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5 crash they're still seeing heavy traffic behind that one to about Peoria and an earlier crash cleared southbound Federal at 72nd still seeing some heavy traffic in the area right there I'm Steve Millen 710 can us personal or traffic can us to a single media group station. I. Place of people. This is the Peter Boyles show and good morning everyone it is a Tuesday August 22nd we're all back on the job 201-7710 cane u.s. Weather center weather on a Tuesday 82 will be the high today 84 and Wednesday 85 Thursday in and out of some rain the weekend spending in the eighty's again all the talk is about the eclipse we have a picture up on our website this morning 710 cane Us dot com which you can see and have and trade with your friends unlike any other eclipse picture you have seen this really is the consummate the ultimate eclipse picture available today you can look at it on our website 710 k. And us also we have a little cartoon of the framing fathers that I like it's up as well the morning the laid out guy down in tell you about that I haven't checked it out you have to go look save the the perfect eclipse picture. I mean like anyone any I mean you've never seen it anywhere else it's up 710 and you I can just imagine and good morning yes Ma'am good morning. This traffic this news the big news it's brought to you by Champion windows improve your home with new windows during champions summer of savings sale get $250.00 off new windows and pay no interest or payments until 21000 scheduled today at get champion dot com Well did you see the speech yesterday and did indeed Republicans in Congress are applauding President Trump's plans for Afghanistan Trump said in a speech last night that conditions on the ground not timetables will guide u.s. Policy but the nation's longest war House speaker Paul Ryan said Trump's strategy Prince was principled realize I'm Nancy Pelosi said Trump's announcement I'm mad to an open ended commitment of American lives with no accountability what do you think Peter it's wrong it's wrong no it's way wrong Afghanistan's chief executive he welcomes Trump strategy sure there are more money for them to she'll. Bank in Bahrain fight the war in Afghanistan they don't bank in Bahrain they bank in the u.a.e. Mission it's the most corrupt or it's more corrupt than the government of Mexico more corrupt than the government of Mexico which is a stretch so getting. Terrorists out of Pakistan all that stuff they're not going to have a no. Well the feds are identifying the Texas man accused of trying to bomb the Confederate statue there prosecutors say Andrew Schneck who was going to bomb a statue of Richard Dowling but was stopped by Houston Houston park ranger a 25 year old claim that he wanted to destroy the statue because he didn't like that guy is known to law enforcement there having previously been convicted of storing explosives and nearly 3 dozen people are injured after a train crash near Philadelphia this morning State transportation officials say at least 33 people were hurt when a high speed train crashed into an empty station car at a terminal west of Philadelphia locally here in Colorado Democrats are dropping out of the 7th Congressional District race after incumbent Ed Perlmutter had a change of heart he announced yesterday that he would be running for reelection after all next year Democratic state lawmakers Dominic Morel and Britney Paterson both dropped their bids for the office and have thrown their support behind Perlmutter. We have Mike Roberts on a radio show this morning to talk about that. In politics and in life that's known as the old switcheroo. There's something behind the story that I don't know what the real truth is but here's a guy says he wanted to be governor remember 3 yet he knows his hat into the ring as they say to be governor and then Jared Polis announces who's got a huge wallet he announces and all of a sudden Fast Eddie says Well Ok I'll drop out oh Better yet I'll drop out of all of it now these guys have what's called belly fire they want to be on these jobs and has a real sleeper come in for a run for governor that I am was hesitate to talk about but had communication with this person last night this is all the gubernatorial run members of double double there won't be an incumbent now the Republicans have George broccoli or he is my front runner and of course all these other people dashing and dancing but promoter probably has a strange man but regardless as a lot of money so why now what happens to Proma Oh I quit everything now I'm grabbing my ball I'm going home and nobody's going to play then suddenly you know I think I'll come back and play I contend that there's something there that no one knows anything at all about there's some hidden piece of this picture that for him to want to be governor. Which is a huge huge Jim Lee Yeah and then suddenly when another guy with more money jumps into the race and says No I want to be governor and this guy says Ok I don't want to be governor oh better yet I don't want to be in public office at all but moments before that wanted to have one of 50 jobs in this country a State governorship then he quits everything and then he goes home and then Has that always other people jumping on and then he has this you know during the moment yeah I'd like to run again he was saying that basically he burned out and then you might that's why he gave that statement I don't buy any there so I don't think he's the see in that there's a lot of money on that side said is going to hell I don't know how can I say it's I don't know I mean I don't know I mean he's got a lock on that seat. The guy that we like to watch your chances a novelist who comes in the studio a lot he beats George and Lee be George. George did better than people expected George to do but he still got beat no other something here there's a piece of this puzzle in politics like these guys you know