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extraordinary liar and made up ailment the kids didn't have. >> if these children had been abused at all, it's by what mr. riser has done in killing their mother in the house while they were there, carrying her down the stairs, with his son watching him carrying her down the stairs, not telling them where she was for many years. that is what has abused these children. >> now riser again claims that he killed his wife to protect his children, but in a stunning statement. he told the court that nina riser never physically harmed the children. an apparent contradiction. now riser will be back on the witness stand tomorrow morning. it's unclear how long he is going to talk. judge has given him a total of six hours to present his case. reporting live in hayward, i'm jody hernandez, nbc bay area news. >> giants all-star pablo sandoval is off the hook. he will not face charges that he sexually assaulted a woman in santa cruz. investigators announcing there is insufficient evidence in the case. we broke the story earlier on our 11:00 a.m. newscast. a 21-year-old woman claimed the third baseman sexually assaulted her at the seaside resort and this happened last month, allegedly. sandoval's attorney said it was consensual and issued a statement today saying they are pleased with the findings. in february our investigative unit broke the story about a rash of fan violence in bay area stadiums. in some instances, it went unpre unprosecuted. tonight, someone is taking it in their own hands, trying it assure your family has a nice time at the park. this changed this man life, didn't it? >> it did. he lost a total of six teeth, 50% of his hearing in his left ear and he still has balance issues from a concussion but he is in good spirits and he is determined to put an end to fan violence. >> manual austin junior was severely beaten at candle stick last december 19th during a game between the 49ers and steelers. the game brought back memories, specifically of his son seeing it. >> manual want it spare other families that pain. he started a nonprofit foundation and website, to change the psyche of people who go to games. >> there is no need to drink excessively. there's no need to be belligerent and bemeand belittl people, just because they are wearing a different jersey. >> they've been studying what other teams in stadiums are doing. >> we are picking and choosing and best practices from each of those and we will craft a public safety plan that is specific to the santa clara stadium. >> manual would like to see more police officers at games. he suggests detaining people who are drunk until they sober up, and he thinks there needs to be more focus on underage drinking. >> i've given it so much thought, it's been my focus since december 19th. i live it 24 hours a day. >> and again, is a nonprofit organization. manual is in the pros receives working with his attorney to finalize details. its focus will be on lobbying for legislation for criminal sanctions and also for civil penalties. arturo santiago, nbc bay area santa cruz. >> there are reports of a strange odor that made people sick. three people are treated for coughing and choking. they were not hospitalized. the situation has been going on for the past five hours. the source of the odor is still investigated. a marine died for his country six decades ago. his plane crashed during world war ii. search parties found the wreckage decades later and today the marine is finally home. nbc bay area is at a funeral in sunny veil where he is awaiting full military honors. damian? >> he waited six decades with you but today the marine is receiving all of the honors worthy of an american hero. >> this is a trip 68 years in the making. there is no parade, no fireworks to welcome this marine. but there is an abundance of pride from those who waited for sergeant james sisney. >> i've been doing this, and that th is what it is all about. paying tribute to someone that's been missing for 66 years. >> sisney was part after bomber squad called the sea horse marines. their plane crashed into a remote mountain in the south pacific in 1944. it took search crews decades it find the remains. >> no words for it. it's sacrifice that too many men have made over the years. >> sisney's nephew robert knew very little about his uncle, only that he was 19 when the marine gave his life for his country. >> all my dad pretty much said, he was pretty quiet about a lot of things. said that his plane went down in the pacific somewhere. >> he remains listed as mia for an entire generation. missing in action. james sisney is now off that list and in the hands of comrades eager to welcome home a brother. >> i would do just about anything to give honor to him. for putting his life and sacrificing his life for our country. this is -- this means the world to me. >> forward march. >> he was roughly their age when tech sergeant sisney made the ultimate sacrifice. a teenager who waited six decades to finally make it home. >> the family of another marine on that plane researched the whereabouts of the wreckage. that was in 2007. and tonight, james sisney is finally home. live in sunny veil, nbc bay area news. >> damian, thank you. how could you steal from a church? someone did. but tonight, many people are helping, including a local mariachi bands. this man is one of the men performing from a number of musicians who will perform tonight in san jose. here is the video. the church was burglarized three times earlier this month. the