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Parker tonight at six. Police encounters more scrutinized than ever and on cellphones and the fall out from the flagstaff incident. It is freeing and by now. You have seen this. That punch. It is hard to watch and that woman taking the hit there. Now saying she wants to see that officer fired. He deserves it. And anybody else and any workforce would be fired if they were to hit anybody. And he is on administrative leave while the investigation plays outs. He claims the women, Melissa Morris hit him in the groin. She denies that and is still considering taking legal action. If you are concerned by force. Phoenix Police Holding a q and a at 10 00 at royal palm middle school. They say any question is on the table. Police officers never know what they are getting themselves into. When they are called into 19th avenue in peoria. A phoenix cop recovering after we are told a guy accused of trespassing tried to bite him during an arrest. We tbotd his mugshot from jail and officials were told his jayme is juan zipion. Now, the fbi is helping to bring a newborn baby home. Look at how cute she is. Sophia gonzalez. She vanished after her mother was shot to death. The little girl 1weekold. Invest eye out to see if someone tries passing off the infant as their own or anybody buying large amounts of baby formula or clothing. The father of the baby not a suspect here. New video into the newsroom. Brutal fight between two passengers. Look at this. Police in chiewl la vista said one passenger thought another was staring at him. The suspect stands up and starts yelling at him and the guy keeps looking forward. Moments later. Come to blows. The suspect just started swinging. You see right there. Hitting the other man repeatedly for more than a minute. He suffered a structured eye socket and they are hoping it will help catch the attacker. This is far from over and developing right now. City leaders issued a new set of guidelines. They required them to test the water for three months and prove it is safe for people to drink. They must make sure construction pipeline is finish. They hope to return to the flint river as a water source by next year. It is the largest employer in arizona and now, they want toe add more workers to the team and they Just Announced it will add 2,000 high paying jobs in tucson over the next five years. The your row space and Defense Company has 2,000 workers and will plan to expand operations into engineeringen Alaska Airlines one step closer to acquiring virgin america. This is held up by the justice department. The deal could be worked out by the ends of the month. If it is approved, it will create the largest fifth the fifth largest airline. There are no ballots to be tallied. It took workers extra continue days to get it all done. We are learning that 15 provisional ballots weres to td signatures or voters going to the wrong precincts. Electoral college will cast the votes for president. They are getting flooded with emails and we are talking with thousands of them asking the 11 republicans not to vote for trump. He needs 270 to win the white house. One electoral voter we talked to said nothing and we mean nothing is goinging to change his mind. Nothing will switch my vote i have never voted for a democrat for the president of the you its stand and i have no plan on doing it while i am alive. It is december 19th. In some states, there are laws about who they can vote for and not here in the state. Election day battle still brewing in North Carolina right now. It is the race for governor. Right now. Too close to call and not clear when a winner will be declared. The republican mccrory is trailing his democratic vile cooper. He claims votes were cast by dead people, felons and some individuals, even voting more than once. Dan is not slowing down any time soon. President elect working through the weekend to finalize his list of candidates for cabinet positions. He is expected to meet with contenders including his former rival mitt romney. Also on the schedule. General james mattis. Boo. Boo. Say what you want about the outcome of the election. Is this how we should be treating our next Vice President. It is because of mike pence. He was get being booed while working into a performance of hamilton. You can say he stole the show even after he left the theater. One of the lead cast members read a message directly to him. We are the divee who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us. All right. Brandon dixon read the letter on behalf of the cast and it lasted 302nds. Pens was not in the theater when he was speaking but a spokesperson said he listened to the remarks from the hallway and donald trump asking the actors to apologize to Vice President elect mike pence. We will see if that happens. From the inauguration. They revealed that he was uninvited. He was asked to perform with motley crue and not clear why plans changed. He is appearing on the next season of Celebrity Apprentice along sietd Arnold Schwarzenegger who is taking over as the host. We will see what happens. They are going for a different tone. Maybe another hair band. I dont know. They got a bunch we will see. The list goes on. We will talk about the most accurate forecast here. We love 80s music by the way and i love hair bands and we could talk all day about it and we will get a check with the most accurate forecast. We are staying in the 80s today. We are starting off sunny and cool today. The those breezes will pick up as we