regardless these guys went on a curve it's Cory Gardner or my common or this guy they're they're all the same those same duck watch there's something here and not that I know it I don't know what it is but it doesn't add up and has to be what Hitchcock called the MacGuffin or something or keep looking oh yeah well maybe you'll never see it either too but there's something wrong. Well there's some good news and new study says doctors could diagnose also Heimer sooner by using an eye exam researchers at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles have developed a way to detect plaques related to the disease in the retina the scans might allow doctors to detect Alzheimer's even before sentence appears so that's good news and if you missed seeing yesterday's eclipse in totality you'll have an upcoming opportunity right here in Colorado the catch is you have to wait till 2045 my calendar for August 12th Peter 28 years from now past the totality will be directly over Colorado's a new word. The media learned paths of totality Yeah many times have you heard that stupid said I mean we've heard path of totality band of totality is like a new rock band we all. Have to he's in the totality how many times some local reporter Channel 9 or someplace else was in the totality Yeah I love the traffic jams I mean everything was predictable Yeah did you I mean do you watch it you know I do I kind of did I was watching it out my window I was going to look at the sun because I didn't have glasses but Krista Kafer she credits in traffic for 9 hours from Miami to Denver classic So Ok so you watched it to your eyelids right Casey No doubt he never made it Monday's a crush me so I the eclipse was me sleeping I watched it I got done right it was interesting I've done the gym exactly about when it starts to you know with asses now but I have one outside behind where I go to the gym and watch people I take a look you know well that's cool yeah so it was eerie that's a good way to say yeah eerie some people you know they were put posting pictures on Facebook of shadows that the trees made now that was kind of cool that you could see the shadows where the other way I mean a part of it was kind of cool but all of this hoopla but it was over it was over and done with and 2 minutes that I and there's not another picture quite like our eclipse picture 710 can you are stuck on there is an eclipse picture that we we've never seen anywhere else by the way this is it's in the path of totality Oh Ok yeah all right right well quarterback Trevor Simeon in the will be the starter for the Broncos and the team will be back home Saturday against the Packers if you have tickets let me know I guess I guess last night I guess so more and more people took the knee last night how many people took the man 2426 wise and why is anybody going to watch these people play. So discuss No I'm just not going to I mean I quit watching last year but yeah you know I was thinking about what you said the other day and I was thinking you know what college football is still out there high school yeah that little kid so many cases. College what they're doing is they're not allowing the players out of the locker room during the national anthem trust so they're Yeah exactly so they're trying to get away from it that way don't trust them and that really says volumes to yank you know the hell with them I mean and then get down on a 5 year contract extension this is Goodell's fault Goodell won't crack anybody because then he'll be a racist and just come in this is what happens with the sadness this in this country day the suicide pact but I guess I don't I don't watch it last night I had dinner with my grandson is going right back to go back to school going to start school were time at school but I came home and I have no intention this morning I got I was at the t.v. On and they showed what was a team last night k.c. Was a Bears It wasn't because of the Browns or the Browns who got rounds on the Browns and it was about how many people took in the last one case it doesn't matter it was in his preseason and so. I don't know why anybody any human being who cares about this country is going to watch professional football I have no idea I mean the disrespect that runs around this country today is off the hook so you know just speaking for just some jerk that does a radio show you know I want go across the street if you offered me tickets I would go I mean I'm serious about that I'm there's a line you draw you say I just won't do this and you know and cases look and I'm there's a bunch of people I saw a picture on Fox this morning it looked like I don't know certainly more than 5 or 6 guys. And I'm waiting for see what Brandon Marshall does and then of course yeah let's applaud Military Appreciation Night when you know now the whole thing's in a jam right now it really is and last night watching the president it was very sad I don't know what this is about I don't know if he's playing a Charlottesville card here or not but the fight in Afghanistan my god you guys how many years last night I was looking at figures the economic cost so far $4.00 trillion dollars There's 3 ways to think about the economic cost of these wars that has been spent already what could or must be spent in the future in a comparative economic effects of spending money on war instead of something else and this is what economists do and spending to date how much of the wars in Afghanistan Iraq and Pakistan since $911.00 costs the cost of war economic research teams use the up to date public publicly available numbers at a time of this writing to calculate the spending now this is only through 2014. The department offense allotted for the war and they go into these different categories the assumed number right now is 4.4 trillion dollars What have you gotten for your 4.4 trillion you've gotten a far worse world you've gotten you've got a lot of fine young dead men and women God knows how many