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Live along the creek. Today in the bay continues right now. And a good morning. Thank you for joining us on what is yet another busy tuesday. Im sam brock. Here we go again. Im laura garciacannon. How many umbrellas have you been through . The wind has been an issue. They are flipping inside out. You have to find another one day because we will have on and off showers with us. More breaks. But the heaviest rain is moving out. Were watching those area creeks and rivers recede. Let me get you out the door with what it looks like across our microclimates. It is cool in the trivalley. Milder in the south pay. Still lingering showers. Its dropped down to 50 in the north bay. So our temperatures will be getting cooler as we go through the day. Still wet roads and times of rain. We will look ahead what to expect with the time of additional rain coming up in a few minutes. Mike is starting off with better news. Thats right. Looking at 10minute delays. Continuing to see less delay as we talked about. Earlier mechanical problems. No improvement for ace. No ace trains running this morning or this afternoon because of weather related problems. Over here, we do have a smooth flow of traffic. Well talk about 17 in just a second. There is a change there. The story in a second. Talk about the flow of traffic. Highway 37 still has the flooding. Closing off between atherton and 101. Toll plaza metering lights are on. No problems except for the fact that these are slick roadways, guys. Back to you. It is a tough commute for folks. Another rubbing roing slickslid southbound 17 and highway 9 in los gatos. Kris sanchez is joining us live to show us the impact its having on drivers and another option for getting around. Take it away, kris. Reporter here on 17, the road is shut down. There are folks traveling in the northbound direction. This is where the rockslide came down just south of the bridge. In the distance beyond the rocks on the roadway, you can see a whi jeep. It was hit by boulders coming down. It started around 5 45. Within two hours, chp was shutting down the roadway and turning people around. This is impacting both southbound lanes of highway 17 and highway 9. The alternate route is a doozy. 101 to 156 to highway 1. These folks didnt wait for the official shutdown to make other plans . No, we cannot go home. Were so tired. Were going to spend the night here. I dont think we can stay on 17 for another couple hours. Earlier in the day, a large tree came down across highway 17. In that case, drivers didnt wait. They took matters into their own hands trying to clear the roadway. One man had a chainsaw and was ready to jump into action. Now, the work on the main mudslide that shut down two lanes of highway 17 through scotts valley, that is still in progress. That lane closure still coming right. There is good work happening. You can look at that on my facebook page. Another day, another miserable. I just dont understand how folks are doing it in the santa cruz mountains. Kris sanchez, today in the bay. An incredible amount of patience. Kris, thank you for that live report. Their h similar problems for commuters in the east bay. Niles canyon and alameda is closed from fremont, sinol and he 680. It started overflowing. It is still close. A lot of flooding and mudslides so far this winter. Right now we want to take you to a live look from san jose, coyote creek. Flood stage is 10 feet. Heres where the situation stands now. Several road closures because of that flooding. City has set up two evacuation centers, and an overnight shelter. The Housing Department is also reaching out to the Homeless Population and telling them about the dangers of staying where they are. Flooding an issue at San Jose International airport. New video showing the flooding in the terminal a parking garage. Crews have been working overnight just to pump out all the water. 6 05 right now. Highway Patrol Officer escaped serious injury when the driver of an suv plowed into his vehicle last night. The driver of the suv died. It happened as the officer was assisting another driver. All the disabled car during the bad weather near the el monty road exit. The crash closed all but one lane of 280 for several hours. Turning our attention now to politics. President trump could issue a revised version of the ban targeting muslims later today. Backlash is growing after a Homeland Security draft indicated deportation hearings could be accelerated and thousands of agents would be hired for deportations. We are likely to see raid and roundups that you did not see during the last eight years of the Obama Administration. That is what is worrisome for many people. Newly confirmed head of the epa will deliver marks to employe employees. A closer look at the new security advise er Lieutenant General h. R. Mcmaster. Richmond city council is calling on congress to investigate president trumps Business Holdings and weather they warrant impeachment. In oakland, a nonprofit is making immigration lawyers available to help immigrants. The services are free. San leandro send issing a strong message about immigration. They are considering whether or not to become a sanctuary city. President trump vowed to withhold federal dollars from sanctuary cities. Youre waking up to another soggy morning. A live look showing the san mateo bridge. You can see wet conditions on the road. The storm is moving out we are still tracking scattered showers. A live look at san jose. Looking at scattered showers you is and what to expect. The creeks and the rivers will