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Musical guest Little Big Town, and featuring the legendary roots crew. Questlove 630 illinois, yeah steve and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ] jimmy all right. Theyre ready. Its a great show tonight. Welcome, welcome, welcome, everyone. Welcome to the tonight show. This is it, baby [ cheers and applause ] this is it. Come on welcome, welcome, welcome to the tonight show. Hey, one of the big stories everyones talking about is the immigration debate. And get this. I saw that pope francis has actually been tweeting bible references that opposed president trumps travel ban. You know youre doing something wrong when youre getting cyber bullied by the pope. You know [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] steve hit stop. Jimmy meanwhile, House Speaker paul ryan just got back from a tour of the u. S. mexico border and while he was there he actually rode a horse. [ laughter ] when he saw ryan wearing a a shirt, one guy said, you are doing it wrong. [ laughter and applause ] both bare back. You and horse. [ laughter ] double bare back. Steve yeah. [ laughter ] yeah, thats it. Careful. Jimmy actually [ laughter ] steve heyoh jimmy bear claw . Steve what . Jimmy what did you say . Steve bare of notice. Double bare [ laughter ] double bare back. Jimmy yeah. [ laughter ] actually, there are rumors that russias compiling a a psychological profile on trump to help putin get inside his head. Yeah. You know, its so hard to get trump to open up and talk about himself. [ laughter ] its good to get those things [ applause ] he keeps a lot of stuff private. I saw that apple is criticizing trump after he overturned the rule that lets transgender students use the bathroom of their choice. Apple says that regardless of your gender, everyone should be able to drop an iphone into whichever toilet they want. [ laughter ] as long as you keep buying iphones. [ cheers and applause ] absolutely. But trump is still working hard to build relationships with businesses. In fact this morning he held a a meeting with a group of ceos at the white house. Trump said he wants to replace robots with human workers. [ laughter ] then mike pence says, ill show myself out. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] but trumps relationship with the press could still use some work. I saw that during the campaign, trumps staff will try to keep him calm by showing him lots of protrump news coverage. His current staff it trying to do the same thing but its getting tough to find anything positive. [ light laughter ] check out what they showed him this week. Donald trump is smart. Great. Tremendous. Wonderful. Incredible. Amazing. Remarkable. And. Handsome. Jimmy yeah. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] might have been edited a a little. Steve a little. Jimmy yeah. Steve just a little. Jimmy it seems like trumps staff is still trying to get handle on things. In fact one insider says theres no rhyme or reason to who trump picks for his administration. Trump was like, not true. Theres definitely a rhyming. [ laughter ] eanie, meanie, minie, moe. [ laughter ] eanie and meanie rhymes. [ applause ] and moe was the reason. However john mccain actually praised trumps new National Security advisor h. R. Mcmaster, calling him an outstanding choice and a man of genuine intellect, character, and ability. Then trump said, in that case, forget it. Get me steven seagal. [ laughter and applause ] hey guys, this is going viral. The president of finland has a a dog named lennu, i think im pronouncing that right. And some recent photos have been getting a lot of attention on the internet here. Take a look at him. Look at this. [ laughter ] isnt he cute . Well, we actually decided to make some memes for lennu. [ laughter ] check this out. This first meme is called, when bae liked your new profile pic. [ laughter and applause ] next ones called, when you see the server bringing the appetizers. [ laughter and applause ] and finally theres, when you drink and try to act normal. See what im saying . [ laughter and applause ] we have great show tonight. Give it up for the roots [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy thats how you do it, right there that is our pal. An 11time grammy nominee Charlie Wilson sitting in with the roots [ cheers and applause ] Charlie Wilson you can catch charlie on tour right now in support of his new album in it to win it. Its got a bunch of people on this record. Features snoop dogg, pitbull, wiz khalifa. Its a great record. And thanks for doing it, buddy. Thank you. We love you. [ cheers and applause ] nobody can sing like come on its amazing. Guys, before we start, i want to tell you something cool that we that were doing. I have the amazon echo. You know that thing . Steve yeah. Jimmy and you talk in it and stuff. And it works. I like it. Its