No major world we're causing any problems will make for good drive this morning traffic flowing freely and just about every major highway I 70 s. Good along with 36 and I 25 I'm sure if you bear 7 tin can us 1st alert traffic. Weston for a single media group station crew. Thanks. Again . Peter show here we go again everyone it's a Tuesday morning all I saw on the Alabama special election the attempted New York City suicide bomb Tuesday morning and again December the 1213 days till Christmas 63 will be high today 57 Wednesday Thursday it's going to be 5060 on Friday gee the cold day of the week Sunday 48 degrees I don't know Tom has the news and good morning sir good morning Peter thank you and the New York City is increasing security following the terrorist bombing and the subway walkway near Times Square and President Trump is renewing his calls for immigration reform and live with the fact that the suspect came into the country from Bangladesh on what's called a chain migration that's a visa priority program based on family ties the president says it's an compatible with national security and is asking for congressional action ending the program and you're going to be having more on that situation what a line up disappointing boy indeed Yes So this news is Bronte you buy cars star at cars star auto body repair experts they want you to be safe if you do find yourself in an accident tell your insurance company you want cars scar find them a car Star dot com. Alabama is in the political spotlight as you just mentioned Pete as voters decide today what has become a hotly contested u.s. Senate race at least it appears so the outcome is up in the air as polls between Roy Moore and Doug Jones have been all over the map no Democrat has won an Alabama Senate seat since 1992 and is not God became a Republican yes yes he did that Shelby who said he would not vote for who said he would not write a special prosecutors being appointed in the handgun case involving state lawmaker Laurie seign she was arrested after bringing a handgun through a d.i.i. a Checkpoint the Boulder D.A.'s office will now determine if changes will be or charges will be filed Saint's attorneys said that she forgot the gun was sent her bag and the fire in Ventura and Santa Barbara County is now as claimed 1000 structures as more evacuations took place in Santa Barbara's modest Seato area home to many celebrities However coastal winds have been cooperating with firefighters pushing the fire away from communities at least for now teen marijuana use in Colorado has dropped to its lowest level since recreational sales of a drug became legal they Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration shows teen pot use dropped to just over 9 percent and 20152016 that was down 20 percent from the previous year and below 10.5 percent recorded in 20112012 sports the Miami Dolphins beat the Patriots on Monday Night Football 27 to 20 in the n.h.l. The Av's was not predicted Casey it was Brady got beat last night yeah wow yeah and the n.h.l. The abs beat Pittsburgh 2 to one stocks were mostly lower in Europe and Asia today as investors retreated ahead of the Fed's decision on interest rates they fed is expected to. Short term interest rates by point 25 percent tomorrow futures point to a steady start on Wall Street this morning benchmark u.s. Crude oil rose above $5850.00 a barrel the dollar was down against the yen and the euro and how nikka starts at sundown tonight 1st night Jewish festival commemorates the 2000 year old military victory by a small band of Jews the Maccabees over a mighty Syria and Greek army holiday is observed by lighting a menorah for 8 nights there it is paid in so last night on the football because I'm such a fan Tom Brady get beat by the Dolphins Yeah Jay Cutler played had one what I want you know you know you still keep him here I just don't watch but Cutler. Had a good game. Best game of the year there you are and then Cutler play here yes Cutler guys how did you know Ok all right just check and went back home to and. No no no as Chicago Bears Cutler from. I believe Evansville Indiana so was he he went to some place on went to Chicago didn't yeah yeah the bear then he retired this last year and then they asked him out of the booth to play quarterback for the dolphins when their quarterback our it's way to good game last night Ok weather people in the stands no mom Ok well I read last night and then we got coming up we got Dr furnish with this Sunday night football is down 30 percent while 3030 percent last year to this year 30 percent decrease and 19 more players on Sunday took a knee or did the power salute or offended the song in the flag so they're down 30 percent I mean that's that's significant highlight of the morning Pat Buchanan's on the radio show we're going to go right to work without further ado a huge favorite of ours is Dr Tim furnish he appears with this a lot on all these different issues surrounding Middle East and now the bombing yesterday the Times Square bombing a doctor Good morning merry Christmas thanks for coming on the show Hi Peter I understand we have all your snow I tell you what I'm a. I'm a rookie skier I mean I've skied for a number of years it's a life passion I can't claim to be a good skier but I love skiing and I haven't been on the skis you have to share and in fact I got new skis this year and. Friends of mine know they do that ribbon of death you know at night they make snow because it's cold and then the next day it's ice and then the beat goes on and I tell you what holidays are going to be rough around here if they don't get some get some