At least now being discussed with russia now involved, with the vote in congress put off at least for now, the president will use this air time tonight to remind people of the stakes. Why the use of chemical weapons is different, why it cant be tolerated around the world, why syria in his words, needs to be held accountable and what a limited u. S. Military strikes means. This has sparked a huge public debate. Were having our own town meeting in real time tonight as the president speaks and it all goes back to two words of his choosing. Red line. That is the line the president said syria should not cross. Tonight, we get to hear about the consequences as he comes down to hall to the podium to address the nation. My fellow americans, tonight, i want to talk to you about syria. Why it matters and where we go from here. Over the past two years, what began as a series of peaceful protests against the repressive regime of Bashar Al Assad has turned into a brutal civil war. Over a hundred thousand people have been killed. Millions have fled the country. In that time, americas worked with allies to provide support, help the opposition and shape a political settlement, but i have resisted calls for military action because we cannot resolve someone elses civil war through force. Particularly after a decade of war in iraq and afghanistan. The situation profoundly changed though on august 21st. When assads government gassed to death over 1,000 people. Including hundreds of children. The images from this massacre are sickening. Men, women, children lying in rows, killed by poison gas. Others foaming at the mouth, gasping for breath. A father clutching his dead children. Imploring them to get up and walk. On that terrible night, the world saw in gruesome detail, the terrible nature of chemical weapons and why the overwhelming majority of humanity has declared them off limits. A crime against humanity. And a violation of the laws of war. This was not always the case. In world war i, american gis were among the many thousands killed by deadly gas in the trenches of europe. In world war ii, the nazis used gas to inflict the horror of the holocaust. Because these weapons can kill on a mass skill with no distinction between soldier and infant, a century has been spent trying to ban them. In 1997, the United States Senate Overwhelmingly approved an agreement prohibiting the u. S. Of chemical weapons, now joined by governments that represent 98 of humanity. On august 21st, these basic rules were violated. Along with our sense of common humanity. No one disputes that chemical weapons were used in syria. The world saw thousands of videos. Cell phone pictures and social media accounts from the attack and humanitarian organizations saw stories of hospitals packed with people with symptoms of poisoned gas we know the assad regime was responsible. In the days leading up to august 21st, assads chemical weapons personnel prepared for an attack near an area where they mix sarin gas. They distributed gas masks to their troops, then they fired rockets from a regime controlled area into 11 neighborhoods that the regime has been trying to wipe clear of opposition forces. After the rockets landed, the gas spread and hospitals filled with the dying and the wounded. We know senior figures in assads military machine reviewed the results of the attack and the regime increased their shelling of the same neighborhoods in the days that followed. Weve also studied samples of blood and hair from people at the site that tested positive for sarin. When dictators commit atrocities, they depend upon the world to look the other way until those horrifying pictures fade from memory. But these things happened. The facts cannot be denied. The question now is what the United States of america and the International Community is prepared to do about it. Because what happened to those people, to those children, is not only a violation of International Law, r its also a danger to our security. Let me explain why. If we fail to act, the assad regime will see no reason to stop using chemical weapons. As the ban against these weapons erodes, other tyrants will have no reason to think twice about acquiring poison gas and using them. Over time, our troops would again face the prospect of Chemical Warfare on the battlefield and it could be easier for terrorist organizations to obtain these weapons and to use them to attack civilians. If fighting spills beyond syrias borders, the weapons could threaten turkey, jordan and israel and a failure to stand against the use of chemical weapons would weaken prohibitions against other weapons of mass destruction and iran, which must decide to ignore International Law or take a more peaceful path. This is not a world we should accept. This is whats at stake. And that is why after careful deliberation, i determined that it is in the National Security interest of the United States to respond to the assad regimes use of chemical weapons through a military strike. It would be to deter assad from using chemical weapons. To degrade his regimes ability of using them and to make clear we will not tolerate their use. Thats my judgment as commander in chief. But im also the president of the worlds oldest constitutional democracy. So, even though i possess the authority to order military strikes, i believed it was right in the absence of a direct or imminent threat to our security, to take this debate to congress. I believe our democracy is stronger when the president acts with the support of congress and i believe that america acts more effectively abroad when we stand together. This is especially true after a decade