and you a those itty-bitty waist lines? >> then again, they did have those big skirts. that's an optical illusion. >> audrey hepburn was just tiny everywhere. like cassidy. >> they say in the 50s, average middle-aged woman -- that would have been my mom -- had a 28-inch waist. now, today, in case you're counting, the average measurement is 34 inches. >> one inch per ten years. every decade, one inch. there's a couple of reasons for that. one, women no longer do as much physical housework. that may come as a surprise to all of you who are vacuuming now. but you had to put some umph into things in the past. >> all of the appliances are kind of do-it-yourself. you have to do less. a lot of women are working at desks, sedentary during most of the day. we park closer to the mall. no one wants to park in the back and walk. >> what are you saying? we're just lazy. >> portion sizes back then were much smaller than they are now. >> and there wasn't as much processed stuff. >> and there weren't fast foods. >> i miss the good old days. there weren't fast food places. people went to their local market, got what they were going to eat that day. it was fresh, it was much better for you. >> they say housewives used to burn 1,000 calories a day doing housework because you really had to put some -- that's a lot. >> we have the solution for you, though. >> the girdle is back! >> it never left. my mother never gave away her girdle. she's probably sitting there going, that's right, and i'm wearing it now. >> there was an article in the "new york times" that talked about the revival of the girdle. here's something weird. recently there's been what -- it's been like a medical corset. i guess overseas when women are getting liposuction surgery -- >> especially down in colombia -- >> this is the garment that they are to put on after it. you put this -- you put it on so that it keeps your stitches healed and you are supposed to leave it on. after the healing process was long over, the women liked it because it kind of held everything in. >> it's like spanx on steroids. >> it's reilly -- >> yeah. >> but remember, they had core corsets back in the day. we have spanks now. >> i always wonder about the surprise factor of a girdle or spanx or anything else. eventually that baby's going to come off and somebody's going to get the surprise of his life. >> wow! >> think it through, people. if you want to see what it was like back in the day when the corset was really tight, judy garland, right? "meet me in st. louis"? >> oh! >> now that was all right. isn't it wonderful, your figure? >> i feel like the ossified woman in the slide slow. >> you look grand, simply elegant. >> i feel elegant, but i can't breathe. >> tie me, mammy. >> 20 inches. >> 20 inches. i've grown as big as a piggy. you've simply got to make it 18 1/2 again. >> you done had a baby, miss scarlet. you ain't never going to be 18 inches again, never. and ain't nothing you can do about it. >> we all need someone to tell it like it is. give it up. >> not going to happen. i find it unbelievable when you watch those. i know we squeeze into spanx and mine are usually showing. >> you usually wear two pairs. >> but for some reason that strikes me odd watching that. >> think about the corset that they used to wear. that says something and i can't see it. i'm sorry. come over here. >> "gone with the wind." >> come over here. you really should meet joey. >> where are you going? >> joanne is our current -- >> senior producer. >> can you read this? >> say gone with the wind. >> i just saved us a lot of money. do i get a raise? >> we love you, jo ann. who's more precious than you? nobody. love her. so we are increasingly unhealthy. >> beside very fat basically. >> all of us are doing the wrong things. 25% of us. only 25% eat three to five servings of veggies a day. i eat fruit. >> three to five servings of fruit a day. >> yeah. i do that. that's the only thing i do right. >> how do you have time to come to the show between eating all that and having to go to the bathroom, it's amazing that you can find an hour of your day to sit here with me. >> what are you talking about? 10% of the people drink the recommended eight glasses of water per day. >> eight glasses of something but not usually water. >> if you had a choice between $5,000 and losing ten pounds, if someone says i'll give you five grand or we'll make you ten pounds slimmer. which would you take? >> 4 out of 5 americans said they would prefer the cash. cash. >> you know why? because you don't have the cash and you think you can lose the ten pounds tomorrow on your own. you kind of think you can do it. >> but you'll get the cash and go off to mcdonald's. buy a big-screen tv and sit in front of it. >> i think it is time you made us all laugh. >> it's friday funny time. it's really bad when you get your biggest laugh before you tell the joke. there's something