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Thats enough for now, old timer, well take you back to mineral city where there is plenty of feed and water. Has he said anything yet dale . No roy, still unconscience. We better get him back to town, ill hold him on trigger, you lead the burrow. Right. Somebody give me a hand here. Hi dale. Anything i can do . Oh pat youre just in time. I am . Take this little burrow to the stable and give her some feed and water will ya . I look more like a hero than a stable boy. Well youll be her hero if youll take her to the stable. Oh, yeah. Come on laughing girl. Lets go get some viddles. He was tied up so tight the circulations cut off. Hes suffering from exposure, thirst and shock from a beating. I can make one good guess who did it. Hiya sheriff. Hello roy. Dale told me how you found him. Do you know who he is yet . Now wait a minute. He aint Strong Enough to talk yet, and if youre gonna ask him a lot of fool questions, i wont be responsible for him. Okay doc hold your horses. When you think hes well enough to talk, let me know. Well it wont be before tomorrow. Let me know too doc. Alright. Well i guess im about the fourth surveyorhey kickedut another one is still in the hospital, never will be right. Well mr. Carol youre the first victim thats turned up in my territory and i aim to do something about it. Well just a minute sheriff, until that outlaw territory is surveyed you have no jurisdiction. Thats right. Its sort of a no mans land. Well it appears to me like them outlaws is squatting on them rights and thumbing their noses at us. Well we got to do something about it. Say roy, youve got a stake in this. Doesnt that new ranch land of yours, extend right down into the river bed . Yes but i dont know how far in sheriff, the only way to find out is to have it surveyed. Well youll have to clean out that rats nest first. Then lets clean it out. But how . Sheriff, i got an idea while mr. Carol was talking. Listen, suppose you get a posse together, pat and i will ride out in front. Alright men, lets mount up. Whoa now whoa, whoa just have patience. Whats the matter pat, did you forget how to ride a horse . Pats been chaufering that jeep so long, hes forgotten all about horses. Yeah and i wish i could keep on forgetting about them too. All i had to do with this jeep is get in and turn on the key. Then get out and get under. Yeah, you spend more time pushing that jeep then it spends pulling you, boy. Say, look whos slim, get rusty, looks like weve got company. Its a buck. You got you over a barrel, now whats your next bet . Hey rusty, couple of men heading for town, looks like theyre being chased by a posse. Well he better not ride in here, hell get a hot reception. Come on boys. Go gee that was a close one. Youre telling me. Phew. Who are you . Who wants to know . Looks stranger, you came here, nobody sent for you. Dont mind my friend here, hes a might high strung. To tell you the truth, were both feeling high strung right now. What about . Didnt you see . Sheriff and a posse were after us. Oh, well keep talking. Well i reckon its cause we stopped a stage on its way to mineral city. Yeah . We didnt stop it to catch a ride. How much you get off the coach . Thats just the trouble, thats why my pal here is so sore. Just as we had em all lined up and reaching for the sky. Why a sheriff and a posse come along, so we had to run for it. Thats tough. How come the sheriff came along so conveniently . Seems like he found a man half dead, tied to a burrow. He was out looking for the men who did it. Oh i see. How about Getting Better acquainted . Im rusty madison, these are my men and this is my town. Any stranger shows up, he plays my rules. You get it . There is plenty of room up over the saloon. Get your saddle bags, make yourself comfortable, chows in an hour, dont be late. Cooks temperamental. What do you think of those fellows . Theyre smart hombes. Cagey too. Wouldnt surprise me a bit if they did hold up that coach and get away with plenty of money. Yeah maybe we better take a look in their saddle bags. Lets do it now . No, no when theyre not watching. If theyre telling me the truth, ive got some plans for them. Yeah if. Look jim its up to you to find out. Me . Yeah. Suppose you mosey into mineral city and find out if there was a robbery and how much the boys got. Maybe we wont have to look in those saddle bags after all. Its a good idea rusty. Ill start now. Okay. Jim, take a look at that bank layout while youre at it. Okay rusty. I think ill take this one. Phew. Whoa. On Second Thought i think i will take this one. You act like a cow on his honey moon. It doesnt make any difference which one you pick, i dont think youre gonna do any sleeping around here. Well we pulled it off didnt we . Well didnt we . I dont know. Rustys pretty smart. But at least were safe while hes thinking it over. You know the way you talk, i aint gonna get a wink of sleep tonight. Ill sing you a lullaby. Hey i wonder where we eat around here. I dont know but lets get washed up and find out. Whats the matter with him . Bullet whats the matter with you . Come away from there. I guess he smells you. I dont have a dog. Come on get away. Bullet what will you have . Oh, cup of coffee and a doughnut. Right. Guess maybe your dog dont like me . Guess maybe he doesnt. Its good coffee miss. Thank you. I wouldnt do that if i were you, stranger. Bullet, you get away and go over there and lie down. Do you hear me . You stay. Wouldnt like to have dogs barking at me. By the way, when is the stage coming through . Its already been through. Well when do i catch the next one . Tomorrow morning. Guess ill have to spend the night. How about some more of this coffee . Coming up. Come on bullet, lets take a look at that stranger you didnt like. Hi sophie. Hi jim. I hear tale the stage got in late today . Run into some trouble . Nope. You heard wrong. Was it held up . No. Whos been telling you them lies . Stage come in just same as usual. Passengers got off same as usual, old sam the driver just as cantankerous as usual. You sure Nothing Happened to that stage . Well now if you dont believe me, ask the sheriff, hell tell you there aint been a hold up in a long time. Thanks opie. Ill be seeing ya. Bullet, listen, did you get a scent of roy off that fellow . You did, didnt you . It was roy and pat. Listen you and i are going to go find out if theyre in trouble. Come on boy. Lets go. Come on come on. I wonder where dales going in such a hurry . Well if it aint the pretty lady from the restaurant. Lets have that gun, give it here. Bullet run home quick maybe youre mut got away, but you wont. Whats the idea of following me . I wasnt following you. I saw you watching me when obe was talking to me. Maybe you heard too much . I wasnt listening to you. I didnt hear anything, i was just taking my dog for a walk. Now i suppose youre walking the horse . Its a free country. Suppose you keep me company to no mans land. Why . Come on get going. Theres nothing in this side pete. Hey roy oh roy i think this guys gonna kill me. Oh roy help oh help hold it, hold it, hold it. Whats going on here . You ought to know. You sent these two birds up here didnt ya . What are you and pete doing up in this room . Like you said . Who said . I mean pete and me wanted to take a look through them saddle bags. Oh you did, did ya . And who told you to do it . Nobody, nobody rusty, it was our own idea. Fine time to start a fight. Were all set to drive into mineral city and pull a job, and you two have got to start scrapping. Im sorry fellows. Sometimes my boys get a bit ambitious. Whats in your saddle bags is your own business. Thats okay. Now no hard feelings, i hope . I like my boys to Work Together smooth. No hard feelings. Good. Now you two set to ride on that bank job with us . Sure. Lets go. Oh im so sorry. My foot must have slipped. No, no hard feelings. Well hello bullet. Whats the matter fellow . Whats the matter boy . What. Oh hank . Somethings bothering bullet, hes trying to tell us something. You dont suppose dales in trouble . You know they left together. You better get the men together and follow him. Now fellows chances are, well meet jim on the way. If not well wait for him at the old river bed, hes got the information we want. When we get it, we go to work. Lets ride is that two riders . Yeah, looks like jim and somebody else. Well thats funny. Say it looks like jim got himself a woman. Whats he want to get a woman mixed up in this for . Well you know jim boss, always a ladies man. Yeah but this is no time for a thing like that. Come on lets go. Whoa well wait here. Whos the gal . She followed me here so i thought i would bring her along. Are you crazy . What do we want with a woman . Now wait a minute rusty, she knows too much. So do those two strangers the sheriff chased into our town. What do you mean . Its a frame. There never was a stage hold up. Those two men are working for the law. Take em boys. Dont any of you go for your guns, turn around. Go ahead dale. Come on pat. Thats roy and pat for you. He said theyd run them outlaws right in our arms. Lets get em. Its a trap. Lets get out of here. Come. There goes rusty, im going after him. Well you got him roy hes all yours sheriff. We got the rest of them too good come on get going well roy i want to thank you and dale for everything youve done you better thank bullet, hes the one who really found you hey roy, i think ill ride out. You mean you really like to ride horses now . Well i thought maybe i could help him out in his surveying. Well what about nellybelle . Dont you think shell be jealous . Listen you couldnt get me off the horse if you tried. Besides, nellybelle aint got no brakes to speak of and shell get you way out on the desert and stop and well. Whoa nellybelle hey hey i didnt mean it nellybelle the lone ranger hi ho silver a firey horse with the speed of light a cloud of dust and a hearty hi ho silver. The lone ranger and i know theres gold in here. I know its in here cause i can smell it. Its just like i am, yes sir you can smell gold for miles away. Come on get going youre looking in the wrong direction, hovey. Theyre over there. Oh come on yipee come here boy come here we struck it we struck it look at this gold gold look at it boy, just look at it we struck it boy we struck it this time you said it would be here. I know it was here. Yeah, but its bigger than i thought it was. This aint just an ordinary gold strike. No sir, this is an important one. Thats why i want you to keep it under your hat boy. Dont you lay your tongue, dont you tell a soul. Not till you get to the land office and register. Do you hear . Dont worry i wont. Do you want anything special from town . Oh no, itll wait. You know what im gonna do . Im gonna get me a brand new set of store teeth. Made out of this gold too. Say, you better stop and see your paw yeah cause you know hell be pining for you. That works both ways. Yeah dont go, dont go, i wanted to give you the bearings of the location. I dont need it, i dot in my head. Thats good you keep it there boy. Oh boy come on there he is. Looks like a man riding with something on his mind. Yeah. Ill wait for him here. Get over to bushs and have him. Whats up . Youre dick mchenry. Thats right. Thought i heard some blasting . So did i. Somebody working a mine around here . Thats a fair guess. You