Transcripts For KNTV Today 20121019

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a high school kicker lines up for a 67 yard game time field goal. he nails it. the kick for the ages that would have shattered the record in the nfl today. friday, october 19, 2012. from nbc news, this is today with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to today on friday morning. i am matt lauer. >> i am savannah guthrie. >> how about that kick? >> i know. are you going to out me what i just asked? >> she said home run. >> i knew. i got the spirit of the moment. talk about the spirit of the moment, after all the animosity and negativity we have seen in the campaign, nice for comic relief at last night's al smith fundraising dinner. >> very, very funny. this he both handled it well. we'll have highlights straight ahead. we'll take a look at a poll, two battle ground states will have a big say. >> and also a story we're following for months there is a former teacher, professional cheerleader, who had denied having a sexual relationship with one of her 17-year-old former students. now she has pled guilty in the case and is revealing that she and that student are indeed a couple. coming up they'll open up about the relationship for the first time in an exclusive interview. >> on a match lighter note savannah's big moment in the kitchen all week long taking cooking lessons from the one and only bobby fla leading up to today where they will attempt to prepare us a complete dinner. she is taking this seriously. >> i am taking it very seriously. i was late coming down here because i was inspecting all of my ingredients. i am ready and dressed for the dinner party. are you going to wear that? >> i am going to wear this. sorry. didn't know it was formal. >> it is. it is a classy party. if you want to tweet us, we'll show the tweets people have been sending. usual the #savannahcooks. we'll start with politics and a night of laughs. chuck todd, good morning to you. >> good morning, savannah. the campaign has gotten heated, been personal, so perhaps it was helpful for both president obama and mitt romney to let out a little humorous steam as there are 18 days to go and it will be a very close election. >> i was actually hoping the president would bring joe biden along this evening because he will laugh at anything. >> 48 hours after the most heated and personal debate yet, president obama and governor romney dial things back only a tad using humor to make subtle political points. >> in the spirit of sesame street the president's remarks tonight are brought to you by the letter o and the number 16 trillion. >> this is the third time that governor romney and i have met recently. some of you may have noticed i have a lot more energy in our second debate. i found really well rested after the nice long nap i had in the first debate. >> as president obama surveys the waldorf banquet room with everyone in white tie and finery, you have to wonder what he is thinking. so little time, so much to redistribute. >> after my foreign trip in 2008 i was attacked as a celebrity because i was so popular with the allies overseas, and i have to say i am impressed with how well governor romney has avoided that problem. >> the president actually was a bit more serious during his up aanswer on the daley show, a stop the campaign is encouraging as a way to see if a stagnant youth vote can be reenergized like 2008. >> do you feel like have you a stronger affirmative case for a second barack obama presidency or a stronger negative case for a mitt romney presidency. >> i think i have got a strong case on both ends. i do think part of the president's job is not only moving forward on things that will work but also preventing things that won't work. >> benghazi also came up. >> i would say even you would admit it was not the optimal response, at least to the american people as far as us all being on the same page. >> here is what i will say. if four americans get killed, it is not optimal. >> right. >> we'll fix it. >> right. all of it. >> all of it. >> dispatching bruce springsteen and bill clinton to ohio and iowa, the obama campaign is pulling out all the stops to lock down the two states plus wisconsin in what the campaign hopes is a midwestern electoral vote firewall. new nbc "wall street journal" poll shows the president still holds onto leads in iowa and wisconsin. he is up 6 points in wisconsin and has an 8-point lead in iowa. this may end up a knock down drag out fight to the finish but for one night in manhattan these two candidates actually had a few nice things to say about each other. >> our president has had fine and gracious moments. don't tell anyone i said so, but our 44th president has many gifts and a beautiful family that would make any man proud. >> i admire him very much as a family man and a loving father and those are two titles that will always matter more than any political ones. >> back to benghazi. there is an associated press report this morning that indicates that the cia may have had some hints this was not sparked by a protest just 24 hours after the attack itself but what's unclear and what my own reporting has been indicating for a while, did the c.i.a. share that information with the white house? when did they finally share that information? that of course has been the big unanswered question. i bet it comes up on monday night at the foreign policy debate. >> indeed. thank you. bring in david gregory, moderator of meet the press. good morning to you. >> hey, savannah. >> we just saw the two poll from the battle grounds that nbc did showing the president with the lead in the key states of iowa and wisconsin and at the same time you have a gallup poll that shows romney up 7 points. can you cut through these? where are we? >> i think the race is much tighter than that tracking poll according to both campaigns actually. they understand this is a tight race at this point, while we're in the teens in terms of number of days left to go. we're also in a stage where both campaigns are very caught up in that perception of who is ahead, and we get into this part of the campaign where they start saying i would rather be us than them. bottom line is we're in a pretty close to a dead heat right now. >> at least as far as our poll is concerned, it appears the debates did not make a big difference. in fact, our pollster put it there were two debates but you can't tell it from the numbers. 95% of those polled said they made up their minds before the debate. are we seeing the impact of early voting in these states? >> there is no question we're seeing that in some states including the states that we're polling. i also think that you had a more tightly contested debate. it was certainly aggressive on both sides. unlike the first debate where the president didn't show up, this was different. they were both in each other's faces. i think that was a negative. a lot of people i am talking to were turned off by them going toe to toe, bickering, interrupting each other, taking on the moderator. it didn't seem to shed a lot of light on where the issues are, just a lot of heat. >> the candidates of course have been working overtime and we saw it during that debate to get the female vote. our poll in iowa and wisconsin demonstrates why the president does well. if you get into the poll it shows a double-digit advantage with women. romney advisers will tell you he is making in roads in the female vote. >> i think there is no question. it is why the president is spending so much time talking on the stump about issues like planned parenthood and mitt romney wants to cut funding throughout the campaign. this is an issue where obama advisers say we have a comfortable lead and want to pad it and make it bigger. i think what's closer to the truth is they're feeling slippage and there is a key part of the obama coalition. he has to get women out there voting in states like like virginia and ohio so make sure they can tilt the balance. >> and looking ahead to monday, it is a debate all about foreign policy. do you think either kanld date holds the advantage there? >> there is still a lot on benghazi. there were miss steps in the last debate about that but more questions about what was known and when with and whether this was a terrorist attack and whether the administration came clean about it. the president's meeting criticized for his talking points on this on jon stewart saying when four americans were killed it is not optimal and that was in stewart's question and this is not going to be an issue that will go away. there is still confusion about how the administration response was both sluggish, sloppy, and incoherent at some times. i think this will be a topic of conversation for sure. >> what's your topic of conversation this weekend on meet the press? >> we'll do it all. we'll talk to david axelrod and rob portman and senator marco rubio as well. >> there are new revelations about the boy scouts of america and widespread allegations of sexual abuse. the organization had fought the release of internal documents and recently lost that fight. nbc's ann thompson is here with more on that. >> good morning, matt. an oregon court ordered the files be made public. they were kept by the boy scouts and involved 1,247 alleged abusers reported to the organization. inside the files are stories that are disturbingly similar to the abuse cases that have marched the catholic church and penn state. >> boy scouts pledge to do their best, to do their duty to god, country, and obey the scout law. in these boxes the so-called perversion files reveal that some of the men responsible for building moral character did anything but. >> the authority to groom kids, build relationships with them and find excuses to hang out with them. >> and then sexually abuse them. the files show there were abuse complaints in 49 states from 1965 to 1985. some accusations were reported to authorities. others were not. >> we saw example after example where the boy scouts chose not to call law enforcement, and you will see in the files over and over again references to this would make the organization look bad if it don't stink, don't stir it. >> earlier this week the boy scouts of america president wayne perry apologized. >> we didn't do the job we should have and we're sorry for that, profoundly sorry. >> he says the boy scouts have kept the files since the 1920s in an effort to try to keep abusers from returning to scouting. he concedes it didn't always work. >> one time the medical community thought that you could be cured of this. it is only in the last two decades that they determined you can't be cured of child abuse. >> today the boy scouts do background checks on volunteers and require mandatory reporting of abuse and training. >> the more everybody knows, the safer our children will be. >> dr. frankspinelli was not safe. he says his scout leader abused him for two years in the late '70s. >> i told my parents and they went to the other assistant scout masters who persuaded my parents not to press charges. >> his case is not included but he hopes the files will make sure abuse is always reported. >> we have to remember that what has happened to these children and myself is a crime. you need to go to the police. >> the boy scouts of america says it will review all its files from 1965 to the present day to see if there are any good faith suspicions of abuse that have not been reported to law enforcement. itlso apologizes again to the young men it says it did not protect. >> ann thompson, thank you very much. >> we want to get a check of the day's other top stories and natalie is at the news desk. >> good morning, everyone. new details this morning on the u.s. secret service prostitution scann scandal. according to a source it reveals one of the agents during the trip admitted to soliciting prostitutes on two prior occasions and similar misconduct was reported on other official trips to romania and china. secret service officials say secret service director mark sullivan was not aware of these incidents when he testified before congress back in may. the white house is expressing confidence in sullivan as the investigation into the scandal is on going. a conflicting portrait of quazi nafis, the 21-year-old bangladesh native charged with trying to blow up the federal reserve bank in new york city. family and friends say he came to the u.s. to study and say he often remarked that muslims don't believe in violence. federal officials say nafis came to become a martyr. today they meet to did you say the young man's case. convicted child sex abuser jerry sandusky is seeking a new trial filing documents thursday attacking the evidence presented against him and how quickly his case proceeded from arrest to trial. sandusky is asking for the charges against him to be thrown out and a new trial and he is currently behind bars awaiting transfer to a state prison where he will begin serving a 30 to 60 year sentence. a large explosion in central beirut where a car bomb ripped through a christian neighborhood. numerous casualties and dozens wounded. although no motive is clear, it comes at a time between rising tension supporting opposite sides in the conflict in neighboring syria. head to wall street and mary thompson at the new york stock exchange for us. good morning. >> good morning to you, natalie. google mistakingly releasing its results around three hours early causing confusion and disappointment in the markets as profits fell 20% and after the bell microsoft followed with a 22% decline in profits as consumers put off new software purchases awaiting the release of window as 8, and the 20th anniversary of black monday, the single largest percentage decline ever. natalie, back to you. >> not a good reminder. mary thompson, thanks so much. a rough night for the bronx bombers as the yankees were defeated by the tigers 8-1 sending the tigers to the world series for the first time since 2006 and heading into tonight's game defending world series champs, the st. louis cardinals, lead the san francisco giants 3-1 for the national league title. a high school football player has kicked his way into the record books. check it out. this is from spokane valley washington nailing a 67 yard field goal bringing his team to a 62-55 victory and beats the current record at 63 yards. they better start signing him up. it is 7:16 now. back over to savannah, matt and al. >> what was the final score? >> 62-55. >> that's a basketball score. >> yeah. >> that's a defensive -- >> what a struggle there. wow. >> over the top with that. >> the yankees didn't get the touchdowns they were hoping to get. >> no. >> one of the local new york newspapers, so tough on the yankees and a thing on the cover that says dear yankees, we don't date losers, signed new york. >> oh, my. >> a tough town. >> the infielder has a lumber jack player. >> final outs. >> really cool. >> mr. roker. >> who knew that paul bunyon played baseball? we have a big low pressure system making its way through the midwest and that is making for a lot of rain in the northeast and the great lakes. the heaviest rain in the northeast over the next 24 hours. we're talking airport delays from boston all the way down to d.c. and anywhere from 1 to 3 inches of rain from syracuse to atlantic city and then out west we have a system making its way into the pacific northwest and that's going to bring more rain and making for a little bit of a wet day in seattle all the way do 7:17 on a friday morning. temperatures are going to be warm today, but about 10 to 15 degrees cooler than yesterday when we smashed temperature records all across the bay area. we were in the 80s in san francisco yesterday. today we're going to take your temperatures down to the low 70s. 81 degrees in livermore. you'll hit 79 in gilroy and 76 degrees in san jose. we've got a cool weekend to get through and then the rain arrives monday into tuesday. hope you have a fantastic weekend. >> all right, al, thank you. coverage of the presidential election can sometimes feel a bit like information overload here, but nbc's ian williams has found a place where the situation is quite the opposite. ian, good morning to you. >> good morning, savannah. well, that place is china, and it couldn't be more different. while we may think we know a lot about the u.s. candidates, sometimes even more than we want to know, the man about to take over in china is an almost complete mystery, even to his own people. while the u.s. election has reached its final raucous stretch, it's business as usual ahead of china's change of leader. and come rain or shine you'll be hard pressed to find any sign of election fever here. and while there's little we don't know about the u.s. candidates from mitt romney's choice of breakfast to who president obama listens to on his ipod, ping's choice of cereal is a secret, as it just about everything else about what he does and thinks. even how he got the job. >> at the top you don't know what's going on. it's very feudal politics. >> reporter: we discovered to set out what the chinese know themselves about the new leader. you don't know who will be the new leader next month? you don't. >> reporter: in fact, expressing an opinion about communist party leaders can land you in all sorts of trouble. while u.s. voters face a deluge of information on the presidential candidates, the official biography of ping runs three terse pages so we took a beijing taxi, figuring cabbies everywhere have an opinion. but not him. do you think xi jinping has an ipod? >> translator: he doesn't know. >> reporter: when he recently disappeared for two weeks and was rumored to be sick the internet censors even blocked the word back injury from search engines. undeterred we headed to a beijing university. what do we know about xi jinping? >> maybe -- >> yeah. actually nothing, yeah. >> reporter: does he have any children? >> i don't know. >> i don't care. >> reporter: finally we went to see a fortune teller. you don't care about politics, you don't know. he was promptly scolded for talking to us. unlike the u.s. where 130 million voted in the last presidential election, the chinese electorate consists of a small clique at the top of the communist party, and the result isn't in doubt. much has changed in china but not the politics, and figuring out what really goes on at the top is a bit like reading the tea leaves. of course, dealing with china and xi, it will be one of the biggest challenges facts the new u.s. president. >> ian williams, thanks for the story. appreciate it. good to see you. just ahead, should you race out and buy the latest smartphones, iphones and tablets? does it pay to wait? how to decide when it's time to upgrade. and a baby elephant rescued from a well and the amazing reunion with its mother. first, this is "today" on nbc. h is "today" on nbc. tweets are poring in as savannah gets ready to put her cooking skills to the test. >> i just got one i smell something burning. that's someone who works here. anyone on my side? no dinner for you. >> and are justin timberlake and jessica biehl tying the knot tomorrow? that and more after a check of your local news and weather on this friday morning. and decided to be...not boring. that's how i met marilyn... giada... really good. yes! [ jack ] ...and alicia. ♪ this girl is on fire [ male announcer ] use any citi® card to get the benefits of private pass. more concerts. more events. more experiences. [ jack ] hey, who's boring now? [ male announcer ] get more access with a citi card. [ crowd cheering, mouse clicks ] [ ding! ] losing your chex mix too easily? time to deploy the boring-potato chip decoy bag. then no one will want to steal the deliciousness. [ male announcer ] with a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix is a bag of interesting. get a free 6-inch sub of your choice when you buy any 6-inch sub and any drink before 9am. that's right! buy any 6-inch subway sub and any drink before 9am to get your free 6-inch sub. october only, so hurry in! it is 7:26. good morning, everybody. i'm jon kelley. we can tell you this morning one person in custody and police still looking for another one after a shootout and crash in san francisco. this was the scene earlier this morning. police say they tried to stop a cadillac with a burnt-out light bulb over its license plate on eddy street. the car took off and somebody inside shot at police officers. that cadillac ran a red light and crashed right into a cab at franklin and eddy street. two people inside tried to run off. police caught one of them but are still looking for the other. officers were not hurt in this incident but they are still trying to figure out why the people took off. the port of oakland executive director is now on paid administrative leave. maritime director james kwon accused of spending $4500 entertaining clients at a houston strip club and then expensing it to the city. the port hired outside counsel to look into these allegations. the result of that investigation could take a couple of weeks. right now let's get a check on your friday forecast and a look ahead at the weekend. christina loren is here to tell us a cooldown is in effect. >> that's right. it's going to start to feel more like fall, jon kelly. good morning to you at home. 66 degrees in san francisco, four degrees away from 70 already. headed towards the low 70s because of that mild start even with a full deck of clouds we do have flight delays at an hour and a half. 58 degrees in san jose. no flight delays out of san jose, it's for sfo. 62 in sunnyvale and 64 in oakland. high pressure finally takes a hike, heads to the east and that's going to bring about a cooler day and much cooler weekend with temperatures dropping into the 60s. so today's highs work out like this. san jose is about 81 degrees. let's check on your drive with mike. >> some of those low clouds through fremont that christina was talking about. 