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I mean, this is something i was looking at in the back of the Weather Office just over and over because really remarkable how that fog just moved right over the coastal mountains and then eventually we looked at whiteout conditions. Not the snow but the fog really creating some low visibility this morning. Now, turn your attention to the rain assist we were talking about. Showers are moving into the north bay. One thing about this, i want to make it perfectly clear, this is not a huge rain event. Were talking about just enough rain to get the ground wet. So, just keep in mind, while we are talking about showers, its not going to be a big rain event. The thing it will be is a big wind event. Once rain pushes through, the sky will clear out and winds will pick up. Wind gusts in excess of 40 miles an hour for our inland valleys. Well time out the system to your door step and let you know how strong the other winds will be as this system moves through and what Christmas Day looks like. Thats coming up in my full report. Back to you guys. Thank you. An update to a developing news story. This is new Surveillance Video youre watching that shows the moments before a berkeley, missouri, Police Officer shot and killed a teenager. The officer white, teenager black. This was posted on youtube by the st. Louis Police Department. It shows the suspect raising a handgun at the officer. Its pretty grainy there. Can you see moments later the officer shot and killed the suspect. The video is difficult to make it out, but the suspect does raise his arm. Its unclear from this video, though, if he had a gun. Thats just what the department is saying. The officer confronted the suspect while responding to reports of stealing from a gas station. Shortly after the shooting, nearly 300 people protested near the scene. Some even threw bricks and explosives. Back in the bay area, more than 100 people blocked a busy highway demanding more accountability for Police Following the Police Shooting deaths of several unarmed black men across the country. Nbc bay area live in San Francisco. Is this protest still going on, stephanie . Reporter good morning to you, sam. You know, it ended about half an hour ago. The last move of protesters was about 100 of them blocking this intersection at market and castro. Protesters say all communities should come together to show solidarity in the peaceful and planned protest, but not one everyone was happy about. Black lives matter black lives matter reporter for 15 minutes of the rush hour no traffic was moving through octavia. More than 100 people took part in this protest organized by activists by the lbgtq community to marching to market and castro where they stopped in the middle of the intersection, placing the Pink Triangle on the street to rally and lead a moment of silence. Just saying, you know, people cant just continue business when all this is happening. We need more allies to join this fight. Reporter the rally kicked off around 8 30 this morning. Protesters say they want accountability and transparency from Police Following the deaths of garner and brown. Im shocked because its almost christmas, you know, and then they do this. I mean, everybodys in a rush. Its early in the morning so, you know, i really didnt expect this. Reporter for brian, being late to his daughters doctors appointment says thats nothing. This is an experience thats invaluable. She understands. Shes seen a lot of news clippings, the movie about the situation on the b. A. R. T. It really, really affected her. Now she gets to see the other side, shell be talking about it all day, im sure. Reporter San Francisco police saying there were no arrests. This was a planned and peaceful march and protest where San Francisco police helped with all the traffic stops. Meantime, i did get confirmation with the department this morning that in all, not including today, the response by police with overtime pay for all the demonstrations related to the garner and brown protest in San Francisco, that overtime pay has totaled more than 160,000. Live in San Francisco, stephanie trong, nbc bay area news. A highly congested area here. Despite a call from the mayor to temporarily halt protests, demonstrators still gathered in new york city to protest the Police Killing of unarmed black men. Hundreds of protesters marched through manhattan last night. Some Holding Signs saying jail killer kopsz. New york city mayor bill de blasio asked for protesters to hold off on their demonstrations until after two nypd officers who were ambushed and killed over the weekend were laid to rest. That didnt happen. Vice President Joe Biden plans to attend the funeral for officer ramos. Ramos and his partner liu were shot while sitting in their parked Police Cruiser saturday. Funeral arrangements for liu will be made once his family arrives from china. San Francisco Police and San Jose Police are sending representatives to the service. The man who shot the two officers later took his own life. New