be falling today as that rain rolls out later this evening. It will be turning much cooler. Stormranger, our mobile Doppler Radar showing this red beam here in san hoe is say. It is picking up on heavy rain moving into the city right now. Also south of fremont. As we get a closer look at the east bay, still seeing the rain moving through livermore. Creating slippery conditions on 580 and on the roads as you head through. Still will will see lingering rain today. The timeline in four minutes. I try to cover all the bad and the good, i guess. Depending how you look at things, it could be good for your commute. Highway 17, as kris talked, is closed south of highway 9. Thats new since yesterdays commute. This also new. The khroeclosure also new. Closed between 680 and mission boulevard. The trivalley we see opening. All lanes open at north flynn after they fixed the two giant potholes. Looking towards a 35minute drive. Thats 45 minutes better than the last time we took this reading out of the altamonte pass. More folks toward 84, pleasanton and the rest of the trivalley. Bart continues the recovery from earlier mechanical problems. System wide we have minor delays now. Looking at no trains. Weather related track problems. We have weather related wet roads. You see the sheen for highway 1 north past ikea and home depot. You know that Shopping Center at ravens way. Back to you. Thank you very much, mike. All right. It has been just over two months since the deadly open warehouse fire. There are still questions whether or not it could have been prevented coming up after the break in three minutes, what oak Land City Council members are doing today to prevent future tragedies. Insurance companies worry about your texting. 6 14. Microclimate weather alert continues. We still have flooding. Affecting parts of east san jose. More slowing through the area. Traffic moving through. Were talking about your approach on the rails as well. Mike, kari, thank you very much. In oakland, the problems highlighted by the deadly ghost ship fire will be front and center. City council is looking at displacement prevention is and safety. All is included in a report from the city administrator. Tonight city leaders are considering what the best practices should be moving forward following the warehouse fire that killed 36 people. Also happening today, a rally and a calling on alameda greg ahern. Apple could unveil a new line of ipads. It will replace the aging ipad mini. Thats what i have. Its aging. Features with a smart connector and rearfacing camera. They may reveal a new red iphone 7, paving way for the iphone 8, which is expected this fall. A lot of people looking a lot apple stock. Shares at alltime highs. Wall street back to work. After the president s day threeday weekend. You mentioned apple. Macys turning it surprisingly good numbers. Tesla reports tomorrow. Yahoo and verizon made it official. Dow is up four points on friday. Nasdaq up 23. Former attorney general eric holder will look into charges by a former uber employee that she was pressured into sex by her manager. Holder worked in the Obama Administration as ag for five years. Now he works for uber. His investigation comes after a former employee posted a long list of accusations online. Uber has a reputation in Silicon Valley for its socalled culturbro culture. Several american Car Insurance Companies Say theyre concerned claims are growing faster than insurance premiums. And they know whats to plame. State farm says it cant say specifically how many accidents are caused due to distracted driving. It did a survey is and discovered more than a of its customers admit to texting while driving. Now, there are more accidents overall. The economy has been on fire which means more people are going to work. It seems apparent that something has got change. Crashes are happening faster than payments. It is against the law in california, but it still happens. It does undoubtedly. Lets turn to good news this morning, shall we . A leak in the levee. The good news is it has been stopped. Its a shame it happened. It is now deemed safe in that area. It took five hours to patch up. There is a threat for all the people who lived there. Big problem. Patching up levees, potholes. We will talk about that in a second. And the rain just keeps on coming. Still coming down. Theres more breaks here. We will get a little bit of a chance to dry out. Just as you see, the roads clearing. And things drying up. More rain comes. Expect that today. We will continue to see scattered showers moving through. A live look at san jose. It is not pouring very heavily right now. We are going to see that rain moving on through. The sevenday forecast coming up at the bottom of the screen starting in the peninsula. A few more days of sunshine. Just fullon sunshine. That starts tomorrow. We still have lingering rain today. Some of the heaviest rain continues to move across parts of the south bay and also the east bay. So we have stormranger. Our mobile doppler ranger. It is is giving us a high detail view. It is is coming on out of the clouds right now. It continues into parts of san say, moving towards los gatos. We have pockets of heavy rain. And also some scattered showers for the north bay. So still going to see times of this rain moving through. But a lot of this just rolling off to the east. We still have lingering effects of the heavy rain we had yesterday. The water is draining into the lowlying areas. Creeks and tributaries around the bay area. The flooding continues. Then we head farther south where the coyote creek for the