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Bay bridge. This is east of fremont exit. This is about 30 minutes ago. Lanes one, two and three on the upper deck are still closed. So its still slow going. Well keep you posted on that. Good news is no one was hurt but there has been one arrest. Its a first for the city of walnut creek. An overnight homeless shelter. They also fear it will lead to trouble. Nbc bay area elyce joins us from walnut creek. The cold and rain is here. Whats the plan moving forward . Reporter absolutely and organizers had to go through a lot of hoops to get this overnight shelter open. Guards will be on duty 24 hours a day and homeless will be required to register. Still, many are concerned. You can see just how close the homes are but starting tomorrow as the wet weather hits, homeless will be bused into the neighborhood here. Jeff cooper is ready. Me and my dog are going to the shelter. Reporter his dog has his tags and the 52yearold is signed up. Its hard. I dont like asking. Reporter starting tomorrow hell be one of 38 Homeless People sleeping overnight inside the National Guard armory in walnut creek. No, i can be warm now. Reporter the citys first overnight shelter for single people. There are small children here. Reporter and across the street from her condo. Ive been to most of the city counsel meetings. Reporter she voiced her concerns last year. Its a deadend street into a park where theres a lot of families, single women. They will be locked in for the night. Reporter mary is from the trinity center, the Nonprofit Group running the overnight shelter. She says they will be transported from the shelter to the armory. Those using the shelter must be registered and are vetted. All of the people registered are registered with the police darnlt. They have been checked out. There are no criminals. Reporter still cooper understands the fears from the community. Be concerned. Theres bad and theres good. I mean, im good. Reporter and there is already a waiting list for homeless to stay here at the overnight shelter. It will be open until march 31st. Reporting live in walnut creek. Thank you, elyce. Check this out. Is it snow . Bubbles . Is it the blob . Actually its foam. Firefighting foam and the wind is picking it up, whipping it to a puffy tornado. Lets show you what it looks like from above. This is foam pouring out of a hanger in san jose airport. You can see there turn the streets into an early winter party. That guy had to play in it himself. Its a story thats been on our twitter page all day long. Michelle roberts explains where the white stuff came from and how in the world are they going to get rid of it . Reporter the scene looks dramatically different than it did hours ago. You can see the hazmat crews are spraying down the road. There are cars buried under all the foam. This is incredible. Im going to see for myself. And i love that part right there. When the waves, the wind blows it, it looks like waves. Reporter the waves of foam that covers cars, street signs and people is actually flame retardant. It was an accidental discharge of the system. Reporter mitch mat low says just after 11 00, the fire alarm in the Signature Flight hanger at san jose airport went off. The system is designed to fill the building with foam to knock down the fire but today the chief says there was no fire. Why the system went off here, i dont know. Nobody can go in the building. The foam is 10feet deep. Reporter that didnt stop this guy from riding his bike through the mountain of bubbles. They asked people to stay away saying it can irritate your eyes. Its an environmental hazard. The goal is to keep it in the storm drain and not let it migrate to open water. Reporter while they work to flush out storm drains before rain moves in. Dozens of people who work nearby appreciate it. Its like snow time, christmas time. Reporter Signature Flight support owns the hanger. A spokesperson says the mechanical issue tripped up the fire alarm but the good news, there werent any airplanes in the hanger at the time and no flights were affected at all. Michelle roberts, nbc bay area news. Now you may remember a few months ago they first reported that some Firefighting Foam contains chemicals. Those toxic foams are no longer manufactured. Firefighters at san jose and San Francisco airport now use environmentally friendly foam. They uncovered the epa is still concerned about the old foam and wants to know if toxins ended up in our water. We reviewed epa data and found 28 positive hits in Drinking Water supplies right here in california. However, we were told by water managers that just because toxins are found in the water it doesnt necessarily mean it poses a health risk. A peaceful friday near Half Moon Bay was interrupted by this. A deadly plane crash. That small plane careened into a home near the Half Moon Bay airport. One person is dead and at this hour another person is clinging to life. Damian has been updating throughout the day on our twitter feed. I got close just about an hour ago and i could really not see the front part. Its in front of the white van. The orange stripe is the stripe of the plane. The home owner is glad no one was home when the plane crashed. The ntsb has taken over the investigation. The small plane sits on a home in Half Moon Bay. Witnesses