good. So anyways, we called amazon, and we asked if we could somehow get involved with the machine. Was there like something we can do with the echo. So, this is real. Yeah. You know how it works . Right . You just you talk to it and you say her name and then it steve right. You say her name. Jimmy well, i dont know what to say to not activate it. Steve yeah. Jimmy dont say it. Because its just we might have to say it. But anyways its going to activate the thing. They keep adding different features on to this thing, too. So you can you know normally you can ask the weather and all that stuff and figure it out. So this is very cool, its called skills apparently. We have our very own tonight show skill thats added to it now. Its brand new. So if want to hear our monologues, say you missed a a show or youre having coffee the next day or even if you saw the show and you really loved the monologue and want to hear it again. [ laughter ] how fast could we put it up there . Do you know . Like can you do it at 2 00 in the morning . Steve yeah. Jimmy what . Steve next day. Jimmy how do you know . Steve thats what they said. [ laughter ] jimmy i thought you had something to do with it. Steve yeah, me and the baes get together. Jimmy its so anyways, or we want to hear our upcoming guests or hear thank you notes, all you have all you have to do is say this. Ready . Alexa, enable tonight show. Jimmy hey, guys, jimmy fallon here. Just wanted to say a quick hello and welcome you to the tonight show. Thanks, jimmy. You can play the latest monologue, listen to jimmys thank you notes, find out which guests will appear on upcoming episodes, or hear show information. Which would you like . Jimmy alexa, how do you spell sarah . Sara with no h. Because hs are ew. [ laughter and applause ] jimmy good answer. Alexa, whats everybody talking about . Everybodys talkin bout my tight pants. About my tight pants. I got my tight pants on. What would you like to do with them . [ cheers and applause ] jimmy i think alexa, stop. Alexa, stop. Okay. Goodbye. Jimmy okay. Cool. [ laughter ] were steve thats fantastic. Jimmy yeah, thats insane. Anyways, if you have an echo, try it out. Its alexa. If you have an echo, its probably turned on already. Steve yeah. Cause you just said her. Jimmy well unless you have it close to the tv. Anyways. Its fun and thanks to the people at amazon for doing that. [ cheers and applause ] its a fun thing. Steve come on jimmy i love technology. I think its great. Its been a great week so far. Theres more ahead. Tomorrow night emmy and tony award winner hugh jackman will be here steve oh my god. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy hugh jackman steve hes the best jimmy logan. This movie is the best. Steve come on. Jack hugh man. Jimmy we have also mandy moore who is just fantastic. And just direct [ cheers and applause ] and great reggae music from chronixx will be here. Thats tomorrow night. [ cheers and applause ] and thank you notes. And thank you notes. But first, we have a fun show tonight. Shes so good in ryan murphys new fx series, feud bette and joan, the beautiful, the talented, Susan Sarandon is here. [ cheers and applause ] i saw the first episode. Its great. Later in the show, susan and i are gonna play a game of musical beers. Steve ooh jimmy with some very special guests. So stick around for that. Plus he stars in the new netflix film i dont feel at home in this world anymore, elijah wood is dropping by. [ laughter ] i miss that dude. Steve hes the best. Jimmy i havent seen him in a while. Steve i know. Jimmy i love that guy. Hes great. Oh my gosh. We have great music tonight. Guys, Little Big Town steve yeah [ cheers and applause ] jimmy Little Big Town guys the Academy Awards are this sunday and we hear at the tonight show love movies. So to celebrate some of our favorite oscar nominated films from years past, we sent our writer becky down to the 30 rock plaza to everyday people if they would be willing to reenact iconic scenes from these films. Its very good. In a new segment called sidewalk cinema. Check it out. Sidewalk cinema [ cheers and applause ] whats your name and where are you from . Chris warner, oklahoma city. Aliesha martin, sheffield massachusetts. And do you two know each other . No. Have you ever seen the movie forrest gump . Oh yes. I have several times. Have you ever wanted to star in the movie forrest gump . No. Not really. Well youre going to stand in front of these backgrounds. Well get some hair, makeup, and props to come over to give you some things and then youll read the lines from the cue cards. Okay. Action whats my destiny, mama . Youre going have to figure that out for yourself. Life is like a box of chocolates, forrest. You never know what youre gonna get. Mama always had a way of explaining things so i could understand them. Have you ever seen the movie mary poppins . Yes. But, a