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that could happen tonight. those stories in just a few minutes. but we start with some breaking news on the peninsula. a little boy is missing. police are looking for this young man, 12-year-old. his name is donovan. they say he walked away from a family member's medical appointment around 3:30 this afternoon on quarry road. this is right in front of the stanford shopping center near the children's hospital there as well. this photo was actually taken today. you can see he was wearing a black hoodie. investigators say it's possible he got on a bus and does not have a phone. if you have any information, you're urged to call palo alto p.d. also tonight, a big decision in san francitic change of plan the controversial proposal to use potentially lethal robots. this is all about the sfpd. after approving the plan last week, today the board of supervisors actually flipped, now saying sfpd cannot use these so-called deadly force robots. this is an issue that has people fired up, even getting rowdy during today's session. the board even removed any language of robots and lethal force from this proposal. the board did approve an overall policy to allow the police department to continue using its dozen or so robots to examine and defuse suspicious packages without deadly force. >> the concerns are this would be the first time that the city and county of san francisco is saying to the police department, you can use robots to kill people. that is an alarming position for our city to take. >> i don't believe that san francisco should be the first municipality in california to prohibit the use of these devices if, god forbid, there were a mass casualty event or terrorist incident. >> the board did agree to send this issue back to committee for further consideration in the months ahead. well, another week, another round of layoffs in the silicon valley. this time it's intel. the santa clara-based chipmaker, which previously announced thousands of general cuts, is now getting specific. intel says about 200 people will be cut from the company's offices in santa clara and fulsome, which is near sacramento. intel is just the latest tech company to announce layoffs. if you find yourself in need of a new job -- and a lot of people are now -- h.r. experts say you might have more success looking at smaller companies. >> we just hired a great engineer from meta or from twitter. it's also going to appease the institutional capital that have invested in them because they're like, are you using our funds correctly? well, we're hiring top talent from such companies such as this and this. makes perfect sense. >> in the past few months, more than two dozen tech companies have cut jobs or instituted a hiring freeze, including facebook, twitter, oracle and salesforce, and now intel. we're tracking those layoffs on our website. it's under our layoff tracker right there at the top of the page at well, there's political tension in san jose. for the first time in 28 years, the city council will appoint two people to fill vacant council positions instead of a special election. after hours of debate, the council decided not to allow a public vote. district 10 councilman matt mahan is the new mayor electricity. and sylvia arenas is a county supervisor. the issue has come up five times in the last 28 years, and every time the council has held a special election allowing the people to vote. mayor-elect mahan and outgoing mayor sam liccardo were pushing for a special election to let voters decide. >> i think this is a travesty. it's a huge break from precedent. it used to be controversial to even appoint an interim caretaker for a few months to hold a special election. >> opponents argue the election would cost the city of san jose about $11 million and would likely have low voter turnout. the members will be appointed, by the way, for two years. let's move on now. in alameda county, the d.a. says it's revenge that led to the shooting death of a man in newark. police say reynaldo cantu was shot and killed in his own driveway last friday. investigators claim the gunman was a father who believed cantu's son had killed his daughter. court documents indicate cantu was sitting in his car when 52-year-old louie lopez confronted him with a gun. prosecutors say lopez demanded to know where cantu's son was and then shot him twice. cantu's son dated lopez's 16-year-old daughter, danielle, for two years before she was hit and killed by multiple cars on 680 in san jose. that happened back in october. the chp is investigating how danielle got on the freeway and got out of the car. but the lopez family claims cantu's son was responsible for her death. this is obviously a very complicated story. our velena jones has been sorting through this and joins us now. velena, you actually spoke to cantu's family today but they didn't want to go on camera. what did they tell you? >> reporter: that's right. i spoke to cantu's wife, who claims that her family has been harassed by lopez's family for the past two months, since october, when danielle died. she went on to say that her husband was a good man who cared about his family very deeply and that he did not deserve what happened to him. >> just to be clear here, one father went after the other father, saying, hey, your son was responsible for the death of my daughter. is that correct? >> reporter: that's correct. that's the allegation, and that is why, you know, the d.a.'s office is calling this a revenge