describe a plane that seemed out of control. Its gliding like a kite. Its supposed to be going up like that but its gliding like that sideways. And we saw a cloud of smoke. I called 911 immediately and they responded very quickly. There were three police cars. They were asking where it was and we were pointing at the window. It is behind the trees. They located the second person with serious injuries. That person was air lifted to a hospital. Reporter i spoke with the home owner, shes visiting new orleans and her husband is in the bay area but no one was home at the time of the crash. Ive had a few hours to digest it but i was pretty saddened by the news that someone died, absolutely. Reporter planes continue to land at the Half Moon Bay airport. Meanwhile, theyre trying to determine what caused the deadly crash. Its scary because the sound is like you know, like, you know the sound of like crash or Something Like that. Reporter the plane initially struck the roof top of another home. It actually also crashed into the fence of that home, struck a utility truck before landing in that spot behind me. Live in Half Moon Bay. Reporter well, targeting some of the bay areas most vulnerable. A south bay man is accused of duping half bay moon immigrants. And they may have also lost their chance to stay here in the united states. Robert handa joins us. There is a thousand possible victims and maybe more . Reporter thats right. Were outside the business that once advertised as a place to help immigrants and may have actually been targeting them and now a Trump Presidency has them so scared theyre more threatened by these scams. Reporter until recently the office of james lopez was filled with clients seeking immigration services. They arrested lopez several weeks ago. We obtained this picture of the attorney who investigators say operated an illegal Consulting Service and provided Improper Service to about a thousand clients at a cost of around 1200 per individual. He was charging fees for services in regards to immigration paperwork that needed to be done. Which dont require any fees. It appeared that he was also forging documents based on the evidence. Reporter community activist, an ethnic studies teacher in san jose says the fear of a Trump Presidency has many immigrants seeking help while trying to stay in the shadows. I hear from my students, whats going to happen to my parents . And theres always that fear of immigrants and theyre seeking services. Thats my biggest fear is that my community will be victims of fraud and victims of bad advice. Reporter now juarez says they should seek help from those that have the approval of the immigration lawyerss association. Theyre hoping lopezs clients will come forward. He is scheduled for court november 29th, where he faces several felony charges including practicing law without a license. Robert handa. For more information, he has a history of getting into trouble. Our Investigative Unit reviewed his record with the california state bar. He lied to a judge in 1998 and the judge put him on probeatiat for a year and mishandled deportation cases and was barred for two years and then resigned. And continued to practice law without a license. A hiphop superstar gets political in the bay area and fans get angry. Im scott budman. The rapper who took a right turn coming up. Im meteorologist jeff ranieri, our storm system continues to move closer. I am tracking whose arer going to get the first rain drops, plus a newly issued Winter Weather advisory to the sierra, four to 10 inches at the pass level. My forecast in about 10 minutes. This year were all making a difference. Find out how you can join these volunteers and you can feed the need in just a bit. The world famous rapper and husband to Kim Kardashian says he wan okay. Trump in 2016 and maybe kanye in 2020. The world famous rapper and husband to Kim Kardashian says he wants to run for president some day and on this day hes generating political buzz in san jose. Our business and tech reporter joins us from the sap center where last nights concert made a lot of people upset. Tell us why. Reporter hiphop has a history of being political but when one of the worlds biggest hiphop stars came to san jose last night, some of his fans say he joined the wrong team. If i were to vote, i would have voted on trump. Reporter thats kanye west at san joses sap center saying he would have voted for donald trump. It didnt go over very well. Opinions are opinions but its kanye. I love kanye but he talk as lot. People were throwing shoes on stage. Reporter really . Choosing a bay area concert to talk trump . Here of the bay areas Chess Federation says a lot of it likely was kanye seeking attention. You come to show, youre trying to relax, hear a little kanye and then he pulls you right back into what everybody was trying to escape. Reporter its not the first time the two have spoken about each other. This is from 14 months ago. So kanye west, i love him. Maybe in a few years ill have to run against him. I dont know p. Sfwlr reporter kanye west has teased fans by saying he might run for president in 2020. Reporting live in san jose. Nbc bay area news. We have heard quite a bit about that from kanye. We head to the local Safeway Stores to help those in need this holiday season. We hope one day all of this wont be necessary