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Their countries and the United States. We should bring together our businesses, our artists, our actors, our scientists, our students. Thats important. Its a challenging time for diplomats. The u. S. Justice department recently indicted two russian intelligence agents and two hackers accused of stealing private information from millions of americans after hacking into yahoo accounts. It would be pure speculation. These people are innocent people now. Theyre innocent now until they are Proven Guilty in the court of law. Also, some consulate employees were among three dozen russians nationwide who were suddenly expelled at the end of 2016. The Obama Administration said it was in retaliation for russian efforts to interfere with the u. S. President ial election through cyber attacks. Its not the policy of russia to meddle with affairs of any country in the world. And with all the turmoil swirling around the consulate after the expulsions, consul petrov invited the media in for a chat and champagne. Another, i think, important thing is to always remain human. Even when we have some very tough challenges in our professional life, we try to remain human. I am here tonight to deliver a message of unity and strength. We have not seen anything like this in many years. Since january, more than 100 Jewish Community centers and schools have been targeted with bomb threats, including some right here in the bay area. The honorable dr. Andy david is consul general of israel to the Pacific Northwest, based in San Francisco. He offers this advice. Well, its okay to be mad, and its okay to be angry, and its okay to be sad. But then if you want to do something about it, if you want to be constructive, then you need to look beyond your anger, and try to maybe use that anger and channel into a positive direction. He says there are different ways to build bridges of understanding. For people to do cultural events together. Business, international trade, education theres so many areas in which we can collaborate. A key area of conflict continues between israel and the Palestinian Authority and the debate over statehood for palestinians. Ive been to israel and i visited palestinian friends, and ive made friends on both sides. And ive seen the situation in palestine behind the wall. Its its very sad. Youre right. Its very sad. It makes a lot of israelis sad, but the only reason why we built it was violence and terrorism. We hope that well be able to reach a moment where there is security and we can advance peace and those barriers can come down. President trump has already met with israeli Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is also invited to the white house. Im very hopeful, and this is what im looking forward to. Im looking forward to having leadership that will pursue peace, will pursue understanding, and people who will support them. We are going to build the wall it will be a real wall the honorable Gemi Jose Gonzalez lopez is consul general of the Mexican Consulate in San Francisco. We should be working to have the most creative, important, innovative border in the world. It will be a region of economic growth, a region where human rights can be respected, a region where everyone can feel safe. What kinds of feedback are you getting from people in your country and from people here . Well, on that, let me tell that both president s agreed not to talk publicly about those matters anymore because its something that their positions are very clear and they have opposite positions on that. He believes now is the time to build bridges, not walls. This is a moment, its an opportunity to show that together we are better. Together we are more competitive. Together we have better creativity. And youre invited to visit the Different Countries to learn more as citizen diplomats. You are going to have a great experience in food, in music, in art, traveling. Building bridges. Thats a wonderful, wonderful expression, and we should build bridges and cross these bridges. Go and visit and do things together across those bridges. Coming up next, youll hear why the consul general of russia in San Francisco says the u. S. And russia should join forces in fighting cyber crime. Cyber crime is a big challenge for all of us. The problem is to protect, to make us safe, about hacking, no matter where it comes from. Well be right back. This is me when i feel controlled by frequent, unpredictable abdominal pain or discomfort and diarrhea. I tried Lifestyle Changes and overthecounter treatments, but my symptoms keep coming back. It turns out i have Irritable Bowel Syndrome with diarrhea, or ibsd. A condition thats really frustrating. Thats why i talked to my doctor about viberzi. A different way to treat ibsd. Viberzi is a Prescription Medication you take every day that helps proactively manage both abdominal pain and diarrhea at the same time. So i can stay ahead of my symptoms. Viberzi can cause new or worsening abdominal pain. Do not take viberzi if you have no gallbladder, have pancreas or severe liver problems, problems