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what's going on. >> it's being said i'm being profoundly disturbed by what i read today. over the past several months experts said that welding flaws are detectible. we know that pg & e believe this pipe was seamless and in 54 years it was never once inspected the condition of the weld. pg & e says this is not a final report. we continue to keep people of san bruno in our thoughts and prayers. they and everyone in the communities we serve have our pledge that pg & e will do whatever is necessary to prevent such a tragedy from happening again. now, we will learn more about what the ntsb is finding in march. there's a public hearing about the pipeline explosion in washington, d.c. where much more information is expected to be revealed. reporting live in san francisco, jean eliot, nbcbayarea news. >> the area of the stanislaw canal has become the hunt and focus of a kidnapped child. marianne favro is live in patterson with more on the search tonight? >> reporter: well, this is the third vehicle that they have pulled from the canal this week, an deputies tonight are still no closer to finding 4-year-old ghouliani cardenas. when sonar located another car in the water here, canal managers closed off the gates to slow the current. that's when a diver went in. he had only 30 minutes to hook a cable to the car in zero visibility. then, a tow truck pulled the car up. >> it's an older model ford mustang. red in color. it's not our suspect's vehicle. >> the car investigators were looking for is a silver toyota corolla, last seen driven by jose rodriguez. he allegedly kidnapped 4-year-old giuliani cardenas on tuesday in patterson, snatching him from the boy's grandmother's arms. a farm worker told investigators he saw a similar car with a man and a boy in it go into the canal. this is the third car deputies have pulled out this week. >> this is getting frustrating. it's like riding a roller coaster. you think you're going to be able to bring closure to the case and then suddenly, you know, once again we've recovered probably another stollen vehicle. >> helen felt relieved. >> we decided to come out and hopefully make sure that it wasn't the car, and we're glad it wasn't. >> now, deputies will use sonar to focus on another stretch of the canal which is known as a dumping ground for stollen cars. investigators say it's their best lead. >> the credibility of the witness, his statement to rob rate evidence at the scene. the fact that prior to this on ducks there were debit card purchases and as well as cell phone activity, post-abduction, absolutely nothing. >> reporter: leaving investigators to continue combing the waters and searching for answers. right now deputies are using sonar to sweep the canal, and we have just learned that they have discovered a large object in the water. they are going to send a diver in to determine if that is in fact another car. reporting live from patterson, marianne favro, nbcbayarea news. >> concerned east bay parents trying to figure out just what happened inside their children's classroom. the school district is tonight investigating allegations that second graders engaged in sex acts in class with the teacher present. police and child protective services are trying to confirm two incidents. tracy graham is live in oakland with the late on this investigation. boy, this is a baffling story. >> it's really upsetting, jessica. they still don't know if it's true, but they are trying to confirm it. the second grade teacher in question was replaced by a substitute teacher here at markham elementary school. the school district won't confirm his name or whether he's actually been placed on administrative leave. all they will say is he's not allowed to come back to this campus until the investigation is over. now, some of the parents we talked to today say they don't want to see him, not until they really know what happened here. >> i mean, i don't know. just too disgusting to even think about it. >> reporter: that's the way a lot of parents were feeling about it as they picked their kids up in oakland this afternoon, disgusting and outraged. >> certainly an outlandish allegation. this should never happen and if it did in fact occur it's a completely unacceptable breach of the responsibility and the obligation to supervise of the adult in that classroom >> reporter: althoughgations are that two different sexually explicit incidents occurred in a second grade classroom. oakland school soaksman flint said that in the classroom on tuesday two students engaged in oral sex and on another occasion students took their clothes off while the teacher was present. the principal sent home a later announcing the district had launched an investigation. flint says based on the interviews they have conducted so far, there appears to be merit to the allegations. police officers and child protective services spent the day counseling students at the school. >> it's not completely unheard of for children to engage in exploratory acts somewhere on the school campus, without supervision. what makes this most concerning to us is the fact that it appears to