people in the Arab world are dead. God knows how many young men and women are going to spend the rest of their lives in rehab we have seen this all before. And again Barack Obama George Bush and this notion Lyndon Johnson had of I don't want to be the last 1st American president to lose a war I don't know if this is running around in Trump's head trumps wrong this is way wrong you guys. Obama sent 100000 soldiers in and that can do the job and now they're talking about the Pakistanis the Pakistanis don't care the Taliban and again you're not fighting Taliban you're fighting passion tribesmen and there is this line and I'm so deep in this right now are steeped in it it's called invaders and traitors and that's how they see this and if you're on the side of the government accountable you're a traitor if you're an American g.i. Or any other country that's stupid enough to send soldiers into Afghanistan you're called an invader and it's very simple in their minds invaders and traitors. And it was the same terms that were used in Southeast Asia yelling invaders and traitors absolute if they were any arm an army they were traitors if they were they were invading matters invaders and traitors So what do you say to the folks whose will who are saying well we're going to do something about terrorism it's not dare it's there it's in Barcelona Spain Yeah I mean and those people aren't Afghans I mean I don't know how to break it to you it's like on that terrible day and $911.00 there was no Afghans on those airplanes there was no Iraqis on those airplanes they were principal Saudi Arabians on those airplanes so you can't I mean what happened in Barcelona what happened in Paris when we were in Paris there was no way that they were Afghanis. This went back and he's the one patch tunes. I mean this is insane here we go again and Afghanistan it's not a just war and St Augustine of Hippo for those of you who are Christian people or people that study the book or people who study history I stand it was remarkable guy and they came up with a side view of what is a good war a just war he called this is not a just war and they're waiting back into Dick Cheney's insanity if they really are and listening to generals that doesn't make any sense history is replete with don't listen to generals you know whether they're the generals inside the state as a matter where I mean just don't listen to them listen to the man in the room that says no. And Bush and Cheney destroyed anybody who came in a room and said no they really did Rumsfeld and I'm reading the stuff about Abu Ghraib prison. And a lot of this is Rumsfeld I just I would there's people who have gotten interviews with Donald Rumsfeld Rumsfeld I have not been fortunate enough to speak with Secretary Rumsfeld but putting guys nude on the buckets and stuff like that it was a long Rumsfeld stuff he came up with that stuff and that prison must have been a never going to thing out of it they never you can't torture people in the telling you anything through for their venting and tell you what you want to hear but it's insanity and I don't know what's going on I mean we can open up the phones and get this thing rolling but Lance Rose was on the show Mike Roberts is on the show her Blunden is on a show to Mark air and Eric Margolis comes back this is crazy stuff you guys I don't know what trumps doing I really don't know the continue the fight in Afghanistan with 4000 that's the agreed upon number Obama said 100000 George Bush and divisions these people were not going to be beaten this is what they like this is who they are and this idea of fighting terror that I heard last night these are Pash 2 tribes men these are incredibly Mis is their life. So we should spend that 4 trillion think about what you got for 4th of thing about the savings because George Bush went to the banks this this war was fought by the banks but George Bush and Cheney borrowed for this war that's how that money came came into being and it was much like Lyndon Johnson went into Social Security he drained social gritty funds for Southeast Asia. So Bush and Cheney with Cheney's. Obviously Cheney guiding this they borrowed that money so now you have 4.4 trillion and growing the number of young men and women whose lives have been destroyed will never be well again you have to take care of them and they're not look at what's going on the v.a. So this is this is a terrible thing the Afghanistan war is now the longest war in American history it defines the elements of a just war that was so well said by Augustine of Hippo Mike weeks teen years it's been 16 years 7 tomorrow it'll be. In Iraq 20032011 the agreed upon dates for Iraq remember Bush's bombing in right after 911 b. 52 arc light raids began when their bombing in the northern provinces in Tora Bora that's where the war begins so how many innocent men women and children how many American soldiers have lost their lives. It's essential that United States get the hell out of there now they're not and that's a that's a reverse Trump sat I'm getting out yeah I heard he said something like you know and I'm looking at it from a different perspective and I don't know why we have seen wag the dog before and you know I'm not anyone's fan as nuff to say I'll sit and lie on a radio show because I think they're That's my guy and you can hear a lot of that a lot of people are going to lay down in front of Donald Trump I just won't do it and this is wrong and let's see what happens but in this country today. It's like Obama and Bush he apparently does not intend to preside over as. As was said by Pat Buchanan United States defeat its longest wars enormous What nor do his generals you know how can we defeat writes Pat the Taliban with 13000 troops when we failed to do so he is with 100001 of the citizenry Obama sent I don't just didn't hear what your listeners inside every president are on this one thank you 303-696-1971 good morning well you saw but what are you