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her championship. >> she was so much the story last time this championship visited this area up the road at cherry hills. >> stunned by the bunker shot by birdie, came on the 7 nd hole to snatch it away. >> boy wibl's say. >> snatched it away from her and brittany lang. >> that was a wild bunker shot to go in. impossible shot almost. >> just past 9:00 out east. just past 7:00 out here. mountain time. colorado springs. u.s. women's open championship continues. it will not be over until tomorrow because of five weather delays, which is a total of some 17 hours. looking at the leader, hee kyung seo, 25-year-old from seoul, south korea, lives in orlando. likely she'll finish her round today at 4 under tied with angela stanford. has one win here in the united states but a big winner in korea, but again this is a whole different story. >> she might have to worry just slightly about soling this club behind the ball, that steep slope. >> i don't know if it's quite that precarious but certainly a real good break. >> you don't want to be pushing too much behind that ball, i know that. >> no. a pitch that's uphill and, as gary said, has a view of the green surface from the ball staying here and it will move to her right and starts to go a little ridge just short of the hole some 15 feet, it will start running down and away to the right. >> that's really nice. that's really nice. >> she's played a bunch of delicate shots so well. >> back at 11. >> long putt for par for stanford. >> oh, boy. that slips outside of the gimme range. that's a good 3 1/2 footer there. >> over at the 12th. >> ryu with her putt for par. this from back up against the mountain so very slow and moving to her right. >> you talk about open pressure, johnny, especially on that final nine. >> second shot for kerr, 187 at the 13th. that's what she thinks about it. >> this has been her miss literally all fourth round. you see her belt buckle rise up high, she comes out of the shot. no carry on it at all. >> didn't you say she's been doing that all year? >> that has been her miss all year, yes. >> ai miyzato has nine hole left, at even par. making a turn here. that wonderful tempo of hers. >> not a bad leave. >> coming off the back-to-back birdies at 8 and 9 to get herself back into the picture. >> both miyzatos had such great opportunity to spread themselves from the field and they just let it slip. a lot of pressure to have the japanese win the u.s. women's open. >> back at the 9th. >> never happened before. >> see if pressle can finish off her championship with a birdie. we've seen that a lot this week. >> we've seen that look a lot, gary. >> that's what i'm saying. a lot of frustration on these greens. >> over at the 11th. stanford's going to lose at least one so seo at 4 under has got a par-saving putt at 15 coming up. creamer. with a nice stroke. >> i think there's a lot of pride at this point for paula creamer, wants to go out with a positive experience defending her championship. gave it her all. >> it was a beautiful par saver. >> i think that putter's trying to respond because it knows it's in real trouble. >> it's got closet time coming up, esn't it? >> this putter needs to respond right now. this is a bogey putt for stanford. >> dan, after she hit that par putt and ran it a good 3 1/2 feet by, she went off to the side of the green just shook her head and looked up to the sky as if she couldn't believe she just made basically three mistakes in a row. >> she seems to be taking a little more time here. >> take one more deep breath and then go. give it a little time. >> beautiful setup. real square. >> quick peek. let's take a second look here. >> wiped across. so doesn't know what's going on but she just got a double gift. she's got a chance to keep that two-shot lead that you see right now. remember she's got a par putt coming up at 15. go to 13 for kerr. jane? >> not a great lie in the first cut of rough here. have to chip it all the way across the green. needs to get it running on the ground quickly going up the mountain. >> i think that's a very, very good play and i don't think players use that one quite often enough. it is a pretty low-risk shot really. >> it was good but you can see she misread that by four feet. >> up to 16. just a moment ago, this little putt for birdie, too, moving a little bit right to left. and just makes it in on the high side! a runner-up in this championship back in 2009. she moves to 4 over par.y52 back at 15. seo will have a chance to keep the lead at two. >> this could be the putt of the championship right here, gary, if she somehow can get this in with a two-stroke spread, gives her a little bit of air there between. >> the 16th and 17th certainly not difficult holes. >> might have a little bit movement but i don't think much. that one was pretty straight. >> there probably could not and better grouping here for seo. paired with g.a. shin. they're good friends. followed g.a. shin out of that korean golf factory. in fact she wanted to see how g.a. shin practiced, so in the summer of 2008, actually visited shin, trained with her. she thought she was doing a lot of work working five, six hours a day and found out that shin worked nearly twice that much. and so that really got her focused. so she credits her good friend g.a. shin for kind of getting her over the top, getting her to the next elite level in this game and all day long pairedit with her. >> this just inside four feet. . downhill. you got to make a choice here. you going to baby it down there or you going to try to hit it in with a little speed? >> and don't change your thought mid stream. that was beautiful. >> it was really clutch. clutch pars at 13, 14 and 15. she will go to the par 3 16th with a two-shot lead. >> there's seo, again just turned 25 on friday. sectional qualifier. there's only been two qualifiers who have won the women's open, hillary lucky in 2003, bernie kim in 2 