have occurred during instructional time. >> alan saunders's whose nephew is in class, the teacher often divides the class into smaller sections so he can work with smaller groups. >> he said the teacher didn't notice and if the teacher didn't notice, i mean, it's not -- >> reporter: flint says that the counsellors are trying to explain to parents that they shouldn't be upset with children about this because curiosity about the human body is a natural thing. he says if a lapse occurred here, it was strictly at an adult level. live in oakland, tracy graham, nbcbayarea news. >> a teacher is trying to get a restraining order against a boy who says caused her to break her arm and dislocate her shoulder. julie davis says the 13-year-old threatened to punch her and the purposefully tripped her when she asked him to move her chair out of the aisle. the student was suspended for five days and now davis says she is worried that he's going to retaliate. she filed papers in court last week seeking to force the boy to stay at least ten yards away from her. a hearing on the request is scheduled for late they are month. unprecedented what, they are calling the bust of a bay area sex slave ring. investigators say they rescued ten him but dozens may have cycled through the brothels, brought to the u.s. from taiwan and china. today's sweep resulted in eight arrests. that investigation began last year in hayward where residents complained of suspected prostitution inside a house. >> there were multiple brothels and we're still determining the extent of the evidence, trying to establish whether or not there are any other. we suspect that there are. there are mountains of evidence that we are going through. still at this point to finalize not just a number of brothels but also identify any other victims and suspects. >> eight suspects who were arrested could face more than prostitution charges. they could also be charged with human trafficking as well. >> boleo police need help identifying a woman accused of stealing money from an elderly woman's bank account. here's the picture taken from surveillan surveillance. this woman used the lost card to withdraw the maximum amount allowable twice before driving off in a van. anyone asked to recognize the woman is asked to call police. bid rigging, where bidders at a home foreclosure auction collude with each other to drive the final price of the home either up or down, whatever benefits their investors. tonight the fbi is investigating this illegal practice right here in the bay area. damian trujillo is live at the courthouse in downtown san jose. the site of daily auctions. is this pretty common? >> reporter: apparently it is. i've been researching it and happening for five years that i can tell, jessica. here at the courthouse they go through dozens of foreclosed homes and now the fbi wants to know which bidders in the area are breaking the law so they can put the crooks behind bars. >> 53464-03. >> reporter: he's on the steps of the courthouse every morning. >> 3079. >> reporter: he's an auctioneer, selling foreclosed homes like this one in san jose, and this one, homes belonging to people who have lost their american dream. >> i'm here every day at 10:00, 10:00 for sales. basically it's auctioning foreclosed homes. >> reporter: there are usually 20 to 30 bidders here looking for a deal. >> the important thing for us is to get the property on so they can be taxed so we get the economy growing. >> reporter: but the fbi says the bottom line for bidders at auctions like this one is collusion, two or three of them teaming up to drive the price of a foreclosed home up or down. agents served search warrants across the bay area last week looking for these kind of bidders who break the law >> i think it's wrong basically. if people are here to buy property, they should have a fair shot of getting the property that they want. >> manny figueroa says that doesn't happen in san jose. >> there's pretty good people here, who are professional here. we have a process to follow, and we obey that. >> going once, twice. >> reporter: paul also thinks his bidders are honest. >> third and final time. the property is sold back to the beneficiary. >> reporter: anyone convicted of bid-rigging faces ten years in prison and $1 million fine. live outside civil court in san jose, i'm damian trujillo, nbc bay area news. >> thanks. the awards going on right now to honor at-risk bay area kids who pointed and clicked their lives in a new direction. >> plus, a not so funny valentine. the new threats against governor brown bringing in the fbi. >> and the ship behind some cruise nightmares starts its journey to san francisco. the pretty penny being dropped to fix it right here in one of our ports. >> good evening. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. temperatures near record-setting highs today. right now upper 50s to near 60. tonight dropping down to low 40s in the south bay, and coming up, details on some dangerous beach weather you won't wao . california should be proud. we were the first to ban smoking on airplanes. the first to have smoke-free bars and restaurants. all while saving over $86 billion in health care costs... and over a million lives. we've done a good job. but even if you were born today, you'd still grow up in a world where tobacco kills more people... than aids, drugs, alcohol, murder and car crashes... combined. we have a lot more work to do. under fire and accused of fraud. federalor petres say barry university isn't what it appears. you're looking aetthe website for tri-valley univengity in pleasanttown. authorities say it's a front for an illegal immigration operation that accepted millions of dollars to get student visas for foreign nationals of the prosecutors say the university made false statements to the department of homeland security that allowed hundreds of peoplei mostly from india, to stay in the united states on student visas. we tried to contact tri-valley for a response but did not get an answer. so is there a budget crisis or not? this week the uc president warned tens of thousands of students will be turned away from school. jobs will be cut because of tough financial times. that's why many were surprised and angered when uc regents voted yesterday to award employees 4 million in pay and incentives meaning some top execs will be earning salaries well above market rates. the uc system still needs to pay competitive wages in order to keep and attract top talent. >> california is bucking a national trend when it comes to unemployment and that is not good. while the national jobless figure fell last month california's inched up to 12.5% in december. for four months before that the unemployment rate held stead at 12.4%. a drop in government hiring was largely blamed for the uptick. the number of unemployed workers in california now numbers 2.2 million. when comes to bay area jobs there is some reason for optimism, apparently, and that's according to a state report. the bay area added 1,800 jobs in december and officials also reviewsed figures for november upwards. initial think they estimated the bay area lost jobs in november. actually 2,600 new positions were created and that brings job gains over the last few months to 4,400. meanwhile the state added just under 5,000 jobs last month. well, air fares run, and that's not stopping travelers from buying seats. in fact, experts forecasted that in 2011 not only will there be more people in the air but there will be more people on the road and even on the high seas. nbc's chris clackum shows us why. >> reporter: it looks like not own probing pat-downs, long waits nor higher prices are going to keep americans from traveling more this year. >> no. travel is coming back. people are planning on spending a little bit more this year on their vacation. people are planning on taking two to three vacations this year on average. >> reporter: travel experts say after a few years of having to be frugal, leisure travelers especially are looking to let loose, and the same goes for business travel. >> 80% of our respondents said take more trips in 2011 which is very good news. >> reporter: the survey about business travel by consulting firm deloitte found companies are still going to be cost-conscious, but airlines and hotels might not cooperate. >> for the business travelers who may not have as much flexibility, things are starting to get a little more expensive. >> reporter: for low pressure you're travelers though, industry experts expect vacation bargains to be plentiful, even in hot spots. >> places like las vegas, hawaii, cancun, we're also seeing new cruise ships launching this year. allure of the seas is going to be the largest cruise ship in the world right now so that puts a lot of inventory into the cruise market. >> reporter: and more inventory should mean lower prices. >> if you have a car that's less than a decade old, you can soon be pumping more ethanol into your tank. the environmental protection agency announced today that gas made with 15% corn-based ethanol is safe for cars and light trucks made since 2001. in october, the agency said the blend was safe for cars made after 2007. ethanol is currently capped at 10%. some automakers and food producers say the caps should go down, not up and argue the price of food and animal food up. >> your coffee could get a little cheaper over the next few years. colombian coffee producers say they could be back to normal production within the next three years if the weather continues to cooperate. colombia with the produce us of arabica beans. the last two years production dropped to 9 million bags because of bad weather and aging trees. now that the weather is better, growers are rushing to replace trees at a pace of 173,000 acres a year. >> well, let's hang ten and check out some of the big waves, look at some of those waves in hawaii this week. dozens of surfers tried their best on the 20-foot waves in oahu. apparently not enough for one surf competition though. organizers say the big ones are not consistent enough to hold the surf invitational just yet. how much big doer they need? >> i was going to try out for it. >> where were you? >> there you are right there. >> that's me in the front. the one that just fell. >> and tubing. >> high surf advisory in