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one of the biggest parades in the world and the biggest celebration outside of asia. monte frances is in china town with a look for us. >> reporter: good evening. the parade was under way about 45 minutes ago and started with a bang. >> reporter: there are about 5,000 people taking part in the parade this year, and there are about 100 parade floats. the parade started here on market street. it is proceeding up gary to union square and turns north on powell and heads to china town via post and then kearney. from beginning to end the parade should last two hours. an estimated 1 million people have come to see this colorful parade to mark the year of the dragon. >> i am excited. i have never seen one of the drag an 0s. i have always wanted to see the dragons. i have my own mini dragon. it will be fun. >> i think this is really good and really fun. >> reporter: there are at least eight dragons in this year's parade including one that has 260 feet long and which will be carried by 200 people and traffic is very heavy here in downtown san francisco. several streets are closed. if you are not planning on attending the parade, steer clear of this area. at least another hour to go in the parade and we'll have highlights for 11. sorry for my voice. back to you. get tea and take care of that voice. a dock worker is in good condition after a bizarre accident on the uss jeremiah o'brien in san francisco. he apparently fell ten feet into a fuel tank while he was sand blasting. the fire department responded but the rescue was not easy. the entry to the tank is only 18 inches way. we're hold the worker wasn't hearing a safety har harn as when he fell from a ladder on his back in the tight spice. >> we have to monitor the air. we had a fan. we put fresh air in there. he was in a fuel tank with oil the same thing spilled and it is very thick oil and he was actually laying in that oil, so we had to set up a rope system. >> it took about a half hour for the worker to be rescued. he was taken to the hospital for observation with cuts to his head and back pain. we have more information now on the catholic church's sex abuse scandal. we're learning that hundreds of priests suspected of abuse are living undetected in communities across california that's according to a lawyer that represents hundreds of victims suing the los angeles arch and colleen has the exclusive update. >> reporter: when we talk about child sex abuse we're talking about sodomy. >> he would rape me and tell me this is what god's love feels like. >> reporter: dan smith and manuel vega say they were sexually abused at children, repeatedly raped by catholic priests. he represents these and 500 other plaintiffs. >> the issue is how do you weigh the right of the public and in particularly the right of children to be protected from molestation. >> reporter: in 2007 the arch diocese settled financially with many plaintiffs without admitting wrongdoing and agreed to let the courts decide which church file should be made public including those identifying alleged predators. according to bushea they since engaged in a coverup allowing suspect priests to retire, flee the country or hide in rehab clinics until the legal deadline for prosecution runs out. >> the church protected them from ever being criminally prosecuted. >> reporter: legal disputes delayed release of the files and an attorney for several priests argued in court that those who have been accused and not convicted should have their names and privacy protected. >> they're being punished as if they had been convicted or at least that's the desire to publish them. punish them. that isn't fair. >> reporter: a judge recently overruled most of those arguments and ordered some files released in coming weeks but is withholding names of church officials involved in the alleged coverup, a ruling that reminds of the breakdown in accountability from the penn state pedophile scandal. >> look across the country and see how important and how significant it is when people in power and authority enable sex abusers to continue. that under scores just how significant it is to get these names out. >> reporter: under the judge's ruling the church can keep secret subject to court review the names of unconvicted priests with only one or two allegations against them or with allegations disputed by church officials, a formula for further coverup says dan smith. >> if their interest was protecting children they would have released the documents. >> reporter: he says approximately 200 accused priests from the arch diocese are living among us undetected, many of them here in california. he pinpointed 60 of them on this map. >> most of them are living within a significant zone of danger of playgrounds, preschools. >> reporter: and unless actually convicted none of these priests can be publicly identified under megan's law or their whereabouts revealed. >> as a parent, not knowing who your neighbor is, that is really scary. as you saw in that list of california cities, several priests suspected of being sexual predators live in the bay area from san jose and berkeley to san francisco and napa. plaintiffs in the church scandal say they plan to appeal the latest rulings to ensure