killing, because of that connection. >> what are the chp and san jose police saying about the death of lopez's daughter. that happened on 680. what do we know about that? >> reporter: right. so that is still a very active investigation. chp and san jose police both say that they are currently continuing to look into that. they wouldn't say much other than that, aside from saying they are looking into exactly how danielle got onto that freeway. >> okay. velena jones on this complicated story from the east bay. thank you. let's move on now. an update on that political race in richmond. there is a new city council member in richmond tonight, but thanks to a tie in votes, a dead tie, the final decision didn't come from voters. it came from the luck of the draw, literally. look at this. the two candidates, their names went into that red bag right there, and one winner was pulled out. this is actually written in a city resolution, so this is, by definition, if there's a tie, this is how they resolve it. the winner is cesar zepeda, who wore a number of lucky charms to today's drawing, and now has made history. >> i am the first openly gay man to serve on our council, so i brought my rainbows with me, my little unicorn, and in my socks, you see "love is love". >> i wore my lucky jeans, my lucky boxers, even a lucky jade necklace, but it didn't work out. i won't be buying a lottery ticket today. >> and that's how it ended. andrew butt graciously congratulated zepeda, but he says he hasn't ruled out challenging this outcome. both men agree the process proves that every vote counts. another big runoff. all eyes on georgia. just ahead, we have the latest results in the race for that last open seat in the united states senate. and where will aaron judge land? land? the giant thes, we've got t our visionon... ...and so o much to chchoose . but with f free in-stotore design serervices our r bt ...and so o much to chchoose . and ouour time arere well spe. at floor a and decor,, with a w wide selectction of p products at floor a and decor,, alall at everyryday low prpri, at floor a and decor,, creaeating a spapace to matctcr tataste has nenever been e ea. at floor a and decor,, discover f floor and d decor ! welcome back to nbc bay area news tonight. take a look. this is a live look at oracle park. this is our exclusive nbc bay area center field camera there. there is a kids event happening now, so a lot of activity at the giants ballpark right now. but the big question, could aaron judge be coming here to the bay area? 30 years ago today, the giants changed the trajectory of the franchise by signing free agent barry bonds. could the same thing happen tonight? this time it's free agent slugger aaron judge. it's down to the giants and yankees. the giants reportedly offered judge a contract worth $360 million. the team isn't messing around here. this is by far more money than they've offered any other player ever. also the yankees have reportedly offered judge a contract worth $300 million. we don't know when judge will make the decision, but it can happen at any moment. we do have crews down in san diego at the winter meetings where aaron judge apparently just arrived. we also have crews, of course, here in the bay area to track all that might happen in the next few hours. well, tonight is election day again in georgia. the polls are now closed, and we're starting to get a really good look at who may take over the only undecided open senate seat in the country. incumbent raphael warnock, democrat, or republican herschel walker, who is supported by former president trump. here are the latest results right now. in fact, it's a dead heat. 50% for both candidates with close to 90% of the precincts, we believe, reporting. let's bring in now our political analyst, larry gerston. both candidates of course did that last-minute push to get to their supporters. early voting suggested, though, that raphael warnock might have the early lead. what do you think? >> well, that's right, and of course according to the data that we see right now, raj, most of the votes are left in areas that would turn out to be mostly democratic. not entirely, but mostly. the big counties, fulton county and nearby counties, those are the ones left with the most remaining votes. those counties tend to go democratic. now, who knows? this is a special election as it is a runoff. because of that, there's not going to be a whole lot of people turning out. turnout is also suppressed. when turnout is suppressed because of disinterest, mind you, people think that's going to help republicans. so this is not necessarily a gimme to warnock even though he's the two-year incumbent. >> why should the country tune in because we know right now the democrats will have that slight edge regardless of tonight in the senate? >> yeah. bear with me. the biggest difference has to do with the fact if the democrats have one more senator, 51-49, they will then control all the committees. as of now, in a 50-50 setup, the republicans and democrats have the same number of people on the committees. now, that makes it difficult to get judges through. that makes it difficult to issue subpoenas. but once the democrats have that one more member, if they do, then they will have the chairs to themselves, and they'll have much more control. that's particularly important at this era -- in this era when judges, judicial appointments, are so valuable to the incumbents in office. >> okay. very clearly said. we appreciate that. also