thieves took $25,000 worth of musical instrument. the fund-raising concert begins in a little while, at 7:00 tonight. once again, our lady of guadalupy church in san jose. the largest pot club in the nation is not going down with without a foit. the government wants harbor site health center with locations in san o san jose and oakland closed. this morning at oakland city hall, a rool room full of supporters were there not going quietly. supporte say president obama's administration is hurting patients with these crack downs. >> we do not fit into any of the categories outlined by the department of justice. we are not close to a school. we are not profities and we are not out of compliance of state law. >> rebecca kaplan says the city cannot afford to use law enforcement resources on trying to close down the club. another hot day around the bay area. let's check in with chief meteorologist in the nbc bay area weather center. jeff? >> numbers didn't go down from 4 to 6 degrees across the bay area from that 104 in livermoore which was one of the hottest days in the past two and half years, ranked in the top five. we did see numbers go down to 98 in livermoore but the hottest was walnut creek at 102. the humidity in the atmosphere is making it a bit more uncomfortable but here is the great news. if you want cooling, that breeze is starting it shift more to an onshore weight and it is dropping temperatures down to san mateo. sunny veil at 76 and mid 70s in the south bay. here is what it will mean for the start of your friday. mid 50s to start in the east and south bay and for the peninsula. then as we head throughout the afternoon in the east bay, you will definitely have spl march relief by 1:00 p.m. temperatures in upper 70s. we will talk more about this cooling trend and what it means for that all important upcoming weekend in just a few minutes. >> very nice, jeff. see you shortly. >> more than a thousand firefighters are fighting ablaze in plaser county. the fire consumed more than 300 acres near the town of forest hill. that's about 40 miles northeast of auburn. it started yesterday after not in and crews work through the night. more than 200 people have been forced out of their homes, about 20% of the fire is now contained, but officials worry it could spread as temperatures rise and winds increase. >> still ahead at 6:00, the french retaliate. why the country could boycott california wines. >> also ahead, why the cost of your next medical procedure will likely depend on where you live. >> an nbc bay area investigation. the organized, powerful and likely in pretty good shape. we're talking about bike coalitions tonight we examine their growing clout. >> and remembering an iconic scene in cinema history that played out right here in the bay area. we're back in a moment. your grilling is still gonna be pretty amateur. but your deck? that's pro. finish like a pro with cabot wood stains. cabot...that's pro. [grunting] (sir can-a-lot) hello, madame. sir can-a-lot. crusader of flavor. i wanted to make your mac 'n cheese more delicious by adding glorious spam! (ancr) break the monotony. visit >> they know how to move in numbers. years ago, bay area bike coalitions only had a handful of members. >> today they've grown to 20,000 strong. the bike community is a well organized political machine transforming how our neighborhoods look. and when it d this happen? how did this move get so influential? >> well, the bike movement has strength in numbers. its methods are clear. streets need to be safer for cyclists and despite some community push back, lawmakers are listening. here is a preview of our investigation. >> it would be pretty easy, frankly, of getting people to join us. >> the bike coalition has gone from handful of numbers from 1991 to at least 12,000 today. that's large enough to be considered a political party. just 4,000 more republicans voted in the last city election and bay area wide, more than 20,000 belong to a bike coalition. >> that's a pretty solid consensus that we need to do whatever we can or at left we need to do a lot to make streets safer for bikes. they are savvy and effective about how they interact with city hall. and how they engage and mobilize people. >> it is not just pro bike, it is anti-car. >> community activist and blogger anderson long fought additional bike lines in san francisco, a lawsuit he filed held up the city's plans for new bike lanes for years. >> when they start to take away traffic lanes on busy streets and thousands of street parking spaces, i don't think that's sustainable and i think the political reality is sooner or later those chickens are to come home to roost. >> a transportation expert we spoke to is the reality that the bike movement will grow. you may be seeing changes in your flabd. watch our full report on the bike movement tonight at 11:00. ross? >> thank you, elise. they have a lot of clout for sure. if you have a tip, we invite you to call us. here are our numbers, 888-96-tips or send an e-mail directly to theunit at a new report showing the price discrepancy at hospitals throughout the state. here are numbers in 2010. in san jose a typical patient was charged about $145,000 for an angioplasty. while in bakers field, they were charged $44,000. in san mateo a c-section will cost you or your insurance $48. that's compared to 13,000 in fresno. you can see the difference in knee replacement. we spoke about this issue. >> there are accepted payment and discounts. other than just the sticker price for common procedures, to enable