snow at ski areas so yeah I saw. I saw it was a snow one was it in Alabama or Florida or someplace that were just no hit when you you're in Georgia Yeah I'm northwest of Atlanta we got 8 inches where I live charts in parts of parts of West Georgia got 1012 inches that ends at 2 doesn't it I mean when that snow hits those people freeze. Well yeah well but you know to give credit to the state government they actually got people out there is a nightmare actually had some salt trucks and driving trucks this year which they bought a couple of years ago and you know the roads were much better this time but still a lot of people lost power just because of the you know a tendency last night our line now you know a lot of trees trees came down you know the ice storms and I grew up in Pittsburgh Michigan ice storms and the less you see a good ice storm then you and again I suspect you've got an ice storm as well. We didn't really get much ice Peter it was just a lot a lot of wet snow but I don't did that k.c. Tell you my sons were supposed to play in the State football championship game here they play all the g.b. Ship games at the new Mercedes Benz stadium and they played the 1st 2 and they canceled all the rest because people couldn't actually get there so how about we play in the state for a championship Friday and we have to play at our arch rival school to get a home game for them that's what's name school you know school's merest we're blessed at Trinity they're the bad Catholics were there. I say there's a little. Great line. A bunch of stuff to talk about begin with the now quote taxi driver and I've seen that movie Me too I actually did hear I loved an arrow in Taxi Driver you talking to me memory does that he talking to me look at me talking to me so this guy comes to the us 7 years ago from Bangladesh on a visa for people who have relatives here. He's either yeah he's been back to Bangladesh. He may get explosives explosives himself I was reading this last night on the Internet seeing Christmas lights set him off now I think lots of there's all these lists of things that potentially could have set him off but he is the 1st and I read this last night I don't know whether I I suspect it's true actual suicide bomber in our country's history on us soil Have you seen that doc. That line no I've not seen in other words the shoe bomber and the other guys they were in the air this guy is considered the 1st one again I read it I don't know that it's true 1st suicide bomber on u.s. Soil wait a minute people that fly airplanes into buildings are suicide bombing of course they are but I'm saying suicide bombers in the sense of putting the bomb in the backpack after I stepped on the you know so yeah so I think that was interesting that and I don't know that you know it's any claim to fame but there he is the 1st suicide bomber on our soil. But we'll never know why did it Peter he was just an American I mean that's what waterway humans are saying instead he says man we know it will never know actually wanted was an American he's on a green card it's not about he that's right there's a big discussion on whether or not you know he is a military combatant or you know the rest of that mumbo jumbo but the point of this is is he there's all these different claims that he's made and all of this doesn't matter because it gets back to Donald Trump is right why are these guys in this country so your overall thoughts about all of this Jim 1st of all you're not shocked No not at all I mean just Thankfully this guy was in it at home bomb bomb creator you know maybe look at the wrong website or something but thank God I mean I guess there were some a little bit damaged injured some other folks unless like he just. Mostly just hurt himself. Too bad he couldn't just kill himself and not anyone else but but do you know he's as you see him walk in there's a some video he's he's riding the I said to light rail but he's riding the subway to work he wants to set himself off. Right I guess he was looking for the biggest Santa display or perhaps Yeah I guess you know you're not allowed to show nativity scene and York City but I thought to myself why is he any different in the other progressive he hates Christmas I know I mean he coulda been working for the Us a.c.l.u. For a living working for the for the governor of Colorado doesn't like Christmas so much but does it or Blasio for that matter but did you read this. He was allowed to stop and pray multiple times during his interrogation. You know I did not see an r. Rated t. Of the attack came days after Brooklyn neighbors say they heard a huge row meaning fight. Yelling and screaming in the past 2 nights his parents have since released a statement outraged by the allegations and they're angry at the treatment of their family since his attack and there's apparently a teenager in the family who the cops went to the school and talked to and didn't have a lawyer present so the parents are blowing up about that you know time is a is a huge factor. You know if you got to go get Larry the lawyer and Larry stops the cops from talking to little fray doun And then God knows how much time goes by he was allowed to read and discuss radio he was allowed to stop and pray multiple times during his interrogation I was treated for serious burns and lacerations and he's again they said because of Gaza so I I see multiple things that work here but again in the politically correct it had nothing to do with Islam well people well the Stoppard pray facing Mecca numerous times how often or has nothing to do with religion right Peter and that's the point of this is