warm up and then tomorrow we will track rain and much big changes coming your way. We have the most accurate sevenday forecast. We will give you the start of the bad winter. Wicked weather sweeping the country and it is a deal for. Taking action this morning with a consumer alert we need to hear about. Think about how often you gulf out your cellphone number in person oren the web or on facebook. You developed a footprint and foot trail by doing that. Private investigator and information about you and your habits. Sometimes i can take a phone number and put it in a Search Engine tab of facebook and find somebodys facebook account. If they have your number. It is like a gold mine. They can see what tv shows you like. What political candidates you may like. Books. Unlike your Social Security number. They are not required to keep your cell number private. So they can sell it. Whether it folks or political campaigns or what have you. Those are the people that could be, you know, mining for your information. So, what can you do to protect this 10 digit code to your private life. Dont give out your number unless you must. Browse the web on private mode. Use google voice and consider trying sideline which creates a stephanie hockridge. 8 11. Cirque du soleil comes back to the valley and they brought an all new show we went behind the scenes to watch the production. And it combines a meteorologist cal tale and it has high flying skill and artistry we come to expect from cirque du soleil. It is large scale puppets and indoor kites and then the technology is really spectacular in the show and we use pr and bring panned tore dora to pandora to live. Irchlt cirque du soleil. It is today. And tomorrow. And get your tickets while they last. French lessons. Trying to get your moneys worth. You can own a piece of disney. They are holding souvenirs of disneyland auction today. Featuring rare and never seen before items. Funds for neurologic diseases. It was created in the late and great disney icon annette funicello. We miss her. Faster way to get through the Airport Security line. If you are already preenrolled. They launched a new tool where you can search the availability of the precheck lanes. At the exact time you will be there. You have to show your boarding pass to get expedited screening in a standard lane. I have the precheck. It iwo i will start doing that. Before you start on the thanksgiving trip. You will be traveling. We have a safety alert to tell you about. It is a trouble spot and it is black Cannon Center and it goes into the mountains. It is notorious caused but crashes. And using this to identify 469 wrecks and in a two year period. You get large change and you go from flat ground to mountains. Way. You need to learn to slow down. And the wind pockets will carry you. Abc 15 started investigating after a multi car pileup last month. Most other crashes involved only one car. And rollovers and animal related wrecks. They were the most common. Quick Traffic Alert for you. There is about to be a big reopening after months of construction. New bridge. And finally. Going to on monday, there is an event. Saying thank you. You had to have a lot of patience for the project. This is at the surprise target place and first 300 people will get surprise shopping bags. Just had time for season. Thanksgiving not even here yet apts the first snowstorm is causing chaos in some cities. At least in the midwest. One were deadly. Avoid the slick and icy roads. They ignored the warning. And it took a few minutes to regret that. 0 feet in front of me and it is too rough to drive in. Minnesota state patrol said officers responded to more than 340 crashes as they started to clear the roads. Who are snow is expected there this week ends. Not a good thing. Looks good you up. They were busy the last couple of days. They are going to give them a hand. They wanted to open earlier this month. It is too warm. And then they had to push it today. Dont worry. This time. Third time is a charm. Cooperating and get ready into the forecast. The headlines there. And tracking rain and caller temperatures. 56 degrees as you take a live look outside. You go outside for a like neighborhood. You might need a a light sweat shirt and warm up nicely. It is not for too terribly long. It is like peoria and surprise. And also. Ahwatukee. And for the most part. Hoe to mid50s. Cool morning. It will warm up nicely. Here is the proof. Most accurate forecast for you. This is the temperature by the noon hour. And you can have lunch outside. That will be fine. 4 00. It is 79 degrees. That is the still in the above average realm for today and also tomorrow. Municipal, that is changing. Desert doppler. We have the fiv s of radar working hard. Not picking up anything. No clouds or rain and to the west of us. There is something brewing. It is off the coast here. In the pacific. That is going to continue to churn. And push down into our neck of the woods and brewing storm and we could see an increase of clouds at this point and zoom in on future cast. This is tomorrow at dinner time. Light showers passing through and what happens, it becomes more widespread as we get into municipal. Right now. It is 70 chance of showers. I think based on the models we just looked at behind the scenes. The east valley is going to be favored for this one and it could pick up more rain than the west vaey they might get snow. Snow levels to 7500 feet. They could drop and if the temperatures drop. It is a great reminder. Download the 15 app and Pay