and its easy for everyone. Just 10 goes a long way. Here from the safeway in santa clara to explain. Take it away. Reporter yeah, you know im really feeling the holiday spirit, especially when im surrounded by individuals making a difference for our community. And here is cathy jackson, ceo of the san mateo and santa clara counties. Were providing food 840,000 people every month. Here in sillicon valley, were serving more than we did at the worst of the great recession. So, safeways feed the need is a great way to help. And thats where you come in. You can find these yellow slips and the wonderful volunteers. Tell me you have been doing this for three years. How does it work every year . Generously our members and family members from the american association, we do this every year and support the drive and were at the three safeway locations tomorrow morning. Were going to be in los kaltose, san jose and tomorrow well have about 100 members from the Junior League of san jose. Were so proud to be supporting this worthy cause. Thank you for taking time out of your day to make a difference. Look at these cuties over here and the Bay Area Team is out volunteering. I will be at this location to find out where you can go to our website and find out how you can feed the need. Back to you. Thank you. If you want more information on feed the need food drive, go to nbc bay area. Com and youll get all the information you need. But grab a tear sheet and take it to the register, youre good to go. And jeff, youll be at the alamo safeway. Yes, i will. Peggy bunker, janel wang and myself will you can discuss yourself. Bring your umbrellas too. We are tracking that rainfall. Again this weekend. We havent seen any huge changes in the forecast as it is expected to look wet into saturday. The storm system is already bringing rainfall to northern california. Mainly just a few clouds across the north bay right now but you can see a few beginning to develop right off our coast line and eventually this will bring rainfall to the bay area. 53 right now. But our hour by hour forecast shows by 9 00 p. M. We could see rainfall develop and that will be continuing into tomorrow morning. No rain drops tonight. That hour by hour forecast showing us increased cloud cover once we hit midnight tonight. I want to show you the future cast. You can see the zone of heavier rainfall across marine, napa and sonoma counties. Heaviest looks to start on 7 00 a. M. On saturday from the north bay to the south bay and that will continue until about 11 00 a. M. And once we hit the afternoon, it will break up with more of a scattered rain situation coming on back. In terms of the afternoon on saturday, we know a lot of people are wondering about the stanford and cal game, doesnt look super heavy but bring your poncho. Thanks. Up next, a controversial concept floated by a donald trump supporter, forcing Muslim Americans to register. Well tell you why this is personal for a well known congressman. Olympic Gold Medalist tommie smith is returning to mexico city. This time to honor late Oakland Raiders owner al happening now on our twitter feerksd returning to mexico city to honor lake Oakland Raiders owner al davis. Smith will light a torch before the game. And local sea food sellers are preparing for crab season after they were prevented last year for food safety concerns. Donald trump. He says the internment of japanese americans some serious and alarming claims from a high level fund raiser for donald trump. He says the internment of japanese americans set a precedent that could force Muslim Americans to register. Tonight a longtime bay area congressman and japanese share their fears. We dont create registries based on religion. Well, we have in the past. Reporter a fox person for the pro trump Great American pack argued it would be legal. We did it in world war ii with the japanese. Youre not proposing we go back the days of internment camps, i hope. No. Its the internment of more than 100 thousand japanese americans. I always thought of myself. Im an american. Reporter 101yearold was interned when she was 26. When you got into camp, you got to the point where you say i must be different. Reporter another survivor says there was a silver lining. It shielded her from antijapanese sentiment. The people that hated japanese and we didnt start it but we were accused of being the bad ones. People tend to remember only the good things and suppress the bad things. Reporter congressman mike honda was an infant when he and his family were taken on the internment camp. He said it could pass. I feel like weve gone furtherer back than just repeating history. Its gotten worse. Reporter a lot of japanese americans in the bay area. Congressman honda will continue to fight the proposed muslim ban, even when he finishes his turn. Carl hig be said his point was there is a precedent for a muslim ban. And concern grows following the president ial election. And hes republishing a hate crime hotline. Theyre often under reported because people are scared. And his office is there to help them. We posted it on our website, nbcbayarea. Com. From an operational point of view, its a bad idea. A former secretary of Homeland Security acts about lights blinding pilots. We talk to tom ridge and santa claras mayor about a plan that could effect a new