this morning, two Police Officers were hurt when they ran into a burning apartment complex to rescue a person inside. This happened just after midnight near roener park expressway and country club drive. A spokesperson says the two officers suffered smoke inhalation but they should be okay. The person who lived in that apartment is currently being treated for minor burns. Three units were damaged in all. 14 people have been displaced. The real life drama surrounding the controversial movie the interview takes a new twist this morning. We have just learned sony and youtube have reached an agreement and youtube will be streaming the interview tomorrow. Meanwhile, independent theater operators said sony reached out to them about playing the comedy. Many will play it on Christmas Day, including the elmwood theater in berkeley. The First Showing is already sold out. Its a fictional movie with the plot to kill north Korean Leader kim jongun. The latest twist is getting mixed reaction in berkeley. People calling to thank us for america about just spree speech and berkeley and, yeah, its been entertaining. We may be a little arrogant and wanting to push this movie so much to prove were not scared of anybody. The Berkeley Police Department Says its aware of the release but for now has no special plans for the event. The elmwood is expecting a big crowd on Christmas Day. More details, the elmwood is not the only local theater showing the film. This is the marquee above camera 3 theater. It will have Christmas Day showings and according to the huffington post, it will also play in fairfax, livermore, sonoma, petaluma, morgan hill, theaters there as well. Well take a live look at glides annual prime rib luncheon in San Francisco. That organization plans to serve up to 3,000 people today. You can see everybody already filing in. San franciscos house of rib donated about 2,000 pounds of prime rib specifically for this event. So, amongst the toy drives, food drives, great to see all of these charitable organizations in San Francisco giving back. Glad has done so much for the community there. A last minute push to provide christmas cheer for San Franciscos neediest children also happening today. It was snowing outside lefty oe dulys but that didnt stop people from helping with the toy drive. It includes local School Children singing Christmas Carols and a brass band. Donating toys as easy as handing it off to santas elves. You dont need to wrap it and theyll collect it from your car streetside. The event started 14 years ago and theres still a big need today. Every year, actually the need becomes greater, because the income gap becomes greater. Families that are making the same amount of money they made last year cannot provide for their children in the same way they did last year. Organizers are hoping to collect 10,000 toys. Thats how much they got last year at last years event and that set a new record. New at 11 00, its Christmas Eve. St. Anthonys met its holiday goal of collecting more than 500 hams. Looks like 512 is the tally. Theyve been working this weekend to collect for needy families. It could still use more hams and other items. Theyve been holding a convenient Curbside Collection at golden gate avenue in San Francisco. Peoples donations have been rolling in. You know, my husband and i, were retired. We can do this. We donated probably about 20 hats brand new and about 50 pairs of socks. So, we just feel like we wanted to do something. Lots of generosity right now. If you cant donate a ham, they still need a lot of other items this winter for those in need. Like heavy blankets and jackets. Even simple things like socks, make a big difference. And the red cross is also reaching out to remind everyone, this is the season for giving Something Else very valuable. Blood. A holiday blood drive is happening through the start of the year to boost bay area blood supplies. Donors of all types are welcome. The red cross especially needs o negative, a negative and b negative blood. Two events are taking place this morning. One at the Hilton Double Tree Hotel in campbell and another at the stoneridge mall in pleasant ton. Coming up, the man who says he helped kill one of the most notorious terrorists. Hes being investigated by the navy. Why navy leaders think Robert Oneill may have given up classified information. And a close call on highway 580. What one driver reports he saw moments before a huge tree came crashing down. Hi, im lieutenant andre todd, currently deployed. I would like to say hi to my wife yvonne, my daughter amina, daughter aziza and son a. J. And i would like to say hi to my hometown of pittsburg, cal. Here is a look at stories making headlines across the country this morning. Former president george h. W. Bush in the hospital after experiencing shortness of breath. An ambulance took bush to a houston hospital last night and a spokesperson says hes staying there mostly as a precaution and hes being held now for observation. The navy is investigating whether the former navy s. E. A. L. Who claims