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Good evening. And we begin tonight with just eight days left until the election, nearly 24 million americans voting already. And tonight, the fbi right now searching through those newly discovered emails. The fbi director saying hes not sure if they will be significant or not. And because of that, fbi director james comey is under fire tonight. Many asking, why did he speak out without having seen the emails first . We know the emails were laptop. He is huma abedins estranged husband, and she, of course, is Hillary Clintons longtime aide. The new fbi spotlight comes amid our new tracking poll tonight showing Hillary Clinton now down to a onepoint lead nationally. Tonight, the clinton camp furious with the fbi, asking why it would make this public with so few answers to offer to the american people. And with so few days left before the election. Abcs senior justice correspondent Pierre Thomas with reporter tonight, inside the fbi, dozens of cyber experts are pouring over thousands of emails belonging to huma abedin, Hillary Clintons top aide. The team, which previously investigated clintons private server, has pulled the hard drive from a laptop used by abedins estranged husband, anthony weiner, who is under investigation for an alleged sexting scandal with an underage girl. Weiners disgrace captured in this documentary. Why do you think you deserve this Second Chance . Reporter abedin seen today in this exclusive daily mail photo, now off the t investigation intensifies. Abc news has learned the fbi has made a copy of the data from the hard drive and begun separating abedins emails from the hundreds of thousands that belonged to weiner. The focus is on abedins workrelated emails during clintons time as secretary of state, especially any that may have been sent to clintons private server. Agents plan to use computer programs to see if they can weed out duplicates from emails already studied by the fbi. Today, the white house trying to ill neither defend nor criticize what director comey has decided to communicate. To the public about this investigation. Reporter but the fbi director facing a barrage of criticism from the left and right for his decision to notify congress this close to the election. Comey has maintained it would have been wrong not to acknowledge the new development. But some democrats on capitol hill are calling on comey to resign. And today, former attorney general eric holder, and roughly 100 former Senior Justice Department officials, including republicans, penned a letter saying they were astonished and perplexed by comeys actions. Even longtime trump allies like former prosecutor Jeanine Pirro criticizing the timing. 11 days before one of the most hotly contested president ial elections of our time, both disgraces and politicizes the fbi and is symptomatic of all that is wrong in washington. Congress friday, comey said that he wanted to determine whether the emails contained classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation into the clinton server. But in a separate later released later that day to fbi colleagues, comey described in more detail that given that we dont know the significance of this newly discovered collection of emails, i dont want to create a misleading impression. But that only drew more fire. If you dont know, keep your mouth shut. Dont speculate. So, lets bring in Pierre Thomas, who ha story since it broke on friday. And pierre, is there any chance we could hear from the fbi director again before this election, which, of course, is now just one week from tomorrow . Reporter david, comey is getting updates on the investigation and im told that if something definitive was found, he would consider making that public. But david, theres just so much material to sift through, no one knows whats going to happen. We really are in unchartered territory with the election just eight days away. Pierre thomas leading us off tonight. Pierre, thank you. The battleground of ohio, where early voting is already under way, telling voters, there is no case here. And they are now fighting to protect whatever firewall they might have in some of the key battlegrounds. Abcs cecilia vega in ohio. Reporter in ohio, where voting is already under way, tonight, Hillary Clinton trying to tackle the political firestorm engulfing her campaign. Im sure a lot of you may be asking what this new email story is about, and why in the world the fbi would decide to jump into an election with no evidence of any wrongdoing, with just days to go. Thats a good question. Reporter clinton putting on a defiant front. And i am sure they will reach the same conclusion they did when they looked at my emails for the last year. There is no case here. Reporter clintons team now counting on their get out the vote operation. Democrats outpacing republicans in battlegrounds like North Carolina and nevada. But in allimportant florida, where Clinton Campaigned this weekend, it is republicans with a slight edge in early voting. Here in ohio, most clinton supporters we spoke to brushed off this new chapter in the email saga. If i say to you, Hillary Clinton and emails, you say i dont give a i dont believe it. Reporter you cant even say the word you want to say. I dont care. Reporter does this make you reconsider your vote at all . Not at all. I am running