Attention and the whole weather team over the next 48 hours to see how it all transpires. It is a 40 chance of rain and 0 on municipal. That goes to 90 in the high country. Good news. It wont be so bad over of the next few days. Because of the ragweed and it is nice and low for you. Headed for the country. Mild daytime highs and flagstaff down to 30degrees. Sedona down to 43. Bundle up if you are headed to the hi cry. And give it a 40 chance of showers. And even after that would be the best time to pick up showers. Better chance on monday. And 6 degrees is going to be the daytime high. We will see look at this though. Warm you are to where we should be. 75 degrees. Next weekend is looking wonderful in the next half hour. We will take a closer look at the timing of this rain event and let you know how much rain we could pick up. Before i let you go. Here is there. We could all use extra cash and giving away 500 bucks. And they will get a gift card and watch for the weather for the chance to win black friday. Six days away. Big shopping weekends. Allison. Who couldnt use that. I will expect my gift consist bright and early next seat. Dont hold your breath. I wont. I learned. They are fit and fearless. They are test their strength in the iron man arizona and watch the competitives. They will swim and bi the incredible race. Starts at the lake. And wraps up at the park. Maybe this is nor your swede. Fun run 5k are happening today. Talks are bringing down and sell something out the deal. With this is a private investor group. That is one development. Another, the investors announcedding plans to tear down chase field and when to they are saying. They are prepared to build new stadium consist for other sports plan choices here in phoenix. The kites are spoken for. And there are no negotiations in the works with the phoenix suns. This is the College Football line up. Wisconsin taking on perdue. Texas and kansas and followed by the news at five which is oklahoma versus virginia at six. It is always happening and will be about the kids. Never in the 16 years have we run into a young athlete who exemplifies the meaning of never give up. This is adonis watt. First glance, he looks like the other players on the fusion football team. Same uniform, same helmet. Psalm enthusiasm. When he is in the uniform, other kids. They all have helmets. And this isnt the easiest of decision these days. What adopts happy is letting your blind son play football. Adonis starting playing when he was five months old. Before he suffered the side affects of something known as congenital glaw comma. For glaucoma. And there was never any football as he said is his thing. It is my thing. I started watching football when i was five. I was blind when i was like five and i was like why not. Why not . We could come up with a million reasons why not. Having adonis around is inspirational. He first came out here. We didnt know what to expect. Navideh heart. As you might guess, they have stories. One of the players. He said where is the bag. Is it the green one. He said i dont know. Let me look. Oh, wait. In case you are wondering. Adonis doesnt play season. Basketball season is coming. Being an nfl head coach. Everything goes threw the head set. We get it and this week, we get to hear him on season in focus. 3 20 to go. Setting up and throwing each the middle he threw it right to hodges and he looks for 30 and in the territory and tackles it at the 42. We run the ball. Just when you think it is safe to celebrate palmer is to a linebacker. Had he score and they get it. And it is three times out and. A lot more. Wired for sound. We hear from Michael Floyd in his own words and zoom in on the hall of famer. Adrian wilson. All straight ahead. Season in focus. If you want to see some wildlife and not necessarily live with them. You are in luck. This opens a new facility have a sneak peek of the building that will house thousands of the animals trout the year. You will find snakes. Tarantulas and full of birds and including the bald eagles. And the organization hopes to help more than just birds and reptiles. Now, that we are at the large location. We will start taking in mammals and we will work on that. And we have grown so much and people will get to see a lot of the native wildlife around here it is near 24th street and it is all free, too. Have some snacks and it is off elwood street and it is a falcon release. Cunning few fighting ends in court. He created the character and the story for the dream works movie hit. And this is one of my favorites. He convicted jamie gordon and perjury. And he made up the story and he back dated drawings of the multimillion dollars settlement. He is said to be sentenced next spring. He is the valley man and triggered an amber alert. Nighing for his family and how you can help him out next. Stop the brushfire and . . . Always thrilling. Always alluring. Always hitting. Always on. Talking stick resort. Play in style. I am nick ciletti. I am allison rodriguez. It is a little bit chilly and things are going to warm up nicely, you say. We will see a nice big warm up and the big warm ups might be a thing of the past. We will look outside right now. We are at 55 degrees. 