that put more and more war making power in the hands of the president and more burden on our troops while sidelining the peoples representative about when we use force. Now, i know that after the terrible toll of iraq and afghanistan, the idea of any military action, no matter how limited, is not going to be popular. After all, ive spent four and a half years working to end wars, not to tastart them. Our troops are out of iraq. Our troops are coming home from afghanistan and i know americans want all of us in washington, especially me, to concentrate on the task of building our nation here at home. Putting people back to work. Educating our kids. Growing our middle class. Its no wonder then that youre asking hard questions. So, let me answer some of the most important questions that ive heard from members of congress and that ive read in letters that youve sent to me. First, many of you ask asked, wont this put us on a slippery slope to another war . One man wrote to me that we are still recovering from our involvement in iraq. A veteran put it more bluntly. This nation is sick and tired of war. My answer is simple. I will not put american boots on the ground in syria. I will not pursue an open ended action like iraq or afghanistan. I will not pursue a prolongeded air Campaign Like libya or kosovo. This would be a targeted strike to achieve a clear objective. Deterring the use of chemical weapons and degrading assads capabilities. Others have asked whether its worth acting if we dont take out assad. Some members of congress have said theres no point in simply doing a pinprick strike in syria. Let me make something clear. The United States military doesnt do pinpricks. Even a limited strike will send a message to assad that no other nation can deliver. I dont think we should remove another dictator with force. We learned from iraq that doing so makes us responsible for all comes next, but a targeted strike can make assad or any another dictatdictator, think t before using chemical weapons. Other questions involve the dangers of retaliation. We dont dismiss any threats, but the assad regime does not have the ability to seriously threaten our military. Any other retaliation they might seek is in line with threats we might face every day. Neither assad nor his allies have any interest in escalation that would lead to his demise and our ally, israel, can defend itself with overwhelming force, as well as the unshakable support of the United States of america. Many of you have asked a broader question. Why should we get involved at all in a place thats so complicated and where as one person wrote to me, those who come after assad may be enemies of human rights. Its true. That some of assads opponents are extremists, but al qaeda will only draw strength in a more chaotic syria if people there see the world doing nothing to prevent innocent civilians from being gassed to death. The majority of the Syrian People and the Syrian Opposition we work with just want to live in peace. With dignity and freedom. And the day after any military action, we would redouble our efforts to achieve a political solution that strengthens those who reject the forces of tyranny and extremism. Finally, many of you have asked why not leave this to other countries or Seek Solutions short of force . As several people wrote to me, we should not be the worlds policemen. I agree. And i have a deeply held preference for peaceful solutions. Over the last two years, my administration has tried diplomacy and sanctions. Warnings and negotiations. But chemical weapons were still used by the assad regime. However, over the last few day, weve seen some encouraging signs. In part, because of the credible threat of u. S. Military action as well as constructive talks that i had with president putin, the russian government has indicated a willingness to join with the International Community in pushing assad to give up his chemical weapons. The assad regime has now admitted it has these weapons and even said theyd join the chemical weapons convention, which prohibits their use. Its too early to tell qul whether this offer will succeed and any agreement must verify that the assad regime keeps its commitments, but this initiative has the potential to remove the threat of chemical weapons without the use of force. Particularly, because russia is one of assads strongest allies. I have therefore asked the leaders of congress to postpone a vote to authorize the use of force while we pursue this diplomatic path. Im sending secretary of state john kerry to meet his russian counterpart on thursday and i will continue my own discussions with president putin. Ive spoken to the leaders of france and the United Kingdom and we will Work Together with russia and china to put forward a resolution requiring assad to give up his chemical weapons and to ultimately destroy them under international control. Well also give u. N. Inspectors an opportunity to report their findings about what happened on august 21st and well continue to rally support from those who agree on the need for action. Meanwhile, ive ordered our military to maintain their current posture, to keep the pressure on assad and to be in a position to respond if diplomacy fails. And tonight, i give thanks again to our military and their families for their incredible strength and sacrifices. My fellow americans, for nearly seven decades, the United States has been the anchor of global security. This is men doing more than forging international agreements. It has meant enforcing them. The burdens of leadership are often heavy. But the worlds a better place because we have born them. And