consumers to shop around and enable policy makers to better understand how california might control the cost of providing quality healthcare. >> surgery charges for nearly three times more expensive in the highest cost region versus the lowest cost region. >> 4 million californians are struggling to feed their families tonight, that's according to a study by the food research and action center. at the food bank, directors say the number of people served has levelled off the past couple of years. but it still feeds 132,000 people every month. the state has a second highest number of metropolitan areas with food harvest at home with children. this is direct result of the economic downtown. now that california banned restaurants from serving for gras, french is banning california lines. this is made from goose liver by force feeding animals. now french politician is calling for ban on california wines in response to this ban. but a spokesperson in napa valley says there isn't a lot of california vine twooin boycott in france. because france is such a major producer and not keen on importing wine. >> that's not fair. we still eat french fries, french bread, french toast. we love the french. we love the french. >> making me hungry over here. >> it's dinner time. >> did cool down out here. i know a lot of you are saying, cool down? especially in the east bay. but low 100s and 104 in livermoore, temperatures down to 98. 84 in san jose and mix of 60s and 70s for the northern peninsula. but there is also something else floating around in the at ms. fear. we have been talking for days about the monsoonal moisture and what it's done is produce humidity moving up into the bay area. we have dew points in the upper 50s to near 60 in south bay. that's where we are finding the most humid conditions in the most hour. the comfort range from 60 to 70 really begins to get uncomfortable. so we are just outside of that range in south bay, really a little bit more moisture moving in and you might even be sweating quite a bit out there, especially this time of the year. take a lot of breaks even for tonight. t only is it unusually hot but of course that humidity in the atmosphere. there are onshore winds in an fran. that is changing things up. cranking out at about 25 miles per hour. that is building up that marine layer. temperatures dropping to 65 in san mateo. mid 70s in san jose. instead of hundred degrees we had this time yesterday in livermoore, you're at 86. a lot more doable. let's take you outto that network, you will find the cloud cover moving up from this monsoonal moisture and humidity from the south and very hazy conditions with that spare the air alert in effect for the rest of today. now let's bring you up into san francisco and that's what we want. ocean ac kicking back in. that is going to continue to increase in response it these winds. back in our weather boards, we have that hot region of high pressure. that will continue to fade and push off to the east over the next 24 to 48 hours and as we have been mentioning, here comes the fog. this will mean in morning hours we are going to start with low cloud cover at the coast, bay and also a few low clouds inland and by tomorrow, temperatures in upper 70s by the bay and in case you are wondering, food for thought here, 104 in livermoore, now ranked in top five hottest days in the past two years. again, very, very sweltering here for this time of the year. so well have more in that seven-day frost and what it means for your weekend. at least until that cool down. >> great, thank you, jeff. that way ward dolphin, remember? stranded in the creek in south san francisco seems to have made its way out. this is video from yesterday. marine mammal center volunteer, saying the bottle nose dolphin is gone. presumably that's good news. yesterday spotted swimming on south airport boulevard near sfo. marine mammal experts say dolphins sometimes swim into shallow water to catch fish. >> still ahead at 6:00, researchers discover a new type of fat cell. how it could actually help in the fight against obesity. >> also, a serious security breech involving yahoo!. what you need know to make sure your information is safe tonight. >> the greatest car chase in film history. tonight a bay area man reflects on witnessing it as the anniversary approaches. back in a moment. back in '08, we didn't have these u-verse wireless receivers that let you move the tv around wherever. no siree, bob. who's bob? and if you didn't have a tv outlet, well then you couldn't watch diddly-squat. you talk a lot. you have no idea how good you have it. that's not working. [ grunts ] [ male announcer ] get a wireless receiver in time for the olympic games. get u-verse tv for $25 a month with free hd for six months. rethink possible. that famous car chase that came alive on the streets of san francisco as one of the bay area's most recognizable films. >> we spoke to man with a unique view of that famous production. >> steve mcqueen racing through streets of san francisco in the 1968 fill. "bullet." it is one of the few occasions you will ever see someone make a left turn on po trero hill and end up on russian hill. >> being the son after police officer, i was able to go down and watch they'll film. >> tony senior was a san francisco police officer who served as city's liaison to the "bullet" production. >> his job was to look up locations, basically, in the city. provide safety for the motion picture companies as well. >> during the filming, his father struck up a friendship with