54 in mesa and Litchfield Park at 50 degrees. Here is the most accurate forecast by the hour and showing you how we will warm up and stay in the 60s. By this to the 70s and this is above average. It is above average for tomorrow and tracking the rain and much cooler weather that is coming our way. We will let you know how low the mercury will dip in a few minutes. Looking forward to it. We have breaking news breaking right now. Part of grand avenue and we got that into the newsroom. This is following an Early Morning crash. Investigating how a pedestrian Maryellen Resendez is following the story for us. Mary ellen, do you know anything about this man and his condition right now shopping bag. R well, all we know is that he is a 21yearold man. They are investigating what took place out here and it is fifth avenue on the eastbound lanes. They were closed for several hours and now they say the 21yearold man is walking in an area where they are not normally walking and some they step into traffic. It is a driver of a white pickup truck who hit the man and he does have life threatening injuries and severe conditions at the hospital and the police still trying to figure out exactly what took place. Thats when we were trying to figure out. It is not normal where they would be crossing or walking across the roadway. Again, we want to let you know that man is in craig fouhy. Is yet. Just a 21yearold man. The driver stayed out here at the scene and does not appear that he was impaired at all. Back to you in the studio. Thank you for that. Meantime, judges orders prompting changes in the in the border battle. This is Holding Facilities that they want improved and clean mats and blankets will be required for anyone held longer than one hours. Showers will have to be allowed. Being met. Agencies are reporting more cases of undocumented immigrants trying to come in from mexico. This comes right as the federal government transfers dozens of agents to texas. We have been talking to sieve veilian watch dog groups who tell us. Note all are from Central American countries and they tell us three pakistani cross the border. Dont surprise me. Been done before. There are people from afghanistan. And iraq. And there are people caught from those countries crossing into arizona all the time. They were caught trying to cross into the u. S. Just last month. They are confirming white supremacist flyers recently campus. They are saying the flyers are saddening and do not represent the views of the asu community. No word on who put the flyers up and press are looking into it. Now, you may have seen the pictures in scottsdale and what looks like asu sorority hazing ibs tenths here. And may have asked yourself what would you do if you saw this. Turns out this is the whole point here. It is not a hazing and instead, those are actors from new york. Abc program, what would you do. Sick ping sight this one middle school. A noose was hanging over a stall. Parents and faculty are upset. Saying it is a hate symbol and this is the controversy at the school. They chanted build that wall in the lunchroom and caused a commotion and upset a lot of the the mine areity students there. Some saying it shows how closely the kids are watching us this is learned behavior. They dont come up with and it is something they have seen. Very sad situation there. There is still no word on who is responsible for it and why it is put there in the first place and there is talk of the police getting involved in the incidents. Chandler family who is on our mind and in need of good news. Finally little getting that. Two young kids lost their mom after losing his wife. Pamela hassle bocker was killed while pushing her two kids in a strolller. She had been in a coma and she is going to start weaning off the breathing machine soon. The mris have been looking good. They are 3yearold ryan is already out of the icu. The reason i am stack here is because eifels i was there is to help. Valley dad out of jail and cleared of all david fuller was accused of kidnapping his 8yearold daughter and another. And this triggered an amber alert as breaking news. He said he was trying to get the kids to a safe place. They had to live in a car with their mom. Cps is investigating the claims now. Fuller is fighting for custody of his daughter. That information is up on they try to determine why a driver didnt stop for a school bus. He died when the pickup truck collided with the bus. Authorities saying it was stopped with the warning lights on and it is about 11 children that were on the bus at the time. None of them were hurt. Well, it used to be the stuff you see in movies. But a 14yearold british girl is cry yo generalally frozen after she lost her fight with canc her parents went to court about disagreeing with her. And the judge took her son. She said she wants to be woken up if they find a cure for her cancer. Cryogenics is never proven to actually work. They are refugees from the present. She is now in michigan. In a cryogenic center. One is in moscow and right here in arizona. Happening today. Family friends and will say a final goodbye. Funeral service will start in a couple of hours in washington d. C. She passed earlier this week following a battle with end doe meet trial cancer end doe meet she was 61 yearsold. This town in hawaii and not far from honolulu. The flames are destroying several vehicles. This is from the ground. No buildings have been damaged and we are told people are evacuating the area just as a recaution. Update now. On the party rock fire. And trout not helping efforts and it is for about 45 days. However, the progress means residents will be allowed to go to their homes soon. They can do that this weekend and only with a personal. The winds are there too. All of it. Not a good recipe. We wish everyone to stea vaif and we know the firefighters are doing all they can to keep it contained. We are going to be the ones who have to be on we are close to watching a system that could bring snow to parts of the high country. This is the temperature dip. 82 today. 