he killed Osama Bin Laden revealed classified information. He has given several interviews saying he was part of the operation that resulted in the death of bin laden. A spokesman for the navy says theyve gotten allegations that he did give up classified information. And reaction mixed this morning following the fdas recommendation to lift a lifetime ban on gay and bisexual men donating their blood. The fda says starting next year, gay men who have not had sex for one year could be able to donate. We have new details this morning about a close call for a driver on 580. A tree fell across two lanes near 14th street in oakland. It happened a little before 3 a. M. The tree landed right on top of a car driving on the interstate and ended up blocking several lanes. The driver said he saw the tree falling, but it was too late for him to stop. I was scared that the glass was going to shatter on me. I thought the branches was going to hit me and cut me up or it would have, you know, maybe killed me. Fortunately for him, the driver was not seriously hurt. Unfortunately, the car not so good. He tolds he saw at least one other car hit the tree after it fell on his car. And we are going to take a live peek outside right now. Several areas of the bay area getting ready to spend christmas indoors as a winter storm planning on rolling through. You see San Francisco, oakland and san jose all pictured on your screen. We are expecting some rain and some cooler temps here. Now, when we say winter storm, what kind of context are we talking . Weve seen stormy activity in the last couple of weeks, anthony. This is nothing on that scale. In fact, the storms weve seen over the past few weeks, this is more of a nonevent. I think the most impact well see from this storm will be the wind. Can you see right now, as the storm systems moving in, most of the cloud cover over the bay area. Youll notice a trail of moisture that extends out to the pacific. Thats off to our south now. Whats going to happen is, as we get this cold front pushing in, you can see we have a little bit of shower activity. But as weve been telling you, were only expecting trace amounts to a tenth of an inch with this storm system as it moves through. The big impact will be wind. Lets step outside and show you what were looking at. Gray skies for the most part. We havent seen much sunshine. I dont think well see that today and because of that temperatures will stay near 60 degrees. You can actually see the clouds making their way through San Francisco as the rain makes its way in. This is our futurecast. Around 2 00 is when well see the showery activity in San Francisco. It will be light to moderate and will move through quickly. Notice how quick it moves through San Francisco. Put this into motion youll notice, 15 to 20 minutes its out of there. By 3 00 all the way down into san jose, gilroy, morgan hill and even toward the santa cruz mountains. If youre still trying to do any traveling today, after 4 00 and 5 00 in the bay area, we will be dry and even the area near sacramento up towards 80. Headed up towards tahoe, theyre expecting to see the snow end by tonight. By 7 00 those snow showers will come to an end. The biggest thing i think this storm system will produce is widespread wind gust. Because the radar doesnt look too impressive, you may think, no big deal. Look at this map. Were talking winds in excess of 40 to 50 miles an hour at the coastline and even for some of our inland valleys, i wouldnt be surprised if we see gusts up to 40 miles an hour in santa rosa, napa, toward livermore and at the valley floor in san jose. San francisco, this could cause airport delays, especially later on this evening when our winds will be the highest, about 7 00. I wouldnt be surprised if we see some wind gusts in sf up to 50 Miles Per Hour later this evening. While it wont be a big rain event, the wind is really going to steal the cake with this thing. Its really going to bring in some very cold air. By tonight, temperatures get back to near 40. But look what happens as we head towards this weekend. Were talking 30s for overnight lows and 50s for highs. Yes, there will be frost and fog as we head towards this upcoming weekend. So, a little bit of something for everybody really. Back to you. Hopefully not too much cake stealing. Appreciate it. Well, many people would consider a doctor who makes house calls the epitome of personal service. That is true. But one oakland doctor may you have you rethinking this entire concept. Garvin thomas shows us just what shes doing in this bay area. Dr. Caroline hastings is a pediatric hematologist and oncologist at Childrens Hospital oakland. What that means, of course, is shes a very smart woman who deals with some very sick kids. Not all of them, sadly, make it, which is a legitimate reason why she might want to keep a personal distance from them. But this doctor doesnt. Reporter bringing work home from the job regardless of what you do is something most of us try to avoid. Even more so when youre a doctor. Like caroline