and that dudley . Thats a good guess. Saddle bags sure loaded. Mister youre blocking the trail. I said you were blocking the trail, ill give you just ten seconds to light out of here. Put the artillery away kid and lets take a look in those bags. Say i know you. Youre zack carter, the gambler, you hang around with another tin horn named hovey. Now ill give you just three seconds to get out of here. 1, 2. Shots come from there. That means trouble tonto, lets have a look. I had a hunch they had their eyes on Something Like this. Weve got to find that mine. Weve got to file a claim on it. Yeah. Why didnt you shoot him in the arm . You didnt have to close his mouth. He wasnt going to shoot you in the arm. Hed plug you dead center. Yeah but you have time to aim, he didnt. We could have made him give us the location of that mine. Nothing in his pockets. Now weve got the job of finding it. Maybe hes still alive enough to talk . Hey, hey . Hey mchenry . Youre wasting your time, hes through. About the only thing we can do now is back trail him. Go to the mine . Say thats a smart idea. You know how to trail . No. I thought maybe you did. Im a card player like you. Where would i learn any indian tricks . Well lets go back to town. Ill think of something. Tonto, down there. Him still alive kimosabe. Why you low down bush whacking buzzards, get away from that boy. I thought id find Something Like this when i heard them shots. You murdering coyotes. We heard the shots too mister. Oh sure, you look innocent enough. I saw that the minute that i come in. Hey indian, tell your pal there he forgot to take off his mask. Never mind the mask. This boy has one chance in a thousand to live and while we stand here wasting time talking hes losing that chance. Tonto, water. I told you now, stay away from that boy. Put down that coven and lend a hand. Hey, youve got a way with you. Who are you anyhow . What makes you think i ought to trust you . Did you ever see a Silver Bullet like this before . Well, the lone ranger. Well, youve proved to me that you didnt kill him. But who did . Kimosabe see what me find. Where . Horse stand there little time, then cards fall. Somebody must have been waiting for him. Him stand there, face this way. I see. Why these cards are marked. Fine one he was, carries more cards around than a show commander in the back. There must have been two of them. If the one with the card was facing the boy, there had to be another one to shoot him in the back. I think well find a cheap pair of gamblers mixed up in this. I think what we ought to do is look for them two saddle bags. cause theyre loaded plum full of high grade ore and thats why they killed him. He hasnt been killed yet but hes mighty close to it. Does it give you the shakes . Yeah. Wheres it come from . Waford youll never be a rich man. What difference does it make where it comes from . You should say, how can i get it . My chance will come. When . Youre not getting any younger. Youve been in this hole so long walford, youre gonna die in it. Its big cities like new york, london and paris. Did you think youll ever get to see those big cities waford . You feel pretty chipper. I bet the fellow you got this from dont feel so good. You think we stole this waford . How else would you get it . You bring it in here, file a claim on it, and make me feel like a fool. Is it my fault i dont get to it . I dont get any chances. But is that my fault . There is two things wrong with what you said. First, we cant file a claim on this because we dont know where it is. Second, you do get chances and were going to give you one right now. Do you know how everybody thinks that ed dudley and young mchenry knows theres gold in the hills . Old desert rat, thats just a lie to get himself a grub stick. Uh uh. No lie. This is it. Hows that again, the way you say i should talk . How do i get it . He sure learns fast. How do i get it . Like this. You get one third in this manner. If ed dudley or old man mchenry comes here to file a claim in the unfriendly mountains, you dont file the claim, you give us the location. You cant do this without some killing. Does that bother you . Sure. There has to be a killing, waford, now wake up. Now that you know all about this, you better line up with us. Or youll be the first man to die. Ive got another ace up my sleeve. I think i know how we cant stay here, you dont even have decent shelter. Sky was always good enough roof from me. Not for a wounded boy, ed. Tonto i want you to ride to his fathers ranch, tell mr. Mchenry the whole story. Then bring back a wagon and some mattresses. Weve got to take this boy home. That right kimosabe. You know tom is sure gonna bust a cinch when he hears about this. I dont believe there is anything in the world that old tom cared more for than this youngin. Im going to ride to town and see if i can match those cards to the man who dropped them. You keep your eyes open for trouble. Do you reckon them tin horns will keep trying . Yes ed theyre bound to now that they have seen what came out of this mine. Wait just a minute, there is one thing i didnt tell you. See dick here was on his way to the office to file the claim. Then its not yet protected. Why shucks no. Why anybody could grab it that would jump us. It may be already grabbed. Ill stop at the land office and register it for you. Here, here ill give you the bearings. Here they are. Alright ed, take care of the boy. Ill take care of him. What do you want . Heard a rumor. Thought it would be a friendly act to ride over and let you hear it too. Theres just two things i dont have any truck with rumors and tin horns. Now get. Rumor says your boy and ed dudley struck it rich. Do tell. Rumor goes on to say that ed dudley shot your boy in the back. Pull it out you crazy fool, you got part of my skin. When you come here telling me ed dudley shot my boy, you lying sneaking, tin horn. Dont you pull any iron on me you critter. You poisoned critter. What did you aim to do with a story like that . I, i didnt say it was true. I said i heard it. You heard what . Where . Who said it . Turn me loose and ill tell you. When i get good and ready and you answer me when i talk to you. Well, they were talking about it in town. Saddle bump came in, came into the saloon and he was talking about it. He said he saw it. Go back and tell him hes a liar. Go back and tell him the next time he talks against ed dudley ill ram the lie down his throat on the end of a forty five. Pull yourself out. Now get off of my land and stay off. That wont be hard to do, remembering this. How indian. How. Youre on the mchenry ranch. Whats your name . Me tonto. Tonto huh . Well do you want something . You hungry . No time to eat. Me bring bad news. You too . Your son dick, him get shot. Go on. Him find gold, ride to file claim, somebody shoot him in back. Ah huh. Just who do you think did the shooting . Me not know for sure, but not ed dudley. Him say go bring wagon with mattress, take boy home. You telling me the truth indian . Somebody shot my boy . How bads he hurt . Plenty bad. Alright, run over to the bunk house, tell the boys to give you a couple mattresses, ill get the wagon ready, well go after him. Go on hurry well did he fall for it . Why that crazy old garoon, ill cast him in if its the last thing i ever do. He didnt fall for it . Well he didnt seem to but let him think it over. First, hell begin to get curious, then hell wander, then hell travel up that mine to have a look around. And well follow like a gentle little breeze. Gentle little breeze . Just remember this hes my meat, that mchenry, when the show down comes hes my meat. Lets wait around awhile, hell come by. Here he comes now, it worked. Ill tag along after him. You go into town and hang around that land office. What for . Waford can take care of that angle. Wafords a worm, if anything goes wrong he scares too easily. Now go onto town. Unfriendly mountains. Bet its here. Just about here. What do you want . Theres no money here, only records. I want to file a claim. Claim . Whats the idea with the mask . Never mind the mask, i have good reasons for wearing it. This is kind of irregular, i dont know whether i should. Nothing in the law says you cant register a claim for a man in a mask. Go ahead. Names Edward Dudley and richard mchenry. Whats the matter . Oh nothing. Give me the location first. One point north east of split rock and the unfriendly mountains. Un. Excuse me ill get another pen. You seem nervous. I just had a hard day, you know running a land office isnt easy. Did dudley and mchenry strike it rich . Im just registering the claim for them. The unfriendly mountains. South five hundred yards from a mound of stones, north two hundred feet from lanten rock. Oh excuse me. No wait. No you have business i dont want any part of. Hovey wait get em up mister. Reach, reach high. Whats going on here . Wheres carter . Following mchenry and a stray indian up to the mine. Whos this . I dont know but he just filed that claim. Dudleys claim . Yep, ive got the whole location right down in that book. Get his guns. What are you two up to . Well now look whos asking questions. What are you up to . And how did you get into this . Youll find out. Yeah. Waford, tear the page off that book, ill take care of the claim and him too. Tear it out huh . Not a bad idea. Keep your hands off. Remember what you and carter said . How do i get it . Well i learn fast. Carter, carter will get. Ill get him first. And you mister, im taking you in for killing this man. Did he open his eyes . Hows he been . I wouldnt worry too much about him tom, ive seen a lot weaker men come up from worse. Get him in the wagon on the mattresses. Its going to be an awful bumpy ride. Yeah thats mighty poor excuse for a road. First me feed horse. Him eat plenty, then him walk slow, not hurry home to stable. Good idea indian. Youre alright. Ed . Huh . You know a gambler by the name of carter . Carter . Oh yeah ive heard of him, hes about as crooked as he comes too. Go on into town and find him. I think hes the jasper who did this. Now youre gonna come back to the ranch, at least till we find out how the boy is just taking it. No, im gonna kill me a gambler named carter. Ed, im hit, help me drag the boy into the mine. Keep us covered boy. Come on out of there. Throw out your guns and come on out. Mchenry, you know who this is . Youre a bush wacker thats all i need to know. This is carter, mchenry. Zach carter and the time im through with you gentlemen youre gonna be sorry you ever saw a gold mine or a bow and arrow. Bullet no can go around corner, better save for later. They got us strapped tom. How is your leg . Oh not very good ed. You got any ideas indian . Him ready to shoot fast if we come out. Him not able to get everybody. Maybe one man live, no more. Tonto no like to die like this. Alright gents its up to you, you can stay in there and smother like rats. I can take two or three steps, enough to draw his fire and give you boys a chance. Get the wagon out of the way indian. You crazy galute you wouldnt last two seconds out there. Get the wagon indian. Will not move. Whats the matter with it . I dont know, maybe its stuck. Come out. Tonto you alright . You come just in time kimosabe. Ill fix up the wagon and then well take them to the ranch. Me, im all smoked up inside like the side of bacon. Say, a few more minutes back yonder