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Tmts, and even a huge movie theater. It was aut 65rcent finish when cstruction stopped. Johnson says he believes the new developers will incorporate least some of osorigin ideas. The closing date f the salof colorado crossing is s r apl 1st. Rob and lisa. . Liveook right now om our news five studios inolorado springs and pueblo. Clear skieright now. About the winds. Have them calm down . Lets check inh lead faster ke dan for the lt. Mike . Peak wind gusts today across our area in the 40s 50s currenwind seds. Hour bhour, partlyudy skies early then clearing overnight. Tuesday will be mostly sunny a t asindy. Temperatur will start chly then warm nicelyrom mid w information tonight thebloeserviors dealing with higwater levels. Just one month into the new year. The south boat ramp will temporarily shut down. Throh midmarch or early april. So thpark can let somhe water ou profession wakeboarders spoke th todayre takin vantage of the wer. They say its the highest theyvevereen it. I mean, theres usuay a wall over he thats exposed and theres a peninsula over there th suld be exped andow its complely underwater were told the south fishing area and the nor picnic day use area are also closed. Until the water goes down. Xxxxx ahead for you now. Homeowrs affecd by landslides in Colorado Springs may learn rebo their opons for ssible relief tomoow. Happening to let people know abouopting into a deral grant program. Weve en tracking this proem since la sumr. After drenching rains apparent caushe ground shiftn some neighborhoods. E first informnal meeting is tomorronight at 6 30 att. Pauls catholic church. We he all the information abouat mting and another. On koaa. Com xxxx in just s. Well know wheth or not war rates ll go up imonunt. The bod of tstees says they haveeen keing rates arfically w for too long and thats why they haropoa new techedule. But thomopme cooration was a quicik inates c harm sinessnd commy ow we will be at eir regury scheduled meetg moow have the decision for you. State representative daneya esgar from pueblo wants to helhomeners in our state coerater by using rain barrels. Theye sold in ware and gaing stores here, but using the barrels to tp rainatertechnically against state law. Guers flows intotorm drains and eventually intstams and eventually interstate waterways. Some argue that trapping any rawater cod rm states and cities downstream. But esgar says that sciee is fled. Csu came and did a great presentaon to the interim commtee basically saying this is absolutely no inju. This doesnt hurt downstream users. , on we heard that report we decided to go ahead and try again this year. Her billouldimit conmers to using just two barrels household. Or a maxim of 11llon and the water must be us irrigating lawns and gardens. E you looking to reduce your stss and improve yr health . Who isnt right . Well. If you want to add to that exersize or yoga program. U mighnt to consider float therapy news 5s Kelsey Kennedy shows us what its all about. In toys soits reay rarehawe take that houfor ouelves d just relax. Born in the 60s and popular by the 80s. Nat break fltings making a ce back. The most important thing to of the expnce the entire time. In 11hundred pounds of salt i 200 gallons of water. Start sequence verybody floats effortless its a reay unique experience to have th zergravitlike feeling. You can espe fro your s after those teninese suest turning the light off anbeing as still as you can. If your mind is racing just focus on youbreath. Youll hear your breatyoull hear yr heartbeat. Sink io that matches your skin temperature. Eliminating the sense of touch. And ity fades awayeverything begins to melt together. You sometimes have to check and see if your ill in t tank, ifourstill there or not. You almost bome pu tught. Theta ain ste. Almost dream like ts in. Hen cut out althe ulusf thworld, t o ing at yre going to experience ithe pocomes from within you. Answers to problems tt ive been having late, by gng into a meditate statou reach that other realm where youre ablto some people can see memorie some people see face se people see shapes d lors. Its iq te pers having thexperience. Floating is proven to drop stress hmone levs. And clarity of mind. Contributes to overall wl beg. It n help with chronic pain, it can help with iomnia, really that meditave state that it takes you to allow you to wor whater you want to work on. I felt like had surfed for about 12 hours, had a massage session and meditated alin one hour period. An hour toune out ringing cell crying children. And the stress of the da. Its the most relaxed ive been in quite se ti. In Colorado Springs, Kelsey Kennedy, news five. Floatg has practical applations especially for athletes becse salt is good for mule recovery. In fact. The golden sta warriors. Domiting the nba rit now. Following up forou now. Weve arnethe name of a woman killed over e weend in a ash on25. Police sayhe was 35yearold danielle greencorte as we first told you on sunday. Her pickup truck hit a barrr alg the shoulder