Transcripts For KOAA News 5 At 6PM 20160205

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Nothat the s starting to melt. Andefreezing,. Ice is beming majorroblem out ther not only on the walkways. T side streets as well our kelsey knedy ilive wit more on wh wed to be looking oufor. When cars drive ov ts much snow. Packing it down on driveways and paing lots. Ice forms underneath. See. Its still very slk. Obvious sissue,. Tha yoed to get rid of. Okq nats shovel ice. Nats plow ice. Aore ice. Reaking it up and letting the sun do is thing. A part of winter in colorado. T esciallyangerous when this much snow gets packnto roads. Parking lo andrays. We were basically coming out re like once everyour just trying to stay ahead of everything this homeowners driveway faces north. Never getting any n. I mightve thout abt rchasing anotherouse. Withany nters experience he knows how to ep it ear. Wjust ended up not packing down the snow d nodriving on top of icause ce that happens then it turns to ice. Local emergency ros seeing an increase in juries from falls. A pain one of our ive photrapher knows tooell. I was running dn my drive to get my newspaper and just feet went out fr under me and wentown hard and thr my shoes or boots with good traction aimply wahing e yourengan prevt ll on ice. If youre walking on snow w ice underneath you wont always see the ice, thats one thing to very careful about esally hills. E streetdivisoworkinto road thick ice. Ound wat stillery hi fromet sg. E streetdivionas bee dealing with more ice complaints an usualll winter ng. Eve invd in this artic shark that is ttachment that goes on the front ourro end loader. Its got wheels with teeth onthat canun tgh t e and snpacko break it up so we can remove it. Withemperatus warming close to freezing today. Weouldve seen some melting that will refreeze overnig. M really looking forward to some warmer temperures soon. Lisa . . Interstate in pueblo. Roadin the steel citare much more manag. Compared to Colorado Springs. The interstate in pulo is xxxx ll alwaysp you upted on rrent road cditions or any xxxx growing concern and opposion tonight over a proposed la swap between colado springs parks and the brdmoo following up for you. City parkslanners the ones o put togeth therosal. There are some key stretches of land. D riof ways they want to connect in the city de parks master plan, whicincludes pt of incline still owned the brdmoar. Nd some land at the top of cheyenne canon. Thve proped an exchan for just ove185 acres. T the mouth of cheyenne canyon. One groupfriends of cheyen canyon,. Re fighting the plan. We he a difference o opinioon the use of that 189 acres, o feeling ivery st in the direction of keepit an open sce. Keep it accessle. Grpand why ty nink thdeal is eqtaecoming up at 6 30. A local elementa. Making a tporymasc change ahead ofhe superbowl. Thatoming up nt at. Also isears u se dramatically different tn last years well ha an ten casaad at 6 30. Im mi daniels. Ill have your extended first alert fiveect ne a six. , to pport our terans. How theyre ing it. Us the special visit theyre expeing from a medalf hor it all begins 40 dot miss tse storiesand alof the days latest and breaking news onn news fe ten. Now, lheck back in with mike. A look from cas across colorado. 30s. Cuent temperatures all over southern colorado. Next weath maker, a fast mongisturbance toght will push to the soutastomorrow morning. After fles some areas early morr, suhine retns antemperatures wl be a little wmer. Hour by hour, ftov flurrie early me spo then generous amounts of sunshine with gradually warming temperatures during e day. Snowl be lighta ace 2 possiblby tomorrow moing. Lows tonight not as co with Single Digits and teens. Highs tomorr in the 20s and s. 7 day recast for the springs, ak front will bring cooler super bowl sunday is right around the corner both th broncos and panthers players hard at work on practi fies today. Our afc champion broncos were rking out stanford unersity. In palolto. Arterback Peyton Manning told reporters todayhe takin in every ment leading to e super bowland says he and e whole team are grateful r the chance to play a eager to get on the fld. Well hear much more fm the teamcomingin later in the snow. Were hoping to see levis stadium in santa clara full of orange on sund. With local fans cheeri on our team but as we arned todayhere are a lot of scammers working right now to take adage super bowl fans ying gear. Sportsirector grant meech is live in cafornia tight wh coinuing our broncos team cora one pueb ementhool is sori up for e g game. But firs theyreakg a quk and temporme ange. Weir scot. News 5s lena howld live in pueblo tonighto tell us why. Lena . The principal of Beulah Heights elemenry school thought eres way hischool could have a mast named the panthers going intohe super bowl. He de a quick change for the school beamg with broncos spirit. For a school made up of nthers they sure