880 moves smoothly at tesla, but the map shows you where it's slow coming into fremont. there's an accident at the off-ramp. i've circled this area, there's a power outage in union city right around dyer and dow and that will cause an issue for local signals as well. pg&e trying to get that restored by 10:00 a.m. it's slow getting into sunol. jon, back to you. for the latest traffic and news updates, check us out on nbc bay area on facebook. see you in a half hour. >> it's very difficult. it was -- because i wanted to be able to tell my friends that like this is my girlfriend. >> that is the teenager at the center of a sex scandal involving his former teacher and ex-nfl cheerleader opening up about their relationship for the first time that. woman is now on probation after pleading guilty, and the two are dating. just ahead, we'll hear from them exclusively, but meantime it's 7:30 on a friday morning. it's the 19th of october, 2012. i'm savannah guthrie alongside matt law skwler also ahead, we've all become so reliant on smartphones and tablets and laptops, and new ones seem to come out each month. christmas is coming. is this the right time you should update your gadgets? coming up, valuable advice on what to consider before doing that. >> just for everyone that isn't al roker. >> he gets the new one, no matter what. >> plus a possible predictor in the presidential election. with polls all over the place, the sales of governor romney and president obama halloween masks. does that tell us who is in the lead in the actual race? we'll get into that. >> i think they should both be attended by those masks. >> in the attractive. >> a little later on savannah uses her lessons from bobby flay to prepare an entire dinner for us from scratch, so she says. >> and set a beautiful table, and by i mean our whole team here. we'll begin this half hour with the former nfl cheerleader and teacher who admits having sex with one of her students. nbc investigative reporter jeff rossen sat down with both of them. >> reporter: the story made big national headlines. all along sarah jones said she was innocent, never she had sex, never had a romantic relationship with one of her students, but prosecutors said they had evidence proving it and charged her. now, a stunning end to the case. this morning sarah and that teenaged student are coming clean, opening up in exclusive new interviews. >> that's her, sarah jones, nfl cheerleader for the cincinnati bengals. this was her weekend gig. her main job. >> who can tell me after looking over -- >> reporter: a buttoned up high school english teacher in kentucky charged with a felony sex crime. >> a cheerleader indicted. >> reporter: she was painted as a predator who seduced one of her own students, cody york, a 17-year-old who played on the high school baseball team. we questioned sarah about it back in august. did you ever have sex with this student? >> no, it was never like that, no. it was -- >> reporter: emotional? >> yes. >> reporter: but not sexual? >> no, it was never about that. never like that. >> reporter: sarah's defense team wanted prosecutors to lay off. >> they are obsessed, in my humble opinion, with getting her. >> do you swear from the testimony you're about to give in this matter it will be the truth, so help you god? >> yes, i am. >> reporter: but just last week a total reversal for sarah. she took a deal, pleading guilty to reduced charges and spilling about her secret affair. >> i sent sexually explicit text messages to cody york while he was a student. i had sexual contact including sexual intercourse with cody york when he was a student and i was a teacher. >> reporter: the very next day she sat down with us, again. >> it is literally the saying the truth will set you free. it is like the stress fell off of me after it was out there and i didn't have to hide anymore. >> reporter: you were a teacher. he was a student. >> right. >> reporter: did you know that was wrong? >> absolutely that's wrong. there's no gray area. there is -- it is wrong for a teacher to have any type of relationship that crosses the line with a student. again, though -- snow get that? >> absolutely. >> reporter: do you feel guilt bewhat you did? >> yeah. what i did was wrong. >> reporter: and now for the first time cody york is telling all. the teenager at the heart of this case opening up in an exclusive interview. >> what was it like to be called the victim? >> i didn't like being called the victim because i wasn't a victim. i wasn't a victim with anything. she never did anything to me. >> reporter: did she manipulate you? >> absolutely not. >> reporter: use her power of authority over you? >> not at all. >> reporter: in fact, sarah didn't prey on him. he's the one who pursued her. they had known each other for years. he says their families were friends. >> i always looked at her as a very close friend and i could always get to her and talk to her about anything. she was my support system. i don't exactly remember the exact moment but outside of school. it just started coming along. like every time -- every other time i would see her outside it would just hit me harder and harder and harder every single time, and that's just how it started. >> reporter: sarah felt it, too. their nine-year age difference didn't seem to matter. they crossed the line and had sex. before you consummated the relationship did you realize, you know what, sarah can get in a lot of trouble for this? >> absolutely. >> reporter: you guys still did it? >> yeah, it was worth it, but i never in a million years thought this would ever happen, and i -- i don't know. >> reporter: you had this giant secret were you trying to keep from people, from everyone. >> it was very difficult. because i wanted to be able to tell my friends that like this is my girlfriend. >> reporter: did your friends say to you, dude, did you do this? >> yeah, absolutely. almost every single day. >> reporter: what did you say to them? >> no. i just kept my mouth closed. >> reporter: today they are a couple and say they are in love. sarah 27 and cody 18. the once forbidden affair now a full-on relationship. >> he is -- he's wonderful. i absolutely adore everything, even if he does have flaws i adore them. >> i love everything about her, literally everything. she can break down in front of me, be her worst in front of me, and it makes me love her even more. >> he's seen the bad side of me. he's seen me break down and be at my lowest, and if you can love someone at their lowest, that says a lot. he says sarah you look so beautiful in your mug shot, and i know -- that's how i know he really loves me. >> a lot of people are going to watch this and say, look, this was borne out of lies, borne out of a cover-up and something that's wrong. how can something right come out of it? >> we made a poor choice together but that doesn't mean we can't find happiness at the end of the day, and we will. >> under her plea deal sarah doesn't have to serve any jail time but will serve five years probation, and there is much more they have to say on this story. tonight on "dateline," sarah and cody tell all. how they lied, the cover-up and the details of their secret relationship. plus, police investigators take us inside the case. how they used their text messages to bust them. you can see the full report tonight at 10:00, 9:00 central time on "dateline" right here on nbc, savannah. >> it's a doozy. jeff rossen, thanks so much. we'll take a turn now and get a check of the weather from al. >> a little drizzly and rainy here. may get some heavier rain in the new york area in just a little bit. let's lack ahead for the next three months. winter outlook just put out by the national weather service, and we are looking in the east for normal temperatures. below normal in florida, but out west mostly above normal temperatures, and then precipitation-wise. drier than normal in the pacific northwest, upper mississippi river vale and wetter than unusual in the gulf coast and normal conditions in the southwest, the mid-atlantic states on into the northeast. for today we are looking at heavy rain here in the northeast. a lot of airport delays along the east coast. more rain moving into the pacific northwest. showers around the western great lakes and expect to see plenty of sunshine through the southwest on into southern . good morning to you. what a beautiful sunrise over san jose. we had mostly cloudy conditions just about an hour ago and this is all that's left of a very thin marine layer getting squishd by high pressure. today, though, high pressure will start to break down and head off to the east. your temperatures will fall from the 80s and 70s into the 60s by the finish of the weekend and rain moves in late sunday into monday. we'll have a heavier round of rain wednesday into thursday so break out that umbrella. >> don't forget get that weather any time you need to. go to the weather channel on cable or online. and while you're doing that, get red for sunday night because that's the best night of the week because it's time for sunday night "football night in america." the 3-3 steelers take on the 3-3 bengals. somebody's going to be 4-3. oh, we can't wait. who will it be as they go into paul brown stadium? clear, cool, upper 50s to the low 60s. it's a big one. will the bengals mall tul the steelers? it's all coming up sunday night "football night in america." savannah. >> all right, al. thank you. coming up next, how to decide when the time is right to upgrade your gadgets, and a touching moment on stage as katy perry does a duet with a young girl with autism. we'll have that story. but first these messages. 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[ male announcer ] antacids don't relieve gas. gas-x is designed to relieve gas. gas-x. the gas xperts. back now at 7:43. this morning on "today's tech," upgrading your gadgets. when it comes to smartphones, laptops and tablets, is patience a virtue, or should you buy what you went when you want it in the question was recently the focus of a "new york times" article, and here to break it down is mario armstrong, today's digital lifestyle contributor. good to see you. >> good to see you, matt. >> a lot of different gadgets coming out now. new models. >> that's right. >> christmas coming up. >> that's right. >> people are thinking about getting gifts or treating themselves. how do you know if it's the right time to upgrade? >> well, have you to know how you're going to use technology. i often tell people put technology in categories. primary, secondary and luxury. primary means what do i really need? what's going to give me value to my life. look at your life situation. what are the problems, what are the redundant things in my life? how can technology solve that? don't buy tech for tech sake. >> let's break it down into the categories. smartphones here, okay? if you've got an older smartphone, what should be the driving force in deciding whether you go with an iphone 5 or a galaxy or something like that? >> i say wait for the next upgrade after the upgrade. in other words skip one, so if you look at the iphone situation. had you an iphone 4. do you go for the 4s, no, you wait, you hold and go for the 5, because usually in 18 to 24 months you'll see a significant change in the device as opposed to just 12 months. >> what about expense as you're signing up for a new device. >> yes. >> sometimes the carrier will subsidize you a little bit. is that worth it? >> it's worth it if you can get the upgrade pricing. that's another reason. if you're using a phone and need it for business and it's every day, then you want an annual contract. if you're worrying about i want to get the cheapest rate, best subsidized price then a two-year contract will do that and you won't be outdated by waiting. >> let's move on to tablets, a category a lot of people are talking because in very soon we'll see the new mini ipad. >> that's right. >> is that going to be a game-changer? >> i believe it will be a game-changer because 7-inch tablets have become a game-changer themselves. this is the nexus 7. this is very popular, sold out. the kindle fire has done phenomenally well, the nook has done well and that size is powerful. the ipad mini will be another one that sells out well. >> would you suggest people upgrading when that comes out. >> had a baby boomer ask me that exact same question. if you use a tablet now, how do you currently use it? is it the size of the screen going to be too small for your eyesight, things of that nature, so really understand how you're going to use it. go to a store and try out the smaller sized tablets before making a purchase. >> you say when it comes to laptops people have more flexibility, what do you mean by that? >> you don't need to change the whole device. to really bump up a laptop, you can do simple things like upgrading the random access mem memory. they call it r.a.m., easy upgrade that will breathe life into the computer. download new software so windows 8 is coming out next week. that's going to bring a whole new set of choices. >> what is the technological live span of a laptop? if i've got a 4-year-old laptop, should i start thinking about upgrading that? >> yes, you absolutely should. you need to know how long or what your main purpose of use is going to be. again, if it's for business buy cheap because you know you're going to rotate every 12 months. if you want something that lasts three or four years, buy expensive so it maintains. >> you said something to me earlier i never thought of. personalization of your laptops and devices is a bad -- >> no, no. >> i say putting stickers on them. >> engraving them, stuff like that? >> why is that? >> you won't get trade-in value. you'll depreciate the value. my ipad 2 will get me $215 on a website called if it was engraved i'd get only 160 bucks for the same ipad. >> instead of personalizing and putting stickers on it. >> don't put the actual stickers on the actual device itself. get a clear case and put it on that and then customize it or personalize it and you don't have to worry about what will happen. >> if you are upgrading and turning in your old devices, how are you sure to maintain your privacy? you've got phone numbers and all that stuff? >> this is critical. wipe all the data. first off, back it all up. make sure it's backed up and then do a factory reset on the actual device. that will bring it back to its original state from the manufacturer, and then you can take it back to places like next worth or retailers will buy it back, radioshack and staples will buy back your products, give you money so can you use it towards your next product so you're not spending as much as you should. >> good information, mario. as always, appreciate it. >> thanks, matt. up next, this year's hottest halloween costumes and a great story. a baby elephant rescued and reunited with its mom that will steal your heart. but first these messages. excite our imagination. make life better. brighten our days. ♪ at jcp, we don't want to be another store. we want to be your favorite store. we're creating a whole new way to shop for the brands you love. at values you can believe in. jcp has a bold new look that will look even better on you. ♪ new chocolatey delight pastry crisps from special k. two delicious crisps. for 100 calories. so you'll never have to break up with your sweet tooth again. what will you gain when you lose? kleenex® care pack of soothing essentials. go to and enter the code from specially-marked bundles of kleenex® tissues. because only america's softest tissue turns a gesture into a complete gift of care. ancr: because only america's sat jennie-oue we think some things are worth getting up early for like a better breakfast so on august eighth we woke up a sleepy town to show that eating well can be easy and delicious with jennie-o turkey bacon and sausage cooked thoroughly to 165 definitely very good it's excellent this is delicious makes me want to eat breakfast more it's time for a better breakfast i can't stop eating this make the switch look for jennie-o at a store near you it's a rainy morning becoming a caramel drizzle. with folgers gourmet selections, you can turn any day gourmet. new roasts, new flavors, and a new look. fire bad! just have to fire roast these tomatoes. this is going to give you a head start on your dinner. that seems easier [ female announcer ] new progresso recipe starters. five delicious cooking sauces you combine with fresh ingredients to make amazing home-cooked meals. i knew it'd be tough on our retirement savings, especially in this economy. buwith three kids, being home more really helped. man: so we went to fidelity. we talked about where we were and what we could do. we changed our plan and did something about our economy. now we know where to go for help if things change again. call or come in today to take control of your personal economy. get free one-on-one help from america's retirement leader. back now at 7:50. i was just upstairs in the kitchen reviewing my recipes. getting ready. you guys hungry? >> just hearing you say in the kitchen such a novelty. >> how much help is in the kitchen for you? >> there's some help, but i have this and i'm going to take it seriously. really trying to cook. >> putting it up on the screen, the tweets, for the very most part. >> save me some leftovers. >> exactly. >> perfect, all right. >> so we'll see. that starts at 8:00. >> the cooking. >> hope you're hungry. meantime, halloween, of course, almost here. presidential election just 18 days away. those two things tend to go together. president obama and governor romney masks are in demand. the folks at ricky's sent us their latest prototypes. >> you might say, well, this is obvious, two of the most popular halloween masks, but there's some science behind this when it comes to the election. for example, according to "the huffington post,". >> some science. >> this year obama masks are outselling romney masks by more than 30%. we put that in perspective. according to spirit halloween company, figures show that bill clinton outsold bob dole and george bush outsold al gore, bush outsold john kerry and obama outsold john mccain and you know what happened in all of those elections. >> that's a perfect record. >> interesting. >> in halloween masks. >> as i said before, the polls are all over the place, so you know what? maybe it's as good a predictor as any. >> kind of surprisingly. >> another big costume, big bird. >> this one. >> it's huge. >> who is going to be big bird this year? >> yeah. >> nice. >> that looks good, nat. >> apparently what's worse is they are making sexy big bird costumes. >> thee words never been in the vicinity of one another before. >> yeah. >> i'm going to be wearing an angry elmo. >> that's the sexy big bird right there. >> that's not right. >> big bird, of course, after the debate where romney talked about pbs funding. >> yeah. >> and then big bird hair. >> just ahead. what could be the longest celebrity baby name ever? i don't know if we have time to say it all. >> and savannah makes us dinner after your local news. [ female announcer ] we invited women to see the not so pretty truth about their body washes. i wouldn't change. [ female announcer ] this test paper was designed to react like your skin. if other body washes can strip this paper, imagine how harsh they can be to your skin. oh my gosh. [ female announcer ] new dove is different. its new breakthrough formula changes everything with the blend of gentle cleansers and nourishing nutrium moisture. so what do you think now? definitely switching to dove. [ female announcer ] this is new. this is different. this is care. yeah, i might have ears like a rabbit... but i want to eat meat! [ male announcer ] iams knows dogs love meat. ...but most dry foods add plant protein, like gluten iams never adds gluten. iams adds 50% more animal protein, [ dog 2 ] look at me! i'm a lean, mean flying machine [ dog 1 ] i am too! woo hoo! [ male announcer ] iams. with 50% more animal protein. [ dog 2 ] i'm an iams dog for life. not a rabbit. woof! they're whole grain good... and yummy good. real fruit pieces. 