A startling development about Technology Behind the wheel. Nightly news begins now. Announcer from nbc news World Headquarters in new york, this is nbc nightly news with lester holt. Good evening and thank you for being with us tonight. The horror and intensity of last sunday nights attack in las vegas seen in snippets of video up to this point is coming into sharper focus tonight as yet another new video emerges, this time capturing the entire [ inaudible ] understand why those in the line of fire felt like it went on forever. Go, go everybody go well take you through more of that video in a moment and what it tells investigators. But first new information about the shooter Stephen Paddock and why Police Suspect he had also considered attacks on crowds at big events in chicago and boston. Our justice correspondent Pete Williams joins us now with late details. Pete . Reporter lester, good evening. Investigators say this new information comes from what authorities hope will be one of the most productive searches now underway, of his electronic trail from the half dozen phones and computers he left behind. Officials say Stephen Paddock did Internet Research earlier this year on la la palooza, the summer Music Festival in chicagos grant park. They say he even reserved rooms in a hotel that overlooks the park for a few days before the event though he never showed up. He also researched events at bostons fenway park and nearby hotels, Officials Say. Searches of Electronic Devices found in his home and his internet browsing history, a sign, they say, paddock was thinking of attacking large crowds months before the Las Vegas Shooting rampage. But so far investigators are stumped over how Stephen Paddock went from being a varsity tennis player and sociable High School Student in california to the antisocial former accountant who became a mass murderer. His brother eric says he knows of no Serious Health problems that would have made such a profound change. Something happened in his head that the steve i knew two weeks ago no longer the guy who did that. Reporter and Officials Say his girlfriend Marilou Danley has told authorities paddock had some Mental Health issues and would sometimes lie in bed crying out, oh, my god. But investigators say they have yet to find any health problems, physical or mental, grave enough to push him into becoming a killer. As for police saying he might have had an escape plan, investigators say they found no hard evidence of that or of help from anyone else in planning or carrying out the attack. And despite tips that paddock was with a woman the day of the shooting, no such person has yet been found. Pete williams, nbc news, washington. Reporter im miguel almaguer. Tonight this new perspective. Run. Reporter of the carnage and chaos on the vegas strip. Youve been shot . Reporter for ten minutes, employee raymond page records this heart pounding scene, concert goers running for their lives. Get down reporter today a new look at the crime scene and a time line of the blood shed. 10 05 00 p. M. , from his deadly perch, Stephen Paddock unleashes a fury of gun fire. 10 15, the shots are over, but panic over whelms the streets and first responders. It was just mass chaos. It was victims who were rolling up to us in trucks, in the beds of the trucks just loaded up. Reporter 10 18, paddock fires 2 rounds at a Security Guard who approaches his room. Shot in the leg the guard still leads police to the sooep where at 11 20 they find paddock dead. He meticulously planned on the worst domestic attack in the United States history. Reporter investigators discover paddocks car, loaded with 1600 rounds of ammunition and 50 pounds of explosives. Tonight, investigators question, did he have an escape plan and possibly help . You have to make the assumption he had to have some help at some point. Reporter in these harrowing moments after the massacre, [ inaudible ] began loading the wounded into his truck. Anybody else . Reporter he rescued at least half a dozen. But four days after the massacre, did they survive . The night there is so much uncertainty and pain. Miguel almaguer, nbc news, las vegas. We will take a turn now to new fallout from our exclusive report in the feud between President Trump and secretary of state rex tillerson. New revelations tonight about just how furious the president was after our reporting yesterday, according to senior officials. Heres nbcs Andrea Mitchell with that. Reporter all the president s men in damage control today. The secretary of state and the vicepresident making a public display of playing nice. With that, secretary of state, rex tillerson. Reporter but new details tonight about an angry showdown in the white House Wednesday over the nbc news report. The president , according to five Senior Administration officials, furious at his secretary of state. Chief of staff john