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Unstable walls. They gave everybody a heads up and had construction crews and heavy machinery come in to stabilize the walls for crews to work in that area. But they want to reassure they were very sensitive to this Recovery Process. They made sure all the evidence wads recovered and there were no human remains before they got to work in that area. You can actually see them access this building and were expecting to mare an update. They said by midnight tonight this Recovery Process will be complooeted. The timeline could be bumped up as we iwait tawait the latest w. We move on now to another part of the story. Federal investigators continue to arrive at the oakland warehouse searching for clues of how it started. And liz, theyre now focusing on a specific part of that warehouse. What do they tell you . Sfwlrks thats right, raj. Investigators are focusing on a specific part of the warehouse, looking at electrical issues. They say within the next day they hope to find answers and special eased investigators are flying in tomorrow to sort through electrical appliances and cords. Reporter jill snider is special agent in charge of the bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms. An electrical engineer arrived today. Tomorrow a second electrical engineer and a Fire Protection engineer will join in the investigation. The electrical engineer will go through every appliance, cord to identify if that could be the cause. Video taken just hours ago shows they appear to be holding as evidence. Theyre actually looking at components and thinks that they put aside to do a really, really close examination on to see if that could have been the cause of the fire. And she did offer this. There was a lot of electrical issues in the building but as far as saying this was the thing, electrically that caused the fire, i havent received that information from them. Their team gave us a tour of the mobile command unit by the warehouse. Its one of six across the country dispatched to fire events like this one. It offers a place for Law Enforcement to meet in private and discuss developments. As crews to continue to dig for answers, interview teams are still looking for witnesses. Theyre conducting multiple interviews of all the people who live in the building, anybody who can give our investigators any kind of information or clues on where the fire may have started. Reporter now snider says some of the evidence may have to go to a lab for examination and at this time the atf cannot confirm the exact cause of this fire. They hope to land on some answers by the next day. Im liz wagner, nbc bay area news. Thank you so much. And take a look at this. Nbc news has obtained video showing Oakland Police inside the warehouse just a couple of months before the devastating fire. This is in october and you see police arresting someone in connection with a complaint tied to a party. The livein manager says he gave Police Access to the roof during that visit. Many are asking if this is proof of a missed opportunity for someone to raise concerns. Police have refused to comment on any visits to the warehouse, siting the Ongoing Investigation into the fire. Alamena continues to share his story. He is remorseful, afraid his children will be taken away and extremely emotional. We saw all of this today. Nbc bay areas Jodi Hernandez is with us. Any indication if or when hell be charged with any crime here . Reporter so far no indication at all and as you mention the pressure really seems to be getting to derick l alamena. Its not good morning. What am i doing here . Reporter a rattled Derick Almena returned to answer tough questions on the today show. Are you the man that should be held accountable . What should i say to that . I can barely stand here right now. Reporter with 36 people confirmed dead, the selfdescribed grandfather is now in the spotlight. He acknowledges he leased the building and together with others turned it into a collective for artists. Im here to say one thing that im incredibly sorry and that everything i did was to make it a stronger, more beautiful community. Reporter but as the community mourns, some say his words arent helping. What was so beautiful about that building . He can say hes sorry till the cows come home. Thats not going to bring the 36 lives back. Reporter he told us yesterday he didnt realize nor was he warned the building fill would handmaid wooden art, lights and tappestries posed any danger. And when confronted with his potential culpability again this morning, he became unglued. No, im not going to answer these questions. I would rather get on the floor and be trampled by the parents. I would rather let them tear my flesh than answer these ridiculous questions. Reporter now liz wagner reported that atf is interviewing everybody who lived in the building and almenas wife said he has been extensively interviewed by atf investigators. The d. A. s office wouldnt confirm whether or not they have talked to him and they say their investigation into possible criminal charges could take weeks. Thank you. Some valuable information coming from him directly to us. We posted the entire segment of our interview with Derick Almena on our website. As 36 families mourn their loved ones, were hearing new chilly details from those who made it out alive. Live with more. Elyce. Reporter here on the ground were awaiting that briefing. Im told it should happen any minute. There could be a very big announcement. The question is what caused this fatal fire . You can see all of the cameras lined up, waiting for officials to come up to the podium here and the Big Development of course is that First Responders have been able to access 90 of the warehouse. Theyve been able to gather evidence to determine the cause and sources are saying investigators are focusing on a refrigerator removed from the building saying that could