hastings. It is not only timeconsuming but it consumes us emotionally. You just cant turn it off when you go home. Heres the drug for the transfer. Reporter what makes her special, though, is that she is a doctor who stopped trying to turn it off. Instead, she invited it in. Literally. I brought my family into my work and my work into my family. It was actually a lot easier for me and it made more sense and it was comfortable. Im going to take some of this off. Im so sorry. Reporter on this day, for example, after treating 10yearold twins addi and cassie for a rare genetic disorder at oakland Childrens Hospital happy birthday to you reporter shes treating them to a birthday party. At her house. Yea reporter the party is here because the family from reno is staying here. The twins, mom and dad spending the week sleeping right off carolines dining room. I get the most amazing doctor in the world. I mean, and the most beautiful friend at the same time. I mean, what else could you ask for . I mean, if you wanted a physician, i mean, you couldnt get anything better than this. I remember talking to you reporter it turns out theyre not the first outoftown patients they have housed over the years. Her three teenage daughters have not only become used to the unique house guests, they look forward to them. Its probably the main reason caroline chooses to erase almost every line between her personal and professional lives. I think its enriched the life the lives of my children. And i feel like its made me not only a better physician, but a better mother, a better wife, a better friend. Reporter its a Work Life Balance that may not work for everyone, but in this case, works beautifully. Dr. Hastings says there are practical benefits as well for doing what she does. Being able to observe her patients outside of a hospital setting, she says, gives her a better idea of what types of treatment they may need. Garvin thomas, nbc bay area news. Thank you, garvin. If you know of someone doing something nice for others in your community, garvin would love to hear from you. Go to our website nbcbayarea. Com and search bay area proud. Okay. Still to come, lots has changed in denver since colorado legalized the Recreational Use of marijuana. Coming up, an unusual byproduct of the legalization of pot thats putting a strain right now on denver dogooders. This is lieutenant ann marie from kandahar, afghanistan, wanting to wish all of my friends and family in sunnyvale, california, a very Merry Christmas, happy new year and i miss you guys a lot. Time is 11 24. We want to give you a live look at the Christmas Tree in Rockefeller Center in new york city. Beautiful and its such a great place to go and celebrate the holiday. Its not too white there yet, though. Rooftop perspective. Meantime, a quick check of the markets on this wednesday. A shortened day because of the holiday. We know trading has been relatively flat at this point. The dow jones actually closed about six points up from where it was. S p down one point. So, Light Trading here in the midst of the holiday. She looked excited. There was a lot of enthusiasm. Well, time for a look at your other business headlines. The latest numbers on unemployment fueling investors today. The federal government reports that the number of americans applying for Unemployment Benefits is at its lowest in seven weeks. Applications dropped by 9,000 last week. The numbers show the u. S. Economy and job market are slowly but steadily improving. Still good news. Sony is thinking about selling its Music Publishing business which owns most of the beetles song catalog. You think that might be valuable . The wall street journal cites internal emails cited by hackers earlier this month. Its estimated to be worth about 2 billion. A cool 2 billion. Facebook has teamed up with the nfl to run short video clips in users news feed, including game highlights, news and other content. Theyll be followed by ads for verizon wireless. The nfl has struck a similar deal with twitter. That happened last year. An unusual byproduct now of Legal Marijuana in colorado. Its apparently drawing Homeless People out in droves. In recent months, Service Providers and social workers have noticed a large influx of homeless folks to some colorado. The reason why they say is because of plenty of pot thats sis to come by. There are no hard numbers to backup those claims but aen informal survey found 30 of homeless transplants relocated to denver for the marijuana. That influx is straining the ability of shelters to meet Homeless Peoples needs. Still to come, latest on the Police Shooting near ferguson, missouri. Plus, why protesters in San Francisco blocked a bay area freeway for exactly 4 28. Very precise. This is Sergeant Vargas in the united kingdom. I want to wish my mom in san jose, california, a Merry Christmas. Traffic was stopped at a busy San Francisco freeway on and off at the tail end of the morning rush hour today. Thanks to take a look at this video more than 100 protesters blocked the intersection at octavia