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With Caitlyn Jenner. Nothing better in life to feel comfortable with yourself and who you are. Whether she misses anything about living life as a man. Holding court, Serena Williams defeats her sister in three sets of the u. S. Open. Moving her one win closer to the title and historic grand slam today, wednesday, september 9th, 2015. From nbc news, this is today with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1a in Rockefeller Plaza. Good morning. Welcome to today on april wednesday morning. Ratings were pretty good for that tennis match last night. It was a really good match. Venus defeated by her sister serena but full of grace, saying it was good for her family. She is one move closer to the title. Well have more on that coming up. We begin with this frightening scene at the airport in las vegas. An engine on a crowded British Airways plane bursting into flames as it was prepared to take off. Hallie jackson has the dramatic images and story behind it. Good morning to you. Reporter good morning, savannah. New this morning, weve learned the ntsb will send three investigators here where the runway is back open to look at what went wrong with this engine failure. The passengers involved say they know what went right, a safe and orderly evacuation that may have helped save lives. On the tarmac, a terrifying scene. We have an aircraft on fire with people coming out of it. Reporter thick smoke on a British Airways plane as all 157 passengers, including lisa dunne evacuated, siding down the emergency chute. As soon as they hit the tarmac they sprinted, behind us are giant flames. Reporter planes grounded and people watching in shock. Please be off the plane. Reporter airport Officials Say it was taxiing for takeoff just after 4 00 p. M. When the left engine caught fire. The emergency chute deployed as crews raced to the plane hosing it down. Four minutes later the fire was off. That chute and i can see the smoke and flames and stuff, you think that could go up at any time. Reporter Dominic Worthington preparing for the tenhour flight watched from the ground, shaken but safe. More than a dozen people hospitalized with only minor injuries. As soon as the crew heard passengers saying there was a fire, there was no hesitate from them whatsoever, the exit doors were open. They were literally in full swing, like clock work for them to be honest. Estates he believes everybody is off the aircraft. Reporter pilots, like the three on this flight, train for these kinds of scenarios and they and ten cabin crew members made it off the plane too. British airways promising to help the passengers with whatever they need. I feel lucky the minute im on the ground and feel lucky right now. Im glad everything went so well. Reporter all patients have been released from the hospital. One of the things the ntsb will look at, whether passengers followed Flight Attendant instructions to leave behind their purses and carryons try being to grab bags can waste precious time. In a situation like this one, every second counts. Matt and savannah . Hallie jackson at the airport there. Thank you so much. Count your blessings that that happened while the plane was still on the ground and not 20 seconds after takeoff. Everybody getting off efficiently, amazing. An abrupt shift from Hillary Clinton on the email controversy that has dogged her president ial campaign. Shes now apologizing for her use of a private server while she was secretary of state. But will this turnaround help her or hurt her in the polls. Nbc National Correspondent Peter Alexander is at the white house. Good morning to you. Reporter hey, matt good morning. Sometimes saying im sorry isnt so simple. It took months for Hillary Clinton to get this point, a clear acknowledgement that it is dragging down her poll numbers and donors have expressed concern. Overnight this admission from Hillary Clinton on facebook, i could have and should have done a better job answering questions earlier. Adding im grateful for your support and not taking anything for granted. The post came just hours after clintons course correction, speaking to abc news about her use of private email for business while secretary of state. That was a mistake, im sorry about that. I take responsibility. And im trying to be as transparent as i possibly can. Reporter the long awaited apology coming 24 hours after clinton insisted there was no apology needed telling the associated press, what i did was allowed and last week saying this to nbcs andrea mitchell. Im sorry this has been confusing to people and has raised a lot of questions. Reporter clintons comments punk wait a sixmonth evolution on the issue, at first defiant, later dismissive. The server will remain private. I recently launched a snapchat account. Those messages disappear all by themselves. Did you wipe the server . Like with a cloth or something . No. Reporter this week clintons advisers telegraphed a change of tone promising more humor and heart from the Democratic Front rubber who watched her lead in the polls shrink with questions about honesty and trust. A new National Poll shows clintons support among democrats sinking to 42 , 18 points lower than in april. Only 20 points above her closest challenger joe biden, still weighing a 2016 bid. In a moment recommend nis senlts of her 2008 campaign in new hampshire. Dont want to see us fall backwards. She fought back tears discussing her late mother who had a troubled childhood. She told me every day, youve got to get up and fight for what you believe in no matter how hard it is. I think about her a lot. Miss her a lot. I wish she were heerl with me. Reporter this morning Hillary Clinton will try to refocus the conversation giving a speech in support of the nuclear deal where shell insist that the u. S. Position should be in her words, distrust and verify. Also today, donald trump and ted cruz together will headline a rally against the agreement. It will take place outside the capitol as Lawmakers Debate it inside. Matt . Peter alexander at the white house. Thanks as always. The county clerk in kentucky who refused to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples is out of jail this morning. What happens now if she returns to work and still refuses to grant those licenses. Lets go to Gabe Gutierrez with the story. Good morning to you. Reporter good morning. Kim davis lawyer say she plans to return to work later this week and promising to not violate her conscience but that could potentially land her in jail again. This morning kim davis is relishing her freedom after almost five full days locked up for contempt of court. You are strong people. Reporter a judge setting her free once her deputy clerks issue marriage licenses to same sex couples, she refused citing relinlous beliefs. I want to give god the glory reporter today two key questions, first are those marriage licenses her deputies issued valid . Kentuckys governor and county attorney say yes but daviss attorneys disagree. They were issued without the authority of the county and they are not valid. Reporter second, will she interfere with her sub order natures issuing future licenses . If she does, sh coface more jail time and stiff fines. Since the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage nationwide in june, other Public Officials refused to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples in North Carolina and alabama and texas. Casey davis, no relation, one of other county clerks doing so in kentucky. Are you prepared to go to jail over your position . Im prepared to live for the lord regardless of what that brings to me. Reporter unlike kim davis, he has not been sued. Here in rowan county, they have removed kim davis name from the marriage licenses but Davis Authority argue they had no authority to do that and calling on governor or state legislature to revamp these forms by changing state law. Well continue to follow. Thank you. Theres new fallout over those vicious hits on a referee during a High School Football game down in texas. An assistant coach being investigated for possibly provoking players involved. While the refs attorney is speaking to nbc news exclusively. Craig melvin is in san antonio. Hi, craig. Reporter good morning to you. We now know that referees name, its robert watts, his attorney tells me that he is under a doctors care this morning after those hits friday night. Perhaps surprisingly the attorney also stopped short of calling for criminal charges against the students. This morning for first time were hearing the referees side of the story. This wasnt passion turning to violence. This was premeditated crime. Reporter in his First Television interview, alan goldberg, the lawyer for robert watts say the way he was blind sided by one player and speared by another is a heinous crime. Two crimes committed in a period of a few seconds. Very, very ugly. Reporter this morning there are also accusations by some team members that watts used inappropriate language. The players also allege racial slurs were directed at them by the umpire. Reporter a charge watts lawyer denies zpl he didnt make racially charged or inappropriate comment to these or other student athletes on the night of the game. Reporter everyone admits the game was heated. Two players ejected for fighting although not clear which official made those calls and School Administrators are now also looking into a comment allegedly made by assistant coach. The students allege that an assistant coach said that guy needs to pay for cheating us or words to that effect. Reporter reed is on paid administrative leave and could not be reached for comment. Two players have been as you say spendsed from the team and school and now face a criminal investigation. Tuesday the team was back on the practice field. School Officials Say the incident was shameful and does not reflect what goes on at john jay high, at least one parent agr agrees. Our kids are not taught to play dirty either. Reporter but goldberger says nothing justifies violence against a referee. Civil itzed people dont do that. They just dont do it. Reporter this story now moves forward on three fronts, youve got the organization that oversees all of texas athletics meeting later this morning to decide the fate and future of those students. You also have the School District that has now lodged a formal official complaint with the organization that oversees all referees regarding those racial slurs and the criminal Investigation Continues and were told that can take at least several more days. Back to you. Still pretty i complicated. Thanks very much. Turning to a bizarre seen coming out of the refugee crisis overseas. I camera woman has been fired from her job after she was seen tripping and kicking migrants fleeing from police. Nbcs chief Foreign Correspondent Richard Engel is live in hungary. Reporter good morning. That incident took place here yesterday. This camerawoman quickly has become one of the most hated people in hungary, hated on the internet. What happened yesterday a large group of refugees and migrants were being rounded up by police. The migrants decided to escape. As they were running away from police, this hundred gar yan camera woman was seen on film captured by another reporter being bumped then kicking a young man, kicking a girl in the stomach, also sticking out her foot to trip one of the refugees. Most of these people are from syria. He was carrying a baby at the time and went tumbling to the ground. The reporter worked for a far right wing television station here, even that right wing television station has not come to her defense, saying this her actions were unacceptable and shocking. She was fired on the spot and has not spoken publicly. Those images are incredibly disturb gs. Thanks for your report this morning. Lets turn to the world of sports. The stars were out in force last night at the u. S. Open. For that latest epic match in the sibling rivalry between serena and venus williams. It lived up pretty much to the hype. It was a threeset thriller won by serena, moves her within two victories of the first calendar grand slam since 1988 after the match the sisters had nothing but praise for one another. Shes the toughest player ive ever played in my life so and the best person i know. So its [ applause ] its going against your best friend and at the same time going against the greatest competitor for me in womens tennis. It was really difficult. I played the best in different areas as well and have seen the level of competitiveness go up, just to be able to win at this level. I think that makes her the best. Kind of an odd match, all serena in the first set and venus in the second and pretty dominating in the third set. I tweeted team williams, all the way. Way to go. Meantime, natalie is here with new information on the possible sniper out west. Warning residents about a possible freeway sniper this is a story we first told you about last week. Police are investigating nine possible shootings targeting motorists in a tenday stretch in the phoenix area, this more than twice as many as previously announced. In one of the shootings, a 13yearold girl was hurt by shattered glass. No other injuries have been reported. There is a 20,000 reward for information leading to an arrest. Thousands of seattle children are starting the school year with the day off this morning. Thanks to a teachers strike, both sides remain far apart on key issues including pay raises, teacher evaluations and the length of the school day. 53,000 students are impacted. The district earlier offered an increase of nearly 9 over three years and union countered with a 10. 