the vitamin is from food or multi-vitamin. >> all right. just ahead here tonight. memento and artifact from day gone by. fascinating new guide to california histor from day gone by. fascinating new guide to california histor history. we show you around. shift your weight forward onto the left foot. take the right leg up, holding the inner arch of the foot... introducing instant action alerts, only from chase. left arm up... manage your account and help avoid overdrafts with a click of a button. just reply to the alert with how much you want to transfer. inhale, all the way up... so you always stay in balance. crescent pose. chase what matters. just four more times. ♪ >> take you on a blast from the past. from ticket stub. advertisement there is now a quick and easy way to find out where to go see this collection of california memorabilia. historical society is joining forces with them to celebrate mundane yet fascinating lives of ordinary californians. caroline tyler where you can check out the tid bit of history. >> called the california project. it's just a fancy word for the piece of paper most of us throw away. but others hang on to. >> let me ask you did you go to world series game this year, did you save the ticket when you have a special dinner, the wedding dinner for instance, do you save the menu. >>reporter: california historical society institution the society of california pioneer, the san francisco public library and the glbt historical society have collected and processed more than 1 million of those special moments. from the 1800 to the present. now after two years of work and quarter million dollar grant, they are launc launching an on line guide. >> there is an awful lot of stuff to go through. that's the term we use for it occasionallyment we call it stuff. so this project brought together things that had been separated. it all organized it. >> here's a poster advertising an 1894 wrestling match between a bear and a lion. someone saved their invitation to a 1921 new year's eve party. there's an anti-war poster from the 60's. a 1978 lesbian guid guide. all these hidden treasures. >> right now here's the california historical society. there's a special display for valentine's day. peek at how people celebrated the day of love over the years. >>reporter: now you can go on line to find out where to see the hundreds of thousands of documents not in this display. ordinary, extraordinary, california history. >> don't have to have something expensive. painting or valuable manuscript or map. tiny little piece of paper can really give somebody really insight into the past. >>reporter: in san francisco, carolyn tyler abc 7 news. >> all right. don't leave now. coming up next. serenade from johnny mathis. ♪ you will never know just how much i care ♪ . >> only on abc 7. >> thank you. >> president obama says he has >> thank you. >> president obama says he has to pray a lot when it comes were prese i want you to about. >> we have a nice treat. music legend returned home to san francisco today. johnny mathis was the local singing star who went on to international fame and fortune. arts entertainment reporter don sanchez explains why he came back. >> contrary jewish museum looking at exhibit called black sabbath. history of jaw issue relation. how jewish song writer transform them into hit sojs. he grew up here. track star in washington high school and san francisco state but always wanted to sing is. >> something that my fat taught me an every time i sing i think of dad. >>reporter: he left in 1957. >> i had a hit record. first record that i had was called wonderful wonderful. i had had another one called chances are. >> reporter: his success singing he then tried something else. he recorded an album of relimb us music in 1958. he says he was inspired by the music he heard in churches and synagogue in san francisco. it is johnny sing ago hebrew song. part of the surprising collection. also a chance to address issues that have separated jew and black. >> if we could talk to one another and be close and have communication that is the thing that will breakdown all these problems. >>reporter: nothing like that but music. >> black music and hebrew mix is so similar. there is no there is no difference as far as i'm concerned. >>reporter: at age 75 he just goes on singing. smoothly. ♪ ♪ you will never just how much i miss you. in san francisco abc 7 news. >> boy what a voice. let go back now to update the forecas forecast. spencer is here and he's terrific. so many songs. >> he's awesome. i have seen him in person like three times. >> i never have. >> wonderful performance. from the golden voice to the golden forecast. we have sunshine tomorrow. surprise surprise. mild temperatures and high well in the upper 60's and low 70's. especially up in the north bay where we see the mildest weather of all and thinking about tahoe this weekend encounter three days of sunshine. daytime high at 50 degrees. overnight low 20 degrees but that's normal for this time of year in tahoe. 7 day forecast for the bay area. mild tomorrow milder still the weekend within land high in the mid 70's. temperatures up to 70 around the bay and mid 60's on the coast. temperatures start to back off just a few degrees on monday and tuesday but bounce back on thursday wed and mild weather continue thes. >> thank you spencer very much. >> golden february. >> really. all right president obama takened national prayer breakfast today. he says his christian faith has sustained him through many challenges. even less weighty ones and one that every parent can empathize me. >> lord give me patienceen as i watch malia go to her first dance. where there will be bo boys. about lord have that skirt get longer as she travels to that dance. pishtion president obama older daughter is 12 years old and not linked to any boys in media reports. certainly not yet. >> one more note about the president. even though his chicago bears are out of the superbowl is still having a party. he