wrong with that. this was sent to us on facebook. i'm a little concerned, i think i've told this joke before. let us know. she titles the joke a secret to a long and happy marriage. okay? an old woman was sipping on a glass of wine while sitting on the patio with her husband. and she says, i love you so much, i don't know how i could ever live without you. her husband asks, is that you or the wine talking? she replied, it's me talking to the wine. [ drum roll ] >> yes, did you tell that one before. >> i think i did. >> but it is still good. if you're wondering why jokes fall flat -- women's jokes fall flat, they had another one of these reports. it was among working women i guess. they were telling jokes in the office. >> this is judith baxter, a linguistics expert says this. >> they say the reason women's jokes fall flat is because we often use self-deprecating humor. people feel sorry for you or awkward. men usually poke fun at others and they get big boisterous laughs or they tell a gross joke which always gets a big laugh. anyway. in case you were wondering. >> the show we saw on wednesday, this man tells a joke so offensive and he thinks it's hysterical and the women just want to die. you know what else it's time for? "bobbie's buzz"! >> hey, girl. >> the disappearing bobbie thomas. >> i hope. i don't even know. i feel like it's the same. it is officially sandal season and i have found some really great things to help you save on some pedicures. for the best buffers out there, this is a flip-flop spa kit. these are exfoliating flip-flops. you can wear them around. you can replace the pads which is great. it comes with nourishing oil so it is a really great way to keep your feet soft. for those looking for a really great buffer, if you go to, a lot of people love that for their feet. >> then i have something on my toes that i want to show you. this is a toe cover by hue. you should know about this if you have to wear heels or ballet flats a lot. you slip this on like this invisible sock that has a pad underneath to give you a little bit of comfort and there is a cool wicking one to help you absorb -- and last, but not least -- this is really cool. polished steel. under a 60 watt light bulb at home you can harden your nail color and it will last like a gel for about two weeks. >> what? that's an excellent thing! >> you know what? i'm going to give it all away on >> you are going to give it all away? >> that means i have to give that back. >> happy summer. >> we love you, bob. all right, sara haines, you got some hot dads for us? >> go online and vote for the one you think should win. voting has begun. in the newbie dad category, these dads all have babies under 1-year-old. brandon glenn from concord, north carolina. david noonan from arlington, virginia. number three, andy title from springfield, virginia. and david george from dayton, ohio. >> the smoldering type. >> and, but not least, chad caine from port st. lucie, florida. >> why do i love the name chad? >> i do, too. >> go to to vote. 11:59 p.m. is the deadline. coming up next, what is your man really thinking? >> nacho man will give you the answers straight from the horse's mouth. that's hysterical. we got a problem here in the studio because top-ranked polo player nacho is in the neighborhood today, because tomorrow he's going to be co-hosting the polo classic in our neighboring state of new jersey. but -- >> since he was in town we thought we'll talk to nacho about that and have him answer some of your burning questions about men getting the other view from the married heartthrob and father of three. >> yeah. then he met bobbie who he called boobie. so we don't know what's going to happen. we're happy you're here. big event coming up tomorrow? >> big event coming up tomorrow. the polo classic, very excited about it. >> we can hardly understand what you're saying but we love to hear you talk. keep talking. >> just like you. you talk one on top of the other. >> back off. >> i watch your show sometimes and it's like, who's talking? don't blame it on me. >> you need a translator. >> english is my second language. it is your first. >> he's going to be great at this! >> i kind of like him now. >> i do, too. >> i would really love to know why it is so hard for men to be more sensitive especially when they're around friends and family. >> i don't know. i'm very sensitive, aren't i? >> not today, you're not. no, you are. yeah. >> but some of your buddies, when you see them they act differently around their wives and girlfriends. >> sure. you know, that's what happens, right? you act one way when you are with your friend and your family and a different way when you are with yourself or yourself. >> but the woman doesn't like it. >> you think? i don't know. you think a woman really likes to be like with her constant husband to be like -- >> no. the woman's the one with the