sightings. >> when someone is reported as overdue, you don't know what's happened to them. we're sending out broadcasts, contacting all the harbor masters, and having all of our assets on the water keep a look out for him. >> the coast guard spokesperson says they're not sure what happened to him, but they're encouraging all mariners to let people what they are doing, where they are headed and to be prepared in case of an emergency once they head on their boats. if you you know anything about this man's whereabouts, you are asked to call the coast guard immediately. they have set up a hotline, the number is 510-437-3708. kimberly terry, nbc bay area news. >> thank you kimberly. a 9-year-old boy from philadelphia remains in critical condition at san francisco general hospital tonight. he was the victim of a hit and run on thursday night. ryan white was walking home from the giants/phillies baseball game with his family, when he and his 58-year-old aunt were hit by a pickup truck. the suspected driver fled but was later arrested. and with that as a backdrop, members of the community police advisory board for the southern station hit the streets of san francisco to get out the word about pedestrians safety. they had some advice on how to navigate the sometimes dangerous streets. >> you need to be very aware. you need, for example -- if you're a pedestrians in the city, you need to look both ways as you're crossing through our crosswalks. we have very heavy traffic flow, and if you're a bicyclist, you need to obey the same laws as motorists do. if you're driving through our cities, you need to be patient. >> the driver was headed the wrong way down a one-way street and was arrested for dui as well. the entire phillies baseball team signed a ball they sent to the family at the hospital, and giants players also autographed some items for the boy. in yosemite today, park rangers announced they found one of the bodies of the three hike hes after going over the falls last month. david was found yesterday in the resed river.cc1: rangers say it took the team four and a half hours to pull the body from the water, because the river is still so fast moving. he's been missing since july 19th, when he and two friends climbed over barricades to pose for a picture. all three were swept over the waterfall, the bodies of the other two have not yet been found. there were about two dozen more police officers on the job in oakland this week. the police department was able to rehire 22 officers it laid off last year. budget cuts forced the city to lay off 80 officers, which amounted to 10% of the police force. about half of the officers returning are out patrolling the streets this weekend. their return comes in the middle of a spike in violent crime in oakland. 71 people have been killed in oakland so far this year. 19 more than at this time last year. hundreds of women protested in san francisco today about a comment made by a police officer thousands of miles away. the comment inflamed women's rights groups across the continent. the name of the protest today controversy as cc1: well. monty francis is in san francisco to explain for us. monty? evening.1: about 600 people marched from delores park in support of rape victims all across the globe. and as you said, diane, the name of this protest has smacked some controversy, it's called the slut walk. the first such march was in toronto, where a police officer told a group of female students that they could protect assault s from sexualcc1: by "not dressing like sluts." the first protest in april in toronto drew about 2,000 demonstrators. the protests spread to other cities, such as boston, san francisco, kansas city and san francisco. marchers say their message is clear rs that as women, they have the right to dress how they want and still be protected against sexual crimes such as rape. >> this is the first one in san francisco. and it's an anti-rape march. i think everyone would agree we're anti-rape, to bring that to awareness and say we have the right to be who we are and live our lives as we live our lives and pursue our lives without the victimized.gcc1: >> there are protesters of the walk who say the march is good, the objective is good, but the use of the term is not. a group of notorious hackers is back from hiatus with a massive attack on u.s. law enforcement agencies. what they stole and why they say they were seeking revenge this time. plus, the upset in bay area school rankings. we'll show you what bay area school for the first time beat out uc berkeley. and on a completely different note. >> they always fall off, and it's not pretty when you come back up. >> no, it's not. he's talking about bikinis and: athletics. the fashion tweaks that has female surfers very happy. cc1:c: : there are reports tonight that a nato helicopter crashed in afghanistan killing 30 u.s. service members and seven others on board awell. it's the deadliest incident for the u.s. since the war in afghanistan began almost a decade ago. 20 of the dead are members of the seal team six, the same unit responsible for killing osama bin ladin back in may. the navy s.e.a.l.s were reportedly on a chinook helicopter like this one. a former s.e.a.l. commander says it's a loss for the nation and a tight knit military family. >> recognize that these men were doing something that they loved to do. they were doing it with people that they love. >> the taliban is claiming credit for the crash. authorities are investigating it at this point. initial reports say the helicopter was brought down by a rocket propelled grenade. the hacker group called anonymous says it's hacked some 70 law enforcement websites across the united states, in retaliation for arrests of its supporters in america and new england. dozens of websites were either unbe available or had been wiped clean of contact. the group claims to have stolen and released all kinds of data, including addresses, pass words and social security numbers of more than 300 officers. also stolen, pictures of teenaged girls in swimsuits