so, to my friends on the right, i ask you to reconcile your commitment to americas military mite with a failure to act when a cause is so plainly just. To my friends on the left, i ask you to reconcile your belief in freedom and dignity for all people with those images of children writhing in pain and going still on a cold hospital floor. For sometimes, resolutions and statements of condemnation are simply not enough. Indeed, id ask every member of congress and those of you watching at home tonight to view those videos of the attack and then ask what kind of world will we live in if the United States of america sees a dictator brazenly violate an International Law with poison gas and we choose to look the other way . Franklin roosevelt once said, our National Determination to keep free of foreign wars and foreign entanglements cannot prevent us from feeling deep concern when ideals and principles that we have cherished are challenged. Our ideals and principles, as well as our National Security, are at stake in syria. Along with our leadership of a world where we seek to ensure that the worst weapons will never be used. Americas not the world east policemen. Terrible things happen across the globe. And it is beyond our means to right every wrong. But when would modest effort and risk, we can stop children from being gassed to death and there by make our own children safer over the long run, i believe we should act. Thats what makes america different. Thats what makes us exceptional. With humility, but with resolve, let us never lose sight of that essential truth. Thank you, god bless you and god bless the United States of america. So, at this strange moment in history, president obama from the east room of the white house tonight, on the potential need to launch a strike against syria, even though the potential for that military strike has decreased mark edly. Analysis tonight on msnbc on your late local news, of course, tomorrow morning on today. Well follow it all here. For its been a critical evening for president obama. You saw him outlining the situation. Thanks for being with us. You just heard the president lay out his plan for what he thinks should be happening in the next couple of weeks. First giving america a tutorial on the history of the conflict in syria. And on the history of chemical weapons. The president says when dictators commit atrocity, the world cannot look the other way. Mr. Obama saying that the violation in sere wra is not only a violation of the people there, but a danger to our National Security as well. And that the burden of leadership is heavy. Calling on the americans, all of us right and left, to understand what his plan is. Saying that he will give diplomacy a chance, but it is the threat of a military strike which has brought syria to the table. Perhaps one of the biggest takeaways in this address that lasted about 15 minutes in response to the deal really in the last 24 hours between russia and ssyria. The president says, quote, its too early to tell if this offer will succeed. Thats the issue moving forward. He had a lot of things planned in the last 48 hours but thinged change tradramatically in the p 12 hours. Well continue our coverage coming up in about 15 minutes. Nbc bay areas kris sanchez is watching tonights speech with local syrians who lost loved ones in the ongoing conflict there. The words theyre using tonight to describe the president s speech. Nbc bay area puts the syria situation through a reality check. Thats all coming up ahead at 6 30. Our other headlines this evening, a developing story. The fire at mt. Diablo with favorable weather and some key strategy. Firefighters are getting the upper hand. The smoke is clearing, which is very good news for a lot of people in the tri valley and santa clara county. We bring in nbc bay area ease Jodi Hernandez from near the fire line. Jodi . Reporter raj, firefighters are feeling a lot better about the situation out here tonight. Not only is it much cooler, but firefighters are really making ground on strengthening their containment lines. Yet still a lot of land has burned. See this charred hillside behind me. This hillside, in fact, flared up last night putting homeowners on edge once again. Because, in part, of the actions of residents, not a single house has been destroyed. As firefighters work to put out the hot spots and remove any branches or trees that could give the morgan fire a chance to flare up again, theyre also acknowledging the work homeowners have played in keeping their houses from going up in flames. They worked in a lot of ways. We didnt lose any Residential Structures in this fire and a large part of that is because we had a lot of people paying attention to defensible space, and we got lucky, too. Reporter she has been weed eating her property to create a buffer zone around her home since she moved to mt. Diablo 33 years ago. Shes glad shes taken those crucial steps, but says shell never forget the firefighters who put their lives at risk for her. They said, go, were staying. They left a crew of three here and i look at the house and them, i said, you know, all i can say is thank you, and god bless and good luck. Reporter the flames made their way all the way up to dons property line. He, too, worked hard to clear out dry vegetation in his yard which may have made all the difference. Came very close. It was very scary, but, you know, we everybody around here, you know, was very happy that the Fire Department was here. Theres a lot of people up here protecting us. Were not going to endanger our lives for property necessarily. Well endanger our lives for lives. Well risk our