have lot of broncos pride. Realihat wi our mascot being the panther, that put us were not ableo brate being panthers whilehe broncosare playing against e panthers students and staff realizeth problem asoon as nfc championship ended. Aney brought it to m attention ght awaytheyd, we have too someing abt this were the panthers we cant be the panthers when were aying the panthers so, principal Jonathan Dehn took things into his own hands. Please celebrate with me as the ah h bro nats were gonna change our mascoso that we can root f t beulah hehts brons since were not le to root for the beula hts pantrs at this time go broncos changing the School Colors from black and ite to blue and orange. I think its amazing that we ha the honoro get renamed after the best Football Team, thats right i said , the st footba team ev creed ye jenay, yes that broncos spirit bringing the entichool togeth its rlly fubecae these are e thin ks are to hard on reading and writing and math and we do that everyday but the fact that they allow us to ha some fun with some stuff once iawhi, i think it ally makes the kidwant to come to school and like i said, those are the thin kids are going to remember and theye hopel for g n come suay. And then when wein, we can go backg the panthers causwe wtare, w takeri in our school again the panthers ha hoole go broncos they plan on keeping this me change around through super bowl sunday. Before becming the pther again. And dont worry, they had the entire School Districts support with the change. Live in pueblo, lena howland, ws five. It not just schools showin f broncos pride, many busissesnd offices are wearing orge alue. This picture posted to the koaa 5 facebook page. By the staff at the Evans Army Hospital eye clinic. D heres the cw at pursell manufacturg salid ey say they even decked out one of theirorklifts in broncos colors wed lovto see your broncos pride pictures, too upload to the koaa5 febook page or eml them to us at myicsatkoaatcom. A reonal air carrier says its leaving da. How many jobs this will affect, nextt 6. And the denver zoo making g anges to a popular exhibitwell give you covering colorado tonight layoffs coming to dia. Republic airways holngs has warned the state of its plans to close down orations in denr d lay off nearly 1 workers. Thregional flight car operates united exs roes out of dver. The compsays they plan to enopations bocr first. A ski resort chef has been arreed. Accused of threatening tstab a waiter whoelived food to the ong table. Poce in snowss s 32 yearo roberconnl was in a disagreement wh the waiteryled anrew ples of food before thrtening the waiter wita knife. Mcconnell now faces arges of fe menacing with a deadly weon. Xxxxx some big changesre coming to steamboat skarea in eamboa topendillions on upgrades including a mountain coaster, and mi gf course to boost mmertime activities. Similar to those at witner park resort. Which is owned by thsame compy. Uniqueewxhibit is comi the denver o. Changes are coming to the tiger enclosure that theoo saysilgive visitors new ys to con and interact th the anim new exhibi be call the edge it wi look the edge of a forest to better flect the gers naral habitat. Gutsill so be ab to smell and hear the tiger throh a peforad wa. 3 tigers will live in e space. You can check it out for yourselfhis ju. Xxxx coloradosirst gten free brewery opedoday in golden. Holidaily bwing excsily makes beer for those with gluten sensitivitieso its not made likeditional beer with barley or whea right now they only have a couple of vari avaable in the prthey expect to expand ithe comi years. Amgst all the super bowl excitement. Its national sning day r ma high schoers across southern corado. In srts. And straight aad at 6 30. The nations fir priryust a fedays away. Welcheck on theatest lling thathows an up cod be on the way for ,,,,,,,,,,,, our p story tonight at 30. Road conditions contue to imove inany placescrs el so couy. But ull also find other streets and sidewalks where ice is a huge problem. And the city is using some the ice,. And ear our streets. They have a new attachment for a frontloader called an arc shark. It gets underneath the ice and snow packed roads so it can be loaded up and hauled o. Homeowners witrth facing drivewayso have more prlems than most becau theres not un these winter m we just ended unot packing down the snow and not driving on top of it cacae once tt happens then it turns to ice. His neigorsou does get the su. And is perfectly d already. Local emerncy roomtells thve eninan irease fal becausef the ice,. So please be refu escily when the sugo down. Xxxx per lets check onhenterste tonight. Weve seen dozens of plow drivers working hardlleek to ke i25 clears possible. But uscaion. You never know wheyou could hit a patch of icece. Especially on those exit ramps. Xx well alwaeep yodated on current roadonditis or any cidents that be our ywith thtraffic maps and a proposed land