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Thks joanna. Rit now. Lice are invesgating a new irs scam they say is disturbing. After scammersmpsonated a meowner in stress to 91 operators. Leading swat teams to rrou the house. And putting a nearby school on hi ale. So91ll 3 dispater ok jas tell m exactly what hapned. Call here are two, ree guys staing behind mdoor and shing me guns d asking for ney. E homeowners say scammers callll dayony. Ng i they didnt pay the irs thsas ofrs. Theyould send police to house to arrest them. When the homeowners wouldnt pay. The ammers called 91 using a fake number. And ld operators three armed were outside of the home. Swat teams shut down the strt, locked down diovy canyon caus on nohgate. Only to nd t daughter home alone, shockedy e whole thing. Springs lice its one of those this that weavent seen this yet in this community, so were concne ough about it that we want to get the word out to the public. Poce say irscams are common this time of year. And say if you get these kds of calls, contacpolice mediately. Theres a new and simple to t in tch with 911 dispchers in souern rado and it by ing sothing most of us do every day. Simply sending a text message the netext to11 service is nowvaable thanks to the el paso Teller County 911 authority. In e o field, enter the digits 911 you dont ha to enter hyphens or dashes. Just the digits 911. In the message field, ter ur locati and the type of emgency that yrhavingn the very firstessa y send. This a he to the deaf. Heing and speech id community. But atsotll who can benefit. The auority ys the service uld save livesn a hostage or the could be an ele wsomebody m be hiding in a closet sewrend we would have to ha theset the phone nd leave t lin a depend on what we hear to y to determine whats going on. As of right no if yry to send a pture. Spatchs willot be able see them. And the texts must be inlain xt. Emojis. Includg ur locion and emergenc onceeceived, dpatchers wiltext back to conrmadditional details and send help your way. T now. Statofficials are hoping t put a stopo teenexting here colorado. The nestamign. T releasef seri o puic service announcements. He asked me to send m one of the pictures. That a greatdea. U know, how bout you just send it to yearbook . You know that going go vil. Ull soon stt seeing some reistic sextinscenios playinout during your lol coeral breaks. Thgoal is to make kids aos the ste awarheangers ha thought about before. Hopefully we can that message out the and do litt education othe front end hat and partsndteachersll know w ey might betterandle some of ese ings dowthe road. Lawmakers are ploring e poibility of creatina new crime called misuf electronic images by a juvenile so thakids involved in sexting wont fa felony charges. That bilwas introducedn the house last month. Weather and trfic on the 5s. Meteologist stn bowe is here now with rst aler5. Our morng drive comes with sunshine and 30s. E ing drive be sunny with 50s cooling to 40s. R rning is md with 20s and 30 we are quiet ts morning, but co front attached to low wyoming maing a bit of wind to us t passhr ouar is moisturerved, so therereally not much to wor about beyond that wind. The wind canlow in the 1525 mph range this morning and ear this afternoon. Te2 pm, the wind will ben easing. The sun willll be with us today. The gustdownslope wind will help the sun to warm our temperatures into the upper 40s and lower 50s by 10 am. Expect lower 50s around Colorado Springs and monument at noon withower 60s around eblo and can city mo areas will manage 60s this afternn with 5 in the high elevations. This evening will be partly cloudy with temperatures cooling through the 50s and 40s and into the 30s by 10 pm. Come ts april. The pedestrian acss act ll take effect in colorado spngs. City council just pass the dince. Prohibi people from sitti or reclining on dewalks, trails or otr public rightf ways, during high traff hours in certain pas of downtown and old colorado ty. Now during the next 60days. Violatorwill get a warng. But after that, they could face a tiet and fines. Well still ahead. Today is ashednesday. And catholics all over the wld are marking the t day of lent. By receing the traditional sign of the cross, drawn in s on their foreheads. Chance to