lower drainage area will be in effect until 11 30. Heading towards the north bay, we still have the Flood Warning in effect for the next two hours for the creek and lower laguna. Those areas having to keep a close eye on the water levels. For the Sacramento River and all the creeks that drain out into fairfield, vallejo, you are looking at some of those staying high until 4 00 this afternoon. At 6 00, we are seeing lingering showers. Stronger cells moving through south of the golden gate bridge. We may have a chance of thunderstorms today. We wont see that widespread. Heavy rain in spots. As we go into this afternoon, lingering rain before we get a chance to dry out here. Finally, it may reach a tenth to possible half an inch, up to 4 around santa rosa. We will keep an eye on this as we track more closures and alternatives. Got to give you some way around this. Looking at a smooth flow. A little slowing for hayward and the trivalley. We had this pothole 580 westbound. A pothole around north flynn. All lanes open. More traffic. Over towards 680. We see more slowing. Rain sticking around. So more flooding or ponding for 680 or just off of there. Closure for highway 84. That happened yesterday. You will not access that. 680 and mission are your alternates. We are looking towards rest of the flow of traffic. A slower drive. First the flooding for 880 northbound. At least one lane blocking northbound. Highway 17 closure is right here south of highway 9. Kris sanchez following this all morning. Caltrans will assess that. When the sun comes up. You cannot head south over the summit toward santa cruz. North take 92 over to highway 1. Highway 9 has closures. So does highway 35. The roadway continues to erode. Hopefully they will be able to open shortly. Back to you. You might have to stay with a friend for a few days it seems like. 6 22. Coming up next, a Country Music star taking on scalpers. One refrigerator, two companies, three service calls. With 245 bucks somewhere in between. Many people know bing aconcert scalpers within minut. Y but one country act is figing back on behalf of its fs. Vo rail country nr eric chch is he canceled 25 thousand plusseci welcome back. Good Tuesday Morning to you. 6 25. A lot of people know tickets are scooped up by scalpers in minutes. Eric church canceled 25,000 plus secondary market ticket orders and released them pack to the public to buy. He will perform in sacramento and los angeles at the end of march. Nbc bay area responds to a redwood city man with a problemat problematic refrigerator. When genes refrigerator started leak anything september of 2015, he called reliable Appliance Service to fix it. He said he paid the company 245 for a fix. But he says the fridge kept leaking. So he called reliable appliance again. The company sent out a supervisor who told him to adjust the temp. He tried that, but the leaking continued. Thats when he decided to go ahead and call company. It replaced the thermostat. He said the fridge has been working fine ever since. So he asked reliable Appliance Service for a refund. A year later he still hadnt gotten his money back. We contacted reliable Appliance Service and they refunded 245. In a statement the company said our number one priority is customers complete satisfaction. If you have a complaint call us at 888996tips. Chris, thank you very much. Coming up next, we are tracking the damage left behind from the latest storm to hit the pay area. Team coverage. Make sure youre ready to head out the door. As creeks and rivers to rece recede, we have lingering showers and a chance of rain throughout the day. More on that and whats ahead the weekend coming up next. A muddy mess left behind in livermore. You can see water rushing through a trivalley campus. A dozen people were brought to safety is next. Right now at 6 30. The stm is morning. Eft behind this tered sf on your left is our live ppler radar showing the scatted showers left behind from is storm system. Laura on your top right thats ali right now at 6 30, the storm is moving out at least later today. We are still tracking scattered showers this morning and a whole lot of damage left behind. A tough go in the bay area with all the rain we have been having. Welcome to Tuesday Morning. Im sam brock. I guess this qualifies as a breather given everything we have seen the last couple of days. We do have rain. All the water is draining into the lowlying areas, creeks and rivers. We will continue to see some of the rises for the next couple hours before the water levels start to go back down. Still tracking rain out there. Our mobile Doppler Radar showing the red beam. You can see the showers moving through parts of the bay area especially for san jose right now. You are seeing a line of showers moving through. We head into the east bay where we continue to see some of the heavier downpours in the trivalley. And lingering light showers. This will continue to move through in waves today. There will be more breaks. Ill talk about that coming up at 6 38. Mike is still tracking bart delays. Im no longer reporting for west oakland. Embarcadero, east bay, 10minute delays because of mechanical issues. These are not in recovery mode. They are still trying to diagnose whats going on. Ace train, no service because of weather related service. Also right here. And niles canyon. Highway 84. Smooth flow of traffic. Were looking at the closure for highway 17 heading south of highway 9. Let me give the alternate. Well talk about the reason why it closed later on. 92 of to the coast. Highway 1. A nice scenic route. Coyote creek behind me has receded significantly overnight. If you want to look to your left looking down the road, you might recall this area was flooded. It is going down from overnight, as i mentioned. There were several intersections that were shut down as a result of the coyote creek flooding yesterday. This is what looked like for drivers on oakland where coyote flows. It snapped a tree and brought it to the road. Nervous moments for residents in the south bay Mobile Home Park which butts up against the creek. Waters started rising around the home raising fears for maria jorge who remembers her when home flooded in 2006. 