mcqueen. >> they worked very closely together. especially with the chase scene. he add lot of sleepness nights while shooting that scene. >> the younger piazza spent time at the shoot him sneflz i had access to locations and i got meet steve mcqueen, which was a real thrill. >> but the biggest thrill was the final day of filming, for that chase scene. his dad was off work and took the entire family to watch the production in daily city. >> we were able to bring our 8 millimeter movie camera and shoot the final scenes. >> he shot home movies of that day. he was there when san francisco mayor showed up in the company of mcqueen. he filmed the cars racing down quad lup guadalupy canyon and the chase. >> there was a part of the chase where they hit gas pumps and it blew up. >> went ton work as an extra on the streets of san francisco, which was famous for its own chase scenes. now he has written a book on his time on the "bullet" set for the film's 45th anniversary this year. >> you can't return a corner in this city without being reminded of something from "bullet". >> and you can't watch "bullet" without a memory of the city in the mill many. at every turn, it is like a scene out of movie. >> that's cool. left up on potrera hill and you end up on russia hill. >> the olympic uniforms for team usa, we have harsh words from a prominent u.s. senator. >> also ahead, why bay area based wells fargo was slapped with a nearly $200 million fine. >> and the man initially arrested in the bryan stow beating case takes action against the lapd. >> and the scathing report on the penn state sex abuse scandal. back in two minutes. ♪ [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. a scathing report today surrounding the penn state child abuse sex scandal. >> that report criticizes several top leaders at university including the legendary head coach, the late joe paterno. brent cannon takes a close closer look now at what that report found. >> louis freeh led that investigation. top people at penn state knew 14 years ago that and hid the information. findings of new report will impact penn state for decades and forever tarnish the legacy of one of college football's greatest coaches. >> the most powerful men at penn state failed it take any steps for 14 years to protect the children who sandusky victimized. >> in the 267-page report former fb i director louis freeh blasted penn states tone at the top, saying they protected the culture of the school and program over the well-being of the children. a sentiment the board of trustees accepts and takes responsibility for. >> in cooperation with the administration, we'll take every action to ensure that an event like this never happens again. >> freeh criticizes university president spanier, schultz, athletic director tim curley and hall of fame football coach joe paterno. he said that that information they knew of sandusky since 1988, if they had acted, there may not have been more victims. the group planned to go to authorities after mcqueary saw sandusky showering with a young boy in 2001. but changed course after paterno was consulted, motivated by the desire to avoid bad publicity. >> shocking of the four of them, most powerful people of penn state university, made the decision to conceal this information. >> reaction has been swift and strong. this from one of the attorneys of sandusky's victims. >> penn state needs to recognize that this report is a roadmap for the civil litigation, for the attorney general's future investigation, the department of just asz well as ncaa. >> in a statement, paterno's family admitted the coach could have done more but maintains he never would knowingly cover up for a child predator. >> the new report does outline more than 100 steps that the board of trustees should take to ensure that something like this never happens again. janelle? >> thanks, frank. a youth coach and substitute teacher is at the center after sex scandal involve two juundere girls. daniel works as vintage high school in napa. he is a accused of taking part in the sexual relationship of two girls under age 18 between 2010 and june of this year. he met the girls through a social networking site. daniels is held on $1 million bail. >> check your e-mail if you haven't already. hackers got ahead of thousands of yahoo! pass words and it could effect other servicis leak gmail. a file containing more than 400,000 user names and pass words was stolen. yahoo! says hackers took advantage after security vulnerability in its computer system. security firm rapid seven said a data file contained the pass words of yahoo! users as well as other internet services, gmail, aol, hot mail and comcast are some of those effected. for safety, users should simply change their pass words. >> wells fargo will pay at least $175 million in a settlement to end an investigation into what it violated fair lending practices. department of justice says the bank alleged steered 34,000 african-americans and borrows to pay higher rates for loans during the housing boom. wells fargo denied the claims. in september, b of a paid $335 those million to settle a similar. >> caltrans union failed it reach an agreement with the government so the governor issued the furloughs to save estimated $402 million. it amounts it nearl 5% pay cut. employees have to take one day off a month unpaid. no new negotiation sessions with the unions are currently scheduled. a police officer in washington, d.c. is accused of making a threat against first lady michelle obama. we learned mrs. obama was