problem is what you're basically saying. >> no, i'm not saying that. i'm just saying that different situations call for different actions. >> the next question is from pearl -- why is it so hard for men to say "i'm sorry." >> i agree with the situation but i discovered myself, it's so much easier and better to say "i'm sorry" right at the beginning. right? >> save yourself a lot of grief. get it over with. >> get it over with. i'm really sorry, it is never going to happen again, then the rest of the day is yours. right? >> he's got it all figured out. what's next, sara? >> it took me a while to figure it out but i learned it. >> how long have you been married? >> like 13 years. >> she's a beautiful girl. >> the next question is from susan. why is texting and e-mailing replacing picking up the cell phone and calling to have a real conversation? >> a lot of people don't talk anymore. >> yeah. well i like to talk with my wife. we talk a lot. we spend a lot of time together because i travel a lot playing polo and we're always together and with the children. so i'm one of those guys that it's very lucky to be home a lot so i talk a lot. but yeah, i agree. >> but when you're on if -- the road do you talk on the phone, text or -- >> no. normally she's with me. >> she brings all your children, too. >> yeah. we're here just for a week so the children are back home at school but otherwise we travel together. so we are together a lot. but i agree, yes, the whole texting thing -- it's like short like questions and answers. it's tough. >> an ipad can't give you a hug. tom brokaw said that. >> it's very true. >> i think there's an app for that. why is my husband chatty and full of life at work and comes home and i barely get any conversation? we can go days with just a hello or yes or no questions. >> i don't know. put him on the phone. what's his name? we should ask him. right? but i get the point of the question. >> some guys give their best to other people. >> i've been guilty of it at times. >> like when you go back home or is it just at work -- >> i'm pretty talkative at home. >> my husband wishes i weren't as talkative. >> it works the other way around with your husband. >> yeah -- no, no -- what? >> he wishes you was like little more -- >> yeah. sometimes it is not that i'm talking it's what i'm saying. i think when you've been married a long, long time you start to take one another for granted and the things that you once found charming in one another grate you and get on your nerves. and make you want to shoot each other. that's what i think. but then you realize that you find if you work through that you find out what you really loved about the person from the very beginning. right? >> absolutely. i think it is important to keep that very fresh all the time. >> yes. >> we have time for one more left. >> we have a question from danielle -- why if when i ask my husband to do something he says if i have time and i remember, then doesn't do it. but when he asks me do something and i truly forget, he gets mad. >> do you agree? are we really that way? >> some of you. >> not painting a very good picture of men. >> no. i feel pressure answering for all my kind. it is so tough. but -- i don't know. i think, yes, we are very demanding and then -- no. i try to follow her orders very much. again, just like the "i'm sorry" thing. i discovered it is a lot easier to say yes, ma'am, no, ma'am. >> she just trained you well. >> can i point out bobbie thomas has been gazing from afar. she has not left the news desk and this is unusual. >> boobie, come on over and say hello. >> are you wearing the slippers with the scraps for scrubbing things? >> no, not right now. >> it's unusual to see bobbie hanging around so long. your event is tomorrow. what time? >> tomorrow, it starts around noon and you can go to the facebook page to get the last tickets because tickets are sold out. >> thanks for coming in. up next, our fans get ready to ask us anything they want. how much coffee are you fellows going to need today? three...four cups? [dumbfounded] well, we... doesn't last long does it? listen. 5-hour energy lasts a whole lot of hours. so you can get a lot done without refills. it's packed with b-vitamins and nutrients to make it last. so don't just stand there holding your lattes, boys. make your move. we'll take the 5-hour energy. smart move. 5-hour energy. hours and hours of energy. [ female announcer ] from special occasions to unplanned thursdays, it's one good time after another. town house®. where good times reside™. ♪ i've got a little secret, too ♪ ♪ i've got a mad little crush on you ♪ [ female announcer ] it's always better when there's a little more to love. introducing our silky smooth dove chocolate bar. hey guys, can i get next? here you go kid. hey aren't you. yep. vogelsong and posey did you check the rating? the rating? yeah, it's simple. always