watching some 10 cane us numbers talk station where you've been when you turn the television on when the n.f.l. Is on the House wrong with you. As my father would say doesn't matter would you my brother and I had this running gag thing we're doing on the phone the other day about you know man always asking what was wrong with what's what's wrong with you you know it's Mattel's a matter of years before you are most of your crease in the back of our heads what's wrong with you what's wrong with you watching the n.f.l. Are you going to watch Ok so you can watch and I can't even imagine turning this thing on this point I really can't what I usually do now is I just wait till the game starts it's a distraction for me football's attraction I say I'm not throwing rocks I'm just saying I know what I was wrong when you. Say that for a lot he doesn't need me to right now stack opticals move to the new location I had to stop to see him and I've been a guy my pupils dilated in the store a couple 3 times it's amazing stacked it become a great friends good skier we've talked about Allen so many times he was one of the original and a cd kids is upset managed to get out of that old location the one is dad started like 50 years ago and now he knows it's the best in the stack opticals larger its even a greater selection of frames and specialized sport glasses now and stack optical still has an on site laughter repairs and quick turnaround times and I met a bunch of guys over there a God of the wife both ride Harley's and their guy I got my eyes looked at before we took off on the hodge so got to see this new stack up to a new location 2233 South Monaco parkways Monaco and I live. And it's on the east it's on the west side it's a big shopping center and it's on the north end of the shopping center big sign you can't miss it stack optical 6 days away you can park and walk in if you want if you want to get the $69.00 I exam I know the doc $30332115783033212928.00 visit them on line stack optical dot com the greatest picture of the eclipse ever ever do you see it finally see it. I didn't tell anybody Crowley did this last night it's the greatest eclipse picture ever you can see it happen give it to your friends also a picture with the framers is great 82 the high state here. So far the drive the small ones actually been moving pretty smooth his work your way in and out of Denver here right now I 25 looking good to the tech center 2 and a quarter across the road looks like no problems I 70 elevated and the west side on the curve at a good drive so far this morning no problems giving out Pena Boulevard to the airport either using true car as a way for you to find the car you want when you're ready to buy a new or used car visit True Car enjoy a more confident car by experience I'm Jim outs and 710 came to us for siller traffic. Hey there Craig Silverman. What does it really mean to be jewelers making Denver sparkle since 924 Peter Boyles 2009 I see an ad in Denver magazine for a place called Senna Gen x. And I get a call and I meet Dr Julie McCallum The rest is history at the time really school through a hard time in my life and again I meet Art to Macao and she does so many changes for us we did bloodwork complete Senate Gen x. 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And strategic partnerships that strengthen organization the Colorado Business Roundtable believes we can achieve more through collaboration and align join us by visiting c.e.o. B.r.t. Dot com to learn more and subscribe to our news. 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We now return to the Peter Boyles show Tuesday morning August 22nd 27282 the high Wednesday 84 Thursday 85 off and on shots of rain the agreed upon number of professional football players who took a knee last night 12. We go to Chad on line one Chad you're on a radio show good morning what's going up you know you know I'm back and forth Man Yeah I agree with you yeah I saw that deal with the Cleveland Browns a whole bunch of guys take it and you know Iraq's single minute of preseason football this year not one and you know I'm done with football I'm done with it good I could go I go I can waste my time a lot better when I have no intent I have 0 intent you know I would I was like I would go to a restaurant. Or any place for that matter if you walked in the door the 1st thing one of their employees that is that their middle finger in your face you know that's all of it and it doesn't matter it's this entire on going. In Again I say societal if you would the gender the politically correct destruction of the past they all come home and Ok fine you know if the Dow and the owners allow this because if they don't Chad a mediately the New York Times will call them racist you know that they will be they'll be attacked by idiots like Mark his love things like that will happen having said that I just don't care you know there was a time that you know I really I loved you know watching professional professional football I've broken away totally from it and I think I still watch your pro fights you have to see fights and I want you to see I don't watch the ball boxing a whole heck of a lot I don't get there's a couple great fighters and I love to watch it the big deal coming up on Saturday night McGregor and Mayweather and I read that that would be interesting just because the novelty of it yeah I think the greatest at the chance because. St Mayweather is a game I think Mayweather played but Jagers game I don't think he'd start I mean you know my son and I last night debating a while then went out we buy the fight you know and I and my son's like really good with you know the digital stuff he said Dad just he just got on the Internet and he said they do play by play you can listen and watch and he said you know I have to buy the fight and I said Yeah but for some cool about sitting down you know invite a bunch of your friends over and I don't know I don't you know I mean I