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Last year californians installed more solar in one year than 30 years combined. I know a bandwagon when it comes down my street. Solar is super bright and there is nothing, nothing you could say that would convince investors otherwise. Hello, everybody. Hello. There is one word that was a long time ago the way the Tech Industry measures time, but it still stings. The government lends hundreds of millions of dollars to solyndra to be run out of business by the chinese. An expert on solar and the ceo of the advanced solar manufacturer. You can say he wrote the book on solar. They can rise from the ashes of solyndra to world leadership. You founded novelis and sold it for how much . 3 billion. 3. 3 billion. What made you get into solar . It was interesting after semiconductors, we grew and it became bigger and better. I retire and got out of it. It turned out a lot of my people didnt. They moved to solar. It was a big thing to move. I was being surrounded by it. It turns out i looked into it myself and i fell in love with them. It is a semiconductor. It transitioned from the chip to solar that is pretty easy. Let me ask but solyndra. That is the distant past. You guys are still dealing with it. Yep. Why . It has to do with the people who invest in solyndra. If you look at the average side, that would be 100 investors. If you are one of the guys im not going to write you a check. Still dealing with that today. Its fun to laugh about it, but what are you going to do about not dealing with the companies that have gone under and ended up curtailing. Its solar 2. 0. They wrote the book. The sky is falling. This is the beginning. They had to educate to get the information out there. I like to use the analogy. That was something that happened in the 1920s. There were like 3. People were not saying the sky is falling. That was the beginning of the automobile industry. 200 companies are going out of business and a car that is available for everyone. What happened was figuring out how to make it cheaper. Only the rich people could afford it. So lindia was a casualty. It wasnt bad. It heralded the beginning. They were not henry ford. Someone else was. We are seeing huge opportunities for solar insulation. A lot of Homes Across America are opting to have solar panels and its a more affordable choice with the tax credits and so on. Why are they given the casualties you mentioned. Im a semiconductor guy. How can i contribute . If you look at the deployment guy, im more of an engineer. As much as this leasing and finances are important, it leads to low cost solar panels. There a number of consumer who is fail to appreciate solar citys model. They are not a solar company. They are financial. Good on them. Will you try to make solar cheaper. I have solar city and i assume its silicon. Its cheap silicon. I dont care. If you come to me saying its much, much more costefficient. I still dont care. Right . If the chinese is doing it cheaper, why would we want it better . Thats a very good question. We have to think of 30,000 ways to answer that. I will give two pointers. I look at we relied on middle east oil for 30 years. Relying on them for energy didnt work out well for us. It cost us trillions in lives. Reliance on Foreign Energy is not the best. If you look at what happened here, solar might be the Energy Source of the future. They dont have 30 . They have 80 . Would we change and not give up anything and change dependence on solar panels. As a nation, as an individual you might say i dont care. I want cheap electricity. They get into which is the technology to implement. It turns out and we have our own government and i came from a conference. And they were to do what they did. They wanted to subsidize it. We got with that that they invested where we are today. About 50 gigawatts of capacity. We need terra watts. We need another 50 gag watts. Where is that 50 billion going to come from. China said no more. It turns out it might be the answer to the availability. When i did the math, with silicon technology, its 5 trillion. They make the transition. Everyone believes what most people believe. We want to transition. If the trillion is involved, its huge. I think the economy, the governments involved need to look at this. What can we afford to do . How are we going get americans to vote with the time machine or the crystal ball or flag instead of their wallet. How do we get everyone on board with this concept . We dont have to make an either or. It turns out the film is going to solyndra. It was the wrong architecture. Its inherently cheaper. They should have to pay less. In terms of voting, its energy. We need pg e to make it easy or not harder. Not putting obstacles away. The policy is still important and we need people to be educated. Informing the public. Its simple for the public. Let me jump in. I want to give you a quick question. That is the republicans. As they took over the senate, what does that mean generally speaking for the industry . We dont know it yet. I was reading a piece this morning that a lot of people believe it will be bad news. What you find with solar, its one of the few technologies that is popular across the board. 