Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20160529

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until one teem has dominated this event four years in succession and alonso does get that fifth place. >> nothing you could say could make that any better. >> and while we were listening to that radio, nico proves it's always over you answer. tol strangish. tom 25 for a win. the championship lead has been reduced to 24 and that was a distraught voice of daniel ricciardo telling his team, save it. nothing you can say will make me feel any better. we want to remind you that a special edition of "meet the press" is next for most eastern stations. for more coverage from here in monaco, including the interviews, switch over to nbcsn for f 1 extra presented by jaguars. take a live look outside...... san jose - communications good sunday morning to you. thanks for joining us. it's 7:03. take a live look outside at san jose and it's already looking like a hot one out there. thanks so much for waking up with us this sunday morning. i'm vickie nguyen. we have some scorching temperatures ahead. >> in fact, temperatures at the coastline will cool off a little bit. the wind blowing around a little. a nice breeze this morning. it's bringing temperatures down a hair. we're not talking 90s but 80s. it will be warm across most of the bay area. we are going to see a good amount of sunshine. temperatures not as hot. that's the key word. 78 degrees. 78 for san francisco and, again, no 90s for the north bay and the south bay today or the tri-valley. back into the mid-80s. tomorrow the 90s return and a nice stretch of warm weather. that seven day is coming up. >> okay, anthony. did you stay up for this? >> out of bounds and they turn it over. curry just runs it out. and that will do it. >> what a night. the warriors win to avoik elimination in oklahoma city. now on to game seven at oracle arena. they made play after play down the stretch keeping the hopes alive for back-to-back championships. the team is just one win away from returning to the nba finals. thousands of fans cheered on the team from nearly 1,400 miles away. emotions ran high as golden state played from behind almost the whole game. the fans were in a frenzy as they rained three-pointer after three-pointer late in the quarter to pull out the victory. >> this team they never doubt themselves. they have hearts of champions. >> the warriors are going to win. game seven, on to the championship. we're very excited. >> for the first time in 40 years the warriors will host a game seven. tickets will go on sale tomorrow morning. we will hear from steph curry about last night's thriller in okc in about 35 minutes from now. tomorrow an exciting day for bay area sports fans. not only the warriors in action but the san jose sharks will be playing game one of the stanley cup final against the penguins in pittsburgh. you can watch that game starting at 5:00. we turn to a developing story in the east bay. search and rescue crews found the body of a father but his 1-year-old daughter remains missing. she was found near walnut grove. he and his daughter were last seen a week ago leaving antioch. crews identified a large object in the water but they have not said whether it may be a car. a family weekend takes a tragic turn after two oakland teenagers go missing. stanislaus county sheriffs will continue searching for the 16-year-old boy later this morning. this all unfolded yesterday before noon at woodward reservoir when deputies received a call about a potential drowning. >> several family members on the boat decided to jump in the water. several family members not wearing life jackets. >> not to be forgotten. >> sheriffs say the murky water may be a challenge for dive and search crews. it was a frightening ordeal for a pacifica homeowner that has many on edge. bryan mayo is recovering this morning after fighting off an intruder in his home. he says he woke up to two men trying to break in the door. he suffered a couple of injuries when he tried to take on the suspects. he was able to wrestle them to the ground and hold them until police arrived. he can't believe what happened. >> someone started banging on the door. he tried to kick the door to where he busted through two dead bolt locks. >> pacifica police arrested trevor johnson. they say he was a local transient and that he was under the influence. new details now about the investigation into the killing of a novato high school student. police served a new search warrant in the case. this is a photo of the scene on fairfax street in san rafael yesterday afternoon. san rafael pd and marin county sheriffs conducted the joint raid. a third suspect is still wanted in the case but investigators would not reveal if saturday's raid had any connection to that suspect. two students were arrested thursday one day after a 17-year-old was shot and killed. the motive has not been revealed. a vigil is planned for tonight. a missing vallejo teen's family and friends continue to plead for answers. yesterday search crews scoured an area near the town of jenner for a second day. tts still unclear what led investigators to the area. the 15-year-old was last seen wednesday morning in vallejo bleeding and shouting for help as a man dragged her away from a pedestrian overcrossing. in vallejo, family and friends posted new fliers hoping for