swapetween colodoprgs parks and the broadmoorfing position tonit by growing online cagn working to fighone key portion ofhe proposal. News fives bill folsom following up this initial ory on the land swap proposal,. To tell us why so say theshould noto through. Bill . Th is just a few of the emails receed. They also fer to an online petition thats grong. Wealked one of the groups in opposition. Al parks leaders who welcome mmen but also havconcerns that a lot of Information Online is speculation. En inacrate. E volueer group,riends of eyenne canon typically partners with Colorado Springs park but, theyre taking an opping stance on a proposal to Exchange Part of the canowith the broadmr. We have difference of inion on t use of th 189 acres, our feeng is very strong in the direction of keep itn open space. Ep it acssle. The land in qutions t mouth of the canyon. Its south of the entrance. An in queio so say few even know its part ofhe pothers sayt is importt open space is very cplicat a theres a lot of mg part d so thereas been some misinformaon out there. He proposal putether by pas. A two for oneand swap wi theittting ttg the larger amount. It includes portions of the inclinstill owned by the broadmoor. Also pieceat the top of chenne canon that would be used for key missing tra connections. E ty may g more land. But thpeople against this thin it a badeal. We belve thatheres an inequity in thvalue of these o parcels. Ths our listening phase, were listening to the Community Getting feedback city parks leads say input welcome in a process that nsiders cheyenne canon. But also how it fitsn th parkmaster plathat is a blue prt the whole ty. Friends cheyee can beeveshe opinions of pple whve invested heavily it t canon, matte hey ouroluners who e ar doing maintenance of trails and caning. Donors over the last ny yea. This an area where both agree. They botwant more people to ow at puic informatin meetings. One get more ices involved. The other to make sure opinions are based on accurate information. Rob r billwill likget re expensive thisear in monum the board of trusts proposing a new se that cou end up doubling wha customs pay. They tells us theyve been keeping rates arfically low for too long. But the Economic Development rporation warns a quick spik in rates couldarm businesses and commity growth. Fort the last 20 years, there has not en a wer rat increase for a smallubset of r population who are serviced by the tows water distri its a tough decisi to have raise rates in any ciumstancebut i thk they can be done in much smarter way than wts currently being the economicevelopnt corporation worries e increased fen paul will depre dment. The next regularly scheduled boarofsteemeeting is a ekrom tuesday. And we continue to foll this story for you. New tonight n update on the flu season in ouarea. And heres some good news right now itss sere than last year. When we saw rdumr of hospitaliz doctorsay last yeas spike in cases s because of aadmatch in tluacne. Anwe a well into flu sea th year. Wi num. Still lo stear his time. Already had 125orted cases. Rinow. Weve only had 7. The circulating flu ats causing iless in the commuty matches the tivated component of the flu vcine so whats floating around causing disease is actually whats the flu vaccine and doorsay its not t sick xxxx super continue to follow Health Concerns worldwide over the spread of the ka virus. Braz Health Officials confirm tonight they have a patient o ntracted t virus through a blood tranfusion last ye. Zika is almost always transmitted thh squito bites. But theres gring evidence people c gett r waysftera fecases of xual transssio doesnarm mo peoplbut is belved to onble foincrease in birthefects in brazil. Ing your election watch five days to go until the nations first primary vote in new hampire. The new nbc news, walltreet journal, marist poll out tonight,. Gives be sanders a 20oint lead overilla clinton, as the two square off on msnbc tonight. Ste handelsman is at the deba site,n durham. Super durha nh 00 04 from the university ofew mpshire,tonight the debate will focus on e differences betweethe democrats. Sur already on screen cnn from 06 36 lastight, Hillary Clinto meang lil very liberal like bernie sanders. Sot sec. Hillary clinton d president i candidateoo srt to super but we have different ways of going abouthem. Sanders, earli, in aar attack sot se bernanrs d president ial candidate 17 28 i do not know any progressive wha super and take15 min dollarfrom wal street. Aps thats just not progressive. Clinton took 675 thousd in eaking feefrom gdman sachs. Why . . Sot sec. Hillary clinton d presential candida toortto super well, i dont know, thats what they offered. Tonit, nbc meror chuck todd puss harder sot chuck todd nbc news political director 4044 what were hoping itoak some n ground, try to lp voters clari exaly wha these differces are. On the republican side, as jeb bush and Chris Christie and john kasich