and wed all been done for. It was mighty close ed. You quit grumbling about being cheated out of that other gambling critter. Weve had enough smoke and gun play around here for today. Im going to see waford in the jail, id like you to keep your temper and see that he gets a fair trial. Im not babbling about waford, only thing i care about is this boy. Of course. Ill send the sheriff to take this one in. Dont you worry about the boy either, ill see that hes kept in a quiet place. Hey look hes coming too, hes opening his eyes hello dad i thought i heard some shooting . There was a share, its all over now. I opened my eyes once, i thought i saw a man in a mask . You did, boy, he saved our gold mine and he saved a whole bunch of lives too. Ed look hey, hey come back here who is he . Why hes the lone ranger. Hi ho silver. Away. Away. u lassie starring June Lockhart hugh riley, john provost as timmy and of course lassie can i ask you something . Whats on your mind, son . Arent you ever gonna visit us anymore . Well bless your heart boy, of course i am. Uncle petry is visiting with us timmy only hes working while hes here. Thats what i dont understand. Uncle petrys visiting us, but hes working for mr. Blalock. Well you see, timmy. In order to buy my new business i had to use up all my savings. Doing this job for mr. Blalock gives uncle petry a little extra money. Blalock might know how to run and savings and Loan Association but he doesnt know beans about putting up a wall. You were the one who said mr. Blalock doesnt know much about boys or dogs either. Yeah, thats because hes a contacorous old bachelor, just to stubborn to take the time to learn about anything except in his banking. He sees himself as a gentlemen farmer. Oh, he probably gets as much satisfaction working around his place as we do around ours. If you wanna call puttering working. Hand me that piece of canvas will ya timmy boy . He would skin me alive if it rained and spoiled his cement. Go ahead, paul. Ill drive timmy and lassie home. Come, lassie. Hear from paul yet . Yes. He called, doctor stewarts gonna drive him home from capital city. Must be real serious. Going clear to the hospital. Whats wrong with mr. Allen . Your father didnt say dear. That must be them now. Burst appendix. We didnt get him to the hospital in time. Hes going to be alright, isnt he . No, dear. Well supper will be spoiled if i dont get it on. Something should be done about it. The hospital, its a crying shame the nearest one being fifty miles away. Seems to me i once heard doc stewart say you need a small Emergency Hospital around here. Yeah, its like the weather. Everybody talks about it but. Well, why dont we do something about it . Such as . Well, get everybody in the Community Behind it, working for it. The kids too . Kids too. Well i could ask the grange at the next meeting help equip a hospital with well an operating table, or a portable xray or Something Like that. Well, then that solves the problem. Not quite. We need a building first and that costs a lot of money. Well, we could have a drive. Isnt easy to get people to give, even for a good cause. Id give and i know lassie would too. People around here are generous enough, just that they dont have enough to spare money wise. Well there must be a way. God bless this house and thank you for the food we eat. Amen. Dont give them the right kind of feed the eggshells will be too thin. Boy i sure am glad im not a chicken and have to eat all that stuff. Wont you need your lunch over at mr. Blalocks . Blalock . Well hes got a little house at the back end of his property. Just standing there empty, it would be perfect. For the hospital a few boards and nails and paint, could turn that into the nicest little hospital you would ever wanna see. Thats a fine idea. But how do you get Jason Blalock to donate it as a hospital . How . Well, ill ask him thats how. Explain the whole to him while were working on his new wall. Now dont you worry about a thing. Just leave it all to me. Uncle petry huh . Oh thank you, ruth. 9 hospital, if people would be a little careful they wouldnt get sick all the time. Hank ellen was the most careful man i ever knew. Youre wasting my cement. And youre wasting my time. The way youre building this wall. All the weep holes for the water to drain off, sand and cement wrong mixer no steel reinforcing rods. Its my wall and i can build it the way i want to. Then build it yourself, any way you want. I will. Look, jason. Ill figure out how much i owe ya and mail ya my check. What happened to hank allen could happen to any of us. Im just as sorry about what happened to hank allen as everybody. If we had a hospital closer in, hank would be alive right now. Maybe. But i dont want a hospital on my place. Ambulances and cars driving in all hours day and night. Saving peoples lives. You asked me and i gave you my answer. The grays were very generous and have offered to buy some of the major equipment. But it takes more then that to get a hospital going. Its money, oh i suppose the community could supply us with many of the items that we need. But you cant perform surgery in the open air. Havent we any gumption . If one person turns us down are we going to give up the whole project . Im not giving it up. For years i have been fighting for an adequate hospital around here, ill go on fighting. By golly, lets build one ourselves. That takes a lot of doing uncle petry, a lot of people helping. You know my cupboards and closest are just full of things that a hospital could put to good use. Lots of other cupboards and closets here abouts too, doctor stewart. You know what im going to do . Im going to speak to every woman whether i know her or not and just see if she just cant spare some things. And i know where i can lay my hands on some lumber, nails, paint, Everything Else we need. Glass for windows. Glass . Yeah well worry about that later. Whose gonna build it . Ha, anybody who can drive an eight penny nail. Just takes someone to start the ball rolling. How about me and lassie . We could do something. Well how about a paper drive . Yeah we will make this one the best one yet. Well. Well now wait a minute. We need a place to put this hospital. Say, im sure that we can spare a corner of our property. Thats mighty generous of you, paul. But well your place just isnt located centrally enough. Reason for an Emergency Hospital is so everyone can get there in a hurry. Well, theres a piece of usable acreage near the blalock farm. That would be an ideal location. A man at capital city owns it and im sure hell sell it. Look uncle petry, youve got some Good Business contacts now, maybe you can persuade some of them to donate generously. And maybe we can all get enough money together to buy it. Ill try every business man i know. Come on, lassie, lets get started right now. After ive read it. Well, ill give you ninety eight cents for the whole lot. I dont think thats enough. Even a dollar . Nope. Take it or leave it. Well take it. For ten cents ill help you carry them to your wagon. Four cents, its all i got to spare. Okay. Ill just go in the house and get my rain coat. First time a dog ever got the best of me in a bargain. Hospital. Oh, thats wonderful timmy. Everybody come through as good as you kids, in no time at all before we have hospital. Where are you going . To help the junk man. Martin family doesnt have to take a back seat to anybody when it comes to getting things done. A lot of other families have done their part too. Oh, paul. You know those two by fours i was looking for . Well, today while you were over at Calverton Simpson Brothers Lumber company called. They are donating all we need. Brand new too. Look here, look at all the money that timmy and the other children raised for their paper drive. Two dollars and twenty nine cents. Well, i might as well give it you straight. Mr. Blalock is a lot more opposed to a hospital than we thought. He carries a lot of weight with calverton business men and hes got most of them persuaded that we dont need a hospital. Well, it wouldnt take a lot of money for us to buy the land we need it, would it . I couldnt even raise a little. Couldnt you speak to them again . I hate to say it, but i think weve got throw in the towel. Our only hope it blalock weve got to change his mind. Fat chance. When he says no he doesnt mean maybe. Well, ill wait till the morning to tell timmy about it. Let me give you a hand jason. Well go on. Say what youre thinking. About what . About my wall. I was thinking about the hospital. Oh, im sick and tired of hearing about the hospital. I told you before and ill tell you again, its a waste of money. And if you came over here to talk to me about that. Look, jason. Awful lot of people here abouts have been giving things they couldnt rightly spare, a lot of their time too. Even the kids have been pitching in. They are all gonna be mighty let down. And youre blaming me . Folks put a lot of stock in what you say, jason. Business men especially. Fact youre against the hospital more likely has made them feel its not as important as it really is. All this talk isnt getting my wall showed up. Oh, alright. Wait a minute. Look out. Petry . Petry . Help. Come here, lassie, were not lassie come back. Lassie help. Its uncle petry. And hes hurt real bad. Lassie, go get help. And ill go in mr. Blalocks house and call doctor stewart. Jenny, it was an accident a wall fell over on blalock and uncle petry. Get doctor stewart, quick. Help. Help. Lassie, wheres timmy . Paul look. Get in the pick up. Are you alright, jason . Yeah. You better call doc stewart now, ruth. I already did. Hes on the way over from capital city, but hes sending an ambulance. He said in case we had to move him, make a blanket litter and let lay flat. In case if anythings wrong with his back. Ill go up to the house and get a blanket. How long is gonna take that ambulance to get here . Its a long way from capital city. Is your feed lock gate open . No, my hired hands off today. Oh, well ill go out and feed the stock. Mom, uncle petrys gonna be alright, isnt he . I hope so dear. Ill make some coffee. Im alright, im alright. Ill make the coffee. Sh, lassie be quiet. I suppose you think this is all my faulty timmy . No sir, mr. Blalock. Well it is. It is my fault. It was an accident. No. Your uncle petry warned me about that wall. He said it wouldnt hold up the way i was building it and he was right. And now petry might die because of me. But hes gotta get well. We all love him. I really am just what everybody calls me. Mean, contancorous and pig headed. The whole kitten caboodle. Three times they ask me to do something about a hospital. And each time i turned him down cold. He said it. He said it to me, whats happened to hank allen could happen to anybody. And now its happened to him. Maybe you had Something Real important to do with your empty house. Important . The house is just sitting there, just sitting. And the people in the town tried to build a hospital, i went out of my way to put the kabash on it. I sure wish we had a hospital right now. So do i, timmy, so do i. The roy rogers show starring Roy Rogers King of the cowboy trigger his goldne palimino and Dale Evans Queen of the west with pat brady his comical sidekick and roys wonder dog bullet make it good matt. There might be a fortune riding on that bullet. Cant get far. Lets get down and