12 grams of whole grains and a creamy yogurt flavored coating. quaker yogurt granola bars. treat yourself good. [ female announcer ] breast cancer touches all of us. and all of us can join the fight, with save lids to save lives. redeem lids from over 100 general mills products. together we can make a difference. find lids now at walmart. not quite knowing what the next phase was going to be, you know, because you been, you know, this is what you had been doing. you know, working, working, working, working, working, working. and now you're talking about, well you know, i won't be, and i get the chance to spend more time with my wife and my kids. it's my world. that's my world. ♪ the time now is 7:56. i'm jon kelley. it is not over, they are not done but it is do or die time once again for the san francisco giants. remember we said that last week as well. this team once again one loss from elimination. if the giants lose today, the season will be over. last night the freak, tim lincecum, a little shaky out there as the giants go down to the cardinals by a final of 8-3. st. louis taking commanding 3-1 series lead in that seven-game series. today's game starts at 5:07 on the nose. barry zito on the hill trying to salvage and safe the giants' season. right now we take it outside. christina loren is here to check the friday forecast. good morning. >> hey, good morning. i sure hope barry zito is on his game today. 57 in novato, 66 in san francisco. mild start down in the city by the bay. that means you'll easily hit the 70s even with a full deck of clouds. we have flight delays at an hour out of sfo. 58 at san jose, we're at 63 to start in livermore. the jetstream will move right over the bay area and we will cool off significantly as we head into this weekend and particularly next week, rain on the way just about every single day. 81 in livermore today. we'll see highs really drop off by sunday. 68 degrees. that's it. let's check on that drive with mike. >> all right, christina. folks, the sunol grade, a few things to point out. first of all, the low clouds hanging out but not a problem for visibility for the drivers. the slow drive, though, right to left on your screen. that's southbound 680. look on the maps we're slow from pleasanton into fremont just before you hit the grade there is an accident and disabled big rig. maybe a fuel spill as well so that takes quite some time to clear. south 880 is not a good option because look at the jam. two accidents, one at 92 and one farther south, jon. slow, back to you. >> thank you very much. for the latest traffic and news updates, check us out on nbc bay area facebook. we're back in a half hour. [ female announcer ] this is the story of eves. [ eves ] years ago, i hurt my shoulder drag racing. that's when i decided to take it easy, so i took up hang gliding. [ female announcer ] a grandpa who refuses to grow up. [ eves ] the pain was bad, but the thought of not being a hang glider pilot was worse. [ female announcer ] that's when eves turned to sutter health's palo alto medical foundation. [ eves ] the doctors that i dealt with, they got it, that this old guy wanted to return as a hang glider pilot. they got me flying again. [ female announcer ] palo alto medical foundation, and sutter health -- our story is you. 8:00 now on ♪ 8:00 on friday morning. 19th day of october. 2012. it is not the nicest day in new york city. we had rain overnight. and it continues even as we speak. lots of umbrellas out, lots of nice people. actually getting a little heavier now that we're out here. i'm about to get an umbrella for the two of us. i say the two of us. i am matt lauer with al roker who will give us some shelter from the storm. savannah is upstairs now because this is the time where she is starting in earnest to prepare the dinner for us she has been working on all week. savannah. >> she doesn't look too busy. >> i am about to get busy. i am making spice rub chicken, a bobby flay chicken. one of my things to do is whip up the spices which are premeasured and i'll rub that all over the chicken. don't get too excited, that's coming up later. >> at home when you do that, are the spices premeasured as well? >> no. but i only have 45 minutes, matt, we had to do a little prep work. but actually, that stuff alone would have taken me 45 minutes at home. >> we will check back with you in a couple of minutes. remember last week, i think last week we had the cheerleader from texas, young girl on, tried to see how many hand springs she could do in a row. she actually did it here for fun but did it on the football field back home, trying to get in the guinness book of world records. we said her attempt was unofficial. did she actually break the record, get into the book? we find out this morning. >> that's exciting. as we head into the weekend, find out what's hot in music, movies and more, we have you covered, including the latest work from oscar winner helen hunt that's getting a lot of attention. in fact, helen is here live in studio to talk about it. >> very, very good. we will talk to helen in a couple minutes. natalie is standing by with a check of the headlines. good morning to you, matt and al. back to the battleground states for the president and romney. the president speaking in virginia and romney in florida with paul ryan. last night they had jokes at the charity dinner. the boy scouts apologized. the organization released 15,000 pages of perversion files. they protected alleged sexual predators to protect the boy scouts reputation. a texas state judge said thursday a group of cheerleaders can display banners featuring bible versus at football games the rest of the season. he suggested a school district ban on the practice appears to violent free speech rights. a lawsuit challenging the banners is scheduled to go to trial next june. remarkable progress record on malala yousufzai, the pakistani teen shot by the taliban. officials at the british hospital where she's being treated say she was able to stand up with the help of doctors and is communicating through writing. doctors believe she will also be able to speak. she was shot in the head earlier this month in pakistan in an assassination protempt because she promotes education for girls. for a look at what's trending today, a quick round up of what has you talking online. disney's first la tina princess parked online debate. she makes her debut next month. with blue eyes, light skin, she doesn't fit the image of of typically latina. disney defenders say there is no typically latina look. we will talk about that later. a baby elephant rescue in kenya has animal lovers stampeding to youtube. once the little one was freed from the hole, he ran for his mother for a heartwarming reunion. they say it is the intensity of elephants' affection for each other that makes them so special. look at this clip from too many stars autism benefit, huge hit online. this girl with autism belted this out with her idol, katy perry. ♪ ♪ baby you're a fire work ♪ come on, show them what you're worth ♪ ♪ make them go oh, oh, oh, as you shoot across the sky sky sky ♪ >> she plays the piano beautifully, too. night of too many stars hosted by jon stewart airs sunday night on comedy central. back out to matt and al. >> jon stewart. my allergies are acting up. it was very touching. >> that's nice. mr. roker, how about a check of the weather? >> we have nice friends here. bffs, first trip, hanging out, and a birthday girl. it is ladies night, yes, it's ladies night. show you what we've got as far as your forecast is concerned. milwaukee, tmj, showers, cool, 49 degrees. check out the fall foliage. we have the upper mississippi river valley, upstate, new england, near peak colors in the appalachians and out west in california and the pacific northwest. you look at what's going on today, wet weather in the northeast, heavy rain, thunderstorms, rain in the pacific northwest. showers in the upper great lakes into the ohio river valley. plenty of sunshine through texas into the southwest. happy birthday! both of you. all right. what's your name? >> emily. >> claire. >> happy birthday 8:06. live picture over san raphael. the natural ac has been turned back on. 81 degrees today in livermore. you will be 76 in santa teresa. 71 degrees in san jose. temperatures are mild out there this morning. full deck of clouds this morning. 71 degrees out there. saturday and sunday, jacket weather returns to the bay area. >> that's your latest weather. turning 40? >> tomorrow. >> pella, iowa, is that where they make the windows. who knew? you knew. >> happy birthday. when we come bag, the weekend guide to what's hot in music, movies, fashion and more, and, yes, savannah is up in the kitchen continuing to prepare a dinner for all of us. we'll get to that right after these messages. with no added sugar, just one glass equals two servings of fruit. very fruit-tritious. or, try ocean spray light 50, with just 50 calories, a full serving of fruit and no added sugar. with tasty flavors like cranberry-pomegranate and cranberry- concord grape, it's like a fruit stand in every bottle. know... demonstrating how we blend the fruits. try all our tasty ocean spray 100% and light 50 juices. what are you doing? uh. who taught you how to do this stuff? you! all right! i learned it by watching you! 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[ bridesmaid ] blacked out... but i'm a bridesmaid. oh! "x" marks the spot she'll never sit. but i bought a dress! a toast... the capital one venture card. fly any airline, any flight, anytime. double miles you can actually use. what a coincidence? what's in your wallet? [ all screaming ] watch the elbows ladies. alright, alright. now this is a party. what is that? go, go, go. mmm. give me some of that sauce. i don't know, i think i might bail. yeah, it's pretty dead. [ male announcer ] one is never enough. new kfc dip'ems. freshly prepared tenders dipped in irresistible sauces. this is it. now this is a party. [ male announcer ] try a 20 pc bucket with 6 sauces. today tastes so good. back here at 11:00 with what's new, what's up, what's in as we get you set for the weekend. thee experts standing by with the editorial director for "billboard" magazine. he's here with what's new in music, movies and move. >> good to be here. >> let's talk about movies, the one helen hunt will talk about in a couple of minutes. it's called "the sessions," stars across jonathan hawks. adult themes. >> the whole thing takes place in a tiny space. john hawks plays a character with polio and wants to lose his virginity. >> adult themes. a lot of nudity in the movie and done in almost an arthouse kind of a way. >> this is not like a titillating kind of thing. this is a really, really powerful story, and if you've forgotten at all this movie will make you remember why helen hunt is so amazing. >> oscar buzz on this one. >> big, big. >> "alex cross" hits theaters october 19th based on the james patterson books. not for the feint of heart. >> definitely not. a serial killer who does terrible, terrible things to people. if you're squeamish at all, not a movie for you. interesting to see tyler perry in a non-medea role. >> speaking of not feint of heart, "paranormal activity" opening up as well. >> scared to watch the trailers. super creepy and that silence goes a long way to add together bumps in the night. >> taylor swift has a new album coming out. what's the anticipation behind this? >> the whole music business is waiting to see if it sells a million copies. different style, more dance. >> gary clark is coming out with his first album, done singles before, collections before. do you think this will do well? >> i think it will do well. it will be a slow build, amazing guitarist. classic staffs, fans of eric clapton and jimi hendrix. >> on the concert front, one direction here in november. a lot of people lining up to buy tickets to see them. you can't buy a ticket anymore. you've got to go to the secondhand sites and get them for $2,000. >> and the boss out on tour as well. >> if you haven't seen him, you have to go see him. a reason why he's the boss. >> information on music and movies. as always, thanks for being here. >> a pleasure. >> now here's al. >> what's up in the world of celebrity gossip. we have rebecca here with the scoop. >> good morning to you. >> supposedly tomorrow justin timb timberlake and jessica biel getting married. in italy, very exciting. they told guests -- they didn't tell them where they were going. flew to europe and didn't know the final destination. some big celebrities, andy sandberg from justin's 'nsync band mates are there, beverly mitchell from "seventh heaven" and probably more to come. >> a gathering of the glitt glitteratti. demi moore's ex heating things up with mila kunis. >> he's sort of dragging it out, wanting more money out of the situation. >> really? >> he's the highest paid guy on tv. >> doesn't quite make sense. things are taking a little long. also, she's just not psyched that he's with mila and it's so public. >> what a surprise. >> what a surprise, right? >> and they were friends while they were married so it's not the ideal situation. >> kristen stewart and robert pattinson, what's the deal? >> completely on. photographed together and "breaking dawn" is coming out soon so the timing is interesting, and also the man who she had an affair with, rupert sanders, is back, at least in photographs with his ex-wife or wife, liberty rock. >> speaking of rupert sanders, director "snow white" and his wife seen together. in counseling sessions. they might reconcile well. everybody might end up heyward-bey after this crazy scandal. >> uma thurman and their baby announced the name of their baby girl, longest name in celebrity history. five names. rosalind arusha arkadina altalune florence thurman-busson, but nicknamed luna, and we're told that the name, each name in that five names, all have special meaning to her. that's why they went with such a long one. >> if you take an initial from each name it comes out boo boo. rebecca beanstalk, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> natalie. >> thank you, last but not least what's in when it comes to fashion and beauty. host of mtv's "style" joins us. you know what's stylish. you know what is fashionable before it hits the stores. >> seen all the trends and excited to show you a few that's been on the runways. >> starting first with makeup. you're wearing the smokey eye look beautifully. >> yes. >> a lot of people try to do this at home and it doesn't come out quite like that, but now they are making that easy. >> this is great. smokey eyes are great. it's a timeless evening look, but one thing that we're really seeing is women are starting to wear them during the day, so, you know, can you buy these at sephora but smokey eyes are a great look during the day. >> and the kits pretty much tell you how to do it which is great. in terms of accessories, ox blood is the hottest color going. >> it's huge and a great way to incorporate it in your wardrobe is through a staple bag. this one is from lamb. it's gorgeous. >> all price ranges here on the table, but it shows you can find it everywhere. >> exactly. another great thing that we're seeing right now is backpacks. backpacks are really fun and youthful. >> and everybody's wearing them, right. >> okay. what about iphone cases? >> iphone cases. one thing, an accessory you have with you 24/7 is your iphone. this is a great fun way to show your personality and kind of -- >> dress up your phone at the same time. >> exactly. >> and i love these -- these are now glasses or sunglasses, and this is part of their program. buy a pair, give a pair philosophy. >> it's amazing. with every sunglass or glass that you buy, they donate one to someone in need as well. so, you know, metals are a huge trend. the titanium frames are, you know, a great look, but then -- >> super light. >> super light, too, exactly. >> won't bother your nose so much. metal-capped shoes, a huge trend. all different kinds of shoes you see here including these doc martin looking boots. >> a sort of fun way to bring a trend into your wardrobe. i love what you have about, you know, there's boots, flats, heels. it's a great sort of way to -- >> rocks a classic look. kind of jazzes it up a little bit. >> absolutely. >> and in the beauty trend. >> oil. >> oils are great for your hair, skin, nails, you know. a lot of these products you can buy at sephora. that's a huge trend we're seeing as well, just beauty products in general oil. >> give that you glow. >> all about moisture. >> great to have you here, thank you. coming up next, oscar winner helen hunt tells us more about her new movie and we'll check in with savannah as she is deep in the process. al roker giving her a little assistance there making dinner, but, first, these messages. [ male announcer ] the inventors of twix had a falling out, so the production of twix was divided between two separate factories. left twix factory cascades caramel and chocolate onto cookie, while right twix factory flows caramel and chocolate onto cookie. today they share nothing, but a wrapper and a driveway. try both and pick a side. this reduced sodium soup says it may help lower cholesterol, how does it work? you just have to eat it as part of your heart healthy diet. step 1. eat the soup. all those veggies and beans, that's what may help lower your cholesterol and -- well that's easy [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. it's the 20th edition of monopoly at mcdonald's and 1 in 4 wins. with over 300 million dollars in cash and great prizes, it's the most prizes ever. and that's hard to beat. the simple joy of winning. ♪ new chocolatey delight pastry crisps from special k. two delicious crisps. for 100 calories. so you'll never have to break up with your sweet tooth again. what will you gain when you lose? ooh gas, take an antacid. oh, thanks. good luck. good luck to you. doesn't he know antacids won't help gas? oh, he knows. [ male announcer ] antacids don't relieve gas. gas-x is designed to relieve gas. gas-x. the gas xperts. [ mom ] we already have a tv. would you like to know more about it? yeah, but let me put my wife on speaker. hi! hi. it's led and it has great picture quality. i don't know... it's ultra slim... maybe next year. you could always put it on layaway and pay a little at a time. alright. we'll take it! ah! i love you! hmm! ahem. football. [ male announcer ] shop now. get the hottest brands on your list today... like the lg 55 inch led tv. and put it on layaway now so you have more time to pay. walmart. we're back now at 8:21. helen hunt won an academy award for her performance in "as good as it gets" back in 1997. she's getting a lot of oscar buzz for her latest role in "the sessions." hunt plays a sex surrogate hired to help a man with polio lose his virginity. >> so. >> your money is on the desk over there. >> yes, it is. thank you. >> that was the wrong way to start off. >> it really was. shall we start again. >> please, you start. >> although the aim is for us to have sex, i'm not a prostitute. you don't have to pay me up front. i have nothing against prostitutes, but there's a difference. we can talk about that later. >> i'm sorry. >> helen hunt, good morning. nice to see you. >> good morning. >> i watched this yesterday. it is -- it is beautifully told. it's incredibly touching, and i want to get to all that, but let's start with what your character just said. what's the difference between a sex surrogate and a prostitute. >> when i first -- i had never heard of this profession, and i thought, yeah, yeah, yeah. it's a prostitute, and -- and then i spoke to the real sheryl cohen green, the woman i play who still works as a sex surrogate. grandmother, beautiful cancer survivor, sex surrogate, and she explained as i do in the movie that one of the main differences is that she says i have nothing against prostitutes at all. the difference is that a prostitute wants your return business and the sex surrogate does not. a sex surrogate wants to help you realize your dream of having a whole sexual life. >> this is based on a true story of mark o'brien, and short story he