think if McGregor. You know Bones Jones wants to fight Brock Lesnar that would be a huge purse I'm a huge Bones Jones fi fan you know he's great I think you could do it because how like they say you know the strong dominate the weak in the Smart dominate the strong Bones Jones got enough skill to do it for less doesn't Lesnar is an animal but you know he's a he's a he's a house is whether you but he's not the reigning he's not the reigning you have to see heavyweight champion of the world either but it was still you know it's got those Jones has more skill than Lester does and that sort of has a lot more power but you know skill teeth power any day of the week well one of the things that you're going to mean again if this gets and I'm told from my reading they can't sell the fight out in Vegas. Or Greg or fight after the last Mayweather back to you or you know I have a high 6 I wasted money on that me too I don't I just don't think I you know I'm not going to throw $100.00 down the drain again like that and the other part of it is Mayweather just outclassed Pacquiao and then Pacquiao comes I said I hurt my hand before the day I should have said and I mean I I lost respect for packing all then but I say now back to I'm going to come back to what we're talking about but we're going to have actually Terry Fry who was fired of the Denver Post will make an appearance with us on Friday and I hope Joe Williams The Hitman Joe in to come with him Joe by phone and Terry in studio we'll talk about because Joe Joe wins is a great great fight historian great fight fan and Terry hasn't done anything publicly since he got fired by the post so they're going to be with us on Friday and one of the things that will come up is the MacGregor fight I'm sure but I come home and McGregor's got got the hose they sting down I think that's one of the things he's a heel you don't feel like we're totally You got him out yeah he's he is Mohammad Ali and Muhammad Ali was the Original Nature Boy you know the story that one alley and then in this land that latest book about. Muhammad Ali and me and Malcolm that I never registered where the guys on the show and I said absolute true that not only did Muhammad will see the Nature Boy excuse me Gorgeous George George he went into the locker room as they say they went backstage to say wrestling and actually had a conversation with George and I thought to myself What a great one act play I'm not sure if I were I had that kind of smarts to talk about this young cashless Clay who is kind of a meek kid from everything Urania comes back and he has this a pocket moment with George Wagner and becomes the Louisville Lip and he gets a no it's what a wonderful moment and you know you know what I think that may have all but as great as he was as he said he was going to put you on your on your can in the 4th you were going on your cat in the 4th he had a big mouth but he backed every bit of that is they always said they all must follow me around I call Oh you did it over there was well you know I'll go back on the you don't find some e.s.p.n. Classic just the right one it was so bad watching that guy blew nobody moves right I mean he was just so and that any kind of might of both you know showed a clip after Manila after him and they should have let it go he couldn't let it go and no and he should have let it go and I'm a huge fan I mean I that that moment of fights where there's there's George Foreman there I mean there's you know there's Joe Frazier there's Muhammad there's I mean all of these great fighters all these great segue with Sugar Ray is a lighter fighter in terms of weight and he's further down the line but just all these heavyweights all show up at this one moment and Larry Holmes has to live in the shadow and Larry Holmes was great but he always lived in the shadow of George and Muhammad and Joe Fraser and he had to live in their shadow and and then finally you know when he beat Allie that was it was this like you know that legendary thing when Marciano beats Joe Louis to. Lewis takes the fight because he owes the government money. And he and Joe should have taken that I'm God that's kind of the same deal with this Mayweather fight I may with the still those taxes from the back you know like oh yeah but you know if he has the ability to you know to to make dough and and his What's this person on a $1000000.00 on this thing then I have a $100000000000.00 or so that I think McGregor's 100000000000 dollars And I think. Mayweather makes a little bit more. And they know it and you've got a lot of McGregor because he like like George and like Mohamed. He talked his way into the fight and you know and he really did he talked his way into the fight and with Allie it got to the thing where they just want they wanted to quote shut his mouth and he knew it oh and he I mean he's really beautiful and you need to people pay money to watch somebody try to shut him up. And he had wonderful people around him not not not the Muslims because they grew in them but when he had Angelo Dundee and and even to a degree Bundy Brown a kind of a Bundy nice guy and you know Bundy and he could build him up but when when he got in and there's always new books out that say he was so afraid of the Muslims he couldn't break away and there's always stuff that that Sonny Liston was afraid of the Muslims and Sunny was mobbed up and said he wanted anybody you know but Sonny was afraid of the Muslims and Mohammed was afraid to break from the Muslims and if ended up killing Melcombe right sure did Louis perilous for a Kansan on the take on the team that that hit him and I'm a huge Malcolm fan I mean I just love all those guys I'm just this I just think the world of you know like you like to talk about you know Columbus or any Thomas Jefferson that he was a man of his time he isn't who he was you know snow has melted I can't take nothing away and he was you know and there's a guy that like talking here about Trump and