possibly be the source. He said there was no time to help them. I cant imagine how those families feel. Reporter the 38yearold artist closed the doorer to the studio space to keep party goers away. By the time i got the doors opened, it was just flames were starting to engulf my space. Reporter avalos believes the fire started in the back of the 5,000 square foot building. In an area where people werent supposed to be. Reporter they determine what caused the fire, today we saw the families of the loved ones lost be escorted in the area meet with those on the ground. And to at least express, work for some kind of some kind of closure for the families. Sorry. So fatal and so fast. Reporter the fire moved so quickly that fire sergeant said bodies were found trying to shield themselves from the flames. They were on the ground and he was in a position that looked like he was covering her. Reporter most died from smoke inhalation. I hope that it was fast so that they didnt suffer. Reporter firefighters have searched most of the charred wear house, but in order to access the last 10 , knock down walls in an area theyve already searched. Were going to bring closure when they search the rest of the 10 . Reporter he says he doesnt blame his friend, almena or his wife. We had fire extinguishers because of that. Reporter and back here live that Media Briefing had just begun seconds ago and were told there could be a significant announcement. Well listen in right now. Taken place and we are moving forward with trying to qualify for state or federal funds for reimbursement. This is our fourth night here and i want to talk real briefly about some challenges that weve had in regards to our search and recovery efforts. You know, after the fire became under control, before we could start our search and recovery efforts, there was areas on the interior of the structure we had to secure. The second floor was compromised. It had potential for collapse. We had to bring in our heavy rescue companies to shore it up and they were able to shore it up with temporary shoring and then they had to come back in to do some permanent shoring. This had to take place before we were even able to start our rescue operations. Once that was taken place, we proceeded with our search and recovery and i believe it was on sunday that it was identified that the parapt of the structure, there was integrity with that and concerns in regards to collapse. I know it was reported earlier that there was a work stoppage because we had to determine how to address the parapit and we wanted to make sure how we addressed it still accounted for the fact that we did not know that there was possibly still victims in the structure. And so there was various methods that we tried. The first night we tried to cutting through and the companys going through and cutting through the cinder block, beating it out with a sledge hammer to make sure the parapit fell on street side. This was very labor intensive. We recognized that we were not going to make efficient projects that way and then we brought in heavy rescue, heavy equipment to actually try to pull the parapit so it would fall. And additional worrying about the integrity of the wall on both the alpha side, which faces 31st street and the bravo side which faces the vacant lot. What was critical is for us to find out that we still had about 20 of that warehouse that we still needed to search but we could not continue our search operation until we were able to secure that parapit because we had to make sure our firefighters were safe and fine that he will decision was made after bringing in cadaver dogs to search the second floor, the bottom floor that there was no hits made by the cadaver dogs. The decision was made to push the parapit inside the struckerture. But that was our last resort. But we had to make sure that we kept moving to assure the families who are still waiting to know if there are anymore bodies inside this structure that we had to continue our search and rescue efforts and right now thats being done. The parapit has been secured. We have companies working, still doing the search and recovery effort and removing debris out of that structure. I want to thank atf for helping us with the investigation. I just want you to know that this is an Ongoing Investigations that is still going on with atf and there is no determination of origin or cause in regards to this fire and if we get any further information, we will keep you updated. This was a unified command. Oakland Fire Department worked in unison with the Alameda County Sheriffs Department and coroners office. We also worked with our fire partners throughout the county. We were rotating crews every three hours. Oakland Fire Department has been out here 24 hours continuously around the clock since the fire ended. Weve been working 24 hours straight rotating crews in. Theyve been out here for three hours at time. This has been a heavy labor operation, plus a heavy mental operation. It got to a point where we were bringing our same crew members out here. We recognized it was important to utilize our mutual aid partners and we brought in the following companies. We incorporated into the operation, Alameda County, fire department, alameda city Fire Department, fremont, hayward. Pleasanten. San ramon valley. East bay Regional Park and cal fire, the santa clara unit. We cant do this by ourselves. We cant do this by ourselves. It was something we did not expect that Something Like that would happen here and i think were pretty close to being able to tell the families that we have completely searched this warehouse and to let you know that the Fire Department will be on seen here until we can look to family members in their face and tell them, yes, we have completely searched this warehouse and we can tell you that there are no more victims in this warehouse. So i want to thank our supporting agencies, the american red