wrote, a man with polio about seeing a sex surrogate. a very adult theme. some of the dialogue is as blunt as two people can be talking about sex, and yet at no point does it ever bowl over the viewer. >> no. it's an adult-themed movie, but i think parents should see it and go home and get their 16-year-olds and 17-year-olds and allow them to see sexuality on screen that isn't prurient or filled with shamor all the weird mood lighting that isn't really there in my life. >> right. and i think one of the things that will get a lot of attention here, maybe for good or for bad, is the nudity aspect of this. and are you nude this this film, and i don't mean a glimpse of a breast nude. >> all right, all right, all right. for god's sake. >> you're naked. >> i'm naked. >> and abuse the movie is so beautifully told the viewer almost forgets it. >> people keep saying this is a brave performance. brave means naked. i know what brave means. >> was it difficult to get that comfortable? >> yeah. i can i ever got that comfortable, but this -- but the woman that i played was, and just being in the room with her sort of gives you a break from your own -- the weirdness you have about sex in your mind that you don't even know that you have. so i thought my role in this movie is to come in and give the audience just a glimpse of what it might be like if we dropped all of our strangeness about sexuality. >> this becomes a love story, and, you know, your character is very clear in the beginning that there are rules to sex surrogacy. there are six sessions, and that's the limit, so no emotional lines will be crossed, but it becomes very clear that they are both having a difficult time with that. >> it does. i think what makes it a unique story, and most love stories, true to life or on the screen, i think mostly we're up for ourselves. i say i love you so you say i love you back, and in this case they come together for him, and when they sense that feelings that they are having might endanger that, they work very hard to make sure that at the end of these encounters he wins. >> you say him. john hawks plays mark o'brien. i don't know what it must have been like to transform himself into this character. >> he's just a beautiful actor so in a way any nerves that i felt was assuaged knowing i would have a dance partner that's just a world class actor. >> oscar buzz. i mean, is it possible to shoot a movie like this and bring a character like this off a page and on to the big screen without stopping and thinking about the fact that this could be one of those roles. >> oh, it's utterly possible. the idea that i was doing this movie thinking about that when i had all those other things to think about, i truly didn't, but, you know, if you have one with you, i'll take it. >> yeah, yeah. >> short of that, don't start with me. >> get ready, there's good fday morning to you. 8:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. the funeral for a murdered east bay teacher is taking place moments from now. friends and teachers will honor the life of susie coe. she was found stabbed to death in her home earlier this month. her car was missing. a couple has been arrested in connection with coe's death. they were arrested in washington state who spotted the couple driving coe's car. time to check the commute with mike. we will take you to the oakland coliseum. look at the stream of headlights northbound 880. the overpass here, a disabled vehicle just removed from the roadway. look at the map and how slow it is past the coliseum. all lanes just cleared a few minutes ago. southbound is slow. recovering in toward fremont. 680 clearing up. now we have to recover back to the interchange. back to you, laura. thank you. for the latest traffic and news updates, you can check out nbc bay area on facebook. we will have another update in half an hour. 8:30 now on this friday morning, october 19th, 2012. and while our crowd enjoys the start of their day in rockefeller plaza, something's burning up here in the kitchen. it's my cooking skills. just ahead, we'll see if i will deliver on my promise to make a deliverance meal for matt, al and savannah. matt, this is piece of chicken, it's going right in. this oil has been heating a little too long, i think, but i think it's going to be fine, and if anything goes wrong i've got a little backup plan, pizzas for everybody. >> cute. >> there's a backup plan, guys. >> love to have a backup. >> okay. >> also ahead. >> we've got a documentary. just talked about helen hunt getting some oscar buzz. >> meanwhile a documentary that's getting an oscar buzz. >> getting a lot of buzz. >> yeah, exactly. >> this is a great program at a public program here in new york city. they are the powerhouses of chess. we're going to show you how chess is not only, you know, a great activity for them. it's actually changing their lives and allowing them incredible opportunities. >> and we want to share something with you. nbc news is partnering with "usa weekend" magazine to encourage people to volunteer and make a difference. and look who is on the cover. we've got savannah and matt, and the beautiful thing about this it's going to be on october 27th. that's make a difference day. read about it more in the current issue and check out -- >> my very wet current issue. >> didn't take long to deface us but that's all right. >> we're proud to announce that for the 19th year the "today" show toy drive is getting under way once again. it's always such a great time of year. celebrities will be coming back. they will be collecting your donations beginning november 26th on the plaza. you don't have to be here necessarily to donate. you can do it through right now. just head to our website to find out how you can be a part, and we always appreciate the support and the help and so do all the charities. >> all right. meanwhile, remember last week we introduced you to 16-year-old miranda ferguson, the texas cheerleader who attempted to break the guinness book of world records for the most consecutive handsprings, and she did 35. we were not sure at the time whether that actually broke the record, but we are now back with miranda here on the plaza, and the representative of the "guinness books," mike ginella. >> good morning. >> good to see you. >> it's official. you are the guinness book of world record holder for the move consecutive handsprings. how do you feel, miranda? >> i'm so excited. >> it's fantastic. you did this in front of a big crowd down in texas. they were rooting you on. >> yes. >> and were you at all nervous that it was an official record? >> i was extremely nervous. there are so many like details that can go into it and the fact that i have it on. >> just to put it in perspective, you're in the guinness book of world records, felix baumgartner broke five world records as well for breaking through the sound barrier. >> oh. >> pretty impressive. are your high school friends going to think more of you for having this plaque at home? >> i don't know. maybe. >> but we've got some other records you might want to consider going after, okay. >> okay. >> also in the book, the most consecutive cart wheels or most cart wheels in a minute, 63. do you think you could do that? >> maybe. >> that doesn't sound -- that's more than one per -- >> how about the longest duration balancing on four fingers. >> that one seems more difficult. >> or the one that natalie wants. >> really wants this. >> the fastest time to entry zipped suitcase. >> i think i can do it. 5.43 seconds. >> that's how natalie saves money traveling. >> you won't up zip me out of there. >> mike, how long do you think this record will stand? >> a long time. >> the one before this was about a year and a half. we get so many applications for this record, one of the most popular ones of everybody says i can do that, i'll go do that right now. miranda delivered the goods so i think it will be a while. >> you going to pop, it miranda, going to keep it going? >> i'm thinking about it, maybe. >> ladies and gentlemen, the guinness book of world records holder. nice to have you back. >> thank you. >> mr. roker with not raining here yet. good morning. live picture over san jose revealing not as much haze. back in the good air quality range. you're starting out mild in the city. 66 degrees now. 71 in the heat of the day. 81 in livermore. we have rain just around the corner starting late sunday night into monday and pretty much going to keep the rain chance in the mix through next weekend. >> and that's your latest weather. >> all right. still ahead. how the late-night comics are covering the presidential election, and savannah's cooking lessons d.they pay off? we'll find out when we sit down for a meal fit for kings and queens. but, first, this is "today" on nbc. thirty-eight mean? funding. restores what we've lost... music and science labs. and your school. can get a world-class education. and sacramento can't touch it. me? the sky's my limit. back at 8:37. well chess has been called the game of kings played for thousands of years by presidents and prodigies, but to find the place where it is truly alive and thriving you have to go somewhere maybe unexpected. walk the halls of this public school in brooklyn is-318, and at first you might think you're in any ordinary middle school, but look in the classrooms, look up at the walls, look at the trophy case, and you'll soon realize this school is anything but average. it is a chess powerhouse. >> in the last ten years we've won over 30 national championships of all different types. we are considered the best scholastic chess program in the united states. >> this school lives and breathes chess. how did all of this get started? >> our chess team got started about ten years ago with just about ten kids, and it was just a regular old chess club, and our previous principal thought wouldn't it be great if we could go to nationals. we won one of the beginner sections, and we came in first place. >> the team now has 70 members, and with more national chess titles than any other middle school in the country, they are known as the yankees of chess. this year they even won the united states chess federation's national high school championship. there's a certain stereotype about chess kids, one i'm sure that you highly disagree with, and that's that they are nerdy kids, not the cool kids. a very different story in these hallways, right? >> in our school many people consider the chess players the stars of the school. we celebrate the kids on the chess team. it's cool to be smart. >> chess teacher elizabeth spiegel also stresses that the game is empowering students with skills that reach beyond the 46 squares on a chessboard. how do you think chess has changed these kids' lives? >> i think chess gives you a really profound confidence in your intellectual ability. i do hope they feel a deep belief in themselves and feel like they can teach themselves anything they want to learn. >> the chess program at is-318 is the focus of a new documentary receiving critical acclaim called "brooklyn castle." >> here to block your queens. >> wow, one, two, three, four, five attackers, fantastic. >> film-makers followed staff and students for a year following the highs and lows of a chess program at a program facing constant budget woes and a student body where nearly 70% are below the poverty line. >> the school has to be everyone having the same opportunity, whether you can afford that opportunity or not. >> provost, rischelle and justice, three of the students in the film, have mefd on to high school where they continue to excel in chess and in life. >> you said in the movie that chess really changed you. >> when i was younger, i was a bad kid, and i never really did anything, wasn't really active in school. well, chess, i guess, it gave me something -- it gave me something to look forward to every day. i was going to chess club after school and socializing with friends and playing chess. that's what i wanted to do. >> do you think chess is, you know, going to open that door for you to reach your dreams? >> definitely. i think chess has opened every single door that i've walked through. it's just so beneficial, and it's so helpful to my life, an i'm grateful for it. >> for these kids who never had a chance to leave new york city, chess also offers them the world. >> i have traveled across the country, and even out of the country. like i've been to south africa, greece. >> all to play chess. >> to play with the world youth. >> and for those who think chess is for nerds. i look at you and think, boy, you could be playing football. >> on the track team, played basketball for two years. i play chess. i'm not ashamed. who is going to come up to a 6'3" guy and say, hey, you're a nerd. >> it's not expected every student in the chess program will leave the school as a grand master, but it is expected they leave as confident young adults, preparing to make their next move. >> and the documentary "brooklyn castle" opens in limited release today and already won the audience award at south by southwest. getting some early oscar buzz, possible contender for best documentary, so a little film that could as well. >> absolutely fantastic. >> amazing. >> let's check in with savannah who is busy preparing us a delectable feast. >> gourmet. >> you'll be talking about it all weekend. testing my pasta. you want to know what we're having. >> what's on the menu? >> penne pasta with homemade tomato sauce, roasted eggplant and ricotta. >> you have to consult the menu? >> don't have it memorized. spanish spice-rubbed chicken breasts. braised carrots and leeks, salad with ven get and then a special dessert, jell-o mold. >> jell-o. >> that's going to take you a long time working those jell-o molds. >> i know. >> there's always room for jell-o. >> that is not done. >> i can't talk to you. >> we'll be honest but kind. >> this pasta is not done. even i know that. >> okay. >> we'll see you in a couple of minutes. >> okay. >> also. we'll have much more ahead. this is "today" on nbc. >> we're back now at 8:45 with today's extra yar. this morning the pittsburgh steelers chase rainey and his remarkable journey to the nfl. today contributing correspondent jenna bush hager caught up with him recently. jenna, good morning. >> good morning, matt, that's right. if you ask nfl players, they will tell you their teammates feel like family. when you ask running back chris rainey he'll tell you after growing up without his mom, a family is more than he could have ever hoped for. far from the lights of heinz field, chris rainey began his life behind bars. >> i was born in prison. >> reporter: chris was shuffled between foster homes until he was a teenager, always seeking a family. >> all i wanted to have is love and stuff like that. >> reporter: at times he lived with his grandmother who first introduced him to football so he could make friends. >> so basically my grandmother was tired of seeing me play football by myself. i used to throw the football as far as i can, run and go catch it. >> reporter: and youth football changed his life. there he met twins marquis and mike pouncey, big kids who even at a young age dominated the offensive line. was your friendship based on football or was it more than that? >> it was more than that. >> reporter: brothers and chris practiced together for hours and became teammates at lakeland high school where marquis and mike's parents watched the teens from the stands. >> he knew that they were going to block for him and he was going to, you know, make a touchdown. >> they had a great chemistry together. they had the same love for the game and passion. >> reporter: chris began to spend more and more time with the pounceys. >> i felt comfortable with them. they was just nice to me. it was just different from my family. so i started staying with them on weekends. >> reporter: those weekends turned to weeks. >> i went and told my mom. he's got to move in with us. our star running back, a guy we're so close to. i knew all the things that went on throughout his life and the troubles that he had. >> we knew he needed stability. we do co-see, that and he wanted the support and the love and we felt like we could offer it, and he seemed happen we he was over here so we just included him. >> it was an easy decision for us. >> when you moved in with them, how soon did you start to feel like this is my home? >> very soon. it happened fast, too. i think i got real close, and i just thought, i love this family, man. >> the three went to the national championship in high school and all won scholarships to the university of florida. is there a special chemistry that you have? >> we go like this and look at each other and we know what that means. >> marquis left for the pros in 2010 and went to the steelers and mike went a year later to the miami dolphins. chris entered the draft and after two days of waiting was drafted by pittsburgh. >> we're finally together again after me leaving college early and now we'll build more memories in our life. >> a lot of people say the steelers is one of those teams that's like a family. >> oh, yeah. >> yes. >> we're a band of brothers and so close and do so much stuff off the field together it feels like we've been with them all our lives. >> during the preseason chris burst on to the scene scoring his first nfl touchdown. >> it brought so much joy to me because i know that was rainey's biggest dream, to get his first touchdown in the nfl. >> a dream, lisa and robert worked for, three boys in the nfl. >> we didn't have a magic wand or anything. we just -- our kids were our main focus. >> you know, it says something very special about them that they would take in a friend. >> i want to say thank you, i know, for raising us and always being interest. >> proving family comes in different forms, and love creates a bond for a lifetime. you started out as friends, but what do you consider your relationship now? >> we're brothers. >> brothers. >> blood brothers, man. nothing will ever change that. >> and lisa and robert told us when all three boys are home for breaks, it's like they are still in high school, wrestling with each other and just having a good time. chris also says he has a good relationship with his biological family now, including his mom. >> although now that their size is what it is, they can break things when they wrestle probably. >> i really want those men wrestling in my house. i'm sure my husband really wouldn't want that either. >> thanks very much. >> thanks. >> catch the steelers taking on the bengals sunday night. catch that here starting with "football night in america." beginning at 7:00 p.m. up next, the piece deresistance, savannah throws up a dinner . this morning at "savannah's cooking school," the moment we've been waiting for, our dinner party. >> you guys hungry? >> yes. >> this is the first course. this is the pasta. we're going to go european style. >> how rude. >> i didn't serve natalie first. >> sorry, sorry. >> you're cooking, not serving. dive right in. >> it has eggplant in it, ricotta on the top, a little arugula. >> you did everything, the presentation as well? >> can't you tell i did the presentation. >> this is the pasta sauce you made this week with bobby. >> that's right. so we skipped a few steps because actually even our -- >> so good satchna. >> the cooks who cook every day say they couldn't do the whole thing in 45 minutes. >> it's delicious. >> amazing. >> thank you. >> i did get some help, as you were correct to point out, but i -- i did the best i could. >> you did an amazing job. >> this is something you can do by yourself at home. can you duplicate this? >> i think i could. >> the trick is for you to do it over and over again so you can do it without even thinking about it. >> i just learned something this morning, you'll laugh. i didn't know how to peel an eggplant or what to do. >> i'll get our next course. >> what is the most challenging part of this whole meal, savannah, as you walk your way over there? >> walking, and also organization, getting everything out at the same time, and obviously i had some help. this is the spice-rubbed chicken breast. >> that was great. >> i want you to notice it -- sorry, nat. >> sorry to rush you. >> i'll take that. >> we only have three minutes. >> we'll enjoy it. >> i know. >> don't forget to tip your server. this is the chicken with carrots and braised leeks. >> i braised it with the chicken stock that we made. >> all right. dive in there, tell me what you think. >> what kinds of spices were in the spice rub. >> cumin and paprika and i don't know, salt and pepper. a bunch. >> why are you laughing? >> it's seriously good. delicious actually. >> can i get some salt, savannah? >> i'm burning off 100 