with alcohol abuse, longlasting or severe constipation, or a bowel or gallbladder blockage. Pancreatitis may occur and can lead to hospitalization and death. If you are taking viberzi, you should not take medicines that cause constipation. The most common side effects of viberzi include constipation, nausea, and abdominal pain. Stay ahead of ibsd with viberzi. Welcome back. We reached out to professional diplomats in the bay area for their advice on building bridges of friendship, especially when the Political Climate is so challenging. The honorable sergey petrov, consul general of the Russian Federation in San Francisco shares his thoughts. All together, i spend probably half of my adult life working in the United States, in north america, if you combine United States and canada. This part of the world has become a part of my life a big part of my life and it gives me a big advantage. I can compare because i can compare whats happening in my home country, whats happening here, and how we could be working together. And thats, i think, very important, working together. Your Facebook Page says that president putin talked with President Trump by phone and congratulated him on his win. Will there be a meeting between them soon, do you think . I hope so. The sooner, the better. But you understand that for the leaders of two major countries in the world to meet, its not meeting to have a cup of tea. Its a meeting with serious discussions, with probably some agreements, documents to sign, so it takes some time to prepare. I would like to add that cyber crime is a big challenge for all of us. Its not a problem of my country or your country. And if we speak about my country, sites of my president or of my ministry is attacked daily. Hundreds of thousands of times. So its a big problem, and we dont know. Its very hard to track. Who is the source of these hacks. Russia has been very active lately bilaterally with the United States, as well as internationally, suggesting that we should have rules, that we should have some agreements that would help us to fight cyber crime. Russian policy is not to meddle with affairs of any country in the world, be it small or large. Same is true about the United States. My president publicly, repeatedly, has been saying during the campaign that we would respect any choice americans will make when they choose their leader. We will respect and we will work with them, with him or her to build on our relations. To add something to that, it looks ridiculous in another way that using your legal terms, russia was accused, indicted, found guilty, punished. With the sanctions. And now youre talking about investigation. In my understanding, it should be vice versa. You investigate first, and then you present evidence, and then you accuse, indict, find guilty, punish. This country is very proud of the legal system it has. And i think it should be like that. It didnt happen like that, and its very unfortunate. The bay area, San Francisco, has always been one of the beacons of tolerance in the world. I think that with all the civil action that is happening, we should continue to be peaceful. We should present our views. We should not press these views on anybody. Thats important. We should be tolerant to another point of view, to listen to your counterpart, to try to understand them. Thats the basis of diplomacy, and thats how we try to work. The legacy of the many years of the cold war, it separated our societies. And we were on different sides of a big wall. It doesnt exist, this wall now. So we should improve our dealing together. We should bring together our businesses, our artists, our actors, our scientists, our students. Thats important. We try to find these connections, try to develop them, and to present them and try for these connections to be useful for both of our nations. Building bridges, thats a wonderful, wonderful expression, and we should build bridges and cross these bridges. Go and visit and do things together across these bridges. Our thanks to consul petrov for his thoughts and advice. Coming up next, youre going to hear from the consul general of israel, dr. Andy david and whether practice of tikkun olam is a global example of building bridges of friendship. Repair the world, working in places like africa, like latin american, like asia. So wherever theres a need, if its agriculture, Food Security public health, gender issues, small to Medium Enterprises just helping people to create their livelihood. My next guest is dr. Andy david, the honorable consul general of israel to the Pacific Northwest and a longtime friend and colleague. Weve worked together raising awareness about a lot of issues. How important is it for the american president to have a Good Relationship with the Prime Minister of israel . Well, i think its very important for both countries. We are friends, we are allies, and its their duty to be in a friendly relationship and Good Relationship because we need to get a lot of things done. Its been a struggle over the past few years. Well, there have been ups and downs, a lot of