cross. I want to thank the various chaplains that assisted with the family care center. I want to thank the public for all the donations they made and the press for being patient with us as we try to get information to bring you what was going on and what was current. Thank you. Thank you, chief. Congresswoman, barbara lee. Thank you very much. First of all, to mayor, chief reed and to all of our First Responders, firefighters, police officers, to our counties, city, state officials, volunteer staff, to everyone here tonight, let me just say that your response has been such a dignified response in many, many ways. I had the opportunity to talk to several family members today and they appreciate the respect and dignity that you have afforded them as you muddled through and work through this very challenging moment. We continue, of course to pray for the victims, the loved ones. And the entire city during this very anguishing time. And it is an anguishing time. So our condolences, my condolences to all. We continue to greave with you and will do Everything Possible and i want to say to the family members and friends and loved ones, we will continue to do everything we can do to care and to comfort you during this very difficult time. I was part of the and i mentioned this to the mayor yesterday. Part of the response effort to the loma prieta 1989 earthquake, which was devastating and the fire storm of 1991 and the resilience of the people of oakland and their concern for their fellow neighbors, it was unparallel then and i have to say now we have experienced another terrible, terrible tragedy and the First Responders and all of our officials, they have risen to the occasion in a magnificent way. This has been unparalleled, if you ask me after coming through those two efforts and tragedies and i was instrumentally involved in both of them. For that, we all are deeply, deeply grateful for your response. As we move forward during this grieving period, mourning period, during this recovery and rebuilding process, the partnership is with the city, with mayor shaft. Ive talk would senator feinstein, senator boxer, of course with Governor Brown and i want you to know they are committed to supporting the city and whatever efforts are necessary as we go through this healing and rebuilding process. I want to say mayor shaft, the response has been steady. In terms of focusing on the victims and families and loved ones with respect and dignity. So im very proud of my city and what has taken place here during this very tragic time. Ive been in touch with the white house on several occasions and i want to conclude by just reading you a statement from president obama, who really knows and loves oakland very, very deeply. He summarized i think our feelings when he said oakland is one of the most diverse and Creative Cities in our country. And the families and residents always pull together and they pull together in the wake of this awful tragedy. Just know they will have the unwavering support of the american people. May god bless you. Thank you, congresswoman. Katy nelson. J. D. Nelson with the Alameda County Sheriffs Office. We have identified 35 of the 36 victims. We have only one unknown and of the 35, we have made notifications to 30 of the families and currently in the process of notifying the other five. I hope to have the list of names to all of you later tonight and thats what were working on. Thank you. Oakland mayor, libby shaft. Tonights the night that we begin wrapping up the Recovery Process and moving forward into the future. There are so many questions that you have had and will continue to have and so tonight were beginni beginning. News conference with oakland city officials, the mayor and an update from the Sheriffs Office and lets listen back in. Are we going to listen back in to mayor libby schaaf of oakland. Thats on a separate parcel at 130531st avenue. The Alameda County d. A. And the oakland City Attorney have confirmed that the release of any public documents created prior to december 2nd will not compromise any investigation related to this fire. Any documented created prior to the fire will be treated as a Public Record. And this 30year period covers the time and weve prioritized the planning and building records. Because the vast majority of the questions that we have gotten have been regarding the contact we had through this city agency. We want to recognize that there are other city agencies that we are working on compiling records from including police calls for service as well as fire inspections. Its important to note that there are several ways that the city of oakland comes in contact with a property and that our responsibilities as a city vary based on the agency that has the encounter and the nature of the circumstance. And ill just say that we are also seeking out records from other public agencies including Alameda County which will also have records of interest. Men ea people have asked and i once again confirm that according to Public Records as of 2007 the warehouse owner is listed as thor ng. And also listed as the owner of the vacant lot. The commercial use is for a commercial space. It was not permitted for residential use, nor public assembly. Now, prior to the deadly warehouse fire, there have been three complaints made about this address. Two in 2014 and one in 2005. These complaints were on december 8th 2014, constructing house structure with permits. Pallets Construction Materials blocking the sidewalk and decemb november 16 that is for the warehouse that was the subject of this horrific tragedy. We have also included the complaints on the vacant lot adjacent to the warehouse. Thats a separate parcel and has a separate address of 1305 31st avenue. For the past 30 years, there have been 18 complaints involving the vacant lot beginning in 1988. Note that there are no visible street addresses for either of these properties. Which