123. I lost a lot then. I hope i dont have to lose a lot now. We drove by the neighborhood a couple of hours ago. The water has receded. It does not appear they were damaged in coyote creek swelled and started to go into that neighborhood yesterday. Live in san jose, bob redell, today in the bay. Thanks for the latest there, bob. 6 34. Even though people are told to evacuate their homes, there are shelters in san jose that are open. An overnight shelter at james lake high school. 6 34 right now. In the east bay, dramatic new video and our newsroom showing the flooding that happened. Look at all the water in the street there in the area of north canyons road and Collier Canyons road in livermore near las positas college. Eight stranded cars. This is one of the cars as a result. Show you the video at the sperb intersection here in livermore. There are 10 water rescues until 9 30 p. M. No injuries to report. About 15 firefighters that conducted the rescues. As far as location goes, a lot came from north of las positas college. The watershed in livermore. Back out here you can see it is is very muddy on this road. Collier canyon road will be closed as cleanup continues. Pete is suratos, today in the bay. Thank you for the latest there, pete. One home destroyed, several others being threatened in the north bay because of erosion along the russian river. Homeowners recently placed boulders alongside the river as a buffer to help save their homes. There are four houses there that have been having problems with yards dropping in the river. Two homes in petaluma. Dashcam showing the fireball following a deadly airplane crash. You see it on the rye zone. The black ball of smoke. Four american tourists died in the crash this morning along with the australian pilot. It happened shortly after the plane took off in melbourne about 9 00 in the morning. The plane crashed into a Shopping Center. No one on the ground was injured. Three victims have been identified. They are from texas. Tragedy here in california as well. Flags at the capital are halfstaff to honor a fallen Southern California Police Officer. Whittier Police Officer boyar was killed and his partner injured when respond to go a traffic accident. The driver of the car involved in the wreck was a gang member who opened fire on the officers who shot back wounding the suspect. Officer boyar was a 27year veteran of the force. The chief talked about why it was such an emotional loss yesterday. It is really hard for me to hold back. My tears. I have been grieving since 10 00 this morning. And i didnt think i had any tears left. The heartache throughout the Law Enforcement community. San jose police tweeting their thoughts and prayers are with the officers family and coworkers. 6 38 right now. Back in court. Debate continuing over key evidence. Ant lynn Garcia Torres is accused of killing morgan hill teenager sierra lamar. Investigators defended how crucial evidence was collected. That included a rope found in the trunk of his volkswagen. Police say dna testing shows the rope had lamars hair on it. Lamar disappeared in 2012. Her body was never found. The defense claims that she ran away. Back right now to our microclimate weather alert. We take a live there outside from our San Francisco camera. Soggy out there. The storm eventually moving out. The roads still very wet. Thats right. Kari has a look at what is ahead for us today. Right now at 6 39, a live look at san jose. We will continue to see times of rain throughout the day. Still breezy. And the winds picking up every now is and then. The creeks and rivers will be falling. We will start to see the water levels ring as the rain ends this evening. And turning much cooler. This storm system will be ending later on today. If youre following me on facebook and twitter, what you are seeing now that we are getting a little bit of light in the sky. Coming up in three minutes, a i look at what to expect as far as the timeline of the rain today. What does it look like now going through the trivalley . Out of the altamonte pass, the trivalley, a camera there. This is tuesday build. It is not so bad. Most of the schools have a week off for ski week. East bay and the trivalley, we see traffic flowing. Earlier pot hot has been repaired or at least open lanes in westbound 580. That is an area plagued with potholes. Traffic moves towards 680. That closure for niles canyon. We have been talk building that all morning as well. With all that traffic released out of the altamonte passed, we are about to your standard drive. Over to 680. A live look at our camera. Still watch out. Water is kicking up off wet roadways. Water did settle around the sonoma, pleasanton area. Thats what were watching. It could be possible spinouts. None reported this morning. Back out toward the transit system, a smooth flow as well. The metering lights are on. Back to you. Thanks, mike. 6 41, a breach for one of the nations busiest airports. Coming up after the break in three