quite a while ago, you know. A little bit. Yes. Do you like to sing . Not really. [ laughter ] [ whistling ] a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down the medicine go down the medicine go down just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down in the most delightful way and how do you all know each other . Well, we all live together, and were one family. Have you guys ever seen the movie taxi driver . Ah, yes. You talkin to me . [ laughter ] you talkin to me . Whats your name and where are you from . Frank shell from rochester, new york. Do you guys know each other . Yeah. Were married. [ laughter ] for how many years . Have you seen the movie titanic . Yes. She asked me to watch it many times. Have you ever thought of starring in the movie titanic . Never. I want to. [ laughter ] [ laughter ] now, hold on to the railing. Watch. Keep your eyes closed. Dont peek. Im not, jack. Step up on to the railing. Hold on, hold on. Keep your eyes closed. Do you trust me . I trust you, jack. All right. Open your eyes. Im flying, jack im flying sidewalk cinema [ cheers and applause ] jimmy oh, my gosh that actually brought a tear to my eye. I loved it. Thanks to all the sidewalk movie stars for being out there today. That was [ cheers and applause ] stick around, well be right back with hash tags everybody [ cheers and applause ] today, unlimited gets the network it deserves. Verizon. mic thuds uh, sorry. Its unlimited without compromising reliability, on the largest, most advanced 4g lte network in america. thud uh. Sorry, last thing. Its just 45 per line. Forty. Five. cheering and applause and that is all the microphones that i have. vo unlimited on verizon. 4 lines, just 45 per line. Youre not going to make it. Bestselling brand . Do you think you can make it . Uhh. Make it. Every time. Nice going further to keep drivers moving freely. Thats ford. And thats how you become americas bestselling brand. The goalie has studied every one of your shots. She knows youre going for her left corner. She even teases you, calling the shot. But her legs are the ones trembling, not yours. Time to shine. Orbit. Is this my car . Ck. State farm knows that for every one of those moments. What . This is ridiculous theres one of these. Sam, i gotta go. Is this my car . What . This is ridiculous this cant be happening this cant be happening oh, its happening sweetheart. Oh, its happening sweetheart. Shut up shut up thats why state farm is there, what a day. With car insurance, for when things go wrong. But also here with car loans, to help life go right. State farm. What a day [ cheers and applause ] go jimmy, go jimmy go jimmy [ cheers and applause ] [ laughter ] jimmy welcome back, everybody. Its time for tonight show hashtags. Here we go. [ cheers and applause ] hashtags oohwee oohwee hashtags [ laughter ] jimmy thats fantastic. Guys, we use twitter on our show every single week. Since you watch the show you want to play along with us. You play the game with us. We do this thing, every wednesday. I will send out a hashtag from our show account on twitter and we ask you guys to tweet out things based on that topic. So since the Powerball Jackpot was 435 million this week, i went on twitter and sent out a a hashtag called if i won the powerball, and asked you guys to tweet out a funny or weird thing you would do if you won the powerball. We got thousands of tweets. Within 20 minutes it was a a trending topics in the u. S. , so thank you. [ cheers and applause ] before the tweets, i thought id share some of my favorite, if i won the powerball tweets from you guys. This first ones from amandabuys, she said, id hire 200 male skydivers to drop from the skies so i could finally say, its raining men, hallelujah, its raining men. [ cheers and applause ] steve come on. Jimmy written by paul shaffer. Steve yeah, yeah, paul shaffer, my man. Jimmy this one is from joeyohearn. He says, i buy all the tickets to a beyonce concert so when she came onstage itd just be me in the audience frantically clapping. [ cheers and applause ] [ laughter ] this one is from kck468, she says, id pay someone to smack food out of my hands to make dieting easier. [ laughter and applause ] steve what are you eating . What is that . Pizza . [ slap sound ] [ laughter ] jimmy this ones from jamestpalmer. He says, i would pay someone to play the oscars wrap it up music whenever im having a a boring conversation. [ laughter and applause ] thats pretty good. Steve yeah. Jimmy that should be i love that. This ones from sassyfacts. Steve ooh. [ light laughter ] jimmy sassyfacts1, actually. He says oh, he says, id pay to have [ laughter ] hes sassyfacts. Steve yeah, hes sassyfacts1 jimmy yeah. Steve america, 0. [ laughter ] jimmy he says, id pay to have the spelling of team changed to teiam so that there is an i in team. Steve yeah. Jimmy thats right. [ cheers and applause ] steve now there is. Jimmy dont know what that will do. This one is from nickynick14. He says, i would buy a new Basketball Team in miami and call them humidity so i could say, its not the heat its the humidity. [ laughter and applause ] steve come on jimmy that is fantastic they should do that as an april fools joke. Steve yeah. Jimmy that would be great, thats a funny idea. [ light laughter ] this one is from tuspock. [ laughter ] remember what we did, we invented tuspock. Questlove yeah we did. Jimmy tuspock man, live large and prosper. Steve yeah. [ laughter ] jimmy he says, i would hire someone to explain the plot of every show and movie to my mom so she could stop asking me while were watching it. [ laughter and applause ] steve its called la la land, because theyre in los angeles, mom [ laughter ] last ones from dkiefer. He said, id go on wheel of fortune and buy all the damn vowels. There you go. Theres are tonight show hashtags. [ cheers and applause ] to check out more of our favorites go to thetonightshowcom hashtags. Stick around. Well be right back with Susan Sarandon [ cheers and applause ] [beeping] the 2017 rav4 with Toyota Safety sense, standard. Toyota. Lets go places. Only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. They release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. Tylenol® classic hersheys outside. With a new creamy, crunchy inside. New hersheys cookie layer crunch. Classic reimagined. I love the smell of napalm in the morning. No, this is double espresso. Hodor hodor ehhh, hodor. You guys watch game of thrones, right . Inconceivable surely, you cant be serious. I am serious. And dont call me shirley . Thats the unlimited effect. Stream your entertainment and more with unlimited data from at t. Plus, get the amazing new iphone 7 on us. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy our first guest is an Academy Awardwinning actress who stars in the new fx series, feud bette and joan, which premieres march 5th at 10 00 pm. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Susan Sarandon [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy they love you. I love that. Jimmy we love you. Thank you, thank you. Jimmy thats the jam dude, bette davis. Oh yeah. Jimmy is that kim carnes . Questlove sort of, yeah. Kim carnes. I was doing the eddie murphy version. Jimmy oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Questlove bette davis eyes. Jimmy yeah, yeah, yeah, buckwheat. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You remember when buckwheat sang, bette davis eyes. No, i dont. [ light laughter ] jimmy oh okay. Thank you for coming back to the show. My pleasure. Its been a while. Jimmy yeah, last time we talked about the meddler and did your mother and father ever get to the airport on time. Lhlh jimmy you remember this . Yes. Because we just laughed the entire time. Jimmy because its true. We didnt get to anything we were supposed to talk about. Jimmy my parents dont travel, they dont do anything and then they went to the airport at 3 00 in the morning. They left and they go, daddy wants to make sure were there on time. I go i think youre going to be there on time. Why did you book your flight that early . Just book it in the afternoon. No. [ light laughter ] and so they went. They went, 3 00 in the morning. They got to the airport at 3 45. [ laughter ] nothings open. Restaurants are closed and breakfast places arent open yet. The magazine places are all closed. Yeah. I brought a sandwich. [ laughter ] and they survived. Theyre survivors, obviously. Jimmy yes, they are survivors. I want to talk about feud bette and joan. Okay. Jimmy oh, my goodness is this fantastic. Ryan murphy, who we love from glee, American Horror story, people verse o. J. Simpson. [ cheers and applause ] hes fantastic. Hes not in it, but he is fantastic. Jimmy no, yeah, yeah, hes not he put it all together and he loves women, he loves that story he actually can do all the parts. He was very good at imitating both bette and joan. Jimmy youre kidding me . No. Jimmy now i didnt i knew there was a little rivalry, but i didnt know the scoop. Its nasty. Yeah, really nasty. Jimmy yeah, it really is. Yeah, well well, yeah. Jimmy kind of. [ light laughter ] yeah. There were a lot of people that pitted them against each other for a lot of reasons. They had kind of innate jealousies and things, but it definetly you know they want to keep women apart because together were just so powerful. [ cheers ] thank you. Jimmy absolutely. And so the studio definitely wanted them to not you know, join forces. So hedda hopper and everybody did everything they could, but also there were other reasons. They slept with a lot of the same guys. They had different styles. There were problems. And then it really culminated in the Academy Awards when bette davis was nominated and joan wasnt. So joan, with the help of hedda