I'm not even doing a comparison but when he realized the truth he broke from a logic and he if you stayed with the logic he would have inherited probably the nation because Herbert Muhammad who was a lodger Mahomet's son was kind of a weak sister and and and when when Mount when Malcolm discovers what a lodge it was doing and then also made the trip to Mecca came back and that was he had just signed his own death warrant a death point but. But he. Guy that you have so much respect at least I have respect for in terms of reading is true that he came back saw the truth and broke and it's like watching this Trump thing and I'm not and I'm not comparison comparing myself to any of that look at the truth about what Trump is doing right now and you've got to tell the truth that's wrong you know I'm with you 100 percent on that Afghanistan thing you know why keep throwing good money after bad only like you're inciting more you're this is what they want well you know you're stuck in the weapons right now the terrorist weapons right now are stolen cars and trucks in Europe. And you know if you notice the said and those guys are coming from Iraq go oh don't tell me they're not coming from Afghanistan Oh no they're not come up no Afghanistan I'm not they're not all coming from Syria no no they're not passions and this is I think this is the crap that George Bush and Dick Cheney sold you know you know everybody and I rebuy. The principal planners and principal hijackers all of them were Saudis and what they were Saudi Arabians and Egyptians and it's rather to Egyptians and the rest of Saudi Arabia having said that this is the same thing in Spain you know to Spaniards aren't like you know gearing up all their G.I.'s to go along and invade go back in and Afghanistan you know suspend your kids the most recent victims of a terrorist attack. You know they're not they say these guys are Moroccans is what I'm really you know if they're not going to Afghanistan with Trump they're not going to do this well you know that is part of part of fat Spain's problem Germany Italy France that they let him in there in their backyard and that's why Trump's right about comes into the country but he's absolutely right but this is wrong last night the economic cost summary 4.4 trillion dollars and counting since Bush begins begins this and they all borrow the money and it's just great sadness already you know I said that's the next thing to come up here is this isn't the only rubbing up against the debt ceiling that that's coming you know you watch a little bit of this is going to go to the bank and ask money for Arafat doesn't tell us I watched some speeches and then Fox And then after after the speech is over they had Lindsey Graham came out and I swear to God you know Lindsey Graham don't trump have a little bit of a history and I think if Donald Trump was that Lindsey Graham gave her the fellatio because of the sneeze he gave you know what I mean you know they said it you know the you know his nickname is don't you know I don't the Pink Panther Oh well if it suits him I'm having a good morning. How was it this can't be good for the Washington might might be I don't know but he's the zone behind his back is the paper answer I man Peter you have to go home at 53921 minutes before the hour Lansley Russo I like him he's coming on a radio show Mike Roberts on what's up what have Perlmutter and Herman landed on Trump in Afghanistan tomorrow Eric Margolis comes back also I think clearly Tang talking about the Red Guards he lived through the guard should be with us. So I like I said I One is a very minor theme to smarting the n.f.l. I have no intent I mean I haven't watched the n.f.l. I watched one game last year and as when Brandon Marshall said he was going to stand up after all the lies that Brandon Marshall told and how the Denver Post never but just laid down in front of them now apparently reappeared with one of those some sports reporter from Channel 4 who just went in the tank himself for Brandon Marshall there has to be some woman where you guys have to at least have decency to look at yourselves that maybe I should have done this differently now 12 Browns players taken the last night. Why going to watch seriously I mean don't tell me it's a distraction with all in you know football Here's an email football used to be a distraction when you could lock yourself in your man cave or go to the sports bar you don't have to deal with the politics or health issues and he goes on from there yes right Tuesday morning 22nd of August 7th 10 Kenyans dot com got another this is just then this is the bit this is there's one make Afghanistan great again that's very smart the greatest picture of the eclipse we have up seen nowhere else there's nowhere else that you can see this picture it's up 710 can Us dot com a little cartoon of the framers up as well but you can take this picture and Senator your friends your picture of the eclipse. Came to another weekend and alcohol is a problem want to break the change of dependence go to go sober it's a these are good guys and a realization alcoholism is a disease. And a program has physicians and meds and doctors visits counseling coaching supplements and you have to have the need but see these guys it's time you've come through it maybe it's a family member 303-827-4837 extension 2 go sober dot org 303-827-4837 Go sober dot org Or you can call them and talk to them 303-827-4837 extension 1 the web go sober dot org It's time and their help bring you back to life or it's a family member you want to learn some more go sobered out or 303-827-4837 today. Something presently commits the u.s. To Afghanistan but says NATO is a key part of the strategy to fighting the Taliban working alongside our allies we will break their will dry up their recruitment heap them from crossing our borders and yes we will defeat them and we will defeat them handily in a speech last night Mr Trump also called out Pakistan