information in the case. >> her mom and her sister are going through a lot. the suspect, castro, was killed in a shoot-out with police in santa barbara county thursday. following up now on a story we first reported friday night at 11:00, an arrest of an alleged hit-and-run driver who killed two dogs and sent the owner to the hospital. deputies say they arrested christopher isles yesterday morning. they'd been searching for him since wednesday morning when a truck hit a woman walking a dog. the woman went to the hospital. she is expected to be okay with moderate injuries. the dog had to be euthanized. much more ahead on "today in the bay." what hillary clinton and bernie sanders are now doing to try and win california in the upcoming primary. and, first, fighting for his life, then fighting with the school district. why a cancer survivor was told he couldn't walk across the stage at his own graduation. 7:12. another live look outside. breezy winds in the background there and anthony says just a touch cooler today than yesterday. less than two weeks away from the primaries. democratic candidates are doing everything they can to try to secure votes. former current mayors are in the bay area this weekend lending their support to hillary clinton's campaign volunteering at phone banks in san jose, oakland and san francisco calling voters. >> hillary clinton is the only candidate who has and will continue to stand up to gun lobby. donald trump will not. his ideas, if you call some of the things he says ideas, his proposals would make americans less safe. >> clinton's next official event is tuesday in new jersey. bernie sanders is focusing his attention on southern california it this weekend. he spoke in front of about 6,000 people yesterday 340rmorning. he continues to call for a debate with presumptive nominee donald trump. >> donald trump initially said yes of then he said no. then he said yes. then he said no. i think for a guy who changes his position so many times, he would change just one more time and say yes. >> sanders will be back in the bay area tomorrow. he has two public events scheduled in oakland. donald trump has had no public events scheduled saturday after a day that was filled with rallies and protests. demonstrators clashed with san diego police outside an afternoon event there yesterday. 35 people were arrested. trump will be at an annual biker tour that it honors our nation's veterans. still ahead on "today in the bay," hard at work. volunteers are putting the finishing touches on a new memorial. the man behind the memorial and his close connection to 9/11. anthony? we're waking up to clouds and fog. that will lead to a cooler day. we'll get you into memorial day coming up after this break. jose (adlib) hey there. if it was a little too hot for you yesterday, relief is on the way. anthony says it will be a fool degrees cooler today. it may be a nice day to get outside. don't forget the sunscreen. after fighting for his life a high school student fighting his school district. steven dwyer was diagnosed with leukemia two years ago. he spent most of his junior year in and out of the doctor's office. this year he doubled his course load to catch up and graduate with the rest of his class. but after falling two and a half credits short he was force d to watch graduation from the sidelines. >> you feel like you're getting punished for something you had absolutely no control over. >> it was so disappointing for me because he didn't deserve it. >> he only wanted to sit with his friends during the ceremony. there is no gray area in the district's policy. dwyer says he intends to fight this rule so kids like him aren't left out in the future. the city of hayward will dedicate a new memorial honoring the victims of the september 11 attacks. the bay area man who created it and his connection to one of the men who will be honored. >> he was a wonderful guy, warm, loving. >> reporter: there are very few days -- >> i think we think about him daily. >> reporter: that he doesn't think of his brother-in-law. >> for a couple years we couldn't listen to a couple of songs that were his favorites. >> reporter: the san jose native was a commercial pilot. >> if you were ever in trouble in an airplane, you wanted him flying. >> reporter: his last journey was at the helm of united flight 93, the day it was taken over by terrorists on its way to san francisco and crashed into a pennsylvania field, september 11, 2001. >> he was snatched owe way so quickly. >> reporter: they visit his grave. >> we come out here regularly. >> reporter: just miles from where he grew up and just below -- >> the flyover for san jose airport here. >> reporter: soon daal's memory will be part of a new bay area tribute. in the east bay city of hayward -- >> superhigh this time. >> reporter: crews have volunteered to install a monument for the victims of 9/11. >> it's something we can't forget about. >> reporter: it was designed by michael emerson, a gulf war veteran who built a memorial to flight 93 in union city. >> i just don't want anyone to forget. >> reporter: emerson and other volunteers donated the money, the labor, the will. >> have to give back to the community. >> reporter: the site pays tribute to the lost police officers, firefighters and war veterans. >> guys, looking good. >> reporter: the centerpiece is the ten-foot blackmon lit. >> it represents the planes that crashed and were used as weapons of mass destruction. >> reporter: among the granite benches, the brick in tribute to the pilot jason dahl. his memory still looms large. >> time heals all wounds. still a huge loss. everyone celebrating the holiday weekend, it's nice to be remind reminded. >> it's going to be beautiful weather, whatever you're doing. lots of sunshine outside and temperatures are going to be warm. we're talking summerlike heat returning to the bay area, well, this afternoon. it was hot yesterday but cool this morning. temperatures in the 50s. a little bit of a breeze. if you're heading to wine country, day two continues. lots of sunshine for you this morning in the north bay. you can see looking at blue skies. 