effect for our coast tomorrow. i can't even surf around here either. jeff ranieri, what's going on? >> trying to get the waves to kick up, at least to levels that are safe out there so we can have the mavericks competition, you know. it's that delicate balance between safe and also, you know, the twhaefs are large enough to support a competition, but it looks like mavericks competition won't be happening tomorrow at this point. however, there is a high surf advisory for the entire bay area coastline with over 100 miles of coastline covered by this. if you're heading out, you want to be extremely careful because the waves certainly can be dangerous at times. talking about long duration periods of 15 to 20-foot waves. all right. meanwhile here back at home, 67 in san jose today and 72 in santa cruz. one of our warmest numbers and temperatures in the mid-60s in livermore, so while these temperatures at the beach once again are going to be warm even into tomorrow, just advise a little extra caution out there. otherwise, we've backed off from those mid and upper 60s. we had today 60 in livermore and 68 in sunny vale and dropping to 62 in napa. setting ourselves in for a cold night yet again. take a look for san bruno mountain right towards the bay bridge, and it is absolutely clear. the city lights looking brilliant tonight, and 56 in san francisco. so, clear and cold tonight, but take a look just to the north. we have some clouds getting close, but just not close enough. right now our computers are tracking this cloud cover. just about 200 miles here off to the north, so we're not going to see this cloud line drop to the south, and it's all because of high pressure. it's acting as a shield. not letting any of the storm activity push down here across the bay area. we could use the rainfall another week or so. we'll be below average when it comes to our rainfall for the season. even after the strong start throughout january. so for tonight, going to be cold. looking at upper 0s and low to mid-40s back to the east bay and also the south bay and also the same for the north bay. those will be our cold spots and take a look at this. by the noon hour, temperatures warming up to 64 in san jose and 64 on saturday and temperatures near 70 on santa rosa. as we head throughout our traveling delays, a little bit of snow down here into the southeast. that's where you could be delayed, and we'll talk about some 70s coming up here for us in the extended. >> okay. thank you, jeff. >> sounds good. >> hauling in the mob on the east coast. coming up, what san francisco's unique location may be why you don't find so many mafiosos here. >> plus the cruise ship that left dozens of vacationers stranded at sea starts its journey to san francisco. just how quickly carnival is expecting the ship to take on ss we want to tell you about some breaking news happening right now. what you're looking at is a chopper over san jose right now where police are investigating a fatal shooting on story road and capital expressway. it happened about 4:55 this afternoon. police were called out to find a man somewhere between the ages of 18 and 20 on the side of the road with several gunshots. he was transported to a hospital. police are still up there and not sure what his identity is or at least not revealing that information to us at this point, but we understand that once officers arrived they found a man with gunshot wounds. he was taken to a local hospital, and from what we understand right now, this is preliminary information. he has been pronounced dead. again, story road, that area right now being blocked off in both directions. a fatal shooting being investigated. we don't know any information right now about a u.s. as soon as we know we'll bring you the latest information. >> let's change gears here now and tell you about the carnival "splendor" which has set sail again. this time the beleaguered ship is heading for san francisco. the fire-damaged cruise ship left san diego for drydock here in the bay area for more repairs. the ship was originally set to leave on wednesday, but it took cruise an extra two days to prepare for the cruise up the coast. it has been docked in san diego for the last two months. the splendor originally lost fire when fire broke out in its engine room. you might remember that happened last november and stranded passengers at sea for three days. tugboats had to pull the crippled ship into the harbor. the cause of that fire still under investigation. >> well, still ahead at 6:00, the new death penalty delay. a majoror roadblock for california executions. >> plus, colorful characters make up much of bay area history, but few have ties to the mob apparently. we'll look at just why the mafia has avoidedanncyes. federal agents say organized crime is still at work on the east coast despite this week's mass arrest of more than 100 suspected gangsters. the arrest taking place in new york city, new jersey and rhode island yesterday. charges include murder, extortion and narcotics trafficking. the fed says although the sting hurt new york's five crime families, they are still operating and strong. history is filled with