for harboring Taliban fighters that gets high marks from South Carolina's Lindsey Graham who appeared on Fox News this is a solid plan this will turn things around in Afghanistan is putting Pakistan on notice I have a lot of conferences for but it won't be easy c.b.s. News political analyst Leonard Steinhorn for him this is about national security this is about American interests this is not about exporting democracy and this is where he's decided to come down as president of the United States c.b.s. News update I'm Peter King. Problem south of town north of $25.00 a green one hearing about an accident down its way because of problems on the exit ramp also on the lanes of traffic to a tractor trailer caught fire on your Colorado mother Sports Park I 70 used to buyers and to 85 north on a partly Gulch got a box truck that hit the guardrail there announcing Ford's summer sales events a best time a year to get a great deal on a new Ford car truck or s.u.v. 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To tune out the noise with brand in the team of chickens Well you can start building a retirement income strategy that works for you no matter what's happening in the headlines call 720-457-6844 extension 4 your own complimentary one on one retirement review with Brad Hill have show you how to stay focused on your individual retirement goals mention my name to campus and that review is complimentary for you that 720-457-6844 or visit Jenkins wealth dot com chicken's wealth management group is a financial services firm that offers a broad array of products and services including insurance and annuities license in Colorado this is Dan campus a wise person once told me if you don't have a seat at the table you are going to end up on the menu I think that applies directly to personal injury and wrongful death cases if you're not represented by a highly accomplished law firm the insurance company is probably going to each you for lunch and you'll never even know it so if you want to make sure that you in your claim are treated with the respect you deserve give me a call we are serious firm for serious cases and for 30 years we have proven our ability to go up against the best the other side has to offer and to win our personal injury clients include everyone from the poorest of the poor to C.E.O.'s teachers farmers police officers doctors lawyers and professional athletes we are able to make the vast resources of our firm available to good people from all walks of life by taking righteous cases on a percentage fee basis you can reach me at 303-770-5551 at Syria 37705551 or Dan caplets Law dot com that stand campus Law dot com Hi this is Jeff Hunt director of the centennial Institute and fighting you to sign our petition no more pot dot com recently Senator Cory Booker introduced a bill to legalize recreational marijuana nationally we've seen the impact in Colorado and it's not good there's been an increase in marijuana related traffic deaths Poison Control calls and emergency room visits Colorado has also. Seen an increase in newborn infants with t.h.c. In their bodies as c.b.s. 4 reported one point low hospital is reporting nearly half the babies tested in one month had marijuana in their system Colorado has one of the highest youth marijuana use rates in the country 74 percent higher than the national average the Washington Post just reported that once kids get off marijuana they perform better in school the future of our children and the nation are at stake we tried marijuana in Colorado and it failed sign our petition at no more pot dot com That's no more pot dot com One more time no more pot dot com Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa 300-374-0955 extension 6. Back to the beer boy you know somebody break into these people that law is not about children and young kids under 18. I'm so over that good morning everyone it's those 22nd of August it's a Tuesday morning and Peter Boyles a 710 k. New estimate station 82 will be the high today 84 as they just heard that spot on marijuana look. The at the law is about adults. It's about adults it's about why do these people focus on kids like eliminate the ad earlier tonight the law what the ad wants to do and as if no child or no young person ever to smoke marijuana because this is so unbelievably stupid it's like ripping down the statues so now every African-American kid will stay in school every African-American kid won't get pregnant every average American kid what should another African-American kid or deal drugs all the inner city crimes going to stop gang gang ism or gangster style lifestyle is going to go away because we've taken down Robert e. Lee of course it's ridiculous same thing that a law on legalization of marijuana was about adults why do these guys harp on kids I mean it's ridiculous the marijuana legalization thing has worked. I don't get this but an across the country state after state is legalizing and or medical making medical legal which is a one step away from legalizing marijuana it's not about kids in fact it was an ad that kids are smoking anymore ducked and they were the real problem is alcohol and I don't I don't see these guys running ads about alcohol is pretty amazing in it to watch this stuff happen Good morning everyone 710 cane us there was talk station the absolute best picture of the eclipse is up we're getting a lot of feedback thank you very much seen nowhere else Lansley Russo coming up on changing history an aunt of 5 Mike Roberts on what's up with Ed Perlmutter I still say there's something here that's missing in this promo to requestion her Blunden on Trump in Afghanistan Eric Margolis tomorrow Lily Tang Williams who witnessed the Red Guard and that's are these little Antipholus are there the Cultural Revolution or the Red Guard I don't know what we're watching last night I watched Donald Trump and he's wrong. Obama sent 800000 more soldiers into Afghanistan and that didn't work George Bush