55 degrees in san francisco. coastal fog there. and in the south bay we have sunshine, 56 degrees. temperatures are a little bit cooler this morning compared to where they were yesterday. that's going to lead to a cooler afternoon. not as hot but still warm. 86 degrees for the south bay. the same deal for the east bay, the tri-valley. out of the 90s today, back to 88 degrees and even in san francisco after managing upper 70s yesterday, back to 72 degrees. not as hot. onshore breeze revving up this morning. that's why we'll still have to see 60s at the coastline. 70s for the inner bay and a few 80s for the south bay, the tri-valley and also for the north bay. the 80s move into the inner bay tomorrow. the 60s get out of here. we'll see 70s for the coastline tomorrow. those 90s hang on tightly. we'll continue to see the heat, this for the south bay. the 80s for the inner bay. 70s at the coastline over the next couple of days. let's drop in on the east bay and show you later on this afternoon. not as hot. places like oakland, at 78 degrees. hayward, 76. fremont 79. 70s for the inner bay and then we'll see a good mix near antioch, 89 there and 87 through livermore and walnut creek. across the south bay another hot one. no 90s today. saratoga, you got to 90s yesterday. 86 today. same for campbell. downtown san jose 85 as well. not as othot. half moon bay yesterday only got up to 63. today you may manage 65. i don't think you'll get warmer than that. across santa cruz, not overly warm. yesterday lots of folks headed down to santa cruz and, again, nice weather. 75 yesterday. 71 for today. keep in mind again everything relative. not as hot but still warm. now has weakened to a tropical depression, still bringing heavy rain to places like georgia, south carolina and north carolina. anywhere from 4-7 inches of rain have fallen. again, through the day today it's going to be a soaker for the east coast. if you do any last-minute traveling keep in mind you may run into rain delays. across the rest of the bay area tomorrow, 76 degrees. and the hot spot for tomorrow memorial day celebration close to 90 degrees and low 90s as we head to 2:00 and 3:00. keep in mind it will be warm again today but not as hot. >> anthony, thank you. "today in the bay" is back after this break. see how a chance encounter saves two lives in oakland and how the work of these two will make you bay area proud. sleep number beds with sleepiq technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. save $500 on the memorial day special edition mattress with sleepiq technology. plus 36-month financing. only at a sleep number store. have done something nice for ot our bay area proud series normally focus on people who have done something nice for others. this morning's story is a little different. it is two people doing something nice for each other. garvin thomas has story about their unlikely alliance. >> reporter: at first glance they're as different as can be, different races, very different backgrounds. what they see in each other are all the ways in which they're similar. the most important of which the desire to help others in their own way. christine says she's not a religious person though she does believe in a higher power which explains why after finishing her commute through her job in oakland one day last december, christine wasn't at all fazed by what happened next. >> i was at work and got this quiet voice in my head that said you need to take a work. right now? yes, you need to take a walk. >> reporter: christine knows it wasn't fresh air she was meant to get. there was a person she was meant to meet. a fixture on the streets of downtown oakland, so much so perhaps many professionals might look right past her, but not christine and certainly not on that day. >> i turned my head and said hello and it was leah. we are both the type of people that feed people. ♪ >> reporter: it was a chance encounter that had sparked an unlikely alliance, one between the office worker and the gospel singer. each helping the other achieve a personal goal. christine decided her passion is to become a life coach and was actually on the lookout for someone whose dreams she could help make true. ♪ >> reporter: and talia who writes and sings her own gospel music was looking for someone to help her bring it to a wider audience. >> we are very similar in the sense we both have this thing that keeps us up at night. the thing we think about the first moment we take a breath, an awake breath, and that is helping people. >> reporter: they now meet regularly, offering prayer and song for passersby and support for each other. chr