stories of those notorious east coast mobsters, but what about organized crime here in the bay area? nbc bay area's joe roetso, jr. examines why the mob never really became much of a force here >> reporter: images and tales of alleged mobsters have long piqued america's fascination with mafia culture. their stories play out in cities like new jersey, new york, chicago. the closest san francisco ever got to a big-name mobster was when al capone was imprissoned on alcatraz. >> capone sent people out here in 1931 to look into establishing themselves out here and he said, no, the place is too tough. >> reporter: though san francisco has its share of crime, it's never been a true mob town. former san francisco police officer and crime author kevin jay mullen explains why. >> there was something that went on that we can talk about, and other than that, san francisco is an easier town to police. surrounded on three sides by water and the only way in was transcontinental railway effectively and the ferry boats so you would put a few cops in the ferry building and could turn them back. >> reporter: mullen says the 1920s killing of a san francisco man by a group called the black hand sparked an early backlash against organized crime. >> the italian community said, hey, we've had enough of this, and they started working together. >> reporter: though the mafia has mostly stayed in the background, gang violence is another story. early in the city's history gambling, prostitution and opium trade spawned wars in chinatown. a recent report on california's organized crime found that powerful russian, asian and latino gangs continue to operate in the bay area and also found evidence of the italian kimora crime syndicate at work in san francisco. >> there was a similar italian organized crime in san francisco. you'd be foolish to say there wasn't. >> reporter: mullen says the absence of a big-name mafia leader in san francisco suggests the mob has never had a big presence here meaning those with a true interest in mob culture will have to watch it from afar. >> congresswoman gabrielle giffords is continuing her extraordinary recovery. she left the tucson hospital that saved her life today. she had been there for 13 days after being shot in the head. crowds lined the route and the airport. she was flown to houston where she will begin rehab at one of the foremost brain trauma centers in the country, memorial h hermann in houston. >> the kind of injury she, really minimal injury from what it could have been so we look at that and think that over the next few months she will do remarkably well. >> reporter: doctors say giffords will need to keep up her determination to continue her successful recovery. well, a major manufacturer of sodium thiopental, needed for executions, will be affected. hospira switched production from the united states to italy and an italian law prohibits the manufacture of drugs for use in the death penalty. hospira cannot risk the liability and is stopping production. california executions have been put on hold as they seek the legality for the manufacture. other states are seeking to use other anesthetics. there's a report from istanbul that iran's nuclear stance does not appear conciliatory. >> reporter: iran and world powers met for the second time in as many months here in istanbul today to discuss iran's thorny nuclear issues. but iran was characteristically defiant. yesterday president ahmadinejad addressed a huge crowd in iran saying that iran wouldn't swerve wun iota from its nuclear rights, saying america would be brought to its knees if it didn't recognize iran's nuclear rights and didn't respect its justice. here at istanbul in a meeting, a senior member of iran's delegation says that iran would not stop its nuclear enrichment, that this was not even a topic that they were willing to discuss. they wanted to talk about a broader range of subjects. israel's nuclear power, non-proliferation and iran's concerns about an american bases in the region, but they didn't want to talk about iran's nuclear issues. the main topic here. >> we hope that after these psychological stage, most authentic issues will be discussed and both sides will understand the concerns of each other. >> they are scheduled to go on for talks again tomorrow and the expectations are that there will be two days of talks and expectations are very low that anything will be achieved in these talks, so tomorrow is another day of talks. we'll have to see what comes out of them, but as i said, again, expectations are low. people in tunisia took part in the first of three days of mourning today to honor the dozens of people who died in recent protests there, an uprising ousted tunisia's president after two decades in power. today the country's prime minister pledged to quit politics immediately after he oversees new elections. it remains unclear when those elections will be held. back here in the bay area many community members are hit very hard, a 23-year-old man on his way to work when he was ambushed, police say. he was shot to death just after 5:00 a.m. this morning while sitting in his suv. he worked as a carpenter and