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Good morning, everyone. President obama has declared his support for Net Neutrality. Hes asking for new ruleses to reclassify the internet as a utility. Its an ask he doesnt have the authority to demand. Take a look. Im laying out a plan to keep the internet free and openment im urnling the federal Communications Commission the to do what they can to protect Net Neutrality for everyone. Some people will say it is either too boring or too complicated to talk about but john oliver talked about it and got 6. 8 million views on youtube. People do care. What does it mean . We have smart people. Jennifer granig here with john swartz of usa today and Colleen Taylor of tech crunch. Now i have set you up. You better perform. There was a danger. On thursday it was a protest at the fcc to save the internet. We should save the internet. Absolutely. Thats over simplifying it by a million times. There is a danger well over simplify this argument. How do we get it across to people without over simplifying it. First were thinking about what we use the internet for. Basically until now people have been able to access the information and the content they want and transmit storieses they want to tell without interference. What we are struggling with now is how to preserve that freedom and excitement about internet being so creative. But with a new era where we have monopolies in isps joining together who want to make money by charging people for transmitting stuff over the fiber optics they control. Let me say right off the top this television station is owned by one of the monopoly isps and thats comcast. Uhuh. You are free to have any opinion you wish. Comcast never tells me what to say. Does obama taking up the charge hurt or help . It helps. It provides leadership and vision. Thats really important. I really think for people who are in thes policy world there is fighting about, o he doesnt have the authority to tell the fcc what to doment people dont care about that. People care about getting the right result. What can the fcc do . They are caught in the middle trying to protect consumers. They are stuck in the middle as always. They have a typical thing. Protect consumers and innovation. They also want to protect company ps investing and Building Infrastructure for the internet with. How do you do that . Regulation is dangerous. Too much regulation can squelch it but not enough also does. An unregulated internet has given us the internet we have today. The isps could go to court and they say no matter what course the fcc takes they will be suing. How long do you think it will be before this is resolved . I think we thought the fcc would come out with a final decision right about now. The inclination we heard through rumors that the fcc wasnt going the course of classifying the internet. That it was going for a hybrid measure. Sort of oh opposing president obamas statement they dont want the internet controlled by a Governmental Department like the post office. Any Governmental Department anywhere. Everyone has a bad experiencement the dmv or post office. What do you say to that . I was one of those people for a long time. What happened is the economics of the business has changed. Isp ps have changed. We are actually beginning to see the down side of the monopoly control over the internet. The fcc has a choice to regulate. They can also forbear from regulation. Title 2 of the law also lets the s. E. C. Say well only regulate in narrow categories and not this way. Like a legislative point of view. There is Talk Congress might try to i amend the telecommunications act. Given the state of congress oh i dont think they can amend anything at this point. No. Thats a nonstarter. And ted cruz called it the obamacare of the internet. That further confused the issue. We were calling it the obama net. Fair enough. Your real area of expertise. You have lots of areases in privacy and copy right laws. With all the discussion of the nsa and snowden, people like privacy but they dont act like they want itment. Is it the ease of choices we can make that allow us to choose privacy without a huge amount of inconvenience. What we need is more information about what our government is doing and easier to use technology that helps protect us from not only suspicionless government snooping but identity thieves and other spying. People dont usually care about privacy until they are affected directly. I thought the pew research had a survey that showed most people have no control over the information they have about themselves. Yeah. System. I dont think there is a lot. I have asked before why there isnt an app on my phone ub complicated app that says, encrypt this. Only let people who know the following pass code know it. There is pgp and stuff but they are clunky lt terrible. Nobody builds a good, solid, quick app. Its hard to have security 57bd inconvenience. One of the mental revolutions they have had is in the world of Security Professionals who have realized we actually cant just sit back and scoff at the unwashed masses anymore. We really need to up our oh game and begin to i are care not just about the mathematics of cryptography but the user interface, too. We are beginning to see it happening. We are seeing companieses make decisions so its invisible to the user. We