minutes, how a dozen people managed to get into the airport without going through security. Meanwhile, we have a new National Security adviser. A look at day 33. And a look at the big boards right now. U. S. Stocks opening up at record highs this morning. You see the Dow Jones Industrial average so far up 73 points in early trading. Back with more news, weather, and traffic right after this were. 6 44. We are in a microclimate weather alert. Rain continue to go move through the bay area as many more people get out on the roadways. Still scattered showers. A slight chance of a thunderstorm as we go into late morning, early afternoon. And we will see much rain concentrated from San Francisco farther south. Early afternoon, heavy rain moving through at times. But there will also be breaks before this storm system winds down later on this evening. Coming up at 6 50, a look at how high the reservoirs are. And looking ahead to the next storm this weekend. And looking at 80. Northbound we have flooding there early this morning. Were going to talk about where the flooding is and the impact its having on your morning commute. Plus, some other closures. It is is quarter to 7 00. Serious questions about a Security Breach at Jfk International airport. Now the tsa is at the center of a controversy and a full investigation is under way. Authorities are trying to find 8 of the 11 people who passed through a checkpoint lane. The passengers were able to board their flights without being stopped yesterday morning. Three of the passengers set off metal detectors. We move to boulder, color o colorado. Taking a look at this scene. They are dealing with not snow but fire. Crews say several structures are destroyed. 70 homes have been evacuated. The good news, it is 75 contained. No word yet what started it. Developing overnight out of iraq, Government Forces advancing into mosul. Troops are closing in on the strategic airport there. Earlier troops were engaged in heavy fighting in a village overlooking the airport. It is is part of a wider reaching campaign back in november that has driven isis fighters from the eastern half of the city. The Supreme Court hears arguments in the case of a mexican teenager who was killed by u. S. Border patrol agent. That happened on the texas mexico border in 2010. He struck the agent on the mexican side of the border. The case could define when foreigners could have access to american courts. Shifting our attention to politics right. Scott mcgrew has been examining president trumps first 100 days. Today is day 33. And we have a new National Security adviser. One that everyone seems to like, laura. Someone free of allegations he is connected to russia. Threestar general r. Mcmaster to the job. This comes after Michael Flynn resigned after lying to the Vice President about his contacts with russia. Trump will not need Senate Approval on this. The National Security adviser works directly for the president. Mcmaster well thought of. He is a west point grad. He got a silver star in the first gulf war and has a ph. D. In history. Wrote a look about the mistakes made leading to vietnam taking the Johnson White house and then secretary of defense Robert Mcnamara to task for mistakes made. The white house promises a new travel ban. The president promises a new travel ban to take the courts objections into court. We expect that the new ban will bar people from the same seven countries as the first plan. But key difference is it is going to allow people who have already been approved to travel here. Keep in mind people from the countries have always been subject to extreme vetting. The last ban kept out people with the legitimate visas and kept out only legal residents with green cards. The new ban presumably will not. If you would like to protest the new ban, heres is sfo. For liberal and conservatives, the new ban, if its written the way we think it is, describes something we have been doing for years under president obama. The big question about future visas and future refugees. Are we going to be the country we were or someone else. Sam and laura. Scott is going to be looking at president trumps tweets, executive orders and speeches through the the first 100 days on today in the bay. You can share your thoughts with scott on twitter. His twitter handle scott mcgrew. All the latest political news on nbcbayarea. Com. A decorated veteran forced to talk about his vietnam experience. His medals were stolen during the oroville evacuations. He earned two dozen medals in the late 60s, including a purple heart. He hid them all, never once talking about his experience. His wife said she never saw them until this week when authorities returned them. Last week the theft that happened made national headlines. The reason i dont see them and look at them is because its disturbing. Or was. It is not so much right now. He had no choice but to reveal his past that he wanted to recover the medals. On sunday, police learned they were ditched in the truck and the trucks owner actually returned them. An extreme example there of people looting during the oroville evacuations. Pretty depressing. Talking about stormranger technology. Stormranger in action. Im surprised the tires are not worn out on that thing. It has been up and down the hole state. It was in san diego. We brought it back to the bay area. We are still tracking some scattered showers. This is what it looks like as you head out. In dublin, the roads are wet. We still have lingering rain. As we get a view of stormranger right now, it is the red. It is parked outside the station. A very detailed view of whats happening and whats coming out of the clouds. And the sevenday forecast at the of the screen. Kwaoul see youll see a couple of days of breaks. Rain moving through san jose and farther off to the east as well. We will see the rain rolling through at times. There will be breaks in between. For the north bay, light showers south of santa rosa. All of this is still creating a flood threat. Niles canyon until 10 45. Coyote creek, this will be in effect until further notice. The lower drainage areas around south coyote until 11 30 this morning and then going into the north bay. The Northwest Creek will be in effect for another hour and 20 minutes. Sacramento river tributaries will see flooding from fairfield to vallejo until 4 00 today. And wondering why it is flooding . Look at our reservoirs. Up to 117 . 