try to breakut n hamhi ia caus winner ted cruz is warning his rivals would comprome thdecrats sot sen. Ted cruz r presidenal candidate 581 12 either somee like dald, w s told us he going the to make deals or meone likearco bio, very talenteduy, but has already demonstrated that hes willing to break his wo rubio is arguinges the most electable republican. Sot sen. Marco rubio r presidtial candite 1 1621 when im your nominee i wi ited this pay faster the anybody running for present can. Super manchter, n 221 27 nats the donald theeet na tmp didhe kind of meet and greetail politicking thew hampshirites dd. Audio outc im eve handelsman, c news, durham, new hampshire. Threpublicans debate the day after tomorr. With marco rubio now jumping to secondlace behind donald trump in theatest polling da. E largest auto recall in us hioryjust gobigg. You n one. Ahead at 6 30. Ntinuing our brooseam covera one pueblo ementarychool is ao gearing for the big game. But first there making a quick and temporary name change. With their sc news fives lena howland explains. For a school made up of panthers hesu ha loof broncos pride. We realize that with our mcot beg the panthe that t us in quite predicant. re not able to celeate being panthers while theroncos are playing against the panthers students and staff rlized the problem as soon nfc championsh ended. And ey brought it to my attention ght awth sd, we have to do something about th were the panthers weant be the panthers , principa jonaanehn took things in his own hands. Please celebrate with me as the beuleightsos nats rgonna geur mascot so that wcan root for the beuh heights broncos since were not me bncos anginghechool colors from black and white to blue and oran. I think s amazing that we ve t hor to get renad after the best football am, thatsight sd itthe best Football Team everreat yes, jenay,es that broncos spirit bringing the entire school togeer. s reallfubecause the arthe gsidargoing to remember and we have to work hard on reing and wring and ma ande do that everyday b e ct that they allow us to have some fun th some stuf ce in awhile, i think it ally mes t kids t meo ho a like sa, those thingsids e going to rememr theyre hopefur biwin come suay. And th wn win, we cano becaus wontarell take pde in ouschoolgain as the pthers haha school we go brcos thlan on keeping this name change around through super bowlunday. Before becming the panthers again. And dont rry, they hae entire School Districts support with the change. A look from cameras across colodo. Highs today in the 2s an 30s cuent mperatures all or southern colorado. Next wther maker, a fast mongisturbance tonight will push to the soheast tomorrow mning. After flri some areas eay tomorrowsunshine returns antemperates wl be a little warmer. Hour bur, over frries amous of sunshine with gradually warmin temperatures during the day. Snow will be light, a trace to 2 possiblbyomorrow moing. Lows tonigs ld with Single Digits and teens. Highs tomorrown the 20s and0s. 7 day forecast for the springs, high tomorro34, much warmer sardayh sunshine. A ak front will bring cooler air sunday with dry skies. Muarmer air turns we with sunshine. Pueblo high tomorw 39, sun and 50 on sarday a setback sunday with a high of 40. Thugh next thursday with d skies. Woodland park and canon ty continued co tomorrothen much warmer rday. Coolerir returns sundawith ly cloy sks. There is a lot of mi acroght w. But. Lets not forget, thi will not be ca wk to the championship. Can the broncos slow down e highfg pahers offense ant meech is bakinit dow r one more wk day to get through fans, then you can turn your attention entirely thi sunday. Hover nce beating the patrio, thats all t broncos haveug aboutnd t chlenge theyll in per bowl 5 orts dector granmeh ins us livand grt, what doeshis meoild down . Ma this game is very simple when you break it down as we have for weeks. Its all about o quarterbac. Can Peyton Manning live up to the moment and can the offense hang in d can thbroncos dense ld down cam newton . . . It wont bey because ly one team has bn able to top the panthers so far thisson and thisno doubt bthe broncos tougst test of t season. Ey have faced the challenge of big mobiuarterbackre but newtons a different level. Denv isnt nvous about t moment tyve been waiting for this. I nt thinkts added pressure i st think its the reality of the situation and thats whe we out ourselves to be to havto go up agait the st and sta with the best sowe wouldnt havet any her way. Power with speed. Like i said thrun the ss the hit yrom a t ofnt angso i definitely think its th ughest challenge of the season. Now as for the broncos. I thineven peyton maig has had enough of talkg abt peyton mning b a lot people are oz was the best scenarioor the broncos. Accepting the challenge of keg the team running when manning went down and he thrived for them in that time. Go5 and 2 and the g wiover the patots and bengals. But he