that I mean we we are stumped here yesterday we had some pretty heated talk conversations the show got off the leash twice yesterday pretty bad on and on moving the capital to Jerusalem in the in the history and in fact Pat Buchanan's on a radio show this morning which is going to be I'm sure blow a lot of people up but but this is Malta faceted Dr Tim furnish is our guest Peter Boyle 710 Cain us 1st and foremost is Donald Trump is right why are these guys in the Country Fair enough and he's right about that yes and then one very right and then what I mean so then watching Belhaj and I have to we're going to have to just get rid of our stupid political correctness. Peter as I've said on your show a 100 times and it remains true no matter how much people from Huff Po don't like either fact is that the the demographic in the world that is most likely to result in terrorist attacks is young male Muslim bluntly 28 to 30 minutes nightly the more of those people that we bring in the more the greater the likelihood here we're going to have terrorist attack and I agree it's that simple if that's all the more Muslims and you know what I thought I was trying to if I were God I would have gone ahead and you know I know he's got McMaster in his ear and I would have said you know what we are going to cut down on most gracious because loved ones by every metric than any rational person uses are the people most responsible for most of the world's terrorism so you know they had hid behind a stick leaf it's it's it's from these the travel ban it's from these failing states you know Somalia Iraq Syria what else Sudan a couple others Libya Yemen I would just come right out and said with with a lot of statistics because it's very easy to do to show that the most likely people to engage in terrorism are young male Muslims we're going to stop bringing those people in until they get a handle on it but we I mean there's all these different things and I was flooded with my own thoughts yesterday I was trying to sort things through if we go back a month ago this news back national kills 8 people in a rented home depot truck most of them down I believe injured another 12 he was living in I believe in New Jersey. And at that point they said that was a terrorist attack and remember all the all the gymnastics that the same perpetrators Blasio in Como and now this guy who has a he's a Bangladesh Bangladeshi he's living in Brooklyn and he prayed in a mosque and you know he they there's this belief that he was radicalized in a mosque in the mosque However he had been back and forth numbers of times to Bangladesh now this guy supposed to be a cabbie Now where do you get the most recently in September and you know what do you get to doe to make the trip to Bangladesh. Yeah I mean where was he going what was he doing was he just hanging out with family members know is families here they were they were going into those mosques were I mean you know when I was in the u.a.e. This this this year. It's fascinating. And I'm no expert just a traveler and a bit of a reader the only people that work in the u.a.e. There's no Palestinians working there there's no they take no refugees from Iraq or from Syria but they do have people who work there Muslims from from India Bangladesh and Pakistan Absolutely and and they offer no there's no threat to the to the power structure of the u.a.e. Now the Syrians are Rocky's Palestinians and all these other displaced people Libyans they are huge threats to these guys exactly so one of my learning from that . Well they're not a political threat to them but you know Bangladesh to South Asia is home to a group that I've written a number of articles about how timely John you've probably heard of them Peter Peter a lot of people have it probably you John. Is the largest Muslim missionary group on the face of the earth as it has tens of millions of people its annual meeting is sometimes as big or bigger than the hodge Temeka and in it it is a very it's not a terrorist group per se but it's very fundamentalist conservative you must emulate the Prophet Muhammad in everything you do down to the way you wash your hands of brush your teeth and people there's been a lot of documented cases of people sliding quite easily from membership of Tablighi Jamaat into terrorist groups because if you're going to emulate the prophet in the way he brushes his teeth it's not that much of a stretch to say well then you should emulate the prophet in waging jihad and the Tablighi Jamaat again is massive in Bangladesh many many many people and in that country belong to this group and this is the sort of thing that you like to think that the counterterrorism people are looking to you know are and by the way this gives allied to 2 things Peter One is that you have to belong to a terrorist group to become a terrorist or Right now you don't have to blow and I said this before you not talk about this you don't have to belong to Isis or Al Qaida to become a terrorist right and the flip side of that is you are No one on the face of the earth has ever self to radicalize themselves. That is just one of the stupidest terms I ever heard and everybody's using it these days even people that support to know better yourself radicalize your radicalized by you know hearing these calls from ISIS and these groups will say look you know just to read the Koran just to reap what it says it says to kill it says to kill infidels it says that people that celebrate Jesus. You know as more than a prophet are infidels who deserve the punishment of all a so yeah go hit them on their Christmas celebrations because that's