support eir community. Stents andultyt Divine Redeemer School will observe s at 8 00 this morning. And afterwar. Eyll be working to assemble 600 compassion bags. Th will contaibaby wipes. Loon. Toorhbrushes. Toothpas. Tissues. Lip ba. Sock. Gloves. Water. Angrana bars. The bagsill be distruted to needy people in our communy. Stl ahead. A toddler dealing with constant pain fm a crippling skin disease. Whhis parents are pushfor the legalizaon of cannis oil where ey live. Ths nex yr healthy family. In tods your alth family. A story soany familiesere in colorado can relate too. Ght now a georgia couple i fighting for the legalization of cannis oil. Its medici thesay their toddr s elcurb tant pain om ariling sk disease. Christopher hopperas m nats crying yont for e numagine whathis ttle boyes. Nats cryi the ars,he screams, nt ev begin to deribe the pn. Natsying pain in the hearts and minds of his parents who live it, but cant feel it on theutside. Sot audra underwood, reids mom a rub, bump takes his skin completely off. It did just moments before o intview. Reid underwo. Grazed his pointeringer against s fathers jeans. Blood poured from his ttle hand. Essentially reiis missing the glue thaholds his in lays together. Bac explanation an unimaginable reality. Se. Reid underwood suffers from epidermolysisullosa. Or eb. T aud underwood, reids m aiisheyoslp, its when you e, its wheyou ilahead. R dealing wi constant pain from a crippling skin disease. Whhiparents are pushing for thleliti ocannab oil where they le. February is huge f us. All our ndcrafted classic footlong are just each, even ourubway club anchicke bacon rah melt 6 footlongsre a b deal. But the mediis going a little crazy. I in the heart of what is now being called submagedd. With an incredible amount of accumulation inde. That now seems to be slling ouon the streets. I have never seeanything ke this before. Enjoy all our delicious classic footlongs for just each. In tays y odsour hethy mily. A story so many famies he in lodo c relate o. Right now a orgicoup is fighting f theegalation cannabis o. Its medici they y their cotant pa from a crplinskin sease. Christopher hper has more. Pkg natscrying you cant for onminute imagine what this little boy faces. Nats crying thtears, the screams, dont evenegin to describe the pain. Natscrying pain in the arts and minds of his parents who live it, but cant feelt the oside. Sot ra uerwood, res mom a rub, bumpakes his sn mpletely off. It did just momes fore ourintervie reid underwo. Azed hisointer finge against his faers jeans. Blood uredrom his little hand. Sot briannderwoodreids dad ssentially reid missing t glue thaholds his skin lers together. A basic explanation an uniminable rlity. See. Reid underod suffe from epidermolysis bullosa. Orb. Sot audra underwood, reids mom pain is wheyou sleep, its play, s whe yo anything,ou le in constant pain for your whole life. A life tycally t sht by this ra dea. The dayseading up the end are fied with bandage chge bleach baths, and high powered narcotics ke morphine and meade. To numb the in at least for a litt while. Sot brian underwoodreidad the reallis no pa of his life thats not affected by the ase. At whyhe underwoods are fighting for canbioil. Reid doesnt quali under ids dr. In minnesota w performed his bone marrow transplantn an effort to create the genhe missing is a huge proponent of cannabis oil r itchg and pain. Sot dr. Jab tolar, reids anspla on screen you have to imanehat you fell in a vat of burning oil. Sot audra undwood, reids m smile. Back at. Brian d audra are willinto admit. Theyd rr bury their yogest chi than see him t audra underwood, reid mom dinely has a beautiful soul ats for sure. Days are lon nights are sleepless. But iaand audra persevere. And theyill fight. Until the en ather antraffionhe 5s. MeteorologisStephen Bowers i re n witfirst ert 5. Our morning ive mes th sunshine and 30s. The evening drive ll be sunny with 50s cooling to 40s. Our morning is mild with 20s and 30s. Were qet this morning, b a cold front attached to l pressure over uth dakota and wying may bring a bit of wind to us aspasses through today. Our area is moisture starved, so thers really not much to worry about beyond that wind. The wind can blow in the 1525 mph range is morning and early