90 of democrats love solar. You think obama is not on solyndra and solar, but because he was obama and there was an opportunity. It became the political football. If you are in charge, you dont need to be beating anyone up anymore. You go back to the constituency of republicans and independents. All are 80 to 90 in favor of solar. Thank you for being with us. Thank you. Lots of Tech Companies say they will change the world. I guarantee my next guest really has. We introduce to you an app that alerts you if someone near you is dying. Really, dying. Its called pulse point and works with local 911 systems to send messages to people who can provide cpr at a moments notice. There people alive today because of this app. The man behind the app just won an Achievement Award from the Silicon Valley red cross. The price of the former fire chief. Even the fire chiefs have tech start ups. Dallas, fargo, spokane. Its the life of a onemonthold baby. Not your first lifesaving situation, but tell me about the baby. We maybe even have a ticket of the baby. Baby nolan with was his mom shopping and stopped breathing. Turned blue. The mother yelled out and the shopkeeper called 911. The firefighters were dispatched to the scene and while they were on the way to the scene, they activated a nearby auto mechanic, jeff olsson who was auto mechanic and a volunteer paramed paramedic. He responded about a block away. He saved the babys life. He arrived there in several minutes. Its easy to say you are changing the world to be a better place. Any stats on how many lives you saved . We activate about ten times a day and activated about 10,000 citizen responders and a lot of off duty professionals. We talk about citizen responders, but many of our responders have been firefighters and nurses. When you think about it with three shifts, 2 3 of the firefighters in your community are not at work. They are at the mall or mowing their lawn or what not. Its not just the firefighters, but the Police Officers and the nurses and the emergency room doctors. People who work the jobs are 24hour jobs. We have a shift on duty and 2 3 off duty. You are right. I know we want to show a quick map to get the point across. These are the responders in the bay area. If you know the bay area, thats every bit of population there is in the bay area. These are the people who could in a moments notice. If somebody is having a hard time. Its walking distance, a quarter of a mile or less. The idea is that somebody will be on the floor above you and you have notice idea even though you are close. I want to know how it gets alerted in the first place. How do you know they are in a critical situation and going back to your story of starting. What was your reason for doing and how did you get the tech and developer help unless you happened to have Development Skills also. Our development is volunteer work donated by the work day incorporation in pleasanton. They have the development for the application. That handlings all of that. We have about a dozen that get 20 of the pulse point. The app is integrated into the 911 centers. We install the software and when somebody calls 911 and reports somebody is unconscious and unresponsive and needs help. They dispatch the resources. Totally automatic. Dispatchers are unaware. You talk about the doctors and the nurses, but with baby nolan, it was an auto mechanic. Is there a test to see if people can do cpr accurately. Its hands only, compress 100 times a minute and up to two inches. People learn very, very quickly. We Just Announced a partnership with the red cross. We have red cross instructions in the app. People can watch short videos and things like that. Our challenge is people who are cpr trained to have the courage to engage in this way. Not the people that are not trained in cpr, but people want to get involved, its easy to get involved properly. Bad cpr is better than no cpr. If somebody has never done it, if they try, thats good. We are bringing multiple and Higher Quality responders to the scene. They will make take over or have two person cpr, better than one person. What about liability . I could see it being a potential concern for someone thinking about stepping in. You need courage to do it. This is a happy country. We are fortunate we have Good Samaritan laws in all states that protect people that want to get involved and help in this way. That legislation exists because we want a society where people are comfortable in helping each other. Thats the intent. We use liability as a way to do that, but its because we want people to help each other. I listen to them and that was not a complete list. There is lots of towns all over the united states. Its more than900 now. Town a and town b said whats that. You can see texas. Texas starts to fill out, etc. Some places you are not in it at all. Illinois, for instance. Why . I think part of it is marketing and awareness and like the bay area, we are just about everywhere in the bay area. City starts and you have Service Level differences. San jose has this and cupertino doesnt. You are likely to survive because of pulse point. Thats part of it where you have the domino effect. Richard price, we are thrilled to have you. Thank you for saving so many lives. You and your team. Thank you, scott. You bet. Up next, taylor swift. Well will talk about her and the future of the music industry. Welcome back to press. Taylor swift sold 1. 