is why we have inhadcluded records for both addresses. Now 16 of those complaints happened in very past years between 1988 and 2014. But the following two complaints were made on the vacant lot during 2016. On november 14th, illegal interior building structure and on november 14th, quote there are a ton of garbage piling up on the property, a lot of items left on the sidewalk, some of trash was hazardous. This property is a storage but the owner turned it to become trash recycle site. Again, these records will be made available to you on our website as we continue compiling all Public Records relevant to this event that happened prior to the fire. We will be making those available on our Public Records request website so they are downloadable and accessible to everyone in the public. No one ever wants to see a tragedy like this in their community. But when one strikes, it is our responsibility to take aggressive and quick action. To avoid any future tragedy. So we are committed to doing Everything Possible to improve the safety of our community and to prevent similar tragedies from happening in the future. Today we began the process of assembling the team that will help us do just that. We reached out to the national Fire Protection association, a highly respected Nonprofit Organization devoted to eliminating loss from fire and other hazards and they work extensively on fire safety through codes, inspection and enforcement and they will be here this week to Start Building this team with us. The nfta has agreed to facilitate a group, a top notch expert who will be working with us on the ground to identify best practices and make the best recommendations for safety improvements in this community. And we believe in a way that will improve community throughout this country. Tomorrow at our downtown Emergency Operations center, we will be holding a further press conference to provide further detail on this effort. Our hope is that through these efforts, well not only make oakland safer, well make this nation safer while at the same time lifting up this compassionate, creative, Exceptional Community that we are so proud to call home, thats oakland, california. Thanks. At this time were going to open up for questions. Ill start on the left and work around to the right. Go ahead, sir. [ inaudible ]. We are still in the process. In the alpha side of the building, which is the side on 31st avenue and on the bravo side, there was heavy collapse in that area and so that was we had to secure the mesening and there was a lot of heavy equipment. So that was the last portion of the warehouse that still needed to be searched. There is a limited number searching where atf had identified as the possible place of origin. So theyre trying not to disturb the investigation. There was preliminary searching done in that area. But the search and recovery effort is still going on. We will be out here until we can definitely say that we have searched that entire structure and there are no more victims within it. Is there a timeline youre looking at to say okay were 100 . Its going to takes a long as its going to take. Were not going to rush the process. Were going to make sure that we are make sure that we maintain diligence and that we respect the fact that theres potentially victims in there. However long it takes to secure that warehouse, we are going to take that time. But when we leave the scene, were going to be able to tell everyone that we have searched that warehouse and there are no other victims within it. Question to the mayor. Now that youre looking forward towards the future and you summarized some of whats in the documents, there are additional pieces of evidence to review such as video. Is the warehouse [ inaudible ] based on what youve been able to see yourself and evaluate, do you believe there was a systematic [ inaudible ]. Im not prepared to draw conclusions from the history. We are still in the process of compiling it. But i will remind you that the responsibilities and duties of different City Employees vary. Police officers are not trained in zoning laws. [ inaudible ] focusing some a attention on a refrigerator [ inaudible ]. Im going to state again that the atf has been on scene really since the first day of the incident. They showed up early saturday. The investigation has been going on since that time. The investigation is still ongoing. There is no determination at this time of origin or cause to this fire. [ inaudible ]. With all due respect, sir, i believe that question has been asked and answered to the best of its ability. Im going to go ahead and move on. Jeff, go right ahead. [ inaudible ]. Hi, good evening. My name is alexandria and im the Public Information officer for the bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms explosives. Or atf. At this time there has been no determination as sffar as the origin and cause of the fire. When the information has been determined, atf will release that information. [ inaudible ] refrigerator, was that correct, incorrect . As atf stated earlier, were considering all items within the building and structure and looking at all items and there hasnt been a determination made at this time. Director of building and planning why he didnt go back to the warehouse after [ inaudible ] why not . So were providing Public Record and also providing some answers to frequently asked questions such as that one. Now, it is not my job to second guess intentions of an individual inspector but we can tell you that the process for getting entry into a building, if you are not invited, that you may not force entry into a building as a building inspector unless there are exodus circumstances as well as you typically being accompanied by a police officer. There also is a process by which you could get a court order and were going to be providing more information about that process but the routine procedure that follows. If you