herschel walker, we know, has been plagued by a series of public scandals, but do voters really -- does it matter, or are they just voting, hey, we want the republican or we want a democrat? >> you know, raj, we've seen this a lot. people talk about parties not meaning anything. but the fact is when you get down to it, quite often they do. yes, in the case of herschel walker, people are more impressed with the fact that he's an "r" than anything else. republicans want to block the democrats from having it easy when it comes to judges and issuing subpoenas. so this means a lot and they care more about that "r" right now than anything he's done on the field or anything else. >> we just saw a live look i believe from herschel walker headquarters. it's now 10:15 eastern time. a live look out in the state of georgia. will we know tonight if it's herschel walker or raphael warnock because right now the numbers indicate it's a tie, 50%? >> yeah, and i'll tell you why. you heard 91% of the precincts have been heard from. that doesn't mean 91% of the vote. it just means 91% of the precincts have said something. so there's a lot more votes out there. my guess is we're not going to know anything until tomorrow at the earliest. >> okay. we have been following this high-profile race. herschel walker of course the famous football star from decades ago. thanks for your in sight tonight. appreciate it. this is not an encouraging sign, but here's our reality. our covid numbers are spiking. santa clara county is now seeing high levels of covid in its wastewater. the health department monitors wastewater, which indicates how many people are infected with covid. this graph now shows the levels since the beginning of this year. levels are skyrocketing. flu activity also across california is also reaching a high level. joining us tonight is santa clara county's health officer, dr. sara cody on the telephone. dr. cody, nice to have you back on the program. tell me how bad is it? the wastewater shows our covid numbers. are they similar to the height of the pandemic? >> thanks so much for having me on. i'm glad to share what we're seeing. the news is that there is a lot of virus out there, and in fact across all four sewer sheds that we tracked, we are seeing the levels just shoot up. that happened right after thanksgiving across all of the sewer sheds. >> dr. cody, we see that within your county, santa clara county, palo alto seems to have the highest covid numbers. why is it? why is it specifically in that region on the peninsula? >> well, it's an interesting question, but what's important is not so much that one wastewater treatment plant might be showing higher levels than the other. but it's just what we talked about before, that all of them are increasing, and they're all increasing so rapidly. it's really quite remarkable. and two of the wastewater plants, the levels are at or above where they were at the omicron peak. so what that means is that there is a lot of virus circulating out there, and that means that each of us is at much greater risk of being exposed and infected. so it's time to double down on all those prevention strategies. >> dr. cody, here we are almost three years later. are you surprised that we're still going through these high and low levels of covid? >> well, you know, i think that the whole pandemic has been about managing uncertainty. so here we are in our third year. none of us want to be here, but here we are, right? and it's still circulating. and what's extra challenging this winter is as you mentioned, it's not just covid. but it's influenza and rsv and other viruses as well that are really challenging us. >> where do we go from here? do we go back to a possible mandatory mask policy? what do you advise? >> well, what i advise is that everyone do the things they know how to do. none of us want to go back to doing all these things, but we need to. and so if you've not gotten your bivalent booster, by all means go out and get it and take someone with you. if you've not got your flu shot, get your flu shot. and it's time to mask indoors, especially if it's a place that's not well ventilated and is particularly crowded. i highly recommend wearing i mask. of course, if you're sick, stay home. >> sure. i'm guessing when you're indoors, you mask as well, is that correct? >> i do. i do. i wear a kn-95. i find them pretty comfortable and provides, you know, pretty good protection. and in some places, i actually wear an n-95. but for daily use, just a kn-95. >> i appreciate as always your clear sense of communication with us. dr. sara cody from santa clara county. have a good evening. >> thank you so much. let's move on now, switch gears a bit. here comes that annual list of all those fancy restaurants. we're talking about michelin stars. the new list is out, and you better have some money to afford these high end spots. california is now home to seven three michelin star rated restaurants. that's a big deal. that's half of the nation's total, and six of those seven in california are here in the bay area. take a look. manresa. atelier crenn. benu. quince, the french laundry, and single thread in healdsburg. there are also six newcomers to the list in the one-star category. all in san francisco along with press in napa and cyrus in geyserville. hopefully you can book a table, save up some money and have a nice dinner. let's go outside now, take a look. this is snow in san jose today. it looks gorgeous. this was a dusting of snow at sunrise at the