are seeing people developing apps which are very easy to usement is. Almost every day there is a security breach. Im waiting for the day when the stocks get punished for breacheses so there is a cause and effect oothat forces them to to invest. We know what to do to secure the information. Just people arent doing it. If you do these five things you reduce 80 of wraebreacheses. With about a minute left, whats the thing that in internet law you think this is the next big thing that well be talking about not Net Neutrality or privacy. Not those thing sths. Theyre huge. But whats on the radar . Probably drones. And artificial intelligence. I think there we have Technology Getting to a point where we are doing data mining and predictive and risk analysis such that, you know, how much do we let machines make the decisions for us versus humans making decisions. Jennifer granic, stanford law, thank you very much for being with us. Thanks. Up next, well talk about teaching kindergardeners code. Back in a minute. Welcome back to press here, early next month the entire world the world will teach an hour of computer coding to children. Children in classrooms, after school clubs, participated. Code. Org says more girls tried coding in that hour that than all girlses in it is the past p 70 years. The bush recognition Answering Service and 411. This comes in december. On your website, you can teach pe, an english teacher how to teach this stuff. I could look at your website now and teach code tomorrow. We have made it easy for students of any age range. How spfl first of all the coding doesnt involve typing. They dont need to know where the angle brackets go. You hit the run button and youre writing code to find the pig. Kids think its a gamement when a teacher puts it in front of kids the kids are learning. They go faster than the teacher can keep up. Whats access like at schools nationwide. You cant code without a schools need to shuttle that one from classroom to classroom. 10,000 schools had the entire school through the hour of code. They have 30, 40 computerses for the school. My wife teaches 10yearold kids. I think it really does start at the Elementary School level. Do you think this might aid and abet . It will. We have had 47 Million Students do this. Im sure it will have an effect. These are kids in kindergarten or third grade. My general feel is learning how a computer works, technology, should be learning how the digestive system works. When i was a kid we had apple 2s in schoolment all the computer could do is what you typed in you learned basic. If, then, go to line 40. There was nothing else for the computer to do you used the computerment i think we lost some of the programming as well. I like how you changed it to a series of instructions. The look on their face. The kids dont realize you made something happen you wanteded to happen. They know its not that they dont think there is learning involved. They have to solve puzzles and have videos of bill gates telling them why its important and teaching as they go. It connects school to what you could do after school one day. Im sorry. People can learn how the to codement how do you get people to go beyond the first couple of days. Learning about computers. We have had 2 million kids now enrolled in a follow on course. Those are good odds. Good numbers. 40 are girls which is double the average participation of women in this field. Thats like a 20hour course to get you farther. As you get to college it will shrink down. The goal isnt to get 40 Million Software engineerses in the world. Its to get americans educated like you got educated on biology in high school. What are you getting from the kids . Are they helping develop the next version of what you want to do . Are the kids tell ing you things you didnt know about . We are data different. We get tons of feedback. We get anecdotal feedback or see which puzzles were hard, which were too easy . We can give hints based on the common mistakes. Our system is learning this so the usage is given. It says four teachers. You click it. It walks you through how to do itment what advice do you give to teachers who will go to the principal and say, i have to teach all the common core stuff. I have to reach these goals by the end of the semester. I saw this guy on television. Sounds like i would like to spend time teaching code. There are politics involved. I want to go off coursement. Start with an hour ho. One hour is easy to take. The one hour tutorial includes math and english. Its not like teaching them something strange. After an hour, whether you are a student, a teacher. You will get a sense of if its something you want to keep going with. Code. Org. Thank you very much very being with us. Thank you. Silicon valley is one of the greatest gatherings of brains and ability since the apolo program or the manhattan project. Why are we building such dumb things . We put so much sboefrt launching Great Companies we may as well do something that has a real impact. The governments dont need access. I would say thats worthwhile. Let me talk about the stuff not worthwhile. It alarms me the number of companieses in San Francisco that are doing things. It makes my life easier. Im alarmed as well. I feel like sprentrepreneurs ne to realize if we spend five years of our lives working on a big impactful startup