cannot gain entry, you send a request to the owner. Requesting such entry. And requesting an investigation and that was in fact made. [ inaudible ]. This is the way ill answer that question. Weve actually discussed this almost on a daily basis. I want to be perfectly clear as the mayor stated earlier. Law enforcement deals in response and were trained for crime. But every time we go to a call, our policy is we document everything. So those documents depending on whatever call that is, it it is documented in our system. Having said that the alameda dist oricate Attorneys Office that everything will be looked at. May i go to another question . [ inaudible ]. I dont have those specific details to answer that question. All i know is right now i can say at the night of the incident, pg e was called to the scene to secure the electrical. To turn it off. Whether it was one panel, multiple panels, i do not have that information at this time. And thats actually a good question and well segway into id like the update everyone. That pg e has restored power to this area. Thats important to our community members. A lot of people were without power for some time. It effected our local residents. Thats a segway to go in. Well come back to you. May i move on to another question. Okay. Now im going to come back to you. You know oakland is a very c creative and Compassionate Community and there are many vigils that the community has planned. We were both invited to a community planned vigil last night and so this is a grieving process that is going to be happening in the city for a very long time and as elected officials, it is our job to support and embrace the Community Led actions so that we can let this community greave in the way it feels appropriate but the city is going to be focusing its efforts is taking a proactive steps to improve safety for the community and in a way that also respects the incredible Creative Community and the housing Security Issues in this city as well. [ inaudible ]. The request for the number of warehouses in this set city is being compiled. I do not have it tonight. [ inaudible ] when they called out Fire Department [ inaudible ]. They were called out once the fire was reported. It is part of our protocol in regards to structural firefighting that we have the utility secure and typically we will call pg e to shut them off. I would like to take a moment and update everyone with information thats important. Id liking to introducing officer marquez. This is very Important Information as the city heals. The families heal and move on from this tragedy. This is Important Information we would like to put out to everyone. Good evening, everyone. Marquez with the Oakland Police department. As we all have witnesses and expeer ybsrienced is this was a tragic incident and many were impacted, not just our community, but the country and internationally and so here, even at the scene, weve experienced the overwhelming donations from all over the world and we actually want to take this time now to direct it in ways you can help to support the relief of the families and those that were impacted during this incident and one way you can do that is by donating. Yo and if you go on the website in the search tool, if you search on there oakland fire relief, youll see there was a page thats been generated and organized by the Oakland Athletics and they have donated a substantial amount along with the Oakland Raiders and the Golden State Warriors and many, many members of this community and nation wide and internationally. We want to encourage you to support this relief for the city and the families that were drastically impacted by this tragic incident. Thank you. Okay. Youve been listening to a News Conference at the fire scene in oakland. This is raj mathai along with janelle wang. Its been a 30 minute News Conference. Well go over a few of the bullet points with you. Right now about 20 minutes ago it was announced that oakland has declared a state of emergency. This will allow state and federal funds to be directed to oakland. Thats one of the biggest take aways. And 35 of the 36 bodies have been identified, even more importantly, 30 families have been notified. Theyre working to notify five additional families. 35 of the 36 bodies have been identified. And fire Officials Say there is no cause of the fire yet. No origin or cause of the fire and the atf reiterated thatd. Theyre still doing the investigation. A thorough investigation. As soon as they know, they will notify us. In the meantime well go to break and have more on the oakland fire in a couple minutes. We are back with more information on the oakland fire. You just heard city leaders and and the atf say no official cause of the fire has been determined. City leaders are pledging immediate action as questions mount about a number of Oakland Building in the wake of the ghost ship fire. Vicki nguyen has been looking at series of violations. Reporter city leaders are scrambling to understand what residents have long known, there is a complicated system of building codes and fire codes. Add to that one of the most expensive housing markets in the country and you have an underground, off the Grid Community now the subject of multiple investigations. No residents wanted to answer questions. But we learned these buildings were the target of a zoning complaint filed yesterday. Contractor greg baxter works here and says its home to 34 units. Its all above board. Sprinkler, permitted and the whole nine yards. Reporter the Property Owner says hes in compliance and unaware of zoning complaints. We told you last night about this warehouse nicknamed death inspectors responded to a new complaint. The international we have half a dozen fire inspectors. Anaheim, sacramento has two to three times that many fire inspectors. Rebecca capline says positions are posted and hiring is a priority. Questions of those complaint that