lives for property saving but were not absolutely going to put our lives in immediate danger because somebody didnt take care of their property. Reporter were back here live. This fire is about 45 contained tonight, but that doesnt mean the danger is passed. Firefighters say it takes just one ember for this thing to flare up again and the winds are starting to kick in so firefighters are still very much on alert tonight. We are told that full containment isnt expected until saturday. Reporting live on mt. Diablo, im Jodi Hernandez, nbc bay area news. All right, thank you very much. Now to richmond. A year after the massive fire, the chevron refinery, locals there are still asking is it safe to breathe . Today they got another step closer to getting those answers with the installation of another air monitoring station. Nbc bay areas cheryl hurd joins us with more on the steps being taken to ensure it is safe to breathe there, cheryl. Reporter clean air is a huge concern here in richmond because of the Chevron Oil Refinery and there have been fires at that plant. Now, clean air is on almost everyones mind because of recent fires. The rim fire in yosemite and the most recent fires in mt. Diablo and morgan hill. The monitoring stations here in richmond can monitor the air from those fires in realtime. So we have this monitoring trailer that monitors various gases. Reporter this is what the Community Air Monitoring System looks like located at fire station 2 in north richmond. We have a monitor which is used for forest fires, traffic. Reporter the 2 million system is in its second phase. Designed to make sure the air surrounding the receive ron oil refinery is safe to breathe. Very complex equipment that monitoring for emissions that you would typically find from an industrial facility. Reporter they pick up particulates in the air by sucking them up through this machine that looks like a weather station. They can also pick up dangerous air by using laser beams and computers. Its all tone done in realtime can be monitored by you on a computer. Looking to see what the air is good. Reporter people are constantly concerned about the air in richmond especially since the huge chevron fire last august that sent hundreds of people in the hospital. Some people are applauding the new system. I think its a good thing if theyre going to do the air thing. Because you know whats happening. Reporter others are ske skeptic skeptical. I cant believe anything they say at the refinery. I know they have fires all the time. The settlement was achieved over two years ago and theyre only now getting around to putting in the Monitoring System. So its long overdue, and its because of the will of the people of richmond. Reporter now, those monitoring stations are a part of a 115 million settlement chevron made with the city of richmond. If you want to know whats in the air, tgo to our website, nbcbayarea. Com. Reporti ining live in richmond. Pg e are paying out big bucks to people. Theyll share a total of 565 million. Two cases against pg e are unresolved. The money from the claims will come from shareholders and insurance, not rate payers. The 2010 explosion killed 8 people and destroyed 38 homes. New details now on how a San Jose Police officer saved a mans life at san jose airport yesterday. That officer, 25year veteran of the force, jumped into action when he saw a man in the security line of terminal a suffering a heart attack. Officer rob dale knew exactly what to do. Nbc bay areas mary ann favro is live at Oconnor Hospital. They met today, the officer and the man. Reporter they absolutely did. It was very emotional, jessica. Frank nunez is recovering here at Oconnor Hospital. He is doing amazingly well and this afternoon he got to say thank you to the man who saved his life. Oh my god. Died and came back. Reporter frank nunez wases minutes from catching a flight out of San Jose International airport yesterday when he felt a dramatic change in his body. As i kind of turned back i was like, i dont feel so good. I got this flush feeling. Reporter his heart stopped beating. And he fell to the ground. Thats when this man, San Jose Police officer robert dale, sprang into action. I examined him quickly and he didnt have a pulse. Wasnt breathing. I knew that i would need the aed that was just across the hall. So i went and got that and brought it back. Reporter using an automatic external defibrillator or aed like this one, officer dale who happens to be a veteran cpr instructor, shocked nunez. Gave him chest compressions for two minutes. Then shocked him again and continued cpr until nunez finally regained consciousness. I was overjoyed, relieved. Reporter no one is more relieved than noon nunez. At Oconnor Hospital where hes recovering, he got to meet officer dale. He saved my life. I had to thank him, shake his hand or something. Reporter they exchanged gifts. Nunez gave the officer a special coin and the officer gave him a Police Department stine. The gift nunez cherishes most from the officer is a Second Chance to embrace life. Be appreciative of every moment you have. Reporter nunez is doing so well he may be discharged from the hospital tonight. Now, as for officer dale, this is not the first time that he has administered cpr to someone. In fact, he says he has done it five other times including once when he was able to resuscitate a baby. This is a great guy. Reporting live in san jose, nbc bay area news. Talk about a lot of good karma for that officer. Thats wonderful. Great story. Still ahead at 6 00, were going to continue our coverage of the crisis in syria. Is there a plan b. Other than a military