what they're doing that they're foreigners another theme in this Bangladesh used to be Pakistan and East back in the right there because the British Once again I come back to my. Watching the British in the world the British Subject shoves the gay subjugate their ego Peter India and Pakistan and there was a Muslim factor in this in a Hindu factor and when you read the real life of Gandhi the real life member who murders Mahatma Gandhi and you see as soon as as soon as and it's brokered as as soon as it's brokered by Mountbatten when they're going to leave it immediately begins and they seem to have no problem Hindus and Muslims there is no one guy worse than the other and these ideas of boarding trains and murdering as many people as they can that war has existed since a matter of fact if my readings correct with the. The the Islamic armies did not go east towards Jerusalem 1st the 1st they confronted the Hindus in the West they went the other well it was about the same time I'm not going to turn you know I thought they went to West 1st but I mean I mean I can now some well they didn't go that far east or correct you know the Persian Empire but you're right they ran off at the end it's not ever valid for a couple 100 more years you're right they ran up against some pretty tough characters and so the nigga so they go the other way and they come up against a Christians is that fair. Yeah the Byzantine Empire and then later by by the 8th night hence century there in India by Mahmud of God and a couple other guys and it was very cruel by the way because I'm probably sure you know I mean Hindu temples were burned and half your holy sites were just burned to the ground destroyed by Muslim conquerors and a lot of that you know a lot of that's still part of the cultural memory that bet and so that when when the British are forced out and then the war begins course the British come in the 19th century and I'm saying they never went after the 2nd World War when Gandhi for pushes them out and then it began because of various kind of put a lid on it the British kind of kept control tried to keep the Muslims Well to a certain extent the kid wasn't a hindrance or killing each other once they were gone and yeah and there would be these enormous revolts and every lots of people would die no one talked about it and it wasn't but it was like this trifecta there was a British imperialist the Hindus and Muslims and then when finally when partition comes and then there's there's there's East Pakistan West Pakistan India and then a faculty and then East Pakistan becomes one Bangladesh. And one in them and the and the war invalid dash was a horrible horrible war and sample made us like 71 Yeah I want to believe in the short memories of people oh this guy just suddenly shows up from Bangladesh it's not that simple is a doctor. It's never that simple on November my point is it's if this guy doesn't arrive out of a vacuum. Right and and he carries with him he carries now he can carry with him all the loony Pollack politics that he may well but if he doesn't get in this country he can act on yes why what yes why again why we already bring in more immigrants than one the next 10 country going to coerce equality do we have what it's like the liberals are obsessed with this idea that we have to prove how openminded we are no matter how many people we will bring in that are problematic that is insane you knew I was a snake before you brought me in yeah and no it's him it's insanity oh the Obama insanity they have every Clinton insanity the George w. Bush insanity others play Republicans the blame for the can I do this doc I'm up against the time can I bring you right back Tim furnishes our guest Randy carpenter Tea Party and then the man we've had some heated stuff the guy really off the leash Pat Buchanan is going to be with us this morning and then Bitcoin stack opticals new location 2233 South Monaco Parkway bigger than better than ever now is the time to use your Flex Spending Accounts and get the glasses you've always wanted always the best selection of frames and specialized sport glasses someday was he promised you motorcycle glasses we can still ride motorcycles lenses can help you in this glare especially in the mountains of driving at night. 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More stimulating talk with Peter Boyle on 710 can us certain days until Christmas It's Tuesday December 212-2017 Peter Boyles Dr Tim furnish Randy Corporon coming up and then Pat Buchanan what to get and then we're going to speak about Bitcoin 63 the high today 57 Wednesday and Thursday 50 degrees Dr furnishes where this is colder in Georgia than it is in Denver something's wrong with that picture. We're talking about quote the taxi driver who that's how he's being dubbed the new you going to press however apparently what his cab license ran out. 27 had a green card but he came in the United States 7 years ago on a visa for people who have family. He's at Bellevue right now the part of it that struck me when reading last night how during interrogation he was allowed to stop and pray multiple times during his interrogation. Watching the mayor of the city watching the governor again it's the same kind of response we saw when this news back truck driver killed 8 people in a Home Depot truck hemo down I mow them down innocent mud on a school bus and he injured another 12 people and he was living I believe in New Jersey and he was shot by the cop. All of these things add up to to what my answer is Donald Trump's right your thoughts Oh I agree it may be the Port Authority and and other places should