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fee expires thursday, since governor jerry brown could not get the four rip votrepublican votes needed. >> i don't understand why the state is broke. they say it's broke but it's the silicon valley and people earn so much but for some reason i don't know where the funds are going. >> reporter: this woman is just as frustrated. she blames lawmakers for not only holding up the budget but her education as well. >> this semester i'm only taking two classes, and i should be taking more. but they're not available. teachers are being cut out. >> reporter: the governor announced he and democrats found a way to wbalance the budget without republican support. >> we do expect more revenues in the budget year coming up, but in case wee overoptimistic, we have severe trigger cuts that will be triggered and go into effect. >> reporter: the governor's plan banks on an additional $4 billion in revenue as we saw in may. but if that doesn't materialize, $2.6 billion in trigger cuts will kick in. csu and the uc systems will each lose $650 million, $100 million more apiece if the revenue doesn't materialize that. could trigger shorter school years and school days. the governor says the budget is balanced and cuts the structural deficit by 75%. >> even though we can balance the budget in a year, to really put california on a firm glide path where the spending and the revenue out into the longer future is absolutely balanced, that does take revenue. >> reporter: so this is the plan that was presented by the governor and the democratic leadership. we know that republicans in the assembly and the senate, they were not on board with the governor before, and as soon as this plan was announced, republican senator bob dut tcto said the state needs a budget that will create jobs. they are pushing for a spending cut as well. well, a bay area lawmaker introduced legislation today to abolish capital punishment calling it an expensive failure. lonnie hancock wants to replace the death penalty with permanent imprisonment. he said the death penalty is costing millions a year and doesn't deter crime. she cites a new report that says it costs the state $184 million more year to execute prisoners than it would to keep them in prison for life. if approved, hancock's bill would place an initiative on the statewide ballot next year for voters to decide. just into the newsroom tonight, was he texting on the phone while driving? that's one thing federal investigators are looking at after ordering the cell phone records of the truck driver involved in friday's deadly crash in nevada. a phone they believe belongs to the driver of the truck was found in the wreckage. it's now on its way to washington, d.c., where it will be inspected in a lab. we are also learning that the truck driver has a spotty driving record. records from the nevada department of motor vehicles reveal that 43-year-old lawrence r. valley of nevada received four speeding tickets since 2008, including three for driving a school bus over the posted speed limit in california in a ten-month period. meanwhile, two of the people killed in the crash, their names were released. 58-year-old frances knox and her 18-year-old daughter, carly knox of nebraska. the accident happened in nevada near reno on friday. five passengers are still unaccounted for. the amtrak train was on its way from chicago to emeryville. new tonight at 6:00, the hunt is on for the person whose shooting peregrine falcons in oakland. a $1,000 reward is being offered. the first falcon was shot with a pellet gun near the corner of guna and alisa street. her daughter was shot at tiffin road and whittle avenue. both falcons are recuperating at the lindsay wildlife center in walnut creek. they are reportedly in stable condition following orthopedic surgery. well, the video may be grainy and only lasts less than a minute but the impact could be huge. there's a video that surfaced that shows bryan stow, the giants fan at a dodgers stadium the night he was brutally attacked. patrick healy from our nbc station in los angeles tells us how this could impact the case. >> reporter: the off-kilter cell phone camera rotates and you can make out bryan stow seated on the left. the camera follows the angry man who was cursing him and returns to stow with his right hand still in the air. look again and you see the angry man jabbing his finger at stow's face as he curses and threatens him in spanish. >> i think if anything it would just be said that bryan stow had a confrontation with a dodger fan and it was not vee vauggiov ramirez. >> reporter: that's the takeawaa from one of the attorneys representing ramirez, who remains the prime suspect in the opening day attack. still being sought are a second assailant and the woman seen driving them away. in releasing this video for the first time, tmz did not identify the source nor explain why this comes three months after the attack. already known was that during the game watching from a seat in the right field level section, stow had been subject to hostility, presumably because he was rooting for the giants in giants apparel. stow had texted his concerns to a relative. the somewhat fuzzy video reveals a second man standing in the aisle who he says is also clearly not ramirez. detectives now have their own copy of the video. >> i'm hoping this will aid in narrowing down suspects or assailants in this case. >> reporter: just friday lapd chief charlie beck reaffirmed the commitment to follow the evidence wherever it leads. >> if it leads to a conviction, if it leads to exoneration, wherever it leads, we will follow the case. >> reporter: investigators have made no determination that the parking lot assailants were among the spectators taunting stow