launches a war in Afghanistan and starts becoming a nation builder and they had to do they had the vision strength in Afghanistan so how can we defeat the Taliban and you can't because their passion tribesmen It's called traitors and invaders and the troops that will train the Afghan army allegedly to take over the war it's not going to happen. It's I don't know is he trying to deflect from Charlottesville wag the dog would not be the 1st time that was done the Clintons were infamous for wag the dog George Bush was infamous for every time somebody started looking honestly at his wars he would raise the threat level we know those things to be true today they would run the threat level up and Hunch everybody shoulders and say Ok look oh wow we know they lied and they created a war Bush and Cheney Iraq was a war of aggression there were no w m D's there's no connection al Qaeda for the 1st time in American history unprovoked this country invades another nation George Bush and Dick Cheney and all comes home to roost all across the Middle East begins with these people begin again I don't know I watched this last night the upping extending u.s. Troop presence in Afghanistan Iraq Syria confronting Iran. Confronting North Korea you have learned nothing history has taught you nothing stay away. There was a piece done called America is out of ideas in Afghanistan and it was a big speech and nobody knows what to do and that's true I know what to do leave. You know that they are so well will turn and I listen to somebody on the radio show their day talking about how this Islamised are going to commit a takeover now they'll kill them to read some history who's going to come in and take over that's who they are they're Islamicists the Pakistanis the culture the faith the religion of Pakistan is that of the Taliban you really think the Trumps can make a difference no and I love how that we got to keep the Islamists from take their Islamists it's like we got to keep the termites out of the termites are in there I'm amazed at this stuff and and it will be cheered on today believe me on this radio station it will be cheered on if we cheered on another radio stations somebody has to have a clear head and say no don't do this it's only going to ask for more problems you're going to create more problems get more young Americans killed and maimed what's the point of that kill kill more people kill more Afghans I don't know but it watching people cheer this on you have no idea what you're doing you have no idea big surprise unpredictable weather is in Colorado in never know what to expect what you can rely on as getting the best windows for Colorado's climate Infiniti for Marvin's fiberglass available as the best window company in town goofiness window center of Littleton we got great weather this is great construction weather for 44 years you mean Veena now all of their kids worked hard maintaining the reputation of community by providing outstanding products over excellence customs do it right and if you choose your brain as window center Lyttleton you don't need to worry about installs or what things are going to do what's not going to last What's going to last infinity for Marvin's fiberglass there are 8 times stronger than vinyl and 3 times during composite so infinity doesn't just last it out last so it's called equity in your home you pay x. For Windows x. Goes into your home's value and right now a free install. This has to be the deal of a lifetime you call to man up easy number 30379404903037940490 heard me say this long enough you get a call and they either bring into the show will come out of the house or 89 West Littleton Boulevard and it begins a free install what the demand said he said a free install So you're getting all the equipment just it's just makes x.y.z. Sense 303-794-0490 today on the other side last Russo's coming on the wrist was coming on and Mike Robertson Perlmutter Herb London on Trump in Afghanistan I literally do not understand at speech. This vision of applying principled real realism I don't know what evil what that means they use code words you're going back into a place that you've been all the money that's been spent all the Afghans who are dead men women and children they shut down the Soviets and you're going to go back in again these are not terrorists these are passions they love to fight you are a traitor and or an invader traitors are Afghans who joined the Afghan army trained by the Americans the invaders are the Americans it's pretty plain It's pretty simple it's been that way forever. Hang on everyone again the website 7 taking us dot com the best picture of the eclipse seen nowhere else but our website you can lift that habit and Senator a friend. Got to go drive on this one and so far I 25 northbound still got an accident around the green one exit car rolled off the highway and into the grass but crews are out there trying to get that taken care of car fire actually a semi truck caught fire I 70 westbound coming in from the buyer's area and causing the bit over the lane to 85 an arm only Gulch got for slowdowns in the foothills there refinance reconsolidate your dad into one low payment say $500000.00 a month is American financing dot net m.l.s. $1.23 regulated by the Division of real estate I'm Johnson 710 came to us 1st or traffic Good morning. He's a buddy Mike Wallace the restaurant shows a new stock 710 k. In us every Saturday 3 to 5 percent at 10 o'clock until noon in fighting join me we take your calls we give oit give certificates we talk about the ever changing Front Range restaurant scene we talk with restaurant owners we talk with chefs we also do lunch but we also do separate pubs right invite you to join me at a restaurant and get you some great meals and great deals all the information is always on my website at my quarrel dot com but join me Saturdays 3 to 5 and Sunday 7 noon a new start 710 k. In us. 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