this afternoon. After 2 , nd wn easi. The sun will still be th us today. The gusty downslope wind will help the sun to warm our temperaturesnto e upper 40s and r 50s by 1am expect ler 50s around Colorado Springs and momentt noon th lower0s arounpueb a mo areasill nage 60s this afteoon with 50s in the high elations thisvening wl be partly cloudy with temperatures cooling in this mornings health wah. Today pueblo. The citycounthealth departnt. Local hospitals. And emergency officials wille teing the communitys response procedures duri Health Crisis exercise. Thevt will involve rapid decion makind simutedeployment of resources and personell. Current Emergency Response plans that are in ace will be ed and tested to help idenfitify are that need imporvement. So the community can betr are for futureealth disaers. A nesty finds e us has a wer life expectancthan othehighnce untries. Laely due to injuryrelated deaths. Data shows both american men and men live about t yearsess compab cntries. Researchers und that injuries from fearms, drug overse and car accints count for pernt of that Life Expectancy gap in women. And 50percentn men. Its only thsecondonth in 2016. And already. Many people are ditching their new years resolutions to get fit in fact. Gds gym says this week is the me mt people tend to fall off their tness cliff. And gym checkins will never be as high again for the rest of the year but. Fitness perts say its never too late tget back into the grve. And changing up ur exerce roine and partnering with workout buddies can help keep the mentum goi. Still ahd. D lobster ishanking yonce for her super bowl halftime performance. Wegas prices continue to fall. And this mni. Some good news f drivers. Gaso is expected to in unde dollars the ee year this is accoing to t last govermentorecas. H says regar gas will average at 1. 98 a gaon nationwide in 16 this fore holds to true, this wil theirstime since 2004 that us drivers have paid a fullyear averagof under o bucks a gallon. Retailer sportsuthority could be filing baruptcy soon. Spting goods chain missed 20illiondollar debt paynta month ago. Credit rperts expect the hat happens,po authority uld likely have to closout half of it stores. The company spen millionlls a year to have its name on the stthat is home to the denver broncos. Its unclear if the 25year naming rights deal with the stadium wi stay intact if company les for bankcy. Beyonceper bowl half me rformae appears to b boostingales at a pular restaurant chain. In tong she performed. The surstar mentions red lobsr in a series of off color lyrics. And now the restaunteports theres a spike in sales red loteys weekend sales saw a significant boost from ueen. Rising 33 perct sunday over last year is even calling their cheddar bay biscui and its babreeze drinks are now bey breezes. Red ter trnally experiens a spike in sal during tmef year due to nubster fest promotion, but the ceo of e chain credits this weends boost to beyonce. Wetrc on the 5s. TeorolisStephen Bowers is here now wh first alert 5. Moing ive comes with sunshine and 30s. The evening drive will be sunny with 50s cooli to 40s. Our morninis mild with 20s and s. We are quiet this morning, but a ront attacd toowpressure or uth dakota and wyoming bring bi wind to uas it passes through today. Our areamoisture starved, so about beyond that wind. The windan blow in the 15 mph rae thisng and ely thisernoon. Af2 pm, wind will be eang. The su sll bth us today. The guy wnslope wi wl helphe sun to wa o teeratures into the uppe40s and los pect ler 50s around Colorado Springs and monument at noon with lower 6uneb and caon ci. Mostre wl mage 60s this afternwith0s in the high elevations. This eveningilbe partly clittemperatures cooling rougthe 50s and d to 30s by 10 pm. Rst up at 530. Close to a milli fans turned out in downtown denver to celebrate the broncos super bowl 50 victor as aassive sea of orge full of people from all across colorado including Colorado Springs. Eblo and trinidad. Annabel bowlen, the wife of borncos owner pat bowlen. Led the para. Shing thlombardi troy for all to see. Also on at leafitruck. Yton manning and von miller and even miles got in on the fun the broncos masc rode on a sepropelled recliner fans eered on thparade wound itway through downtown. Ending