5 increase over two years. A cell phone camera captured the chaotic moments when robbers attempted to take jewelry from a london store. Six thieves on motor bikes rode up to this jewelry store. They broke the shops windows and stole thousands of dollars worth of jewelry as they tried to get away. Shop keepers jumped into action. They chased after them and threw garbage at the thieves and pinned one suspect to the ground. Eventually Police Arrived and they were able to take the suspects into custody. A touching story this morning that is sure to melt your heart, a video of an elderly man wait at the airport with a bouquet of flowers. The woman hes waiting for comes into frame and you see the two embrace and new york man posted this video to his Facebook Page and the world has fallen in love with love once again. Its so simple but i watched it and is it does kind of warm your heart. It makes me cry. Its great. How is she expected to do the weather now . I know. Adorable. So lovely. When was the last time your spouse picked you up at the airport with a bouquet of flowers. Good point, natalie. When was that . Thanks for finding the negative in everything. It is going to be another hot one today. It was hot yesterday in the city. Temperatures made it up to 97 degrees and it was very humid too. Today were most likely going to tie records. In boston the record is 91. In philadelphia, the record is 94. Set back in 1884. Remember how hot it was in 1884 . Well, it you dont, youll feel it again today. 14 degrees above average. This cold front will move through later on today and into tomorrow. Temperatures tomorrow look much more comfortable. Upper 70s and lower 80s and it will be nice and seasonable through the upcoming weekend. Now, it does come with rain. We are looking at the heaviest rain right now through southeastern missouri and southern illinois. This is going to produce perhaps up to 2 inches back through Eastern Kentucky and through the boston area, 2 to 2. 5 inches thursday night into friday morning. Your local forecast is coming up in 30 seconds. Why am i yelling . The revolution will not only be televised. The revolution will be mobilized. Introducing the all in one plan. Only from directv and at t. Good wednesday morning. Im meteorologist kari hall. Another scorcher of a day across the bay area. 100 degrees in san jose. And 97 degrees. Napa, 106 degrees, pleasanton, expect a high of 104 degrees, oakland, 97, 97 in hayward. Livermore, 106 degrees, stay cool out there. Your latest forecast. Dylan, thank you very much. An exclusive with Caitlyn Jenner. Does she miss anything about living life as a man. How does she feel about the criticism about, espy award. Much more as we hit the lynx together. A new report. Driver busted. Speeding through school zones where children are walking to class. Wait until you hear how fast some of them were going. Some of them were going. First, this is today on nbc. Selling 18 homes . Easy. Building them all in four and a half months . Now that was a leap. I was calling in every favor i could, to track down enough lumber to get the job done. 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You might need to find a cool place today, kari . Yeah, it is going to be hot. Just like the weather yesterday. It continues today and a couple spots even a couple degrees hotter than yesterday. Right now, its in the low 60s. A comfortable feel as you walk out the door. A high of 97. In the peninsula, 95 degrees, south bay, 100 degrees. In San Francisco, tri valley at 106. And north bay up to 99 degrees. Lets see how the commute is moving with mike. Were looking at the crash at hayward clears from 880. And then fremont crash blocking one lane passing the dumbarton bridge. Dumbarton and still moving there. San jose slowing down towards 20 where you see the red. Heading up towards silicon valley. And the crash right around the exit. And the bay bridge toll plaza has the metering lights on. Thank you, mike. Well be back with another report in half an hour. See you then. Keep cool today. Want to argue all day, making love all night today show, two days away. Check it out. What do you mean . Oh, thats Justin Bieber talking to us. Matt. I think he should have been wearing a seat belt. Justin going to be here. Actually, its t minus 24 hours, justin. Bieber will be taking over our plaza. Brace yourself, people. The between will be out. His single debuted at number one on the hot 100. That makes him the youngest artist to achieve that. Lets start with headlines. Passengers on a British Airways plane had to use emergency slides to evacuate after an engine caught fire at a las vegas airport. Other travelers in the terminal recorded the drama as thick black smoke poured out of that jet. At least 20 people were taken to the hospital. Hillary clinton took to facebook and to email late last night apologizing for using that private email server when she was secretary of state. This is an issue that continues to plague her president ial campaign. She wrote, i should have used two email addresses, one for personal matters and one for my work at the state on the part department. Not doing so was a mistake. Im sorry about it and i take full responsibility. And the two High School Football players who slammed into a referee during a game will face a disciplinary hearing. One of their candidate coaches is on suspension as officials investigate comments he made. Have matt and ellen finally put their prank rar behind them . I think so. You think so . I dont know. We will talk about that, bringing her show to 30 rock this weir week and what is next for her. Is there confetti thats going to come down. I scoured the studio. Three months ago, Caitlyn Jenner made her public debut. In the time since she has received praise and criticism. Jenner an accomplished golfer joined me for a quick round and a candid conversation. So. When i told my friends we were coming to play golf, you know what every one of them asked. I know what you are going to say. What did they ask . Am i going to hit from the ladies tees. Whats your answer . Of course i am. Either the whites for the blues for you. Come on, matt, you cant take it. I cant. Thats not fair. Ill play from the tips. I really dont care. A little down the righthand side. Might get a piece of it. Thats good for distance. I think it might have got ten cart path. Ill confess i was nervous about the interview. Dont woerks ill get you through it, matt. I know its going to be tough, but ill get you through it. Do you understand why somebody would be nervous . Yeah. You dont want to say the wrong thing. Dont want to make mace take. Im the easiest on people. Now the community, the glad and the people auto in the community are oh, my god, you have to get the pronouns right. You have to do this, that. Im much more tolerant than that. I understand that its difficult for people to understand this. And thats okay. How is your chipping . Ill tell you how my chipping s. Im going to putt this. You are going to texas wedge it . Im going to texas wedge this. Dont blame you. Oh, lawyer. How do you sum up what happened in your life in the last couple of months . How do i sum it up . First of all, very grateful people have been so nice, so accepting, so understanding. But ive also learned that that is the exception, not the rule. This is probably going to sound like a weird question is there anything you miss about living life as a man . You. Kn you know what . No. Ive lived the ultimate male. Okay . I think about my life, and where im at in my life right now. And what an a tremendous experience this is. Hardly nobody gets to live two genders in their life. Everybody wonders whats it like to be come from the other side . You know, their thinking, the way they act, everything. And here i have the opportunity to do that. And to be honest with you, everything is so new and fun, from that standpoint its been great. There is nothing more Nothing Better in your life than to wake up in the morning, look at yourself in the mirror and feel comfortable with yourself and who you are. Little short. Lauer. Oh, my god. Its either hole high, but it might have been off the green. Yeah, that was a great shot. Did you hear criticism after the espies. Yeah, that you didnt deserve it. This and that. I didnt ask for it. They gave me the award. Did it take courage to come out . Absolutely. Did i have tremendous respect for arthur ashe in that award . Shutly and im honored to have them award that to me. Not just to me but this entire community. So im very pleased the way it turned out. Here we go. You are in a tough spot there. You are way too trusting. Hit it nice and tight. Im going to try. Look at matt. Oh, my god. Downhill lie. I think ive inspired you. You may have. But you hear people say a lot, caitlyn, that youll never truly understand the experience of other transgender men and women because of your privilege of my position. And your fame and your money. And you dont know about the discrimination and the harassment, and the unemployment and all that. You are absolutely right. I have never had that. I have worked very hard in my life. I have no excuses about my life and what ive done with my life. Yes, ive worked hard. Ive been able to put a few bucks away. Good for me. Thats the american dream. Okay . But i get it. I have learned so much. Its devastating to me to see people dying over this issue. Thats a great four. Thats a great four. Even as youve been going through transition you have dealing with something else. Back in february you were involved in a Traffic Accident on the pch out here. Right. That resulted in a woman dying. Uhhuh. What do you remember about the accident . Very little. I remember it happening. Thats about it. Obviously its something im in litigation i cant really talk about. Something like this, a tragedy like this, you will never get over it. You just learn to live with it the best you possibly can. They say that speed was a factor in the crash. Do you feel as if you were going too fast . No. I was under the speed limit. I was going 46 in a 50. My air bag didnt even go off. All i needed was probably a half a second, you know, of time. I almost got stopped. But couldnt quite get it stopped. I was pulling a trailer. So, no, i dont think speed was anything like that. It seems like the worst Case Scenario you could spend a year in a county jail. Have you been able to think about that . The media wants that picture, dont they . That is the worst Case Scenario. I dont know. Well see. The mens county jail, it is an enormous problem that they will put transwomen in a mens county jail, yeah, yeah. But those are things were looking into. Nope. It moved quite a bit, doesnt it. Pushed it right. And it went right. Im down one matt, ordinary care god. You have a good sense of humor about yourself . Right, well not right now. You are up two. Do you think its funny when others crack jokes about you . There is a fine line. Back in the old days when the media and all the rumors were out and the media was destroying me, it was extraordinarily hurtful to me, to my family, for them, the late night guys in particular. Not just talking about the rags, but the late night guys to make you know disparaging jokes. Thats when the whole rumor mill was out. Since then they have not done it. But when you hear there are companies out there that wasnt to do Caitlyn Jenner costumes for halloween from the vanity fair cover are you in on the joke or do you think its offensive . Im in on the joke. I dont think its offensive at all. I know the community does. And they have gotten a lot of criticism for doing it. I think its great. To be honest, i think its great. They could have a better looking outfit for them. Why didnt i think of this, you could have done your own costume . . Could have done a better costume. That was a serious bustier on the cover of vanity fair. You have got to enjoy clothes. Life is too short. I cant get too upset about that stuff. Mine is probably in the trap. No, no, i think you cleared it. Probably the most interesting rounds of golf i have ever played. How did you do in the game. I did all right. She is a good player. Has always been a fantastic athlete. Athlete. She seems comfortable. Ed a good spokesperson for the transcommunity. Thats really important for her. Much more of this enter tomorrow on today, including if she has had any moments of regret since her