during the game, but detectives certainly will want to talk to the man in the 23 jersey if they have not already to find out what he knows. as for ramirez, a week after being found in violation of his parole, he's now at donovan state prison serving nine months, still wondering if he will be charged with the stow attack. >> we're still waiting for the magic piece of the puzzle that will exonerate giovanni ramirez. >> reporter: what's apparent from stow's body language is that he was not trying to pick a fight, and this is consistent with the police report witness accounts of him being blind-sided in the parking lot by a punch from behind that knocked him down. in los angeles at dodgers stadium, patrick healy reporting for nbc bay area news. a bay area woman who is muslim is suing abercrombie & fitch after being fired from her job when he refused to remove her religious hat scarf. she filed a lawsuit in u.s. district court in san francisco today against the popular retailer. he had been working at the retailer's hillsdale mall store for four months when she claims in february of 2010 she was fired for refusing to remove her scarf at work. when she was hired she was told it would not conflict with the company's, quote, look policy. >> when i got hired by the store manager, they didn't have a problem. it was when the district manager first saw me that they had an issue. >> abercrombie & fitch says it's done nothing wrong and set it always complies with federal law regarding reasonable religious accommodation. to the weather now. while we've been enjoying perfect summer weather, a big change is headed our way. we're talking about rain in june. rob is here with more details. >> we just have a few days left in the water season for the year. it resets typically on july 1st, but here we go. right now we've got low clouds around san francisco. that's not an unusual sight for june to find the fog along the coast. what is unusual is to see a fairly strong cold front powering its way down the coast, you can see the rain already nearing the eureka coastline. that is going to be dropping our way tomorrow. it is powered up by cool air out of the gulf of mexico. rich moisture that's been pulled out of the subtropics somewhat, so these combinations coming together over the bay area tomorrow will bring us some rain, possibly some thunder and, yes, maybe some snow in the sierra above 7,000 feet. there you see the estimates for rainfall. the north bay getting the biggest punch out of the system. but depending on your timing for your morning commute or evening commute, you'll see the most rain falling at times during the day. we'll show you the impact of the system coming up in the full forecast in a few minutes. back to you. >> thanks, rob. well, it is no secret that many new moms try to regain their figures after they have a baby. well, coming up, a new product helping moms bounce back. the question is, is it safe? what's a fourth of july without fireworks? the only problem is, there isn't many places where it's legal anymore. ming up, i'll tell you where you can find them and what you need to know before you start celebrating. plus, back in business. a hallmark of san francisco gets back on u atth is ucong tmiinwop i minutes. man: everybody knows you should save for retirement, but what happens when you're about to retire? woman: how do you go from saving to spending? fidelity helped us get to this point, and now we're talking about what comes next. man: we worked together to create a plan to help our money last. woman: so we can have the kind of retirement we want. now, you know how this works. just stay on the line. oh, yeah. fidelity investments. turn here. for many americans fourth of july means block parties and of course fireworks. >> but the number of places that allows this sparkle and flash has dwindled. kimberly tere is live in dublin with more on this story. >> reporter: if you want to play with fireworks, you're probably going to have to drive to one of the few places where it's still legal, dublin being one of them. you can see the stands are already set up and they will be open for business starting tomorrow. fourth of july often brings with it a burst of fun, with fireworks. but law enforcement and fire officials warn that this personal patriotic display of color and pop comes with rules. >> if you buy them here, you must discharge them here. if you leave the city limits with the fireworks, they are illegal and you will be cite andy they will be kwconfiscated >> reporter: in the bay area, they are only legal in dublin, newark and union city. anyone caught with illegal fireworks shown here in this law enforcement demonstration can face a fine and even jail time. >> basically the fireworks that we do not allow is anything that flies in the air, darts across the ground or explodes in the air. >> reporter: across the bay area on independence day, police and fire departments will have extra patrols out looking for anyone causing trouble. >> it usually happens to those folks who don't think it will. in some cases it happens to folks that didn't even have the firework. the firework discharges inappropriately, it lands on a roof, it starts a roof fire, someone can lose their home. we've seen that happen. >> reporter: it's because of the danger that most cities have decided to ban fireworks altogether, leaving residents with mixed opinions. >> i think we should all have them everywhere. that's why they're called safe and sane. they're for everybody. everybody needs to enjoy the fourth of july. >> growing up, one of my fondest memories is watching my dad shoot off fireworks on the fourth of july. and it's sad that we can't enjoy that with our kids. >> they have shows at certain places. if you really want to see them, you can go