and market. Thats the on and offramp for the 101. They were there for 15 minutes. You can imagine the Ripple Effect that had. Activists with the lesbian, gay, transgender, Queer Community started the protest. They want more accountability and transparency following the deaths of Michael Brown and eric garner. Just saying people cant just continue business when all this is happening. We need more allies to join this fight. The march continued to castro and market where protesters blocked the intersection again for another 15 to 20 minutes laying a Pink Triangle, which is a gay rights symbol, on the street and leading a moment of silence, as you see there. San Francisco Police say this was a planned and peaceful protest. The sfpd says so far, not including today, the city has spent more than 160,000 in overtime costs for the Police Response to the demonstrations related to the brown and garner cases. St. Louis county police right now investigating a deadly policeinvolved shooting. This happened in the town of berkeley just miles outside of ferguson. It happened overnight. Nbcs john henry is in berkeley with the very latest. Reporter im currently in Berkeley City Hall where theres been a lot of activity going on this morning. Ever since that officerinvolved shooting that happened around 11 00 last night. Heres what we know about that shooting following a press conference with chief john belmar. He said a st. Louis county Police Officer was doing a check at the corner of frost and north henley when he encountered two people who were outside there. One of those people pointed at a gun at that officer. According to st. Louis county Police Officer, that officer then decided to shoot that person, killing him. Now, in the time since that press conference, weve also had a press conference here with the berkeley city mayor, and hes trying to say that this is different than the incident that happened in ferguson. While there is an independent investigation going on, he says it appears the individual who was killed was pointing a gun at the officer. On top of that hes saying his city is more racial diverse when it comes to the leadership. Majority of the Police Department is black. The police chief is black. And the mayor is, obviously, black. And hes saying that they are more sensitive when it comes to dealing with race relation issues. So, well be following this story throughout the day. But for now, im john henry with nbc news. Well see where this goes. Despite a call from the mayor to temporarily halt protests, demonstrators still gathered in new york city to protest the Police Killings of unarmed black men. Hundreds of protesters marched through manhattan last night. Some Holding Signs saying, jail killer cops. New york city mayor bill de blasio asked for protesters to hold off on their demonstrations. He was hoping they would stop until after the two nypd Police Officers who were ambushed and killed over the weekend were laid to rest. Vice President Joe Biden plans to attend the funeral for one of those officers, rafael ramos. Ramos and his partner liu were shot while she sat in their parked Police Cruiser saturday. Funeral arrangements will be made for liu once his family arrives from china. The man who shot the two officers later took his own life. The movie event no one expected to see in theaters will now be released. Weve also learned that youtube is going to stream the movie the interview tomorrow. Sony says it will be shown in hundreds of small theaters across the country, even after the threat from hackers about what might happen if it were shown. Nbcs Halle Jackson reports, even people who are not seth rogen fans, say theyll go see this movie out of principle. Reporter on this Christmas Eve, some theater owners say they got the best gift anyone could give. Were looking forward to. I think its going to be quite big. Reporter the interview sonys controversial comedy featuring a plot to kill north Korean Leader hits independent theaters tomorrow. They are preparing for capacity crowds. Im glad they decided to release the movie. Reporter the decision to release the movie to more than 200 theaters is a stunning aboutface for a studio that a week ago yanked the film from distribution when larger chains refused to show it. That set off national outcries with accusations sony caved to north korea. People have been pretty hard on this movie and yet now its going to be embraced. Its become something of an event. I think a lot of people will want to see it. Reporter thats exactly what the hackers who attacked sony hoped to avoid. A message believed to be from the cyber attackers threatened retaliation if sony didnt keep the movie under wraps. The u. S. Government blames the hack on north korea, which denies it. And on it while officials privately tell nbc the u. S. Had nothing to do with that possible cyber attack that shut down the internet in north korea this week, the state department is neither confirming nor denying a u. S. Role. I just dont think were going to get into the business of every time