christine has spent some of her own money to help talia make a video and is trying to make more so she can record her very own album. >> it's a warm feeling. >> reporter: it's the kind of story that can only happen in a city like oakland. two people from very different backgrounds yet each the answer to the other's prayer. christine has set up a go fund me campaign to try to help her record her music. she also thinks she's off to a good start on her life coaching career. garvin thomas, nbc bay area news. >> if you do know someone doing something nice, garvin would like to hear from you. go to our website and search bay area proud. "today in the bay" returns. in two minutes a young boy falls into a gorilla enclosure. how zoo workers were able to save the boy's life. plus, on the loose, the search for an inmate who walked away from a correctional camp in the santa cruz mountains. (scal): good day, m'lady! i am sir-can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! see what spam can! do... at san jose - from communications time now is 7:32. a live look outside at san jose from our camera on top of communications hill. you can see the wind blowing through the trees right there. i'm vicky nguyen along with anthony. winds mean cooler temperatures. >> a little mixing of the atmosphere this morning. let's take a look at the coastline. you can tell where the wind is coming from. the coastline, some fog this morning in san francisco. yes, a little bit of a cooldown headed your way this afternoon. still warm. temperatures in the 50s. 70s and 80s, no 90s expected today. a nice spot for your forecast. mid-80s. warm, even warmer for tomorrow as the 90s come back. we'll talk about that coming up in about 15 minutes. >> anthony, thank you. >> we have a warning for anyone heading for the beach, be careful about the water. rip currents along the coast he is pegsly at ocean beach. several people in recent months have drowned there because of the rip currents. two teenaged boys were pulled out to sea. simpson beach might be safer this weekend. heavy flooding in texas. people were stranded in their homes and cars during torrential thunderstorms. at least two people are dead and three more are missing in texas. dozens of homes are flooded and residents are now tasked with cleaning up the mess. >> we saw this it tree come down and smashed my shop all to pieces. >> the midwest is experiencing some wild weather as well. several funnel clouds were spotted in minnesota and north dakota. this follows a week of powerful tornadoes in the heartland. more than 100 reported since last saturday. a fun trip for the cincinnati zoo turned into a nightmare when a boy fell into the gorilla enclosure. a 400-pound silver back gorilla picked the 4-year-old boy up and started dragging him. the zoo's response team sprang into action, quickly deemed the situation was life threatening and decided they had no choice but to kill the animal instead of waiting for a tranquilizer to kick in. >> we've never had a situation like this where a dangerous animal needed to be dispatched in an emergency situation, but the team did a good job and made a tough choice and they made the right choice. because they saved that little boy's life. >> the boy was taken to the hospital with nonlife threatening injuries. investigators are looking at how the boy got into the enclosure. the search is on for an inmate who walked away from a prison. this is the man who escaped. 46-year-old leroy hampton, serving time for a robbery conviction. officers say he walked away from the ben lomond conservation camp. he was part of an inmate firefighting crew. they saw hampton walk away from the facility but they were unable to stop him. he was last seen wearing a gray sweat suit. he was to be released in 2019. we turn to a developing story this morning in the east bay. search and rescue crews found the body of a father, but his 1-year-old daughter remains missing. crews found jackson in a canal near walnut grove yesterday. he and his daughter caylee were last seen a week ago leaving antioch on their way to sacramento, but they never made it. crews identified a large object in the water but they have not said whether it may be a car. also developing this morning, a family weekend takes a tragic turn after two oakland teenagers go missing. stanislaus sheriffs will continue searching for the boys later this morning. this all unfolded yesterday before noon at the woodward reservoir near stockton when deputies received a call about a potential drowning. >> several family members on the boat and they decided to jump in the water. several family members not wearing life jackets. >> never to be forgotten. >> sheriffs say the murky water may be a challenge for dive and search crews. a drunk driving crackdown is under way this holiday weekend in santa clara county. deputies set up a dui checkpoint in saratoga. it's part of the memorial day weekend push to keep the roads safe. chp officers are out in full force looking for drunk drivers. last year chp says officers arrest ed more than 1,000 peopl during memorial day weekend. much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up just when it looked like the warriors' season may be coming to a disappointing end, the chance to save themselves from elimination. we'll hear from the two-time mvp. to tie the series at 3."