agreements, and a few disagreements, but thats the nature of things. You talked about the importance of the relationship between america and israel. Israels relationship with russia, with mexico, with the arab countries. Can you talk about that . Of course. So, for the first time in over a few decades, we have russian war jets flying over the middle east in syria. We had to quickly build a mechanism. We call it a deconflicting mechanism, or the escalation mechanism with the russians, meaning open channels of communication, fast, urgent communication possible. So we wont have a situation in which there is a clash in the air between israeli and russian Fighter Pilots or fighter jets, and i think we were successful in doing that. We look at whats happening in syria. Were not happy with whats happening there. Its a tragedy. Were trying to do our part. Weve opened a Field Hospital in the north part of israel, where syrian sick, injured, can come and get treated. Thousands were treated there. Just recently, our government announced that they will accept orphans from syria. I saw a posting on your Facebook Page about it, Something Like at least 100 orphans. Yes. Exactly. So were trying to our modest part in that, but i think there is more hope today in the region for a Better Future between us and our arab neighbors than there used to be 5 or 10 years ago. Weve tried our best to build our relationship with every country, but in the last few years, maybe decade or so, countries started to look at israel as an asset because of our technology, because of our knowhow, because of our good practices, both in technology but also in some social issues. The way we fight human trafficking, the way we try to deal with issues of gender equality, and other issues, as well. Were trying to do as much as we can. We bring artists, we bring dance groups, we bring musicians just to expose them to the public. Its not political. Its just coming from the heart, hoping to touch somebody elses heart. Theres so many israelis who are engaged in what we call tikkun olam repair the world working in places like africa, like latin america, like asia. So, wherever there is a need, if its agriculture, Food Security, public health, gender issues, small and Medium Enterprises, just helping people to create their livelihood in areas where its much more difficult. Hundreds of people are engaged in that. Thousands of people are benefiting from that every year. Even with the Palestinian Authority, our neighbors, where most of the time, their news is so negative. Just last year, we have over 160 palestinians coming to israel to be trained in agriculture, in public health, on issues of gender equality. This continues all the time. People have an important role, to raise their voice and to make small efforts, to support collaborations and not to support boycotts and divisiveness. So as much as people can support those things, and if somebody wants more details, they can always contact the consulate and well be able to refer them to some organizations. Where would you like to see the world if you had the power to wave your magic wand . Well, im a professional optimist. [ laughs ] so i am a believer in human spirit, im a believer in leadership. An when i say leadership, it means that im sure that there always will be, in the future, sometime, will be somebody who would want peace more than he looks into the past and divisive issues. Weve had that in our region. Weve had that experience, and we have moved forward with some of our neighbors. Im very hopeful, and this is where im looking forward im looking forward to having leadership that will pursue peace, will pursue understanding, and people who will support them. Thats a good goal. Thank you. Dr. David, thank you so much. Thank you, cheryl. Thank you. Our thanks to consul david for his thoughts and his advice. When we come back, a new vision for the border between the United States and mexico from the consul general of mexico in San Francisco. It will be a region of economic growth, a region where human rights can be respected, a region where everyone can feel safe. Well be right back. Welcome back. Were talking about ways to build bridges of friendship at a time where theres a lot of political turmoil in this country. My next guest is the consul general of mexico in San Francisco, the honorable Gemi Jose Gonzalez lopez. For me, this is a dream job. My dad and my mom, they were public servants, so i grew up in a family that was very focused on that. You are facing some challenges. Your job as a consul general is a little bit different than some of the other diplomats ive talked to. Can you talk a little bit about that . Of course. Yes. In the Mexican Consulate, i always say that my job is like a roller coaster of feelings because some days, you can be in one of the most important precincts in my jurisdiction. For example, in san quentin, with guys that are facing the Death Penalty or Something Like that, and maybe in the afternoon, you are in a business meeting with Venture Capital industry to try to take them to mexico to invest in our