strike . Seems to be, but whats the reality check . And now its taking another journey. Its going home. Stranded because of a tsunami. Now with the help from the bay area, this boat is heading back home to japan. Plus im scott budman at apple headquarters with one of two replacements for the iphone 5. Coming up, what they can do, how much they cost, and reaction. And good evening, im jeff ranieri in the nbc bay area weather center. Major drop in our temperatures for tonight. See that fog on our sky camera network. That has no doubt helped the morgan fire. Conditions will be improving over the next 24 hours. And that sevenday forecast and more cooler changes in a few minutes. Unbelievable. Shhhhh in our day, we didnt have uverse high speed internet. Yeah, our babysitter didnt have a million ways to serve mom up on a silver platter. We had to count sheep to fall asleep. And i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. In my head. Never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. Too much . A little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wifienabled devices with uverse high speed internet. Rethink possible. You might have just seen it, the world was watching a pivotal and crucial night for president obama. He addressed the nation at 6 00 about the crisis in ssyria, embraced the late developing diplomatic efforts by russia trying to broker a peace deal with syria but outlined the military option he intends to leave on the table. I will not put american boots on the ground in syria. I will not pursue an openended action like iraq or afghanistan. I will not pursue a Prolonged Air Campaign Like libya or kosovo. This would be a targeted strike to achieve a clear objective. Deterring the use of chemical weapons and degrading assads capabilities. About a 15minute address, the president also headed off political conflicts in washington saying he has asked congress to postpone any votes on action against syria while the diplomatic efforts continue. Kris sanchez is getting reaction from syrians living here in the bay area. Well get to kris in a moment. We begin with sam brock checking the facts on what the next option is for the United States. There seemingly appears to be an option for a peaceful solution. President obama forwaguarded ab todays peace deal. Mr. Obama saying just within the hour its too early to tell if it will succeed. What will succeed in for that we bring in nbcs sam brock with our reality check. Jessica, weve been hearing this for a long time that there are other options, Diplomatic Options, economic options other than the military one thats being considered here. Enter russia, as if on cue to orchestrate that diplomatic solution. Collecting, they are offering, syr syrias stockpile of chemical weapons and taking force off the table. The congressional officials we spoke with seem to regard this as a real option, so does professor steven fish, an expert on russian government at berkeley. Mr. Fish points out this is likely our only nonmilitary action left. That claim is true of other options, barely. With u. S. Planes on standby in turkey, a crisis averted. In moscow, of all places, a deal struck tuesday to put Syrian Chemical Weapons under international control. We accept the russian proposal. Reporter does this validate the many congressmen and congresswomen who oppose military force because they believe we have other options . We havent exhausted all of our political, economic and diplomatic alternatives. Reporter in your opinion, we have not really tried that particular avenue to the extent that we could have or havent tried it at all . I dont believe weve tried it to the extent we can, and as i said, i think right now russia is applying the kind of pressure thats necessary and theyre doing so as an ally of syria. Reporter sacramento congressman is talking about an idea born a day ago. Turn it over. All of it. Reporter secretary of state press conference that syria hand over its chemical stockpile to the world and we wont use force. Syrias ally, russia, ready jumped in offering to help. Is this a real option . I think if stalling ends up occ occurring, its going to be the Syrian Government thats doing it and dragging its feet. The russian government has an interest in being able to follow through and show the World Community it can deliver on its promise. Reporter professor steven fish is an expert on russian governments and regime change in berkeleys Political Science department. He points out while the u. S. Really didnt have any Viable Options a few days ago, previous u. N. Resolutions failed and economic sanctions on syria werent working, president obamas decision to slow the process and go to congress created a possible way out. Whether that was the president s intention or not. President obama is pushing the pause button on this whole venture saying he wants to get congressional support did open up space for new alternatives to emerge. We didnt know a week ago or two weeks ago that there was a real possibility that perhaps russia could play a broker here. Of course, were speaking hypothetically here. Youd probably like to know what is russias incentive to actually cooperate . Fish says the answer is fish russia is protecting its ally, syria, its strongest ally in mideast and Vladimir Putin is proving to the world it can go toe to toe diplomatically if not militarily with the u. S. That would be a major coup in its own right. Lets hope the optimists are right that this final option actually works. Im sam brock, thats tonights reality check. Back to you. All right, sam, thank you. Is was a complex issue for americans and the International