82 tomorrow. Then 68 on monday. Those overnight lows. Even chillier than that and the rain chances. We will break it down for you. Coming up with the accurate forecast. Stay tuned for that one. And you are at risk for scams. During the holidays. 12 million. That is how much the federal agency it has gotten e one person cant do it all. Because dreams are worth chasing. Midfirst bank will always be true to your money with Proven Services that support all of your endeavors. Midfirst bank. True to your money. Where should you start when youre told you have cancer . Start with a specialist. Precision Treatment Options and truly compassionate care. Start here with a team of experts who treat only cancer. Every stage. Every day. Its not one thing we do. Its the only thing we do. Start at Cancer Treatment centers of america of phoenix. The evolution of cancer care is here. Learn more at cancercenter. Com experts Appointments Available now. We will talk about this. This man committed a murder and he is out on hours arrest. Telling abc 15 investigator dave biscobing, that he is heartbroken they let him out. As a teen at summer camp, he murdered fellow camper eric cf ane and he slept. He stabbed him twice in the chest. There was no motive. Just murder. At the time judge recommended that he never be paroled and thats why the victims father cant under why he is out. This is sandy kane the statest clemency board from doing this. So no father would experience what i experienced. He is home in new york and told us this. I was devastated. Never expected them to do what they did this time. We started to find this case because of his marriage to this woman. She is a psychologist who once treated him in prison t turn it is out. It wasnt his first prison Correction Department therapist before desoto. I have no comment. It is not just the prison marriage it is that has sandy kane raising questions about why he is released. I have serious concerns about the three people who voted to give him home arrest. He was to go to a Halfway House in old pueblo but after the vote, that suddenly changed. Now he is at a phoenix facility called reborn assistance. It is miles from where wife now lives. I am convinced that this guy, he will go and do it again. I have no doubt about it and i am scared. Now, we should mention that today, coincidentally. It would have been eric kanhe es 47th birthday. This is investigators. In the newsroom. Abc 15 news. We expose the trend of ghost and guns. This is no serial number and baltimore is reporting them rifles were found at a crime scene. Making this case harder to solve. Whenever a gun is found, Police Across the country can call into the atf tracking center to get leads on who last owned the gun. Crucial information unless the gun never existed. Very frustrating. It would be nice to know. And just gene gain information from the firearm as much as we can. We lose that if there is n serial marking. They received an incompete. And it is not legal and get all the other parts on line. And make a semiautomatic automatic rifle from scratch. Chance are you know all about judge judy much she has been laying down the law now for 25 years and has the history. Our stays certificate station is sitting down with her and many in the courtroom left stone faced and stunned. But the 30 year judge said those arent insults, rather, words of encouragement. The message is one that resonates of responsibility, do the right thing. You know. You have to be a good person. Good citizen. Make children, you have to be able to take care of them. She said her courtroom is about teaching others to be accountable. These are real life lawsuits in case you didnt and they are sent across the country spending days in Small Claims Court to find her next case. Whatever your political views. We are all consumers. Some are concerned that the one federal agency designed to face us could face cut backs or death understand a new administration. Wells fargo fined 100 million for opening fake accounts. They have vi fled ral credit union threatening families to collect a death. Creation in 2011. The agency that is there for every day americans. She said it is a game changer. We think it has been Transformative Agency in regards to giving consumers a voice. The agency said it handled more than 1 million complaints and recovered 1 billiondollars for consumers and some are looking to slow it down and if not get rid of it all together. Republican law plaquers and the Banking Industry are plans to limit the power. Once president elect Trump Takes Office and claims that they overreach and overregulates. It is a move that they will take a step backward. We want to make sure they stay strong in the consumers are the one whose benefit. So, it is important to you. Step up. Let the representatives know that strong consume certificate protections are important to you. Representatives are both on the committee to start the click on sessions and let joe know for links to that information. Here is how to get a hold of me. I am joe ducey, if you have a problem, let me know. Talk about the most accurate forecast. We are talking about. The rain. Nick is tracking it for us and he said you may not need to put that umbrella away. Actually. You need to dust it off a little bit. Monday, is to pick up rain. Remember the carpenters song rainy days and monday. It is a carpenters day. I think. We could keep going. We will spare you. We will spare you. And 56 degrees right now at phoenix sky harbor. And it is hard to makeout. But that is a live look at the runway there. A lot of the people flying in and maybe even flying out and we hope you are coming here to stay with us. Weekend and for the most part. Gorgeous week too. And they will be picking up later on. Here is a look at the rest of the state. 