you can have a lot of financial returns by doing something meaningful and important to the world. Just as well if you build the next virtual cow app like zanga, i entrepreneurs who say i will spend five years building a gamement instead of saying, i will work on getting clean Drinking Water to the next billion people or access to health care or access to information. Access to the global economy, global markets. There are so many things, billions of people in the world need. We have some of the smartest brains here in. Its like the manhattan project. Im not part of it. You guys are working on things youre so smart. I think this is a good example. We build a company by Goldman Sachs and other investors. Among the top 50 internet services. We surpassed ebay and mtv as far as users. We are delivering two thingses. Internet freedom and personal privacy. To millions of people. We just surpassed 30 oh 0 million downloads of our application. Both Internet Freedom and privacy are considered basic human rights by the united nations. Youre supplying and driving huge shareholder returns by making the world a better place. Why a fixation on these things. Get rich mentality, craziness. Its a combination. One of the fundamental factors people dont understand that solving a problem for a billion citizens of the world can be a profitable business. When entrepreneurs understand that and there are many examples. But there isnt a Single Company in the world that has solved a problem for a billion people and is not a multi billion dollar company. Right. Noment. Name examples you wish tech people would aspire to. There is a few companies i like. I think twitterer is doing a good job at enabling access to information. I dont know if youre familiar with kiva micro loans. Thats phenomenal. Delivering micro loans. They have delivered half a billion in miracle ro loan mi loans. Im in globe in which develops artisans from countries like central asia and latin america and so on to global markets. Theres an interesting companiment im an investor in modern meadowses. They take dna off a cow. They grow leather and meat in there. So its a virtual cow. A real virtual cow. How much do you think and i will create a straw man here. Nothing against the business schoolses in the east coast. It helps you, sitting on top of the dry cleaning app and your maid app to get it easier to get it. I cant believe it won an awardment how much of this is thats what your background was. You did not start many the united states. Do you think there is something that says im from a different place and i have seen the worlds problems and i will solve them. You didnt start. Yeah. The louisiana accent. So i was born in russia is. In moscow. I have lived in palo altow since i was 9. So i did start here. I think people born in other countries have a global broerd perspective. A friend of mine who coined the term that used to be the rest of the world, r. O. W. And changed it to m. O. W. , most of the world. Its something important among people that were born in different companieses. The world is big. Not just california. Its not just silicon valley. One of the really interesting things for our business at anchor freight is i think for many businesseses, there are two and a half billion smart phone users in the world. 5 billion feature phone users. Those will come online and so on. They will be in places. Not in europe or the united states. They will be in emerging markets. They need freedom, privacy, security. The next 5 billion people is what we are focusing on. Thats what most new and up and coming entrepreneurships focus on oh. Not getting the laundry app to the person in San Francisco. Its getting the things to the next 5 billion people that are going to be super important to their lives, their development, their health care, education, et cetera. When twitter began it was a Company People would say, you know, this is something helping you share what your breakfast is or you just went to the bathroom. Its grown into something you cited as one of the companieses you do look up to. Is there a danger of calling them out as frivolous before they have had the chance to prove what they can be . Answer it quick. The laundry app will be hard to prove that it has a global impact. It really depends. That was a good answer really quick. I have to shut you down. Anchor free, gordon, thank you for being p was. Well be right back. Thats our show for the week. We talked about the entrepreneur of the year award. I have been involved as host and emcee. Jeff wooenerror of linked inment there are workshops to know how to nominate your boss p or yourself in march. I will send outerer more information on twitter. Thank you for making us part of your sunday morning. Sponsored in part by barracuda networks. City national bank. Providing loans and lines of credit to help Northern California businesseses grow. If that were you or your loved one, is that acceptable to i dont you sflz hello. Welcome. Im damian trujillo. Today, Healthy Foods in Corner Stores and latin life. Com. We we gin with the annual food drive from the Second Harvest food Bank Including nbc bay area and telemundo. We have Second Harvest and a client of the services. Welcome to the showment. Thank you. We have video where staff and crew fans out

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