find it yourself. >> reporter: what about people that want to light them at home? >> i think it's just a safety hazard. >> reporter: in dublin on fourth of july last year, 160 pounds of illegal fireworks were confiscated and two people were charged with felonies for illegal possession. live in dublin, kimberly tere, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, kimberly. high gas prices, unemployment and a sluggish economy have definitely hid californians hard this summer. with the fourth of july holiday approaching, the travel forecast isn't looking too bright. let's show you what it looks like outside. that's 880. pretty much looks like it does every afternoon. according to aaa more than 4.6 million californians will travel 50 miles or more from their homes. this is a 2.3 decrease compared to last year. many are postponing their travel plans while others are opting for a shorter vacation. air travel is expected to increase by 1.7%. a bay area tradition is rolling again. san francisco's california street cable car line is back in business. it had been shut down for a six-month street renovation. joe rosato jr. shows us how some are marking its return. >> reporter: it's a sound that hasn't been heard on this street in half a year. >> mason street, mason. fairmont hotel, grace cathedral. >> reporter: the rumble of a cable car, the tolling of its bell. erik williams back at the grip. >> i'm eager to see the regulars, you know the locals. we've got a locals who you become friendly with. >> reporter: for the last six months, the 17 blocks of california street have been without their rolling wooden ambassadors. it was closed down to make way for a $24 million track renovati renovation. >> well, there have been all kinds of electrical and mechanical kinds of things going on. also california street has been repaved, which will be good for the motorists. >> reporter: but today, the city celebrated the return of the california line and williams celebrated by getting back to work. >> the most interesting thing is just meeting a whole lot of people from around the world, you know. that's the most interesting thing. >> reporter: williams wasn't the only one eager to see the lines return. >> business was slow. very slow. >> reporter: shoe shine kenny wayne bowens, better known as famous wayne, hopes the cars will once again deliver customers to his stand at the east end of the line. >> the tourists ask me questions every day. when are the cable cars going to get back working. i said very soon. >> i've still got to learn the trees around here. i don't know the native trees. that's a major question, what type of trees these are. >> reporter: williams says he prefers the california line since more locals use it to travel to the financial district. >> you get to enjoy your job, enjoy the people doing it and in support of san francisco. >> reporter: joe rosato jr., nbc bay area news. traffic school is not what it used to be. as of july 1st, you will not be able to wipe your driving record clean with a traffic school diploma. the new law requires all offenses to be recorded as convictions, which is part of a driver's detailed history at the dmv. >> this is the law that's really aimed at the chronic offender, the ones who want to repeatedly go to traffic school. they don't want to face the responsibility to change their poor driving habits that ultimately put all of us in danger. >> with the new guidelines, drivers who attend the traffic school will have their first conviction masked and won't receive a negative mark on their driving record. but additional violations within an 18-month period will appear as convictions on the driving record and the person's insurance company will be notified. rob mayeda is back with another look at weather. you were here five minutes ago talking about rain. please tell me you changed your mind. >> i wish. the seven-day forecast is unfortunately put in permanent marker right now. we can't pencil that out. we have the chance of rain coming in probably right around this time tomorrow evening. but for this evening at least you just need a sweatshirt, no umbrella outside around san jose. 70 degrees, we're cooling off. there's a strong case of ocean air conditioning tonight. you can see low clouds hovering over san francisco, already down to 61 in oakland. with those low clouds around san francisco, 58 degrees, west wind at 18. some mist or drizzle possible for some of that fog as it spills in over san francisco this evening and tonight. our temperatures inland, still some 70s and 80s today but all this is going away tomorrow as we look for more clouds and eventually some raindrops. it is a little gusty out this evening so look out if your travel plans include the bay bridge or san mateo bridges. a little gusty through 8:00 tonight. typically you get low clouds at the coast, that's not all that unusual, but what's happening to the north, you don't expect to see this for the end of june. we're talking a cold front and gulf of alaska area of low pressure which is dropping down the coast bringing some rather interesting elements our way tomorrow. you've got the cool air aloft, moisture racing up out of the subtropics. coming over the bay area tomorrow, which will bring the chance of rain, maybe some thunder for the inland valleys and the sierra, we're talking snow. it's been a couple of weeks of snow melt so elevations 7,000 to 8,000 feet tomorrow morning. so use that for your travel plans heading to the high country by thursday and friday, things will start to warm up. for the bay area, working out the timing on your morning commute, north bay and along the coast you'll probably start to see some showers. this looks like a midday rain event for the bay area. notice this front fizzles out heading