calories. >> doesn't need salt, you're kidding. >> i know. >> savannah, know you have more, but we have something for you, too. right. >> we got some gifts we wanted to give you. >> first of all. >> wait, that's nice. >> since you're probably going to be doing more cooking now at home, wanted to get you a great set of knives. >> this is a really nice set. this is exciting. >> absolutely. >> every good chef has knives. >> and you're going to now use some of your cooking prowess on thanksgiving which is coming up. >> yes. >> we got you this framed copy of the butterball hotline. >> i know, because bianca and lish who work in the kitchen every day, i guess you're not available on thanksgiving. i have to say thank you to them. >> did we show our beautiful jell-o mold and there's a salad. >> that we didn't get to. >> have all the recipes on the website. >> there's the camera right there. >> don't drop the jell-o mold. >> nice job. >> thanks to bobby flay as well. >> thanks to bobby flay. >> we're back with more after this. >> thing of beauty. >> this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie. >> are we going to say we know where that guy was. >> didn't directly answer that question so i'll put it to you. >> a bit surreal to vote for your husband for president? >> aerosmith is going to be walking our way live on the plaza. they have never done a morning show before. >> right. >> and i think that's because they are up all night partying. ♪ girl i'm gonna show you how to do it ♪ >> al, al, al. >> vote for me. >> natalie better get out of the way. >> look who is here. chris rock is on the deck. >> duran duran's john taylor, good morning, good to see you. >> good morning. >> i promise not to stalk you during this interview. >> that's okay. >> how is that for an answer? >> that's a terrible answer. >> yeah. nice. >> get out of here! >> i can just tell you right now, this isn't going perfectly. >> the man behind alex cross, author james patterson right after this. >> bless you, natalie. >> $65 here. >> yes. >> how long can you hold that pose? >> got my thumb in there. good friday morning to you. i'm laura garcia-cannon. people in santa clara county will have to dial differently tomorrow. callers will have to dial 1 and then the area code if they are dying dialing a 408 code. the change is simply because the county ran out of the 408 numbers. what about the numbers when it comes to the forecast? christina. >> good morning. it will be warm today. we will start 81 degrees by friday. we will cool down to the mid-60s and a lot of rain next week. the heaviest rain will come down on tuesday. we're back now with more of "today" on a friday morning. it's the 19th of october, 2012. a wet start to the weekend here in new york city. hopefully it's nicer where you're waking up this morning. a nice crowd of people outside. and these people are cheering the kitchen skills of savannah guthrie in cooking school all week long with bobby flay who absolutely came and delivered on this friday morning. the meal you prepared for us, i'm not kidding, it was fantastic. >> so glad. >> cheers. >> thank you so much. >> i had fun and actually learned something. >> to bianca and the staff. >> well, they did a great job helping me. you know what, that's the secret weapon having the experts next to you. saying is my chicken burning. >> you could do this by yourself. >> especially now that i've practiced. >> my gift to you, matt, diswashing gloves. >> thank you. great. >> here, al. >> not quite sure where she was going with that. >> a little turn your head and cough moment. not sure what that was. >> suddenly the show took an ugly turn. >> give him a little wine, things go crazy meanwhile coming up, a great story to tell you about. it's a great fish tale. some guys out trying to catch a 600-pound marlin. look what happens there. >> the marlin is not happy about it. >> yeah. >> so we're going to show you a little bit more of that. >> wow. >> talk about animal house, got animal house around here, everything from porcupines to owls in our call of the wild. >> oh. >> very cute. >> don't pet it though. >> kind of like the matt lauer of porcupines. >> but right now as we continue to scarf down our food, let's go downstairs to natalie morales at the news desk. natalie. >> good morning, savannah and al. good morning, everyone. a large explosion in central beirut where a car bomb detonated in a christian neighborhood. at least two people have been killed. 15 others were wounded. the blast set several cars in a multi-story building on fire. comic relief on the campaign trail in new york city as president obama and republican challenger mitt romney traded quips at the al smith charity dinner, but this morning it's back to the battleground states. the president delivers a speech at george mason university in virginia while romney rallies with running mate paul ryan in florida. on monday the two will face off for their third and final debate focusing on foreign policy. the boy scouts of america have released thousands of pages from the ornization's so-called perversion files. the documents date from 1959 to 1985 and show how time after time local officials covered up allegations of child sexual abuse, protecting scout masters from accusations and molestation. today the boy scouts are required to report accusations of abuse and volunteers are given background checks. convicted child sex abuser jerry sandusky is seeking a new trial, filing documents thursday attacking the evidence presented against him and how quickly his case proceeded from arrest to trial. sandusky is currently behind bars awaiting transfer to state prison where he'll begin serving a 30 to 60-year sentence. the fda has confirmed that a fungus behind the nationwide meningitis outbreak has been found in unopened viles of steroid medication. made in august by the new england compounding center in framingham, massachusetts, more than 250 fungal meningitis cases, including at least 20 deaths, have been linked to the drug. after the largest survey of its kind, gallup estimates that 3.4% of american adults identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. the study was based on more than 120,000 interviews. the report's lead author says he hopes the findings will fight stereotypes and show the diversity of the lgbt community. cutest doctor's visit ever. this has to be a contender. take a look. the san diego zoo's 11-week-old panda cub got another checkup and now he's taking clumsy baby steps just like any toddler. the little guy is sprouting his first teeth and making some adorable baby squeals. so cute. a massachusetts man who recently lost in love has found a way to get over his broken heart. he won the lottery. 22-year-old sandi singh won $3 million in a mega millions drawing this week and took the $16 million lump sum payout. >> do you have a lucky girlfriend? >> no lucky girlfriend so just broke up with her. thank god. she broke up with me, but right now i'm not really worried about it, yeah. i was heartbroken at first, but now i'm -- i'm getting over it. >> her loss, but his gain. he's been working two jobs, plans to pay off his mother's house and go to college. good for him. five minutes after the hour right now. let's go over to al with a check of the weather. >> like that joke, pack your bags. >> buh-bye. >> natalie, thanks so much. it's raining quite a bit here in the northeast. let's take a look and see what we've got. a big low pressure system over the great lakes and another one forming along the mid-atlantic states that. one over the mid-atlantic is going to be really generating a lot of rain as it makes its way to the north. heavy showers and thunderstorms from washington all the way up into new england. rainfall amounts anywhere from 1 to 3 inches of rain from the interior of new york all the way down to the delmarva peninsula, and out in the pacific northwest, another system coming onshore. that's bringing rain as well, and that rain will last about through the weekend. for them look for heavier amounts. 1 to 2 inches in interior sections of the pacific 9:05. you made it to friday. good morning. i'm meteorologist christina loren. highs today will be 10 degrees cooler than yesterday, but staying warm and mostly sunny. 81 in livermore. 78 in concord. 74 in fremont. 74 in san francisco. look at what is headed our way. sunday night, showers. monday morning, could be a washout. be ready to take time for the commute on monday morning. as we get into next week, we're talking about rain heavy at times on tuesday and wednesday. >> al, thanks. time now for today's "take 3" where the three of us give our take on three stories catching our attention and yours and adding his two cents is a comedian on the shaquille o'neal comedy tour kicking off in new york city today. also the author of a new book, right? >> "your girlfriends only know so much," a relationship, dating book. >> what do we not know? >> exactly. read it. >> that's what i love. just read it. read it. >> 30 seconds, read it. >> read it. >> that's what you need to do. >> when i think comedy, i think shaquille o'neal. >> great brand, going all over the country. >> we're excited for you. that's great. >> absolutely. >> let's do our takes here. take one, disney's first latina princess, princess sophia getting ready to make her tv debut and then in a television series geared to the 2 to 7-year-old kids, and it's drumming up some controversy, ruffling some feathers in the latina community saying she doesn't look latina enough. you see she has blue eyes, sort of that strawberry blond or reddish hair. >> is there a latina look? >> that's the thing. the disney defenders are saying there is no such thing as a latina look. in my opinion as a latina, this is something, i have many people say you're puerto rican, you don't look puerto rican, and what does a puerto rican look like. >> you're puerto rican. >> there you go. >> there you go. >> you didn't know. >> wow. >> there is no playing into the stereotype. >> is there an hispanic look. i would expect dark eyes and dark hair and just to kind of make it obvious. >> christina would organize with you. >> there are so many different kinds of hispanic. you go to venezuela, argentina and you've got very european looking hispanic latinas. >> if you're going to roll it out. >> blond, green, blue eyes, come in all colors and type. >> go with the majority of what hispanic women look like, the majority. >> disney is not calling it out that she's latina and some people have actually said that that's what they are a little bit upset with. if she's a latina say it and be proud of it and let us identify. >> her mother is queen of enchancia. >> that's nowhere near puerto rico. >> that's puerto rico. >> here we go. let's take two. i love this video. this is amazing. it's a fishing trip in australia. do you like fishing? >> i love it. >> okay. then you'll love this. 600-pound blackmar lynn gets reeled in. well, he's not happy about it. >> he reeled himself in. >> gosh. >> boom. >> we've got several different angles here. >> wow. >> this is pretty incredible stuff. they are trying to get him in, and then, you know, i'm not getting him that easy. >> catch and release. >> well, he jumped up there and said who is bothering me? what is this? >> glad you had me. >> one angle that we'll get to, actually the ladder goes flying and knocks one of the fishermen down. >> i'm saying they are really lucky somebody didn't get hurt there. >> i can't tell. did they actually hook him. >> they had speared him. >> okay. >> and see that long -- the long snout part. >> yeah. >> you don't want to get near that. >> that one -- that one guy gets clocked with the ladder. >> that -- that would actually be my last fishing trip. >> look at that. >> the marlin actually had a camera. that was amazing. >> an iflip. >> iphone 5. >> got back down to the marlin bar and said, you know, i showed them. >> it's tough out there fishes jumping on the boat. >> pumpkin portraits. portraits carved into fruits and vegetables. we can show you avocado, acorn squash, a darth vader pumpkin. >> whoa. >> wow. >> look at that. >> this is art. >> sunflower in a pumpkin and watermelon santa claus, ten-foot dragon. the work of sean feeney, artist and master carver from long island. he's here and we gave him a challenge. can you take three pumpkins and sculpt our faces in them, and here is the result. >> let's take a look at what we have here. >> wow. >> easy to tell which one is al. >> yeah. >> me or cee lo green. >> yes. >> it's the first latina pumpkin. >> all right. >> who is this? >> that's you. >> like looking in the mirror. >> that's larry king. >> how long did these take for you to do? >> portrait pumpkins take at least about five hours each. >> wow. >> in addition to doing a lot of web search of your faces. >> al is pretty distinguishable. >> the 3-d part of the glasses. >> i made time lapses of the carving. >> very cool. >> how long does it take? >> about five hours. >> that's amazing. >> how did you learn to do this? >> i have a background -- >> tell the truth. >> actually was a forensic artist for the southern county police out in long island for two years and worked in the art department at industrialite magic for two years. >> bringing the pumpkins to life. i kind of look a little like an eskimo. >> where's mine? >> sorry. >> this one is yours. >> oh, there you go. >> there you go. >> took him two hours to do the glasses, and you just took it off. >> go to and vote on which pumpkin, savannah, al or natalie is the most realistic. >> they got to see the close-ups. here's savannah. put the image next to your pumpkin. >> al. do your pumpkin face. >> okay. >> and who does it look more like? >> and then here? >> okay. >> that's amazing. >> okay. >> good job. very impressive. >> you're very bus they time of year, huh? >> very busy month for me. >> but your art doesn't last. >> i take video and photographs. >> best thick about it it's an appetizer after this. >> exactly. >> i can fry that up now that i have my cooking skills. thank you so much. good luck with the book. we want to know what we don't know. >> all right. >> and we want to leave you with a bonus take, the political comedy roundup. >> folks, follow your instincts on this one. >> my instincts say that paul ryan is getting his [ bleep ] kicked in did they bait. >> oh, yeah, what's that like? >> how many times a week does biden show up in a wet bathing suit to a meeting? just ballpark figure. >> i -- i had to put out a presidential directive on that. we had to stop that. >> you got to put towels down. got to say though he looks pretty good. >> lindsay lohan has at long last revealed which presidential candidate she backs. >> as of now i think it's mitt romney, as of now. >> as of now. as of now. she hits a car with an obama bumper sticker, that could change, but as of now, she's endorsing mitt romney. >> one of president obama's goals tonight is to win back female voters. yeah. yeah, which explains why obama is going to answer every question with a passage from "fifty shades of grey." >> personally i don't even know why they had a debate. as far as i'm concerned this race was over last night when honey boo boo child made her official endorsement. who are you going to support for president, mitt romney or barack obama? >> barack obama? >> that's right. >> she's voting for moraco obama. >> i'm putting together a whole scrapbook of the 2012 campaign, and i don't -- i have these great pictures from the two debates. do you know which debate was which? >> cute, jon. >> all right. that does it for us for the moment. can you go to and vote on which pumpkin is most realistic. we'll be right back. [ female announcer ] born from the naturally sweet monk fruit, something this delicious could only come from nature. now from the maker of splenda sweeteners, discover nectresse. the only 100% natural, no-calorie sweetener made from the goodness of fruit. the rich, sweet taste of sugar. nothing artificial. ♪ it's all that sweet ever needs to be. new nectresse. sweetness naturally. new nectresse. we're spreading the word about honey bunches of oats fruit blends and their unique taste combinations. like peach/raspberry. with one flavor in the granola bunch and one on the flake. two flavors. in harmony. honey bunches of oats. make your day bunches better. delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. for their "destination wedding." double miles you can "actually" use. but with those single mile travel cards... [ bridesmaid ] blacked out... but i'm a bridesmaid. oh! "x" marks the spot she'll never sit. but i bought a dress! a toast... the capital one venture card. fly any airline, any flight, anytime. double miles you can actually use. what a coincidence? what's in your wallet? [ all screaming ] watch the elbows ladies. [ all screaming ] hgotta start the day off right. wardrobe. cute. then new activia breakfast blend. a great way to help start the day. mmm... creamy lowfat yogurt with grains in yummy breakfast flavors, like apple cinnamon. its hearty, with twice the protein of regular lowfat yogurt and helps regulate your digestive system. our morning routines are important, aren't they? new activia breakfast blend. the not so pretty truth about their body washes. i wouldn't change. [ female announcer ] this test paper was designed to react like your skin. if other body washes can strip this paper, imagine how harsh they can be to your skin. oh my gosh. [ female announcer ] new dove is different. its new breakthrough formula changes everything with the blend of gentle cleansers and nourishing nutrium moisture. so what do you think now? definitely switching to dove. [ female announcer ] this is new. this is different. this is care. [ female announcer ] this is new. this is different. ho w do [ female announcer ] this is new. this is different. edelicious hershey's chocolate with 30% less fat? new hershey's simple pleasures chocolate. 30% less fat, 100% delicious. had. back now with road tested house hold and beauty product. the staff at "real simple" puts knew items to the test each month. sarah humphries is the executive director of "real simple." >> good morning, natalie. >> how are these items selected before we get to it? >> done over 250 road tests, everything from frozen waffles to dust fans. basically the staff is a guinea pig, sometimes we call in the experts depending what we're testing. we do it so you don't need to do it. >> first up, dish soap. two different kinds. what do you like about these two brands? >> home department scrub dishes with 74 different dish soaps. the one that was the best in terms of most strength was the dawn power clean. this literally is a super soaker. it blew away the competition so it's really strong. >> okay. over here a more natural kind of -- >> seventh generation, we know it's great for the environment and really gentle on your skin. here's the key. it actually works so that was a good three-way. >> not gentle on the pots and pans, gets it right out. >> moving it on to the blenders. kitchen-aid five-speed blender the best all around. >> tested 52 of these. this was the best all-around. $130. really strong but also really quiet which is a nice bonus and 16 inches tall so it fits in a compact cabinet, too. >> now the oster 12-speed is your favorite budget blender. >> $40. great because it's also pretty strong but comes with a three-cup food processor attachment, two in one for $40. >> fantastic. love that. now to slow cookers which are really making a huge comeback. >> they are. >> best choice for all around. >> this slow cooker is the ultimate "real simple" appliance because it makes your dinner while you're at work. this is the hamilton beach six-quart and the warming setting comes on after it finishes your meal so it keeps your dinner hot. >> love it. best for entertaining and smaller is this one. >> a proctor silex, 1.5 quart, $15, first of all, super, super cheap and good for entertaining, keeping dips warm and fondues warm at your party. >> and for your party you're looking for portable speakers. >> called in an expert to help us gauge what's great sound quality. the bbl had impeccable sound quality and best of the bunch and works with blue tooth wire sgles and this un,one. >> a good portable. >> ihoan ihome speaker. both compatible with iphone 5. >> this one is great for travel. super compact. >> i love this one. stadler, use any old water bott. screw it in. great for in ski season when it's super dry. >> and this wins here for the top. >> if you want a sleek and sophisticated one that's smart, this is good for your home. easy to clean the tank and remove it, and it has a warm and cool mist cycle, $120. >> beauty parts. two fix for facial moisturizers. >> out of 100, burt's bees, intensely hydrating, it ingredient to really hydrate and lock in moisture. >> aveeno wins i guess for an all-around sunscreen, spf 30. >> also lightweight which is a really hard combo to master and has light refracting particles which make you glow which is key. >> lip back. >> victoria's secret around acwarphor, and spf 30, really really great. >> hair color. >> avon is great for coloring grays, three-step process, works, and l'oreal is the best temporary. 