stadium. Head coach chip kelly looking to last year for a little extra motivation. We played this Team Last Year in philadelphia and had a big victory with foxborough. We played them before and i understand the challenge of it. If youre a competitor, you dont think i dont have any hope. You say i get a chance to play against tom brady and bill belichick. And that might be the problem for levis stadium. The former secretary of Homeland Security a billion dollar price tag that comes with a lot of bright lights. The former secretary of Homeland Security is raising concerns about stadiums located near airports like levi. And those bright lights blind pilots attempting to land at sjc. Stephen stock first broke the story about the safety concerns. More issues to talk about. Reporter absolutely right. More than 40 pilots have complained about the lights at levis to the faa yet little to nothing has been done about the problem. Former Homeland Security secretary tom ridge says our investigation has him concerned that the faa is now gambling with Public Safety. Reporter it was just days before super bowl l earlier this year when according to this report, a pilot on the commercial 737 lined up to land on runway 30 l at san jose international. He thought he was using the visual approach slope indicator. It wasnt that. Instead it was levi stadium he was seeing. They realized they had confused the scoreboard lights with the system. And though they corrected and landed safely, it became just one more instance of the bright lights confusing or blinding pilots while trying to land at sjc. Like getting a flash bulb in your face coming out of a dark room. Reporter a former navy pilot with San Francisco airport. Its a huge problem. When theyre flying at night. You need at least 20, maybe 30 minutes to get your eyes sensatized to the darkness. Reporter when youre on final approach, according to pilots, you dont have 20 to 30 minutes to adjust, only minutes or seconds. Our investigation into this problem, dating back more than two years has uncovered more than a dozen commercial pilots who have conplained by the lights at levis. It concerns me when the proximity to the airport has created problems to the pilot. Its no longer a failure of imagination. They say themselves it is a problem. Reporter tom ridge served as the nations first secretary of Homeland Security. He worries that the problems we uncovered at levis stadium will be repeated at the new Los Angeles Rams stadium only two to three mile s directly off laxs runway. This is a bad idea. Reporter ridge wrote two different white papers warning of similar safety concerns, as well as potential terrorism issues. A second paper directly sited our reporting several times. One would think those public expressions of concern from which have been reported would be included in the calculation today of the faa as to whether the it inglewood site is appropriate. Reporter staff consultant said there are new ways to build a new stadium while meeting issues. Sdplp if done properly, you can have things at the runway. And things like that, which are life and death, youd rather have that than housing, residential, school, hospital. Reporter the faa said were still working with the developer to address our concerns with the inglewood project. Both department of defense and faa have had an opportunity to comment and raised no objection to the inglewood site. That scoreboard emits so much light that they can see it as much as 100 miles away from the airport. Reporter this air Traffic Controller told us that fellow controllers were worried. Faa confirmed complaints have been file bide air Traffic Controllers but denied our request for copies of the details. Santa clara mayor lisa gillroy was not aware of the problem until we approached her earlier this year. And hadnt heard about this until our latest findings with her. Were going to follow through to make sure if theres further things that need to take place, it does. We cant have a Major Incident happen at levis stadium. The 49ers declined an offer to talk about this. But sent us a statement saying in part we have great faith in the faas many years of expertise regarding lighting levels and the Public Safety is of the utmost importance to the 49ers and the levis stadium. The rams never got back to us with a comment but they just broke ground on that new stadium off the lax runways yesterday. Thank you. Well continue our are eporepor this topic. Give us a call. 888 888996tips. Well, donald trump vowed to never settle the Trump University lawsuit but today he did just that for 25 million. This spared the president elect from testifying in a Class Action Lawsuit later this month. It includes no admission of wrong doing. He named Michael Flynn as his National Security advisor, Jeff Sessions as attorney general and pompeo is republican that served on the House Republican committee. And theyre uncomfortable about flynns role as National Security advisor. Was known as a bowl in a china shop. Someone who didnt work well with others. President elect is spending the weekend at his golf course in new jersey. On sunday mitt romney will meet with him there possibly. His name is being floated as the candidate for secretary of state. And retired marine general mats. Hes a fellow at stanford institution. And hes reportedly in the running