against a man reporter clinton herself, trying to shift focus back on her opponent. When the election is over, and people wake up on november 9th, we will have picked the person who will carry the responsibility for all of these weighty decisions. A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with and cecilia vega joins us tonight from cincinnati. And cecilia, youve been hearing that Hillary Clinton, and the campaign, will try to take this to donald trump in these final days. She wants to turn the focus back to trump. But even the Clinton Campaign knows that its going to be a tough task, given these new headlines about the email. Reporter they certainly do, but theyre not giving up. The very last thing they want to be talking about this close to election day is these emails. They are bringing in other heavy hitters to try to change the subject, too. President obama, Vice President biden will be out on the trail this week. David, you can imagine theyll be hitting donald trump, as well. Cecilia vega right there in ohio for us. Cecilia, thank you. The task for Donald Trumps campaign tonight, to keep him onmessage, and to keep the focus on these new headlines involving Hillary Clinton. But he still needs a sweep of many of the battlegrounds on election night, and some blue states, as well. Which explains why hes in michigan tonight. Abcs tom llamas is there, too. Reporter tonight, donald trump riding a wave of momentum. Hillary clintons email server shifting the tide. The clinton crime spree ends on november 8th. Its going to end on november 8th. Reporter trump even gloating over the recent developments. Thank you, anthony weiner. Reporter Trump Supporters here in michigan tell us there is a renewed enthusiasm within the Trump Campaign since the news broke of that new fbi inquiry. Absolutely, theyre totally energized. Now, the rest of the country is finding out what we already understood. Shes a criminal. And she cant be allowed to move back into reporter for months, trump slammed the fbi, even saying this just hours before director comey upended the race on friday. But the system is rigged. And i think the biggest rigging of all is whats happened with the fbi and the justice department, with respect to Hillary Clinton. Reporter but now, trump heaping praise on the fbi director. It took a lot of guts. But ill tell you what, what he did, he brought back his reputation. Reporter in these crucial final days, trump amplifying his prediction of widespread voter ballots. Like, people say, oh, heres a ballot being, heres another ballot, throw it away. Oh, heres one i like, well keep that one. I have real problems. So, get your ballots in. Reporter over the weekend, word of an arrest for voter fraud. A woman in iowa who allegedly tried to vote twice. Turns out shes a trump supporter. She told iowa public radio she worried her first ballot would be tampered with. The polls are rigged, she said. And tom llamas with us tonight from michigan. And tom, more than 23 million americans have already voted, election day a week from tomorrow. And it is very clear from the Trump Campaign that they sense an opening here with these new headlines about Hillary Clinton and the emails. Reporter david, the sense out here on the campaign trail is that its the Fourth Quarter and donald trump feels like he has the ball back. Hes going to continue to hammer this email issue for the next seven days to remind voters in his opinion that Hillary Clinton cant be trusted. David . Tom llamas in michigan for us. Tom, thank you. So, lets get right to the map tonight, where things stand right now. About, which states favor donald trump, which states favor Hillary Clinton. Lets bring in Jonathan Karl who has been studying all of this. Because theres no question, these new headlines do not help Hillary Clinton. But even so, for donald trump, he has a somewhat steep hill to climb here. Reporter a very steep climb to get to the 270 electoral votes he needs to win the presidency. So, look at the map. Weve rated every state, red states favor trump. Blue states favor Hillary Clinton. The gray states are pure tossups. So, what does trump have to do . St he needs to win every single tossup. Utah and arizona, traditionally republican states. But then, david, he needs to win florida, North Carolina and ohio and even after that, if you look up top, hes still short at 270. Only at 259. So, now he has to flip some blue here. Reporter yes. Now, the best chance for him is nevada, which has been quite close. But even if he wins nevada, hes at 265, still short. He has to win some other solidly blue state. Today, hes in michigan. That would do it for him, that would get him to 281. Poll since the convention has put trump in the lead in michigan. All right, jon, youre going to be spending a lot of time with that map in the coming days. And just eight days left until election day. A reminder, next tuesday night, election coverage begins, of course, with world news tonight and then 7 00 p. M. Eastern, ill be joining george and the entire powerhouse political team. We will be here all night long. And it could be a very long night. In the meantime, this monday evening, we do turn onto other news and to a bomb scare on a passenger jet, waiting to take off from ft. Lauderdale, when Authorities Say one passenger told the flight another passenger texting about a bomb. Heres