hopper, got on the phone and kind of told everybody how horrible bette had been, that shed kicked her in the head during something. You know, stuff thats a little exaggerated, and and then called every nominee to see if anyone wasnt coming and Anne Bancroft doing a play and she won. And so, Joan Crawford got to storm across the stage and take the oscar in front of bette davis and bette was destroyed. Jimmy yeah i know. Scandal. Feud but she got even later. Watch episode 6 and 7. [ light laughter ] jimmy really . So, because this first of all, down to the last detail. Its very detailed. Jimmy beautiful. All the hollywood i havent seen it but im sure it is, because i was there. I was there and i knew it was detailed when i was doing it. Jimmy you were fantastic, as you are in everything, but man oh man. Thank you. Jimmy i go so okay, so Joan Crawford finds this book, whatever happened to baby jane . Right. Jimmy has it developed into a script. She get bette davis, gets her, goes hey, lets do a movie together. Well, there werent that many choices for these gals because they were older and there were two good parts so they thought, yeah, lets give it a shot. Thats what happens, you know, when you get older, you dont get lead parts. Jimmy yeah. Unless, youre playing someone whos dying or has alzheimers or something. [ laughter ] then its a leap. Jimmy i want to show a a clip. Heres Susan Sarandon and Jessica Lange in feud bette and joan. Take a look. When i drove on the lot this morning and saw the crew bustling about, sets being built, the smell of sawdust, its magic what we do. Isnt it . All right. Lets cut through the bull. I dont like you, you dont like me, but we need this picture to work. Both of us. All i ask is that you do your best work. Try. Because when youre good, joan, dammit, youre good. Do you really think so . Oh, christ, youre not going to cry. Yes, i really think so. Ive always thought so. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy Jessica Lange, you crushed this. Its so good. Would you like to play a game with me . Yes. Jimmy silly and fun. Stick around, Susan Sarandon and i are playing musical beers when we get back. [ cheers and applause ] people just cant get enough of me and my discounts. So this year, theyre getting a whole lot more. Box 365, the calendar. Everyone knows my paperless, safe driver, and multicar discounts, but theyre about to see a whole new side of me. Heck, i can get you over 600 in savings. Chop, chop. Do i look like ive been hurt before . Because ive been hurt before. Um, actually your session is up. Hang on. I call this next one junior year abroad. What . 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Wait for it. [ cat screech ] [ laughter ] [ screaming ] [ laughter ] make everyday awesome with the power of xfinity x1. Hi grandma and the fastest internet. [ girl screaming ] [ laughter ] no more. We dont want anymore keep calm. The price you see is the price you pay, unlike cable. At t internet. Speeds up to 45megs for 30 a month. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy welcome back, everybody. Welcome back im here with Susan Sarandon [ cheers and applause ] starting next sunday, you can see her in the new fx series feud bette and joan, and shes fantastic in it. Were about to play a round of musical beers, but were going to need a few more players. First, his new movie i dont feel at home in this world anymore premieres tomorrow on netflix, please welcome elijah wood, ladies and gentlemen [ cheers and applause ] hi, buddy. [inaudible] im so glad youre here. Im so happy to be here. Hello. We met on the beastie boys videos. Oh, my god. With stanley tucci. Oh, my god. Jimmy oh. Yeah thats right. In the hallway. Oh, my god. Yes. Jimmy reminiscing. They were in a music video together. Jimmy yeah, yeah. Good, yeah. Here we go. [ laughter ] playing against each other. Were not keeping this is a a competition. Right, right. Sorry. Jimmy oh, we need more contestants. Did you do did you ever do it with, like, joints, instead of beer . [ cheers and applause ] musical joints . Jimmy 2018. [ talking over each other ] jimmy yeah. Well be spinning around and end up in the, in the hall. Anyway. [ laughter ] jimmy you guys, their new album the breaker is out now. Give it up for Little Big Town [ cheers and applause ] hi, guys i dont have to spray you with anything. Are you wearing glasses . Im ready. [ talking over each other ] yeah. This is amazing. Jimmy we all love each other. All right, guys. Hey, you guys oh, boy. Jimmy all right. Guys, the game works like Musical Chairs but instead of diving into empty chairs, were grabbing the red cups of beer. When the music stops one person will be left emptyhanded theyre out of the game and have to hang out with dj dave supreme on the wheel to [ laughter ] were going to do six rounds. The last one standing is the musical beers