every morning he parked his car in this lot and waited to carpool to the site with his boss. friends say he was a man who turned his life around, trading drugs and gang and going to church with his family. investigators still don't have a description of the shooter. >> at last, that's what almost 300 students said today at a special high school graduation in the south bay, from the san jose charter school corps. some dropping out of high school, some barely escaping gangs and others are single mothers. one man was 46 years old and never gave up. >> and i had to fight for it, and it got discouraging at times, but, like i said, the principal and teachers all told me to hang in there and fight and did i and it paid off. >> reporter: what made you not want to cream? >> not disappointing my family and myself. >> reporter: damian trujillo gave the commencement address. he told the graduates to celebrate but to recharge their batteries because their fight isn't over. college is waiting and an entire community, he says, is counting on their success. >> baseball players who say they used steroids provided by barry bonds' weight trainer will be permitted to testify at bonds' upcoming perjury trial. that's the ruling of a judge at a san francisco justice department court today. she set guidelines for the slugger's march 21st perjury trial. bonds lawyers fought to exclude testimony from players like jason and jeremy giamby and other teammates. some evidence in the case cannot be shown to jurors because it was tied to greg anderson who refuses to testify in the case. that evidence would connect bonds to positive tried tests. bonds is charged with perjurye and obstruction. after telling a grand jury in 2003 that he never knowingly took steroids. they say they don't want to be alarmist but they are sounding the alarm. the silicon valley leadership group says caltrains could reach the end of the tracks if not getting serious help. the caltrains summit brought together representatives from several counties to talk about the train's $30 million deficit. that's about 30% of caltrains' $100 million annual budget. if leaders can't come up with a solution, the 42,000 weekday riders can expect drastic cuts, including limited trains and no weekend service. worst case scenario, no more caltrains between gilroy and san francisco. >> doing public opinion surveys, town halls in every community along the 79-mile line and very thorough financial independent analysis of what our options are, how much each one would bring. >> one of the justice department to create an entity that will have a source of funds that is direct to that entity, to pay for the ridership of caltrains so we can keep the baby bullets, the 100 trains a day and cut it down to 58 trains. >> the leaders say that part of the problem is that caltrains is the only local transit agency without a permanent dedicated funding source like a sales tax. instead it relies on contributions and passenger fares. >> coming up no, love for the gov. the fbi looks into threats to hurt the governor on a day usually reserved for sweet hearts. plus, a silicon valley giant gets ready to dive into the bargain wars. a new deal that could save you money. >> near record-setting temperatures again across the bay area. good evening. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. close to 70 in san jose and san francisco also ten degrees above average with 65. tonight we're tracking the cold air and will let you know when the 70s could th groupon may soon be in a deal with one silicon valley jirngts and you may be the one cashing in. a representative told text blogs this morning that google offers will likely rival the discount voucher program offered by groupon. groupon rejected a $6 billion buyout back in december. amazon also jumping on the deal train, sinking $175 million into living social. that site reportedly brings in 1 million bucks a day. well, oakland's hunger program handed out thousands of bags of free groceries to residents in need today. program workers fanned out to 13 community locations for the giveaway. many people waited in line for hours to make sure they walked away with a bag of healthy fresh food. >> i think it's a pretty good thing. right now times are hard and -- and people it's hard to come up with food and i think it's a good thing. >> hunger program sets up the giveaway up to nine times a year. this month they handed out reusable grocery bags, and they asked people to bring them back next time in an effort to reduce waste and litter. >> that's a good idea. >> let's head into the newsroom and talk about a big week for the giants. christine is in the newsroom for us. hey? >> hey, jessica and tom. busy week of negotiations for the giants, and it looks like another deal will be completed by tomorrow. outfielder andres torres is set to make more money next year than he has in his entire career. details. deal ahead. plus, is this the year montae ellis makes his debut at the all-star game. we talk to him coming up inç sports. >> clear skies leading to a cold night across the bay area. beautiful shot of the bay bridge tonight. if you're headed out, we'll let