be a little more practice a little more vetting and whom they allow to have driver's you know public transportation drivers like I mean do they automatically issue them to you if you show up here from an Islamic country and so it sounds like can you imagine the lawsuits in the screaming of the politically correct if that word is to cease and desist I can but we're going to have to start taking steps like that Peter I mean we have we have a certain core data now that shows us these guys I mean my gosh like you said he was back I am he had a he had a lot of public attacks life. Large vehicle license or whatever it was good. But here and here right here we go again we've been over this I've been over thousands of times political correctness is a suicide pack that this country has signed with itself. At the same time it's social Marxism it is all of these things that are bent on destruction. It plays out in this American foreign policy plays out in this the religion of Islam plays out in this. Is there a way that you can conceive of that this country could get itself out of this. This target. Well. Well we're not going to ourselves out of the target of the job s. Because we're the primary target the job is but do you mean I think George and George Bush said they hate us because of our freedom that's not true that was a lie they don't hate us because of our freedom Well that may be partially true but I don't think that's the main reason I know I don't I don't think they come to kill us because quote of our freedom that's George Bush Dick Cheney's line it wasn't true right right so I mean insofar as they see our freedom as libertinism I guess you could argue that but I would agree that's not the primary reason why I'm curious Peter what do you think is the primary reason. America in the world today. The role this country has played since post the 2nd World War. The fact that these people are hell bent on coming regardless give them the opportunity as we have talked about many times the history of the of the clash of Islam I think it's multiplied I think it's multi-faceted I don't leave it out the big Peter you're leaving out the biggest one the one that ISIS talked about in all their magazines they see as a Christian country oh yeah but that's the clash but again ISIS would not exist if we go back again regression analysis if George Bush hadn't cut them loose they exist Peter I'm sorry Peter I don't agree with you on that part I have to say with you ISIS would still exist it might not be in the same form is very real it does it is that it would still exist but we're going to come from where was ISIS has roots . Well ISIS has roots was Al Qaida in Iraq now and why I didn't want to do that but with I don't mean a bin eruptive but Saddam but they can exist with Saddam he killed them one of that's true but but the fact that Saddam held them down is that does not mean that they wouldn't exist without a read only in another country but if you well perhaps but perhaps not where are they going to go who's going to take them in Saddam Hussein in Afghanistan they were in Sudan welcomed in the Sudan Peter remember I know but they were didn't have the emphasis on the power that they had the weaponry that they gained I mean I I go back to I'm one of those guys who believes in the the concept of a prime mover and there was a prime mover it was the overthrow of Saddam and it cuts loose I'm crazy enough to be reading Kim right now in the North Koreans and talking about what happens to enemies of the United States when they relinquish their weapons a good offie Saddam they all end up under the chop and so I'm not defending Kim But we I think we have to be wrecked introspective more than we are. These people are insane but you know I'm reading these guys who say we don't have fighter bombers we don't have battle tanks we don't have. This sophisticated weaponry we have ourselves and so we strap on a suicide vest and we go in and we get on a street car and write a format to prototypical asymmetrical warfare Yeah and as much as that doesn't make sense to me and I was trying to get this conversation through yesterday it makes sense to them of course because that's why I've always said people that you know we don't they're not that big a threat we know we don't nonsense and yeah I don't see the. You know that and I said before you and I agree on this it doesn't matter what we believe try matters what they believe. That I'm going to be what they spit out there and they're violent and you know and realizable fantasy that's the problem I'm reading son soon reading von Klausen it's and reading these great philosophers who say the number one thing you've got to do is understand your enemy. And we still know it and we don't George Bush didn't Lyndon Johnson then Richard Nixon then we clearly have some people to try to ministration to do but then we have let the other have other people like master that either won't or can't and it's that great moment when just in Churchill understood Hitler Fair enough fair enough also understood Joseph Stalin. Ok but long before actually are down much or at ever totally understood Stalin I probably find some agreement there and I mean I'm a huge f.d.r. Fan but I think you have something there but went to church oh understood he and he understood Hitler 36 and 37 yeah now I don't think Lyndon Johnson ever understood how to men and I don't think Richard Nixon did either and I certainly don't believe chaining these guys had a clue Well course they lied so but leave those things to themselves where this is is this the fight to exist a 1000 hour day is just the