startups. And every day is like that, so you go from one mood to another one in a very quick its very fast, so you have to learn to manage that in your personal life. And you also have to deal with ice immigration and customs. Of course. Thats a very important part of our job. Mexicos relationship with other countries is very, very important, and youre coming in as a new diplomat here with a brandnew president whos talking very much about immigration and deportation and building a wall. So what are you thoughts on all of that . Well, we prefer bridges. In my part as a mexican consul, i am doing that between San Francisco and mexico. Because there is so much tension right now with the new administration on both sides. People who are proadministration, people who are against it. And so what we want to do is find how can we get people beyond their anger to become Good Neighbors and friends . What can we do as citizens, diplomats . With that as the underlying theme, how important is your relationship with the United States . Well, of course its our most Important International relationship in many ways. Not only trade that is very important but we are part of north america, and we feel very proud of being part of north america and being part of also the american society. Were very, very integrated. I mean, you can see that, for example. People eat more guacamole because of things like the super bowl. So thats something that is fantastic. Youre celebrating your great sports game with mexican food. I do believe that in the minds of many mexicans, all the mexicans that are living here, they have both countries inside them. One of the things that youve heard, and ive heard too, is people are just so angry. It doesnt matter which side youre on. Theyre just angry, and they cant get past that. So how do we help people calm down . Yeah, i will say that we have to look forward. I will say that we have to understand, be very measured, be very mature, and understand that these issues have nothing to do with the american people. These issues have nothing to do with the american goods. These issues have nothing to do with the american companies. Quite the opposite. This is a moment where we have to be closer. This is a moment, an opportunity to show that together, we are better, that together we are more competitive, that together we have better creativity. So lets not be angry. Lets be measured, lets be mature, and lets look at the Positive Side of all this. Our thanks to all of our international friends, the consuls general of mexico, israel, and russia for taking their time to share their thoughts on building bridges of friendship. We invite you to become citizen diplomats, create your own events, small or large in your community, and please share those ideas and images with us on our social media sites. Just go to our website, abc7news. Com community. Were also on facebook, abc communityaffairs, as well as cheryljenningsabc7, and please follow me on twitter, cherylabc7. Thanks so much for joining us. Have a great week. Well see you next time. Now, from abc 7, beyond the headlines with cheryl jennings. [ bird call chirping ] welcome to our program, coming to you from the beautiful country of peru. Its a popular Tourist Destination and home to one of the seven wonders of the world, the ancient city of machu picchu. [ indistinct conversations ] but peru also has desperately poor people who are being helped by americans in the San Francisco bay area. That charity is called vida usa, which stands for volunteers for Interamerican Development assistance. Vida usa recently marked 25 years of delivering surplus medical equipment and medicine to impoverished areas in latin america. I was invited to see vida usas programs, and i traveled to peru with them to learn firsthand how it is changing lives at the most basic level. I learned about the tremendous support vida usa has from the bay area to peru because of its mission and its beloved cofounder. [ speaking spanish ] it was a spectacular 25thanniversary gala, with 900 donors and the consul general of peru in San Francisco, candy chavez. Haydee rodriguezpastor is the cofounder of vida usa and vida peru. This mother of six lives in the bay area and was born in peru. She inspires people because of the work being done by the nonprofit she started in the east bay with her late husband, carlos. He started a bank in peru, which has been an enthusiastic supporter of vida for years. A deadly illness prompted the birth of the charity. The infrastructure was already there after the epidemic ended, so haydee and her team built it into a lifesaving powerhouse that ships containers full of surplus medical equipment and supplies to peru and helps millions of other people in at least a dozen other latin american and caribbean countries. I took care of the peruvian side while haydee was pushing all of the logistics from the United States, which was the most important part. The need is enormous. Thousands and thousands live in shacks like this without Running Water or sewage systems. Many dont have health insurance, but they can get