check the rating symbol on the front and read the content descriptor on the back now that's a good call. thanks guys. ahh son, i don't think this game is for us. maybe you should get this one. this kid can play. [female announcer] for more information, visit esrb dot org. it is time for "3-2-1 live with sara haines" who's hanging out with our friends across the street. >> what thought provoking questions do they have? >> peggy from texas has a wardrobe question. >> what do you do with your clothes after you wear them since you don't seem to wear anything twice? >> i wear things multiple times. over and over and over again. yes. you know, i don't know. i have a limited wardrobe so i wear things multiple times. >> i give them back. i have them on loan and then we put on the website whose it is and what it is and a beautiful stylist helps me and it goes back the next day. this a friend gave me though. this a friend gave me. i love it. thank you for asking. >> next up we've got rafael from tennessee with a question for you, klg. >> kathie lee, i want to know -- i've been married 16 years. i want to know how to keep it hot and spicy. >> ask hoda! >> kelly -- >> you know, hot and spicy is hard. it is really hard because, first of all, it's not just that you get used to one another. it's that life changes you. you have babies, your hormones change, your husband ages, you age, so you learn to find a different stage of love. that can make you miserable. you find another dimension to love, a deeper love that strengthens your relationship. >> that's a good one. >> it is a lie but it sounded really good. still ahead, cool tech that will keep an eye on everything and everyone in your life. we're back on this try day friday with "today's beauty" and three amazing make-unders. that's right. have you ever worried you're a little overdone or maybe you know someone who is? >> "today's" stylist to the stars louis licari la-la-la-la-la took three lucky ladies under his wing and showed them sometimes less can be more. >> hello. double duty this week. >> oh, absolutely. thank you. >> how did you find these ladies? >> we just put the word around and everyone knew of someone who just took it a step too far. so my mission was to teach them that sometimes you don't have to try that hard because they are beautiful. >> this is melissa's before picture. this is her before picture. hold on. come out, melissa. tell us what she was doing wrong. >> look at melissa. i love melissa. it is a great look but very jersey shore influenced. too big, too much, too red -- too, too. t-o-o. >> let's bring melissa out. >> oh, i'm sorry! everything is toned down. beautiful. >> the first thing i did was the color which was a fun, young color. she is starting to start a career. i wanted to make her more natural, more so she'd be acceptable in the job market and still keep her pretty. i made her into the soft blonde. >> really pretty! looks great with her skin color. >> the hair-do. >> very soft and pretty. >> you like it? >> i love it. >> you like awesome. and the makeup is soft and pretty, too. >> let's look at our next lucky lady's before picture. alisa. tell us about her hair. what were the issues? >> alyssa's hair is, if you see -- it's colored black. almost pitch black. there are two red stripes on each side. >> oh, that's what those are. >> so immediately i looked at her and said -- do you see it? >> and the makeup is harsh. >> the makeup is harsh. the whole hair -- again, she was blessed with a lot of hair. out-of-control hair. >> come on, step around -- let's see how we look. >> oh, yes. >> so pretty! >> love it. look at that. tell me. number one, look at that hair color. difference it makes. all of a sudden she looks like herself. she looks like she was born with this color. >> that's the right color. >> she is incredibly lucky. it was brown but it has a little soft natural looking highlight to it. this great haircut. we cut off several inches. hair looks in control. >> alyssa don't like too happy though. >> what am i doing here? >> alyssa told me, i love it but i'm more of a more shoulder girl with a little cleavage. >> you can do cleavage. don't you love the hair? your makeup is so pretty. >> makeup is gorgeous. >> look at matilda's before picture. she's got the blonde locks. tell us what was happening here. >> matilda kept making her hair blonder and blonder. she grew it and it became longer and longer and it was almost see through on the bottom. >> step around. >> oh! i love it. yeah. >> takes years off everybody. >> take years off, they look much more sophisticated, much more elegant. they don't look like they're trying too hard. >> youthful. it really does. >> all of these looks are easier to maintain. make them look younger, prettier and softer. >> so what do you think? >> beautiful. >> you guys all look great. i have to say. beautiful. good job, as usual. up next, how to use technology for everything in your life. we mean everything. >> tracking everything and everyone. right after these messages how long is this one going to last? forty-five minutes? an hour? well... listen. 