never in any immediate danger. authorities say as on officer who worked as an motorcycle expert has resigned. he is accused of telling solo officers he would shoot the first lady with a gun he saw on the internet. an internal police investigation is now mr. fl way. new at 6, the man arrested, initially arrested, then cleared, in the primary suspect as the beating of bryan stow is fighting back against the lapd. giovanni ramirez filed a complaint against police chief charlie beck. he claims the chief convicted him in public comments in the media without evidence. he called the chief the primary agretsor and thug, according to court documents, filed today. the would that have been arrested face trial in the case. juny junior seau's brain tissue has been given to research. . the 43-year-old former all pro line backer shot of himself in the chest in may. >> can you usually see just about anything in las vegas. but today was different. two chimpanzees were on the loose, watching police officers take drastic measures. two chimps escaped from the home where they live and starting running through a residential area of las vegas. the police say they had no choice but to kill the male chimp after it became agitate end starting jumping on the police car. the female was shot with a tranquilizer and later returned to its owner. the owner has proper permits to keep the animals at her home located just outside of las vegas city limits. conveniences like your gps or atm could go offline tomorrow. sheer why. you are looking at an x class solar flair. it is the equivalent of 6.0 or 7.0 earthquake. the shock wave is on its way it earth and should arrive in the next day or so. which means gps satellites could go off line and radio communication could be disrupted for floits no japan, alaska or europe. >> still ahead at 6:00, the new plan to improve food safety in the united states. >> and researchers discover a new fat cell that could help in the fight against obesity. >> a teenager is now bagging his bags for london. >> good evening. the ocean sea breeze kicking under, temperatures cooling off. anywhere from 65 to san mateo to mid 70s in the south bay. this will drop our numbers in the east bay. friday near 90. don't forget, the san francisco giants on nbc tomorrow night. we will, of course, have full coverage. (sir can-a-lot) good day, ma' lady. [muffled] i am sir can-a-lot. i am sir can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! (woman) hmmm... that's actually a good idea. [nervous giggle] (ancr) break the monotony. for more fun ideas visit in health matters, the fda is teaming up with uc davis to pinpoint the genetic codes of 1,000 types of lethal bacteria found in food. the information will be put in a free data base that will list foods and specific bacterias that they carry. the data base will also locate which country each food comes from. last year 25 people died from listeria contamination in cantaloupe. this year, 100 people got sick from eating raw tuna in sushi. >> a newly discover id type of fat could help fight obesity. beige fat is the third type to be identified. scientists have identified white and brown fat cells that store energy and contribute it excess body weight. they say beige fat can store calories but also has the ability to burn them. it is a hormone produced from exercising. they will work on treatments that use that hormone to fight obesity. >> chief meteorologist, jeff, is here. we always like it flirt with the weekend, even though -- >> yeah, is it thursday right now? >> close. hot air and air quality. friday is getting close. and here a live look from the east bay. clear skies, we're going to talk about big time cooling, though, in a seven-day forecast. >> major league baseball had its break. the break is over and now it is time for the san francisco giants it break back into first place. we have a live report from at&t part. don't miss it. big news regarding tim lincecum, coming up. no matter the season, i still get dry skin. introducing the ultimate daily lotion from gold bond. because your skin needs a little healing every day. the ultimate daily lotion -- new from gold bond. u-verse high speed internet. you know, in my day, you couldn't just start streaming six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off. and sometimes it took a minute to download a song. that's sixty second, for crying out loud! we know how long a minute is. [ sighs ] sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems. you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability, and ways to connect. rethink possible. here's an early warning. the done bar bridge will be closed for a retro fit project. the southern most bridge will be closed during labor day weekend. the bridge is also closed, you might remember, during memorial day weekend in may. both directions of the bridge will be shut down this coming september for labor die weekend. >> i know a cool down a bit but it still felt hot outside today. let's check in with chief meteorologist, jeff. >> over the next two to three days, we think we will see more marked cooling across the bay area where you are really going to notice it. today we had upper 90s in livermoore and con cord. east bay was better. a lot of the coastline has been fogged in for good portion of at least the past three to four days. not too much sun there. here is the other interesting thing. we have been talking about this monsoonal moisture for over a week. here it is, in southern california, not expecting anything in the bay area at this point. some of this is pushing here into the central sierra. we can't rule out a few thunderstorms. if you are heading to south lake tahoe, if you are traveling 50 or on 80. otherwise the big talk is cooling when it is returning. 