deal with life safety that pose a threat to peoples survival need to be given priority and need to have specific response. Some people are accusing the city of turning a blind eye knowing these warehouses exist and not doing anything about them. Thats part of why we absolutely need the investigation. Because what we dont yet know is was it reported and not responded to . Reporter today they called for a full accounting of the landlord and owners of the warehouse spaces. Many of the Property Owners are arriving in oakland, do not live in oakland and certainly not the in United States of america. So i want to clearly identify in terms of the ownership. Reporter the counselman says his own complaint about the ghost ship warehouse went nowhere. Oakland city leaders are determined to find out where their system failed and fix it so theres never another disaster like the ghost ship fire. Thank you. If you are just now listening, it has been confirmed 35 of the 36 people have been identified in the fire. Were learning more about ahothey lived, and not just how they died. Scott, it was interesting to hear from congresswoman barbara lee saying we will care and comfort you. And these families represent a very Diverse Group of people. We want to introduce you to what they were like. A friend online wishing she had more time to live as she truly wanted. Michela gregory, two jobs. Alex ghassan, quote a wonderful dad, son, a wonderful friend and we talked a lot about music. 32yearold Benjamin Reynolds a singer of pop and jazz. Micah, someone so full of life according to a friend. 29 years old, a synth genius with impeccable music taste. Edmund lapine had a soul for old 45s. Jennifer worked at shazam and working on a documentary about the pokemon craze. And Jennifer Morris remembered by someone who says good bye old friend. Well dance again in our dreams. And chelsea dolan, she studied Classical Music at the San Francisco music conservatory. Just a glance at complex lives that were cut all too short. Back to you. We have much more on the oakland warehouse fire on our website. You can find a slide show of photos of the warehouse before the fire. Scott budman just showed us photos of those who lost their lives and we have more photos on nbcbayarea. Com. Well be right back. Weve learned several families have contacted attorneys and a prominent Real Estate Broker says anotherer tragedy could happen. Stephen stock joins us with the comp lkted legal issues. We just heard the oakland mayor saying its not as easy as it seems for them to access the warehouses. These are just a few of the ordinances and laws governing who is supposed to inshur a safe and secure living area in oakland and San Francisco. The bottom line is that special interests and specific interests could be on the legal hook for that fire in oakland and face not only possible criminal charges but a long and drawn out civil lawsuit process as well. Even before investigators were done combing through the warehouse and long before the walls began coming down, survivors and victims families contacted Legal Counsel to began compiling possible legal lawsuits to hold those responsible accountable. You can ashur, theyre going to tighten up the noose. Reporter they have already been contacted by several families of the oakland fire. Hes working closely with one party on a posrbl action. If you own a building, especially a commercial building, you have an obligation to make sure codes are correct, that you look up all standards. Reporter he says if the actual Building Owner wasnt fully aware of what was going on inside and didnt know about what the pictures show, most of the accountability falls on derick ion almena. It sounds like he didnt Pay Attention on how to manage a building. Police department, in my opinion, should crack down very, very hard. Reporter then there are a problems that Real Estate Broker brought to our attention. Dozens of warehouses like this one whose owner he represents all over oakland sitting empty. That are broken into and taken over for weekend rave parties, nearly every weekend he says. They know how to show no sign to the owner anythings happening. They leave without a trace. And if its not changed . It could be another accident and lot worse. There are laws out there. Reporter tenants rights Attorney Says state law governing who is responsible for what is very complicated. Made more complicated in San Francisco and oakland that hold the Building Owner are esponsible for an adequate building space. An eviction control can make the difficult to evict a tenant even a tenant of an illegal unit but that does not absolve a landlord the responsibility of providing a habitable and safe premitoussis for this tenant. Even for an illegal unit. The key here according to every expert is that once a building, even a warehouse, is occupied continuously for 30 days or more, even if its done illegally, certain tenants rights and rules and the person renting the space, both can carry responsibility for keeping it up to code and keeping it safe and as libby schaaf just told you it keeps them from entering somebody entering the building. Raj, juneal. Were going to investigate throughout the course of this investigation. A state of emergency has been declared in oakland. This allowed state and federal funds to be directed to the city. Well have Live Team Coverage on nbc bay area news at 11 00. Silence. His first tv interview about a hot hookup with the pop superstar now on extra. Extra extra extra extra mariahs young new boyfriend publicly professing his love. Ive always had a thing for mariah. First tv interview, big tease for her new reality show. Country music legend naomi judd, almost unrecognizable, opening up about her debilitating health battle. My hands shake real bad. My face, i feel like a balloon. Home run stint in psychiatric treatment, her feud with her

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