across the south bay towards tomorrow evening. then by wednesday skies start to clear and things will slowly start to warm up. in fact warm up big time thursday and friday. rain returning around the north bay, then by 4:00 winding down in terms of the showers. look at those high temperatures. only 60s and low 70s. you may be able to add 30 degrees to those numbers come thursday as things really start to heat up. we'll have a look at that and the seven-day forecast coming up in our next half hour. hundreds of volunteers set out this morning to count the homeless in santa clara county. the housing 1,000 campaign aims to end homelessness with the goal of moving 1,000 homeless people into permanent housing by 2013. the survey will continue through wednesday and be used to create a registry of those most in need of housing and medical care. every city in the county except gilroy and morgan hill will be canvassed. a separate sur way will be done there next month. now a controversial incident involving a 95-year-old woman and her adult diaper. also ahead, it could save a life, but surprising new research shows many breast cancer patientekig >>bu dman. it was once a brash upstart. now what does facebook have in common with one of silicon valley's oldest companies? we'll tell you. i want to crush more cars. i want to sell more tea cups. ♪ i need help selling bread. ♪ i want to sell more crabs. [ male announcer ] you know where you want to take your business. i want to design more buildings. [ male announcer ] in here, small business solutions from at&t can get you there. like the at&t all for less package, starting at just $70 per month, voice plus broadband. it's the at&t network. helping you do what you do... even better. well, you knew it would come to this. a san francisco public library getting into the digital age by throwing out snail mail. starting july 1st instead of getting overdue and requested book noise by mail, pat rrons wl get a text or e-mail. part of the technology. the library is looking at more computers, more laptops to lend out and increase ebook lending. another pop for facebook, not to mention all those employees with stock options. ska scott budman has been following the money and it leads to, scott? >> it continues to lead to facebook. everybody still wants in on this company and the payday to investors just looks to get bigger and bigger. the network giant hauling in more investment dollars. the latest round valuing the company at $70 billion that. would put facebook very near the valuations of both hewlett-packard and speaking of money, you probably made some if you're in the market. tech stocks bouncing back after sagging last week. oil, on the other hand, continues to fall. the price of crude now just above $90 a barrel. with so much competition for your smartphone carl we can as of tonight tell you which phone company is the fastest. pc tested the main carriers. verizon came out on top thanks to its 4g or fourth generation network of phones. the 4g phones are available here in the bay area. and a bay area man has pleaded no contest to embezzling $1.4 billion from a local tech company and is on his way to jail. he is scheduled to be sentenced august 11th. >> scott, thank you very much. the university of san francisco wants to give high school girls a leg up on the male-dominated field of computer science and engineering. usf is hosting the seventh annual summer enrichment program to introduce girls to all the opportunities. kent wilhoit sits in on the first day of this camp. >> computers can only do exactly what you tell it to do. >> reporter: in the computer science class, they aim to do just that and then some, by mastering all the capabilities of the computer, jung seize a world of opportunity opening up for the students. >> i want them to realize that computer science is not just between a computer and a programmer. what they can achieve through computers and internet is grand. >> reporter: grand indeed. the camp coopes with another youth program, upward bound, to give kids with limited means the opportunity to explore careers they might not have otherwise chosen. >> i want to be an engineer. i like working with electronics and my favorite subjects are math and science, so, yeah. i believe this will help me. >> reporter: the university funds the summer science camp so the class that would normally cost $400 is only $40. >> i'd say tax is equal to 1.14. >> reporter: and she has a handle on a programming concept just one hour into the class. >> we're learning how to use python, which is basically programming. however, you're not learning a new language like you would for java. instead you're just using english but making it so that computers understand it. >> reporter: the goal is not programming. programming is to get -- say i want to build an application that makes kids happy. i want to build an application that secures the computer so we can protect people from identity theft. >> reporter: the lesson is to show kids how far a little knowledge can take them and the variety of opportunities that knowledge opens up. >> well, i'm not too sure. i'm hoping something in computer science because i think it's really interesting, but you never know. why not get an idea, maybe a feel for it and so i think that this course is great for that. >> reporter: because you never know how what you learn in here will help you when you get out here. in san francisco, kent wilhoit, nbc bay area news. >> some smart young ladies. ahead at 6:00, a close call. amazing video involving a shark and a surfer who didn't see it coming. also the national park service releases new drawings of the planned flight 93 memorial. and judgment day of rod blagojevich as the jury reaches a verdict in his corruption retrial. and the