th002005. she came out of one of 25 qualifying sites around the country and just her third u.s. open appearance. >> 7 under par for the day. that's fantastic. long day four but she has played twice as good as anyone else today. she's really sort of earned this title. got a lot of golf left to play but really looks good so far. >> kerr trying to stay at 1 under. how many of these par saving putts have we seen by cristie kerr all week? >> just's a ton. she's added to the stress level. >> out to 12. >> angela stanford on the tee at the par 3. >> she's hooking that one in from right to left. >> with a 7 iron. will it hold? just sneaks through into the back fringe. >> not awful. >> no. makable from there. back uphill. go to 10. >> this is a par putt for ai miyzato. keeping an eye on her. she's got the most holes of any of the contenders left. at 18, for par. tseng, she's got all the majors except this u.s. women's open title. 73 for her and 40 on her second nine in this final round, plus 6 for the championship. >> at the 16th, seo ready with her tee shot. it does play downhill some 17 feet from the ahitting area to the green. >> i can tell you this, she does not know she has a two-shot lead. the scoreboard immediately next to the 15th green says she's even withstand ford so there's no way she knows she has a lead. >> she got a very fortunate bounce there. she knows it. big smile on her face. ball could have easily kick to the right into the bunker. >> and she knows she's got one -- yeah, okay. ♪ (anncr) playing professional tennis isn't easy, but saving money with geico is. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. >> as we look at how hee kyung seo got this far. earlier today she reeled off four consecutive birdies. that was a birdie at the 6th. another look here for birdie at the 7th. >> this was unexpected, wasn't it? >> it was a total bonus. that ball was cooking when it went in the hole. >> she really hits through those putts just great. and again this putt is really fast. this was a birdie at 8. >> finds its way into that little funnel, dan. >> that was three in a row and four birdies in the first eight holes of this final round. this was coming off a 68. she had all sorts of growth momentum and through the chimes she hit her third at the par 5 9th. >> and just does what you're supposed to do, hit it up into the bank and let gravity be your friend. >> so she had a chance to get it to 5 under, complete four consecutive birdies of her opening nine of the final round, tying the low nine of the championship with a 31. so she was at 5 under, did bogey the 10th but then has reeled off five more consecutive pars, some really impressive up-and-downs. since play resumed, after a two hour or so delay, she's reeled off five straight pars, leader by two. a look at stanrd on the 12th. >> she's elected to puttst the ball. >> she didn't have a lot of confidence in her chipping game. >> not comfortable. danger is when you putt it out of this intermediate cut, the ball will bounce. >> she caught it a tough on the toe as well so it wasn't solid. ahead to 13. >> so yeon ryu an her third shot at the par 4, 1 of 4 players currently under par. >> that was going in the hole if she'd have hit it. >> over at 16. >> she has a chance, seo does, to increase that lead right here. >> a putt that will slice to her right and the scoreboard here shows her again still even withstand ford. both at 4 under. they have not corrected the scoreboard here at 16 green. >> this is a club that's really given her this lead. she had two zero putts, 14 one-putts and 17 two-putts starting this morning. so it's wonderful to be able to putt like this under pressure. >> not sure you could see this coming either. best finish in the last month is a tie for 20th. >> starts hard to the right. and it has a little speed. so left with another little tester for par. g.a. shin hit it in close. we'll take a look at how she got there. >> this was just a good looking shot. so now live, her putt for birdie. >> just to kind of cap off the relationship between shin and seo, it was seo who said she won the first competition of her career, she played with shin in the last round, was very nervous at the 16th hole and shin came up to her and said, just relax and enjoy your game. you can do it. and there's the scoreboard that they still have not updated with the double bogey by stanford. >> i'm not so sure it's so late that there aren't volunteers there to work that board. >> maybe they're feeling the fatigue as well. >> maybe they are. >> i'm not so sure that isn't a good break for seo because it keeps her playing firm instead of i got a two-shot lead, i better be cautious. back to 14. >> look at the rainbow cristie kerr has ahead of her at the 14th. >> it is beautiful. rainbow.owaiatnbe . just a pitching wedge for kerr from 128. >> choo-choo. bite bite. she comes up with words, doesn't she? she even mentioned rainbow. 16. >> seo for par. >> some sort of distraction. >> a golf cart in the distance made a little noise. >> it is also just starting to sprinkle ever so lightly right now. >> we understand there was rain headed to the area but the good news is there was no electricity in it so we do not expect another delay. >> this pre-shot routine kind of tucking her shirt in, that was something annika sorenstam did a lot. pre-shot routine a lot the same. >> safely in. remains at 4 under. lead remains two. back to 13. >> this a cut at 13? >> it is. you can use the terrain to help you hit that cut or you can go ahead and make it move left to right to begin with but we've chronicled it pretty well all week. she's made some swing changes to make that shot more her predominant shot. needs to sit. >> just out of first cut up ahead at the green, so yeon ryu for par to tie withstand ford for second. so ryu looking solid. we'll head to the par 4 14th. we had the par 5 17th where jiyai shin is. >> in the last five minutes we've had a little breeze kick up. >> more than just