get him. Thats a pretty bad gun shot wound. Whats your name old timer . Joe jones. Two men bushwacked me search me for my maps for bredford mine. Thats old and deserted mine in paradise golch. No rich or diggiing tool. Handle my wife coming on stage. Tell her maps hid lower in the shaft. Lower her into what shaft . Hes gone, roy. Yeah poor fella, i wonder what shaft he meant. One of the tunnels in the old bedford mine i imagine, but that old mine is honeycombed with tunnels. They tell me it was worked out fifteen years ago yeah. But if this old timer has found a new vane. Well we better get this news back to the sheriff. Meet that stage. Sure gonna be hard to tell that poor women shes a widow. I sure hope old eddie dunns got what we want. Listen well soon find out. Here comes the stage. Put them up and keep them up. Keep them covered. You sue denton . Yes thats my name. Give me your purse. Give me the rest of your baggage. Hurry up weve been held up and there goes the outlaws. Whatd they take . Nothing they just looked through my things. Are you mrs. Denton . Yes. Dale stay with here pat and i will go after them. Right. Come on hide the horses. Hey roy, isnt that the old bedford mine up there . Yeah that will be a good place to hide. Lets take a look. Been abandoned for fifty years. Maybe so but the mine belongs to the bedford family and im bill bedford. Well your stage coach was held up down here on the road. You two fellas didnt happen to be around there at the time, did you . No matt and i have been working the mine. Havent been anywhere but right here. Seems kinda funny working a mine thats been abandoned for fifteen years. Thats my business. Prove it. I dont have to. The Sheriffs Office has got a copy of my deed to the property. If you dont believe me ask him. I think we will. You know i got a hunch we are gonna have trouble with him. Theyre the noisy type. Dont worry about it matt. I stopped them cold when i filed that fake claim. Well heres the deed. Its right as rain looks like the bedford mine was originally a spanish land grant. The property belonged to elanzo bedford and this bill bedford his grandson. Then joe dentons claim is no good. Im afraid not roy. Well thats a shame. It means mrs. Denton wont get a thing, even if we find a map. Unless we can prove this bill bedfords a phony. Roy i can smell a faker a mile off. Aint been took by one yet. And this bill bedford is a phony as a sugar barrel full of little fish hooks. That might be kind of hard to prove pat. Im sorry mrs. Denton but one thing we will do is find your husbands murderer. Pat we have got some searching to do ourselves. Come on. Ill look after mrs. Denton roy. Alright dale. hmisoner of d. C message please check ownership status of one bill bedford on bedford mine Paradise Valley claims to be heir to spanish land grant wire answer roy rogers mineral city ill take care of it right away. That will be a dollar and a quarter. Okay here. What were those two rattlers doing in here, sheriff . Roy, bill bedford just got out a restraining against you. Against me . Why me . Oh you know why. Youre gunning for those men. Oh i cant say is how i blame you but right now they got the law on their side. Sheriff im sure theyre phonies. And if they find that map and locate the gold. Theyll leave mrs. Denton the widow they made her without a penny. How do you know they made mrs. Denton a widow, and how do you know theyre phonies . I dont know for sure yet, but im gonna find out. Now wait a minute roy, dont do anything hasty. Remember this time the law aint on your side, and if i find you on the bedford property, ill have to put you under arrest. Maginificent cooking maginificent, and now my boy because you were kind enough to invite me to partake of this scrumcious feast, im gonna do you a favor. My friend, here is a piece of paper that will make you a very rich man, a millionaire. What is it . Its a map, a map that will unfold the treasures of gal conda of eldardo. You follow the instructions and the directions on this map and you will find gold golare. You dont say. Thats right. And because youre my friend. Well if it aint pat brady by golly i aint seen you in a turtles age. Hi ya pete. Well as i was saying. Oh colonel not now later. Well what do you got to say for yourself, patrick . Oh not much. Just the same. Well ill i see ya later. How about having a nice piece of pie with me pat. Pie . Hey what happened to your friend . He left without paying for the food. He did . Yeah. Oh well nevermind ill pay for it. Just put it on my tab. Okay pat but i dont like to see you get stuck that way. That colonel looked like a faker to me. Dale i told you once and im telling you again. I can smell a faker a mile off and there aint nobody putting over anything on me. Hi roy. Hi dale. Whats the matter with you . Yeah you looked like you tied into a bear that still had it in for daniel boone. Oh them two buzzards over at the bedford mine got a restraining order against me. Hows mrs. Denton . Well shes resting now. I sure hope things get straigtened out for her. They will if ive got anything to do with it. Restraing order or no restraing order. Come on, pat. Shew say maybe next time pete. Hey pat you better take nelliebelle. Oh i cant she just b it doesnt seem to be anyone around. No, its quieter than an hibernating catipilar. Oh i guess theyre off somewhere. Yeah probably getting another restraing order. They might be back any minute though, so lets split up and look for that lower end of the shaft denton told us about. Its bound to be around here someplace. Hey pat look what bullet found. Well dag gum. This thing looks old enough to belong to one of them dinosaurs. Hey that sounds like its coming from the mine. Now listen bullet, we aint got no time to play with you. Well do some more digging maybe hell find what were looking for. Somebodys coming. Lets hide back here in the cave and watch this entrance that dog warned them. You better go around the back way. Stay back, bullet. Oh wow roy you hit him so hard you jarred his kin folks. Wheres the other one . He high taled it out of here. Say this rifle could of killed joe denton. Yeah a high powered rifle like that could of made the wound but do you suppose we could convince the sheriff . We can convince him better if we could find that map. Oh oh im so sorry was this what you were looking for . Bullet, guard him. Might as well be comfortable while were looking, huh . You know if theres a hidden shaft in this here mine, it must be the size of a gopher hole. We havent covered half this place yet. Im so dagum tired and hungry, i could eat a porcupine and pick my teeth with the quills. Oh. Uh oh, roy, we got company. Its the sheriff. Looks like our investigation is going to be slowed up. Alright roy and pat. Hi sheriff well disreguarding the restraing order and trespassing on private property ill have to put you both under arrest. What are you doing with matt out there . Bullets guarding him. You going to arrest him too . Get to your horses. Lets get back to town. Here we go roy. Whos gal bound . Come into town when they go before the judge. No jail big enough to hold patrick alowishus brady for long. Well i warned them. Dale did you get answer to my telegram . Well no not yet roy. Well surely this cant be serious enough for you to keep these boys in jail. Well ill tell you what ill do dale. You sign the bail bond and ill parole them to your custody. Thats a deal. And remember theyre your responsibility. And you better see that they dont violate that restraing order again. Okay. Now listen. You boys heard what the man said. Ill tell you what ill do, son. Mine. A hundred dollars. Boy thats a little steep. Well make it fifty dollars, well i dont know whether ive got that much or not. Well i reckon i do owe you a little favor. Lets say twenty five dollars. I think thats just about what i got. Well thank you son, and now my boy some day when your lolly gone at the beach at the riviera, smoking five dollar cigars with a beautiful girl on each arm, just sometime think of colonel jasper rutherford. I bid you good day sir. You ready to go pat . Oh yeah yes as soon as i get out of these work clothes. Hey wait a minute. You heard what the sheriff said. Dont you boys let him now get him bullet, go to dale youve been asking for it, now youre gonna get it. Tomorrow im going in town to get the sheriff. Why bother . They were trespassing, werent they . Breaking the law, werent they . We can shoot them and tell the sheriff it was self defense. That would look bad with four of us here. Throw him in the mine office and lock him up. We gotta figure hurry bullet go find roy. Hey. That sounded like bullet. Roy, you in there . Yeah me and pat. Get us out of here dale. How . Well look around and see if you can find an iron bar of some k aint that bacon done yet . Keep your shirt on its about ready. Thanks dale, now stand by, well need your gun. What was that . Stay where you re nice going, dale. P dale ill get himd ware. Right. Ha here comes the sheriff,ate as usual. Alright matt, you cant get away that easy, lets go. Thats twice hes violated the restraing order and im plenty mad. I told you he was at it again, sheriff. Get over there with the rest of your gang. Roy, i went by the telegraphed office for ya. Heres your message. Thanks dale. No spanish land grant ever granted to bedford family. Mine is in public domain. What do you think of that, sheriff . That means that the claim joe denton staked out is good, and ive got the map to prove it. Youll never take me. Good shot pat. Sheriff, if youll check the bullet hole in bill bedfords arm youll find that it looks suspeciously like the one that was in denton. They both came from the same rifle. Get your deputies to help us, and lets put these men where they belong. There you are roy. Dale, i got me a map too. Millions and millions of dollars. Thats a real funny looking map and its stuck together. That river looks like some kind of a tree. Its printed in spanish. Dale you read spanish. How about translating this for pat. Okay a life giving herb discovered by Juan Hernandez in 1812. A sure cure for rumintism acne saddle sores haha and anything else that ails you. Patrick you have just purchased yourself a label from a pat medicine bottle. Well ill be fried in snake oil if i aint been horn swaggled by a faker i paid for all of his meals plus twenty five dish washing dollars. Where is that southern pride, mint julip with blisters. If i get him, ill stomp wow we had some close moments there, didnt we . Watch for us in the next roy rogers show. To you until we meet again happy trails to you keep smiling until then happy trails to you till we meet again the lone ranger a fiery horse with the speed of light, a cloud of dust and the hearty hi ho silver the lone ranger in a shady glenn ten miles of the western Frontier Town of kobe. There is a strange gathering beneath the trees. Taken prisoner in Butch Cavendish. Notorious leader of an outlaw gang. A man who recently murdered several officials of kobe and replaced them with his own men. As part of his daring plan to take over the town. Prisoners also are three of his henchmen, sheriff two gun taylor, has come upon the outlaw chief and h\ his men and cadindish was being treated for a bullet wound, by doc drummin. Who had been abducted from town to perform the job. While waiting for his indian friend