supreme court ruling involving children and video games. you might be surprised how much this legal battle cost the taxpayers. we'll be right back. the fight was eight years in the making, but today bay area state senator leland yi and the law he authorized criminalizing the sale or rental of violent video games to minors got knocked out in the final round before the u.s. supreme court. tracy grant has the play-by-play. >> as you can imagine, i am rather disappointed today by the decision of the u.s. supreme court. >> reporter: it was a painful loss for the state senator. for eight years he's been fighting against games like this one. the video game called postal allows players to kill one person after another while blood spurts all over the screen. he managed to get a state law banning the sale of violent video games to minors passed in 2005. but the video game industry fought back. it ended today with the u.s. supreme court justices deciding that these video games are actually protected by the first amendment. >> the u.s. supreme court has decided that it's going to side with corporate america and walmart against our children. >> reporter: the supreme court pointed out that even fairy tales like hansel and gretel have violence in them. >> the law that california passed would have been as applicable in the next version of the law to movies and books and even music. >> reporter: ian falls has no problem admitting that the video games he plays are violent, and his parents know it. >> they should pay attention to what their kid is playing and maybe prevent them from playing it if they don't agree with it. >> discussion is important. well, this doesn't really happen or people really bleed and can die, they don't just pop up again. >> reporter: shannon, of the american academy of pediatrics told her 8-year-old son that she had lost the legal battle against these games. >> he says, well, mom, but you'll still be able to keep me from buying them, and i said that's right. >> reporter: tracy grant, nbc bay area news. how old is too old to drive? that's the question many people are asking tonight after a tragic crash this weekend. a 90-year-old woman drove her car into a san jose nursing home, killing two residents inside. 88-year-old esther bocanegra and a 100-year-old woman died in that crash. both were residents. today workers were doing repair work. the name of the woman behind the wheel hasn't been released because she hasn't been cited, the investigation is on going. the director of the nursing home says the woman was devastated by the crash even before she knew the two women had died. >> there's always a story about should an older person drive. i don't have that answer. i don't have that crystal ball. some ways yes. maybe there should be some tests for reaction time because there was a reaction time issue. but then again, you know, when you get nervous, it's not so much reaction time as it is i'm too nervous to know what to do next. >> reporter: state law does allow seniors to drive, but requires them to renew their licenses in person. two-time illinois governor rod blagojevich says he is stunned by today's jury finding him guilt for 17 of the 20 counts against him. among the charges, trying to sell president obama's former state senate seat. it was the second trial of the case. the first, you may remember, ended in a hung jury. the governor never took the stand that time. this time he testified for eight days. >> the many lessons that i've learned from this whole experience is to try to speak a little bit less, so i'm going to keep my remarks kind of short. i frankly am stunned. there's not much left to say other than we want to get home to our little girls and talk to them and explain things to them and then try to sort things out. >> the judge will not allow blagojevich to leave the state as he awaits sentencing. the former governor could spend ten years in jail for his conviction. bay area congresswoman lynn woolsly is announcing her retirement. the democrat says her tenth term in congress will woe her last. nancy pelosi released a statement thanking her for her nearly 20 years of leadership and service, praising her as an advocate for bringing troops home safely from war. her retirement at the end of her current term comes months after she hinted of the possibility of it in december. californians' interest in politics is pretty low, but heading in the right direction. a new field poll finds a quarter of the state's registered voters say they rarely pay attention to what's going none state government, but that number is up from 20% in 1999. 41% in the poll say they follow political news most of the time, while about 33% say they follow it some of the time. voters who consider themselves independents were the least likely to follow political news closely. the field poll surveyed 950 registered voters and has an error rate of plus or minus 3%. we want to turn your attention to a developing story out of new mexico. a wind-driven wildfire is forcing the evacuation of more than 40,000 people in a town that's near the los alamos nuclear laboratory. it's sending towers plumes of smoke and raining down ash. officials say they are confident if the flames reach the property they would be able to protect the sensitive facility including hazardous and radioactive material buildings. the fire started sunday and has ballooned to 50,000 acres or 70 square miles. the fire chief says it is the most active fire he has seen in his entire career. the flight 93 memorial currently under construction outside of pittsburgh is moving along. today two new drawings were released providing a glimpse of what visitors can expect. large white marble slabs is part of the memorial with the names of the 40 passengers and crew engraved on each