firstclass free or lowcost medical services at hospitals served by vida, like this one in lima. Everything from a syringe to a bandage to a 10,000 surgical medical kit for openheart surgery. It all starts in emeryville, at vida usas 6,000squarefoot warehouse. These items could have been thrown into landfill, but businesses and individuals choose to recycle. Stanford being our biggest donor. We got the kaisers, the ucsfs. Every item has to be carefully logged and tracked. Volunteers like david from businesses or schools help sort the equipment and the supplies. I couldnt believe what waste went on. So, the fact that they could take these supplies and put some good use to them was something i thought was very worthwhile. Durable medical equipment stays good for a long, long time. Steve dropped off supplies donated to a recycling Company Called recares. And i cant get these back into the community. That gently used boot will help this young mother of two at one hospital which is served by vida. [ speaking spanish ] the main burn unit in lima is at this old hospital. Men and women are in the same room. Theyre grateful for vidas help, but the need never ends. We really appreciate when people from other countries, especially the United States and especially from San Francisco, are taking care of our people here in peru. We really feel the warmth of the people when they do that with their hearts. Coming up later, youll learn more about the incredible financial commitment by vida usa to get tons of surplus medical supplies and equipment from the bay area to peru. Doing 60 shipments a year, the cost really escalated. So, you have to raise funds for that. Were you absorbing that yourself in the beginning . Yes. When we come back, well take you to see some of the incredible sights in peru that tourists want to see, including one of the seven wonders of the world. This gentleman is about to get a shot for hepatitis b. Its provided free of charge. And well show you some of the many ways vida usa is changing the lives of those who need and deserve hope for a Better Future. [ speaking spanish ] and youll also see some of the searing poverty that tourists will never see. Welcome back to our program about a bay area nonprofit that is making lifechanging differences in the health of the poorest people in peru and latin america. I was invited to visit peru with vida usa to see how it works. Vida usa ships surplus medical equipment, supplies, and medicine to peru and more than a dozen other latin american countries. This helps provide free clinics to people who might otherwise never see a doctor. This searing poverty is in a country that is better known for its stunning beauty. Let me take you on a tour. [ chimes clinking ] just hearing the name of the country peru makes many people think of its rich history, and its the location of one of the seven wonders of the world. This is what people think of when they think of peru, the beautiful machu picchu area, and it is absolutely spectacular to be here in person. Tourists can see traditional methods of cleaning and dyeing wool from llamas or alpacas out in the country. [ flute playing ] they can enjoy authentic peruvian music, or in the big city of lima, capital of peru, visitors can see museums with incredible artifacts. [ marching music playing ] or they can try and get close to the metal gates of the president ial palace and watch the changing of the guard. Visitors could head out to the wellmaintained zoo and see the big cats or other critters that come out to play. There are so many interesting sites to make tourists grab their cameras. But then there is a sobering reality that locals and visitors will never see. This is pamplona alta. 40,000 people live in shacks on the mountain. Dirt roads, no Running Water, no indoor toilets, no sewage system. Kids play with broken toys in contaminated dirt. [ truck beeping ] water trucks come in several times a week and sell it to those who can afford it. Its stored in unsanitary conditions. Its a harsh life, but pamplona residents are getting help that can transform their lives, thanks to a bay Area Organization called vida usa. And theyre gonna be giving this gentleman a shot for hepatitis b, and the shot is gonna be free of charge. This is a Free Health Clinic coordinated between vida and the Governments Ministry of health. What vida does is we bring all the supplies and equipment they need on an ongoing basis. Ramon alzamora is a vida board member. He says peru has a policy of social inclusion and a longterm povertyreduction plan. Education will make the difference, but children need vaccinations to get an i. D. To enroll in school, so vida and the Health Ministry provide these clinics on a regular basis. Vida usa collects supplies from bay area hospitals and other facilities at its warehouse in emeryville, california. This is surplus supplies that theyre clearing out their inventory. Then vida ships containers to its warehouse in lima and distributes those supplies to more than 80 hospitals, clinics, and organizations. Haydee rodriguez pastor cofounded vida with