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Good evening. Chicagos top cop is out. There is new pressure on the mayor who fired him to follow him out the door. The political and emotional up hee eval growing tonight from the videotaped killing of a teenage suspect allegedly murder ed by a chicago policeman. More than the tape of a 17yearoldle being shot 16 times it is the battle to keep the video under wraps and the more than year long delay in filing charges that has mayor rahm emanuel in full damage control mode. Stephanie gosk has stays new developments. Chicago Police Superintendent mccarthy is here. Reporter early this morning Police Superintendent Gary Mccarthy was defending his job. Who says im not accountable . I have been held accountable. You are looking at accountability. Reporter within hours, he was fired. He has become an issue rather than dealing with the issue. And a distraction. Reporter mayor rahm emanuel said the public trust in mccarthy erode ed less than a week after this video of the shooting of Laquan Mcdonald was released. Officer van dyke fired the gun and is charged with firstdegree murder. Free on bond he vowed to fight the charge. The case raised larger question s about police abuse and lack of accountability. The mayor announced the formation of a task force. With protesters may not be easily satisfied. Reporter Rahm Emanuels critics suggest city officials kept the video from the public for over a year for political reasons basing the claim on this timeline. On october 20, 2014 mcdonald was shot 16 times by police and killed. In february of 2015 mayor rahm emanuel was forced into a run off election as Police Shootings and black lives matter were grabbing headlines. On april 7 rahm emanuel won a tight race for re election. Eight days later the city gave the Mcdonald Family a 5 million settlement. It would take seven months for the video to be released and van dyke charged. Bernard hartcourt, a former university of chicago law professor is calling for Rahm Emanuels reservation writing theres been a coverup in chicago. I think there is serious doubt that mayor rahm emanuel would have won the election if this information had been available to the public. Reporter rahm emanuel denies playing politics and says the release of the video would have hampered the investigation. Mr. Mccarthy was a distraction. There were a lot of question s in the room about you and your office. Have you become a distraction as well . You will make the judgment. Im going my job every day in a professional way. Reporter today another family is calling for the release of another video. Dorothy holmes said dash cam footage shows a Police Officer shooting and killing her unarmed son, 25yearold Ronald Johnson over a year ago. The police say he had a gun in his hand. A judge is set to rule on whether the video should be released december 10. There is still an active federal investigation in the mcdonald case. The mayor said the fbi is focusing specifically on how the Police Conducted that investigation including how 86 minutes of video from a nearby burger king went missing. That investigation, lester, opened up the possibility of new charges. Stephanie gosk in chicago, thank you. Now a major shift announced in the u. S. Strategy to fight isis. Defense secretary ash carter telling congress more American Special Operations Forces will be deployed to iraq and syria and the mission will include a combat role. This despite assurances president obama has made about the scope of the u. S. Mission in the region. We get more from nbcs chief Foreign Affairs correspondent andrea mitchell. Reporter with overwhelming evidence that air strikes alone wont stop isis a significant u. S. Escalation on the ground. We are at war. Reporter up to 150 special Operations Forces, three times the 50 troops the president announced in october. Conducting combat raids against isis in both iraq and syria. From bases in iraq. These special operators will, over time, be able to conduct raids, free hostages, gather intelligence, and capture isil leaders. Reporter last month president obama told lester we are not putting u. S. Troops on the front lines fighti ining firefights with isil. Reporter and flatly disputed by his commanders. Have we contained isil . We have not. Reporter the president in paris spent much of his time defending a military strategy that hasnt stopped isis or ended the killing field s in syria. Its not going to be easy. Too much blood has been shed. Too much infrastructure has been destroyed. Reporter its a military and diplomatic rubiks cube. You cant stop isis without ending the civil war in syria, the conflict that spawned the terror group. Standing in the way, russias vladimir putin. I dont expect that youre going to see a 180 turn on their strategy over the next several weeks. They have invested for years now in keeping us out in power. Reporter today germle any promised more troops. Assad doesnt seem worried by any of this. Nobody is taking the western officials seriously anymore. Reporter the administrations next goal ceasefires in parts of syria by january 1st and peace talks for a Transitional Government now to include assad. A big concession to the russians for president obama who all along said assad must go. Lester . Thank you. In turkey today a bomb blast caught on camera. The explosion near a subway station in istanbul was thought to be a blown transformer, but officials later said they found a small pipe bomb that detonated at rush hour sending commuters running for their lives. At least five people were injured. There is no claim of responsibility for the blast. And a disturbing report out this evening about what caused an air disaster at sea. The air asia flight that plunged into the java sea near lay year ago killing all 162 people on board. Crash investigators blame poor maintenance and a cockpit crew that didnt understand the planes Automated Systems or how to recover from a stall they initiated. As nbcs tom costello reports, its a deadly combination we have seen before. Reporter today, investigators laid out the sequence of event s that ended with an airbus a320 in the java sea. A light came on regarding a rutter control malfunction. It had