panel. the walkway goes along the path that the airplane traveled before crashing into a rural field in shanksville, pennsylvania. a dedication is september for september 10th, the eve of the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. united airlines flight 93 was en route to san francisco when it was hijacked. hijackers intended to crash the jet into the capitol building or the white house before passengers were able to overtake that flight. los angeles dodgers manager don mattingly says it's business as usual on the field despite the team filing for bankruptcy protection today. the dodgers filed in a delaware court after being faced with the painful prospect of stiffing players and employees. the team blames major league baseball for refusing to approve a multi billion dollar tv deal that owner frank mccourt was counting on to keep the financially troubled franchise afloat. several players are owed millions on their contracts, though they have been promised they will be paid. still ahead, back in shape in a cinch. the new strategy for moms to get their old bodies back. and first it was saggy pants, now an adult diaper. the new controversy involving the tsa and a 95-year-old woman. and at this hour we're watching some low clouds pouring into the bay area right now, but we could be seeing perhaps more than just drizzle and mist underneath those clouds by tomorrow morning. yes, a storm bearing down on us for the end of june. we'll talk more about these rather unusual changes in your seven-day inocautes. stjust a f s swipe excuse me...?ase. this belongs to you... you. excuse me... this is yours... thank you! you're welcome. with chase freedom, you get cash back on what you buy everyday. this is yours! thank you! that's 5% cash back in bonus categories every three months. and an unlimited 1% everywhere else. activate your 5% cash back today at, or at your local chase branch. if you're looking to buy a crib, you can rest easier knowing that it will be safer. for the first time in 30 years new rules are set to go into effect that mandate new cribs meet tougher safety guidelines. the biggest news to come out of this is that the cribs will no longer have the traditional drop side rails. they won't be made or sold that way. the drop-side cribs have played a role in the suffocation and deaths of dozens of infants. tonight the tsa is denying reports that its agents required an elderly woman to remove her adult diaper in order to clear airport security, but 95-year-old lena and her family say that is exactly what happened at the northwest florida regional airport last week. she and her daughter were flying to michigan to see family members as she battles the final stages of leukemia. they say a tsa agent patted her down and forced her to remove her adult diaper while going through security. >> they did something because i had something in my pants and they put me through a screen and that kind of thing. >> her daughter filed a complaint and said she was told by a supervisor that agents were following rules and procedures. >> some rules and procedures are ridiculous. that's all i have to say. all right, let's talk about this drastic, it's like extreme weather we're having. >> you can get whiplash looking at the seven-day. it starts later on tonight for the north bay. right now you're looking live at oakland. we've got low clouds pouring in. eventually some raindrops headed our way. we'll talk more about this very unusual forecast in just a couple of minutes. and there was some sports news in oakland. the warriors continue to usher in a new era, introducing the three newest faces to the roster. plus, do you think a major leaguer can hit a baseball the ? we'll show you if it happened straight ahead. ♪ let's go out to the dmv ♪ it's ok that we're number four hundred and three ♪ ♪ we'll find ourselves a comfy seat ♪ ♪ and watch some shows and stuff ♪ ♪ ♪ let's follow that lady with the laptop ♪ [ male announcer ] now you can watch hit tv shows on your laptop with u-verse online and on your smartphone with u-verse mobile, included with most plans. or get u-verse tv for as low as $29 a month for 6 months. in the network you can take entertainment with you. topping our healthwatch, surprising news about breast cancer treatment. despite guidelines showing radiation therapy works for advanced breast cancer patients after a mastectomy, a new study shows nearly half of eligible women are not getting the treatment. research shows radiation therapy decreases recurrence and boosts survival, but researchers found women are skipping the treatment because their doctors aren't following published guidelines. they suggest patients research care for their illness to make sure they are offered the appropriate treatments. okay, think about this, a wrap that you put around your tummy to help you get slimmer after pregnancy. >> it's the brain child of a bay area woman, but the idea goes back thousands of years. dr. bruce hensel has details as well as advice. >> reporter: after ann pendergast gave birth to her first child she wanted to get back into shape quickly. >> the strange part when you get home and you look down at your stomach and you still look five months pregnant. you want to do something about it. >> reporter: so she decided to try out a body wrap she got as a shower gift. firmly wrapping the stomach after delivery is a tradition in asia and europe. charlene said her mother and grand mother wrapped and she did today. >> it helped retract my muscles and skin back and helped reduce the swelling and kind of reposition my organs back to its normal shape. >> reporter: so williams invented what she calls a modern day body wrap for moms called the cinch tummy wrap. it's made of spandex panels and adjustable by velcro as the stomach