champion. Okay everybody, space yourselves out. Theres not much beer in there. Jimmy get ready. Its only the first round. All right. Jimmy quest, start us off whenever youre ready. [ laughter ] whats going on . Elijah, youre too close to me. [ laughter ] oh, hey keep moving, people jimmy everyones stopped oh im sorry to do it, im sorry. Jimmy its all right, buddy. Im sorry. Jimmy youre out. Come on. Jimmy you go up there and stand by quest. [ applause ] do we drink . What do we now what happens . Jimmy you drink it and then you throw it into the ah all right. Oh, that stays there. Jimmy here we go. You made a mess. Jimmy i saw you. You moved the cup. [ laughter ] oh. You made a mess ah ah [ laughter ] jimmy i dont know. I got to oh, wait theyre still going. [ laughter ] that is rock star. [ cheers and applause ] that is a rock star move. That was a rook star move. Come on, you got to give it up. That was legendary that was awesome that was a rock star move. That was incredible. Jimmy oh, my god i love that. All right. Got to remember that. Jimmy that is a classic one. Oh, my gosh. All right. Here we go. Did everyone oh, sorry. Keep moving. Oh jimmy oh, my god [ laughter ] oh, my, gosh susan oh [ audience ohs ] jimmy again oh. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy quest what is what is going you are an you are an animal. I love you. Oh, my god. I wore my cool shoes. Jimmy that was unbelievable. Ah jimmy wait until you see that in replay. All right. I smell like it does smell like beer. Jimmy all right. [ laughter ] i dont want to be by oh, im scared. Jimmy oh, susan [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy you are unbelievable. I might just have to give it. I might just have to give it to you on this one. Yes. Jimmy this is unbelievable. Whew im kind of competitive. Oh, my god. [ laughter ] jimmy you think . You think . Here we go [indiscernible] and theyre jimmy faster its slippery. Jimmy no, dont slip be careful is it slippery . A little. Jimmy dont slip. Oh [ cheers and applause ] cheers. [ applause ] whew jimmy one more. One last round. [ laughter ] oh. Jimmy what the heck . This is my show. This is ridiculous. [ light laughter ] all right. Be careful. All right, go. Go easy on me. Oh, just give it to her at this point. Yeah. You have to. You have to. [ cheers and applause ] you are the champ. Oh, my gosh you deserve that one. You were thats unbelievable. Come on. Oh, my gosh [ cheers and applause ] our thanks to Susan Sarandon, elijah wood, Little Big Town were talking to elijah after the break. Stick around, everybody [ cheers and applause ] you guys ever try one of these bars made over at right twix . Why . Our special cookie is cascaded with caramel and cloaked in chocolate. You never wondered . [ whoosh zap ] [ glass breaks ] aah [ male announcer ] try both. Pick a side. Twix. A just be calm side. You got a, i never thought id get married at 65 side. Hey im just looking side. Man, you better buy that ride, whooo thats why theres nationwide. They help to know, protect and grow your many sides. Yeeeahhh nationwide is on your side. You may be muddling through allergies. Oned with. Try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec® is different than claritin®. Because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Try zyrtec®. Muddle no more®. whispering dad trust me, we are going viral. Ing to work . kids laughing whispering mom lets send in max. kids max max now this, is internet gold going viral . Get scrubbing bubbles clean and disinfect. What . 20,000 views sc johnson. sfx rain and thunder says it wont let up for a while. The cadillac xt5. What should we do . Tailored to you. Wait it out. Equipped with apple carplay compatibility. Get this low mileage lease on this cadillac xt5 from around 439 per month, or purchase with 1. 9 apr financing. Did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back . Say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. Comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet thats 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. Say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. And add phone and tv for only 34. 90 more a month. Call today. Comcast business. Built for business. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy you dropped the bomb on me oh, my goodness. What a fun show. Guys, our next guest is a very talented actor starring in the new movie i dont feel at home in this world anymore which premieres on netflix tomorrow. Please say hello to elijah wood, ladies and gentlemen [ cheers and applause ] jimmy oh, its so great to see you. It is so good to see you. Jimmy so good. See, i missed you. I missed you, too. Its been like three years. Jimmy is that crazy, right . I think its been since late night. Jimmy yeah, you havent been on the tonight show. No, i havent been on. Jimmy you use to come on late night on the time. I know. Jimmy i have a lot of questions for you. Okay. Jimmy i want to talk about the movie. Yep. Jimmy but first. Okay. Jimmy this is bizarre. Of course its true but i want to talk to you about it. Yeah. Jimmy youre friends with the bachelor. Yeah. [ light laughter ] jimmy youre friends with nick . Im friends with nick. [ cheers ] okay. So this photo was taken jimmy thats real . It was the night jimmy thats not a a cardboard cutout . No. That force awakens came out. This is my friend kyle and thats how i know nick. Jimmy through kyle. Through my friend kyle. Yeah. Jimmy and you guys are just posing because you were there for star wars. We were there for star wars, yeah. It was sent the family to the screening of it. We watched it and, yeah. Ive known nick since before he became the bachelor which is the craziest thing. Jimmy but did you know him from the bachelorette . Did not know him. Jimmy really . So my friend no. My friend kyle saw him at lollapalooza and like recognized him. Took a photo with him. They became friends and they started hanging out. Nick moved out to l. A. And they were became fast friends. And so he was just around and i would hang out with him. And i kind of knew about his bachelorette experiences and found it fascinating. Jimmy yeah, me too. And then, apparently and then he jimmy i lov im obs i loved the bachelor. I love well, i mean, not i love nick, but i mean i love the idea right. Of the bachelor. Jimmy of the bachelor. Yeah. So i knew that he was the bachelor before it was announced and everything. [ gasps ] yeah [ laughter ] and then he was on and then he, you know and then hes on lock for two months and nobody knows whats going on. Jimmy what does that mean . What does on lock mean . Yeah hes doing the show. Jimmy i know. No ones talking about this stuff. Its fascinating. Jimmy so, hes on lock. Yeah. Not communicating with you cant. Jimmy you cant use the cell phone. Thats right. Jimmy cant check the inner the inner web. Not the internet. Jimmy you cant phone call anyone. Its not even like jail where you get your call. Jimmy no, not even its worse than jail. Its worse than jail. Jimmy worse than jail. So nick is there. Except you got 20 girls that you got to jimmy 20 beautiful women. Yeah. Jimmy but its real, right . Its real. Jimmy hes finding hes looking for love . Yes. [ laughter ] he is. Jimmy i dont know. Man. I dont know. I kind of thought here heres the thing jimmy i kind of looked inside your brain. [ laughter ] look, heres the thing jimmy i dont buy it. Heres the thing about nick jimmy yeah. Yeah. Thats like a spinoff show. A lot of people jimmy heres the thing about nick. Heres the thing about nick. Jimmy yeah. I think a lot of people question if he is real or if that is really him on the show in the way hes presenting himself. Jimmy yes. And that is him. Hes a very genuine individual. Hes got a lot of integrity. I can unequivocally say that. Jimmy really . Yes. Jimmy yeah, so this when hes crying and such do you watch the show . I i now have started watching the show, because im so curious. [ laughter ] ive never seen the show in my life. But, because i know nick, im like jimmy i know, but do you watch the show . I watch the show every monday. Jimmy me, too. Yes jimmy and the shows fantastic [ cheers ] its really weird. Jimmy and corinne. Corrine. Jimmy what is going on with corinne . What is happening . And her platinum vagine. [ laughter ] i know. Jimmy the pv. Who are you rooting for . Can i ask you that . Ive been rooting for rachel the whole time. Jimmy dude, what is up with that . [ light laughter ] so what is that . Right . Jimmy wait. Im mad almost. Im a little mad, too, because they announced that shes the bachelorette. Jimmy which means shes out but weve not seen shes out yet so its a big spoiler, and its down to three, so, i guess i am invested. Jimmy yeah, i mean, me, too. So shes out, but she was my i loved her. Shes my favorite. Jimmy me thats my favorite. Always my favorite. I love rachel, but its great shes going to be the bachelorette. Jimmy i know, but its all about that show. But but now its down to three, right . If its not rachel. Jimmy i missed last weeks episode. [ light laughter ] what about that was homecoming. Like, the i cant believe im having this conversation. [ laughter ] i actually cannot believe this. [ laughter ] jimmy we havent seen each other in three years. Yeah. Jimmy and were talking about [ laughter ] its insane. What have i become . Jimmy no, no. Its us. Its great. All right. Lets talk about your movie, because i really do, and then we got to talk after that. All right. Jimmy my best to nick. I hope he finds love. [ laughter ] yeah, same. I will pass on the message. Jimmy thank you. Yeah. Jimmy lets talk about the film. When does it premiere on netflix . Tomorrow . Tomorrow. Jimmy yeah, great. And what is the title again . I dont feel at home in