112. All of these over100 . And just overflowing into the creeks and rivers that flow out of the reservoirs. Still expecting additional rain that could reach close to threequarters of an inch for the east bay. And the north bay and south bay seeing lighter rain amounts. The storm system moving through. A few days of a break. The weekend storm will be here bringing additional rain. Looking at the timeline for this, we will have both tomorrow as well as thursday all dre. Chance of rain late friday night. Still rain sunday into monday. We will start to see that storm system winding down. Looking at the seven day forecast. Chilly temperatures in San Francisco. Highs reaching the low 50s. That stays with us all next week. Very cool air, especially during the mornings. As we head over to mike, tracking a new crash in the north bay. This was called in by lance and ramon traveling from petaluma to our station. True road warriors as are many of our friends. South of the Robin Williams tunnel. We have a crash. A major crash blocking a couple lanes. The crew had just arrived as they scootched past the scene. That is the issue from the north bay in towards San Francisco. The roadways are calming down. Patches of wet and damp roadways. Look at the video. We talked about this flooding. I showed you just after the break. It happened late last night. Early this morning we have this video. Two right lanes are blocked. One of the lanes blocked. They are walking through the water how deep it was. You approach the offramp and up to mission as well. There you go. I wanted to show you this. At least one lane blocked. Ill show you the rest of the commute quickly. Southbound 17 continues the closure south of highway 9. Head south over to the santa cruz mountains. That is a problem. Big reroute to 156 heading towards to highway 1. 152 is closed. Back to you. Thank you very much, mike. Up next, the top stories on nbc bay area. That includes more issues for drivers in the south bay. After a rockslide, as mike was talking about. We will take you there live. But first happening now. Nbc pay arearanger is in action. Our free bay area mobile app. Plus, our Investigative Unit finds new cars in barts fleet of the future are overweight. The transitation hired outside engineers to inspect 30 key structures. [ alarm clock beeping ] weather. [ laughter ] cartoons. Wait for it. [ cat screech ] [ laughter ] [ screaming ] [ laughter ] make everyday awesome with the power of xfinity x1. Hi grandma and the fastest internet. [ girl screaming ] [ laughter ] yoive had it forever. O. Well sell it on letgo. Hey, ill take it. Its time to snap, post, chat and sell. Its time to letgo. Here are the top stors on c the rain is mong out of thebay. And its having an impact them. Today the bays is sanchez in los gatos where there s another rockslide. How is the commute going sf, kris . Welcome back. Before you head out the door, here are the top stories. A lot of damage left behind having an impact on the morning commute. Kris sanchez in lo s tpwat toes. I dont think anybody is commuting southbound 17 near the ulmer street bridge. They wanted to shut down the roadway 7 00 last night socal trance could get a daytime view. A little farther behind you see a jeep. That one hit one of the boulders. No one was injured, but the air bag did deploy. This is what it looked like as chp turning drivers around and telling them to reroute. 101 to 156 to 1. That is a bear of a community. Kris sanchez, today in the bay. Kris, thank you so much. Live to livermore. Look at this muddy intersection at Collier Canyon road. You can see all the aftermath from flooding. This is what the intersection looked like just hours ago. Waters rushing through the streets trapping at least eight cars. Ten people had to be rescued. Thankfully nobody was injured. Spotty showers today. A slight chance of seeing thunderstorms today. That in your mind. A quick look at cloudy skies, lingering showers. Right now at miles canyon. Overall traffic flowing well for tuesday. Highway 84 closed. Stay with nbc bay area. Well keep tabs on everything thats closed. Back at 7 25 with a live local news update. Make sure to join us then. Have a great day. See you tomorrow. The plane exploding on impact, erupting into a massive fireball. Everyone onboard killed. This morning, the likely cause of that crash revealed. Take two. President trump retooling his immigration plan, including that controversial travel ban blocked by federal courts. As he introduces his new National Security adviser. Hes a man of tremendous talent and tremendous experience. Can the president s pick restore order, after Michael Flynns sudden resignation just three weeks into the job . Shocking breach

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