transition, her thoughts on dating, and how her transition has actually helped her golf game. And that interview is on a yacht; is that right . We continue on the golf course. A new way of doing interviews. Lets get over to dylan and check on the weather. Its alsoette hot on the west coast, too. In San Francisco its the hottest day they have had yesterday in five years. Excessive heat warnings and advisoried in effect along parts of the california coast. Upper 80s, even mid 90s. L. A. Should make it up to 96, thats 12 degrees above average. Its going to stick around good morning, im meteorologist kari hall. Not too bad right now. Were in the low to mid60s. But it will be uncomfortable once again today. Very hot, 97 degrees in the east bay. Tri valley up to 106, San Francisco, 95 degrees and north bay up to 99 degrees, take it easy, drink lots of flulds throughout the day and well see this heat for the next couple of days. And thats your latest forecast. Dylan. Thank you so much. Coming up on trending. Fellows listen up. Another one of these lifts. The things you need to take out of your closet right now. Get the incinerator ready. Cargo shorts are on the also. Eight guys in our studio right now are in big trouble. Up next, apple trying to continue to make you evolve in the way you watch tv. Carson looks ahead to the tech giants big just might be the one. To clean the oceans, to start a movement, or lead a country. It may not be obvious yet, but one of these kids is going to change the world. We just need to make sure she has what she needs. Welcome to windows 10. The future starts now for all of us. Falget your home ready withs. The seasons biggest savings, like up to 20 off levolor® blinds and cellular shades, plus 10 to 40 off all paint and primer, stain and sealant, and resurfacers via mail in rebate. Dont miss out on falls best savings at lowes. Heart healths important. So you may. Take an omega3 supplement. But its the ingredients inside that really matter for heart health. New bayer pro ultra omega3 has two times the concentration of epa and dha as the leading omega3 supplement. New bayer pro ultra omega3. 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There are rumors we will see two new phones, the 6s, and 6s plus. These will be quicker and thicker. We will have a much better camera. You will see 12 mega pixel as opposed to the current 8. Do you have apple tv . It is aamazing. Yes, so cool. They did work to it. Its likely going to double in price. It was never that expensive. We are talking 149 now. Here why. With aw the University Search you will be able to put in the name of a show and look for it across all of your streaming networks. Net licks, hulu, hbo go. Rather than having to open each app. And many say there is going to be an app store dedicated to apple tv. Lots of custom features to come. We are keeping a close eye on the big as it unfolds today. Techie heaven. Thank you, carson. Just ahead, more of our special rolston report series. Special rolston report series. School danger yoplait. The smooth and creamy yogurt your whole family loves. 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So now you have more time to savor all those sweet family moments. Frigidaire gallery. Our timesaving legend continues. Statement jackets are thall about whats new, whats now whats bold whats wow this season at chicos, its all about you. Express your personal style with new statement jackets for fall only at chicos and chicos. Com. Im. Cam the heat is on. A live look at San Francisco where temperatures today will hit the mid90s. A very good wednesday morning to you. 7 56, imcanngarciacannon. The sheet on. Temperatures in the mid90s. Well get the forecast in just a moment. Happening today, apple fans asking what is it going to be. Apple booked San Franciscos bill Graham Civic Center for the latest announcement. Some say it will involve another iphone, or 6s. Some say it will be a new apple tv. Hackers targeted college communities. Sonoma university and Maritime Academy in vallejo. Hackers broke into an online course that did not give Social Security or credit card numbers. Personal information like identities and gender and race were, hour, compromised. Now to the forecast. A hot one. Youll want to stay cool for the next couple of days. Its already near 70 in the east bay and interior valleys. We do have a heat advisory in effect until 7 00 this evening because of this. Highs in the 90s and over 100 degrees over much of the way area, including San Francisco. In oakland, 97 degrees, and livermore, 106. It doesnt look so bad on the shot for san mateo, but look at the south bay map. It is just jammed for the northbound freeways im to tell as far back as san martine. Look at that. San jose answer the rest of the silicon valley. Really kicking in and the dumbarton bridge towards the bay bridge. And now jammed from that down. Back to you. Well be back with another local news update in half an hour. See you then. Live the queen. We are live at Buckingham Palace as Queen Elizabeth becomes the longest reigning british monarch, an event over 63 years in the making. Then nobody can drag them down. Nobody can drag me down see what happened when savannah, natalie and al make some music thanks to inspiration from one direction. Nobody can drag me down today is the day for ellen. I will go one on one with Ellen Degeneres and the ongoing prank war and bringing her hit show to Rockefeller Plaza. We will catch up with mogul and mom, jessica simpson. This september 9th, 2015. We are bringing our 20th anniversary to today good morning, san diego. Parcel brighting my 50th birthday with the today show representing the state. From illinois. Our family is here from kansas to rock new york city we are back at 8 00 on a wednesday morning. It is the ninth day of september, 2015. You are saying right now, what is going on on the plaza. Its part of the break it today record week trying to break Guinness World records and we are dancing. This is so exciting. Breaking a record. Theyre telling us it has break dancing in it. We need you. They need 250 people in a fiveminute choreographed routine. Its over 250 people. If anyone wants to dance . Anybody . Learn the routine. You can do it. It can be worn short. We will all be dancing tomorrow on bobbier day. Justin bieber coming to the plaza and breaking records with his new single. He will be right here on today. That will be a party. Another concert lined up thursday. Savannah, duran duran will perform and music as well. Join us. We had this discussion already. Im dying. I love you too, simon. And roger. We will move away. Im dying of excitement. Get a grip. A 12yearold girl inside will come out. Natalie will have a check of the top stories. Trying to find out what sparked an engine fire on a British Airways 777 that sent thick smoke pouring out of the plane full of passengers. All passengers were able to get out of the plane down an emergency chute. At least 20 people were hospitalized. The fire was put out within minutes and it was about to take off to a flight to london. For the first time Hillary Clinton said she is sorry she used private email for business while she was secretary of state. She said it was a mistake and takes responsibility. Overnight on facebook she acknowledged i could have and should have done a better job with questions earlier. Kim davis plans to head back to work after she was out of jail. She was released on tuesday after spending five days from behind bars after refusing to issue marriage licenses. The deputy clerk issued the licenses in her place. She said when she returns to work she will not violate her conscious. Queen elizabeth is the longest reigning monarch ever. Here is the celebration there. Reporter thats right. Live in the gardens of Buckingham Palace, its a sight you dont often see. The queen herself asked officials not to cause too much of a fuss as she becomes britains longest reigning monarch. After 63 years on the throne, the queen likes to do things the Old Fashioned way. Many others at home and overseas, the messages are of great kindness. This morning she boarded a locomotive for a low key celebration to mark this historic day. Since her coronation, 11 president s have served. She has seen terrorism and tragedy. Life and death of diana. This is the queen. Back in 1992 relaxed. They hit the trees and the blooms. There was a lovely moment where you really see her sense of humor. She has a very, very good sense of humor. This painter reveals and even tourists make her smile. She is doing this. The world has been watching her all her life and now a great grandmother and there may never be a monarch like her. I hope to hear the bells that have been ringing out loudly. She has been on the throne for 23,226 days. Lots of history in that time. So fascinating. Guys . Lets count the reign. Natalie, thank you. Lets go to the report we call it School Danger zone. We are talking about cars blowing the speed limit. The National Investigative correspondent could not believe what he found. I couldnt. So many kids heading back to school right now so this as you know is timely. Did you know every day an average of 44 kids are hit while walking. Many of those children on the way to school. Why are drivers continuing to blaze through school zones and how can your kids protect themselves . Before they walk out the door, your family needs to see this. The school day is starting in tempe, arizona. Students hurrying to class. Crossing busy streets. 47. 48. 53. Why are these driversing out. 53 in a school zone. You going to get him . Yes. Tragic cases across the country. In oregon, these teenagers hit near their high school. One speaking out from the hospital. We were so lucky. The next time it could be fatal. In new york, a 12yearold boy struck and killed in front of his elementary school. In montana, a driver plowing into this 11yearold on his bike while riding to class. It hit me and i was on the ground and i couldnt get up. We are stopping you for your speed. Where else was tempe Police Across the street from a school. Kids walking in and class about to start. 50. Within minutes they spotted an offender. Do you know how fast you were going . About 30. I have you at 50. They are not going to be able to stop if a kid darted out. Why were you going so fast in a school zone. I dont believe i was. You are with traffic. You are within the speed limit. Everyone else is speeding too. Thats what i was thinking. I dont always look at that. I stay with the traffic. 52. This driver is going even faster. Got one going 52 in this school zone. I guess im in a hurry. If a child darted out if front of you, what would happen . I probably would hit him. Im pretty sure. Speed matters. According to the federal highway administration, when cars go 40 Miles Per Hour or faster and hit someone, 80 of pedestrians die. If you cut that to 20 Miles Per Hour, less than 10 die. So cops were alarmed when they saw this. 56. Thats right. 56 Miles Per Hour. 20 over the school zone limit. In arizona that could be considered criminal. Here cuts her a break, writing her a regular ticket. I didnt know how fast i was going. One morning, one school zone and so many speeders. I know its my fault. I did it. And for sure, thats not going to happen again. Lesson learned. Yes. Deal. Obviously, a lot of people out there right now speeding. So Safety Experts say kids need to protect themselves. The vast majority of kids that are hit and killed by cars were crossing right in the middle of the street. Many of them wearing head phones or texting, which we all do. So Safety Experts say always cross an intersection. Dont just cross the middle of the road. And not to sound like the nagging dad, but full the earphones out and stop texting when crossing. But you combine this problem with the other problem you highlighted, where people speed past school buses that are stopped with the stop sign out. And its an incredible hazard. So many kids are hit and killed. In fact, were focusing on school buses tomorrow morning as part of our series right here on today. Were talking about school buses and why they dont have seat belts, many of them. Accidents happening across the country. I mean, this is dramatic video you watch hard to watch. Kids flying out of their seats. So why dont school buses have seat belts on them . Tomorrow morning we are crashing a school bus live with child dummies inside to show you exactly what happens when they arent wearing seat belts and then when they are. Youll see the big difference. Plus were going straight to the federal government to say when are you going to start regulating this, if at all . And there may be some action coming this fall. Well get to all that this morning on today. Its interesting because seat belts have been mandated for so long. Why not on seat belts . We make our kids put on a seat belt in the car but not on the bus. Thank you so much. What many are saying about Stephen Colberts season debut. And what George Clooney revealed about married life. And we are going back to class. School in the art of recording. Will the results have you cheering or reaching for the ear plugs . That story but first these messages. At petsmart, we know that pet adoption changes lives. Thats why Petsmart Charities helps save more than a thousand homeless pets every day be a part of these lifechanging moments at our National Adoption event this weekend. I really love you it wont just change their world, itll change yours too. Youre my best friend when it helps giveshot ma lifesaving vaccine to a child in need in a developing country. Thanks to customers like you, walgreens get a shot. Give a shot. Program has helped provide seven million vaccines. Make your flu shot make a world of difference. Walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. I was out for a bike ride. I didnt think id have a heart attack. But i did. Im mike, and im very much alive. Now my doctor recommends a bayer aspirin regimen to help prevent another heart attack. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. The new fall collection. White house black market brandois heaven in a jar. Thats because our ingredients come from. Farmers committed to responsibly sourced oils. Blended with ingredients like cagefree eggs. Mmm. Heaven. Real ingredients. Thats how were working to bring out the best. Which means you can watch movies youre on the move. Sitcoms, while you sit on those. And even fargo, in fargo binge, while you lose weight and enjoy a good cliffhanger while you hang from a. Why am i yelling . The revolution will not only be televised. The revolution will be mobilized. Introducing the all in one plan. Only from directv and at t. Day 14, its time to turn today. We are going to do something differently. Usually i ask the questions, you guys do this or that. We are doing the question to the crowd today. Crowd, can you hear me. [ cheers and applause ] wave your hand if the first thing you do in the morning is check your phone. Wow. 90 . Look at that. Exactly. What about you guys, do you check it first thing . Yeah, because its my alarm clock. There is a new survey, an informal survey that raised my eyebrows because it found that one in ten check their phones first thing. Which seems low. I think we will all plead guilty to this. Almost 50 of people said they check their phones at least 50 times per day. There is an app that tells you how many times you turn it on. Sometimes its just mindless. I dont have anything to look at. You are bored and you grab it. I stare at and it go what app aim going to open . Nothing. Not just human fascinated by smart phones. This is video from the louisville zoo in kentucky. A virtor shows his phone to a silver back gorilla. The gorilla is mesmerized. Do you know why . Because he is showing him video of other gorillas. At some point, they huddle in the corner together and the gorilla just stares. He reminding him how lonely he is. Heres your friend. Has he looked in the mirror, does he know that thats what he looks like. There is no interview attached to the video. But mark, who is standing over here says thats incredible because really only gorillas would do. That you show your dog your smart phone, he goes right by it. But a gorilla is so close. 3 3 . 3 of dna difference between us and. A gorilla would take a selfie just like us. Business insider out with this list. The clothing every man needs to throw out because they are either outdated or unflattering or in the case of the flame shirts, both. Mountain corps san mounted a vigorous defense of board shorts and cargo shorts. Again they make the list. They say you should throw out plastic flipflops. Im okay with that. Button down vested without a suit. Just the lone invest cut off shirts. This picture makes it look like cut off tanks. Thats like gym wear, isnt it . Im sorry to tell you this, the if a doctora is on the list. Thats not on my list. I like fedoras. You could pull it off. And al, to. Thats true. Its about how you dress with it. If you are just wearing a fedora and wearing one of those going out on the town shifts that was on the list, too. Can we get back to the board shorts and cargo shorts . I think board shorts should not be on the list. They are good, flattering. Cargo shorts, if you were to poll our studio, just the members of our crew seven or eight of them are wearing a lot of them are fathers. Thats part of the dad uniform, you need to store things like binkies and keys, and wallets and things crackers. An internet website of cargo shorts over here. Cargo shorts. Com. Every size and color. Everything we need for our family. Carson, when you filled in on the weekend you showed up in cargo shirts and i believe a cut off shirt. I petitioned to wear those every day. Steven colberts debut. And the super sta who could be returning. The late show with late snow kicked off with a cameo by jon stewart who declared it is time to play ball. Inside his new studio steven paid tribute to david letterman. During his first show, steven decided to see what else was happening on tv. Look who popped up, our buddy, jimmy fallon. I have got to tel avivo this for later. Put that up there and get that going up there. Hey steven. Trying to do my show here, whats up . Who do you have tonight. Richard jeer, keith urban, and jessica simpson. Have a great show. Thank you, man. Guest George Clooney was asked about his first year of marriage. What is it like to be the arm candy in a relationship. Because she is a very serious person. Yes. She must just say like were going to meet some extremely intelligent people tonight. These are not show folk, please. Dont talk. Less of that short joke, just be shiny and pretty. Thats your pop stop for today. Carson, thank you. Dylan, do you have a good morning. Im meteorologist kari hall. Yes, hot again today. Highs in the upper or temperatures now in the upper 60s to lower 70s already. You know its going to be a hot day. Well see those highs topping out at 100 degrees today in the south bay. 95 degrees in the peninsula. The east bay, 97 degrees. In the trivalley, up to 106. San francisco, 95. And 99 in the north bay. A spare the air alert has been issued. Also, heat advisories. Try to stay cool throughout the afternoon. And thats your latest forecast. Dylan, thank you. Now to your series anchor wear school wear. We are heading back to class on tuesday we learned the craft of acting. Today we are trading studio 1a for the Recording Studio to see if we can carry a tune like the pros. I really like to sing. I dont know if any of us have any singing ability. Nobody, nobody i no. Singing ability . Yeah you have seen me sing on the show, havent you . To the home. Thats enough. I think we go in with the bar so very low that if it doesnt sounds like cats in a bag, its a win. Im hoping that they have a lot of bells and whistles and things that will make me sound like i can sing. Welcome to s. A. E. In new york. They are instructors at s. A. E. Institute an Audio Engineering school with stateoftheart Recording Studios and 53 location across the globe. One of them right here in the heart of new york city. Today we are going to be learning about vocal production and studio atmosphere. Microphone techniques, how you droes the microphone. Hello microphone. Body composure keep your shoulders loose and sing not from your head. Sing from your chest. The third thing is vocal range. Is there anybody who has ever had zero range . The last thing is knowing the song and being comfortable with the performance. With that, our instructors pointsed us in one direction, literally. Choosing the bands latest hit, drag me down to test our hits. Drag me down is a great song. I dont think its in my range. So fair warning. I think its an appropriate song. Drag me down. I think its great, we can just bring them down. So the question is you are harry, right, i think you should be harry. If you are going to be louie, ill be harry. Im liam. Im singing with you, babe. Oh, please, kill me now. Im working on my second career here. Some of us are still on our first. Lets go. Nobody can drag me down savanna, babe, you sound just great. Oh, thanks. Go nat you have never seen it look so easy im doing my own music video in here at the same time. We saw that. We call it flirting with the camera. Dont think we didnt notice. Here we go. Okiedoke. Im going to be a 24yearold white guy. Baby you are my only reason. Taught me how to be someone. Yeah. That was great. Lets redefine great. I think that worked all right. Good week for you to take vacation, matt is all ive got to say. Im still smarting because they said i tried to sing outside my range. Feel like we should apologize to one d fans. I know. Speaking of all the bells and whistles, take a listen to the final result. Ive got fire for a heart im not scared of the dark you have never seen it looks soess ive got a river for a soul and baby you are a boat. Baby youre my only reason if i didnt have you, there would be nothing left. Shell of a man who can never be his best if i didnt have you, id never see the sun you taught me how to be someone yeah all my life, you stood by me when no one else was ever behind me all these lights, they dont blind me with your love, nobody can drag me down all my life, you stood by me when no one else was ever behind me all these lights, they cant blind me if your love, nobody can drag me down nobody, nobody nobody can drag me down nobody, nobody nobody can drag me down yeah woo go ahead and say what you just said to me. I was on vacation. How did you get out of this. I dont know. But thank the good lord. I think you are going to get you dont see us on the voice . I didnt see any chairs turning. Maybe some view counts. Well put that the up matt actually said, he said, you sound good. You dont sound like you. A little computerized. I know. It was good. It was fun. I had a good time doing im hot one. A live look at downtown san a very good morning to you. 8 26. Im laura garcia canyon. Temperatures today will approach triple digits. It will be hot really everywhere. Meteorologist kari hall tells us San Francisco will hit the mid90s. The heat is causing some schools to take unprecedented action. Youve heard of snow days. Eight schools in the Campbell Union high School District are holding half days today and tomorrow. Schools out at 11 30. A big reason, fewer than half the districts classrooms have airconditioning. Some athletic teams will still practice. Saratogas Prospect High School will hold football practice indoors. Playing it safe there. What about on the roadways . Lets see how busy it is with mike. Very busy. We have a really big traffic flow going on right now. Northbound routes throughout san jose all below 20 Miles Per Hour where you see the red. A little better in the north parts. A tough drive through palo alto right now. All morning long the dumbarton and san mateo bridges have seen a heavy flow. Scattered incidents through walnut creek. Clearing from 680. But the bay bridge toll plaza, your left approach clear. Thank you so much. Another update in half an hour. 8 30 now on this wednesday morning. Its the 9th of september, 2015. It is a great morning out here. Pretty morning. Weve got a great crowd. We are going to be dancing in just a little bit. And in a little while well be talking to jessica simpson. She is a woman who has dominated the music world and the building a billion dollar empire. Not long from now we will catch up with jessica simpson. Lets explain why natalie and carson are shaking it out on the dance plaza. Because we are attempting along with that crowd of 250 dancers to break a Guinness World record. The routine, choreographed has got to last five minutes. I dont think they learned the choreography. No. They have not got it figured out. But they are going to get that going in just a little while. I love that they are doing that improv. First off, you and ellen have had your differences. Differences . A frank war. We are going to see what happens in a few minutes. Ellen is here. We are going to see what is going to happen with her new show. Al roker joins us. Dylan, in for al roker. Tomorrow, especially later in the afternoon well have a told co front trigger showers and storms. Tomorrow well look at heavy rain move into new england with two to three inches of rain. But then well get back to the upper 70s to lower 80s behind the front. Tomorrow in the northwest, it looks nice, 77. And still hot in the southwest with some moisture actually being pumped in from hurricane linda thats out in the pacific. That could trigger the chance of two to three inches of rain. Could lead to some itll be another hot day. Good morning. Im meteorologist kari hall. In san jose, expect a high of 100 degrees. Palo alto, 98 degrees. And in San Francisco, 95 degrees. And napa, 96 degrees. Brentwood, 105. Livermore, today up to 106 degrees. We have heat advisories that will be in effect until 7 00 this evening. Also its a spare the air day where you want to car pool or use Public Transportation. Stage on nbcs hit show, americas got talent last night. One of those