her late husband, carlos, 25 years ago. Theyre both from peru, but came to live in the bay area. They saw a desperate need to help the poor in peru. Her choice to focus on vida usas critical work is saving lives and creating futures, and vida will continue bringing quality healthcare for entire families thanks to its own family of donors and volunteers. Hundreds of volunteers help vida usa sort equipment at its emeryville warehouse, and they love it. My aunt told me about this, and i thought it was like a really good thing to do, so i wanted to help out. Helping other countries that have nothing, especially when you think about individual families i think that is wonderful. So, thank you. When we come back, well take you to a place thats like the Ronald Mcdonald house in lima, peru. Youll meet Carmen Cortez, the woman who created a home away from home for families living with a medical crisis. He was born with a bad deformation. A deformed hand . Yeah. And later on, youll meet a man rescuing children who are literally thrown away or even attacked just because they were born with disabilities. What is her name . Lucia. Lucia. And lucias father tried to kill her . Yeah, he tried to kill her, but shes already healed. Welcome back to our program on vida usa, a bay area nonprofit helping millions of people in some of the poorest countries in the world. It ships surplus medical supplies and medicine overseas. Those are supplies that would have ended up in our landfills. The cofounder of vida was born in peru and lives in the bay area. The charity is based in emeryville and is marking 25 years of service. Vida usa invited me to travel with them to see where those supplies are going to hospitals and programs helping families with disabled children. [ speaking spanish ] Carmen Cortez founded peru ninez in lima to help families with disabled children or mothers who need surgery and dont have anybody to care for their children. Its sort of like a Ronald Mcdonald house, designed to keep Families Together during a medical crisis. Peru ninez is the only place of its kind in all of lima, which has a population of nearly 10 million. Peru ninez can only serve about 22 people right now. Its expanding because the need is so great. It helps support itself by selling food on the streets. Carmens commitment and passion for serving these families inspired a bay area charity called vida usa to help her. She lets vida know what she needs, and they help in many ways, such as providing stateoftheart whirlpool baths to help with physical therapy for people like this young man. He can barely walk because of a medical condition, so he cant work. Vidas executive director in peru, olga baca, helped arrange transportation to get up to peru ninez in a vida truck so he can get therapy and get his life back. Adam see is the executive director of vida usa, which is based in emeryville, california. Everything has never been used, with the exception of the equipment. The equipment is lightly used. If its broken, we dont use it. Vida collects surplus medical equipment and supplies that would have been thrown away. Major donors include stanford and kaiser. They dont want it to go in the landfill, so they have big green initiatives. Theyre counting how much tonnage do they that theyre not sending to the landfill. Vida usa volunteers sort and catalog thousands of donated items, which are then shipped to lima in containers. We shipped 60 40foot containers last year. A 40foot container costs us about 12,000 door to door. For 12,000 were shipping a container that carrying 700,000. Haydee rodriguezpastor cofounded vida usa 25 years ago with her late husband, carlos. She lives in the bay area, was born in peru, and has a huge humanitarian heart. Vida usa works with partnerships that not only offer help and health, but also dignity and a sense of family for programs like peru ninez. [ speaking spanish ] several peru ninez supporters showed up while we were visiting to drop off baby supplies for the families. They were excited to explain why they love this program. This is really close to my heart because my best friend is from here, so we just love to help the children. And im glad that we see the kids here, and were just blessed to help in any way. Im tessie cabrera. Im from the amazon here in peru, but i live in alabama. My husband is retired military, so i travel all over the world. But my heart is here, so i had to help my people. What do we have here . Clothes, different sizes for the children, some winter clothes, diapers, special milk. [ laughter ] in just a moment, youre going to meet a man some say is quite the hero, but he humbly says it is his calling rescuing children who are literally thrown away by their parents just because the children were born with disabilities. What is her name . Lucia. Lucia. And lucias father tried to kill her . Yeah. He tried to kill her. She has a cut here in the belly, but shes already healed. [ indistinct conversations ] and later on in our program, the Creative Partnership between vida usa and emeryville and Global Trading company Otis Mcallister