invited jennifer lopez and husband to watch the big game. even j.lo can't believe it. couple met the obama in 2009 but j.lo is not bringing anything to the party. she says the first couple probably has the food thing taken care of. i would think so. what a special treat. good for her. >> larry invitation got lost in the mail. >> no i invited j.lo and mark anthony as wonder no response. >> why did you inhave it mavrjt i thought you would just invite j.lo. >> don't get started here. monty always trying to pshtion he gets denied by the all stars and take out frustration on milwaukee. i'm taking out my frustration on spencer in a milwaukee. i'm taking out my frustration on spencer in a moment but >> coming up tonight at 11:00 o'clock. how a bay area neighborhood is exposing suspicious drivers on line in order to stop crime. and the shoe designer whose tweet about egypt making him feel like a real heel. we have those stories and more coming up in one hour on 7 news over on channel 7. larry is here now with all the sports. we have the warriors in up to. >> yes. sentenced home stand. seems like they have been home this whole month. ellis best year in the nba but not good enough to make the all star team western conference reserv reserves. h he didn't make it. 6 bestn the league. two things work. warriors history of losing and west just loaded with kobe and chris start for the west. coaches chose man of the spuvrments terrific. williams and west brook as reserve. last warrior to make the all star team. back in 97 and monty could still make the team as alternate injury alternate. david stern call against milwaukee. 4 milwaukee then on the money to wright. reverse. that was sweet. early second quarter. forcing the turn over. ahead to monty who leaves it for vladimir. curry this is amazing. great highlights. upnd in. curry in the lane. throwing it down gently. over 20 lead changes. back and forth they go. to the hoop. nobody guarding him. had 22. at last check. as the warriors open it up a bit and held on to the victory against the bucks. 100 to 94. on to college hoop cal bear nice little stretch. 3 straight wins going for 4 in a row hos hosting arizona state. trying to squeeze the most out of the young cal squad this year. great passing. approximately and the easy lay up inside. bears up 5. late first half jordan crashing the glass for asu out of my way. go on 3 point terror. mcmillan and tie in the corner. they were up and 3 minute left. rough night for stanford beaten at home by 22nd rank arizona. 78-69. cats now lead the pac-10. green 21 points for the cardinal and st. mary's take care of pepperdine and 79-71. to the ladies third rank stanford. 19 from poll and arizona state by 18. 10 and o in the pac-10. boyle 200 career victory. cal with a 7 73-63 win in tucson. coming off the first world title in san francisco. giants are getting set to open spring training in 12 days. manager bruce and gm will guest commonwealth club today talking about the title run. even well after the championship had been won bruce still could not rela relax. the. >> he was still making up line up. in his head when he got up in the morning he was worried about a line up. >> that's true. i swear to yo you. it was two weeks and i don't i couldn't believe it was of. would i wake up and finally hit me. no it's over. pishtion he may be the best boxer you have never heard of but that could change soon. his name is bay area ban tomorrow weight headlining a fight february 19 in las vegas. i stepped into the ring with the man known as the filipino flash. >> you have to turn your hip. turn your hip. can't be like this. >>reporter: when he speaks it is wise for young box investigators listen. he hasn't lost a fight in 10 years. takes a 24 bout winning streak that the show down with ban tomorrow weight champion fernando. he got into boxing to avoid being bullied as a ki kid. >> people always made fun of me. dump bo-big ears. and big teeth kids can be really mean because they don't know what is wrong and right sometimes. >>reporter: he was born in the philippines but grew newspaper san leandro. they call him the filipino flash. for a reason. hands like lightning. though not a household name here he's a rock star in his native country. second only to manny. mobbed everywhere. >> first picture was coming in, i'm blessed with all that. i'm truly truly blessed and happy that i have made it this far from a kid who was bullied from a kid who never thought i was going to be. >>reporter: i had to find out what the fuss was about. after all how much damage could he do at 120 pounds? we started slowly. >> perfect. perfect. you learn fast, man. >> you are throwing as hard as you could right there, right. >> that as hard. >>reporter: then we took it up a notch. seems like a really bad idea. one round of sparring i got to keep the body protector on. i swarmed him at first. pit pat punch i didn't want to hurt him. >> he's tired already. >> are you kidding me. tired? >>reporter: we got a bit more serious but nailing him is like hitting an invisible man. >> where did he go? i did connect a few times. he didn't like that. >> thank goodness i had the the protector on. longest 3 miniof my life came to an end. i came away frustrated but alive. >> very good job. i think you are better as trainer, though. >>reporter: is he mocking me? he has a free public work outset for this sat 1 to 4:00 p.m. at the undisputed gym in san carlos. i think a little tough for the camera to determine but i saw fear in his eyes. and dan as you alertly pointed out earlier, only one of us felt compelled to wear headgear. because we might have been, one of us might have been at afraid. >> nothing bh refusal to hit you near the head. >> i don't remember that part. i don't recall that conversation. no question he's good. >> amazing how fast he is. >> very, very quick. >> that's our report. for larry, we have to come up with a boxing nickname for him. thanks for watchin

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