contenders is a ventriloquist and his puppet. And they are here on the plaza with us this morning. Good morning to both of you guys. Hello, good morning. Hello, good morning. It is great to be here. It is great to be here. On the today show. On the today show. Are you copying me . Are you copying me . Sam, not now. Stop it. Stop. Look. Look. Im warning. Warning. You. You. Thats. Thats. Effective. I mean it. You mean it. Oh i cant do that. Sleep. I love sam. And i love i love you guys together. Now, you are from london. You live in london. Yes. Yet youre on americas got talent. Why america . Because if youre going to do a show, why not do the biggest and best show, honestly. Ill take that. And how did last night go . Last night was as you say, awesome. The crowd reaction the brits dont say that. No, we never say awesome. Okay. Its not a world that we use often, but it was terrific. The crowd was fantastic. And my dummy, my puppet, man, the lovely howie mandel, he was truly terrific. The routine i knew what i wanted to get him to do but i didnt know if he was going to do it. He played along pretty well. It was awesome. Absolutely. Awesomely. Good luck to you. I was going to say, if sam had anything left to say i would give him a chance. But he is down for the count. Thats it. He has had his moment. Catch americas got talent tuesday nights at 8 00 7 00 central here on nbc. Matt . You know Ellen Degeneres is the queen of daytime television and her hit talk show entering its 13th season. But viewers of this show know her as my opponent in a relentless prank war that has turned me into a hero of the fetish community. Dr. Evil, good to have you with us. Im done. Its over. Are you sure . I promise. I know when i walked in, you patted me down, or was that just for another reason. Why did you pat me down . Chopping a cheap feel. I have grilled my staff here to be sure nobody is in on pranks. No water is going to drop on my head. I even was going to change seats with you. Nothing is going to happen, i promise. Are you going to miss it . Our prank war . No, ill find someone else. Another victim . Ill find someone else, some poor guy. I am going to say, i got more feedback positive from that than anything else in the last five years. So thank you for that. And thank you for filling my car with pingpong balls. What are buddies for. Wow, that was impressive. Really impressive. By the way, you featured it prominently on your show. 13th season. Is the show today when you envisioned it to be when you first thought about it all those years ago . I guess pretty much so. I mean, its games, which i like to play games. Its dancing. Its music. Its talking to interesting people. Its helping people. So, yeah, i think we have a bigger budget now and we are a bigger show. And so we are able to do it on a larger scale, but yeah. Im looking across the street here. And you have got this massive set up on Rockefeller Plaza where you are going to be doing the show, which dwarfs our studio here . Thats why we did it. Thank you. Yep, to make you look bad and small. Its not quite over. We havent buried the hatchet completely. We could have done it anywhere but right across from you. Do you like going on location . I do. Jet lag gets me every time but i love new york and i love being out with, you know, more people able to see the show. I think were going to have a couple thousand people able to watch the show. So that will be fun. As you start a season, is it sometimes hard to think about getting through a season . Last time i was with you i said how long are you going to do this . What did i say . Actually, you kind of hiccupped for a second. Its not like you said, forever. You said, as long as its fun. At the beginning of the season is it fun . Does it get less fun as the season goes on . It doesnt get less fun. It just gets you know its a lot of shows and it is cumulative and its im tired. Im getting old. You know what that feels like. Thank you. Thats nice. Its just its just said with the warmest of intentions. Yeah. I mean that in the camaraderie. Yeah. Im excited about this season. And im excited when i start the season to raise the bar. Im constantly trying to make it better. And trying to do something fresh and new. And thats really hard to do. And thats thats my job every season. You talk about fresh and new. That segues into something we will talk about at a later date but i want to touch on it right now. You people who know you well know if you werent doing television, you probably would do something in the world of design. For sure. And you started your own brand and i thought it was e. D. And realized no, it is ed. It is ed. Tell me about it. Ed is my nickname that portia has called me forever. It is also my initials so i can see why people would think its e. D. But it is ed because i wanted it to be nongender. Because im going to be doing mens clothing. Im doing womens to start out and doing mens and i want ed to just be ed. We are doing shoes. Were launching its online right now doing well, and in bergdorfs here in new york. You have a book coming out. Well talk about as i mentioned on another date. Im your biggest fan. I really am. I was even before our prank war. Well, if you want to continue it. Well, its my turn, isnt it . No, no. I think it ended with you putting me on a billboard as a plumber. No, then you got me back on an award show after that. Thats right. I forgot about that. So i think its my turn. I didnt forget about that. I totally forgot about that. Ellen degeneres, season 13 starts right now. Good luck with the new season. Thank you, matt. Great to have you here. Well be back in a moment. Lets go to savannah. Coming up, look who we have here, jessica simpson. Shes here celebrating a big anniversary with us. A milestone. Well talk to jessica in a moment. First, you hear this music . Were going to be dancing in the street for our next Guinness World record attempt. But first, this is today on nbc. Guinness world record attempt thats co. Hi, were back now with our week long series break it today and another Guinness World record attempt. Thats right. All this monk these talented dancers behind us have been practicing their moves to get ready. First, more about the task at hand. The goal to set a new Guinness World records title. The challenge, largest street dance performance, 250 people dancing a choreographed routine for five continuous minutes. The dance, a combination of hip hop, break dancing, and funk. The catch. Everyone must be dancing the entire time. The instructor, world renowned dance guru and celebrity corpsgrapher Pavan Thimmaiah of new york city. Pavan has trained, performed and shared his legendary skills with the best of them. He is bringing all of that to the plaza today. The pay off, street dancing into history. Well, this is all tied to Guinness World records 60th year and the new Guinness World records 2016 that is out this week. Alex sangert is here along with Pavan Thimmaiah and 250 dancer back there. We even have d. J. Rug rat smining on the plaza. Good morning to everybody. How long did it take to teach these people the routine . We did it in five days. In seven different groups, we grouped them up, came in once for three hours, learned it and they are ready to go. Everybody has to be dancing for a full five minutes, how complicated is the routine . Its challenging, but i think they all stepped up to the challenge. They brought energy and thats the most important thing and they are going to keep moving. Basically the rule is they all must dance for the five minutes. What happens if a couple of people get off the routine for a minute . As long as they are actively trying to dance its already. But if someone is on the phone texting or not trying to dance we have to deduct you. Alex, you do not have 250 sets of eyes, how are you going to keep your eye on everybody. We have stewards among the dancer monitoring smaller groups of dancer. So ive got extra eyes on them. Lets see what they can do. Are you guys ready. We are ready. Alex, are you ready . Mime ready. Were going to do it here, were going to say three, two, one, dance im thinking about 4 00 to go. Well check in with them in a bit. Up next. Million dollar fashion, motherhood and much more. First, this is today on nbc. We are back at 8 47. Look at our dabser. They are still going strong. Attempting to become Guinness World record holders for the largest choreographed street dance performance. Back inside the studio we are catching up with our super star billion dollar mogul jessica simpson. Her lifestyle brand is marking its tenth anniversary good morning. Good morning. Im always amazed about you ten years later, 1 billion enterprise. It is amazing. Right now i have a times square billboard. It is a celebratory moment. Think back ten years. What were your expectations . Did you think it would turn out like this . I had no idea. We started off with shoes and accessories and now we are going into active wear. And we have maternity. And were going into home and fragrance. And hopefully Opening Stores soon. So its just its continuing to expand. And grow every day. I read an article. And i think the reporter paid you the highest compliment. They wrote that the brand has really transcends. Its no longer just a celebrity brand. Its a brand. That is the most gratifying thing that i could hear. For people to see beyond the celebrity and just really trust in the brand for being what it is is its remarkable. In the beginning, did you find it hard for people in the Business World to take you seriously as a business person . Did you feel like okay ive got to prove myself here . I mean, i still think that people dont really take me completely seriously. But, you know, i have some doubters out there. But i just hopefully it will continue to be around ten years from now and then they can be wrong. Why exactly. Why do you think it works . Why do you think this brand works . I think that i really just Pay Attention to every woman. I want to dress the everyday girl. And you dont even have to be a fan of me or want to dress like me. But i feel like i know how to dress every sort of permit. So you dont have to look like me. Tell me about jessica the businesswoman. Some celebrities they put their names on something. Its hand off. I get the feeling that is not you. I like to i like to have my footprint in everything. So i definitely see most everything that goes out. And if i dont see it, my mom definitely sees it. So she i trust i trust her eye completely. We. We talked the last time you were here i think about potentially you heading back into the recording studee. Yes. You are even building a Recording Studio in your house. Yes. How is that project going . That project is almost wrapped up. I probably have maybe like three more weeks until its done. And im down in my basement recording. Im sure my kids will completely take over. By the way, your kids have never 3 and 2 . No yep. They have never seen this side of mom. No. And even eric, my husband, i recorded a christmas album with him. But he has never really seen me on stage, and like do my things that actually got me here. You know . Is that something you are hoping to do again, release an album and play to crowds, maybe the today show crowd . Absolutely. Thats how i started and thats always one of my biggest passions in the world. I love to use my voice. The world is kinds of your oifter now. I figure you can do anything you want. Would you ever do a reality show again or is that in your rearview mirror. No, no, thats very rear view. In fact, dont bring it up. Im very open, you know, fans or just in the media. But having a camera on me at all times we all know i stick my foot in my mouth a little bit. So now that im a mom i probably have to keep it together a little bit better. How are the kiddies is maxwell a good big sister. She is a great big sister. But she is at that point where she is rolling her eyes at ace a little bibt. But she is only 3. I know, but she thinks she is 5 at least. Yeah, she is so much older than she thinks she is i mean, than she is. Right, chronologically. Yeah. Jessica, always good to catch up with you. Thank you. Cop gratlations on your success. Thank you. We think they may have done it while we are chagt. We will check in with your its intelligent enough to warn of danger from virtually anywhere. Its been smashed, dropped and driven. Its perceptive enough to detect other vehicles on the road. Its been shaken, rattled and pummeled. Its innovative enough to brake by itself, park itself and help you steer. Its been in the rain. The cold. And dragged through the mud. Introducing the allnew mercedesbenz gle. Its where brains meet brawn. Welcome. We are back now with the results of this mornings break it event challenge. Heres the deal, 250 dancer led by Pavan Thimmaiah attempting the largest street dance performance ever. The adjudicator is here with the ruling. So, they all had to dance for five minutes straight. It was hot. It was humid. It was. How did they do, alex . Today, they attempted