at the big rally at denvers cicenter park. Erteam captains Demarcus Ware and peyton nning talk about the tes commrodery. Anhow it pushed them through the tough mes. Tohe final vtory as surbowl champs. His right re sbolizes what team really means. Tell you when we go into the stadium and its packed . There is no place li brory i mean this here, this i awesome. Our special teams were awesom all year, there is no question our defense led the charge, an offensively we did jt our part. We made ays at critical times, everybody contributed, all 53 guys on the roster pyed a huge rolen it this season and that help us wia super bowl championship. Mayor ncock and governor hicklooperlsread a joint the rosterlayed a huge role in ithis seon andhaheed us win auper bowl championship. Mayor nck and governor hickenoper ao read a joint ocmation. Making february 9th at bowlen day in honor of the ams owner. Well ve moron ourorld champion tm coming up later the hour. T for no. Shting gears to. A famiar problem waking pothol are openi up all overcolora sprin after a that snow we got last we is melting to t cracks of t roads. Maki for pretty rougride in par of the city ne5s joaa wi joinss live now in the rorimmon area of colorado spris. Thow cwsreorng to tack the problem. Were starting to see themll over town once again. And la weeks big snowtorm has only made the problem worse. One pothole near powerand bl took t lst four cars including ashley wrights. Shsays she saw the potho coming. Bucodnt aid it because all the built up snow and e. It blew out her tire. But there were oths that broke their axle shsays somethi needs to be done about it. Er carare ged an people are losg worke which means losing mon that they would be putting back into our citys econom. The ci nee to take care of this. The pothole th caused so my powers and dubliwas filled by city road crews right away. Ty officia said potholes li the wl beddressed immediately, but only ifhe e reported. Rit w manyrews are still weeks storm permanenet pot hole repas ar this morning. Were learing the sheriffs puty in Grand Junction who s shot multiple times monday is n expected to survive. E mesanty iffs fice says deputy dek geer is on life support, d say he will perforone st selesacof service. By donating his orns. Puty gr is navy teran, husband and faer of tw children. His family relsed a stement saying their hearts are a 17ear old le suspect is in custody. Charges are pending. Ght now. A 2yearoldgl from new mexico is recoveri in the spital. After yesterdayrollover crash justouth of lsbu. Inveigators say she s abducted by r father, following a confrontatioat the rlmoer hse in buqurque. Anmber alert was issd. And yesterday e r s spotted ne walseurg. E crash happed. Ter troorsay the father lethem on a hi speed chase. Both were thrown frothe su suffering moderate injuries. New today. Cora springs police are asking f your help in identifying this burglary suspect. Hes accused of anrmed robbery last montht the metro cs store on east plat avenu. Where he used a large revolver whil taking money from the cash regist. E suspect is desibed as a heavyseblack le in s mid twenties to thirties. Hes about s feet tall with a mustache a gtee. If you havany information developing this rning. Thisanted tive i currently awaiti exaditioback to colorado. After being arreedn seattle. Lice s sbuows has 13 lony aest warrts out of colorado. Includinburglary and aggravat motor vehicleheft charges. The el paso countyheriffs officeays it worked with several jurisdictionfrom across the stateand washington. Locatthis suspect. Right now hes beingel without bail. A flight mak an unexpected landing here in lorado after whats now being called a ctomer Service Issue the alaskaairlineflight was heading to san diego fm boston. When the pilot derted the aircraft to land at ia la night. And a passenwas forcib reveby denver poce and tsa ents. Other passengers cred th video of the mans detainment on their cell phones. Seral people clapped and applded ase waled ay. Reports e that the man w intoxicateand had been threatning ather passenger. The flight was ae to continu timeow f weath and traic the 5s. Meteorologt Stephen Bowers is here now witrsalt our morning drive comes with sunshine and 30s. Thening drive will be suy with0s