27 in winslow and window rock in the 20s and 26 in flagstaff and at the grand kenyon. Chilly in a lot of places in the state. Here is the most accurate forecast. Big warm up here and staying in the 50s and 60s throughout the good chunk of the morning. We finally reach into the 70s and we will that. Seven and up to 80 by three. It is going to be 82. Above where we should be. And enjoy those above average temperatures while we can. They will not stick around. Clouds and raid cars. Not seeing any clouds or rain. That is going to change. And could change as soon as tomorrow evening. It shows us that around 6 00 p. M. Or so. We could start to see parts of the system move in. And into the high country. What happens. Monday, it becomes more widespread and especially in the valley. It appears to favor the east valley and plaitions like stem me. Gilbert. Chandler. And 40 chance of rain tomorrow and 70 on monday. And clearing out after that. Hear we go. We will talk about what this means for us. We are starting off cooler. Nice and sunny right now and winds will be picking up today. Still a mild day. And we do have a later chance of showers on the model. By monday. Much cooler temperatures and we could see three quarters of an inch of rain in some spots and looking like the east valley would be favored for that. And picking up some rain. And they stick around and we will be clearing out. Here we are with highs in the valley. Good morning, scottsdale. You get to 81. Also in tell me and in we will see 80 in and them and in anthemsm and surprise. Here is the forecast for you. Tomorrow highs. 80 degrees. Cooler. And 20 chance of showers and thinking sometime, dinner time. Little bit later for the start of that. Six is the high on monday. 1 degree drop in one day. 70 chance of showers and tuesday. Holding on to rain chances and it is nice clearing during the day. Wednesday and thanksgiving on thursday. 75 degrees. Right where we should be. Nice, sunny companies. It is looking great. We are all virtual and there was no better time than the Holiday Season and look at the charities that you would like. Giving it is coming up in date, more than 700,000 gave 60 million in charity in one day. The navigator makes it easy to check it out. It is all great to not owe great not profits. For ever young fownlddation. This is from steve young that helps out kids. This is why they scored so lie. Look at the blue portion of the expenses. They dont spend a lot on administration compared to what they bring that ratio. Not always realistic. Charity cant spend everything on programs. They live in the world we do. They have to pay for stationary. And extra bills. And spend some money on funds raising. But the bulk of the money is going to programs. Special olympicsen a the boys and girls clubs. The just to name a few. They will take care of the donation dollar the best. Maybe you support the smaller navigator. Use the same criteria. Do your homework and answer the Financial Fitness soap at abc15. Com. I am dan spindle. Abc15 news. The music awards is monday. And we love it. Some big names expected to perform. Lady gaga. John legend. Briewb no mars and justin bieber. He is live from switzerland. And speaking of the bieb. Is, he is up for the the year award. We asked chris and nina if they thought he would take home the nights top honor. Wait a monday. They are all women. Well, just continue beiber. Dont say anything. Dont. I got to go with carrie underwood. We have to go with carrie. I dont know the other other ones. Well the amas air sunday night right here on abc 15. Chris and nina. They will be tweeting with us the entire show. Join in on it too. Champion salsa dancer and arizonan david olarte is making his way to his favorite game at casino arizona. Hell get there eventually. [salsa music] arizona winners choose casino arizona. Where locals rule. Guess what else rules . Cash and cars. Win cash, free slot play or a new 2door bmw 230i. Feed a family. Make a kid happy and give yourself a chance to win a new car. You will see it right there. This is our favorite time of year. We are collecting money. Toys and perishable items for the four charities you see on the screen. Drop off donations. And here at the abc 15 studio assist or any of the valley u. P. S. Stores and always dont thait at give to the clause. Com. For every 5 you give. You get an entry for a ford f 150. All courtesy of them. Take action with that. Here is the most accurate forecast. 82 degrees. We will see the winds pick up and more clouds. Monday is the big rain day. 68 degrees as we cool down and between the white lines. And away from the beat. To the living room. Inside the hut. And into the hearts and minds. Into the character of this is cardinals season in focus. You are still in. You put the field goal in between upright and you are right in the thick of the playoff race. Welcome everyone. The cardinals are driving up the tv ratings with all the drawback drama. They went on a gamewinning

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