shrinks. >> then you have to cinch it in the back. >> reporter: there are a number of other body wrapping products on the market claiming to do the same thing, but do they really work? some women swear by then, but some experts are skeptical. >> there's no medical evidence for that whatsoever. just because you hold your body parts in a certain place doesn't make them heal any faster. >> reporter: obstetrician allison hill says while wraps may help a woman feel more supported, it won't make your stomach any smaller. >> whether a woman wears a band or not, her skin will rebound to a certain degree. and how well it rebounds has a lot to do with genetics, how much weight she's gained, how many babies she's carrying in there. >> reporter: regardless of that, ann says she was back in her prepregnancy jeans within a month and she credits the wrap. and she says the wrap at least helped control her appetite. >> it kind of reminds you that, okay, once you're full at this size, this is your natural size, you should stop eating. >> reporter: dr. bruce hensel for nbc news. all right, let's turn things over to rob mayeda in the weather center to talk about from rain to extreme heat, right, rob? >> take your pick. you'll see very unusual weather come this time tomorrow and then scorching heat by the end of the week as we head towards the weekend. we still had near 70 to low 80-degree temperatures inland. 73 in san jose, over in san rafael 72. 82 in san ramon. tomorrow we're only talking 60s to low 70s for highs. a bit breezy outside right now in san jose, but clear. you can see patchy low clouds heading into oakland pumped in by that ocean air conditioning which is spilling in the low clouds and probably some misty skies around the embarcadero or the peninsula for your evening plans, so bundle up if you're heading outside. this is not what you expect to see to wrap up june. we've got a cold front sweeping its way down the coast. why this is so unusual is that the system is dropping in out of the gulf of alaska. this is extremely late to see this type of pattern. it's also combining with pacific moisture being pulled up off the subtropical jetstream to the south so it's a rare combination, especially north of san francisco. we're talking about seeing rain at times. and given the time of year, with cooler air aloft, some breaks in the clouds may destabilize things and power up some thundershowers during the day. wednesday maybe lingering showers around the inland hill tops and still cool for wednesday. then those numbers really start to crank up the heat heading into thursday and friday. planning your morning commute tomorrow, if you're in the north bay or along the coast, you'll start to see showers dropping in 42 north to south. mainly a midday event. what's interesting is it looks like the front will fall apart as it crosses over the santa clara valley by this time tomorrow evening. then eventually we start to clear out and dry out heading into wednesday. and behind this system, high pressure will build in and really send the temperatures soaring. we're talking 60s for highs for most of us tomorrow. then maybe near 100 by the end of the week. so in terms of rainfall estimates, the north bay obviously, areas from marin county northward could see half an inch of rain from some of those hill tops and things start to taper off fourth soufurther south. if we manage that much rain it will break records around the bay area for june 28th. tonight mostly cloudy skies for the coast. probably some mist with some of that fog spilling in across san francisco. then for tomorrow high temperatures anywhere from about 10 to 20 degrees below where we should be, despite what the calendar says. only 68 in san jose tomorrow. tri-valley locations probably still seeing some 70s, but it's going to be tough to get there. but the clouds and seeing some of that midday rain. chances of substantial rain likely higher the further north you go. certainly for the north bay. we may not get a whole lot further south around san jose down towards monterey but by june standards, it's unusual. 60s for highs tomorrow. if you don't olymplike that, i't 100s for you friday and saturday. >> look at that spread. >> it is probably the strangest seven-day forecast. >> i'm going to place those as lotto numbers. now i told sglereverybody. >> thank you very much, rob. jim joins us from comcast sportsnet studio. jim, you made a few new friends today. >> really? no. yeah, we did as a matter of fact, good one, garvin, i like it. let me just take it from there. boy, the warriors sure have a new makeover. the owners have changed management. they have hired a new head coach and lead assistant and today here are those new friends garvin was talking about. the three newest members of the franchise, clay thompson of washington state, charles jenkins and jeremy tyler, were up vaeiled at a press conferenc in oakland. >> this is another great day for the golden state warriors. >> reporter: as the warriors 2011 draft class met the media monday, there was no con taping their excitement. >> it's been a crazy journey, a dream come true. so i'm excited. >> i'm very excited. not a lot of people get this opportunity, so i'm definitely soaking it all in. >> the draft was probably the best time of my life. i couldn't be happier to start my nba career off in the bay. >> reporter: as the first round pick, clay thompson represents a known quantity for the warriors, a proven shooter with nba pedigree. >> i think i'm really benefitting from that just because being around the older players and all that, you take a lot away from their games. >> great length, great size, the ability to knock down shots. you never have enough shooting on the floor. >> reporter: but it was big man jeremy tyler who garnered much