cooling to0s. Our mog milwith 20s 30s. We are quiet this mornin but a cold front attached toow esre oveuth data and oming may brina bit of win to us as it passes through today. Our area is moisture starvedso theres real not much to worry about beyond that wind. The windanlow in the 1525 mph range this mning and early this afternoon. After 2 pm, the wind will gin easing. The sun will stille withs today. The gusty wnslopwind wil he tun to warm our temperatures into the upper 40s and wer s by 10 am. Expect low 50s around Colorado Springs and monunt at noon with lower 60s around pueblo and caon city. Most areas will manage0s this afternoowith0s in the high elevations thisvening will be ptly oudy with mperaturesooli thugh e 50and s and into e s by 10 pm. The us warns that isis is determined to launch an attack in america this ar. What top Security Officials say is the biggest threat were stilahead. The us warns that isis determined to launchn atck in america this year. What topecuritoffials say is the biggesthreat were facing. Plus. Two candidates score major wins the n hampshire primary. And w. Thers a rambleupport welce back. This morning. Donald trump and Bernie Sanders are celebring their victories in the new hampshirprimary. Where voters rejected traditional politics. Embred the outsirs. Ansent Hillary Clinton packing. Tracie potts reports. Inrtkg ts trump i want to thank wee you. More than a third New Hampshire republicans said yes tdona trumps bold, noso politicallycorrect brand polits. Which he says will work. Anywhere sot donald trump rpresident ial candidate carolina were going win in south rolina. John kasich bea cruz, rubiand bush in a fourway battle for second place. Crets a posive sse sot gov. John kasich rpresident ial candide tonight, the light ercame the rkness of negative unexpect, defeat. No comeback this time. She lost tbernie sders by double dits. Hillary inton dpresident ial candidate w gong to fight f every vote in every state sanders heads to harlem, new york ts morning to picup key afcanamerican endorments that could help him compete ainst inton in south caroli sot sen. Bernie sanders dpresident ial candidate although the anxiety was high fosome cdidates while waiting for the results of the New Hampshire primary. Took some time to shoot hoops before he was clared the winner cameras caught up to sanders at his Campaign Headquarters to find him surrounded by his grandchildren. Playing a little basketball it appears hes not only skilled in politics. But also sports. As sanderscored two baskets in a row top uintelligence officials are warning that isis rmined to carry out an tack insidthe us this year. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testied yesterday capitol hill. Saying homegrown extremists pose the biggesthreat to americ clapper also tesfed that isis has ourown alqaeda becom the biggesteorist threat i the worl further. Heomend on terrorists si as refugees. Sangerrists are ry skild atreating phony passports and can pass as legitimate travelers. Mexican airline is now apologizinto an actor. After denying m serity refed to remove his turban. Aris ahluwalia has starred several american movies. And is designer. E actor he tort officithat huld not ke f his an aftersing throh sevel secuty screenings. The is a sikh and regards the tuan as impoant part of his personal religious identity. Hes cal foreromico to better educate and ain their staf this morning an Austin Texas Police oicer is on desduty afr fally shooting aaked teer during an Altercation Police say the oicer fally shot 17yearold david seph when t teen refused orders to stop andhen chard at the offir. Th all happed when police responed treportof a m chasing another man at an apartment complex. Officers then found the nu teen. The investigation is ongoing. Time feathernd traic on the 5s. Meteologstn bowers is our morning dre cos sunshine and 30s. The evening drive will be sunny with 50s cooling to 40s. Our morning is mild with 20s and 30s. We are quiet this morning, but a cold front attached to low pressure ovesouth dakota a oming may bring a bit wind to us as it passes through today. Our area is moisture starved, so theres really not much orry about bend thawindthe wind can blow in the 1525 mph range this morning andly