of iear fontanero. Police s she w not wrng a seat bt. Anit is believed that alcol was factoin the crash. A canon city man is accused of using Star Wars Lego sets to scam people out money. William rray facharges of couter crime fud and theft. Investigators say at least 16 ctims lost 14thousand dollars after murray advertised lego sets for le oine, but asked for the money up front, then never delivered. Anyone else who may be a victim is asked to call canon city police. Thousands from acrosthe country. Gather in grand junctionoday to honor the life of a falmesa county iffs deputy. Deputy derek geer was fatay woundelast week while pursuing an arm suspect. Shot. After his final of service. Nangis organs. A weekgo, a man the name of derek selflessly cfrted an armed man, and sacrificed his life, fothe otection of al our counity. The peop of mesa county are fover indeed to reks wo of heroism. Deputy geer habeen with Mesa County Sheriffs Office for fifteen years. He was also a navy veteran,. Whoeavend awife and t children. Hiwife ss she believes the proudest momen of his fe, were whehis son was born and his daughter, was adopted fr china. Continuingovage now. On the planned parenthood shooting. Suspecrobert dear is due back inourt next week. Fac 1 felony charges ining first gree murder and atted murder. Three people were killed and neers inre the nomber 2h shooting. A judge has ordered to undergo a mental competency exam in pueblo. And today. Planned parentod reopened its doors. This comes. Nearly 3onths after that adly shooting. Reop. Soe clinic can opera their work. The biggesdifference tthe fality will be to the ide ofhe building. That sti der cotruction ss space. Once they walk in s ke a regur pland parentod hethenter. Theyre ing to get same care ansee the same folks they were seeing a few months ago. A major ncern with the clinic opening safety. And the poibility of a copy cat ter. Anned parehoid not revealpecificsutel us the will be some changes to itsecurity procedur. Xxxx veterans in our counity will soon be ableo get the help th need at t mountarl cent oexcellence. The centloted f 8th reet on the west side of coradoprings, is working to integrate veterans rvesnto one buding. Me of the groups that will have offices there are the u and th paso county workforce ceer and division of human serv they wilall be movg over the next couple months. Ere will also a job trngrogram throu goodwillerces. New tonight. High School Freshman in pueblo defying the odds, and hoping to make his mark on the futu. Ws 5s Jessi Mitchell ins us live now from our pueblo stuo to show how this teens passion for science help get him invited a National Meeting of scholars. Jessi . The congress of fure science and technolo leaders brings together sdents from aroun the country to rublbows with anlearn fr astronauts, nobel prize nnerand deans from top universities the only udenrepresenting puebloand a freshman to boot, Austin Allenbaugh pns to use this experienceo opel himself tords his dreab as an asophysicist austin allbaugh haalways had a knack for scnce, technology, engineering and math. His inte sparked in kes growing. Now, t 15yearold south high honor ro sdent stays up to da on the latest brethroughs fromasado gov and the science channel. T one letter in the mail chand everything at first i thought thicant be real because itso unlievable. An invite to therestigus gress ofuture scnce antechnolo leadethis suer in masshuses. Nomid by theinr of t first google science fair, alnbaugh who has multiple science fair awards of his o will get the chance to meet me of the peop making thos breaktous. s hoping toearn more abt his favorite aspect of science light, imovethrough space. How stuff like reacts in different environments like space in aacuum. Involved in jrotc, allenbaugh aims tok for th air force one day, resrching outer sce maybe even spendinsome time on space statn. His mom, whoks in e medical realm of technology with mary corn hospital, says shes always knowned be succesul. Even when as 13 or 14 the conversationwe have with science and him teaching me technolo stuff that i was amed with. Hes the youngesstudenever from sth high to be ind to thcongress. The onhallenge making i to boston. Allenbghnd hisre working on raising enough money for both of them to atnd anthennd a f extra ds seeing the historic landmarks of thnortheast. Lenbaugh is the only student fr pueblo lected f this years cgress, but two Colorado Springs students and one from fountaiwill also be representing souern colodo. Live in pueblo, jessi mitcll, news 5. Ill ahea a judge raising new questions about justice scs death. Thnew inrmiowe just covered. Raighead. And dons trapped at New Hampshire ski resort. How ey werrescd from tuesday morng on news 5 today. Harnessing natures pa a look at caras across colodo. Viewer photofrom last weeken ice feivaln cripple creek. Highs toy in the 60s. Rrent temperatures over southern colorado. Satellite pictures, a few high next weather maker, High Pressure will continue to ntl our weather. Tomorrowill be drynd warm wi less