broader disclosure of suspect's names and locations but they warn this could take time. the arch diocese did not respond to requests for comments on this story. in the race for the gop nomination mitt romney came out on top in two key votes. he edged out rick santorum in a straw poll at the influential conservative public action conference in washington. he has been struggling to connect with conservatives but he out pulled rick santorum. newt gingrich and ron paul finished third and fourth and it could be an important signal in upcoming contests. cpac wound down with an appearance from sara palin. >> we aren't red americans. we're not blue americans, we're red, white and blue, and president obama, we're through with you. >> that appearance and the results were announced as maine republicans wrapped up their caucuses. romney edged out paul and there is a lull in the end of the month primaries and a chance for the candidates to retrench and clearly not to rest. coming up at 6:00, going the distance, the bay area man that ran 50 miles in honor of a family member. we'll explain in a live report straight ahead. the bay area native drawing national attention by what he does on the basketball court, you saw him at the end of nightly news, and we're all calling it linsanity. plus. >> as more and more people got on the site they found people were able to interact in ways just walking down the street was impossible to do. >> the new social network bringing together neighborhoods in unlikely ways. we'll show you. >> closed captions sponsored by frontier ford. a bay area man ran two marathons in a row today in honor of his mother-in-law who is dying of cancer. stephanie trong watched the finish in sunnyvale and has his story. hello, stephanie. >> reporter: hi, diane. it is a good time out here. we have been invited to the celebration inside his home behind us where there is a party going on after his 50-mile run. his motivation is also inside. it is his mother-in-law aimed amah. she was waiting right here at the finish line for him today. >> reporter: her real name is chomp a has run out of treatment options in her rare form of gynecological cancer and mike decided to run the 50 miles to raise awareness and money tore clinical research dedicated to alternative forms of treatment and help the countless others in their battles against cancer. she took part in the champagne celebration today and in fact the family says the last couple of months prepping for the run have been a highlight for ama who has been given up to just 12 more weeks to live. >> we're at the end of the road now. there is nothing left to do. so we're just giving her a real good send off, and enjoying every minute that we have. >> i am so grateful to them, all of them, within two months what michael did. >> reporter: it is a very personal cause for this family, for their friends. she lost her oldest son to prostate and brain cancer and not too long before she herself was diagnosed. that was nearly seven years ago. mike so far has raised 16,000 dollars and the goal is $25,000 that will give to the dana farber cancer institute. it is to get the research going and help other families who have been going through rough times also battling cancer. diane. >> thank you very much, stephanie. still ahead, the san francisco zoo welcomes back a monkey who has been on a bizarre leave of absence. plus "america's got talent" made a scouting trip to the bay area today. that's interesting. we'll take you behind the scenes of the tryouts, and it is not too late if you want to addition as well. >> a little bit of everything out there today and a little bit of everything weather wise. light rain to start and clearing skies and it is not going to last long. the radar already showing you another band of rain approaching the north coast as we watch another storm arriving as we wrap up the weekend. a look at that in the forecast when we come right back. never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. 60 miles in 3 days is-- is huge. if my mom can fight and beat breast cancer, i can walk 60 miles. you just put one foot in front of the other, and you know that you're walking for such a great cause that you just keep going. (man) that you have all these people coming together for one common goal. (woman) the goal is to bring an end to breast cancer. (woman) the fund-raising was the easiest part. people were very giving. complete strangers wanting to help. if i can do this, you definitely can do this. (woman) i'll never stop walking, not till we find a cure. (woman) and it has to end, but it starts with us. i knew someday i was gonna do this walk. it is the most rewarding experience i have ever had in my entire life. we can do this. you can do this. we can all do this together. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. getting to know your neighbor isn't always easy. now there is a new social networking site to help with that. danielle shows us how one community is using it for a whole lot more than just the occasional backyard barbeque. >> reporter: matt lived in north ft. myers for three years and for that length of time he knows there is about 30 families on his street. how many he knows personally? >> one, my next door neighbor. >> reporter: until he stumbled on >> it ended up being successful. >> reporter: it is a new social network site trying to go big by aiming small allowing neighbors to connect with one another and helping find lost pets and recommending real estate agents, and offering services like baby-sitting and home repairs. >> it is largely because it is filling a key, something that people have really wanted for a long time. >> as more and more people got on the site, they found that people were able to interact in ways that just walking down the street was impossible to do. >> reporter: like finding out about a good gym, something matt was on the hunt for and now neighbor recommended this gym. >> and i am a member and come three or four times a week. >> reporter: the site also saved him cash. >> myself and about 30 other members put in a collective community pool bid to have our pools cleaned. >> reporter: they selected the lowist bid and went from paying 75 dollars a month to 55 dollars a month and matt says that's not even the best part. what's the best part then? >> that it is free. >> in addition to there are several our sites providing similar services like findsmithgroups that are secure and provide a kragz list service with a safe community feel. the san francisco zoo is celebrating banana sam back in the house this weekend, the monkey house that is. someone stole the squirrel monkey from the enclosure in december. the next day a man told police they found him and lured him into his backpack. well, after weeks in quarantine banana sam returned to the exhibit today. he is so cute. if you go to see him this weekend take a valentine for $1 off admission price. we'll check in with rob and check on the valentine forecast along with the rest of the weekend, i suppose. >> we may see more showers and first today's weather running cool around the bay area, highs that were mainly in the 50s around san francisco, oakland close to 60 and look at san jose, 59 degrees and a couple days ago in the 70s so things cooled off and took time for the clouds to clear out. mostly in the 50s tonight. i do think we could see upper 30s around the north day and a little breezy still and you can see the west wind at 14 through oakland and west-southwest winds at 15 and the headlines tonight watching out for patchy fog with a brief clearing we see tonight and increasing clouds tomorrow and rain coming in around this time tomorrow evening and a cold system at that. you will really notice the high temperatures dropping off as we head towards monday. air quality looks great as the air is being nicely rinsed by the drizzle and enough of a breeze to keep it stirred up and on the north coast rain that will eventually drop to the south as we head through the afternoon tomorrow and ahead of it we'll see clouds on the increase. the system that brought us the showers earlier today already diving across southern california and weak system at that. the next system a little stronger, should bring us a little more rain and as we go through the day tomorrow will you see mostly cloudy skies heading towards 7 light to moderate rain pushing through and all the way into the monday morning commute you will be seeing rain at times. here is the good news for the sierra, the colder system and colfax could get snow accumulations along interstate 80 and highway 50. if you head to the high country winter weather advisory due to the snow on the map. around the bay area tonight 40s and a few areas around the south bay and east bay hills and tomorrow temperatures probably in the range if we had today, upper 50s in san jose and sunnyvale and a little cooler around parts of the bay area, especially the north bay and the coast and 50s to near 60 around dublin and 58 san francisco and 60 in santa rosa and rain showing up as we head towards evening and monday looks like it will be a chilly start with temperatures in the mid-50s and there you see valentine's day. as we get into wednesday morning you will see some showers there. second half of the week, though, things will dry out with more morning fog and highs in the 60s for the second half of the week. thanks a lot, rob. coming up we'll show you the bay area performers who came out today determined to get a slot on the next season of "america's got talent." if you are interested, there is still time. sweetheart. we need to talk. i've seen your stunts online. i can explain... jumping a ramp in a shopping cart. so 2005. wait, what? and only 3 likes? honey, it's embarrassing. carol's son got over 12 million views on that dancing squirrel video. don't you want that? i...i suppose. now go make your dad and me proud. try something funny. [ male announcer ] now everyone's up to speed. get high speed internet for $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one year term. at&t. [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. . thousands of people who just love to perform gathered in san francisco today hoping to be discovered. ♪ >> the creators of "america's got talent" are in town this weekend and say they want to see what the bay area has to offer. all right. there you go. the tryouts are being held at the billy graham civic auditorium at the civic center in san francisco. >> it is always surreal to me that here we are in san