electric observatory. jeff ranieri joins us next with our microclimate forecast. yes, get ready (vo) it's a fact! two out of three americans who qualify for medicare do not receive all the benefits they deserve. you could be missing out! now anthem blue cross introduces a free medicare plan checkup to make sure you receive all the bebenefits youou qualifr in 202023. call 1-8-866-336-344448 today d receceive extra a benefits for a zero dollar monthly premium. benefits like dental, vision, hearing and prescription drugs! and to help you stay healthy at home, you can have free prescription drug delivery, online dococtor visitsts twentyr seven,n, and freeee exercise e classe. you can n even receieive mony towards over-the-counter health items. call 1-866-336-3448 today and feel confident you have all the benefits you deserve for 2023. you can receive extra benefits for a zero dollar monthly premium, like dental, vision, hearing and prescription drugs. call 1-866-336-3448 and make sure you're not missing out. welcome back to nbc bay area news tonight. the big reveal is tomorrow. who's it going to be? "time" magazine's person of the year. twitter's new boss, elon musk, is a contender again. wouldn't that be something? he was the person of the year last year by the way for his work with tesla and spacex. also on the list, florida governor ron desantis and ukraine's president, volodymyr zelenskyy. and the supreme court. to complete the list, china's president xi jinping, house republican liz cheney, philanthropist mackenzie scott, secretary of treasury janet yellen, and the protesters in iran. a big list to choose from. tomorrow, "time" magazine will reveal its pick exclusively on the "today" show. that's always very interesting. jeff is with us now talking about this rain. i'm already thinking about my weekend because you said we're going to get hit this weekend. >> it looks like a stronger storm is going to be coming in for the weekend forecast. as we head into tomorrow, it's all about the chill. check this out. freeze warning over the north bay. we're also watching out tomorrow morning for some patchy dense ground fog that could form through the bay area. again, most of us under mostly sunny skies, but watch out for some patchy dense ground fog. we have 30 in lakeport. 32 napa. widespread 30s for the east bay. san jose 39. even some low 40s here, san francisco over to redwood city. we're going to stay on the chilly side for tomorrow with these temperatures in the 50s. 55 in san francisco. 58 in concord. 57 in palo alto. 58 in morgan hill. again, it will be dry as we roll through tomorrow. but those increasing chances of rain. so the next possibility gets here thursday night and friday. not a big storm system. it's going to move in and out pretty quickly. the one we're really keying in on is by friday night, it starts but really hits us on saturday. that looks like the big storm day for us through northern california, also some heavy snow for the sierra. so we'll show you those totals. you can see thursday, friday, it's only a tenth to about a quarter inch. santa cruz mountains could get up closer to about a half inch. then let's add on the weekend. look at these totals. saturday into early sunday, three quarters of an inch to at least an inch for most of the bay area. then take your eyes up to the north bay, santa cruz mountains. that area in that purple color, that's two-plus inches. so we might get some localized street flooding with all of this rainfall coming our way this weekend. now, the other thing i want to give you an early warning about is if you're headed up to the sierra. not advised to go up there this weekend. we are talking about saturday and sunday, totals of 64 inches kirkwood, 66 kingvale, 43 in tahoe. road closures likely. wind gusts at 50-plus miles per hour. so on that seven-day forecast, tomorrow is a break. strongest weather there on saturday's forecast. a lot happening, but again saturday looks like the bigger day for us, raj. >> thank you, jeff. that's going to do it for us here at 7:00. before we go, we wanted to pass along some breaking news just now into our news room. you're looking live now at the headquarters there in georgia for raphael warnock. nbc news now projecting that the democrat incumbent, raphael warnock, will win that senate race out in georgia. again, this just coming in in the last couple of minutes, that raphael warnock will win that senate seat, that open senate seat, defeating herschel walker. we have a lot more coverage on our website and of course over on nbc as well. thanks for joining us. thanks for joining us. we'll see you back at 11:00. - life is uncertain. everyday pressures can feel overwhelming it's okay to feel stressed, anxious, worried, or frustrated. it's normal. with calhope's free and secure mental health resources, it's easy to get the help you and your loved ones need when you need it the most. call our warm line at (833) 317-4673 or live chat at today. boy. >> ted danson blown away like we all were at the first look at kirstie alley on cheers. welcome to "access hollywood." i'm mario lopez. so many friends and he could stars are paying tribute to kirstie one day of aher children announced the sad news she passed away after a cancer battle that was only recently discovered. "people" magazine confirming it was colon cancer gone far too soon but there is no denying for kirstie it was 71 years lived very well. >> yeah. we have kirstie al

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