Community, but also its complex for the syrians living here in the bay area. And its a sizable syrian population. Lets bring in nbcs kris sanchez with the reaction from the local community. Theyve been disheartened after hearing the president s speech because if lacked that imminent threat, syrians in the bay area who were listening to that speech had hearts full of hope for their countrymen. Now members of the syrianamerican council have said that military strikes are the only way to end the violence of the assad regime and that the u. S. Is the only superpower in the world who could make that happen. President obama also said much of the same. Now, all of the syrians i spoke with here in the bay area say they have family and friends either killed or injured in the conflict. And others who have fled and been homeless in neighboring countries since the silence started more than 2 1 2 years ago. One woman, in fact, would not talk with me on camera here in the bay area for fear of retaliation against her family in syria. Now, i watched president obamas speech with dia of santa clara. He was hoping the president would really persuade this warwary nation to get behind the military strikes which he says are the only way to put an end to what he called the assad war machine. He says the president did make a very good case for the reason why, but he doesnt know if the American People will go along. I was disappointed in that he decided to the Voting Congress because its just, you know, allowing the Syrian Regime to continue delaying things and just playing games. Members of the syrianamerican council have rallied in bay area cities over the last few weekends trying to persuade their communities and thus lawmakers to approve those strikes. The president of that coalition tells me in a statement tonight, even if the president cannot persuade lawmakers rather i should say, after 2 1 2 years of assads regimes intransigence and obstruction m obstructionism, a diplomatic option became plausible because of the credible threat that the u. S. Would use military force. This threat must remain credible. And in conjunction, and if rather, if the Diplomatic Options are to be possible, thats why the vote in Congress Must happen in parallel with the negotiations at the u. N. , at the u. S. Although they do say the syrians who are living in the bay area, that they think that those military strikes are really the only way to throw the assad regime off enough that the revolutionaries can then step in and take back their country. Theyre hoping that they can keep the pressure on now that that vote has been delayed and they say they will do their best to make that happen. Raj and jess . Kris, thank you. Lets move on to other headlines. Surprise announcement at San Jose City hall. The city manager announced nishs retiring. Her time in the office coincided with the recession turning what she called her dream job into a complicated battle with the plunging economy and resulting budget shortfalls. Like other city workers, she saw her paycheck being cut. The political waters in city hall have become more turbulent with the passage of the controversial measure b. Pension reform and saw the resignation of several fellow executives including the police and fire chiefs. Weve reached some stability in terms of our finances. That was a goal of mine. So weve made substantial progress, and so i really do believe its a good time for a transition. Caught a lot of people off guard. The last day on the job will be in december. A san jose native, shes worked in City Government in san jose or los gatos more than 40 years. Coming up next, getting aly l too close. Why google is in trouble again over the street view cars. Colin kaepernick is going all in. The big bet that the 49ers quarterback is making before this sunday nights game on nbc. Well, kdebris from the japanese tsunami two years ago continues to wash up in california. Joe rosato jr. Shows us one piece of debris is uniting one california town with japan. Reporter a small wooden boat. The kind any average mariner might take out for a weekend fishing trip, but this boat has undertaken a journey unlike any other. Its travels began march 11th 2011, when japans tsunami smashed the small fishing village of rikkusentakata. The boat washed up 350 miles north of San Francisco in the small fishing town of Crescent City. The boat then survived this really unthinkable journey across the largest ocean on the planet. Reporter students at del North High School in Crescent City adopted the boetat, scouri away the thick sludge. Researchers studied the lettering on the side translating its japanese name as seagull. After posting a picture on the towns facebook page, the town and students learned the boat belonged to a high school in rikuzentakata. They caught on to the idea they dreamed about this boat being returned to the High School Students in japan. Reporter the company donated a truck to haul the boat to the bay area this past week and sent to the menlo Park Warehouse where a japanese Fishing Company is donating its freight back to japan. Crescent city and rikuzentakata share more than a current. They are a huge tsunami and earthquake disaster area, and we are as well. Reporter del north students are happy knowing the boat is going back to a town that lost so much. I think for the kids it would just be a symbol of hope that we havent forgot about them. That people still know who they are. Reporter and next week, the small wooden boat will be on the move again. And now its taking another journey. Its going home. Reporter joe rosato jr. , nbc bay area news. A strange day on the bay. Defending