a gentle breeze in the last five minutes or so. that could be a factor coming with a little bit of sprinkles. >> now seo. missed her first fairway what? two holes ago? >> that's correct. it's been a pretty impressive driving exhibition. >> hit that pole. don't know if that's nerves or what. see if that happens again on these last two holes. >> for the year she hits about 76% of the fairway so may not be long but she's pretty straight. >> you know at the start of this morning seo was tied for 21st. the fact that she's 7 under par for this day is just a great feat. it really is. it is impressive. >> pressure-packed, long week continues. at the broadmoor in the shadows of cheyenne mountain where seo isou ppl holeserhaps away, perh of winning the u.s. women's open. d i try to learn as much as i can about a company before i invest in it. that's why i like fidelity. they give me tools and research i can't get anywhere else. their stock screener lets me search for stocks with more than 140 criteria. i can see what their experts are thinking and even call them to bounce an idea off of one of their investment professionals. a good strategy relies on good insight. if you wanted to learn more about a company, i think you'd actually have to be there. check out this bizarre scene a moment ago, this group, seo, and jiyai shin running down the hill. we understand they've been asked to speed up play. there you are leading the women's u.s. up. seo'so gng ttake ttake a breat. >> kerr for birdie at 14. so kerr to stay at 1 under if she makes that par putt coming back. >> paula creamer next to play over at 13. >> talking things over. made a good par save at the last hole, two good par saves in a row and a long yardage into a par 4 though. 212 yards to the hole. she's hitting her fairway woods great. >> all over it. >> angela stanford is next. stanford's career in this championship, best finish close call in a playoff. event ul champion at pumpkin ridge. this is stanford's 40th major. she has four top fives. >> oh, boy, that is low and left, johnny. that's going to end up in some very long, thick rough. >> that's the second toughest hole this week. only 22 birdies, the fewest allowed on any hole, this 13th hole. she's obviously going to struggle to make par. got to be careful not to make double. >> karrie webb for birdie at 14. >> nice read for karrie. she moves to plus 1. little rain shower. seo taking cover. >> she had a chance to really make a birdie and that will really solidify her position. >> roger, have you heard anything about the pace of play and running up the hill at 17? >> i have not. somebody may have said please speed up but i have not heard of any warnings going on. now the wind, downhill, wind helping a little bit from left to right. >> crucial to get this ball on the fairway, roger. >> very important. certainly make the next a lot easier. >> hole location's in a good spot back left. for the third shot if she can keep this in the fairway. >> this will be just fine. >> let's bring in the usga director of amateur status, rules of golf. bernie, you heard anything about this group being asked to pick up the pace? >> well, as they were finishing the 16th hole and going to the 17th tee, the group ahead of them on the par 5 were finishing putting and we like to have the people on the par 5s have hit their drives before the people on the green finish putting. so they were just simply asked to speed up the play and close the gap. there wasn't any kind of warning given though. >> they're continuing to speed up play as seo continues to half-jog down the fairway, seemingly relaxed. dottie, all systems go here with a two-shot lead trying to close it out here, then wait around for tomorrow's finish to see if anybody would catch her but still she has a lot of work left to do. >> she has got an incredibly difficult tee shot and second at the 18th. giving them a break where the hole location is at 18 but she's still got a ton of work ahead of her. >> i actually don't know that she has a two-shot lead. that may be an advantage. but there will probably and scoreboard on 17 near the green so when she gets up there she might have a pleasant surprise. her birthday's on friday. that could be her birthday present of the week. >> birthday. how about christmas. >> nice little stroll over to 17. angela stanford. >> she's found an area of grass where it is a little more crispy and shorter in length. she's going downwind and has no green to work with. that looked like such a tired second shot for angela stanford and a bad bounce there. >> as the legs get tired the ball starts going left. that's what you're seeing even seo hitting the drive left on the one hole, your legs don't do what they're supposed to do, then the hand take over. over at the 14th. you can see the rain coming down for ryu, two back. second shot. >> 14 in that stretch of the golf course where all the greens sit perched up, really difficult seconds. >> back over to the par 5 17th. seo setting up for her third. >> roger, you're right. that wind has really pick up. look at those flags. >> it is whipping now and if it stays this way the tee shots at xviii going to be directly into this wind an it is pretty stout right now. >> this leaderboard is updated. so if seo doesn't know already she's got a two-shot lead, you might imagine she might take a little peek. there's her caddie. he's canadian. he played collegiately at wyoming. the story is he was working in a sporting goods store when a friend asked him to caddie so tour events in '05. he was on the bag for sung young yoo. >> this is for 130 yards. oh, what a bounce. >> an aggressive shot and what a

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United States , Canada , Seoul , Soul T Ukpyolsi , South Korea , Japan , Wyoming , Japanese , Canadian , Annika Sorenstam , Angela Stanford , Hee Kyung Seo , Bernie Kim , Yeon Ryu , Karrie Webb , Brittany Lang ,

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