tonto, who was sent to town for help. The lone ranger is untying his horse, when silver, his own mighty steed, hears a strange sound. Wow, silver. Sactter men. Something happening in the bog. Alright, boys, i got him. Get em high, sheriff. Come on in, men, its me, cavendish. The shootings over. Looks like we got here just in time, boss. You did. Tie these men up. I got winged after i shot judge knox. This doctor was treating me when the sheriff and the mask man, took things over. Was that the person we seen ride off in the white horse . Yeah, which way he do . Up the drive. Good. Ill watch em. You men get after that masked man before he gets to kobe and spoils our plans. And bring him back dead or alive. You heard, boys. Lets travel. Meanwhile, unaware of what has happened to the lone ranger, since last he saw them. Tonto has arrived in the town of kobe, hes on his way to the Sheriffs Office when he sees the sheriffs assistant, alex creel. For more men to aid the lone ranger. And in tracking down Butch Cavendish. They way you keep on cleaning that gun, corey, you must be figuring on using it soon. Nothing like being prepared. Mighty lots been going on around kobe lately and the shootings have just begun. Creel says there is gonna be more of it tonight. Which one of you is, sheriffs assistant . It isnt often a redskin comes looking for the sheriff. Its usually the other way around. What is it . Me want to see creel. Hes busy, im handling his business. Whats on your mind . Sheriff taylor send me. Him want Butch Cavendish. Asked for creel to come with posse. Oh, he did, huh . Youre lying indian. Everybody around here knows that cavendishs gang is no where around here. That not so. I see cavendish myself. You come. I show you trail. Would you listen to the redskin ordering us around . I dont know what your game is indian, but if Sheriff Taylor really sent you. You would have some kind of proof. You follow, tonto. You have plenty proof. Seems to me this redskin is getting a little ornery. Should i throw him in jail . Nah, let him go. Dont come nosing around here again or you wont get off so easy. Creel left orders not to lead the posse anywhere. Say corey, you think he was in a level about the sheriff being on cavendishs trail . Of course he was on the level. Why do you think i want cavendish . With all of our plans set for tonight. We cant let the sheriff mess things up. But if that indian gets back to the sheriff, and tells him that creel. Hes not gonna get back to the sheriff. Youre gonna see that he doesnt. Got it . You got nothing to worry about. Nothing like making sure you indian. Its tonto, silver tonto . Me follow trail, kimosabe. Take long time. Wheres the posse . No posse. Sheriffs men in kobe wouldnt send men with me. Must be one of cavendishs men. Thats right. Him send man to ambush me. But me take care of him. You find cavendish . Yes. But his men rode down from the hills and surrounded the sheriff and doc drummin. We go back and round them up. No there are too many of them. We need a whole tube of calvary to capture them all. Ive got a plan, tonto. Now heres the idea. Well circle back. Thats cavendish horse. Must still be here. The rest of his men are out looking for me. Where are doc and sheriff . Over in the glenn, behind the brush. Come on, tonto thats sheriffs horse. Yes, tonto. He still must be here with the doc. I imagine that cavendish is watching our friends until his men return. Well sneak up to the glenn. If cavendish is there, ill want to surprise him. Then you know what to do. Me understand. Well leave our horses here. Take it easy you two. I may not be Strong Enough to travel, but i got strength enough to pull the trigger. You wont get away with this. How long do you think honest people are gonna condone activities like yours, cavendish . You know ive got men in my office, whove sworn never to rest until you are captured. Myself included, of course. And that masked man, hes one of my special secret deputies. Your men will never catch him. You know, cavendish, the doc here and i and the mask man. We know a lot more about you then you think we do. Why theres hand builds territory pasted on every rock and every tree. Youll never get out of here. And another thing. That a boy, stranger. You are a sight for sore eyes. Yeah. I thought we were goners. Whos that . Tonto. Hes my friend. Are you both alright . Yeah, were alright. Cavendish is out cold. Where ya been, stranger . I was getting worried. I rode off on silver. Met tonto coming from kobe. We sneaked in here the back way. Sheriff, your men creel in town wouldnt send the posse. Him no believe, tonto. Well, then that proves hes part of this murder in this gang. I can name more in town that are working with him. Well, anyway, we got cavendish. We can load him in docs rig and take him on into town. Wait a minute, sheriff. I wanna capture more of the gang then just cavendish. Hes the leader. With help, we can capture him and his entire band as they return. Take too long to get help from kobe. Theyll all get away. Theres something much closer then town sheriff. Tonto said he saw a calvary detachment passing a short distance off. Well get their help. Now leave cavendish here. Hes out and too weak to travel anyway. Well, whatever you say. Alright. Lets go. Come on, doc. Dont worry, youre not gonna lose me. Which way to the calvary, mister . Take the port and circle back to kobe. Kobe . What about the calvary . There are no calvary. But you said they are passing through here abouts. What i said was for cavendish to hear. But he couldnt hear anything, he was unconscious. You should have examined him when i did, doc. He was faking. How about since no calvary . What in tarnation are you aiming to do . Im trying to delay cavendish plans to gain time. We have a lot to do tonight in kobe. Alright, doc. Lets get on with it. Alright. We spotted the chief and he said he didnt head for kobe. I know he didnt. Say what happened to the prisoners . Masked man, must have hid in the brush nearby. While you were out spreading word, he came back here with his indian friend. Turned the prisoners loose, huh . Yeah. They headed out fast but not for kobe. They went the opposite direction. Well, where did they go . I heard the masked man tell the sheriff, that theres a group of calvary passing nearby. Now theye gone off to get them and round us all up. So we gotta work fast. Green, you, sellers and ship stay with me. Well go back to the hideout. The rest of you try to head off the prisoners. See if you can spot that calvary, too. This is gonna delay my plans concering kobe a bit. I cant take any chances. Now get stirring. The Sheriffs Office is practically next door to mine and i noticed the lights were still on. Thats awfully good, doc. It will give tonto a chance to sneak over there and see if anyone else is in the office with creel. While hes gone we can make up that list of the names of people we want to surprise. Me go now, kimosabe. Be careful, tonto. Remember if creel is one of cavendishs men you know what happened last time you tried to see him. Me be plenty careful. You make list. Tonto be back fast. Are we sure that we hid your horses and my wagon far enough out of town . If anyone gets wind were here, theyll be trouble. If we act fast enough. Nobody will have time to stop us. Alright, sheriff, write down the names of the new men in town. The ones who have been taking over all the top jobs. Well, first of all, theres creel of course. Put his name at the head of the list. If we take him to jail first. Well have a place to lock up all the others. Then theres keller. He took over the bank as soon as the judge was murdered. Keller . Yeah, so jim told me about him. Yeah, and what about amps . Hes been put in charge of the telegraph all of a sudden. Amps . Ive heard of him, too. Then theres jetson, hes that new gunsmith. Peters, stew, and corey. Well, tonto, what did you find out . Me take peak to window of Sheriffs Office. See creel in their with one man. Just two of them, eh . Alright, sheriff, doc, well start with creel and his friend. And everything goes well, well end up with the whole cavendish gang. Alright. Come on, boys i wonder whats keeping, cavendish . Sure gettin to be late enough. Oh, i dont know, creel. Maybe him and the boys were held up. Funny he didnt send us a message or something. Who is it . Its me doc drummin, and emergency. I thought you was out of town treatin. Quiet you two. Keep your hands high. Hey, whats going on here . Plenty, creel. Tonto, get reds gun. We have reasons to believe you two are working for, Butch Cavendish. And ive got an idea those credentials you showed me to get your job, were forged. Now wait a minute. You cant prove that. Get in the cell. You too, red. Give me that list you made at creels. Alright. Alright, doc, weve got to hurry. Its getting light outside. Come on, tonto. Whoss there . Its doc drummin. Yeah . What are you doing here this time of day . Are you running the bank now in place of judge knox . Yeah. But whats that got to do with me. Well, take a gander. The place is on fire. Fire . Alright, keller, march. Huh . Keller, check. One down and seven to go. Are you the chap that took over the telegraph office when biff anderson got his . What about it, doc . Well come on. Your place is on fire. What . Put your hands up, rivers. Fire . On your way, jetson. No trace of the masked man and his friends, huh . No. We spent the whole night looking. What about the calvary . Must be gone through here awful fast, chief. Not a sign of them now. Good. Then theres nothing to stop us from moving into kobe right now. Right. Lets go. Alright, men. You heard the masked man. Everything goes as we figure, well have to cavendish gang locked up by sundown. Tonto, are your men all set . Yes, kimosabe. Here they come. Alright, boys, lets go get them. Hold. Theyre from kobe. And the masked mans leading them. We can take me. We out number them. Let em have it men. You got me, stranger. Drop your gun cavendish. Its been a long chase. Now youre through. For good. I guess youre right. Alright, lets go. Where to . Back to the fight. Whatd you say . I said. Now get going. Wild jim baker. Take it easy. Put him in one. Name. Shorty bush. Finally got ya, huh . Put him in two. Lets go. Name. Cliff lambert. One. And i wanna tell ya that the whole town of kobe is proud of you two gun. Well, i appreciate that a lot, jim. But i had very little. Him come now, sheriff. Here ya go, sheriff. Hello, cavendish. Didnt think yad catch him partner. Now we got the whole dang bunch. You and your men ought to be congratulated, sheriff. Thanks. But if it hadnt been for you, we had gotten nowhere. Ill be with ya in just a minute. Im gonna take care of this one first. Come on. Steady, silver. Now, cabins cant catch you, kimosabe. You can take off mask. Im going to continue to wear the mask and keep my identity a secret. For how long . Our job has just begun. We have a lot of trails to follow. That good. Sheriff . Before the lock up, do you mind telling me who the masked man is . Wouldnt mind at all, except that hey, where did the mask man go . He and his indian pal are going out to get their horses, sheriff. Well, guess he isnt one to stick around for a party. Well who is he . I dont directly know his real name. But ive heard him called the lone ranger. Away, silver, away. Lassie lassie starring June