in oakland. As peru gives us from their bounty the riches of their agriculture, their products like quinoa, what can we offer them . And one thing we can offer is surplus medical equipment. Well be right back with more on vida usa. Were continuing our look at vida usa, a bay area charity based in emeryville, which is helping millions of people with Critical Health needs in more than a dozen latin american countries. Vida usa invited us to see some of their programs in lima,eru. Were going to take you to several hospitals and clinics that get regular shipments of medical equipment and supplies from vida usa. We also visited an orphanage, which rescues children who are literally thrown away because they were born with disabilities and the families were too poor to care for them. When you have a house with 97 boys and girls, you always need medical supplies, always. Omar sanchez is in charge of a parish with an orphanage that cares for children and adults who have been left on the streets of peru because they have severe disabilities. We care for kids and older people who are abandoned. They are mentally disabled, down syndrome, autism, psychiatric problems, and when they have terminal illnesses, too. This little girl has down syndrome. And what is her name . Lucia. Lucia. And lucias father tried to kill her . Yeah, he tried to kill her, but shes already healed. And shes receiving a lot of love and hugs and kisses. [ smooching ] vida usa invited us to peru to see a few of the nearly 100 facilities its helping. Vida is based in emeryville, california, and collects surplus medical equipment and supplies from bay area hospitals, including stanford and kaiser. Then, vida ships the products to their chapter in lima for distribution. We asked them for help, and they offered us help very, very fast, very, very easy, and very, very important for us. My parish in santa maria, where i live, and the kids come once a month to sort and help organize the boxes. Theyre taken to containers at the port of oakland and turned over to a big vida supporter, Otis Mcallister. Its a Global Trading company and major importer of quinoa from farmers living in the peruvian andes. People live in very humble circumstances, and theres a real need for modern medical equipment there. Otis mcallister donated 18 container shipments to vida usa, carrying more than 15 million in aid in 2015. Their humanitarian decision made Good Business sense. We offload the medical equipment in lima, and then from there its put on trucks that wind their way up through the mountains, and when they arrive, they distribute those products. And then we, in turn, load those trucks with quinoa. This is a very exciting day for the hospital, its in one of the poorest areas of lima, and all of the vida supplies that came from emeryville are right here being delivered at this moment. The need is enormous. There are a Million People in this district in lima. [ speaking spanish ] haydee rodriguezpastor cofounded vida usa 25 years ago with her late husband, carlos, to bring quality healthcare to impoverished people in peru and other latin american countries. Haydees friend started a hospital in a garage in lima 11 years ago, and vida helped it expand into a new facility. Vida supplies anything the hospital needs. Did you just get asked for more beds . More beds, 12 beds, 12 gurneys. They help us a lot because one of our biggest expenses is in medical supplies. So, when we receive that, we have a big breath to say thank you. [ speaking spanish ] vidas longterm commitment creates the opportunity for children like these at the orphanage to live out their fragile lives in comfort, surrounded by a big circle of love. You can learn more about vida usas partnership with Otis Mcallister at otismac. Com. Vida usa is always looking for volunteers to help sort supplies and equipment at their warehouse in emeryville. One thing we think is i think is really cool, is that you need almost no training to be able to just come here and be productive. And they always need help. We can turn this around in about 3 months, so that means by the time we get it in, process it, inventory it, book a shipment, get it on the boat, then three to four weeks down there, a week or two in customs. Then it goes to our warehouse in lima. From there, then, its sent all over the country. Vida usa is also looking for more sponsors for the big containers, which are shipped overseas. Vida usa wants to do more to help, and can do that with your help. Thanks for joining us on our special program on vida usa. You can find them at vidausa. Org. For more information about todays show and resources where you live, just go to our website, abc7news. Com community. Were also on facebook at abc7 community affairs. And follow me on twitter cherylabc7. narrator reading today, hes a husband, a father, a longtime employee and now, a killer. No one wants to imagine a coworker that theyve known for years shooting at them. Narrator what would pus a power plant worker with 30 years on the job over the edge

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