war that never ends. Well it's not the war that never ends it will end eventually I mean the baby centuries but it will lead Well one son of the other will win how how doesn't always win I don't know Peter I like to think that Western civilization has enough backbone with plenty to know if it was but I know I have to look at it look at Angela Merkel. Look at France. Look what's happening with Britain where now it's like they go after you for tweets if you tweeted absolutely if you put something on social media telling saying something about what Muslims actually do you are the hater Oh sure I mean Peter I told you I think I may have told you that we have some friends that were here that they were from Germany and they went back to Germany because he worked for Siemens the big company they went back to Germany I think with cologne I went back to him last summer I was talking to his wife very nice friend their kids friends of ours and such me and she said I can't believe what's happened my country she said I go to the She said I go to the public pool with my kids and there are these Muslim immigrants there who go to the bathroom in the poll and we asked her why she said and I complained about it and she said I was calling her sometime I don't know very many believe me believe me. So if you know once I said it is social Marxism it is it is a suicide pact it is or well warns about it you know we've seen it before so if I would ask you this question we're close to break and bring it back and have side. Who's winning this war right now they are Hang on we bring it back Dr Tim furnish is our guest Pat Buchanan's on the show hang on everyone guys face it there's a subject guys don't talk about and it's about your marriage in your relationships making things better the effects of e.d. You're a man over 40 you're likely living with there's your marriage has changed some bare acing Unfortunately many guys suffer in silence a v.d. 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So far so good everything move along in pretty smooth shape around Denver right now I'm not seeing major issues are tied up as far as a big accidents matter of fact you can sit in traffic flow try to work your way out Lady Gaga concert tonight 7 o'clock a Pepsi Center plan accordingly as far as your evening plans go you try to make a trip downtown at Applebee's they believe it's better to give and receive So this holiday season if you buy $50.00 gift cards you get $10.00 bonus card free yeah only at Applebee's subjects and $710.00 k. Of us 1st of all traffic. 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This is Albert Mohler for townhall dot com This past Tuesday the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case formally known as masterpiece cake shop versus the Colorado Civil Rights Commission in terms of religious liberty there's been no recent case before the Supreme Court more important than this one the back story is that in 2012 Jack Phillips the owner of masterpiece cake shop denied a request made by 2 men to create a cake in order to celebrate their marriage Jack Phillips and his attorneys from the Alliance Defending Freedom argue that in requiring jet Phillips to make a cake and that's compelling him to use his artistic expression in support of same sex marriage the Colorado Civil Rights Commission is violating his religious liberty and protection against forced speech what we're looking at here is basically the sexual revolutionaries bullying a banker this Baker and that profession will not be the last unreligious liberty there's been no recent case before the Supreme Court nearly so important as this one on Masterpiece cake shop I'm Albert Mohler. 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Back to the Peter Boyle show 13 days to Christmas it's Tuesday Good morning everyone 63 the high 57 Wednesday unbelievable 50 on Thursday 710 Cain us Denver's talk station Randy Corporon coming up Pat Buchanan Ike This is a be a barn burner at 7 and then we'll talk about Bitcoin one of my true favorites Dr Tim furnish is our guest with us many many many times talking again about Middle East talking about in this country. Donald Trump moving the capital to excuse me the embassy to Jerusalem and your thoughts well as we talk about the other day I think that it's fine that he's finally done what the u.s. Congress voted to do with 1905 and every president since then has said they supported theory and why don't they why don't why if you notice everything looks nice on paper and I disagreed with the move only because it's picks a fight you don't need and why pick the fight if I don't well I'm not sure that I agree that it picks a fight you know he Peter there's already enough fight I mean I'm saying our truck is condemned as it were on a regular basis in the early but I'm just tired I don't know idea and I don't condemn of this hit I'm talking about I'm a trump supporter and I think it says 2 things I think it's wrong to go back to Afghanistan I think it's wrong to bait Kim and I think I think nothing against but to yesterday it was heated here. There's no other nation that has an embassy there now and I'm not defending the French you know that but there's a reason. I don't know I don't understand you do it that he take a pac money because he needs money to make some election runs that he that he do this because of there's all these I read on the Internet last night why he did what he did if it was a disguise a strong well I say that's probably the best explanation remember this was a one of his major campaign promises and I think that he is feels like you saw filling that