thisfternoon. After 2 pm, the wind will ben easing. The wi still bwith us today. The guy wnslope wind will help the suno warm our teerates into the per 40s and lower s by 10 exctower 50s arounColorado Springs and moment at noon with lower 60s arounpueblo and cacity. St areas will manage 60s thi afternoon with 50s ithhi elevations. This evening will be partly cloudy with temperatures cooling througe 50s and and into the 30s by 10 pm. Wellight ns get a live in new leans at t aftermath of mardi gras . Cebrations are over there on bourbon stre and its qut now. But that was not the case earlier in the d earlier in the day. Well rht now lets get a live look in new orleans at the afteath mardi gras . Lebrations are over there on bourbon street and its quiet w. But th was not case earlier inhe day earlie tay. Parades took over the street new orleans thousands of people lined up al charleavenue to get their mardi gras bea as always. Float ridehrew out beads to cheering parade goer. While dancing to t marching band. Take a look at this. A spectacur mission the sky more than 800 paratrooper from fort bragg, northarolina jumped out oanes yesterday as part of a dribefore t jump taraters wereen their emergency mulation mison and had to quickly pack up. And he out ttexas. Whertheyade the ju this bgade is pa of e a unit that hato be ready to deploy anywhere in the world at anytime. Aftethe , thparatrpers tooka mock enemy force. Still. The world champions arriveack o. D recee a call from thmost important personthe ited welcomback. It was a warm welcome r th de broos as the team aked in their chamonship glory with their faeste ac ce pan er t before they headed out for the rade, coacgary kubiak d defeive caain Demarcus Ware had a call waiting. From the presidenof the united states. Hopefully you guys can getere befo i leave offic id ke you to pa a congratulaons to peyton, ously what an extraordinary way to cap off a ceer. R the team to be able to carry hito victo like that. As you heard. Convinced peytill retire after is yea that might be the president s prediction. But so far. Es stilno word fr maing ifell be ngg up s helmet. John elways al staying tighlippednd lvi tt topic for another there is no deadline, were going enjoy this let peon enjothis. Im sure h sit dn with his mily and theeventually well talk to him to and go through that. But theres no timeline for that righnow. Well of course be following that process f you ath time for w ara the meteorologisephen bowers is here now wh first alert 5. Our morning drivco nshine and 30s. Thevening drive will be sunny with0s cooling to 40s. Our rninis mild with 20s and 30s. We are quiet this morning, but a cold fro attacd to low pressure over south dakota and wyoming may bring a bit of wind to us as it passes through toda our area is moisture starved, theres reallyot mh to worry about beyond that nd. The wind can bloin the 1525 mph range this morning andar is aernoon afr 2 pm, thwind will ben easing. The sty downslopwind wi hp thsun to warou temperatures into e per 40s and lor 50s 10 am. Expect low 50s around Colorado Springs and moment at on with lower 60s around pueblo and caon city. Most areas will manage 60s this afternoon with 50s in the high elevations. This evening will partly cldy with temperatures cooling through the 50and 40s and into coming up. Its ash wednesday. The first y of lent. D catholics in colorado sings are using it as a chance to serve ou community. We he detas on ts mornings efforts p their feow man. We are mild this mning with 20s and 30s heemperare map. Da wevead in a while. Highs ll be in the 6, and good morng, thanks for joining us on this wednesday february 10th. Im shellene cockrell. And iira on right now. Police arenvestigang aew irs sc they say is disturbg. Ter scamme impsonated a homeowner distress to 911 erators. Leading swat teams to surround the house dispatcher ok james tell me exactly what happened. Caller tre are two, th guys standing behind my do shing me guns and king for money. The homeowners say scammers had caedll day monday. Saying if they dt pay the irs thousands of dolla. They would send police tthe house to arrest them. When homeowners wodnt pay. 911 using a fake number. And to operars threermed

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