something happens in a country like north korea, saying, yes or no either way. Reporter for now, sony says its proud to have stood up to those who attempted to suppress free speech. And hollywood is applauding with james franco posting, victory. Seth rogen tweeting whats become a motto, freedom prevails. If you would like to see the interview you may be able to see it tomorrow at several theaters across the bay area. Its scheduled at the elmwood theater in berkeley. One showing is already sold out there. Can you watch the movie in the south bay. This is the marquee above the camera 3 in san jose which will have some Christmas Day showings. Some movie fans are excited to see it in spite of all this controversy. I take it as comedy. I dont think its real, you know. We need to chill out a little bit and enjoy life. Not be so angry at everybody. Life is especially this time of the year, have a good time. Dont be having all the misery, you know. Im sure trying one day at a time. In addition to camera 3, its scheduled to play in eight other bay area theaters including some in livermore, morgan hill. Coming up, a chilling road rage incident caught on camera. Oh, my god go, go, go two women run off the road. We will hear from one of them next. And while were still dry here across the bay area, we are waiting for that next system to arrive. Can you see from San Francisco, cloudy skies and the wind and rain is expected to pick up as we head towards the next few hours. The full timeline coming up. This is the nicholas family coming from Anderson Air Force base guam. We would like to say happy new year and Merry Christmas to all the nicholases and smiths in oakland, california and San Francisco, california. Happy new year Merry Christmas happy new year we love you guys. Sweetie, id love a hazelnut. Mom . Dad . Big uncle wayne . Hot chocolate. Green tea. Uh, decaf, cuz. Wow. Im dying for an herbal tea. The all new keurig 2. 0. Hey mom, can i have a hot chocolate . Ho ho ho. Well all have hot cocoa maam, need a strong pot of joe. The all new keurig 2. 0. Were learning about a longlasting side effect for children who endure abuse or neglect. Researchers say abused kids could have an increased risk for migraines later in life. This study looked at 10,000 adults being treated for migraines. They found they were more commonly associated with those emotionally abused as a child. People who suffered from an an additional form of abuse, like neglect or molestation were 50 more likely to have migraines than those who experienced one form of abuse. Were hearing from one woman involved in a scary road rage incident on interstate 80. A south bay woman is in county jail for allegedly harassing two young women. They say she intimidated them and even flashed a badge to get them out of the car. Those young women had the presence of mind to call 911 and they caught it all on video. Oh, my god. Go, go, go reporter as they drove on i80 north of sacramento. She says the driver of a silver suv was tailgating them. She made an obscene hand gesture toward that driver and then she says the woman lost it. Swerving in front of them, trying to make them pull over. I was petrified. I was so scared. Like i said, she continued to follow us. Shes in an explorer. Reporter at one point they did stop. The woman pounded on the window and waved an i. D. At them. She claims she tried to put them under arrest. Go. Go reporter she called 911 and the women pull away. But theres more swerving and honking from the driver, and then dude, shes going to hit me. Yes she just hit our car. She just hit our car. Pushing us off the road. Yes, shes pushing us off the road. Shes coming for us. Put it in reverse. Reporter every moment caught on camera and relaid to the operator. Dispatchers direct the woman to a gas station where a cpc officer is waiting and for where 50yearold Deirdre Orozco was arrested. It was her second road rage incident in a week. She appeared to be mocking prosecutors reading the charges against her. Tailgating two individuals. Reporter no matter what happens next, she is just happy she and her friend are safe. There was a moment where i feared for my life. You know, and i dont know how i would have handled things differently. Go ahead and go. Reporter ian cole, nbc bay area news. They handled it just right. People living in the hawaiian town of pahoa celebrating a reprieve this morning. A river of red hot lava headed for a Shopping Complex appears to be losing steam. Officials say the lava creeping toward the big island pahoa marketplace has stalled for now. They had worried the flow would hit the center on or around Christmas Day but it looks like the lavas front has hardened and hasnt moved much in 48 hours. As for now, lava is 700 yards away from the shopping center, which has a supermarket, gas station and several other small stores. However, Officials Say the lava is still branching out in other directions. Predicting the lava pathway, not the easiest task, but reading winds and other cliissu accessible. Just a couple days ago they