kelly then abruptly scrapping plans to travel to las vegas with the president so he could try to contain his bosss fury and manage the fallout. Vicepresident mike pence also fuming, according to seven senior o senior officials. He and tillerson talked leading to the news confor instance. The vicepresident has never had persuade me to remain the secretary of state because i have never considered leaving this post. Reporter kelly then summoning tillerson ask their ally defense secretary james mattis to the white house. According to three officials where they huddled to discuss how to go forward. Today the White House Press secretary rejecting the idea that the president has undercut his top diplomat by repeatedly contradicting him. The premise of that question is absolutely ridiculous. The president cant undercut his own cabinet. The president is the leader of the cabinet. Reporter critics say that leaves the secretary of state mortally weakened with foreign leaders. Our secretary of state has to be able to go into the kremlin and meet one on one with Vladimir Putin or go to beijing as secretary tillerson did last week and meet with xi jinping. Those people are not going to take him seriously if he doesnt appear to have the confidence of the president of the United States. Reporter asked to respond tonight, white house officials down playing kellys decision to stay behind, saying he decided not to go to las vegas in order to manage day to day needs at the white house. Lester . Andrea mitchell in washington, thank you. Overseas this evening, an active u. S. Military operation is underway in west africa after three elite green berets were killed in an ambush and fire fight with islamic militants in nigeriaer. Nbc correspondent hans nichols has the latest. Reporter pentagon officials tell nbc news isis may have been behind the deadly ambush of u. S. Special forces. Tonight american troops are still on the ground. Last night we did lose three service members, and its with a very dynamic situation and we still ongoing operations. Reporter it happened in the west african nation niger. The americans were on a Training Mission described as routine. Less than a dozen u. S. And forces were on foot when they were ambushed by a larger group of islamic militants. According to military officials, the green berets and nigeriaerians were overwhelmed. A helicopter arriving later to rescue them. In addition to the three killed, two were injured. Home to some 800 u. S. Troops and drone bases, the mission to keep eyes on terrorist groups from isis to boko haram. Are these u. S. Forces looking to engage islamic militants . No, we are on a mission. Reporter the brazen ambush could mark a new battle against isis in africa as isis fighters lose territory in syria and iraq. Lester . Hans nichols tonight, thank you. In washington this evening signs the door may be opening slightly from republicans in congress and possibly from the nra to new restrictions on bump stocks, the devices used by the las vegas killer to turn his semiautomatic weapons into automatic machine guns. Nbcs Halle Jackson has details. Reporter after decades of republican resistance on gun control, tonight a new narrow opening on bump stocks which lets semiautomatic guns fire faster. Apparently this allows you to take a semiautomatic turn into a full automatic. It is something we need to being look into. Reporter not just House Speaker paul ryan, but one of the highest ranking senators john cornyn. I think its worth serious consideration. Reporter and the president himself willing to consider new regulations. We are open to having that conversation. We think that we should have that conversation and we want to be part of it moving forward. Reporter the wild card through all this has been the nra, silent since sundays shooting. Today, surprisingly supporting stricter rules. In a statement saying, quote, devices designed to allow semiautomatic rifles to function like fully automate i can rifles should be subject to additional regulations, asking the atf to review bump stocks. But in 2010 that agency determined the devices are allowed based on federal law. Meaning it would be up to congress to change that law from capitol hill. Thats where Steve Scalise is just back to work after getting shot this summer at a congressional baseball partly cloudy advertise talking now with innocences chuck todd. I do think its a little bit early to stay people know what to do to fix this problem. Reporter in the house, a new bipartisan bill would ban bump stocks. If i keep a constant forward pressure on this, it simulates full auto. Reporter until this week theyve been seen mostly as a target practice novelty. Legal now, but maybe not for long. Halle jackson, nbc news, the white house. Now to late word that congressman tim murphy a republican from pennsylvania is resigning after he was caught up