americas cup champs Oracle Team Usa pulled out during one point. They entered the competition with one win thus far. Emirates team new zee laaland pd oracle and day won easily. Team usa postponed the second race of the day. Each team gets to postpone one race. That means on thursday the race schedule will pick up the sixth race. You can watch it right here on nbc bay area at 1 00 in the afternoon. All righty. Well, coming up in a few minutes were going to hear from sports. Whats happening in the world of sports today. We have a lot going on with Colin Kaepernick and the 49ers. A Colin Kaepernick story. Yes. Hes here. We didnt realize. We were about to toss to commercial. I know. No, no, no, no. Dont take my ten seconds of fame away. We will, yes, we will talk 49ers. Win against green bay. Next up the hated seahawks and long anticipated battle in seattle. Kaepernick and wilson sunday night. Why one of the faces of their franchises will be changing depending on the winner and the loser. Im going to explain that very tough team next on the xfinity sports desk. Legal issues for google, a federal Appeals Court ruled today the tech giant violated federal wiretap laws when it collected data like passwords and email from Internet Users for its street mapping view. The ruling allows a lawsuit against google to move forward now. The internet giant argued that Data Collection like that is permitted under the federal wiretap act. Google says the company is d disappointed in the ninth Circuit Court ruling. From google to apple. No big surprises today but a lot of activity. A new version of the iphone with fingerprint technology. And a cheaper one, too. Is it enough to spark sales, though . Our business and tech reporter scott budman is live outside the Los Gatos Apple store. Have something colorful for me to look at . Reporter yes, we have a lot to look at, jessica. Ill show you in a minute. On what has been a big day for apple. If you think about it, smartphones have over the last year largely been surpassed by competitors like samsung. So today the Silicon Valley device maker struck back on two fro fronts. It was a chance to get handson with the new iphone lineup. The 5c with a plastic back starting at 99. And coming in five colors. Clearly apples move to broaden its base and reach those who may not be able to afford most apple products. I think apple has made a hugely smart move in creating a more downmarket phone thats good for demographics like teens or maybe people without so much money. Thats where their next 700 million users are going to come from. Reporter but apple like its musical guest Elvis Costello has more than one number to roll out, also introducing the decidedly upscale iphone 5s, coming with a faster processer, upgraded camera and a new security feature that learns your fingerprints. Theres no question in nigh mind security has become much more important on smartphones. People leave them, dont want other people to get their hands on them. If you protect it with the fingerprint reader, that in itself is a reason you want Something Like that. Reporter the 5s will cost between 200 and 400, available in black, gray and as rumored, gold. In societies such as asian societies, gold represents prosperity. That will now become an aspirational product for a lot of these countries. Reporter all the phones will be in stores september 20th. You can preorder them starting on the 13th. Some of the shoppers we talked to here at the apple store say theyre excited about getting their hands on a new iphone. As for wall street, though, the reaction not so good. After bidding up apples shares in recent weeks ahead of the announcement, investors sold on the news, apple stock down about 11 a share today. In los gatos, scott budman, nbc bay area news. I like the new feature where you sign in with your thumbprint. Yes. Very cool. Lets turn things over to jeff ranieri. Youre waiting for the iphone to come out with a sun on it, right . That would be nice. Little bit of some graphic images, you know, everyone knows i need one that knows me well. A case cant even cover up, you know, how much ive used that thing. All right. Lets get a look here at the marine layer and fog youve been looking at nbcbayarea. Com. Lets say on wrr iphone today. You definitely noticed these cooler changes. Its all a result of the marine layer building up to 1,500 feet and, boy, doesnt it feel good out here when you compare it to this weekend . Numbers dropping 15 to 25 degrees colder today. As compared to this time yesterday. So the most marked changes in the east bay. 101 on monday in livermore. Down to 8 5 degrees. Also san jose from 94 to 85. The first look at the forecast as we head throughout wednesday. Youll find areas of cloud cover at the coast. Also by the bay. Temperatures in the upper 50s to near 60 to start. Little bit of low cloud cover inland as well. By 11 00 a. M. , temperatures in the low 7 os. Very comfortable here as we head throughout our midweek forecast. Lets get you outside to the High Definition view. See as the sun sets in palo alto, a glorious shot of the marine area moving over the coastal elevations. Emeryville, a fog storm tonight in San Francisco. If youre traveling across the Golden Gate Bridge or anywhere near sf airport, do expect areas of drizzle. Overall wednesday, comfortable in the south bay. 85 in san jose. 80 los gatos. This can be some of the best weather on the map. Morgan hill, also gilroy. Instead of the hottest spot on the board, we get on shore flow through gilroy. Were going to keep everyone pretty much in the mid 80s. 85 in walnut creek. San francisco to the coast, primarily