of the media attention monday. his prenba journey took him from san diego to israel and japan, making him an intriguing unknown with a lot of upside. >> we wanted to take this challenge. >> a lot of work, a lot of things to accomplish. you know, a lot of skills that i need to still work on. i'm glad to be here. >> our organization is totally committed to him. i don't know how long it will take for him to become a player, but we're going to stick with him. now the ball is in his court. >> reporter: i asked general manager larry riley if fans should read into their drafting of clay thompson as something that might affect the future of monta ellis. he told me he understands why people might think that way but it's time those people think in another direction. >> thank you, jamie. let's go to baseball. interleague play has been good recently to the giants. they're coming off a weekend sweep of the cleveland indians punk waited by sunday's 3-1 win at at&t. they embark on a seven-day roady that begins in chicago tuesday with the cubs and the g-men hit the road feeling good. >> we've been playing well. i don't think you can really approach it any differently. you just take it game by game. so whether it's two in one day or two in two days, it doesn't really matter. >> we were playing good baseball coming into the home stand and we turned it around. we pitched well and i think we had timely hitting this whole home stand. we had some really big wins. hopefully we can keep it up. >> wimbledon fourth round, bad day for the williams sister. serena williams, marian bartoli. ten as in the match, bartoli wins the first 6-3. serving in the nor court serena. the return, no. the 2010 champ out. bartoli wins in straight sets, 6-3, 7-6. venus taking on -- the second set venus down a set serving in the near court. venus' shot goes long and she had 16 unforced errors. match point and she rips the backhand past williams. venus also out in straight sets. more baseball, oakland's own and philly great jimmy rollins muscling up for the record books on monday using a scientifically altered bat. he attempted to break the guinness world record for the longest batted ball. the record, 576 feet. he went 463 in this one but he did shut down the benjamin franklin parkway in philly today for his efforts for about 90 minutes. that's a look at sports. guys, that has always been my goal to get in the guinness book, somehow some way. >> you keep trying, jim. let us know when you do it. i don't want to hear what you're doing it for, though. >> that will be our lead story. >> thanks, jim. speaking of leads, for a full half hour of bay area sports coverage, watch comcast sportsnet central tonight at 10:30. maybe you'll hear more about jim's attempts. >> we'll be right back. denny's new tour of america menu. 50 star cuisine. the new tour of america menu. starting at $4.99. only at denny's. america's diner is always open. welcome to the neighborhood. ♪ [ male announcer ] how do you say... can you believe it's been 20 years since college? ♪ [ male announcer ] nothing says "you're special" like boursin, a creamy, crumbly blend of real cheese and savory herbs, boursin makes any moment more memorable. even if you're saying... my mother has the kids tonight. ♪ [ male announcer ] how do you say boursin? coming up tonight at 11:00, buried alive at a bay area beach. a sand tunnel collapse that trapped two south bay teens. tonight you'll meet the good kmar t samaritan who rescued those boys and could have been the difference between life and death. again, that's right here tonight at 11:00. now, you've probably heard the term jumping the shark. well, this is what the opposite looks like. check out this amazing video. as you see, a shark jumping over a surfer. the cameraman didn't even know it happened until he started editing it. the fish is likely a spinner shark, a species pretty common in the area, although it is rare to have a shark jump over you. even more rare to have it caught on camera. >> and they all stayed on their boards, which is unbelievable. let's turn things over to vicky nguyen. what's coming up at 7:00. >> better than having it bite you too. well, ultra violent video games. california led the charge to restrict sales to minors, but the supreme court ruled the law was unconstitutional, so we'll talk live to the state senator about what he's doing to fight that ruling. and also a proud weekend in san francisco, the gay pride parade this weekend. we will be skyping with parade leaders about this year's event and what they're hoping to do next year. >> thank you very much. all right, that's going to do it for us. we will see you back here tonight at 11:00. this year dozens of state parks, historic sites, even beaches will start closing. i'm suzanne shaw, editorial director. from the salt and sea in the south to six redwood state parks in the north, a quarter of california's state parks could be off limits next year. what can we do? take your family, hike, camp, fish. visit them while you still can. henry coe, samuel p. taylor, mona lake, moss landing, they're among 70 parks closing. nbc bay area urges you to tell your legislators you support two bills, sb 580 to preserve state parks from sale and development and ab 42, allowing parks to be run by new public-private partnerships like cities and counties joining with nonprofits to keep some parks open. find out how you can help. go online to [ coach ] in albuquerque, citi pre-approved my mortgage. [ whistle blows ] all right, layups, guys. let's go. in sioux falls, i locked in a rate. coach, you get that house yet? working on it. [ coach ] the appraisal? ...springfield. wherever i was, my citi mortgage consultant had me covered. [ crowd cheering ]

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