the Guinness Record title for the longest street dance. It was a valid attempt. But unfortunately i had to deduct a couple of people. Nevertheless, with 253 dancer, a brands new Guinness World record title was set [ cheers and applause ] heres pavan. Theres pavan right there. Here pavan, congratulations. I want to give a shout out to dj rug rat. Thank you dj rug rat. How do you feel . I feel like the king of the world. I feel so great right now. Im just happy for everybody that put all in hard work in. We did it guys, we did it anybody miss a step . From where i was standing i thought we all killed it. Are you going to share this with everybody, does everybody get it for a day . I played a mean trick on the young lady up front here. I told her that the judges ruled she blew it for the crowd. Hey, congratulations pavan. Thank you so much. Congratulations that was im. Anim happening today. Topvo a hearing in t r and a good wednesday morning. Its 8 56. Im sam brock. Happening later today, a hearing in the racketeering case against former San Francisco chinatown gangster raymond chow and seven codefendants. The men accused of a crime ring with links to former state senator leland ye. Meantime, police in fairfield warning People Living there to be on high alert after a man tried to kidnap a teenage girl. This happened around 9 00 in the morning yesterday on Sunset Avenue near highway 80. Police say a man called out to a girl on the sidewalk, then grabbed her and tried to pull her toward a creek. She broke free and escaped. Her attacker then ran off. Well have a look at weather and traffic coming up in our next update in 25 minutes. For now, we send you back to the today show. [female announcer] if the most challenging part of your day is the staying awake part. gun shot sleep train has your ticket to a better nights sleep. Because when brands compete, you save. Through sunday, during mattress price wars, save up to 400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. Get interestfree financing until 2018 on tempurpedic. Plus, helpful advice from the sleep experts. But mattress price wars ends sunday at sleep train. Sleep train your ticket to a better nights sleep this morning on todays take, Bradley Cooper. See what he did on late night tv. And the chance at another Guinness World record. And natalie gets ready for her next wild adventure. All that and more coming up. From nbc news, this is todays take with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall live from studio 1a in Rockefeller Plaza. Welcome to today. Its a wednesday morning, september 9, 2015. Look at baby. Aww. Cute little baby on one of those muggy, steamy days here in new york city. Im willie alongside with natalie and tamron. Al is on assignment. We are our jams. Nice. Downtown. A shout out to the man who sings the chorus. Not the part right now, but he goes fullon eddie mercury. I saw them back together. Their performance at the vmas was incredible. Nice. You said al is on assignment. Hes on ghost busters duty right now in boston. Thats coming up. That was the scream you heard last night when you woke up. His dreams are coming true today. Can you imagine what hes doing right now . Hes freaking out. He wont be able to contain himself. I hope he sneaks in for a little cameo. Well see. Incredible pictures out of las vegas yesterday. A British Airways flight caught fire at Las Vegas Mccarren airport. The left engine caught fire. All 157 passengers were evacuated sliding down emergency chutes. The fire was put out within four minutes, but look at the smoke and the flames billowing out of that plane. Passenger Domenick Worthington was evacuated and watched this from the ground. Thank goodness. At the top of the chute, you could see the smoke and flames and think this could go up at any time. As soon as passengers said there was a fire, there was no hesitation. The doors were open and it was like clockwork for them. Obviously it is scary for them, too. 20 people were hospitalized with minor injuries. British airways is promising to help passengers with whatever they need. I imagine they will do that. Can you imagine looking out to see smoke and fire coming out. Apparently the crew got them out in a timely and efficient way and got them down the slides and off the plane. Thank goodness they werent in the air when that happened. I mean, 157 passengers to choral everybody off the plane safely is remarkable. This was breaking last night live. I was watching msnbc and they had the expert on saying obviously the fear is if the fire was actually in the cabin and then youre forced to open the door allowing in oxygen so that fire, that would have been the worst Case Scenario. But i was talking to one of our producers this morning, whenever i see things like this from when sully landed the miracle on the hudson, any aviation accident, i have to resist from saying, i cannot imagine what i would do because otherwise i wouldnt fly. It just taps into this fear that i obviously, a lot of people have of flying, and we do a lot of flying with our jobs and people have more access to flying with airfare being a lot less than they used to be, but i cant let my mind go there. What would i do . Thats my worst nightmare. But you should think about it because thats the whole reason they do the safety. You have to know. And how many times do you really Pay Attention when they are giving you the flight instructions, the Flight Attendants. Exactly. Now some of them, delta, they have taken to doing it in a comedy way to get you to Pay Attention because in the end, even if youre listening subconsciously and maybe youre settling into your chair or putting your kids into the plane, youre still listening and maybe some of that will come into play. But thats terrifying. I always do a quick check. I willen to the whole thing and know how to put my seat belt on, but i check where is my closest one. Al counts how many seats until the nearest exit from where hes sitting. Thats a good tip. I saw a msnbc documentary where they did talk about how to survive a plane crash like that. And they say you do have to, because in a smoky cabin, you wouldnt know where you are going. Your senses are completely turned around. But lets move on to fun subjects. Minor subjects. Stephen colbert making his debut last night after nine months people have been waiting and talking about him for the longest time. And he got an ovation early in the show. People are loving him giving him a warm welcome. The first guest is George Clooney there to warm him up. After joking, george talked about his marriage and it was funny because colbert said that amal is georges arm kandi and he congratulated them on their wedding and gave them a little present. Take a look. I know that i dont know you but wanted to give you something that you can share with your wife. Can i open it now . Please, please. Wow, its it really is come on. Im on network man, now, of course. This is Comedy Central swag. Its engraved. What does it say . It says i dont know you. Touching. The idea is to give it to another celebrity you dont know. And like flat stanley, it just keeps popping up. Funny. Meanwhile, jimmy fallon tweeting out to his good friend, to our friends colbertlateshow, congrats on your first show. Hopefully dozens more, break a finger. Of course, referring to the hand fallon made an appearance on the show. He made a cameo and video, which was really sweet of him to do. And a late war, the rivalry is taking a little bit of a softer turn. Its the first day. Well see how the ratings are, right . Colbert is going out of his way. He said in the interviews, i have no interest in late night wars. Its so boring. You can see they are buddies and on each others shows. But they have respect for each other. Its very different. If anyone has followed the late night wars regarding at the time, letterman and leno, that was so deeply personal. This does not appear that way. But it was very fun to watch Stephen Colbert. You were up late. No, i did not. I had a horrible case of insomnia and woke up at 3 00. Despite all the segments we have done on dont turn on your phone, dont turn on the televisi television, i turned on the television and realized i taped Stephen Colbert and watched it. I have not been asleep since. You gave it a good review. You liked it. Well, he openeded the show with such energy. We both grew up on letterman. I was obsessed with letterman, especially in college. Its a completely Different Energy but it was very fun to watch. Colbert is not going to be letterman. Its impossible. But it reminds me much of the energy jimmy fallon brings. Just the fun guy you want to hang out with. He has that same feel but he does have mean moves. And speaking of someone else that can dance, Bradley Cooper, friend of said anchorman here. Ive never seen him. You have hung out with bradley but never you had drinks with bradley. This is usher level stuff here. Okay. So Bradley Cooper, james corydons late show, anyway, cooper busting a move. Take a look. What is the cooper signature move . I grew up when breakdancing was big. Shut up. No way. Not anymore. But yeah wow. Yeah. I love to dance. I do, i like to dance. Oh cooper. Wow. Listen. He danced in Silver Lining. You didnt see that coming, did you . I didnt. I didnt know if it would be slow dancing or the chacha. The Silver Lining dancing. If theres a dream come true, i need video of you and Bradley Cooper reenacting. Youre not going to get that. You were impressed, though, right . Bradley cooper, theres nothing he cant do. Its true. Hes the man. Hes the man. Okay. Were excited about this. Natalie, we know you love a good roller coaster. The bar has been set again. Well talk about the one, the great adventure in new jersey, well talk about that in a couple days. But heres another one, our exclusive first look at bell raven at cedar point in sandusky, ohio. It opens next spring. And natalie, were told, will be the very first one ever to ride it. Here we go. A 223foottall dive coaster. That is awesome. Thats natalie. There you are. Screaming. Ah youre not going to scream. Oh, i scream. You scream loud. By then Jenna Bush Hager may be ready to go with you. Yeah. By the spring. Right off Maternity Leave on this. Im sure shes going, what . The ride changes so you dont know when youre going to drop. You dangle and it drops you. So you dont youre not ready. You have to make the 223foot dive, it could be waiting five or ten seconds. It could happen immediately. You cant brace yourselves. That gave me goosebumps. Thats a great amusement park. I was there a couple weeks ago. I will be cheering you on. I may have to drag you on. No. Im dancing with Bradley Cooper, sorry. Well check on the weather with dylan dryer in for al today. Good morning, guys. Another hot one up and down the east coast. The record in philadelphia was 94 set back in the late 1800s. So its been a while since it was this hot on this date in philadelphia. Tomorrow after a cold front moves through well see temperatures be much more reasonable in the lower 80s. This cold front is going to produce heavier rain in southeastern missouri, southern illinois. Then eventually make its way to new england. Thursday into friday morning, well end up with some good morning. Im meteorologist kari hall. Temperatures are warming up. Were now in the low to mid70s and a lot of sunshine across the bay. Expect a high of 100 degrees today in the south bay. The peninsula and San Francisco at 95 degrees. East bay 97. The trivalley 106 degrees. And the north bay will be topping out at 99. Heat advisories will be in effect through 7 00 this evening. Take it easy and drink lots of fluid even if you dont feel thirsty. And thats your latest forecast. Guys. Dylan thanks. Coming up next, the powerful story of a real life pastor who was declared dead only to come back to life after he says a visit to heaven. The film is called 90 minutes in the film is called 90 minutes in heaven. Thankshow may i help you . S list. I heard i could call angies list if i needed work done around my house at a fair price. You heard right, just tell us what you need done and well find a top rated provider to take care of it. So i could get a faulty light switch fixed . Yup or have a guy refinish my floors . Absolutely or send someone out to groom my pookie . Pookies what you call your . My dog. Yes, we can do that. Real help from real people. Come see what the new angies list can do for you. Everyone needs a bff. Even your smile. Colgate optic white express White Toothpaste with hydrogen peroxide. For whiter teeth in 3 days. Dazzle. Without the hassle. 