malfunctioned 23 times over the year but wasnt fully re paired. This time the crew reaction was disastrous. The pilot pulled the Circuit Breakers to the planes flight computers, causing the auto pilot to disengage. With the copilot flying, the plane began climbing fast to 38,000 feet. That led to a stall. Then tragic miscommunication in the cockpit. Rather than telling the french copilot to push the nose down to recover, the indonesian pilot said pull down. Pull down, pull down. Reporter the copilot continued pulling up as the pilot pushed down. The plane rolled 104 degrees to the left and fell 38,000 feet to the sea. The passengers on board would surely have known they were in trouble. The crew of this accident aircraft had multiple opportunities to save the airplane and respond properly. They didnt. Reporter for years Safety Experts warned that many pilots overseas are overly fen dent on auto Pilot Technology and lack basic flying skills. Among the examples air france 447 over the atlantic and asiana 214 in san francisco. Today, investigators dropped a bombshell. Therefore upset Recovery Training was considered not required. Reporter that the flight crew wasnt trained to recover from a stall because they were assured it wouldnt happen. Air asia said it will learn from the tragedy. Meanwhile airline Safety Experts say the crash drives home their concerns about pilots who understand how to push buttons in the cockpit, but may lack proper piloting skills. A bigger concern for pilots overseas, but a red flag for airlines worldwide. Certainly unsettling. Tom, thank you. As of tonight we are two months out from the first real test for the 2016 candidates, the iowa caucus. With donald trump still atop the polls Hallie Jackson says the competition is intensifying. In the race for the white house its full throttle two months from iowa where ben carson is stalled, slipping behind ted cruz who is pulling closer to frontrunner donald trump. Fuelled by evangelical support and his signature strategy, taking on his own party. Most recently for not fighting back harder against misperceptions most republicans do not support contraception. This is a made up, nonsense example. Last i checked, we dont have a rubber shortage in america. [ laughter ] reporter cruzs comments raising eyebrows with jeb bush, in Single Digits in iowa and New Hampshire. Adding staff there, but trumps still on top, trailed by marco rubio, Chris Christie stuck in 7th and in overdrive, hoping to make his move after several key endorsements in a state where establishment moderates usually do better against outsiders. How seriously do you expect to win in New Hampshire . Even the loyal republicans who will be voting in the primary and dependents who participate, theyre just starting to tune in now. Reporter still, even though insiders christie, rubio, bush and their supporters spent a combined 47. 5 million on tv ads, the candidates spending less are doing better. Just 3 million spent by carson, cruz and trump who is kicking off december in the lead. The establishment knows it. Thats why they are generally in angina mode where they are having many heart attacks day in, day out trying to figure out how to stop this. Reporter trump has proven unstoppable so far, warning rivals hes the biggest obstacle on the road to victory, the finish line in iowa getting closer. There is only one way you get to the top and its all through trump. Lets face it. Reporter while trump dominated the polls since summer, not long after he announced his candidacy, this time last president ial cycle it was Newt Gingrich who led the pack. He ended up losing iowa by more than ten points. Hallie jackson, thanks. From east to west tonight a dangerous mix of weather hammering much of the country with snowstorms, flood watches and ice warnings in the forecast. Millions are bracing for brutal conditions earlier in the season, early in the season, we are weeks from winter. Our National Correspondent Miguel Almaguer is in the middle of it. Reporter in the Mount Rushmore state the winter storm set records with heavy wet snow. In one day more than eight inches with even more on the way. Travel in the upper midwest, not just treacherous, but deadly. At least one fatality in south dakota. In minnesota, nearly 400 crashes overnight. Whiteout conditions, sloppy and icy road s. Plows and spinouts everywhere. Its going to be busy tonight, judging by the weather so far. Reporter after heavy rain and more in the forecast, eight dams along the Tennessee River authority are spilling water. 9 million are under flood watches from tennessee to georgia to north carolina. A large sprawling weather system is on the move. With it, the Northern Tier of the country could see temperatures 15 degrees above average and heavy rain, too. In the pacific northwest, freezing rain and ice is closing schools. We are taking it slow. Its icy this morning. Reporter so cold power lines are snapping, cutting electricity, leaving thousands in the dark on this frigid night. From coast to coast, it is getting ugly, as december just began. Here in colorado where its beautiful, the frigid conditions are also very dangerous. Nine different counties are under winter advisories tonight. The snow, ice and cold causing problems across the region as well. Lester . All right. Thank you. Still ahead tonight warnings about salt. The growing health risk of consuming too much salt leads one big city to demand restaurant chains reveal how much is really in your food. Its an eyeopener. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg announced the birth of his first child. Thats not the only big announcement he shared today. Now to a shake up at the dining table. Its no secret too much salt can be bad for your Health Leading to high blood pressure, stroke, heart attacks. Today a new rule, the fist of its kind went into effect in new york to encourage people to cut their salt intake. As rehema ellis tells us, it could spread to your city, too. There is a lot of shaking going on in american restaurants. And now new york city requires that menus show it. Because too much saltle lead s to heart attacks, strokes and high blood pressure. Its important and maybe will make them put less sodium in items. Reporter so now chain restaurants must post what some call a shaker of shame on any item with more than the recommended daily allowance of soed yum. 2300 milligrams, about a teaspoon. Chipotles chicken burrito has over 2400 mill fwrams of sodium in just one serving. Subways spicy italian sandwich has almost 3,000 milligrams, and t g i fridays new york which he had dar and bacon burger a whopping 4,280 milligrams. Some restaurants are fighting the new rules. But applebees in new york started posting the warning label a month ago. So far it hasnt changed the way people eat. I have been asking people about it in our restaurants now for the last month since we put it on. It really doesnt impact people one way or another. Reporter when you open the menu what do you see . A lot of salt shakers. Reporter sam kass, former drek tor of the white house lets move campaign is now an nbc news food analyst. Is there hope that putting the salt labeling on the menu will change behavior . Of course not. It increases awareness. Thats critical to moving the dialogue forward. Reporter new york was the first city to require restaurant callery labeling, now every where. The question today is will salt labeling be the next thing to shake up americas menus . Rehema ellis, nbc news, new york. Weve back in a moment with the Domestic Airline looking for new pilots no experience necessary. How much money do you have in your pocket right now . I have 40, 21 could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement . I dont think so. Well if you start putting that money towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge. crowd cheering . Might not seem so big after all. Prudential, bring your challenges. We are back with a big sign of the times tonight. New federal statistics show nearly half of american households now only use cell phones. We are approaching a tipping point. Within a year more than half will be totally wireless. Gone are the days of running across the house to grab the land line. The cdc said 47 of American Homes dont have a land line. They are cell phone only. About 42 have both. If you have ever wanted to be a pilot but never actually have flown a plane heres your chance. Jetblue said it plans to recruit two dozen people to train as pilots, no experience necessary. But they will still have to log 1500 flight hours before they can carry passengers just like those who come to the airline via more traditional routes like the military and civilian flight schools. The f. A. A. Raised the minimum number of required hours in 2013 which has contributed to a pilot shortage. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is a new dad. He announced the birth of his first child with wife priscilla chan. Her name is max. In a letter to his new daughter he vowed to give 99 of the facebook shares, currently worth 45 billion over their lifetimes to improve the world for the next generation. When we come back, music superstar adele doing something a lot of people didnt think was possible. Both families in need and the neighborhood too. Raj vo plus, thousands of bay area bridges deemed structurally deficient. After the Investigative Unit exposed the problem. Now the feds take action. Next close next. Finally tonight the music phenomenon so popular she needs only one name like madonna, beyonce or rihanna. Those three names only wish they had the selling power of adele who is shattering records many thought would never be broken. Ron mott examines the secret to her staggering success. Hello from the other side reporter her albums dont have fancy titles dreamt up in a marketing lab. 19, 21, 25 adeles age at the time recording sessions began. But the numbers rer latest effort is generating are staggering. A record 3. 38 million u. S. Sales in the first week, the feat shattered the previous record set in 2000 by the boy band n sync. There is no precedent for someone tole sell like this in 2015 in an age whereby all other indications the idea of buying an album is dying. Reporter adeles popularity is impressive on a number of fronts. Nearly five years have passed since her last album. We could have had it all reporter time she spent out of the spotlight becoming a mom. My kid comes first and music comes second. I come second. Reporter shes not streaming the album, at least for now. Perhaps increasing demand further. And unlike the past when Record Stores and lps dominated the industry selling albums in todays digital era is more challenging, driven by an a la carte model where you can download the songs you want. Reporter now 27, the british pop singer is wowing the masses again. I think adele is someone whos focused on the power and simplicity of the song and a voice. Reporter on full display when leaked audio from an snl appearance went viral. Hello from the outside reporter the talent raising the bar finding me ga success with a low key approach. Ron mott, nbc news, boston. That will do it for us on this tuesday night. Im lest er holt. For all of us at nbc news, thank you for watching and good night. Through the south bay. Catching rielts now at 6 00, a wild scene starting with a highspeed chase through the south bay. Im raj mathai. Im jessica aguirre. Holiday shopping horrifying for people and employees inside the toysrus store in san jose as a man being chased by police runs into the store. Police follow. Guns drawn telling customers to get out. Toysrus is loaded near bluffton hill road. We were the first to break the story on twitter. Were at the store in south san jose. Chuck, that suspect actually shot by police. Reporter were not entirely certain about that. Police were being cagey. He did suffer an injury and taken to the hospital. We have not gotten confirmation on that. You can see the store has since reopened. The suv with bullet holes has been taken away and police are trying to figure out how many cars were struck and how many innocent people were injured during this highspeed chase. One of the drivers struck during the chase, 76yearold george meetry cannot believe they escaped injury. Are you okay . Were all right. Reporter there were four bullet holes in the door when a friend of the suvs owner saw the

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