francisco in a room full of people and some of these people will be performing live in new york city this summer for america to vote on and more a million dollar prize. >> 90 seconds to filter through all the stuff you have done in your life and musically and then try to figure out what should i do. >> all right. buck wheat caterpillar will stand out. if you have a special talent, you still have a chance to audition tomorrow from 8234 the morning until -- 8 in the morning until 7 tomorrow night. i am not sure what to say about that last picture. >> what time did you say that was, diane? >> henry, you are not allowed, dude. no way. >> i have plenty of talent. come on. i want the hours. you said 8 in the morning until when? >> 7:00 at night. you have plenty of time. >> sending me bad information. i know what's going on with you. coming up in sports we'll show you how tiger woods looked in the third round of the at&t national pro am. can he catch the leader and linsanity is amazing. a former palo alto start demanding respect in the nba. find out in jeremy lin is punishing the timber welcome back to nbc bay area. the weather is beautiful but the golfers are beginning to feel the heat at pebble beach. today was the third round. tiger woods entered the third round six strokes behind the leader. charlie wii, let's get to the action of what's going on out there. tiger hit birdies on five of his last six to end his front nine. he is four back heading into sunday. as for the san francisco giants pitcher matt cain, he made the cut here on 17, shot hits the  green. he and his teammate sit at 19 under par and will play sunday. 49ers coach jim harbaugh, not his day. in fact, he just missed the cut by one stroke. there is charlie wee, the leader after teendou rs by three strokes over ken duke. dave has more. >> couldn't have drawn up a better saturday here. charlie tnds r continues to hold the lead. tiger woods from stanford makes a charge and so does phil mickelson. they'll be paired together. what a saturday it was. >> i didn't hit the ball good today. i scored well. i made a few putts and managed the game well today. >> i think i will be in the group in front of charlie. he is not too far behind me. i need to get off to a good start and the first six, seven holes, and that's where the -- it can be had. dustin the other day was 600 for six. a lot of times guys go low through that session and i need to do that. >> as for the team play, disappointing finish for jim harbaugh. he finishes one stroke high of the cut line. matt cain, however, does make the cut for a second straight year. he will be playing in sunday's final round. that will do it from pebble beach. nbc bay area. thank you, dave. over to basketball. if you haven't heard linsanity is spreading like a wildfire while thousands of fans jump on the bandwagon. former palo alto star jeremy lin cut by the warriors last december and it is a good thing he didn't give up on his dreams. the new york knicks point guard has proven he can play against the best players in the world. get this, he is averaging 29 points in his last four games. last night jeremy lin had a career high 38 points against the l.a. lakers. they tried to slow him down. there was nothing they could do. the 23-year-old was unstoppable. he averaged 25 points in his three previous games before then and tonight he is facing the minnesota timber wofltz and we have highlights of that looking to lead the knicks to a season high fifth straight win as they visit minnesota. first quarter jeremy lin starts out by getting the ball to tyson chandler for the alley-oop. knicks up two early. how about a crossover dribble, step back, this guy can play. rainbow jumper to fall. knicks down seven. less than a minute later and lin gets in the paint and gets the float to her go. knicks down three after one quarter. right now jeremy lin has 15 points and five assists and game is in the third quarter. his team is trailing by six. everyone wants to know what's going on with jeremy lin. we'll have complete highlights coming up tonight at 11. diane, this is a great, great story. makes me want to lose some weight and go out there and shoot the basketball a little bit. >> good luck to you on that. you want to hear my claim to fame with this story? >> what is it? >> my high school boyfriend, junior here, is his coach at pally, who is having a ball with this whole thing. that is my claim to fame. >> help me out. i am trying to get an interview, too. i need his number immediately. >> i will see what i can do for you, henry. >> thank you. thanks for choosing the bay area at 6. we have tech now coming up next. good night. s ao> the crucial last minutes of

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Stanford , California , United States , New York , Berkeley , Maine , Oakland , Minnesota , China , Houston , Texas , Pebble Beach , Dublin , Ireland , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , Americans , America , Chinese , Ken Duke , Jim Harbaugh , Sara Palin , Dan Smith , Ron Paul , Billy Graham , Manuel Vega , Los Angeles , Monte Frances , Phil Mickelson , Matt Cain , Rick Santorum , Jeremy Lin , Dana Farber , Newt Gingrich , Bobby Brown , Tyson Chandler ,

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