28 washes it will come out and there's 21 shades. >> fantastic. sarah humphries from "real simple," thank you very much, making our little real simple. coming up, putting the blackberry away this weekend. we'll help you unplug, but, first, these messages. go! go out tonight - be social! then stay in tomorrow. make a date with your flat screen. olive garden's new dinner today, dinner tomorrow. two dinners for two nights, just $12.95. choose one of five entrees tonight, like new mezzaluna ravioli. served with unlimited soup or salad and breadsticks. then choose a second entrée to take home for tomorrow all for just $12.95. this has "movie night" written all over it. new dinner today, dinner tomorrow go before it's gone! go olive garden. as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios you've got to be kidding me. sweetie, help us settle this. i say this and this is called southern hospitality. well, i call it the clean getaway. [ scoffs ] you're both wrong. it's the freshy fresh. everyone knows that. i didn't know that. oh yeah, that's what they're saying now. [ female announcer ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine. try them together. then name it on facebook. wears off. [ female announcer ] stop searching and start repairing. eucerin professional repair moisturizes while actually repairing very dry skin. the end of trial and error has arrived. try a free sample at the end of trial and error has arrived. ho w do the end of trial and error has arrived. edelicious hershey's chocolate with 30% less fat? new hershey's simple pleasures chocolate. 30% less fat, 100% delicious. [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette you celebrate a little win. nicorette gum helps calm your cravings and makes you less irritable. quit one cigarette at a time. a great clean doesn't have to take long. i'm done. are you thinking what i'm thinking? ♪ give me just a little more time ♪ okay. all right. oh! [ female announcer ] the 2-in-1 swiffer sweeper uses electrostatic dry cloths to clean better than a broom. and its wet mopping cloths can clean better than a mop in half the time so you don't miss a thing. mom, have you seen my -- hey! hey! he did it. [ female announcer ] swiffer. better clean in half the time. or your money back. this reduced sodium soup says it may help lower cholesterol, how does it work? you just have to eat it as part of your heart healthy diet. step 1. eat the soup. all those veggies and beans, that's what may help lower your cholesterol and -- well that's easy [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. still to come, amazing animals from around the world in our call of the wild. and then we're heading into the kitchen to turn dinner on its head. vegetables as the main course >> i love it. >> dogs and cats living together. mass hysteria. >> after your local news and weather. ♪ ooh, yeah, ooh-ooh, yeah ♪ i love ya ♪ ooh, yeah, ooh-ooh, yeah [ female announcer ] introducing new special k popcorn chips. with 28 buttery chips for 120 calories, you can bring the flavor of the movies home and still stay on track. freedom to enjoy. what will you gain when you lose? find them in the cracker aisle. can your moisturizer do that? [ female announcer ] dermatologist recommended aveeno has an oat formula, now proven to build a moisture reserve, so skin can replenish itself. that's healthy skin for life. only from aveeno. here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin. good friday morning to you. 9:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. one person is in custody. police are locking for another after a shootout and crash in san francisco. this was the scene this morning. police tried to stop a cadillac with a burned out bulb on eddy street. someone inside shot at officers. the cadillac ran a red light and crashed at franklin and eddy street. police caught one of the suspects running off. they are looking for the other. officers were not hurt in the incident. they are trying to figure out why the people took off. san jose earthquakes will break ground with a public ceremony on sunday. the team needs your help. the earthquakes are aiming to break the guinness world record holder. the team says more than 5,500 people are signed up to participate. we will have a look at the forecast and traffic right after this. welcome back. we will see a nice day today. this is our last warm and sunny day before things dramatically change. 81 in livermore. 75 in san teresa. 72 hours away from the active weather in the bay area. mostly cloudy skies on saturday. the main event on sunday into monday. we are talking a lot of rain. we meet back here monday morning and it will be a slick commute. count on that. temperatures will tumble as well into the 60s by sunday. let's take a look at the drive. it is rush hour. mike. it is slow in oakland. northbound slow from the coliseum into downtown. the map shows both directions to and through downtown. we had an earlier stall through that portion of oakland. now an easier drive. here is a view from mountain view into palo alto. the rest of the south bay is looking better. 280 is slow at 880. laura, back to you. thank you very much. thanks for joining us. another update in half an hour. i'm definitely happy just being alone with deena right now, the same personality. we like to drink. we like to party, and it's just team meatball. >> that's "jersey shore's" star snooki doing what made her famous. snooki is a changed woman and she's mom. she will be here with her fiance and her first post-baby interview next week only on "today." i'm al roker along with savannah guthrie and natalie morales and lester holt joining us as well. >> we'll tell you what's coming up in this half hour. spectacular, sometimes scary looking animal like this one. this python from all over the world. they will be here in our studio. >> my skin is crawling. >> big snake there. >> i hate snakes. >> don't like snakes. >> dangerous. >> you go first. >> didn't mean to get personal, mr. snake. all snakes. >> ear muffs. >> al doesn't like them much either. >> most of us are guilty of this. cannot put dunn our smartphones or turn off the tv over the weekend, but you know the weekends are a great time to give your mind and bod' much-needed break so we'll have some tips for adults and kids to unplug. >> all right. >> now, to mr. holt with a check of what's coming up on "weekend today." i'll read fast as that snake is looking at me again. >> why don't you stay for this segment. >> i'd love to. >> face your fears, lester. lester! lester! >> we did that segment once. >> a snake around your neck. do you have a problem with a snake around your neck? >> i'm like samuel jackson but i can't say what he said about snakes. this weekend, exciting or fun or over the line is this would you put your kid in a pool with tigers? go from snakes to tigers. pool parties where children can swim with baby tigers. >> wow. >> and "law & order" seu known for its gritty crime stories and famous guest stars. we'll preview the she's 300th episode where jenna makes a special appearance. >> she's not a body, is she? >> you know, i didn't ask her. she had a line. >> oh, okay. >> or a line drawn around her. >> that was good, natalie. >> plus, with the last presidential debate on monday, i'll head to the battleground state of florida. we'll do the broadcast from there on sunday to look at why it is such a key swing state, and we'll hear from the all important undecided voters. all that and more when we see you this weekend san snake on "today." >> if you save this for the snake segment, may not make it to the weekend. >> exactly. >> might be a big bulge inside the snake. >> someone lock the studio doors. >> big concerts and left you are, you're a big musician. mill valley, california, to benefit the coming home project, a counseling project for wounded veterans to help them re-enter civilian life and find work. in addition to rocker sammi hager and the grateful dead's bob weir, cnbc's senior economics reporter steve liesman will be playing with his band the moon cussers. who knew. >> where did he get that name, from the moon cussers? >> probably go out and cuss at the moon most likely. >> look at that. >> i didn't know that. >> steve has another side to him. >> see, who knew. >> all of us have different sides, including you being a good chef. >> yeah. >> you and lester need to jam. >> we do. >> what are you doing this weekend? >> you've got to work, sorry. >> i've got four shows i do, but other than that i'm wide open. >> we'll get a check of the weather. >> let's look at your weekend, starting off with tomorrow. fall foliage. it's past peak up through the upper great lakes, the new england area, and upstate new york and also through the rockies, but still plenty of color down through the south and central california. saturday, we've got wet weather in the pacific northwest, plenty of sunshine and warmth through the lower half of the country and then sunday we expect to see, again, some more showers in the eastern great lakes. mountain snows in the cascades and rain in the pacific northwest. sunny and warm weather conditions, gulf coast into the southeast and mid-atla friday is happening in our neck of the woods. i'm meteorologist christina loren. you are at 66 degrees in san jose. temperatures will be about 10 degrees cooler. our air quality has improved with a return of onshore flow. it will strengthen through the next couple of days. 81 in livermore. 70 degrees in san francisco. look at what changes. we have jacket weather by sunday. rain monday and tuesday. >> and after weekends with lester it gets really good on sunday night "football night in america." that's right. we've got the pittsburgh steelers going into paul brown stadium as they take on the bengals. they are both 3-3. who will break the tie? we'll find out on sunday night "football night in america." there you have it. >> you are scaring the wild anima animals. >> coming up next, things get a little prickly in our call of the wild right after this. >> lester joins us. ♪ [ female announcer ] at yoplait, we want you to feel even better about your favorite flavors. so when you call, tweet, and post, we listen. that's why yoplait light and yoplait original are now made with no high fructose corn syrup. and why we use only natural colors and natural flavors in yoplait original. so, anything else we can do for you, let us know. but you'll keep it to yogurt, right? 'cause we shouldn't really help with your love life. yoplait. it is so good! aflac... and major medical? major medical, boyyy, yeah! [ beatboxing ] berr, der berrp... ♪ i help pay the doctor ♪ ain't that enough for you? ♪ there's things major medical doesn't do. aflac! pays cash so we don't have to fret. [ together ] ♪ something families should get ♪ ♪ like a safety net ♪ help with food, gas and rent, so cover your back, with... ♪ a-a-a-a-a-a-a-aflac! [ male announcer ] help protect your family at [ beatboxing ] [ male announcer ] help protect your family at we're spreading the word about honey bunches of oats fruit blends and their unique taste combinations. like peach/raspberry. with one flavor in the granola bunch and one on the flake. two flavors. in harmony. honey bunches of oats. make your day bunches better. bp has paid overthe people of bp twenty-threeitment to the gulf. billion dollars to help those affected and to cover cleanup costs. today, the beaches and gulf are open, and many areas are reporting their best tourism seasons in years. and bp's also committed to america. we support nearly 250,000 jobs and invest more here than anywhere else. we're working to fuel america for generations to come. our commitment has never been stronger. >> we have our new wild theme song. >> we like that. on "today's call of the wild," amazing experts. we have here some creatures from around the world that are greely great at adapting. >> i think mr. magoo was snuggling with you. a porcupine but a different kind of porcupine. >> you guys want to get closer. >> i hope he doesn't pocus. >> i want you guys to feel us. >> you won't make him angry. >> lake a monkey-like tail, and they use that, of course, for an arboreal lifestyle. >> you guys smell that, right? >> definitely smells a little there, mr. magoo. >> with porporcupines, they don shoot the quills out. >> they come out really, really easily. it's like when we get goose bumps, basically. when they get startled they will puff up and quills come out. do you want to touch him? >> okay. >> as long as you do the right direction. >> do it the right direction be careful. they have microscopic barbs at the end of each quill. >> now like i'm going to touch him. >> it's great. >> they will stop you. if they get embedded in your skin they will expand due to the heat of our blood. >> embedded quills in my skin that will expand. what's so funny -- >> what's the best part about this, corbin? >> you guys -- >> the best part is i'm not touching that porcupine. >> okay. >> just for me. >> just for you. i barely know you. >> i know, right. >> just be careful. >> look at that. you're fine, you're fine, you're fine. >> isn't that great. >> all his quills are just modified hair made out of keratin. >> every one of those quills are numbered. >> is that a beautiful animal. >> the next animal. i was going to ask what he likes to eat. that's okay. we're fine. we can move on. >> savannah cut this for him. >> actually no wonder he doesn't want to eat it. >> this is great. this is great. this is actually one of africa's most voracious predators. >> trying to kiss you. >> that's actually. >> why do you keep bringing him closer? >> i'm sorry. >> he wants to kiss you, al. >> having a moment. >> have such a habit, has a great sense of smell, excellent sense of smell. this eats almost every ant, everything. >> that's how he's able to get it with that forked tongue. >> that's how he finds. >> look at that. >> i think he really likes you. actually might smell mr. magoo which is not a good thing because mr. magoo is a rodent and junior eats rodents. >> this has danger written all over it. >> wait until you see what comes up. >> he lives by the water. >> lives by the water. excellent, excellent swimmer, take a look at the nostrils, right on top. right on top of the skull. they can hold their breath under water for up to an hour. >> and they are very smart. >> as smart as a 3 or 4-year-old child. he is potty trained. >> oh, wow. >> recognizes his owners. >> apparently loves you, too. >> you guys want to touch him? >> i'm good. >> i'm good, trust me. >> no microscopic barbs here. >> that embed in my skin. sounded so great. >> let's bring out gabriel. this is beautiful. come over here. >> i'll come over here. >> this guy here -- >> he's stuck. >> magnificent. magnificent bids of prey, this is a great-horned owl. been an ambassador for over 19 years, you guys. >> gorgeous. >> they get the name from the ear tufts right there, and check out his swing span. look at this. check out the wingspan. beautiful. >> is it true he can eat a skunk? >> he can. you did your research. >> or a small al roker. >> birds really don't have a strong sense of smell so it allows them to eat things like skunk. one of the animals that does. eats over 200 prey species. >> they can turn all the heads around. >> that's on halloween. >> come over here, guys. the best part, natalie. >> i'm not doing this. >> come in here, mark. >> no, no, no. >> we have to be -- >> mark is going to hold my end of the bargain up here. >> mark gets to hold the tail end. >> good. >> natalie. >> i have a snake thing. >> she is a -- >> you wear them, just don't touch them. >> are you serious. >> natalie, you better not. i'm going to come get you right now. this is a reticlated python, currently squeezing me, from southeast asia. >> hey, why don't you pet the porcupine while you're at it. >> and you wanted me to hold the snake? okay. >> the last time you'll ever see me on the "today" show. >> over 33 feet. >> can you really talk? >> why is this wet at the bottom. >> don't worry. >> she's just soaked. >> she just had a bath. >> they can get 33 feet long, so she's only 17.5. imagine, literally almost twice this. so insane. >> what do pythons eat? >> monkeys, pigs, even deer. >> deer, wow. >> do they eat a porcupine. >> i don't think so. i wouldn't want to touch mr. magoo. they have been known to eat humans in southeast asia, but -- >> that is fantastic. >> that is very, very rare. >> what a great thing. >> oh, she's just beautiful and going right towards you. >> yeah, great. they can smell. you have to be very careful with these snakes, do i have to say. >> as we're obviously being. >> corbin, you're never coming back. >> i know. >> we loved having you while you were here. >> thank you. >> the snake says i'd love having you, too. >> coming up next, how to unplug and thoroughly enjoy your weekend, but first these messages. so... [ gasps ] these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. but what about your wrinkles? neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair visibly reduces fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. why wait if you don't have to. neutrogena®. with over 200 varieties, keurig makes brewing a delicious cup of coffee simple. how does it brew such great coffee? well... inside the brewer are these green fields of coffee, and if you travel up this mountain, there's this huge coffee grinder. and then the coffee lands in this cup and water rushes through. actually, i just press this button. brew what you love, simply. keurig. onof chocolate lovers from the thmelting point of chocolate. so when you take hershey's chocolate and add bubbles, it deliciously melts the moment you take a bite. hershey's air delight. it just might make you melt. it 's time to get real about and start talking about whawhat you really wanthroom. from your toilet paper. it's time to talk about clean. feeling clean is so important. i use quilted northern. quilted northern soft and strong is stronger than the leading value brand, for a confident clean. ancr: at jennie-o we think some things are worth getting up early for like a better breakfast so on august eighth we woke up a sleepy town to show that eating well can be easy and delicious with jennie-o turkey bacon and sausage cooked thoroughly to 165 definitely very good it's excellent this is delicious makes me want to eat breakfast more it's time for a better breakfast i can't stop eating this make the switch look for jennie-o at a store near you body washes with paper that reacts like skin. if others can strip this paper, imagine how harsh they can be to your skin. oh my gosh. [ female announcer ] dove is different. its new breakthrough formula changes everything. new dove. this is care. now all general mills big g kid cereals have more whole grain than any other ingredient in cereals like lucky charms and cinnamon toast crunch, the delicious way to help them grow up strong. well, it's friday. who isn't lacking forward to the weekend, but with blackberries and cell phones and e-mail do you ever really unplug. gail is a psychologist and "today" contributor. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> even though it's the weekend a lot of us don't actually take the weekend off. looking down at things. >> none of us take the weekend off. in fact, amazed how many families are sitting together in a room looking at only the tops of each other's heads because we're all doing this the whole time. >> no conversation. >> no conversation, plugged into our own device, and we're losing out. >> you say play is essential to give our bodies a break so what do you suggest we did to make it more of a hand in. >> first of all, really limit screen time. >> yeah. >> that's not just phone time, that's all device time. limit to yourself how many hours a weekend are you going to give yourself? how many hours a week are you going to give your kid? don't bring your devices. if you're going out to do something together, with everybody, have to worry about them, use it, it will be very tempting, and you have to instigate play. we've lost out on play. it breeds imagination, flexibility, perseverance, so many interest rates that you want to have as an adult and you want your kids to have. plus, it bonds you together. people are lonely. >> right. >> because they are existing but not together. >> yeah. >> and play creates that intimate bond, and we've lost out on all things we used to do when we were young. >> right. >> like hopscotch and build a tent. go in the backyard, i don't know, figure it out. it's the figuring it out that actually lends to the imagination. >> all that good bonding time, but then also, as you said, the imagination, the creativity as adults, i think we are so mentally dry when it comes to -- >> next, next, next. >> we're just always looking at something. >> important to play. if it's a fun sport for you to do, something fun to see together, going to see a sport together, but also when you play with your kids, it's returning to lake adults really have fun playing charades, and they can have fun playing with their kids. >> haven't played charades. >> those old-fashioned games you used to play, the perfect ones for stimulating your mind and relaxing your body, and they bring great joy. >> right. >> if you do that with your kids, you'll laugh, and it really enhances your family bond. >> great advice, thank you so much. >> thank you. coming up next in the kitchen, putting the veggies front and center for dinner, but first this is "today" on nbc. have you heard of the new dialing procedure for the 408 and 669 area codes? no, what is it? starting october 20, 2012, if you have a 408 or 669 number, you'll need to dial 1 plus the area code plus the phone number for all calls. o.k., but what if i have an 408 number and i'm calling a 408 number? you'll still need to dial 1 plus the area code plus the phone number. so when in doubt, dial it out! good morning. in today's kitchen, what's on the menu. vegetables. our chef is here along with the vegetable farm manager, jack algiery. >> and very good friend. >> like to call him farmer jack. big bounty up there. is all this stuff -- >> right now just a little sample of what we have for the next month coming, too. >> you grew all that. >> beautiful, right. >> i can see why he's your friend. >> yeah, right. >> i'm only as good as he is. >> tell us about the icc also. >> we're partnering, jack and i are partnering with the icc, the international culinary center to produce a one of its kind program to train the next generation of chefs about this kind of relationship, this kind of friendship. >> the vegetable, the farmer. >> also raising meats on the farm, too. you'll get a little meat today, too, but vegetable is the focus. >> i've never seen carrot under a brick. >> we roast the carrots for half an hour starting out with jack's big beautiful carrots. >> gorgeous. >> took from the ground yesterday. we roast it, and then we're going to weight it under a brick for a few minutes and open it up, what have you got, a stake. >> that's crazy. >> carrot stick. you need to work with jack's carrots, because anything else falls apart. >> what are you dredging that in? >> just a little bit of flour. going to make a chicken cutlet, lack at this, and then a little bit of bread krumps, and then i would say fry it, but it's really like a very light saute, okay. >> are there other vegetables you can do that with. >> parsnips, want to grab one of these parsnips. anything from the farmer's market that has roots. we use parsley root, beets, bloody beet steak. >> i'll have mine rare. and how long do you cook it on each side? >> two, three minutes. >> but i have one i just did here. we'll run over here. i want you to take a taste of this. >> i do, i want to. >> all you talk about is bobby flay. but i want you to talk about me. >> you're feeling a little bitter today. what's going on here. >> this is -- this is apricot. we stewed some apricots and a little bit of water, vinegar, a touch of sugar, just a tiny bit and made kind of like a mustard, right, and then this is -- hello. just in time. good to see you. >> this looks great. >> this is lamb from the farm, made a little usa. >> love this. >> the meat is the accompaniment. >> i'm going to try that. >> that is great. >> that is fantastic. >> sorry, didn't mean to reach over. >> you come on in. this is a party. >> so good. >> good to taste it with the apricot, together. >> delicious. >> and in a way you kind of -- in a sense you disguise the vegetables for kids. >> well, okay. yeah. carrot cutlet. >> that is amazing. >> just a nice way to eat a good hearty meal without having too much meet. >> and farmer jack. >> thank you. >> a pleasure. >> thanks, guys. >> coming up next, kathie lee and hoda right after your good friday morning to you. 9:56. i'm laura garcia-cannon. a nasty accident leaves team oracle damaged catamaran out of commission until next year. the team has to wait three or for months to be built for the racer. the catamaran's wing was shredded this week in a training run. the wing sail will arrive earlier in the year which is supposed to be used for a second ac-72. it will be used to replace the damaged sail. let's che the forecast with meteorologist christina loren. thanks. we have the big ridge of high pressure finally drifting to the east. the jet stream takes a dip to the south. we have rain on the way early next week. wait until i show you the seven-day outlook. 76 in santa teresa. 71 degrees in san francisco. a very mild start. as we head through saturday and sunday, we shave off ten to 15 degrees from today's highs. monday and tuesday, the rain comes in. heavy at times on tuesday. a wet rainy week on wednesday. mike, let's check the drive. that was fancy music. that is not so fancy. at high street, we have a few clusters. the map shows you recovering north through the area. the southbound side is looking better. the peninsula side into palo alto is lighter, but still slow. especially north out of mountain view. and 85 into northbound 280, slow drive there. accident just reported there. 101 coming past the airport. laura. thank you, mike. thank you for joining us. for the latest traffic and news updates, check out nbc bay area on facebook. have a great weekend. from nbc news this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. yes, indeedy, you made it, everybody, to tri-day friday, october 19th. so glad you're with us today. >> yes, we've had a week of "scandalous" previews. the reviews are in from our viewers. people keep writing into our facebook. nina writes this, "kathie lee, we loved "scandalous" on friday night, can't wait to see it again. the humor, the hunk." >> pretty much naked the entire second act, nobody seems to mind. >> they were very sweet. >> so sweet. you know what blows my mind, hoda, every single night, lovely foursome yesterday said we drove in from ohio. it just means the world. >> wow, wow. >> i was having -- i was at gallagher's right beforehand and they were at another table. the guys, of course, were saying -- frank, where's frank? you want to talk to him? poor frank, he was on the phone 20 minutes with these guys talking about ohio state football. it's making people happy. >> it's really great. and we're starting our wednesday lunches next coming week. we look forward to meeting you. >> i'm going to try to talk frank on doing it saturdays with me. i don't see him otherwise. bring your husband on a saturday matinee. trying to work that out. >> meet the gifford. okay. so here's our headline. suri meets siri. we'll explain. suri is on the horn, as she's known to be. she's talking on the phone. sometimes you see her in high heels, sometimes with a fancy bag. now she's got her cell phone. anyway, there is a question about whether or not kids suri's age, how old is she, six? >> i think she's six. >> whether or not kids like that should have cell phones. she's next to her mom, so clearly she's not, you know -- >> maybe she has a special phone to call her daddy. that could be that. i think phones, first of all, we don't know enough about them, i'm sorry, with the brain yet for developing brains. mine's -- forget it, no hope for my brain, but little kids who are developing, i'd like a little more research before i'd give a small child a cell phone. but in today's world, you want every tool you can have to keep your children safe. so i think i -- >> go for the phone? >> once your child is leaving the safety of home in one way or another, i would give them a cell phone. i would put real reservations on it. >> i think there's got to be a way you can just dial certain numbers. can't have all the access to the internet and everything else. >> for emergencies. no downloading of porn unless you're at least 10. what a world. never have to worry about that when i was growing up. let's talk about parenting. this is so funny, you guys. you're going to like this. this is called "prep for becoming a parent" in the daily mail. things you should think about before you become a parent. >> these are the steps, whether you're a parent or not. step one, preparation. ladies, to prepare for pregnancy, stick a big bean bag in front of your moo-moo. >> that's what it's going to be like. men, go to a local chemist, tip your contents on the counter and tell the pharmacist to help himself. read the newspaper for the last time. >> find a couple with children and suggest ways to improve their sleeping habits, toilet manners, overall behavior. enjoy it. last time in your life you have all the answers. >> number three, walk around the living room for hours at a time carrying an eight-pound wet bag. sleep an hour and repeat for five years. >> forget the bmw, buy a practical five-door wagon. buy a chocolate ice cream cone, put it in the glove compartment, leave it there. insert a coin into the cd player, take a box of cookies and smash them on the seat. >> if you pick it up, more tomorrow. >> step five? >> conversations with children. repeat everything you say at least five times. start talking to an adult of your choice. have someone else continually tug on your shirt, hem, or shirt sleeve while playing a recording of "mommy, mommy, mommy." you get the joke. >> here's step six, the last one. put on your outfit for work, mix a cup of cream and lemon juice, do not change, you don't have time, go directly to work. >> that's preparation for parents. >> i like that. i'm into that. >> make sure you find a really great nanny and enjoy your life. this is interesting, if you wonder what kind of a style you have, home decor, clothes, all that stuff, there is an app that helps you find out what your style s. >> it's from home goods. >> here's the deal, if you look closely, there are 36 photos, some of them show beads, lips, glass of wine -- whatever. >> i didn't see a glass of wine. >> i know, i would have picked it too. you pick on five of those things and they do some kind of crazy thing and spit out what your decor personality is. >> which ones did you pick? >> mine, i picked the flower floating, the buddha, i don't know if you see it there -- is this mine? anyway, i picked some other ones. bottom line is, when it was all over, mine is fall life. look at mine. look at me. breathes calm into the whole world. that's what i do. >> and to those who inhabit it. since when? >> i understand how to create inner peace in my own home and my home feels like a calming spa. >> have you ever been to your home? >> namaste, baby. >> i like mine. in other words, hoda was faking the test. >> i like the beach. i have a framed buddha, it's a framed picture. i like white flowers and my apartment is all white. >> so is mine. they are quite different. >> let's go to your chart. here's what you picked. things we can't see. you picked the beach and bright colors. >> pianese, they are my favorite flowers. layer upon layer of beauty. so i am boho with a touch of country. can't get enough of foraging for a good deal. that's not true, and matching silk and knit textures and vibrant colors. >> go to >> i said esccpp, yes, i did. >> you know what, websites are hard. here's the thing, we say them, people don't remember them. we say them, they go what did she say? >> you have to go on our website to get it. i can tell you to go do it. all right, here's the thing, if you got to get here by land or by sea, here's the thing for you. >> let's pretend you commute and have to go over bridges and who wants to waste that kind of time driving. instead of going over the bridge and having to pay the toll, why not get one of these? it's a car/boat. >> it's called a quad-ski. >> apparently, you drive into the hudson and drive across it. then you get out and it turns back into a car and it can go 45 miles an hour. >> up to 45 miles an hour on water as well. >> it's pricey. >> $40,000. >> who's going to buy it, come on. >> i'm going to save my pennies. when i drive in in the morning, i can see new york city from the backyard. if i could get on my dock, get on a quad-ski. but that's why god made laura and mary, drive me off, donna. >> i like the name. >> quad-ski. are you ready for friday's funny? come on, stop it. [ laughter ] >> what is it? >> he was urged by his wife to send us this one. a man and his wife were awakened by a loud pounding on the door, the man goes to a door where a drunken stranger standing in the pouring rain is asking for a push. not a chance, says the husband, it's 3:00 in the morning. slams the door and returns to bed. who was that, asks his wife, just some drunk guy asking for a push. did you help him, she asked? no, i did not, it's 3:00 in the morning and bloody pouring out there. you have a short memory, says his wife. don't you remember three movants ago when we broke down and someone helped us? you should be ashamed of yourself. god loves drunk people too, you know. the man got dressed, called into the dark, are you still there? yes, comes the answer. do you still need a push? calls out the husband? yes, please, comes the reply from the dark. where are you, asks the husband? over here on the swing. you know, it's really hard to find jokes that aren't dirty that are funny, but i want to thank them for sending it in. let's bring on our good friend ms. bobbie thomas. >> getting thinner by the minute. >> it's a good outfit. >> by the way, going to be a bridesmaid. >> tonight, tonight. i'm so excited. megan coff is getting married to brent, who's a wonderful man. >> we're all going to be there wishing her well. >> really excited about the latest and greatest in hair care you can think of like makeup and laura, our hair maven said she wants everything on the table. okay, first up, primer. think of makeup primer for your face, this is a company jennifer aniston just invested in. you put it in your hair when it's wet, whether you want a curly style or straight style, it keeps the style ten times long. it's amazing, works really, really well. next, this is like powder for your hair, just like makeup powder on, it's so hot right now. >> what do you do with it? >> what's the reason? >> you pump -- >> come on. >> the powder will help blend in at the root exactly -- >> this is laura we always talk about. >> what do you do with the powder? >> brush the powder in and it gives you amazing volume all of a sudden without hairspray. >> you have the world's greatest hair. >> on the go, you can give you that fluff. but this is one of my personal favorites, dry textcurizing spray. >> hoda hair? >> last but not least, this is foaming gloss from rita hazan. this is like lip gloss for your locks. you put it on in the shower between shampoo and conditioner and it helps you extend color between coloring. it's amazing. >> bobbie, you're great. >> the best. >> thank you. all right, we have got to talk about this bracelet. it is a beautiful bracelet. it is for breast cancer, it's 25% of the proceeds goes to the breast cancer. $75. >> put that on, hoda woman. this is an unbelievable woman, helen hunt and john hawks literally bare their souls and a lot more. >> what's really going on. the critically acclaimed drama called "the sessions." right after this. unwrap your paradise. soft, sweet coconut covered in rich, creamy chocolate. almond joy and mounds. unwrap paradise. yep...doh. [ boy ] slurpably fun and a good source of calcium. dads who get it, get go-gurt. [ female announcer ] gross? i'll tell you what's really gross. used dishcloths. they can have a history that they drag around with them. for a cleaner way to clean try bounty extra soft. in this lab demo, one sheet of bounty extra soft leaves this surface 3 times cleaner than a dishcloth. it's super durable too. it's the cleaner way to clean. bring it with bounty extra soft, the cloth-like picker-upper. and try bounty napkins. the new drama "the sessions" is already garnering oscar buzz. >> a writer crippled by polio hires a sex surrogate to take his virginity. take a look. >> how do you feel right now? i meant your breathing. >> fine, in fact, better than usual. >> that's great. shall we get undressed? >> sure. >> and there we have the beginning. hi. i first heard about the premise of this, i just thought, oh, wow, tough. i honestly didn't want to watch, because it was like -- painful. and it is, it's painful in such a human way, though. we grow to love the character that you play so much. and to see this need in him just to be a full human being. and it takes judgment away from it at that point, you know in. >> it does. it sounds like a downer, but it's an entertaining movie, it's funny. >> tons of humor. when you saw the script, you first saw it -- >> before you ask me about being naked, i'm going to drink. >> was that one of the things that made you say, yeah, i'll do it, but no, i won't? >> sorry, i'd like to answer, but i'm drinking. it was a beautiful script. like john says, it's not just funny, you can't hear the next line because people are laughing so hard funny, we couldn't believe it. >> let's say, you look great. >> you look hot. >> why do i drink through every interview we've done so far? >> i have to say, when a beautiful woman undresses, as an actor, you're playing tennis, banging the ball back and forth, but to lie there and not be able to help when helen hunt came up, that was the acting challenge of the picture. >> it was heartbreaking, wasn't it, hoda? >> it was. we were watching your character, you believe every single thing you're saying or doing, how did you learn the right way to play this character? >> who's not crippled, by the way. >> he's a polio survivor, so he's not exactly paralyzed, he just can't really move. he's got sensation, but his muscles have atrophatrophied. he can't move. mark wrote on autobiography, and a short film called "breathing lessons" from the 1990s showed me mark's body, voice, attitude. >> you got the voice perfectly. >> thank you so much. i learned to type with a mouth stick, turn pages of a book, make telephone calls. >> the other part that's so fascinating is the spiritual journey your character is on as well, because you're a roman catholic, william h. macy, one of the greatest actors, plays your friend, but also plays a priest as well. you go to him for counseling. tell us what that is about. you go to the priest to say is this okay to do. >> well, mark, in real life, who wanted his journey blessed, bill macy is a very understanding guy, it's berkeley, the late 1980s, different kind of priest somewhat. gives mark a lot of advice as a friend. i think mark found it very helpful. >> your character, it's interesting, while you're doing what your job is, which is to help this wonderful guy, you're married at home and have a whole different dynamic with your husband. talk about that. >> yeah, i describe in the movie what the real cheryl cone described to me, which is the difference between a prostitute and a sex surrogate. she goes out of her way to say i have nothing against a prostitute, but it's different. a prostitute wants your return business, and she doesn't. she wants to help you realize your potential and go out into the world. and she said that mark told her that, to him, it was like he was standing behind a plate of glass and the rest of the world was enjoying this feast that he would never taste. so before he died, he wanted to be part of that. >> pressed against the window, yeah. >> it's a beautiful movie. >> it's pretty extraordinary. "the sessions" opens in new york and los angeles today. >> we're excited to have you two. >> the oscar buzz -- >> isn't that fun? >> you've won one, you've been nominated. good luck to you. >> all right, thanks for being with us. >> thank you. coming up next, sara haines is going across the street. >> to do the side step and get the questions we want to answer. we sidestep them all the time, we never tell the truth. hoda does. >> stop talking. please, stop talking. okies. cookies are ready! can i have a cookie please? say thank you! ♪ you are exactly ♪ ♪ one of a kind ♪ ethan you're cooking away! ( dad ) thanks, ethan! who wants a pizza? i'm gonna cut the pizza. careful it's hot! what flavor is that ? lemon green! good job, ethan! ♪ clean up time clean up time ♪ ♪ clear the table make it shine! ♪ i'd like to thank eating right, whole grain, multigrain cheerios! mom, are those my jeans? [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios ♪ wow... [ female announcer ] sometimes, all you need is the smooth, creamy taste of werther's original caramel to remind you that you're someone very special. ♪ now discover new caramel apple filled werther's original. ♪ in everything you do [ female announcer ] add your own ingredients to hamburger helper for a fresh take on a quick, delicious meal. it's one box with hundreds of possibilities. that makes tv even better. if your tv were a space captain, zeebox would be an alien, first officer. together they'd become the best star team in the fleet. space. space. [ male announcer ] download zeebox free, and let your tv go where it's never gone before. it is time for 3, 2, 1 live with sara haines. >> they are party animals, sara. what questions are they going to ask us today? >> i am with diane from pennsylvania, who enjoys dancing in her free time. diane, what's your question for the ladies? >> i want to know if they walk around in six-inch high heels. >> diane, diane, diane. >> not exactly six. >> let me see what mine is. >> the minute the show is over, diane, i take these babies off, i'm in my boots and off to "scandalous." i wear flats the rest of the whole day. >> i leave mine on. i've gotten used to them. i don't know why it is. sometimes i get the nike air, you know what i mean, so they are a little bit comfy. >> she goes bowling in these babies. >> i don't even bowl, diane. don't listen to her. >> got a ball in her purse. >> goes bowling in those high heels. >> next up, okay, i guess i'm getting cut off. >> sara, quick one. >> dance, dance, dance. dance it out. when in doubt, dance. we're going to talk about things that make you go boo, make your halloween party a real scream. >> did somebody really write? >>. and spooky travel destinations for you and your family. and ghoul to cool. how about this, frankie valli is in the house from jersey boys. love him. ♪ i woke up to a feeling ♪ every little thing has meaning ♪ ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] we've added a touch of philadelphia cream cheese to our kraft natural cheese to make it creamier so whatever you make isn't just good, it's amazing. ♪ amazing with the love that i found ♪ ♪ i just finished a bowl of your new light chicken pot pie soup and it's so rich and creamy... is it really 100 calories? let me put you on webcan... ...lean roasted chicken... and a creamy broth mmm i can still see you. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. the time now is 10:26. good morning. i'm jon kelley. get ready. people in santa clara county, get ready. you have to dial 1 plus the area code and the number if you are calling another 408 especially. starting november 20th, a 608 area code will be introduced. customers adding a new line or changing service will be assigned that new code. this change is coming because the county simply ran out of 408 numbers. we will have a look at weather and traffic coming up right after this break. welcome back. this is our last sunny day before showers start to move into the greater bay area. 80 degrees in livermore. 79 in fairfield. 76 in concord. we may see a bit of spotty activity. look at more sunday into monday. look at the forecast on monday morning. count on a slick ride to work come monday. we'll have the seven-day forecast and time out the futurecast for showers and thunderstorms as we get into the 11:00 show. let's talk to mike about the drive. 280 is looking better. it is slow on the 880 interchange. the maps show you slowing through that area. a live look at the san mateo bridge showing a light volume. the haze there and crews starting to move around on the bridge readying for the closure at 10:00. thank you, mike. coming up at 11:00, do or die for the giants. we will have a live report from st. louis as well as reaction from fans right here at home. we have that coming up at 11:00. hope to see you then. i'm flying solo. see ya'. we're back with happy halloween today. and some party tips that will scare your guests with style. >> that's right, go beyond the traditional orange and black and throw a kooky holiday batch. >> nice to see you. >> we're taking it up a notch from the traditional stuff, right? >> this isn't a kids party, this is a halloween party for a stylish grownup. start with a dark table cloth, some orange place settings. these are really fun, fangs. >> what's more fun than fangs? >> that's a great one. >> for the center of the table, find really great orange and black halloween-themed candles. these great candleabra. >> looks expensive. >> totally not expensive. black papers would look nice. >> put a little skull, nothing more appetizing than that. >> all right, allison, what's next? >> we want it to be fun and kind of creepy. these are our specimen jars, which are just water, food coloring, a little milk to make them murky and throw the glow sticks in the bottom. >> what's this one right here? >> fennel, cabbage for brains. these are eyeballs. tell you how we made them in a minute. great centerpieces, white vases you have at home, orange flowers, any ribbon that matches. >> these are beautiful. >> these are even for your, you know, diy challenge. all it is is you're going to grab a paint brush, paint some white glue on, and sprinkle with glitter. we chose some sophisticated glitter colors. it makes such a style statement. they could be on your mantle, table. you could go ahead and throw some glitter on. >> i love to do this kind of stuff. >> get some glitter. >> i am getting the glitter, hoda, woman. >> choose a halloween theme like ghoul. >> nice. >> i'm sorry, i'm loving this. >> she's going to be here all day. >> i am. >> next part of the party -- >> go, you can't keep playing. >> really fun part, of course, your drinks. you can make these great drink stickers that warn your guests at the very beginning, drink if you dare. orange-flavored vodka, go ahead and make your drinks. >> it is orange-flavored vodka. >> please, start mixing your drinks. >> orange-flavored vodka, hoda. want some cubes? >> what are these cubes? >> ice cubes with black food coloring. these are great, your garnish are eyeballs. these are canned, strawberry preserves with a blueberry. >> that's clever. really clever. >> they are edible. >> excellente. >> you can also have these on >> okay, what's next? >> these are great other drinks for the rest of your guests. this is really fun, if you look inside, it's a head and green hands inside your punch. the green hand is simply filling colored water and freezing it inside of a surgical glove. and the head is a mask. you can duct tape the eyes and freeze them and put them inside. >> seems like an awful lot of trouble for people that are going to be drunk. >> spiced or virgin. >> look at these! >> these are spiked apple cider. >> it's an apple. >> can you see in. >> carve them out like a jack-o-lantern. >> i'm going to go back and finish. >> stay here. >> also want to feed your guests, so we came up with fun halloween themes. these are cookies. >> hoda, take a cookie. >> i was trying not to do sweets. >> they are butter cookies. these are a rack of ribs. >> what happened? >> in the middle is an apple and a knife, so it looks really scary. you can cut it up. >> that's awesome. >> what is this? >> yummy mummies, piece of sausage, meatball on top wrapped with fettuchini. great work. >> how's your finger? >> not great. >> thank you. >> back to the drinks. essential oils that are actually good to put on your face right after this. >> i think i'll put the mummy back. i want to finish my pumpkin. think twice. with occasional irregularity, things your body doesn't use could be lingering in your system. but activia has been shown in clinical studies to help with slow intestinal transit when consumed 3 times per day. 7 out of 10 doctors recommend activia. and the great taste is recommended by me! ♪ activia and try new activia light. 60 calories and the only leading light yogurt with no added sugar. who emailed it to emily, who sent it to cindy, who wondered why her soup wasn't quite the same. the recipe's not the recipe... ohhh. 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[ both laugh ] super-weird! oh, is it febreze? yeah. ohh, how about that? febreze has anti-clogging technology that keeps it smelling fresh, even after 30 days. febreze. breathe happy. ♪ ooh, yeah, ooh-ooh, yeah ♪ ooh, yeah, ooh-ooh, yeah ♪ i love ya ♪ ooh, yeah, ooh-ooh, yeah [ female announcer ] introducing new special k popcorn chips. with 28 buttery chips for 120 calories, you can bring the flavor of the movies home and still stay on track. freedom to enjoy. what will you gain when you lose? find them in the cracker aisle. time for today's beauty. probably thought the last thing to do is put oil on your face, but that is no longer the case. >> add a healthy glow to your skin and shine to your hair. lilliana vasquez. >> she does that when you're here. >> i like her. >> she's adorable. >> you don't think of putting oils on your face. >> that's what we've been told and programmed to believe, but those oils are synthetic oils. the oils you do want to put on your face are natural, essential oils. that's because they are anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and nourishing for the skin. >> take us down the table, girl. >> we're going to start with peppermint oil. peppermint oil revitalizes and smells nicely too. this is from erno laszio. it's great for preventing acne. >> i like the name, it's been around forever. >> forever. once a week. >> all the great movie stars. >> i want to smell the peppermint, that's lovely. >> it really revitalizes the skin. this is from carol's daughter. people don't conditioning their scalp, just about conditioning their hair. peppermint oil is great for conditioning your scalp as well. >> all kinds of hair types? >> all kinds of hair types, but vary how much you use it, depending how dry. next we're talking about almond oil. almond oil helps with anti-aging benefits. june jacobs makes a fantastic mois ch-- mois chewizer. you don't want anything too strong on your face. >> especially if you wear a perfume or something. >> exactly. my favorite body butter for the winter, it really gets in there deep, nourishes your skin head to toe. then i call this liquid gold. >> i got it on my nose. >> this is a hair oil. what's great about this, you can use it as a hot oil treatment, put a few drops in your regular conditioner or you can use it at the end to kind of condition your ends throughout the day. >> okay. >> okay, next oil is tea tree oil. >> really healing. >> really healing, antibacteria, this here is just their face wash, i love this, super gentle, very effective. ajava also makes a hand cream, fantastic as well. if you want a great shampoo for healthy, shiny, thick hair, jason makes this one. again, if you nourish your scalp, you're nourishing your hair. literally, the root of great hair. >> cute. >> right? i worked on that one. it's on my notes. i remember talking about argon oil, the most popular one. this is an oil you can use for your face, your body, or your hair. it's all in one, if you're wondering which one to buy, this one from lierac is fantastic. >> is it expensive? >> this one is a little pricey, because it's a pure oil form. this is an entire line with argan oil. you don't think about adding it to your sunscreen. it repairs damage while protecting your skin. then loreal makes a great budget-friendly buy. >> clever the way they package it. >> works just as well. great for after the shower, in the shower. i love moroccan oil. last but not least, eucalyptus. i'm not going to spray it on you. has aroma therapy qualities and great if your skin tends to get red, especially in the winter. >> like a rosacea. >> and one for the guys, didn't forget about the guys. this is what men love. this is a great product here, it's a bath wash and hair wash. after the gym, guys tend to be sweaty, dirty, antibacterial, use it. >> look how smart she is. >> thank you. buckle up, we're in for a scary ride. >> trips for halloween next. that was me... the day i learned i had to start insulin for my type 2 diabetes. me... thinking my only option was the vial and syringe dad used. and me... discovering once-daily levemir® flexpen. flexpen® is prefilled. doesn't need refrigeration for up to 42 days. no drawing from a vial. dial the exact dose. inject by pushing a button. flexpen® is insulin delivery... my way. levemir® (insulin detemir [rdna origin] injection) is a long-acting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes and is not recommended to treat diabetic ketoacidosis. do not use levemir® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause symptoms such as sweating, shakiness, confusion, and headache. severe low blood sugar can be serious and life threatening. ask your healthcare provider about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. other possible side effects include injection site reactions. tell your healthcare provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions, such as body rash, trouble with breathing, fast heartbeat, or sweating. with flexpen®... say good night to vial and syringe. ask your doctor about levemir® flexpen. covered by 90% of insurance plans, including medicare. find your co-pay at -oh, that's just my buds. -bacon. -my taste buds. -[ taste buds ] donuts. how about we try this new kind of fiber one cereal? you think you're going to slip some fiber by us? okay. ♪ fiber one is gonna make you smile. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing new fiber one nutty clusters and almonds. who are these guys? oh, that's just my buds. bacon, donuts. -my taste buds. -[ taste buds ] waffles. how about we try this new kind of fiber one cereal? you think you're going to slip some fiber by us? rookie. okay. ♪ nutty clusters and almonds, ♪ ♪ almonds. ♪ fiber one is gonna make you smile. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing new fiber one nutty clusters and almonds. with 43% daily value of fiber for you. crunchy nutty clusters and real almond slices for your taste buds. it's time for today's travel halloween edition. spooky travel destinations, whether you're looking to be scared senseless or want a family-friendly fall getaway. >> digital projects editor, sara spagnolo is here with lots of great places to take your trick or treating on the road. >> hey. >> take us to colorado first. >> one of my favorite places on the planet. >> the stanley is a hotel in estes park, which is a bit out of the way, outside of denver. a lot of people come. it's the hotel that inspired "the shining." >> creepy. >> a lot of ghosts here, particularly in room 217, which is haunted by ms. elizabeth wilson. go there and experience all sorts of paranormal activities. >> was she murdered? >> she was the maid, packs and unpacks your bag. any event, said to be a lot of paranormal activity. they throw a huge halloween bash. if you're interested, book now. rates start at $169. >> what's the closest airport? >> denver. >> universal studios in florida. >> holidays is where they really shine. halloween is no different. they do it up right, and the lowe's royal pacific resort -- >> stop, finally. first mistake she has made in four and a half years. >> we're so glad. >> oh, oh, thank the lord. all right. >> thank you. >> let's try again. we give redemption around here. >> the resort puts together this huge package, so you can explore the amusement park, do the activities, then retreat to the hotel, 300-thread count sheets, gas fireplaces throughout. $200 per person per night, 90 degrees in october. if you're looking for a getaway, perfect weather. >> hollywood knows how to do it. >> this is a 95-room, recently renovated hotel right on 3rd, close to the beverly center, some of my favorite boutiques in l.a. it's a boo-tique hotel, you can go to a great party in west hollywood, have access to bloody brunch, great bloody mary, short ribs and hash. $289 a night. >> delicious. >> some people just want to look at the foliage and things. >> exactly, perfect spot in new jersey, cape may. perfect in the fall when you have incredible fall foliage. the virginia hotel puts together a great halloween package, so you can take a trolley through the town that's said to be haunted by a 5-year-old ghost named sarah. this is the most affordable hotel i'm talking about today, rates start at $140. they throw in the trolley tour, great halloween escape. >> awesome. >> the thing is, sara, never see her with a note in her hand. >> in her brain. so darn cute. >> i like her now. the woman has proven, finally, she's human. >> i'm glad. >> thank you, honey. celebrating 50 years of great music. >> our friend frankie valli is on broadway. yes, we have an announcement. first, this is "today" on nbc. hearing the first hit song. back in 1962. over 50 years ago. >> to help commemorate that anniversary, frankie valli is headed to broadway for a limited concert engagement singing anything from big girls don't cry to oh, what a night. >> happy to be here with you guys. >> we love you. i actually saw you perform recently for a benefit. and you were as enjoying it as much that night as 50 years ago. >> well, you know, sometimes i think about people and the occupations that they have, and what could be better than to be doing something that you absolutely love? >> nothing. >> for most of your life. >> stop, though, they don't. they say i'm going to enjoy the good life now. you're not doing that. >> this is the good life. >> amen. >> you know what's great? the fact that jersey boys, by the way, a show that most people have come to new york have seen, gave a second look at you, a generation probably wasn't as familiar, watch this and fell in love. did you ever think it would have these kind of legs? >> never. from the beginning when we started out and it was just a workshop, i thought it had something, and i was just happy to be able to get it to land on broadway. >> huge accomplishment. >> but to go as far as it has, i mean, there are six companies. >> all over the world. and i walk into our little "scandalous" every day, and there you are right across the street from us, and i go, please, god. >> tell us about what your show is going to be like. >> jersey boys is awesome, still. >> our show is going to be strictly music. we're going to be doing a lot of the songs that we had success with and people are coming out to hear and see, you know, so that's what we'll be doing. >> frankie, you're known for the falsetto, the amazing voice of yours, you still got it, unless you're faking it. are you still hitting those notes? >> just have so eat a lot of birdseed? >> birdseed? is that the magic? >> it's so cute to watch him up there. of course, you got new guys with you. >> yes. >> but the sound is the same. >> wow. and what do you notice, in terms of the audiences, the people now coming to see you, because you have a certain crowd. we have a security guard -- john. >> grab him. grab him. grab that security guard, come here, john. you know him every time you come here. he lives for the times that frankie valli comes -- >> hi, everybody. >> this is our big john, everybody. >> come here. >> sit right here. >> we love john. >> he's not mic'd. speak into my chest. tell me what you love so much about frankie valli and the four seasons. come on, tell the man why you love him so much. >> i can't see -- no. [ laughter ] i'll try to get them out of the way. go ahead, tell them. >> all the good memories from jersey and all over where i've seen them. many, many places. okay. >> had to do it. had to do it. you bring back a million memories for people. >> i got to go. >> bye, john. >> you're also making new memories. >> just having fun. basically, that's what entertaining is all about. >> sure is. >> we're out there entertaining. there's nothing slick about anything that we're doing. we are just having a great time. >> that magical three-letter word called fun. by the way, going to be made into a film now, right? >> right. >> jersey boys is going to be a movie, it should be. >> it's going to be a warner bros. distributing it. john fabro is directing it. >> good, he knows what he's doing. >> graham king productions. >> excellent! >> see frankie valli at the broadway theater starting tonight through october the 27th. >> guess who's coming to see us monday, live performance by barry manilow has an announcement. you think you're the only one? >> we have a lot coming up on monday. have a great weekend, everybody. >> awesome

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