for secretary of defense. Some closure tonight in the accidental shooting death of a bart police officer. Bart will settle a lawsuit filed against the Transit Agency for the death of sergeant smith. He will pay smith family. He was shot and killed during a probation search. The case is now closed without a finding of fault or an admission of liability. Its an unusual infection. An exclusive look at what it takes to check the bay areas first ever tunnel. Over 1,000,000 californians have gotten something thats been out of reach for far too long Health Insurance. How . They enrolled through covered california. Its the Health Insurance marketplace where youll find a range of plans from leading Health Insurance companies that offer you the best combination of quality, rates, and benefits. And, through covered california, you may get financial help to pay for coverage. To have Health Insurance starting january 1st, you need to enroll by december 15th. Visit covereca. Com today. Alarming rate. And you can blame our drought. Vo rail a new Aerial Survey by the us its not what you want to hear but california trees are dying at an alarming rate. In the past six years 100 Million Trees have died. 36 million died in just the past six months. Thats double from last year. Forest services lack of rain and warm temperatures are to blame. They begin to die and become more prone to bark and beatle infestation. One week from today its black friday but how about this. Less shopping and more hiking. Can you do it . Some state parks will be free on friday. Its being called green friday. The parks are provide 13,000 free day use parking passes to encourage everyone to get outside and spend time with your friends and family. Not your average grads getting their diplomas on the peninsula. Look how cute. Shelter dogs and inmates receiving their diplomas from the tail programs. Minimum security inmates work with the animals to increase their adoptability. They can spend the whole day. They have Constant Care companionship and they grow and theres transformation in the dogs and inmates are pretty amazing. A total of four dogs who feed their diplomas will be eligible for adaunoption and everyone wi in that. Happy graduation day. We should get an nbc bay area dog. That would be cute. Running around the office. Right here on the set. Gets stressful, just take a moment. Take us out friday. Friday, weekend is here. Rain coming our way. A little bit of cats and dogs activity so to speak. Were still doing really good after that major october rain. Anywhere from 89 to 170 of average. The latest storm system is moving in to the north and were tracking rain drops tonight. Ill let you know who has the best chance in a few minutes. The little known airline fee that could cost you hundreds on the spot at the airport. Nbc bay area responds next. To pay 1,200 in fees. Just because they were late for a flight. Nbc bay area responds to the couple who had to pay 1200 in fees because they were late for a flight. Chris chmura wants to help with the scenario. We have an educational Airline Story for you just in time for the Holiday Travel season. Meet karen garen. They were forced to pay 600 each when they missed their connecting emirates flight. Karen had agreed to a no show fee when she made her reservation. They need do a better job disclosing fees. The most expensive fee is hidden, completely hidden in these long documents that you have no idea when you book the ticket. Reporter tonight at 11 00, well show you where to look in the fine print. Well explain how one phone call can prevent some penalties and tally up how much the airlines are making on fees. Spoiler alert. Its billions. If you have consumerer complaint, you can call us. 888996tips. Or nbcbayarea. Com responds. Ill see you live at 11 00. Two years ago San Francisco Public Utilities commission installed the first tunnel beneath the floor of the bay. An exclusive look at the shipwrecked technology that makes sure it keeps working. The rising of any day brings the possibility of a new journey. New menlow park, an unusual journey is shaping up. Two years ago the San Francisco Public Utilities commission built a 5mile long tunnel to carry water from the east bay the peninsula, replacing water pipes from the 20s. Its the first pipe under the bay in the history of the bay area. Reporter the new tunnel was designed to survive a major earthquake. This is one of the it largest, one of the strongest but that also makes it trickier when it comes to inspection. With the tunnels twoyear warranty coming p. Instead of draining 10 million gallons of water, they turned to technology. Werer using a remotely operated vehicle called the falcon. Reporter crews employed the kind of underwater device used for shrunken shipwrecks for the tunnel across the bay. Two of them are hd. Workers sanitized the rover. The next stop is going to peoples tap water. 