in a sex scandal and reportedly urged his mistress to have an abortion when he thought she was pregnant. Despite his well known antiabortion views. Heres nbcs kasie hunt. Reporter republican congressman tim murphy resigning in disgrace in the wake of a bombshell report he asked a mistress to terminate a suspected pregnancy. Even as he pushed antiabortion legislation in congress. I say what we ought to do is let these children live so they have a chance for a better future. [ applause ] reporter after the story broke tuesday, murphy voted to buo to ban abortions after 20 weeks. Hours later he said he wouldnt run for reelection in 2018. Under pressure from Republican Leaders he resigned today effective october 21st. I think its appropriate he moves on to the next chapter of his life. Reporter murphy acknowledged his affair with Shannon Edwards a forensic psychologist weeks ago. It is the Text Messages about her pregnancy scare that exposed him to charges of hypocrisy. You have zero issue posting your prolife stance all over the place when you had no issue asking me to abort our unborn child, she wrote, according to Text Messages obtained by the pittsburgh post gazette. The congressman wrote back denying he wrote the antiabortion messages. Ive never written them. Staff wrote them. I read them and winced a sixpage memo of him creating a hostile work environment, describing him as erratic, unstable, angry and abusive. His office hasnt confirmed or denied the authenticity of the text or memo. Ca kasie hunt, nbc news, the capital. The new orleans has declared a state of emergency as Tropical Storm nate barrels towards the gulf coast. Al roker is here with the forecast. What is the latest on this one . Lester, this is the latest. West virginia Tropical Storm nate 40 miles southwest of honduras, 40 mile per hour winds moving north, northwest at ten miles per hour. Yesterday we thought at 7 00 a. M. Heres where we would see on sunday. The usa model, the National Hurricane center model and european model. But as we get the latest in, you can see the european model right now on top of new orleans, the usa model to the west and the new orleans model for the National Hurricane center right there as well. Heres what we look for as far as the latest, the potential impacts, heavy rain, flash flooding, tropical force winds, strong winds and rough surf. We know youll keep an eye on it, thank you. A warning about the risk of socalled info tanment systems is what they are posed when youre behind the wheel. Also out of bounds, fire storm erupting over what an nfl superstar said to a female reporter. Well be back. Ollapalooza were back with a warning now about all the Infotainment Technology that comes with new cars these days, from gps systems to text messaging and emailing. But with someone dying every 2 1 2 hours and distracted driving accidents, new research from aaa suggests all those hightech bells and whistles could make matters worse. Heres nbcs tom costello. Reporter from Salt Lake City police, dashcam video of a headon crash, the other driver allegedly distracted. Now new Research Suggests the newest incar Technology May only be creating greater distractions. Pick an address in the United States. Reporter no more simple buttons and knobs. Today as the it up screen, talk to text, email, music, navigation, phone calls, and wifi. Aaa and the university of utah studied 120 drivers trying to use the technology in 2017 models. Like this driver tuning his raid dwroe. Tune a. M. 830. Reporter then weaving to avoid a woman in a crosswalk. This one was using a touch screen. Of the 30 vehicles tested 23 demanded high or very high driver attention to use the technology. Drivers typing addresses into the gps were distracted the most. Up to 40 seconds. My eyes are off the road at the moment. Reporter on a closed course in maryland, i went for a test drive with lead researcher david strayer. How do you change screens from a. M. To f. M. . I didnt realize my eyes were off the road for 20 seconds. Much of the technology has nothing to do with driving. Reporter it is meant to replace portable devices that can be a greater distraction. Hands on the wheel and eyes on the road continue to be critical to safe driving. Send ginette a text message. Reporter the Technology May be too tempting to ignore. Tom costello, nbc news, washington. Still to come tonight, its already cost him one sponsor. What nfl star cam newton said to a female reporter that has him facing some backlash tonight. Back now with the controversy swirling around a big nfl star, Carolina Panthers quarterback cam newton who has been widely accused of sexism over his comments to a female reporter, thus far he hasnt apologized publicly, but the uproar is already costing him some money. Nbcs Kristin Dahlgren has more. Reporter today cam newton taking hard hits off the field about a comment