got benched for the playof for manng. A lot of people stilwonder if the brons should have std oz b he is fine playing teamte this week. As a competitor you nt to be out there with your teamtes, you nt to be in e fire and be in e huddle with those guys t bo line is weve en winning fotbals since peytons been back ie line up and thats truly what make me happy thats i ce about is winning games. Im not gonna change upnyging this week im gonna prere the exact same way a something unfnate happens peyton im gonna step in osweera free agent at the end of this season and is uncertn what he will do when the mket ops up after sunday night. Neon in practice this week. Asked the defensive players how he did. They said he did gre but he iswhere ne as m. Welsehoready they a on sunday. National sning day was yesterday, but thanks to our winter weather. Pine creek ghchheldheirs is afternooter school. Ne creek sding ks as far as princon and as close as csu pueblo, but one athlete wadrawe attention of everyone in the ro. Jojo domann si his letter intent to nebraska today. Hell play the this coming fall and when asked why nebraska, domannaid hicisionencompass the enti coruske experience. The field with the opportunity to win and a winning progra ang with the facilities a the fan base and the gameay expience. F thfield, i want to go into sports brocastg and th broadcasting. The avalane in aion at p er tonightfollowing 21 loss to thchicago ackhawks tuesday. That opened up the avsecond halfthe se and definilyotthe waey d hoped. Coh patrroy lking out his players and the ust he has in tm to onlcarrthe team te playoffs but know whats best r them when their thece. Mforble with i they going at 7 00 against the dall stars. A warning for everyone about your tvs ahe of super bowl nd. And the largest auto recall in hiory, involving potentially dangerous aiag expands agn. Stinger toppinur consumetch nda is recalng an additial 2point2 llion nda and acura vehicles. Because the drs air inflators, made by tata can explode. Hondas recall incdes older del years ting b and 2016 models. Because Replacement Parts arentavailae until laummer. Honda has asked dealers to pride free loaner cars to customers, during reirs. This brings the ovall number of vehicles called ithu. S. Problems. To about 24millio xxxx fiathrler isallingore than a halfmillion dodge chargers world. The call covers model years 2011ough 2016. Cr ys t body beneh e doorn rm during jack use and make the vees unstable, causing them to soff the the automaker sa is aware of three minor juries red to the problem. Subways popular five dollar footlong deal is no more,. Inflation has raised its ugly he. It now goio cost you six cks. Subway made the nouncement as part of s submaggedon promotional campaign. Thmpany says aincrease in the co of ingredies made the price increase necessary. The ndwich chain launched the 5dollarootlong in007. Xxxx if youre seing up a new tv or moving yours ahead of sundays bigame. A fety remindetonight. According tohe Consumer Product Safe Commission anchor it campaign,ne chi dies every two weeks and one child is injured every 24 miwhen a tv oa piece of furniture faonto them. Thats w they are urgi eveyrone to do a quick cck to make se tvs are cured on a wall or safely placeout of reh of kids. T should be mount to the wall wh a bracket or anchored to a low, stab piece of the vs se and weight. Light sn ton light snow tht a trace to 2 over the viengrea, lows tonig in the singles d tes. Friday will start th clouds and then sunshine with highs in e 20s and 30s. Heres aook ahd at what were working on forewfive aten soldiers expos to dangers chemics while seing er were talking to some of them abt how its affected their health now that they are homeand finding ouwhat is beindone to he tm. Also at ten most ofolorado preparing to cheer on the broncos fosuper sunday wee talking to one southern colorado man whos going all out for at be e areas biggest part thanks for joinings for news at 6. Its bn seven years, jamie. Ti to let go higgs what do you know about thgroucallg thsees deusx machina . Theyre hackers. And whats your connectiono them . I dont havene ne knows the rl identity theeader of deus ex. Would yolike t see a photof him . Remindou of anyone . You ckedhe n yeah. I know it waspike. Sulbe in t, not you. Im getting out soon. I promise. These laes bothering you, hun oh, god i am sister here for the interview. I need someone tenacious, with a clear head and thicsk youre just another salile man who toucheshis penis too much when can you sta . Jamie l alive. Layla and it sms theres another me rhonda t in. Leanne im coming too. No youre apt, jae. And i meant to tell you, there just never seem good time mie d this is a good time . Mie e that thats the endf li as wknow indistinct chatter yep, its e end of the wld the actual acalypse. Anwh anwhere am i . Im de under the surbs ofuburbia

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