abcs gio benitez. We are the aircraft that had a bomb threat. Wed like to declare an emergency. Reporter those are the frightening words from a Spirit Airlines pilot in ft. Lauderdale, florida, before taking off for dallas. Authorities say a passenger said he saw a text message on another passengers phone possibly about a bomb. Came via a text message by a passenger, other passengers did see the message and then the reporter passengers were evacuated, leaving all of their bags behind. The passenger with the alleged text message and the man who reported it removed by sheriffs deputies and interviewed by the fbi. They ripped him out of the seat and dragged him off the plane. Reporter and david, that flight did end up taking off, but hours later. Tonight, the local sheriff says there was no bomb and no arrests have been made in this case. David . Gio benitez tonight. Gio, thanks. And now, to what investigators are learning about that massive fire on the runway at ohare airport. The right engine bursting into flames on friday, just moments before takeoff. Passengers then fleeing down the emergency slides. The ntsb now calling it an uncontained failure in that engine. And tonight, should there be concerns about thousands of other engines right now in use . Heres abcs david kerley. Reporter even the pilots didnt realize the catastrophic nature of this engine fire. Go go reporter passengers could jump and slide. Reporter an uncontained failure, the boeing 767 engine, meaning heavy pieces of metal blew out of it, most likely ripping through the fuel tank in the wing. One piece flew 3,000 feet, going through the roof of a u. P. S. Warehouse. It was a part like this that failed, part of the turbine. It spins around 10,000 times a minute inside the engine. A similar part has failed on three other 767s in the past 16 years, breaking into pieces, causing order for airlines to change the way they inspect these parts. But is that enough . Sometimes this will happen because of fatigue, where an older engine will develop cracks that arent detected in normal maintenance. Sometimes it can be a manufacturing defect. Reporter this type of part is never supposed to fail. American airlines has now had two incidents. The airline says its cooperating with investigators, and can say nothing more. David . David kerley with us again chilling new insight into the mass shooting at the pulse nightclub in orlando. Newly released audio tapes of calls between a very calm Police Negotiator and that gunman. Heres abcs linzie janis. Reporter Orlando Police already knew about the horror playing out in the pulse nightclub when their negotiator got on the phone with the terrorist. Hello . Hello there. Hi there. This is Orlando Police. Whom am i speaking with, please . Youre speaking with the the islamic state. Can you tell me where you are right now, so i can get you some help . No. Because you have to tell america to stop bombing syria and iraq. Theyre killing a lot of innocent people. You get what im saying . I do. I completely get what youre saying. Reporter the officer staying calm, trying to keep omar mateen talking from the bathroom where hed taken hostages. Tell me what you did, please . Out how to keep you safe and how to get this resolved peacefully, because im not a politician, im not a government. All i can do is help individuals, and im going to start with helping you. Reporter david, that negotiator spoke with mateen a total of three times over the course of more than two hours. During that time, Police Coming up with that plan to bust through an exterior wall of the club, freeing the remaining hostages. David . Linzie janis with us tonight. Linzie, thank you. There is still much more ahead on world news tonight this monday. The raging inferno. The new condo complex up in flames. The neighborhood evacuated. The massive fire tearing through the building. The race to clear out families nearby. And now, investigators on the scene. The mother on the stand today. The father on trial, his son dying in their hot car. Tonight, what shes now saying about her exhusband. And america strong tonight. As we know, millions of children putting on their halloween costumes, but you have to stay tuned for this. One dad who has gone above and like a human fingerprint, no two whale flukes are the same. 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A massive fire gutting an apartment complex, new condominiums. More than 150 people evacuated from neighboring homes. Heres abcs Kayna Whitworth with the pictures. Reporter tonight, oakland firefighters still putting out hot spots from a massive multialarm fire. Very much out of control at this point. Reporter the building under construction. An entire condo complex engulfed. Interior walls pulling apart, falling into the inferno below. You can see it, wow, right there. Reporter firefighters racing to contain the fire. There was a little bit of a wind this morning, so, the embers were flying. Reporter tom kennedy, one of more than 150 nearby residents forced to get out. I thought it was our building on fire. Thats how it, like, hot and close it was. Reporter miraculously, firefighters able to keep the blaze from spreading to other buildings. Theres a couple moments where you thought the whole boom in new construction, as home prices skyrocket in nearby san francisco. David, firefighters estimate