@:12 ==vo continues== makes a move on ibaka. banks it home. golden state coming back from a 3-1 deficit to tie the series at 3-3. >> a game for the ages. thousands of ws fans watch the warriors pull out a last-minute wind sending the series to a game seven. live to oracle arena. you can get your tickets starting at 5:00 p.m. choose any klcliche you want, d or die, win or go home. that was the case for the defending channmps in okc and a times it looked bleak. the warriors down three when steph ties the game with this huge triple. the game tied now with two seconds left. i guodala strips the ball from russell westbrook and throws ahead to klay thompson. a playoff record 11 threes on the night. the ws would never look back stunning the thunder and their fans. they were just minutes from going to the finals. if they win tomorrow they would become the tenth team in nba history to win a series after trailing three games to one. >> we have a lot of belief and heart and we've given our chance to win this series. that's all we could ask for. >> game sevens are fun. they're pressure packed. i don't think there could be any more pressure on us than tonight. >> pittsburgh, pennsylvania, the site of games one and two of the stanley cup final between the sharks and the penguins, our other hometown team that's doing so well. san jose left for the steel city yesterday morning, the first time in franchise history the sharks made it to the nhl's final round, but they are ready for a huge game one. it's important. we still found a way. i think you obviously want to win it but there's going to be a little bit of a feeling out. there always is. >> made you successful and just understanding that the stage is bigger but the game doesn't change. it's more intense if anything. trust to this point. we have to find a way to finish up. >> don't miss any of the action on the nbc family of networks. game one here at 5:00 p.m. tomorrow night. we will have postgame coverage on nbc bay area and csn california. still to come, what was once considered a loss is now a close race. how senator bernie sanders has closed the gap on hillary clinton. larry gerston joins us live. the california democratic presidential primary is nine days away. only a few months ago, the state was considered a the democratic presidential primary, only a few months ago was considered a lock who wouldn't need it anyway. would win the nomination early. now clinton is fighting for her political life. the latest state polls show a scant two points between hillary clinton and bernie sanders with 10% undecided. larry gerston joins us this morning. talk to us about how this got so close. >> it's all i can say, clinton is the recipient of a perfect political storm. she's fighting a two-pronged storm. both of them simultaneously. sanders only has to worry about clinton. in addition, the infamous e-mail scandal kept clinton on the defense which has curbed her ability to get out her own message. it's a powerful one-two punch. >> right. so california is coming into play because it was supposed to be all sewn up. a modified open primary. that allows independents to vote and participate with the democrats. >> we really don't know. accounts for about 44%. in other states we know sanders has done very well, much better with independents than democrats in california independents may well make the difference, therefore, potentially giving momentum to sanders who himself, let's remember, has been an independent until this year. democrats may well lose control of their own primary here as they have in other states. you and i were here talking about ugliness. they've closed ranks now. now that anger seems a big part of the trouble between sanders and hillary clinton. how is this going to affect unity after the convention in philly? >> that's hard to say exactly. clinton leads by several hundred delegates and including more than 400 super delegates, she wants sanders to drop out. he believes he should stay in. each candidate has a lot on the line and each hopes california's results will provide a clear path. >> not just view the state as the atm but actually to campaign sanders head iing back here tomorrow. we're nine days away from the primary. is it anyone's game? >> nobody ever imagined this, vicky. all the experts thought it would be the absolute opposite way with the republicans, the democrats having settled. we have a very close race which means a split of the 475 elected delegates and that's because they're awarded proportionately. that outcome, all it's going to do is give clinton delegates in total including super delegates. she has some problems. >> if she gets enough delegates, that's a lock for her, right? she goes into fill it fill as the nominee. >> it's a lock for her, that's right. there's going to be a big cloud over clinton. a caucus convention in terms of tone and direction and to that end the less leave unified, the more republicans are going to be very happy. we were looking it at this entirely differently. they are unified and look at what we have today. >> nothing predictable about this year's race. larry, thank you for helping us make sense of it all. stay with us. coming up it is cherry picking season in the south bay. major impact el nino had on this year's crop. this morning if you're heading to wine country, perhaps for the napa bottle rock concert, blue skies and lots of sunshine. we'll