you know how low those temperatures will go and seven days an counting of no rain. we'll let you know if rain is in the future coming up. investigators are looking no a spray painted death threat made against the governor. the graffiti was found in southern california and has since been painted over. as vicki vargas from our los angeles station reports, investigators at every level of government are working hard to find the tagger. >> the people who live near greenville and alton say graffiti is part of the landscape. >> it's everywhere. >> reporter: tammy has seen spray paint on the sidewalk since she was a teenager. >> i think titles are the name of the game, like dominating areas that they want to take over, but i don't know for sure. i can't read them. >> the police say this was different. the words appeared on a brick wall thursday morning, naming the governor of california, threatening to kill him, and on a specific date, february 14th. city crews painted over the graffiti an hour later. crossing guard john garcia watched detectives circle the santa anna neighborhood for much of the day. >> these people are coming from the outer fringes of the politics somewhere and -- and it's not healthy for any of us. >> there are homes on two of the corners, an abandoned warehouse on another and on the fourth corner an elementary school and a high school. seven hours later police discovered more graffiti a block away. this time the words appeared to count down the number of days until a planned attack on governor brown. police say their investigation is not over. >> what is the governor doing on that date? is the governor going to be on town in that time frame, and is there any other threats against his life that kind of match what's going on here? >> the highway a troeshlgs which is responsible for the governor's security, has been notified. the fbi is also aware of the threats. >> wow. all righty. let's make the transition now to weather, shall we. >> yeah. >> what a lovely day it was once more. >> and it's friday. tgif. tell me it's going to be a good weekend. >> it is friday. it's here, and, you know, the weather that we had today. it's a preview of what we'll be having tomorrow. if you like the 70, we'll be kicking it into some 70-degree weather as well for parts of the north bay tomorrow, 72 in santa cruz today and 67 in san jose. 65 in livermore, and temperatures in the upper 60s to 70 in santa rosa. while it was not hot, it still was near record-setting weather today across the bay area. now, all of this warm weather and sunshine tomorrow is going to probably have a lot of you wanting to head to the beach, but if you are headed that way, whether it's in a boat or also possibly to get into the water, be forewarned, a high surf advisory with 15 to 20-foot waves possible, and this is in high succession and long duration, so just take some caution out there. otherwise temperatures droppings off right now. 57 in livermore, 59 concord and 58 in san francisco and clear skies. cold again in the north and east bay. temperatures dropping down into the 30s, and then as we head throughout saturday it's going to stay dry and sunny as we've been talking about. and seven days and counting of no rain. right here across the bay area, but we are looking at potentially, well, in the next seven days, to eventually get some rainfall in here, but right now dry air is situated not only over the bay area but as far south as southern california. that's going to push these above average temperatures once again into tomorrow's forecast. high pressure not going to budge at all, so looking at the upper 60s and low 70s and sunny skies. just what many of you like. we have ordered it up for you. tomorrow the east bay starting off with these those mid-up toer 30s and sunny skies right into 11:00 a.m., and we ear going to see this trend of cold mornings starting off and continuing right here into the south bay. let's get a look here at our saturday numbers, close to 70 in morgan hill. 65 in dublin and 66 in livermore and also close to 70 in san jose, and right up the peninsula near 70 as well for san mayato and also san francisco. napa 68 and for the north bay, plenty of upper 60s to near 70. in fact, we are forecasting a few 70-degree readings right here throughout the north bay. all right. seven-day forecast keeps its sunny as we head throughout sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and, yes, even friday and some of the long-term models, right now, we talked about the potential of rain coming our way maybe by next saturday and sunday. it's off the screen burks you know, did i check that out and it does look like we could get some rain then. meanwhile, sports right now, and it's up. six down and one to go, a busy week for the giants when agreed to terms with six of their seven players who were eligible for arbitration, and it appears that defending world champs have nailed down number seven. many reports say the giants are close to locking in outfielder andres torres to a one-year deal. torres and the clients could finalize the deal as early as tomorrow. the team does not release financial info, but the one-year