in the Be interesting to know what the debates were because you can be sure that people like McMaster were against this war yes but he seems like you you know he's gone contrary to that view Peter look they're going to as I said the other day we talk about this because the right of mobs and there's going to be this ginned up. You know indignation no matter what he does and so I don't really think it makes a whole of difference again Netanyahu is not saying it wasn't a lark it told the Temple Mount that no one's saying that Muslims are now barred from Jewish Jerusalem I mean this is a difference which in many ways religiously is not going to make any difference I'm reading them but I'm reading them and they claim and again you know I've talked about this year a real good historian but everybody shares the city as a holy site the old city certainly Judaism Christianity and Islam their claim is if you give this if the United States does this it means that they no longer control their holy sites now you and I like you talked about putting on a on a suicide vest we may not get it but they do. Well them well Peter there's understanding them and then there's Cal telling to their demand I agree and I think that I understand what you're saying makes a lot of sense I simply think that at some point you have to say we're not going to be held hostage by your indignation we're tired of it but I said I think it's a different world there than it is say holding the line in this country I do believe that I think it's you know I'm a reader and the history of Jerusalem itself is you know who controls it last is kind of this might is right kind of a fearing that you know the I'm reading the history of the Ottoman Empire which says I really have to get a life that you know the Ottomans ran form 1517 until the end of the war and then the for 400 years and then the British cut everybody's hands. Well but you know it does the British did leave in place the automated ministration of the of the only entity but they changed and they did the same thing in Germany after the defeat of the Nazis and now the big one of the biggest Well some of the scripts of George Bush does George Bush have your boss asked you can't work in the electric you know creating electricity for Baghdad as you're about Germany they they were smart enough to know and you're right about the Ottomans the Ottomans knew that you had to leave these guys in power. Or the British knew right but I don't know I'm stumped I mean yesterday as I mentioned was just one of the most heated chosen a long time somebody has to come to terms with something. This is true but but you know I guess that the thing that cracks me up is the stuff about it's short circuited that the current peace process I what peace process there isn't a peace process for years the Palestinians don't have their stuff together that the Palestinian Authority which is largely secular controls the West Bank and of course Hamas and Hamas which is Islamic and is a very violent Lee anti Israel controls Gaza and they only have their own house in order migrate I mean there's there but here they are these people that are Palestinians and what do you do with them and I do agree Peter and I had this argument with friends Jewish and otherwise many times that this is the Palestinians have a point this is why the such an intractable problem both sides have a point in this Ok maybe there wasn't a country called Palestine and clearly there wasn't but there was a lot of Ottoman Villa yet where Arabs lived that eventually came to be called Palestine or the belting a territory of the British Prime Minister I know you know I mean and the governments in Rome of you know all of Palestine everybody can buy but I mean up to the Arabs living there whether you want to call them Palestinian or not have a point some of them are dispossessed of their home and their land absolutely so they do have a point so but but whether that means that they should have you know they should cut Jerusalem down the middle to get half of the back to Jordan or to the power of Palestinian state or something I think is entirely different issue I do too but you have to eventually come to terms with these people because until you do there is no peace. Well that's one way of making peace I mean we didn't exactly come to terms of the Nazis now but I think we're not talking about that but again like what happened to American Indians and what happened to people what have been the Irish Catholics and I mean it's a repetitive theme in history and you know that it is. Not a doctor will do it again I have a hand as a carry Christmas when I talk to you thanks to thank open lines on the other side 303696971 cap you can as on the show hang on. So far so good everything moving along in pretty smooth shape around Denver right now not seen major issues for ups as far as a big matter of fact you can see it in traffic try to work your way out Lady Gaga concert tonight 7 o'clock at Pepsi Center plan accordingly as far as your evening plans go you try to make it downtown at Applebee's they believe it's better to give and receive So this holiday season if you buy $50.00 gift cards you get $10.00 bonus card free yeah only at Applebee's $710.00 can you ask 1st or traffic. I'm doing Hayden join us Tuesday one before election day down in Alabama. Directory setting up a confrontation with the Senate Republicans to try to ministration says to terrorist attacks in 2 months in New York City chose why it's important to toughen our immigration system. And you. Have to come wonderful. 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