to jordan rodrigue. The physicality reporter its funny to hear a female talk about routes, like funny. Reporter unlike newton, rodrigue wasnt amused. I dont think its funny to be a female and talk about routes. I think its my job. An nfl spokesman calling the comments just plain wrong and disrespectful. Today the teams coach said newton spoke to the reporter afterwards. Cam made a mistake. I understand he had a conversation where he pretty much said that he shouldnt have said what he said. We are about to hit the road. Reporter but rodrigue who has covered the team for the past year says he did not apologize. Adding his comments in private were even worse. In 2012 newton called another female reporter sweetheart. Only thing i can say, sweetheart, its myself. Its not funny, its our job. Its going to have to be his job to get used to it because were not going anywhere. Reporter now rodrigues own words under fire for tweets called racist. Today tweeting shes deeply sorry. Newton remained silent but one sponsor speaking out, dannon severing ties with the star. The rock and roll hall of fame, among this years nominees, radiohead. Rage against the machine. Bon jovi. And l. L. Cool jay. Also judist priest. Moody blues, dire straits, the cars, and on and on. 19 acts in all. We have put the full list on our website. The induct ease will be announced in december. When we come back here tonight, the Country Music song going viral to honor one of the victims. A woman has fallen from a cliff in San Francisco. Right now skyranger is over the scene. Plus, cars riddled with bullets on the peninsula. But it s where the shots came from. That makes this so concerning. Next. The news at six finally tonight we want to end on the memories, the stories and the emotional tributes to the lives lost in the tragedy in las vegas. So many moms and dads, sons and daughters, friends and loved ones gone now, but never forgotten. Heres joe fryer. Reporter you can hear brendan stewarts love for Country Music in this performance of the song you should be here the cover that went viral after he was killed shielding his girlfriend. Thoughts and prayers are with you. Reporter this week vegas Radio Station has been playing it in stewarts honor. It breaks my heart that brendan is not around to hear us play his music, but we know his family and friends were able to hear that. Reporter the coroner now says all 58 victims have been identified and it is clear the impact of this tragedy reaches far beyond vegas. The 58 victims who lost their lives in vegas came from all across the country and canada. At least 30 of them called california home. Angie gomez of riverside loved theater and making people laugh. She lived so humbly. Shes so unassuming. Reporter at least two teachers died. Sandy casey and jenny parks. Ms. Parks was the best teacher in the world. Reporter just 22 years old, Christy Duarte world for the l. A. Kings. They will wear a sticker with her initials on the backs of their helmets. It is important for us to honor her and to tell the world how great of a person she was. Reporter the memories of the victims like brendan stewarts performance live on. Joe fryer, nbc news, las vegas. We appreciate you spending part of your evening with us. That is nightly news for this thursday night. Im lester holt. For all of us at nbc news, thank you for watching, and good night. Now thanks for joining us. I m janelle wang in for raj mathai. The news at 6 00 starts right now. Thanks for joining us. Jessica aguirre. We begin with breaking news out of San Francisco. Firefighters are rushed to where a woman has fallen from a cliff. Happened within past hour. Well take you outside you can see the sky ranger above the scene and the cliff. There are emergency vehicles below. Now the San Francisco Fire Department just told us that the medical examiner is on the way which means that that woman is dead. We have a crew at ft. Clemson gathering information. Well bring you information on the digital platforms as well process. To the news in las vegas and the Las Vegas Massacre investigation. U. S. Officials say the shooter may have planned plor attacks including a war bombing. There is no solid evidence but looking into the possibility. Ert authorities confirm that the gunman, Stephen Paddock looked at other city was high rises overlooking outdoor venue procession. Including in boston fenway park. He booked rooms in las vegas the week of life is beautiful which is of an alternative festival. In chicago during la la plooza. Aflt he never checked in the who willie hotel in chicago. We are get ago terrifying new look at the chaotic moments after bullets rang out. A City Employee working on a stoplight saw what was happening and walked into the line of fire. According to the video, the entire time. Sam brock joins us with whats

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