that an officer said was part of an ongoing investigation he could not discuss. last month 16 people in california were arrested on charges connected to that group. the group anonymous is perhaps most known for attacking pay pal nd other websites after theycc: refused to make donations to wikileaks. i got a backpack, i played some games. i got popcorn and nachos and i got a book. >> cool. the event that put a smile on the faces of hundred of lowdr income children in the bay area today. and we're talking about big thunderstorms in northern california, flood advisory for west of ounty justcc1: redding. that system affecting our area too. cc1: people in california are kicking the smoking habit like never before. a new report shows that the number of adult smokers in the state has hit an all-time low. in 2010, just under 12% of californian adults smoked. that's down 1% since 200. california is one of only two states to reach the target for reducing the smoking rate. experts say the aggressive tobacco controlled campaigns by state and local governments is a big part of the record low. it's august, and that means college students are getting ready to crack open those books again again. do bay area universities crack forbes list of top colleges in the country? if they're enrolled at stanford, the answer is yes. as for my alma matter, uc berkeley, it came in at number 70, which is five spots down from last year's list. here's the more unexpected part. santa clara university is ranked above cal. 67th in the nation this year, ucla is climbing the ranks, it came ahead of uc berkeley as well. the salvation army held its back to school carnival in san francisco today. 500 children received backpacks and school supplies in the first four hours of the event. volunteers expect to serve 1,500 students by the end of the day. the main goal is to supply low income students with a foundation from which they can have a successful educational experience. >> it's a different time line now. right now a child can't go to a teacher and get a piece of paper and a pen any more. because the teachers don't have it to give out. it makes me feel good that each one of these children gets to start the year off right. included games, face painting and treats and other prizes as well. if they're really prepared they get to go to uc berkeley or santa clara perhaps. nick, what's new? nice weather around the bay, mild unless you're over toward the beaches. that marine layer has been sticky here today. a live picture looking from oakland. the marine clouds rushing back in, we'll show it to you topsides from the satellite picture. you weren't alone from san francisco down the san mateo county coast, to the monterey bay. everybody socked in tonight. it affected our high temperatures for sure. mild through the santa clara valley. los gatt oes 76 degrees. san francisco 64 degrees, with that strong onshore push. this evening as you're headed out, jackets required in san francisco. 61 in san mateo right now. very comfortable in san jose and sunnyvale. moving ther systemcc1: through northern california right now. sparking a couple isolated thundershowers, trinity county, there's a flood advisory. of e's going to be a lotcc1: rain in that system, dragging in all those marine clouds. the trough has been around for a while. it will stick with us for two more days. and an interesting taste of summer returning for some parts of the bay. ahead we're looking for drizzle tonight into tomorrow morning, especially along the coast. there could be wet roadways little warming c1: trend. we have this trough, i've talked about how persistent it's been all summer long. high pressure is going to slowly inch back across southern california, compress our marine layer and warm things up, we could be talking low 90s for some of the warm spots. some of the drizzle pressing back in across the coastal hills. 51 los gatos. pretty cool with the sea breeze pushing the clouds in. a carbon copy of today. i'm thinking low to mid-80s for the santa clara valley. right around the bay, we'll just call it mild, very comfortable. 75 in freemont. 74 in san mateo. san francisco 66. a jacket required through the day. 76 orinda. temperatures inland still running about 5 to 10 degrees below average. we've been talking about that all summer long. as the ridge builds in, i think monday into tuesday, the marine layer starts to get warn away a bit. we put 90s -- well, 90 for the warmest inland spots for tuesday, wednesday, maybe even thursday this coming week. as we talk about going back to school and getting those trapper keepers -- do people still have trapper keepers? >> no. >> we're going to be warming things up this week. still ahead, the bikini specifically built for women a lot of otheratcc1: women and perhaps some dudes will welcome as well. cc1: just about every woman knows it's a little challenging to keep a bikini in place in the water or playing beach volleyball. things are even more challenging for surfers, now, a new line of swim wear that may save women from awkward moments. >> reporter: when the waves are going, do you have to worry about your bikini coming off? >> they always fall off. >> unless you want to go for the one piece speedo, which might be -- not a good look. >> i don't know what's more frightening? sharks or losing your bikini. >> we put rubber elastic here, another thing is with the strings, we fill them with a nonelastic filler so they don't stretch. >> she was an investment banker until she tried surfing in costa rica. she never left, but her business background popped up when she need for better bikinis. >> there were really nice bikinis that weren't that practical. we just wanted to put it together and saw there was a need out there for that. >> so she borrowed design details from other types of surf wear. >> if the string comes undone for some reason, it still stays. it's the same for guys board shorts. it doesn't flip open, you can tighten it easily back again. >> either the criss-cross or the stabilizing line design for the