65 in san mateo and you know, there is no way we would have had 75 in san jose at this hour two days ago, but here we go. numbers are dropping down. can you see the live sky camera network as we take you to downtown san francisco. not building up too much at current moment but we do know the marine layer is stacking up anywhere from 1500 to 2,000 feet for the next 48 hours. all right, let's bring you back to the weather boards and what you will find in the weather headlines for tomorrow morning with the fog up against the immediate coastline, areas of drizzle that may even affect your commute for the peninsula. throughout friday, some humid air but overall still chill down coming in the seven-day forecast. that major region of high pressure, that's been gripping a lot of the southwest with its record setting heat will move off to the east and fade. then all eyes will be on this cooling troughing pattern sitting out in the pacific. it is going to drop numbers as we do things by saturday and sunday. possibly 20 to 30 degrees from had pa the peak of the heat this week. saturday, we will really begin to notice temperatures coming down, with the mattern of morning fog as in that afternoon sunshine. cooler for morning hours. 51 in isn't a rose why. and also 50s and few low 60s back into lever moore and daytime highs on our friday. yes, tgif. going down more. 86 in san jose. palt wpalo alto in the 70 degre club. instead of low 100s we are going with upper 80s to near 90. a lot better that n walnut creek with 91. 84 in santa rosa. 78 in san ra fael. don't forget, san francisco giants here on nbc tomorrow night. game at 7:15 as they play the astros. fog rolling in and breezy temperatures. for your three day forecast, here is the marked cooling by sunday. mid 80s inland. then it continues by tuesday, wednesday and thursday of next week. there's numbers dropping into the upper 70s and low 80s. so right where we should be this time of year as we head into parts of next week. one more day of some warm weather and then, this weekend looks awesome. >> yeah, looks beautiful. >> he just said it so flatly and confidently. looks awesome. >> oh, i didn't pause -- >> listen to the music. >> for the olympics music, i'm so sorry. can you outsource the olympics? team usa is taking heat. as it turns out, the stylish team usa uniforms weren't made in the usa. take a look. these are the outfits that all of the members of team usa will be wearing at the opening ceremony. you know when they walk into the stadium and wave, they have the great outfits on. they were designed by ralph lauren, american, but the clothes were made in china. it has people outraged, including lawmakers, on both sides of the aisle. >> i'm so upset, that i think the olympic committee should be ashamed of themselves. i think they should be embarrassed. i think they should take all of the uniforms, put them in a big uniform and burn tlem. >> harsh words. >> can you get a better look at the outfits on july 27th here on nbc bay area. >> not only olympians who hope to see their dreams come true in london, but also fans including scotts valley teenager. 18-year-old eric was diagnosed with leukemia two years ago. while receiving treatment, he was asked by the make a wish foundation what he wished for the most. his answer was was to go to the olympics. his wash is granted and he is one of 40 kids from 19 states heading to london. >> with the olympics coming up, like that sounds like a good idea. so i asked for that. and they told me to go, that was the first trip -- i was really happy i was able to get that one. >> he is in remission, and says he is most excited to see the usa basketball team play. his dad and brother will be going with him to the games. >> a slice of livermoore and oakland will be in london. tonight we meet two local olympians whole compete as women double skulls crew. that's on the usa rowing team. we learn why the phrase, pulling your weight, has real meaning for them. >> stroke for stroke, the women's lightweight double skulls are heavyweights in the water. totally in sync. and while they may look at ease, gliding across the water, rowing is no london cup of tea. all about strength, stamina and encurance. >> i think it is deceptive when people watch it, they think it looks so beautiful and fluid and you don't realize how hard we're working, but we're killing ourselves. >> it takes hours of training together to make everything match perfectly and make the flow of the boat through the water feel like it's working the way we want it to. >> livermoore native and her partner teamed up more than a year ago and trained in the east bay with cal's women's crew coach, dave o'neill. >> o'neill was also her coach at cal. >> it seems like hees a been my coach my whole rowing career. he probably knows more about me than my rowing than anyone else. >> he was an alternate in the 2008 beijing games. >> i think it'll be a totally different experience and i'm really excited about it. >> nickel and headstrom know all about excitement, qualifying in an olympic race. >> all the way from start it finish, just about a seven-minute race, we qualified by .09 seconds. >> it allows the pair to fully concentrate on the london games. >> it is not as easy, nice and long. >> a key component of training involves maintaining