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New benefiber healthy shape helps curb cravings. Its a clear, tastefree daily supplement thats clinically proven to help keep me fuller longer. New benefiber healthy shape. This, i can do. To the battle of the banders, and the behind the scenes crew, to the fashion bloggers, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah and the skaters true, be yourself. Kohls Hayden Christensen has starred in a lot of films, but he is known best for his roll as annikan sky waunger. Now he stars in the new film 90 minutes in heaven. It tells the true story of a man, a pastor, who says he visited the afterlife following a devastating car crash. Wouldnt want anyone to come see me like this. Its awful. Its not your call. Hayden, good morning. Good morning. How are you doing. We are doing great. This is a powerful, true story based on the life this pastor, don piper. Tell me what it was like playing him. It was a real privilege. He is a man who i really admire and respect. And hes experienced something pretty remarkable. But it was it was a real treat getting to play him and be involved in this project. So the real life story goes he gets in a terrible car wreck with a semi truck. He is pronounced dead on the scene, lays under a tarp for 90 minutes while they are processing the scene. Yeah. What did he tell you he saw in those 90 minutes . He went to heaven. And he i mean, maybe it is a better question for him, but he describes a pretty remarkable experience. It was an incredible Family Reunion for him. And he describes it in great detail. You know, the sounds, and the smells, and all the sort of the stimulus that he experienced. He saw people, it wasnt just a light . It was he saw members of his family . Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then he comes back to a pretty painful recovery. You know, his body is in bad shape. And he has kind of lost his will to live. And so the film is very much about his recovery, and how his family comes together, and the community of people come together to help him through this very difficult time. What an interesting time for you to speaking of timing on this. To play this role. You are a new dad, you are looking at life through the prism who says there was a near death or afterlife experience. I would imagine both put life in experience here. Totally. How was that for you, especially during this huge transition in your life as a dad . I think the two are sort of very intertwined. I you know, i was very affected by the story when i read it the first time. And i guess, you know, being a new father, it was it was nice to get to be involved in a project that i was going to be very proud of, and proud to have my family see and it one day my daughter see it. And so, yeah, definitely played a fact tour. Your daughter is beautiful. Breyer rose. Inspired by sleeping beauty. They share a name, but not inspired by slupy beauty. No, not story. Just the name. Clarification. Just to be clear. Thats the name, thats his daughter. Whats the most interesting thing about being a new dad . Everything. Its just life changing and puts everything into a new perspective. But its it changes everything so quickly. So its just trying to adjust to it all. Its great to have you here. Hayden christensen. By the way, all proceeds of the film go to charity. That was a very big factor. All the profits are going to go to charity, which is sort of unheard of. Thats great. Thank you so much. 90 minutes in heaven hits theaters this friday. How many clap pull ups can you do in a minute . I cant even do one pull up. Hayden saysest he can i was not aware of how much acidity was in my diet. I was so focused on making good food choices, i had no idea that it was damaging the enamel of my teeth. I wanted to fix it, i wanted to fix it right away. My dentist recommended pronamel. He said that pronamel can make my teeth stronger, that it was important, that that is something i could do each day to help protect the enamel of my teeth. Pronamel is definitely helping me to lead the life that i want to live. One of the cool perks of this place, is you can eat as much cereal as you want. You can go to any line thats running, and pull a box of cereal. Alrighty. We just like cereal, we make it, eat it, love it, live it. laughing brandois heaven in a jar. Thats because our ingredients come from. Farmers committed to responsibly sourced oils. Blended with ingredients like cagefree eggs. Mmm. Heaven. Real ingredients. Thats how were working to bring out the best. re doing now, janice. Blogging. Your blog is just pictures of you in the mirror. Its called a fashion blog, todd. Well, ive been helping people save money with progressives discounts. Flo, can you get janice a job . [ laughs ] you shouldve stuck to softball i was so much better at softball than janice, dad. Wheres your wife, todd . Vacation. Discounts like homeowners, multipolicy i got a discount on this ham. Ive got the meat sweats. This is good ham, diane. Paperless discounts give it a rest, flo. All yeah, flo, give it a rest. Mmmm yoplait milk cow here. Did you know that yoplait original now has 25 less sugar. Disinfecting has to be one of them. Clorox disinfecting wipes. Yothats lactaid®. K right. 100 real milk, just without the lactose. So, no discomfort . Exactly. Try some. Mmm, it is real milk. Lactaid®. 100 real milk. No discomfort. Now to our series break it today. And another attempt at a Guinness World records title. We have got ron cooper from marble head massachusetts. He is the Current Record holder for most clap pull ups in a minute. Now he is going to try to top his own record. Guinness world record is celebrating its 60th year with the release of its 2016 record book, two representatives. How many does he need to hit. Ron is a Current Record holder. He has the record at 21. He needs 22 in one minute. Thats correct. Fully extended arms, body straight and he has got to clap. Ron, are you ready. We are stabilizing the bar. Alex you are going to count him when he is ready. Okay we are holding on. Good luck. Okay, and then well count it. Ready, three, two, one, go. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 . Come on, you can do it. 19. You can do it, 30 seconds. You have got time. 20. Lots of time. 21. Yes, yes, you got it. 22. You can keep going. Because you have got 15 seconds. 23. You can do it, ron. You got it. 24. 24. Ten seconds. There you go. Make it an even 25. Lets do it. Lets do it. Three seconds. Time it. All right. Whats the official word. Ron, you took the Guinness World record title for the most clap pull ups in one minute. Lets give him a rounds of applause for 25 pull ups. Excellent. Ron, you are officially amazing. Awesome. Very cool. Ron, how does it feel, man . Its awesome. And you had time to spare, you had like 25 seconds on the clock. It is a big honor. Thank you so much. How do you recover from Something Like this . This is it. Im done. Im done. Its only one minute. Only one minute you say. Congratulations. Thank you. Coming up, Sandra Bullock and queens youre my best friend plays ooh. You make me live, whatever this world. At petsmart, we know that pet adoption changes lives. Thats why Petsmart Charities helps save more than a thousand homeless pets every day be a part of these lifechanging moments at our National Adoption event this weekend. I really love you it wont just change their world, itll change yours too. Youre my best friend my theory is pretty simple. Happiness, before cleanliness. Gooey. Flaky. Happy. Toaster strudel. Now with more icing. Quilted northern works their bathroom experience. Just like they forgot conductor randy, who sees all and forgets nothing. At least hes not constable bob. Hot one. A live look at downtown san good wednesday morning. Its 9 26. Im sam brock. Get ready for a hot one. We could be breaking records later today. A live look at downtown san jose where temperatures are going to approach if not exceed triple digits. Meteorologist kari hall has the forecast in just a moment. But that heat is actually causing some schools to take an unprecedented action. Surely youve heard of snow days, well, eight schools in the Campbell Union high School District are holding halfdays tomorrow and today as well for heat day. School is out at 11 30. One major reason why is fewer than half the districts classrooms have airconditioning. Some athletic teams are still going to practice. Saratogas Prospect High School is going to hold football practice but indoors. Also happening today, some heat inside. Apple fans are asking whats it going to be . Apple booked San Franciscos bill Graham Civic Center for its latest big announcement. Some say it will involve an iphone 7. Others say an iphone 6s. Others believe apple may show off a redesigned apple tv box. Whatever it is the event begins at 10 00 a. M. And we will have full coverage. And hackers recently targeted nearly 80,000 California College students. The eight schools include Sonoma State University and Maritime Academy in vallejo. Hackers broke into an online course but did not get Social Security or credit card numbers. Personal information like sexual identity, gender and race were all compromised. Coming up right after this break, were going to have a look at that scorching forecast and your traffic right after this. Good morning. Im meteorologist kari hall. Highs today over 100 degrees in the south bay. Gilroy up to 104. And pacifica 87 degrees. In San Francisco 95, 103 in and oakland topping out at 97 and danville expect a high of 103 degrees. Lets see how the commute is going with mike. Still a tough one, kari. San mateo bridge speeds still in the orange zone. Moving smoothly but slowly across west 9d 2. Things lighter on the east bay but 880 southbound yet another crash at eighth street. This is the third of the morning for that portion of the minutes slower drive for the dumbarton bridge as well. Northbound routes continue to drag. A crash over there clearing just north of san antonio for the south bay and then drive toward the bay bridge still crowded. Back to you. Mike, thank you very much. Taking a look at the headlines, a big day for apple as the Company Holds an event in San Francisco where its expected to unveil the latest iphones and feature a 12 mega pixle camera and faster processor. They may show off the redesigned apple tv box and it could take the wrap off of a new ipad mini. Google plans to test same day delivery of fresh foods, first in San Francisco and one other u. S. Company, to deliver fresh vejables and fresh foods and they will compete with amazon fresh and other services. The Surgeon General is calling on americans to take a walk with twothirds of people overweight in the u. S. , issuing a call to action on walking. Calling on everyone to walk more and to make communities more foot friendly to get your heart rate up, walking should be brisk enough you can talk but not sing while doing it. And british weather man nails the pronunciation of a wealth town with the warmest temps in the uk. A big contrast in temperature, 12 degrees at a coastal parts of Eastern England in the sunshine in northwest wales, just up road from temperatures got up to say that three times fast the town name, i wont try to pronounce it, 58 letters and it is the second longest town name in the world, longest in europe now. The name translates to Saint Marys Church in the hollow near a rapid whirl pool near the red cave. Tamron and willie, see if you can do that. No wonder why they shortened it to that and it ends it a go go go. I get in trouble when a say ap latchyans wrong. The storm itself is going to stay out over the pacific but you see the clouds, these will produce heavier pockets of rain across the desert southwest. Its a category two hurricane and moving northwest at 12 miles an hour. The storm itself is not going to make landfall in baja or in Southern California as it moves out to sea but the moisture from it will continue to produce several inches of rain possible. When it comes down in a short period of time we could end up with flooding. We have flood watches in effect across parts of california and southeastern arizona too. We have a lot of rain from texas stretching into new england out ahead of the cold front. Its going to produce pockets of heavy rain as well. We could see 1 to good morning. Im meteorologist kari hall. Scorching temperatures all across the bay. Were now in the low to mid70s, comfortable now. But it will be heating up quickly. And the highs today will be widespread 90s and even some triple digit temperatures like the south bay 100 degrees. 95 in the peninsula and San Francisco. In the east bay 97 degrees. And the trivalley 106. The north bay will see a high of 99 degrees. Be sure to drink lots of water. And try to stay cool in this heat. Thats your latest forecast. Guys . Thank you. It is hump day, we have our club music and drinks. 