2 million albums last week. That would be amazing in any era, but she did it in an era where nearly no one is buying music in a traditional sense and she is solidifying that with taking all of her music, not just her new album and all of her music off spotify to buy it the Old Fashioned wie through itunes on a cd. This is a long time Digital Music executive at yahoo music and music match. Now you sold it to beats and they sold it to apple. Does that mean you get a piece of apple . No comment. Obviously she wants to make more money. She will make more money. Its a shortterm maneuver. Its kind of a tailor swift thing. The artists can pull that off at the top of the tale. Artists like beyonce have done that before. You said this is a shortterm way to make money. Longterm, i think its done. Shortterm it will result in more cash, but longterm she should get back on to spotify definitely. If you look at spotifys numbers they published recently, i believe 40 of the users have listened to taylor swift in the past month. 19 million play lists have taylor swift in them. There a lot of fans on spotify. You follow her on instagram and she talks about the fans. If you cant access her music in the way you want, is that fair to her loyal music listeners and is she going to face a backlash . And you force them to put a credit card into a service. Maybe they dont have to buy a cd player. Its not fan friendly. Im old enough to remember when artists didnt like i tunes and now they want to be because they make money. Artists do get paid. If i do it free or paid, an artist gets a chunk of the fact that i pressed play. They get 70 . Let me give you a context. The labels, they will get 70 of what spotify makes. They have their own with the artist. Heres why this doesnt make sense. The music business is shifting from a record business into that is about concert tickets. All of those depend on you having loyal fans. The way you turn someone and heard taylor swifts single into a serious fan who buys those things is by letting them listen to the music. Most people are not going to buy that. They buy the one single and not going to pop down 13 for an album they have never heard. If you cant get people to love your music, they are not going to come out to your shows. I went to the miley cyrus concert. What would have thought that. Its kind of cool. I checked out her album and got into it. Taylor swift doesnt neat people sampling her. She is taylor swift or katy perry. If you look at the money, a quick back of the napkin calculation. She sold 1. 3 million albums for 13 each. Apple takes about 30 and the Record Stores take a similar percentage. She ended up making 12 million. She is want reported to have made 64 million this year. All of these albums are around a quarter of the money she made right here. Where that money is coming from is concerts and merchandises. People dont buy those unless they are fans. The record executive to make sure you are right. I agree with josh. I think its a good time to be an artist. Big or small. To joshs point, what we need to do is let the artist offer a bunch of options for their fans. They can listen to a stream. I think they are recording the industry and a much bigger industry are trapped in the 15 billion business. Just the business of being able to monitize that with spotify. People got so angry with piracy and convenience. They are extremely convenient. They have to buy an album where they have tracks that you can listen to the one or two. Now we are used to having that option. People are dealing with it because they cant listen to. I have 40 seconds left. Is spotify the future and not pandora or itunes or is there something we should Pay Attention to . How about beats . I wouldnt say itunes is the store of the future, but that was a transitionary period. Its screaming back to the future. Thank you for lending your expertise. We will be back in a minute. Thanks to my guests and want to remind you about the pulse point app on i tunes and the Android Stores as well. It is well worth your time. Thank you for making us part of your sunday morning. Hello and welcome. Im damian trujillo. Today on the show, mexico dancer plus shop with a cop on your comunidad del valle. Nbc bay area presents comunidad del valle with damian trujillo. We begin today with the sacred heart nativity schools here on comunidad del valle. With me is the principal and president. What do they call you over at the nativity . Yes, were a Jesuit School to we have a president and a principal. Very good. Now, its a Jesuit School so everybody thinks its a private school, public school, tuition is incredible. But tell us who youre focused on, who youre targeting and what the tuition is like. Yes. Were in our 14th year of operation. And so we are a Catholic School but

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