Lockhart hugh riley, john provost as timmy and of course lassie hey get out of there. Get out of there. Well joe that mongrel you cant catch let my sheep out last night again and scattered them for a mile and half. Hes gotten worse than ever. You havent been able to trap his so quit wasting time and shoot him. Now wait a shake. That sounds pretty drastic even for a dog thief. No need to shoot the dog. I still got a few tricks up my sleeve. Sure, sure. Why you play trick or treat with that mut we suffer. Its time you got rid of him. Once and for all. Now look he robbed the smoke house. Hes got the stock all you suppose theyll go gunning for him . Theyll probably get him. I could have shot that dog a hundred times. Hes easy to spot. My job is to catch him. Im not gonna kill that dog unless hes a menace. So far hes nothing but a nuisence. Lassie . Lassie . Lassie, why havent you been meeting me at school lately . Youre never there on time anymore. Gosh. Poison . Its a tranquilizer pill timmy. What kind of lizers . Tranquilizer. Its a pill that relaxes you. Makes you forget your fears. If i can get the dog to swallow a couple of these ill be able to walk right up to him and put a collar on him. Wont those pills hurt the dog . Of course not. Timmy these are the same kind of pills that people take. Just makes you, well it relieves you of your tensions thats all. Do you think that dog has tensions . Yeah i think so. You got anymore so now when he sees people he gets nervous and suspicious. Those are tensions. There i guess that does it. What are you gonna do with the meat now . Well im gonna put it all along the trail that the dog uses. Then when he swallows the meat hes gonna swallow the pills too and ill have him. Poor dog. What do you mean poor dog . Do you realize all the trouble hes caused around here . I didnt think of that. Well timmy thank your mother for the use of the meat grinder. Huh . When you go to get him. May i go along . Sure if your folks say its okay. Smith . Yeah timmy . Why does everybody call that dog a maverick . Well timmy a maverick is a dog that doesnt belong to anybody. A loner. Come on. Well heres the spot. The baits gone. Now we got him. Look mr. Smith. One of the tranquilizer pills. And the other one. Well how about that. Well theres the last one. Find the pill lassie. Theres the last one. Mavericks done it again. Take a look. Get out of the way lassie. Whats the matter with you lassie . What are you barking for . How do you like that . Shes trying to protect that mut. Lassie move. Well im gonna go get paul. Call her off paul. Well finish this business right now. Now hold on mel. That dog is helpless. Whats the rush . That beast has been making our lives miserable for a month. Now get lassie out of the way. Look lets wait for joe smith. I told ruth to call him and send him up here. Look were not gonna wait around for joe smith to show up. Weve wasted enough time already. Come on. Give me 5 more minutes. Timmy go back to the trail and wait for joe and send him up here. Okay dad. Mr. Smith mr. Smith hi timmy. Follow me and ill show you where they are. Okay. Understand you got that dog . Take a look for yourself. Gonna be a job getting him out of there. Getting him out . Were gonna shoot him right where he is. Nobodys gonna shot that dog until were sure we cant save him. Whats the matter with you joe smith, huh . Thats the mut thats been making you look like an amateur. And now youre talking about getting him out . Down there is a trapped and helpless dog. You guys like to kick something around when its down . You intend to make an effort to get that mongrel out of that hole . Why . Because hes alive, because its my job, because i dont think you guys are as cruel as you led on. Youre just sore. Joe were wasting time. Lets get busy. Yeah. Hey paul i got a length of rope in my truck. You want to get it for me . Sure. There is no use in you fellows waiting around. Why dont you go home . Ill stick around. When you find out you cant get him out then well have to shoot him. Yeah. If that opening didnt t i could do it . We can try. I dont know timmy. Im not afraid. Look timmy if we let you down in there you got to be very careful. Now look timmy when you get down there im gonna throw my coat down. With it and the rope. See if you can make a sling so we can lift the dog out, huh . Okay now. Easy now. Hold that. There we go. Easy now. Its alright boy. Were gonna get you out. Heres the coat timmy. Are you alright . Ah huh but hes wedged in too tight to get the coat around him. Coming up. Here we go. There is a big rock over him and one in front of him. Are you ready to call it quits . Not yet. We still got a chance. I think youre licked. Well were gonna keep trying. We need a block and tackle to get that top rock off him. Timmy, hurry back to the house and tell mother to get out block and tackle and put it in the pick up and bring it back here. Okay dad. I got it. Okay pull. Alright pull. Maybe were going at this all wrong. What do you mean . Well maybe we can get to him from down below . How are you gonna tunnel through solid rock, huh . Im not. There might be an opening that leads to the base of this crevis. We could get to him that way. Its worth a try. Lets all spread out. See if we can find any kind of vault that looks like it might lead in this direction. Heres some theyll get him out. Wont they . Well theyre trying with all their might. Yohoo yohoo you think you got something . Sure checks. This is the spot. Get the rest of those rocks out of there. As far as we can go. Closes down to solid rock. Its almost sundown. What now . Which of you two is the best shot . You are joe. Ill lend you my rifle. Keep timmy here. Bring the light too so we can see what were doing. Yeah. Shine it right on his head. Im gonna do this with one shot. Hold it. Go on with timmy lassie. What is it girl . Come on. Look. This is what we were looking for. Well it sure looks like the right direction. Runs right through the crevis but it narrows down to an awful thin opening. Only one way this would work. Hows that . Dynamite. If we could get the charge far enough in there we might be able to blow enough of the rubble out to free the dog. Yeah but we could also blow the dog to pieces too. Its a chance im afraid were gonna have to take. Whose got dynamite . I have. Thats why i thought of it. Good go get it. Can i use your truck . Yeah sure. Well work things out here. Easy. Okay. Alright lets get out of here. Dad dad mr. Smith looks like hes alright. Well heres your dog. You still want to shoot him . After working like a dog all day to save him . You know i dont feel near as blood thirsty as i did this morning. Matter of fact i think ill take him home and keep him myself. Oh no you dont. I always wanted a dog that could out smart me. Looks like i got him. You saved him lassie and now he wont have to be a maverick anymore. The lone ranger hiho silver a fiery horse with the speed of light, a cloud of dust, and a hearty hiho silver the lone ranger watch out, hes got a gun no, dont let me go what is it, hanley . Butch cavendish, warden. Someone must have sneaked him a gun. I was just letting him out for exercise period when he pulled it on me. Butch cavendish is the last one id want to escape. Tell the guards to shoot him on sight. I cant. Why not . Your son johnny was on his way up here to see you just as butch broke out. He grabbed hold of him; hes got a gun on him now. Johnny whats cavendish doing to him . Nothing yet. He says he wants to talk to you. I think hes got some kind of a proposition. Tell him to come in. Yes sir. Here he is, warden. Im sorry, dad. He grabbed me when i wasnt looking. Thats alright, son. Let him go, cavendish. Im giving the orders here now, warden. Youll never get out of here alive well if i dont, your kid wont either. Ill use this gun on him, and you know i mean it. Whats your deal . Im taking him out of her with me. Youll get him back safe and sound on one condition that you let the rest of my gang go free. Dont do it, dad i couldnt do that if i wanted to, cavendish. Your men arent here now. Theyre out to the prison farm. I know that, but you let them go free and they get back they can meet me at one of my old hideouts. How will they know which one . Dont worry, they will. If theyre not there by noon wednesday youll never see this kid again. Youll never make it. Your guards wont shoot. They know how crazy you are about junior here. Come on, you. Ill get that cowardly rat. Dont lose your head, warden, hell kill johnny for sure. Theyre letting him out alright. They dont want to risk hurting the boy. What can i do hanley . Youve got no choice, warden. Its the cavendish gang or johnnys life. Let those outlaws free to harm innocent people . No, hanley, i cant do that but warden. Johnny well have to find some other way to save him. But how . Nobody but the cavendish gang knows where those hideouts are, and theyll never talk. Theres someone else who knows the man who captured the cavendish gang years ago. The lone ranger if we could only get word to him. Oh, thats impossible, warden. No one ever knows where he is. Whenever a crime is committed, he knows somehow. He finds out. If he could only learn about this before its too late. Youre back eary, tonto. Where are the supplies . Me not get them. No time for food now. Whats happened . Word come through to town Butch Cavendish break jail. Cavendish . Our worst enemy. Him take wardens son as hostage hold him at one of old hideouts. He say him kill boy if cavendish gang not free by noon wednesday. I know the warden is much too honest to release those outlaws even if the boys life is at stake. We ride fast, maybe still time to save him. Not a chance, tonto. Cavendish had too many hideouts. He could be holding the boy at any one of them. We dont have time to check them all. If we split up we cover more ground. Yes, but thats trusting too much to luck. What we do then . You ride to cavendishs closest hideout. If he isnt there go on to the next one. Maybe youll reach him before i do. But where you go . To the prison, tonto. Thats the only sure way i can think of to find Butch Cavendish. But what you suggest. I dont know. I realize its risky, warden, but its better than letting johnny die. Besides, you wont be freeing the whole gang. Just one man. But one is as bad as all besides, this dooley is no fool, you know. What makes you so sure that he leads you to where cavendish is . Ill try not to let him know im following him. But if you get to the hideout, its two against one. Its bad enough having cavendish at large without letting his chief henchman go too. Youve got to do it, warden. Not only for johnnys sake, but we must get cavendish back again. Alright. Wel risk it. You better wait in the closet. You can bring dooley in now, hanley. Dooley, im asking you for the last time where is cavendish hiding out with my boy . I wouldnt know but if i were to let you loose, you would know. Is that it . I might. Alright, dooley, you win. Im gonna let you go. What about the rest of the gang . One at a time. Im not gonna let you out in a group to raid the territory. Alright warden. Thats good enough for me. One at a time. But get this straight if any harm comes to my boy, you and cavendish are gonna have your necks stretched. Understand . Sure warden, sure. I get it. Alright then. On your way. Not so fast. You must think