5-hour energy lasts a whole lot of hours. take one in the afternoon, and you'll feel alert and energized 'til the cows come home. it's packed with b-vitamins and nutrients to make it last. so what's it going to be, partner? 5-hour energy. wise choice. 5-hour energy. hours and hours of energy. [ male announcer ] here's your shot to win a free movie ticket to disney pixar's brave! find codes in each royally delish subway fresh fit for kids meal. one in five wins! drop in to subway today. subway. eat fresh. now on "today's tech," keeping tabs on everything in your life from your money to your kids, even your pets. >> carly is the founder of, a site designed to make understanding and using technology easier for even people such as myself. thank you very much. >> we're going to keep track of all kinds of stuff today. kind of fun. i don't know about you in your house. between my husband and my kids, i don't know who fed the dog. this is a fantastic product. it is this little sticker that has a wireless sensor in it. when you scoop the food and put it in the bowl, it talks to an ipad and it tells you that the dog's been fed. >> no, it does not. >> it does, too. >> are you kidding? >> that's dumb. >> we need this. >> we're always coming and going, ditch family members, the dog gets feed three times a day. >> see what we're saying? >> that's actually $49. it comes with a base station for and a little sticker for your leash. >> this lovely lady is her program manager, with her little dog, zak. >> zak is wearing a gps tracker for doggies. it is the tag pet tracker. you go online to, you set up your home base. then if the dog leaves the premises you get a text, you get an e-mail. you can go online and get turn-by-turn directions. to your missing dog. >> you are joking! >> all sizes for all kind of dogs. >> it looks a little clunky on little tiny dog but it is really lightweight. it is about $100. $7.95 a month for the tracking. >> you're worth it. they are worth it. >> i think everybody kind of wants to check in on their house whether you have kids at home, pets. this is the dropcam hd. i think we had one set up in hoda's dressing room. >> are you joking? >> who's in there? "50 shades of gray." >> brittany! what are you doing in there? >> there's a video feed and an audio feed, too. just so you can school brittany or actually give homework tips to your kids while you're at home. >> you're supposed to sip that stuff! sip it! >> i never did trust her. >> i never did either. >> next we're going to talk about that moment you decide you want to give your kids a little bit of autonomy but you also want some peace of mind. you just want to know they got home safe. install the app life 360. now you can locate that family member, know exactly where they are. you can give them space but also have the peace of mind. >> you can imagine kids saying they don't want their mother to know where they are. >> yeah, then they transition into adulthood. but before that maybe it is just not up to them. >> yeah, it is called parenting. you get to call the shots. >> there you go. so this is fantastic. this is think for a second about credit card statements, bills, magazine subscriptions, frequent flyer miles. you're either going to so many websites or you have so much paper coming to your house. this is a central dashboard for all of your bills. you enter the information on here and you can click through to different bills to either view your statement or pay them right there. and it gives you reminders of when stuff's due. you never have late fees. >> i'm always going on multiple websites to pay amex or all the stuff. i want that. >> this is kind of like manila but for your health insurance. we know how confusing and annoying those statements are. it's like this beautifully uncomplicated interface that tells you which claims have been processed, which ones are still outstanding and how each family member is doing against their deductible. very simply put together. uncomplicated for a very complicated process. >> okay. great! >> thank you. up next -- hook, line and dinner. plantain crusted mahi-mahi. good morning. let's get this weekend started. scattered showers around the great lakes and the northeast. nothing as bad as what we saw on friday with tornado touchdowns in western pennsylvania and hampton, virginia. baltimore, d.c. saw rough weather, as well. but the weather will be improving. calling for showers and storms across the red river valley here. some of these storms could be severe in oklahoma, as well as extreme northern texas. a few showers in the northern rockies, as well. from montana down into portions of new mexico. temperatures look