deal is expected to be worth close to $2.1 million. the 33-year-old had his best season in 2010, batting .268 with 16 home runs and 63 rbis. well, mark february 24th on your calendar. very important day for the lawyers. that's because the date is significant. it's the nba trade deadline. owner joe lake said he would make a trade for denver's carmelo anthony though he feels the superstar is headed somewhere else. he also said that monty ellis is the team's core franchise player. speaking of ellis, the 25-year-old could be on his way to his first all-star game. here's lorne scott with more. >> reporter: a lot has changed with the warriors basketball over the past 14 years. back in 1997, "southpark" was making its tv debut. hanson's "oom-pop" wall over the radio and "titanic" was breaking box office records. golden state's marquee star was latrell sprewell who in 1997 was the last warrior to appear in the nba all-star game. monte ellis could soon put an end to the 14-year drought. >> it's a boost for us. i mean, we're getting the recognition, you know. teams starting to look at us more of a great young blossoming team. >> reporter: back in 1997 he was not yet a teenager growing up in jackson, mississippi, a variety of interests outside of basketball. >> i was 12. playing in mud and eating mud pies at that time so nothing about that. >> reporter: of course, his teammates don't want to sling any mud at other candidates but think he should be a lock. >> i think he deserves it. didn't make it last year and we thought that he was suppose to, but being the third leading scorer in the league tells a lot. just the fact that, you know, he's doing whatty he's doing on a consistent basis and winning more games now, and -- and, you know, if you look at his numbers and how impactful sheon the game that we play, you know, that's what an all-star is. >> reporter: with the woreos in oakland, lorne scott, nbc bay area news. >> the sharks, they are idle tonight. they will be back on the ice at hp pavilion tomorrow the against minnesota. san jose on a roll having won three straight and as for next months the sharks have probably circled february 22nd on the calendar because they face the detroit red wings, and they could see former teammate evgeni nabokov who has agreed to a one-year deal with detroit and should clear waivers on saturday. the 35-year-old played his entire nhl career with the sharks, but the team didn't offer him a contract last season, so he went to play in russia. the goaltender posted a .922 save percentage last season, his best in ten seasons with the sharks. so when you have a name like chad ochocinco you're bound to attract a lot of attention, and when it's your birthday even the president will show up. former president bill clinton made a surprise appearance at ochocinco's 33rd birthday dinner in miami at the mansion nightclub. recently the bengals wide receiver said he would play for raiders head coach hugh jackson. jackson was ochocinco's receivers coach in cincinnati. this is what ochocinco tweeted about meeting president clinton saying, quote, last night was awesome but who was responsible for bill clinton coming in -- coming to two step with me? secret service ain't had no blank rhythm. jessica and tom, i don't know if the secret service has allowed to even dance. >> that whole thing sounds so bizarre. bill clinton with chad ochocinco. does hillary know about this? >> i was going to say. >> i think she would put a stop to that. >> conjures up a few images for me but won't go there. >> thanks a lot. >> you're welcome. just ahead at 6:00, not exactly the way it's supposed to go. what caused a seemingly physics-defying move at a major tennis match. tonight at 11:00, the call for change that could mean a major overhaul to california education. >> almost uniformly throughout california the teacher evaluations are completely dysfunctional. >> it's not just student performance that matters obviously. tonight what happens to the teachers who are not making the grade? hear what one educator says about what should change and her idea for the fix that needs to come from the inside out. that's tonight at 11:00 after an all new "dateline." >> talk about a bizarre sight at the australian open. the crowd getting an impromptu physics lesson. maria sharapova prepared for her match and spotted a bubble on the court. when a ball was dropped on the spot the ball failed to bounce. a team who came out drilled small holes in the court releasing the air pocket eliminating the dead spot. by the way, sharapova went on to win the match. >> what was wrong with that ball? >> that's -- that's how i play tennis. the ball never bounces, at all. >> yeah. >> thank you for being with us, everybody. >> see you here tonight at 11:00. you... don't have a choice of getting breast cancer. i had no choice. that 3-day gave me that opportunity. and i can actually do something to help. 60 miles in 3 days-- i can do that. we can rid the world of this terrible disease... so that no mother... granddaughter... sister... daughter... mother... go through what my wife had to go through. 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