break down your forecast for the rest of the bay area after this break. ♪ hey! ♪ they go ooh ooh. ♪ hey! ♪ they go oh-ooh-ooooh. ♪ sitting, watching, waiting, wishing. ♪ ♪ i tell you one thing, you never knew it. ♪ ♪ at the back of the bus ♪ there is so much to give, so dream big. ♪ ♪ yeah. ♪ and when they screaming get out, get out. ♪ ♪ all i wanna hear is get down, get down. ♪ "get full on summer at target. get a $10 target giftcard when you spend $50 on groceries. this sunday and monday only. details at" sleep number beds with sleepiq technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. save $500 on the memorial day special edition mattress with sleepiq technology. plus 36-month financing. only at a sleep number store. welcome back. 7:53 the time. you can see for yourself nice and bright this morning. every micro climate. you can see the golden gate bridge and that will keep temperatures down just a little bit this afternoon by a couple of degrees. 78 for the east bay and the peninsula. the tri-valley, temperatures in the upper 80s. again, no 90s in the forecast. even at the beach. temperatures only reaching 64 degrees. half moon bay up to 65 this afternoon and that may do it. a cooler day today even in santa cruz not overly warm. 71 degrees. so, again, everything relative. not going to be cool at least for those inland locations but cool spots at the beaches today. we have the potential of seeing thunderstorms across parts of the sierra, perhaps if you're traveling today or heading over to yosemite. folks coming in from there. you run into rain there about noon to about 6:00 and then the same thing for tomorrow and anytime from about noon to about 6:00. we'll see a few pop-up thunderstorms end with the heating of the day. once the sun goes down we'll see the thunderstorms fade away. your forecast for today if you're still making plans to travel anywhere across the state today, santa barbara up to 66 degrees later on this afternoon. palm springs 94. keep in mind some showers are expected, even thunderstorms for places like yosemite park and south of tahoe. we do have the tropical depression we've been talking about, bonnie, it was upgraded to a tropical storm yesterday but now has weakened and dumped anywhere from 4 to 7 inches across parts of south carolina near charleston and will continue to make its way up to north carolina and eventually weaken but the showers associated will move up to new york and boston by tonight. back at home we are expecting sunshine and dry conditions. even for tomorrow temperatures stay nice and cool at the coastline. here is your forecast at presidio. tomorrow pushing back close to 90 degrees. here's danville. up to 88 by 1:00 but will probably get back into the 90s by 2:00 and 3:00 in the afternoon. the long board surf competition happening in santa cruz. ments it temperatures in the low 70s. i think we may actually manage mid-70s for tomorrow but it's not going to be much further than that. you've got to stay in the instand linland locations. talk about the museum being opening. check out a new movie. those are the cool place that is have air conditioning. otherwise slight cooling. >> don't forget about the national pastime. >> forgot about that. >> anthony, thank you. it is cherry season in the south bay, but it looks like el nino might have tablingen a bite out of this year's crops. growers say they normally produce 8 million boxes of cherries a year. this year it's looking more like 4 million. the reason, a little too much rain. the rain is not putting a damper on the festival this weekend. the event at c.j. olson's orchard runs through today and there are plenty to enjoy. it's called the happiest 5k on the planet. the fifth annual color run is a little different than most 5ks. runners are not timed and there are no winners or prizes. participants are instead showered with colored powder, which is made of food grade corn starch. they team up with local charities in each city to raise money. and the dancing cat has officially reopened in san jose. it is silicon valley's first cat adoption lounge. people looking to adopt the cat can come to the facility and find the right cat for them. it is also a place for any cat lover to come and relax and enjoy some time with the animals. the lounge is on east julian street and will be open through november. looks like a fun place. i know two little girls who would like to go to the cat lounge there. another cool spot maybe, too. avoid the heat this weekend. >> air conditioning. thanks so much for making us a part of your morning. more local news at 4:30, 6:00 and 11:00 and of course all day at have a wonderful day. this sunday, a rough week for both likely nominee. for hillary clinton, it was that report, contradicting her statements, old and new, about her e-mail. >> well, it was allowed, and the rules have been clarified since i left. >> for donald trump, it was an unprovoked attack on a popular republican latina governor. susana martinez for new mexico. >> she's not doing the job. hey! maybe i'll run for governor of new mexico! >> this morning, my interview with the only candidate still viewed favorably by the voters, bernie sanders. would you take the call if hillary clinton asked you to be her running mate? plus we have seen the polls be tight. but how tight will they be if

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