like this in the wake of that front. the humidity getting lower, as well. a high of 75 degrees in central park around new york. nationals are at home here. d.c. looks like much better weather for the game. it was rained out on friday. and the detroit tigers are at home against the yankees. temperatures generally around 70 degrees. here's a look at your sunday. wet weather across the northeast. back into the northern plains and the upper midwest, as well. we'll have to watch out for showers and storms. kansas city and a few showers popping in south florida. orlando up to 94 degrees. atlanta up to 87. mid 70s around new york city. 62 in boston and pushing 80 in the twin cities. now monday, still tracking a few hoarse in new england. boston, plan extra time for that commute along the new york state thruway. atlanta's high around 85 degrees. tuesday, looks like the gulf coast getting a little more active around new orleans. 92 with showers and storms. showers in upstate new york and wet weather in the northwest, into the northern rockies and hot in phoenix, 100 degrees. you can always get your forecast on "wake up with al" weekday mornings on the weather channel 6:00 and 10:00 a.m. eastern. [ male announcer ] cookies with smooth caramel and chocolate. ♪ hmm twix. also available in peanut butter. [ female announcer ] from special occasions to unplanned thursdays, it's one good time after another. town house®. where good times reside™. now in "today's kitchen what's cookin'," get out the skillet, we are pan roasting. >> don't let making fish at home intimidate you. ben sergeant the host of cooking channel's "hook line and dinner" is here with a delicious way to cook up mahi-mahi. >> fish is all i do. very simple. basically you have really nice little filets here. mahi-mahi is a big fast swimming fish. this is a little egg wash. then we just moving this over into plantain chips. >> are they like -- >> like a banana? >> it literally is like a banana. then they come in a package like this. you smash them. just like that. then, you have to do a good job of the dredging and crusting which is just like this. >> i like watching you do everything. >> so you have a hot skillet waiting for you. >> the trick on the skillet is start with a high heat, then just turn it down a little bit because do you want it to sear on the outside. i do a combination of olive oil and butter, butter for flavor, just a little bit. >> that's great. you can do that, too. >> how long does that -- >> on all seafood i err on the side of less is more. so i say two to three minutes a side. definitely. >> then we have a salsa. our salsa is just a combination of great summer ingredients. tomatillos, bell peppers, regular tomato, onion, basically just a little garlic. we're just going to throw it all in. we have like a pepper or jalapeno. >> is that pineapple in there? >> yes. i do it all by hand because this is something you can do. it is like you're outside, this is by the barbecue or whatever. you can just do it with your hand like that. then i add a little bit of pineapple juice. boom. by the way, my show is all about catching the fish that we cook. >> oh, i love that. >> this is a really fun fish to catch yourself. >> where do you like to fish most? >> all over. but this is a tropical fish. >> we get this a lot in the keys. >> absolutely. >> don't you love hog fish? >> i love hog fish. >> if you can ever get hog fish, it's unbelievable. >> when have you gone for hog fish? >> we go to the keys a lot and whenever we can get it, we do. >> kids, we got to rock 'n' roll. >> thank you so much! >> rebecca ferguson is a british sensation. she's going to sing for us. but first, this is "today" on nbc. thank you. >> announcer: the "toyota concert series" on "today" -- brought to you by toyota. that's going to do it for us today. next week we have jane fonda, jada pinkett smith. >> big, big week. before we sign off, this is rebecca ferguson, who has been described as a cross between amy whine house and aretha franklin. big praise. >> here is "teach me how to be loved" off her debut cd "heaven." have a good weekend, everybody. we'll see you on fun day monday. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

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New York ,United States ,Montana ,Chad ,Arlington ,Texas ,Dayton ,Ohio ,North Carolina ,Florida ,Springfield ,Virginia ,Boston ,Massachusetts ,Colombia ,New Mexico ,United Kingdom ,Hampton ,Oklahoma ,Manila ,Philippines ,Tennessee ,New Jersey ,Phoenix ,Arizona ,Pennsylvania ,Orlando ,Jersey ,River Valley ,Americans ,British ,David George ,Kathie Lee ,Tom Brokaw ,Bobbie Thomas ,Audrey Hepburn ,Jada Pinkett Smith ,Sara Haines ,Jo Ann ,Elizabeth Taylor ,David Noonan ,Brandon Glenn ,Jane Fonda ,Rebecca Ferguson ,Aretha Franklin ,Disney Pixar ,Louis Licari ,Judith Baxter ,

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