had blizzard warnings in hawaii. They have lava flows, tropical storms and hurricanes, even blizzards. Its crazy, right . Oh, man. Lets talk about the weather here at home. You can see, i want to start you off with those airport delays. We are finding San Francisco really the only major hub right now that is still looking at delays. Up to about 45 minutes. It continues to fluctuate between half an hour and an hour. Overall, that has been the case all day long. Really for that matter, all week long. Can you see, we have a storm system actually approaching right now. The thing about it, its not really that organized. And it doesnt have a subtropical tag, so were only expecting light to moderate shower activity. As we zoom in closer, a lot of this activity light across the bay area. Heres the deal. This is not the main front. The front is actually back here. We actually start to see some of this development here actually up towards eureka. So, eventually well get that main push thats going to come through. With that, well get a little more frontal of showery activity. I dont think it will be a whole bunch, maybe 0. 10 an inch or less. We are clouded in. The fog moved out. Just low clouds. Even in San Francisco this morning, you can see the cloud cover starting to come in here. Those low clouds. Can you see how theyre billowing up. That shows a little instability in the atmosphere. Of course, as the front comes through, that will squeeze out what little moisture is left in the atmosphere. Lets put this in fastforward mode. This is noon. Youll notice the shower activity becomes more widespread across the north bay. Its still in the north bay by noon. By 1 00, showers will return to San Francisco, oakland, down towards the peninsula and the trivalley as well. By 3 00 and 4 00, thats when well see the showery activity in the south bay. It will move out quickly. In fact, by 5 00, a lot of us will be drying out towards gilroy and morgan hill. If youre doing any traveling towards tahoe, after 5 00, those heavy snow showers will start to wind down. Heres the deal, though. Very strong winds are headed our way. Well get a little bit of rain. Thats not really going to be the main story. The winds, though, really will. You see how all of that purple across the ocean, the coastline expecting winds up to 50 Miles Per Hour this evening. That does include San Francisco international airport. Youll notice across some of our higher hill tops, mt. Diablo, even mt. Hamilton, could see winds up to 50 to 60 miles an hour. At valley floor i think well see winds in excess of 30 to 40, which is enough to cause major problems across the bay area. Even yesterday, today and the day before, weve seen residual effects of trees down, mudslides. So with any additional bit of rain on a very saturated ground, that could cause some very big problems, really. Were talking about an additional foot of snow across tahoe. Again, if youre leaving, the best time to do it is after that snow comes to an end, after about 5 00, 6 00 this evening. Then youll have your white christmas. Back to. You anthony, thank you. Theft at 30,000 feet, a warning during some of the busiest travel days of the year. Thieves are targeteding you even in the sky. Jill grover from our nbc station in los angeles shows us why you need to buckle up more than your seat belt when youre in the air. Reporter it happened aboard an American Airlines red eye to paris. Eyes were closed. Reporter the lights were dimmed and carol of Orange County dozed off. Sleeping on my side. Reporter leaving her purse in the seat pocket. Minutes later a man stole my purse. I could see a blanket flopping under his arm as hes running up the aisle. Reporter the thief ran into a bathroom and she waited till he came out. He merged in full uniform, Flight Attendant with the badge. It could certainly happen to anyone. Because this is a crime of opportunity reporter the fbis david gates says the feds have nabbed numerous onboard thieves. Like the one on a flight from sydney to l. A. X. We got a confession. Reporter a confession from australian professional rugby star tony daley, who admitted stealing 925 from carryon bags. He gave the money back to the feds so they didnt charge him. We sent the australian rugby star home to australia. Reporter and Police Arrested the son of actress cybill shepherd. Talk to your mom yet . Reporter for stealing cash and a camera from passengers on a United Airlines flight. He was sentenced to an Alcoholics Anonymous program. Keep your valuables close to your body. Keep your valuables hidden. My money . All my moneys gone. Reporter this video produced for travelers in asia warns them to report possible thieves while still in the air. So a suspect can be arrested right when the plane lands. What should someone do if theyre on the plane and they think theyve been ripped off . Immediately tell the Flight Attendant. I said, stole my purse. Reporter in carols case last july, the man who stole her purse was a Flight Attendant named pierre. She notified other crew members and