knot. >> the knot is so obnoxious. you don't have to worry about tightening it or nothing. >> we also have velcro which makes it easy to tighten. >> it's working for them as they surf, all they have to worry about is sur sfing. >> there's nothing worse than having to pull up your bikini. it slows you up so much. or you spill out a little bit. >> the suits were field tested in costa rica, there's an orange county company based in newport beach, all the suits are made in the u.s. with the u.s. open of surfing right here in orange county, they're getting a lot of attention. >> all right. thats with jennifer bjorkland from our nbc station in los angeles reporting on that for us. henry, you just want to keep talking about bikinis and surfing, don't you? >> i never realized women had it so tough for bikinis. >> you have no idea. >> that is so wrong. that obnoxious knot on your back. >> it's terrible. >> that would annoy me. >> what's going on? coming up in sports, we'll take you out to at&t park where the giants and phillies hosted wrestlemania last night. find out if the champs could get some pay back from the guys at the city of brotherly love. we have an oakland a's feature that makes you appreciate how much this baseball player loves our country. stick with us we'll be right back. welcome back to nbc bay area. the giants and phillies probably woke up bruised and sore this morning, just hours after their late night brawl. phillies got the last laugh last night. the champs were looking for revenge this afternoon. let's head out to at&t. top of the first scoreless, two on for hunter pence. base hit to right, jimmy rollins will score the first run of the game. the phillies would add another first inning run later to make it 2-0. bottom of the ninth, panda time. pablo sandoval smacking his 12th homer of the year to left field. nice catch by the fan, by the way. next batter, orlando cabrera, this is not what the giants needed. first pitch swinging grounds out to short. cole hamels throws a complete game as the giants lose to the one. more baseball for you, when jonathan johnston decided to attend the naval academy, he didn't realize how tough following his baseball dream would be. the catcher was an all patriot league honoree during the senior season. the path to the big leagues had twists at every turn. >> i was ready for both. i was ready to play professional baseball, and i was ready to go be an officer on board a ship. >> he knew what he was getting into, he also knew that this would be a challenge. >> nearly two years away from baseball awaited lieutenant johnston after graduation. but when he returned to sevilcin life, the catcher caught on with the a's organization. >> when i went to king county, spring training. situation, he whole cc1: and they were always very supportive of me. they knew i had no control over what was going on. and, you know, they just stood behind me. >> but a short time after realizing his dream of playing professional baseball. johnston was called on to serve his country again. >> it was heartbreaking, i was playing baseball, doing something that i loved to do. i knew it was my job, it was my duty to go back. >> he never once displayed the fact that -- yeah, he did miss it, but he had a duty to the navy, to the country. he was honored to serve that. >> he spent two and a half years at war this time around, during which he sent multiple letters to the navy pleading his case for release. those requests were all ultimately denied. instead he served his time and was honorably discharged last year. afterwards, all of his experiences changed his priorities. >> it was very nice -- i mean. guys in the minors, it's a grintd, it is a grind, i can understand it, but i had a completely different perspective, it was nothing to me. >> the oakland organization stayed with him through the whole ordeal. after playing winter ball in palm springs, he attempted a comeback this spring with the a's. >> i don't know what they really expected. i just -- they were probably just hope willing for me to do well. they have a high regard for the type of person i am. >> they sat there in some room and said, hey, we're going to give this guy a shot for all reasons. 1:stinson extended springcc training and even a short callup highlights.ccere the time away caught up with the catcher. >> i'm not at the high level i know i was capable of or am capable of. i don't have the time really to do it. >> when i got back to extended, about a week or two in. it's not always nice to be sent down. it's not a positive experience. so that kind of got me on that road to thinking, should i really be doing this? >> he hung up his catching gear. if you think the navy stole away his baseball career? think begin. >> no, i don't have any regret, bitterness. that would be ridiculous to say. anybody who knows me would say you're a fool for saying you're bitter or had any inclination to shirk away his commitment and not fulfill his commitment. >> very nice story by brody brazil. jonathan johnston, that's what we call a true team player. >> absolutely. all right. thanks a lot, henry. thanks for choosing the bay area at 6:00, we have tech now coming up next. we'll see you tonight at 11:00. we have warm weather coming up. >> we're going to warm up tuesday, wednesday, maybe some 90s. coming up on a special edition of technow .. cc1: we take you to a show entirely devoted to technology, and cars .. we'll show you how you can "friend" your car to social network yourcc1:

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Stanford ,California ,United States ,Santa Clara Valley ,Oakland ,Afghanistan ,Philadelphia ,Pennsylvania ,San Diego ,Stockton ,Toronto ,Ontario ,Canada ,San Francisco ,Santa Clara University ,Los Gatos ,Berkeley ,Trinity County ,Costa Rica ,Redding ,Monterey Bay ,Newport Beach ,San Mateo County ,America ,Californian ,Jonathan Johnston ,Orlando Cabrera ,Jimmy Rollins ,Kimberly Terry ,Monty Francis ,Pablo Sandoval ,Los Angeles ,Cole Hamels ,Santa Clara ,

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