will stay in the 60s. Go to sonoma, 78. Also oakland at 7 6. High pressure that produced that major heat this weekend is going to shift off to the north and leave plenty away here for that cooling onshore breeze at least for the next two days. Lets get a view on the sevenday forecast. See through thursday, mid to upper 80s inland. By friday, a little bit of a heat spike for the seinterior valleys. Next sunday, monday, tuesday, those mid 80s come on back. By next week were days away from fall beginning. Before you know it, were going to need the jackets out. Enjoy the next couple days. Looks pretty nice. Okay, thank you, jeff. Lets get to sports. With that fall weather were talking baseball playoffs. The as on the verge, i dont want to jinx anyone. Dont say it, then. On the verge. Dont say it. Im feeling good. Lets do it, guys. Well open up with baseball. The as began the day in first place a. L. West. Two games up on texas. As opening a threegame set in minnesota. Just 19 games remaining in the regular season. Remember, a weekend date with the secondplace rangers staring them right in the face. Lets get up to minnesota. Land of 10,000 lakes is what i think they call it. Jay redick activated from the dl, not in the lineup tonight. Josh willingham, hitting. 382, nine games against oakland. You know whats going to happen . Bottom of the second, hes going to take jared parker deep. Sixth home run in ten games against the as. Twins up 10. Bottom of the second. Two on. Parker strikes out. Alex presley. Parker trying to avoid a loss in his 19th straight start. Top of the third. One on, one out. Grounds in. Theyre in sixth now. As have put two on the board and lead it 21. As up in the sixth. To hockey we go. Sharks, their expectations never change. They aim for the stanley cup year after year and will be back on the ice working toward that goal tomorrow. But today, they traded in the sticks for the clubs. It was the Sharks Foundation golf classic at the golf club in south san hjose. Over the past several seasons this Training Camp rose around a half million dollars. The competitive juices are already flowing among the players. Everything they do, they compete hard, so they might look at you and laugh, but they want to make every putt and every shot. The trash talking starts pretty early. People are always trying to win long drives, close to the pin, and then obviously the overall score comes into effect. I hope it gets a lot more competitive on the ice surface, but it can out here. Theres a lot of side wagers im sure. But its interesting to see their athletic ability come out. Some are very good golfers and play a lot. Others that dont, by the time they played seven or eight holes they seem to catch on and play a good game. From the ice to the gridiron. The battle in seattle. The marquee mashup between the San Francisco 49ers and Seattle Seahawks sunday night, sunday night see, see that on nbc bay area, could be dubbed the it stems from one friendly wager involving a quarterback. Colin kaepernick russell wilson, forcing an ea sports madden commercial and two quarterbacks, they made a bet that the loser would have to shave off an eyebrow and theres some question as to the legitimacy of the wager, but were going to find out who will be sporting an uneven unibrow after sunday nights game. Now, i dont know what its like to be without an eyebrow. Does this look anything is this close . That just looks like i got hit in the eye, right . That looks like someone looks like you have tape on your eye. Bad botox. Yeah. Exactly. Bad punch line to trying to get a unibrow going here. That doesnt work, though, does it . Thats the bet between the two quarterbacks. Sunday night football on nbc. Whoever loses has to take off one of their eyebrows. Do you believe its true . Im not participating in that. Its big money. Its sports. I think its going to be true. Well be watching if right here, guys. Lets turn your attention to an Investigative Unit exclusive. We showed you when we uncovered Cisco Corporation, the largest food distributor was using unrefrigerated sheds to store raw chicken and dairy. Tonight we reveal the problem goes way beyond the bay area. Investigative reporter broke that story and joins us now. This is an international issue. We just confirmed Canadian Health officials launched inquiries into Cisco Corporation after we revealed the food companys widespread and longstanding practice of storing foods in sheds across north america. In some cases this was food bound for restaurants, schools and hotels. Now cisco insiders are speaking out about what they call a costcutting measure that could have put Public Health at risk. Not only are they putting everyones lives that they serve their food to at jeopardy, at risk, because of the conditions that their stuff is held at, i mean, someone needs to stand up and say, hey, enoughs enough. And prompted by our latest investigation, sysco announced it ceased operations at shed locations and pledges to improve food safety. Pat 111 00, well have an update on what state Health Inspectors are doing about it. Its an important investigation. Thanks for joining us at 6 00. Have a great evening. Hope to see you at 11 00. Byebye. New video, warring exes demi and ashton back together. Now on extra. Demi and ashton reunited. But they cant escape questions about their 290 million split lamar odom out of hiding, breaking his silence to his troubled marriage to khloe to his reported drug addiction. Do you think you need professional help . Breaking baby news. The baby is here and the mad dash to make it in time. Its a

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