this world anymore. Jimmy its a great title. Its a great title. Jimmy its a reference to one of the songs thats played in the film. Yeah. And its actually, it was inspired by mississippi records put out a compilation called i dont feel at home in this world anymore many years ago and its all kind of Southern Roots music. Jimmy yeah. And theres a song by that title. And the director and writer macon blair was given that by his friend jeremy, and he just sort of in love with it. And it was sort of fitting into the context of what the main character of this film is going through. Shes kind of going through an existential crisis. She doesnt feel connected to anybody and she sort of feels like the worlds a bunch of [ bleep ]. So thats kind of why that title ultimately stuck. And the movie is about her. She gets her her house is robbed. Police dont do anything about it. Its reinforcing the fact that kind of nobodys doing any any good in the world. She enlists her friend, played by me. A real weird dude to help her find her lost things and ultimately find the perpetrators and face them. And they get in a little over their heads. Jimmy but if nick chooses corinne [ laughter ] anyways, the films out tomorrow. Its out tomorrow. On netflix. Jimmy it was premiered at it was at sundance. Jimmy sundance. We won that grand jury prize. Jimmy come on, dude [ cheers and applause ] thank you. Jimmy how cool is that . Its incredible and not at all something we expected. Jimmy you did not see it coming at all . No, we our comedy genre film. We didnt anticipate winning the grand jury prize. Jimmy because gets a little crazy as the movie goes on. It gets a little crazy. Jimmy by the way, youre great in it. Dude, thanks. Jimmy i love the character. I love the i want to show a clip. Heres elijah wood, my pal, and in i dont feel at home in this world. Take a look. Okay. We dont want any trouble. My computer was stolen, and this says that its in there. I just want it back. No questions. So, can you get . I can get deez nuts. [ laughter ] you can get these nuts . All right, tough guy. You had your chance. Oh, geez. Oh ow oh god. Are you okay . [ applause ] jimmy elijah wood, everybody [ cheers and applause ] check out i dont feel at home in this world on netflix tomorrow. Well be right back with music from Little Big Town, everybody. Stick around. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy we love these guys so much. Rolling stone called their new album the breaker one of the most anticipated releases of the year. Theyre gonna kick off a a historic yearlong residency at the famed Ryman Auditorium in nashville tomorrow. That is amazing what a cool thing. [ cheers and applause ] wow performing rollin, please, welcome back Little Big Town oooh oooh oooh oooh im gonna take my time throw it in neutral tip toe pick my foot up off the break oooh im gonna redefine smooth in stereo drop low while the highway plays i keep on rollin get lucky like the strike that youre smokin winning easy like the dice that im throwin its a dont let nothing get to you strategy i keep i keep rollin oooh oooh oooh oooh watch me as i go excuse me while i ride this wave au revoir auf wiedersehen its a slippery slope but i dont let it phase my pace on and on again i keep on rollin get lucky like the strike that im smokin winning easy like the dice that im throwin its a dont let nothing get to you strategy i keep i keep rollin ooh through your roadblock paradise ooh i could do this all damn night ooh i got this secret up my sleeve i keep i keep i keep on i keep on i keep on keep on keep on keep on Rollin Rollin rollin keep on rollin i keep on rollin get lucky like the strike that youre smokin winning easy like the dice that im throwin its a dont let nothing get to you strategy i keep i keep rollin get lucky like the strike that youre smokin winning easy like the dice that im throwin its a dont let nothing get to you strategy i keep i keep on rollin ooh ooh rollin ooh i keep i keep rollin [ cheers and applause ] jimmy thank you, guys. Thank you, thank you so much oh, my gosh fantastic Little Big Town [ cheers and applause ] doesnt get better than that the breaker is out now. Pick it up. My thanks to Susan Sarandon, elijah wood, Little Big Town, once again [ cheers and applause ] man that was so great. Charlie wilson right there [ cheers and applause ] you got it. You got it. And, of course, the roots from philadelphia, pennsylvania. [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for late night with seth meyers. Thank you for watching. Have a great night. I hope to see you tomorrow. Byebye, everybody [ cheers and applause ] fred from 30 Rockefeller Plaza in new york, its late night, with seth meyers. Tonight, allison williams. Comedians, paul scheer and rob huebel. Author, paul beatty. Featuring the 8g band with andres forero

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