95 feet. Using monitors, engineers inspected every inch of the pipes surface. Its a major effort to look at this pipe and the tunnel. Reporter the reason for all the care, the pipeline carrying waterer supplies more than 2 Million People in the bay area. In the end the inspection shows the tunnel in good shape now ready to face the journey of time. Joe ruzaudo jr. , nbc bay area news. Take care of that tunnel. Thats not water. Were going to be seeing some water. It is helping to fill up the local reservoirs. Weve had a little bit of lull in the activity but now things are picking back up and youre going to be able to see right now were tracking the storm system. Just off to the north producing rainfall in california and oregon. We think by 11 30 tonight we should have measurable rainfall possibly near santa rosa, maybe even down towards nevada. Thats first on tap to get wet weather for tonight. But everyone for tomorrow morning will have rainfall in the forecast from the south bay to the trivalley and temperatures not nearly as cold as the past couple of nights when we had isolated 30s. Also are the east bay, San Francisco and the north bay. So lets take you to the future cast. If you have any plans saturday morning and it could be changed, at least your plans, due the rainfall. We cant stop mother nature. You can see at 8 30 in the morning, pockets of moderate rainfall in the north bay and yellow showing possibly heavier rain and it extends to san jose. Looks very likely for this widespread rainfall for us. This will stay in place until about 11 00 in the morning and then by the afternoon, its more of a scattered rainfall situation. On sunday were seeing another wave of wet weather. But saturday morning will be the heaviest rainfall. Rainfall totals havent changed that much. Wever been monitoring it very closely. Were good for about a hoo1 2 i in the north bay. Some of the street drains that are clogged up we could see a little water pond in those areas. And 62 in morgan hill. 65 in san jose. Winds generally out of the south 10 to 15 miles per hour. And we could see it gust at times to 25. Very similar conditions throughout the east bay. No matter where youre headed tomorrow or the peninsula, well find widespread 60s for the most part and San Francisco, 59 in the outer sunset. But otherwise, 60s throughout downtown sf and for the north bay, 62 in sonoma and 60 expected in santa rosa. And lets round things out for you again. Rain returns again tomorrow morning. Well have a chance of lingering rainfall sunday and monday. Another chance of rain wednesday and so far thanksgiving looks dry at this point. Sf stays in the 60s. Were trending with temperatures in the 60s the next several days as well. And looks like we could see the wet weatherer pattern over the next 14day period on and off again. Impressive. Going to be good. Players can become legends if they play well in the big game. Meet the cal player catching everyones eye. Colin resch joins us next. But w tomorrow big game. Cal and stanford. Very polite. At least publicly. Jess 2shot usually theres trash talking but Colin Stanford very gentleman like. At least publicly. One of the hottest topics is the player thats gone from relative unknown to national standout. Here from berkley. Reporter approaching the 119th big game david shaw is going with the kill emem with kindness philosophy. Is this psychological warfare . Phenomenal. I have no problem saying it. I wasnt sure he was when the season started. Heard the name before and then i happen to watch the game in australia and i said where did this guy come from . Holy mackerel. Touchdown cal, chad hanson. Hes big, fast, a great route runner, he catches the ball. This guys been outstanding. Wow, thats very cool. Impl i love the way he plays. It feels good to have that kind of recognition after all the hard work. Reporter he hasnt exactly come out of nowhere but its close. He caught a total of 19 passes last year. He has a pac12 leading 75 so far this season despite missing two games due to injury. Hes quickly become a guy that opposing coaches now have to big game plan for. Hes got to be somebody that i have my eye on to minimize the damage he can cause. How much would it mean to get one and here . Huge. For us, for our coaching stuff, all of cal, every fan of cal. Theyve been waiting for this for six years and were hoping were the team to give it to them. Colin resch, nbc bay area. Big game tumoomorrow. A look at holiday rush tonight after dateline. And the heaviest rainfall should be from 4 00 to about 11 00 tomorrow morning. So for the 2 30 kick off we expect a chance of rain but there could be a few breaks of sun mixed in and temps in the low 60s and youll be able to see a chance of lingering rain on sunday and into monday morning. Dry on tuesday. Wednesday another system moves in and thanksgiving looks dry at this point. Looks good for november forecast. Looks fantastic. Have a great evening. Well see you at 11 00. Bubye. Heavy, labored breathing heavy, labored breathing heavy, labored breathing coughing breathing through oxygen mask breathing through oxygen mask breathing through oxygen mask breathing through oxygen mask covered california. Its more than just health care. Its life care. Maerk anthony separating from his wife hours after his surprise kiss with his ex, jennifer lopez. Marc anthony and shannon splitting after two years of marriage. The breakup news after the headline making pda with j. Lo at the lat ingrammys, extra with the latest new details. New clues mariah is dating her backup dancer. The racing moments caught on reality show cameras, did they trigger her breakup . And her explosive new battle, will she give in and cut him from the show

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