90s music. Just water. Its actually bad luck to cheers with water. We have to change that. Good news, all eyes on Serena Williams. Did you see this match . She managed to defeat her sister, venus and advance to the semifinals. The two shared a long hug in front of a crowd filled with super stars, some of the most famous faces in this country lined up to see the faceoff of the williams sisters. Oprah winfrey with gayle king. President ial hopeful donald trump also in the stands. Rap per kendrick lamarch who will be on Stephen Colbert tonight. And kim k and her sister. Kim helped serena prepare for the match. This is the photo they posted, sipping and spilling the tee with serena. Do you know what it means . Gossip. When you spill tea thats gossip. They were sipping and spilling the tea maybe about someone serena is rumored to be dating. I dont know. Shes got the scoop on that. Jersey . Jersey. I just read it too. Sandra bullock is back, its been two years since weve seen her on the big screen in gravity now starring alongside billy bob thornton. The movie is our brand in crisis, she plays a brilliant American Campaign strategist hired by bolivia candidate to rescue his campaign. Take a look. What are you doing here . I thought you retired or gave up . What happened to your hair . Still got a great sense of humor. How many have you gone against . Three or four times . How many times has he beat you . Three or four times. We have to take risk. Every speech, you take it. If security beef beats you up, you are doing it right. Theres only one wrong in this, only one and that is losing. Check and see if anyone understood that. [ speaking Foreign Language ] the film is coproduced by George Clooney. Have we ever seen her with blonde hair before . I just noticed. Blind side was she blonde . Yes, adam miller reminds us our producer. Clooney was set to take the lead role but it was given to female when bullock showed interest. Big congratulations to Justin Bieber. He just became the youngest male to debut at number one on bill boards top 100 with his new single, what do you mean, as a thank you to his fans. He dropped an acoustic version and music video for the song on the same day, his new album drops november 13th. If you do not already know, that means you have not watched the show once this week or perhaps in the last couple of weeks, justin will be performing his number one hit and more on our plaza tomorrow on today. I am loving his new look. I like like the hair . Its difficult when your hair is iconic. Hes trying to mix it up. Is his hair iconic . Yes, the flipup thing, that was huge. Yeah. This is what is this then . Weve broadened the definition of iconic. Anyway tomorrow. They are already camping out out there. Up next, one of the funniest guys on tv, hes got a hit show and doing something for the very first time right here in new york city. Hes going to tell us, with his iconic dance move and iconic hair and we love the tshirt. After this. Oh, yeah get it at just tastes better. So fresh from the farm. Delicious. Perfect. Only one egg with more great nutrition. Like 4 times more vitamin d and 10 times more vitamin e. And 25 less saturated fat. Only one egg good enough for my family. Because why have ordinary when you can have the best. Egglands best. The only egg that gives you so much more better taste. Better nutrition. Better eggs. When it helps giveshot ma lifesaving vaccine to a child in need in a developing country. Thanks to customers like you, walgreens get a shot. 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Oh can you take it . Can you . Yeah. You are my 10yearold bother r brothers favorite comedian. Horrible. Just horrible always a good demographic, 10yearolds. You got picked up for a second season. I am on the record, i am a bay yased huge fan of your show. The brains behind the show, your wife, genie. Executive producer of the show. Terrific first wife. She is amazing. Its interesting. We write all the scripts together and we have never argued once. She has never raised her voice. Really . She has never been disappointsed in me. You know whats amazing is like we have five kids, we do this show, and in all the chaos, there are still moments when i catch her looking at me with a look that can only be described as disappointment. But you know, shes catholic so there is no quitting the team. Your family photo, thats with elsa and the frozen cast. That was amazing. That was when we were in frozen. You were olaf. I would like to point out my kids are wearing blazers and i didnt even shower. How is that . Thats just you know, i show up as a dad, you know, its an important role. Being a dad is the most important thing i will fail at. P it really is. You have got five kids. Five kids. And you took the crew on a bus tour across america. We started in seattle, down to san diego, and cross to atlanta. 37 shows, 30 days, unbelievable. And my kids did construction along the way. It was it was crazy. It was fun. Speaking of your kids. I understand you just went to alaska, the alaska state fair. Yes. Somebody, i think probably yoet shone you. I had a difficult opening act. Weve got tape. Lets take a look. I guy walks into a library, and he says can i have a happy meal . The libraryian say iaian then says, sir, this is a library. The guy goes [ whispering ] i didnt have to pay him. A no payment child labor. And then he slept outside. Which is great. It builds nine years old, though, standing out if front of the a huge crowd. I know. But we went on this trip. I mean, alaska is unbelievable. I am like the biggest advocate of alaska. But and he was there with me. It was like a daddy and son trip. I was like, why dont you go out there and do a joke . He was like do i get my phone after this . And i was like yeah. Thats all it takes. Smart kid. Jim, we love the show. We love you. Come back any time. But next time bring genie. No offense. Bring the kids. Ill leave them here. The jim gaffigan show airs wednesday nights on tvlands. And jim will be headlining Madison Square garden on december 12th. Thats huge. Make you nervous or not . It is a little bit its enormous. Thats like a thousand billion people. It is. Well be there watching jim. Thanks. Thanks you guys. Up next, how to stay calm under pressure. Under pressure. Weve got some let your camry show you under pressure. Weve got some that your driveway isnt just connected to your street but to the ends of the earth. From coastal highways to rollercoaster hills to the street that changed music forever. And the perfect route for a getaway. Its all one road waiting for you to take it. Discover more in a camry. Toyota. Lets go places. And were gonna serve sunday dinner off a counter wiped with jasmine sparkle . I got salmonella just thinking about it. Me too. You want clean, get a cleaner with bleach in it. Clorox means clean. But ive managed. E Crohns Disease is tough, except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. And when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe Crohns Disease. And that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. sarah wmom and dad. Eed from carter they do stuff super fast. And now they got this new kitchen so theyre even faster. zoe so they can help us with our free throws. announcer the time saving frigidaire gallery line. With a quick pre heat. A dishwasher with four times better water coverage. And smudgeproof stainless steel that resists fingerprints and cleans easily. Its meal time in no time. From start to clean. mom team bus is leaving announcer frigidaire gallery. Our timesaving legend continues. Looking for a delicious taste that lifts you up . Try lipton sparkling iced tea. The perfect combination of fruit flavors, iced tea, and light carbonation. Lipton sparkling iced tea. Refreshingly uplifting people can forget their quiltbathroom experience. Well but sir froggy can never forget. Whats worse, he thinks. That my arms can never relax or my eyes can never look away . Spending the day with my niece. That make me smile. I dont use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. Before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. Even well fitting dentures let in food particles. Just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so youre more comfortable and confident while you eat. So its not about keeping my dentures in, its about keeping the food particles out. Try super poligrip free. Researchers suggest that keeping calm may not be the most effective approach when you are feeling stressed out. Well get expert advice on ways to stay cool under pressure. But first some of our personal stress relieving tips. For me, the trick to staying calm under pressure is to slow things down. I try to give myself one beat to breathe. Take a beat, sometimes two. I drive on the parkway. A nice, windsy road. I practice deep breathe, techniques. It can feel hectic and chaotic, oh, my gosh, how am i going to get all these things done. And then there are those things when you cant do anything but go with the flow. What is going to happen is going to happen. Sometimes you have to remove yourself from the situation and internalizing, going deep into your body. What . Al roker stresses me out. Breathe. Thats how i handle it. Deep, cleansing im going to get you, al rocker, breaths. Al, im coming after you. We are joined by dr. Raj. Good morning. I like what this harvard study says. Keeping calm not the best way to handle anxiety producing moments. Think about anxiety. You are aroused. Think about that arousal as a river. If you try to do a 180. Thats what keeping calm is. You are telling someone who say is who is aroused to turn it around fast. Turn it into excitement. Arousal and excitement are the same flavor. First topic for you to give us advice on. Speaking in public. We all get nervous at huge speaking engagements. Public speaking the biggest fear americans have. Again, get excited. Its your chance to get your message out there. I tell my students for example, who are doing oral presentations. I want you to pretend you are michael jordan. He is not doing this. You are not do that. You are excited about getting out a message out there and staying in the moment. If you get too far ahead. You will miss it. Just like the play er. Another one that induce fear obviously is a Job Interview. Whats good tip here . A Job Interview is that moment where you feel totally on. Get excited. Im going to give you the best hack ever. Get ready to open your mouths. Open our mouths . Okay. The brain is like the little kid. You can say get out. I want you to take these pencils. The two of you, stick them between your teeth. And you stick it between your teeth and have it hang down. Now take those pencils out. Take it out. Keep that smile. Do you see how the teeth are open, cheeks up. But it is a smile. Thats a real smile, it is genuine, and it is a sign to your brain. This is a genuine smile. It is. Do it again. Here. So in a Job Interview you want to have. Dont keep your pencil in your mouth during the interview. Before you go in, do that. It tricks your mind. The mind is like a little kid. Its easy to trick it. Give it that smile, your brain perceives things differently and you go in the interview and you kill it. I like this advice. For more ways to help you say emergencily tough in your life, still smiling. We showed you video earlier, Bradley Cooper dancing on late night tv. Right. Well, we got our hands on this exclusive video. Take look here. Oh, where is it. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. She me the lift. Watch your face. Look at the love in his eyes. He just loves you. Show the lift that was the whole im. Cam the heat is on. A live look at San Francisco where temperatures today will 9 56. Good morning. The heat is on. Lets take you live to San Francisco where temperatures today will hit the mid90s. Meteorologist kari hall has the forecast in just seconds. But if you need a place to cool off we have some cooling centers to tell you about in the east bay and south bay and our website nbcbayarea. Com has a complete list. Lets check that weather. Another sizzling day, yes, across the bay. With highs topping out in the 90s and up to 106 degrees in the trivalley. A heat advisory will be in effect between 11 00 and 7 00 this evening. Thats when temperatures will be the hottest. And you want to limit time outdoors. In the north bay expect a high of 99 degrees. A spare the air alert issued as well. So youll want to bike, carpool or use Public Transportation to reduce gas emissions. Lel lets get a look at traffic with mike. Thats a good note. Unfortunately a lot of folks on the roadway burning up fool. Heres 880 south through fremont. Look at slower drive at the top of the map. Thats through fremont where we showed you the camera 237 north 101 still very slow but the crash 101 matilda clearing from lanes. 85 and 280 are still slow heading in toward cupertino. Better speeds across the dumbarton and san mateo bridges. Peninsula starting to calm down. Crashes clearing from hayward and bay bridge toll plaza. Mike, thanks. Another local update in half an hour. Well see you then. Announcer from nbc news, this is today with Kathie Lee Gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in Rockefeller Plaza. Yes, hello, everybody. Its the day hoda live for. Which day is that . Its winesday wednesday, its september 9. Were delighted youre with us today. That song is Peanut Butter jelly. Never heard it, it good . I played this at i, hoda. I tuned it out probably. If youre a carol king fan weve got a treat for you. Well talk

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