american investigated. He was terminated because american said his behavior was inappropriate. He wasnt charged. Inappropriate behavior . I call it a crime. Reporter carol has to travel for work every few months. But becoming a victim at 30,000 feet has left her with a fear of flying. I have flight anxiety because it all rushes back over me again. That was joel grover reporting. Although she got her purse back, American Airlines offered carol 50,000 frequent flier miles as an apology. You dont expect any Flight Attendants to take off with your goods, take off on the plane. Definitely not to steal your stuff and run to a bathroom with it. No. 11 48. Still to come, his owner calling this a miracle. A dog falling from a 15th story balcony but he survives to bark another day. Coming up, access Hollywood Live followed by days of our live. Stationed in japan with marine corps. To want wish everyone a happy holiday, say hi to my friends and family. Well, they say cats have a certain ability to bounce back what, six, seven, eight, nine times. Nine is the magic number. Dogs do, too. This morning a 13yearold boston terrier is recovering after falling from a 15story balcony, splashed down right into a hot tub. Hot tub dog, im telling you. Its going to go viral. Nbcs rob malcolm brings us this amazing story of survival. Reporter fighting tears from his balcony on the bridgeway towers, an emotional bill recalls a frightening experience. You just cant imagine a dog going through that kind of trauma. Reporter if they say cats have nine lives, then bills 13yearold boston terrier, sammy, could be certainly to join his feline friends. He got on the balcony. Tried to work his way back. He has an eyesight issue. Reporter when that eyesight problem, nowhere to go but down. A little to the east of this balcony is a pool and a hot tub. And the dog actually went directly into the hot tub. Reporter about then this sign meant nothing. He hit the hot tub. He started swimming to try to get out. He swam about three times, found the stairs, pulled himself out. Reporter suffering from a cracked pelvis and broken ribs, this is a healthy sammy whos now recovering at vca bradshaw animal hospital. After falling from one of the tallest residential buildings in sacramento ive actually seen him stand up and walk. Its just its amazing. And that was rob malcolm reporting. Im just saying, dog with bad eyesight, senior citizen, dont let him out on the balcony. Youre right. You said it to me earlier today, its going to go viral. It was on the today show. Ill be reading your palm during the break. Dont finalize your Christmas Eve plans just yet. Coming up where you can see the best Christmas Lights around the bay area. Captain susan tye, director of Nurses Services in kandahar, afghanistan. I want to say happy holidays to all my family and friends, to david in san diego, my son christopher in San Francisco, my sister in new jersey and my dan dad and kathy in new jersey and all the fantastic in san diego. How are your Christmas Eve plans shaping up . If youre looking for something to do, why not take the family out to see some spectacular Holiday Light displace across the bay area. In san jose theres a house on Cherry Avenue the makeawish house. You can get your picture taken with mr. And mrs. Claus. Last year this light show raised 24,000. And close by, this home lights up shasta drive in santa clara. The homeowners synced all the lights to eight different songs. Theres also a Radio Station you can listen to to get the full effect while you enjoy the show from your car. Nice and cozy. In east bay mr. Christmass last hoorah. Hes hung lights on his home in concord for 30 years but Health Issues are forcing him to say, this is his last year. If you want to check out his home, thats on olive drive. Nice event that brings a whole Community Together there. One final reminder for you. You still have time to help us end hunger, try to. Nbc bay area and safeway are teaming up to feed families this holiday season. You have until Christmas Day to help us reach our goal of 150,000 bags. One day away from that deadline. I can just buy those bags for 10 at any Safeway Store in the bay area. Well, thank you so much for joining us today. Our next newscast is at 5 00. In the meantime, you can get the latest information all day long at nbcbayarea. Com. We, of course, hope you have a wonderful holiday. From all of us here at nbc bay area, well see you again at 5 00 tonight. Have a wonderful day. Merry kris nas. Today on access Hollywood Live, Charles Barclays new interview about race and this one is causing big controver controversies. And taylor swifts most revealing look ever. And, kit, we have some explaining to do and some apologizing here. We do. The star was mad at us. Well tell you why were going to apologize. In spectacular for. Access Hollywood Live starts right now. Stand by billy and kit. Stand by camera two. Were live in five, four, three, two, one. This is the only move you need. Thats all

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