the damage at 2 million, and as this investigation continues, they will be looking at the materials used during construction. David . Kayna, thank you. And when we come back here tonight, the father on trial, his son dying in their hot car. Tonight, the boys mother on the stand, what she says about her exhusband. Also, the common allergy, dangerous for so many children, and there is news tonight about a possible treatment. And cubs fans celebrating a muchneeded win to stay alive in the world series. But check out that monitor right behind there. It was a funny moment. Well have it after the break. A. Then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. This gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us arent prepared for retirement. Just start as early as you can. Well all be better prepared tomorrow. Prudential. Bring your challenges. 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And overseas, italy reeling from the worst earthquake in nearly four decades. It struck in the same region shaken by three other quakes, two just last week. Many buildings, including Historic Churches surviving, but others falling to ruins during tonight, more than 15,000 people are living in shelters. Back here, and emotional testimony in the hot car trial in georgia. The accuseds exwife speaking in his defense. Prosecutors say Justin Ross Harris left his son cooper in his Office Parking lot while he sent sexual Text Messages to other women. Leanna taylor testifying her exhusband was a devoted father and she thinks he forgot to drop cooper off at day care. The only thing that flipped in my mind is, is it even a remote possibility he was never checked in . If he was never checked in, then he must have forgot. Harris is pleading not guilty in the death of his son. A possible treatment for peanut allergies tonight. The National Institutes of Health Testing a skin patch to help children overcome allergic reactions. The study Shows Nearly Half wearing the patch were able to consume ten times more peanut protein than they could before the treatment. And the world series photo bomb tonight. Die hard cubs fan bill murray spotted on the big screen in the at wrigley field. Murray, of course, and thousands of fans celebrating the cubs comeback win in game five. When we come back, america strong tonight. One father and his son and perhaps perhaps the best costume of all. Before i had the shooting, burning, pinsandneedles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet. Kicked off a lot of high school games. Fe for my family. And liked to help others in need. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. Nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is fdaapproved to treat this pain, from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. 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Whatever it is, aarp member advantages can help save you time and money along the way. So when you get there, you can enjoy it all the more. For less. Surround yourself with savings at aarpadvantages. Com finally tonight, america strong. One father determined to make sure h s halloween. Heres steve osunsami. Reporter 8yearold jeremy scott from california has needed a wheelchair since he was 3. He was born with spina bifida but its never stopped him from being a kid. But on halloween, he and his family make sure that his wheels feel extra special. This year, hes rolling an ectoone from ghostbusters. Its become a family tradition. 2010, batman. Then darth vader. 2015, a star wars snow speeder. Theyre all homemade, months in advance. His father, who clearly loves him so, designs and builds the hot wheels. Heres wishing jeremy a spooktacular halloween with plenty of candy. Steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. Who you gonna call . Jeremy. Thank you for watching on a monday night. Next that 6 pm. Help police say that in arizona parent prevented this. Into action. Taking action on voter fraud, so maybe pulling it off in arizona. What is, was there a threat in it . You may be out with her family person, we want this night to be a treat. Is important to understand the halloween is the biggest night of the year for breakins. Joining us now live with what we need to know about th reporter these may want to stay away from this house, they have to get past these creatures, crimes are a big problem tonight, we are getting these numbers from insurance companies. They are up 24 on halloween night. Is not just burglars, its vandals, the number of vandalism calls increased by more than 20 on a night like this to this. Do not turn your porch light off. You want to let these fees that someone is home. And you may want to trickor treat earlier in the day. Many people turned up at this may sound event earlier. And they know that there is safe candy. There is a concern when you are trickortreating in the woods where you do not know if the candy is safe. T you do not have to ma reporter you do not have to make this a fright night. Also well protecting your home, protect your cars. Make sure that you take all your valuables out of your car before you head out tonight. Back to you. Lets get a check of your most accurate forecast tonight, were talk about trickortreating, but if youre headed out, currently 81 degrees at sky harbor. Auerback hour, we mentioned

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