a certain weight. >> kristin and i together have to average 125.67 pounds and neither one of us can be over 130 pounds. >> the phc mechanical engineering student talks about their weight like a precise mathematician. >> we both have our target weights and weigh in two hours before, then race. so it sets up a nice routine for us and becomes very systematic. >> and a system they hope will leave them to the medal podium in london. >> when we talk about losing weight, we say it off the cuff. they have to do it. they are so down to the wire. countdown continues. we have added a time clock. not just 15 days but 39.18 seconds until opening ceremonies. >> wow, okay. let's get to sports. >> look who is taking the show on the roof. henry coming to us from at&t park. i don't even think there is a game tonight. but this how s how dedicated he is. >> a little preview out there? >> absolutely. and we've got very big time news going on right few. in fact this breaking news regarding tim lincecum. now the giants will face the houston astros beginning tomorrow. the astros is the worst team in baseball. they have the worst record, just 33 victories pch tim lincecum is scheduled to start on saturday. drew bochy, who we just talked to, said if tim lincecum struggles saturday, the team is considering skipping his following start. of course the follow-up question is, what does that mean? send him to triple a? >> bruce bochy says he doesn't want to get into that conversation right now, but if lincecum struggles on saturday be with the team is definitely considering skipping his next start to find out what is going wrong with tim lincecum. much more on that story tonight at 11:00. let's talk about the g man who lost seven of the last ten games. we talked it madisonbumgarner today and he said the problems are behind us and he clearly stated this is an race between the giants and dodgers, it is a three-race team. count the arizona diamondbacks in the mix. with the entire squad back together, madison bumgarner says they are ready to take the division. >> if we didn't think so, that would be our first problem. i think it'll close, right down to the wire. because there's a lot of good teams. it'll be the diamondbacks making a good push and and dodgers have been good the whole second half. last year we were all feeling good. and just coming across a lot of winds and this year it's different. but that's how -- i just want to get out there and keep us in the game and be more consistent. i add few bad starts the first half that kind of got us out of the game. so i would like it keep us in the game every time-out, whether it's, you know, you still have to keep us in the game, and if a t is low-scoring game, same thing. >> all right. let's flood go over, announcg on twitter, that ink is dry and everything is it set, the forward is on for one year deal. now, bank of the west tennis classic, marina, from new zealanding with wg /* wb beat in three sets by poland. and vince will take on american vandaway in the third round. that does it for now from at&t park. but big news regarding the san francisco giant, tim lincecum. once again, if he doesn't do well saturday, they might skip his next start and they haven't ruled out sending him to triple a. much more on that tonight at 11:00. >> okay, good reporting from at&t park. giants get back to work tomorrow. can you watch "sportsnet central" on comcast bay area tonight at 10:30. tonight at 11:00, donors need it. a south bay man has been helping others for years is in desperate need after bone-marrow transplant. the problem is, like many, he can't find match. at 11:00, we will show you where he is turning for help and why his struggle highlights a greater problem in the area. that's tonight after rock sent. >> next, we have brent cannon. >> yeah, to knit, money is improved so what is next behind our transportation expert that joins with us the controversial project end we find out where it is headed next. plus the weekly segment on bay area start-ups. we are teaching kids to better manage their money. a lot of kids don't learn that in school. so a group of students, including stanford student is now bridging that gap with valuable information. it is kind of a unique start-up. we will have that and more in a couple minutes. >> have we figured out our start-up yet? >> you need get one going. yeah. >> okay. have a great even ppg we hope it s to see you tonight at 11:00. so... [ gasps ] these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? maybe. rich chocolate chips... i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and, and...and then the awards started coming in, and i became addicted to the fame. topped with chocolaty drizzle... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. fiber beyond recognition. you ready buddy? you're probably not getting called up to the majors. but your fence? that's pro. finish like a pro with cabot wood stains. cabot...that's pro. [captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution] >> now on "extra" -- breaking news, the giant "american idol" shakeup. steven tyler leaving. j.lo confirming she's done, too? >> maybe it's time for me to go. >> sounds like you're making up your mind. >> disaster on the new york set of "the good wife." kristin chenoweth on a stretcher, knocked out cold. "extra" has the latest on her condition right now. the shocking new kennedy cemetery scandal. why r.f.k. jr. secretly had mary's grave dug up and moved away from the kennedys.

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