wi. Lows tonight in th20snd 30s. Highs tomorrow in the 50s and 60dafocastorheprhighomorw5 sun a rmer dnesda strousty wursd highir nger. Highs will be pleasant thrgh saturday then cooler air sunday. Pueblo high tomorrow 65. Warmer and dry wednesday. Strong wind thursday with high fire danger. Dry and warmriday and saturday then cooler air sunday. Non city and woodland park, dry and ee tomorrow. Rmer still wednesday. Stng gusty wind thursday with high fire danger g mild throu saturday take a look at ts. A day on the slos at ski resort iw hampshire turns in rescue ssion. Two tram cars. Suddenly stoed. Leavg dozensincludina by. Stranded 4fe in thr for almost 3hours. Blanketsertohe. To help gues stay warm uil he arr then. Ne by one. Ski tr and fifightersappelled own throa ap do thankf no e was inred. A mechanical issue i to blame xxxx ill ahead yt manningntangl in another lauit. Well break th down fou deve tonight w questions ing raed tonight about u. S. Sueme Court Justice scalias health in the days leadingp to his dth a texas countyudge says she e th scalias ct the day he was found dead a remo texas ranch e says the doctor told her, alia had historyf t ouble, high Blood Pressure and s nsider too weak to undergo surgery for a recent shouldernjury. Those details are at odds with recollectionfrom frids, who describealia ahis usual, happy self bore his death. The texajudge deded no topsy s needed,. Saying he f natul uses. E deat jusce scalia put a whole new spin on the esidential ection. Present obama insists he will nomina a new justice and will push hard to get it confirmed by the sena. But nate majority lead mit mcconnell says the nomination should wait until a new presidt is in office. Anthat vacant seat has become trail. Leading up te soutcarolina primary. Ted cruz has vow to block any nomie. Reblicanresideial candidate donald trump is ce agn oating tdeof a inpendent run. After accusinghe republin National Committee of giving too many gop debate tickets to donors. He says signed a doubleedged pledge to support the gop nomie and e rnc not honoring its end. Hes also lashing against his rivalsaying teuz is the most dishonest guy hes ever met in politics. So on e mpaign trail bu. He is campaiing for his little brother, jeb in south carolina. Police in new york. Are investigating womans report that she waassaulted by foer governor eliot spitzer, in a room at the pla hotel. Law enforcement says a woman caed 911 fm a room rented in spitzers name. Saturda she reportedly had a cut on her doctors that spitz choked and sr. And tonight laer spitzer says no asult occured, and clai he was tryingo help an emotlly troubled wan. Xxxx oncos quterback Peyton Manning is mentioned in a lawsuit filed nst s alma mater. Six women aim the university of tennessee violated title 9 regulation in how it handl rerts of sexual assaults by studenathletes. The lawsuit focuses on fe cases repoed between 2013 and 2015,. And mentions a 16 xu harasent cola a nnesseathletic trainer who treated manning as studentathlete. The trainer later sued manning for defemation and settled the case. The university denies any ongdoi. Onoing thes a zz arounrado coege this week, not just for du series finale. Were breaking dowhow thte colora college is gearing up season. Du rivalry ek is alys someing to get exced this series that has all of coloradopringsbuz thge wl ke to e ic in the mide of coors fie off that two game set withhe du pioneers. Of crse their ga will be the first outdoor game pyed coors, flowed by the a and red wings the following ekd. Coach haviland says he wants his am to soak in montcomet th wt al recognizw ecl this oppounity is. I s rtune ougho be in one with the blackhawks at igley field and ya knowhat . You go bacto bei a boy i dont care who you are, or what you e, iciting. Re going to be bating a t of elents,he c the win,ossiy some sno o knows. Im st goingo try and take it all in and i think everyo in the locker room is ing tos well. Unt on news5 nextk for veraf tup at c r the in event. Air fohockey maye playing at coors field, t they certnly ha lot tplayor th season. The falcs hadnt lost a game sie january 3rd, until holy cross t stop to atn id. G r rcth 4lo. T a bouncebk wion satuayas the cching stf seei theright si, as adveity trsles io a rong ovell hy club sue its humate, o guys just got little bit of okay we go out ando wt we do and the resul wilbe what we want, holy cross was incredibly well epared for friday night. They jumped us, plain and simple, theyumped us , youre rig on to bnce fthat t sont d get a w is hug wi shi school hoops. Sand c doherty iacti tonight. 1. Spartans get it arted. Aubria noti, misses but gets her own board, up d. Ndreek lead tried t6. 2. Oliana squires for san creek. The deep three finds net, buildi othatead. Squis tries the drive this tibut its ni with the big ti blo turning the tide for thspartans. 4. Dohertalei ampar draining the three fm de. Spartans fought hard, but fall t 1 scorions 65 to 5 thanks for watching news 5 at 0tomorr mor join ir

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