im an awful fool. What do you mean . I know what your game is. Its a trap to catch cavendish. Five minutes after im out of here half the guards in this place will be on my trail. I give you my word of honor that no guard will follow you out of this prison. And what difference will it make if they did . I know where im going. They dont. I could lose a thousand guards by the time i reach cavendish. Now, you still want to let me go . I want to save my boy at any price. Ok warden, ill go. But on my terms. I aint trekking around the country in this outfit. I want new clothes, a horse, and a gun with bullets just in case someone should try to follow me. Take him out and give him what he wants, then let him go. Thanks warden, you sure do treat us prisoners nice. Hes a tough customer, warden. I hope ive done the right thing. But if he gets away for good, ill have betrayed the honest people who put me in this job. Dont worry ill pick up his trail as soon as he leaves. But i dont trust him. Hes liable to lead you on a wild goose chase. I dont think so. Dooleys too sure of himself. But weve only got until noon wednesday. Suppose dooley doesnt get to cavendish by then. Youve forgotten, warden, im not your only hope. Tonto is also looking for cavendish too. Hes had time to reach some of his hideouts by now. For all we know, hes already rescued johnny. If i could only believe that. You know kid, i was loco not to think of this idea before. Now i dont have to watch both doors at once. What are you doing now . Just making sure that nobody takes up by surprise. They try that door over there theyre going to get an awful headache. They try this one, theyre going to get a bullet in the belly. You cant scare dad into letting your gang go free. Hell never do it. He will if he ever wants to see you again. Well i guess i wont be needing these anymore. Dad would be cheating the people who trust him if he let those crooks out of jail. I wouldnt want him to do it even if he could. 9 well i thought you was never coming out of it, injun. Say, where is that masked man you used to work with . Me not know. Dont lie to me where is he . Well ive got other ways of making you talk no wait, me tel him in town. Him have business there. Me not know where him is now; that truth. Eh, i wonder if i can believe that. Probably not. Im gonna go outside and take a look around, just in case. And dont you worry kid; ill be back to take care of you. Times running fast do not be frightened; there is still hope. Dont try to fool me, indian. We dont have one chance in a million. Who are you anyway . Me tonto. Your friend. You not forget one chance in million better than none. Im sorry you risked your life to save me. Now were both gonna die. You give up plenty easy. We not dead yet. Were as good as dead. I wish hed do it now and get it over with. What if someone on way to rescue us . Who . Nobody can find us here. Friend of tonto maybe find us. You mean. The masked man cavendish was talking about . That right. Oh, whats the use . Even if he did get here in time, hed be trapped same as you. You not be too sure. Him never say die. You mean. You really think theres a chance for us . There always chance if you not give up. Well injun, i guess you wasnt lying. Theres no sign of that masked man. Sure hope you boys wasnt lonesome. Were doing alright. Well im glad to hear that. cause theres nothing like spending what time you got left being happy. And you havent got much. Well, reckon i better set my little trap again just in case that masked man comes snooping around. Effie, aint you found them plum preserves yet . Here they are they wer behind the pickled cucumbers. Ah good. Ill wrap the preserves and well leave as soon as youre ready dear. Landagoshes, who can that be . Why its some poor man who looks half starved. Come in stranger, and rest a spell. Thank you, maam. This is right kind of ya. Oh, nothing like being friendly we always say. We were just going to take some vittles to a poor sick neighbor. Do you come from these parts . No maam, ive been traveling a long way. Oh, you sure look it. Would you like some nice hot soup . To warm your innards . Well no maam im awful sorry to bust in on ya like this but i just had to hide somewhere. Hide . Wwwho from . Well i had a suspicion for the last couple of hours that ive been followed by a bandit. A bandit, effie. Oh how awful thats right maam, a man wearing a mask. He was probably after my hard earned wages. Oh, id like Nothing Better than to get that ornery skunk. And ill kill him, too, if you ladies will help me. Us . Help you catch a bandit . Ddo you think we could . You just tell us what to do, mister, and well do anything you say. Oh, good. Now look, ill pretend to ride away from here. Now its my hunch that that masked man comes knocking at that door, try to find out if i left my money with you. Dont you worry mister, well get rid of him somehow. But i dont want you to. You gotta find some excuse to keep him here. And ill circle around the back and sneak in the door over there and well catch him red handed. I think thats a lovely plan. You can count on us mister. Well keep him here somehow. Thats fine ladies. Well, ill go now. Believe me, the laws going to be mighty greatful to you for helping to catch this bandit. It is a masked man, just like he said. And hes coming right toward us. I beg your pardon. Oh, effie, we have a visitor. Do come in. Oh thank you. Do you always welcome masked men with such open arms . Why shouldnt we . You have an honest chin. Besides, we always say its a mans own business to choose what he wants to wear. I wish more people thought that way. The reason im here. Oh effie, the man looks hungry. Offer him some soup. Thank you very much. Id like to stay but i havent time. You see im trailing a man who just stopped here. I thought he might have harmed you. That nice man . He wouldnt harm a fly. Im afraid he would, maam. He happens to be an escaped convict. Oh he couldnt be. Why all he wanted was some food for his journey. Did he drop a hint as to where he was headed . Not a word, mister, and were not the ones to pry. Then i better be after him, fast. Oh, before you leave. Im sorry, i really cant stay. Oh yes you can. Reach. Drop them guns. Easy. Oh thank goodness you got back. We were afraid we couldnt hold him for you. You done fine ladies, just fine. Youre even lower than i thought you were dooley taking advantage of two helpless women. I take my advantages where i find them. Now turn around. Come on. Ive been itching to do this for years. Oh mr. Dooley, you had no right to strike him. It wasnt hurting you. Shut up, he thought he could trail me to the hideout. Now get in that closet, both of you. In the closet . Thats what i said, unless you wanna stay here while i blow his brains out. Oh, effie, the masked man was telling us the truth. We trapped the wrong outlaw. You sure have and by the time you two old beetle beaks are out of that closet ill be with my pal cavendish and that hombre will be dead. Dont kill him in cold blood. Come on, quit your stalling and get in there. You too. Oh, my soup. My soup is boiling. Whatever will i do with it . I dont care what you do with it so long as you get rid of it, now come on. Whatever you say, mister call us beetle beaks, will you . Take it easy. Its fine now, thanks to you both. You keep looking at that clock. Is there anything the matter . That boy i was telling you about, we dont have much time. Dooley, im asking you for the last time, where is cavendish holding johnny . Why dont you let me go and follow me . I know youd never lead me there now. Are you gonna let that innocent boy die . That wardens kid dont mean a thing to me. Ive never seen a meaner man. Maybe if you give him a few jabs with this hes be more gossipy. No thanks, i dont believe in torture. There must be some other way to make him talk. Supposing i did talk, how would you know whether i was telling the truth or lying . Thats easy. Whenever effie tells a lie, she blushes. Oh elsie, hush you do wait a minute ladies, youve just given me an idea. Lots of people blush when they tell lies. Its their hearts that give them away. They pump the blood faster. Mister, i aint the blushing kind. You dont have to be, dooley, to give yourself away. I see what you mean his pulse thats right, maam. Oh do let us help you. Its a long chance ladies, but it may work you keep your fingers on his pulse while i question him. Youre a fool if you think im gonna tell you what hideout hes at; im saying no to everything. Go ahead mister, were ready. Wheres cavendish hiding . Silver canyon . No. Twin forks . No. Eagle pass . No. Dead mans gulch . No. Try him again on that one, mister. Dead mans gulch . I said no oh my, yes, thats the one. It must be his pulse is racing like a house on fire. Its worth a try ladies, but dead mans gulch is a long ride from here. Take the shortcut, over willow bridge. Much quicker. I only hope i can make it in time. You ladies keep this outlaw tied up until i get back. Youve both been a big help. Thanks. Oh, what a nice man. And just think, effie, weve captured a real life outlaw. Oh, this is the most exciting time weve had since grandpa won the horse shoe pitching contest. Hey pull up there you sure in a fine hurry, mister. Whats the idea of the roadblock . Whats the idea of the mask . This mask means the same to me as a badge of office means to a law man. Why s the road closed . Bridge aint there no more. River washed it away last night. Is there any other way across . Not a chance. Look mister, ive got to get to dead mans gulch by twelve noon. If i dont a boy is going to die. There must be some other way across the river. Well why didnt you say so . Follow the stream up here to eagle pass. The rivers not to deep; maybe you and your horse can swim across. Thanks a lot dead mans gulch at 12 noon. Ha ha that darn fool wont come anywhere near making it. I never figured that a father could care so little for a son. My gang should have been here by now. I told you he wouldnt let them go. And i told you id kill you if he didnt. I reckon we both meant it. How much time . One minute. Still doing alright, kid . You not forget what i tell you. You never say die. Thats good advice injun. Too bad you cant take it. Ill never give up, cavendish, not even after you pull the trigger. You die hard, kid with less than a minute to live and both doors tricked up so nobody can break in and you still figure theres a chance somebody might save you. Oh, i get it. The masked man. Still thinking about him, huh . Hes gonna pull a miracle, sneak in just in the nick of time. Him come if him can. From out of nowhere i suppose. Thats right, from out of nowhere. Youre too late, injun. Youve been dreaming up fairy tales. I just hope the kid here didnt believe you. Because this one time theyre not coming true. Your times up, injun. Im gonna let you have it first. And theres no masked man standing by to save you. Alright, cavendish, ill take that other gun. Caught in his own trap. Gee, tonto, you were right. He came from out of nowhere. And then, he kicked the door open, and cavendish fired, and then the ranger jumped him and knocked him all over the place. Im afriad jonnhys exaggerating, warden. That mr. Cavendish sounds just as bad our mr. Dooley. That horrible man. And when i think of how we trusted him. The importnt thing is that cavendish and dooley are back in prison. Neither of them can hurt anybody again. The most important thing to me is that you saved my boys life. And for that i can never repay you. We not work for pay. We work for justice. Hes right, warden. And Justice Needs no pay. Well tonto, its time to go. If you ladies would like, well put you in your carriage. Oh what a nice man, and so polite. You sure you wont let us take just a peek under that mask . Its not his face that matters, its his character. And hes just oozing with that. You ladies have a good deal of character yourselves. So long, johnny. Goodbye. Bye warden. Byebye. Gee dad, ive never met a man like him before. Thats because hes one in a million. Hes the lone ranger. Hiho silver, away uu the roy rogers show. Starring roy rogers, king of the cowboys trigger, his golden palomino, and dale evans, queen of the west. With pat brady, his comical sidekick, and roys wonderdog, bullet. Hey roy, did you hear those shots . Yeah, they sounded like they came from the other side of the hill. Lets take a look. Hey, i wonder why theyre chasing that rig. I dont know; we better check and find out. Hey, thats john medford in that rig. I dont recognize the men with him. They just seem to be talking. Maybe it isnt any of our business after all. Why dont you leave me alone, dude . I told you before i dont want anything to do with you. Why johnny boy, is that any way to treat old friends . Ha i just stopped by to have a friendly chat with you. Might be very interesting if the president of the Mineral City Bank were to know that his most trusted casheer, john medford, is really john merideth, a jailbird and a murderer. I paid for the mistake, dude, and made a fresh start. Heh. Oh, johnny boy. You wouldnt want anything to happen to that nice little wife or kid of yours, would you . Would you . alright, what do you want . You already know that. This visit is just to make sure. Have that bank vault open for us tomorrow when we come in. I wont do it, dude you wont do it . Well this is a sample of what youll get if you dont. Hey, whats going on here . you keep out of this oh no you dont, stranger now john, maybe you can tell me what this is all about. Just a misunderstanding. A personal matter. Why dont you keep your nose out of things that dont concern you . Maybe i made a mistake. I guess maybe you did, and i aim to correct it later. This doesnt change things any between us. Who were those men, and why were they after you . Id rather not talk about it. I appreciate your help, and its not important, really. Im sorry the baby was asl you and john must really be happy with a nice little daughter like that. Oh, we are. Everythings just perfect. I saw john yesterday; he seemed to be worried about something. Is there anything wrong . Well. No, i dont think so. I thought maybe i could help if anything was wrong. Well thanks roy, but i think you got the wrong impression. Well tell john i dropped by to say hello. I will, and you come back again. Thanks say, saw that new herd of yours, cam. Mighty fine bunch of cattle. They sure are. See ya next week. Just relax, everybody, and you dont get hurt. Get your hands up you cant just walk in here like this cant we . get to work. Just a minute, mister. Are you following me . Who, me . Yes, you, and i dont exactly take to that. Oh, mister, youre mistaken. I never follow anybody. Nevermind that. I just wanted to go in the bank, thats all. Im gonna straighten you out about something. Come on. Hurry up. We havent gotten all day. Come on hurry it up in there hurry up we gotta get out of here alright, im coming sorry, dan. I tell ya for the millionth time, i havent been following you you shouldnt get so hot under the collar, mister. You better cool off. Help hey, sid, lets get out of here help help who turned out the lights . where am i . In a tunnel . The banks been held up just a cottonpicking minute, bullet cant you trail them an easier way . What, you think nelliebelle is a Mountain Goat . Well pat, i thought nelliebelle could go any place. Well dont you ever worry. They aint nobody outtrail nelliebelle yet. Here comes sid. And hes in a hurry. Theres a posse coming. You must have been trailed here. How could they . They got that dog of rogerss with them. Rogers, huh . Gather up this money. Well give them a nice warm welcome. There are the horses. They must be inside. Stay here, bullet. Were just wasting good ammunition. If we can keep them away from their horses, we got them pinned down. Maybe, but if they can hold us off till dark, theyll make a break for it. Where you going, roy . Keep em busy pat, youre an old tank driver. Head nelliebelle right straight for the cabin wow, this reminds me of the battle of the bulge lets close in on them, men theyre closing in on us. Sid trap door turkey, youre last. Throw those shells in the fire just before you follow us. Sounds like a battery of guns. Ya let him clean us out and get away. Why . I dont know; i just couldnt. This is a breach of trust and looks very suspicious. Either that or youre a coward, john. Which is it . In any case if you cant protect the interests of this bank, youre not worthy of a position of trust here. But mr. Prescott, my job. youre through get out. They trace them yet, roy . We trailed them to their hideout, but they got away. Roy seems to think theyre the same men that stopped you the other day. It kinda looks like you were working with them. We dont want to turn you over to the sheriff unless youve done something wrong. But you know those men. Now who are they . I guess i should have told you before. I know them as dude dalheart and cherokee tim. Theres another one they call sid. They got some kind of a hold on you. Yes. I killed a man once, back in kansas. My name was marideth then. How did it happen . Man was responsible for the death of my sister. She killed herself. I went out of my head, i guess. I hunted him down and shot it out with him. Did you stand trial for it . I was convicted of manslaughter and served ten years in prison. Oh, so youre not wanted for any kind of a crime now . No. When i got out i came west. Changed my name and married. I have a home, a wife, and a child. I built a good life here, until dude dalhart came along. And threatened to expose you as an exconvict, huh . It would disgrace my wife and baby and tear down everything i built for them here. That explains a lot of things, john. Even so, i meant to stop the holdup, but i kept seeing the man i killed before and i couldnt shoot dude. I couldnt kill again. Now they think im a coward. And worse. Theres one way you can make up for all that, john. How . Tell us where we can find dalhart and his men. But i dont know that. Even if i could help capture them, theyd still expose me. That doesnt matter now youve paid for any crime you committed in the past. Alright. Ill do whatever you want. But i dont know where they are. Youd better stick close to home until we get a lead on them. Relax; its only medford. Mary john, dear. welcome home, johnny boy. John. Pull up a chair; relax. Come on, bullet. Thank you. Come back. You know, dale, sometimes i get fed up with scrubbing these floors and washing on those dirty dishes. I was meant for better thing. An executive type, for instance, where i sit with my feet up on a desk and. Well, you certainly look like a merry little ray of sunshine. I just saw john medford loading a lot of provisions in that buggy of his. He avoided seeing me. Roy, you dont think dude and his men are hiding out at the medford home, do you . Yes, i do. And i should tell the sheriff about it you cant do that, roy theyre probably holding mary and that baby prisoners in their own home. Yeah, if we take the sheriff out there somebodys liable to get hurt. Well we dont want that to happen. No. Say ive got an idea why dont i go out there and pay a little social call on mary . But you cant go out there alone well its a cinch that neither one of you can go. And besides, what looks more innocent than one woman paying a call on another. And you two could be watching from outside oh dale. Too much could happen if that gang is there. I could find that out, and without giving it away. And if mary doesnt let me in, wed know now listen, you stay out of this ill figure some other way. Dale where you going . Well hello, mary gee, its been so long, i just had to come see you and the baby. Hows johnny . Oh, he isnt here right now. I dont feel very well. Oh, thats too bad. I was out riding the other day and i saw john. He looked just fine. My, arent you lucky to have such a wonderful little baby . Its a girl, isnt it . Yes, shes asleep right now. Oh, gee, thats too bad. I wanted to see her. Id be quiet. Just quiet as a mouse. Well. Shes been so cross lately. Why dont you come back another time . Oh, isnt that the baby now . No, no, shes shes sound asleep. Shut up, you bawlng brat well it is the little darlings waking up. Ive just got to see her. No i. Ill see how she is. You wait here. There there honey. Its alright. Dude and his gang must her in the house. Hey. Medfords coming back. Hey, if he goes in there hes liable to mess things up for dale. Well head him off before he gets there. What are you doing there . Alright, get back in that closet. Go on a shot he heard it, too. Lets go. Come back here what. . Lets get out of here. Hold it drop those guns and back up against the wall. Mary mary rogers, whether johnny lives or dies depends on you. Drop your gun. Dont try to follow us. Remember the gun in johnnys back. Get the horses, sid dale dale, you alright . Yeah, were alright, roy. What have you done to my wife and baby, dude . Are they alright . Dont come any closer, rogers. Ill let him have it. If youve done anything to my wife and baby, ill get you, dude. Ill follow you no matter where you go. Son of a. ill kill ya do you hear me . Shut up, johnny boy. Nothings happened to your wife and kid. But you double crossed us, johnny, and somethings going to happen to you. Trigger hey, phinneas mary, you and the baby alright . Here, take this. One of them is still in the closet. The bank moneys here. Ill be able to return it in the morning. The bank moneys here. Ill be able to return it in the orning. Alright, dude. Youre about to start paying for all the trouble youve caused. Get going. Dale, what are we going to do with you taking chances like that . Oh, that was no chance roy. I knew youd be around when the trouble started to take care of things. Supposing i hadnt had made it . Go on, dude. Youre the funny man that got your enjoys dunkin me like a donut, arent ya . Well ima fixing to get my enjoys now. Come on, boy. Ha ha john, i think its wonderful that mr. Prescott retird and made you the manager. Thank you, dale. Congratulations, johnny, or maybe i should say, mr. Medford. Yes roy ill never be able to thank you enough. Itll always be johnny to you and dale. That suit. what in the world are you dressed like that for . No more washing floors and scrubbing dishes, dale. Like i said im fed up with that mopping and scrubbing. I came to take that new job. That new custodian position that mr. Medford offered me. Wheres my office, john . Right over there, pat. Pat brady, chief custodian. Ha ha. Ah. Ha ha ha ha happy trails to you until we meet again happy trails to you keep smiling until then happy trails to you until we meet again

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