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Jessica aguirre. Off awe i im raj mathai. Chevron said it is normal procedure. That did nothing to comfort People Living nearby. Amazing dramatic sight. North of Richmond San Rafael bridge. Jean elle is there. Chevron is saying it routine . Chevron saying we may see more flaring as it works to shut down the unit. Right now seeing steam rising from the facility. County Officials Say there are elevated levels of particulate matter being picked up by ground monitoring. Levels are not high enough for shelter in place order. People who live nearby are uneasy. Well there is no way in the world there its nothing harmful. Deal with chemicals every day. Jim is concerned about the flames out of the stacks at chevron refinery in richmond. No alarms went off. That was kind of strange. Youve know . Should have been a warning. Reporter on twitter, 7 30, chevron said there was visible flaring to allow for depressuring, flaring is part of refinery operations. Later, chevron says the flare enables them to safely shut down a unit. They release steam to assist with flare quality. This can take on appearance of smoke. Contra costa county supervisor, john joya says the hazmat team is on scene monitoring. He says flaring is not normal and chevron had trouble in its deasphalt unit and had to shut it down. An alarming sight for the vaughn whose remember the refinery fire at chevron in 2012. I worry about me and my husbands health, the first thing. Last time we had to go to the hospital. We were there for about, at least four hours. I have asthma. The vaughns will shut all windows tonight. The supervisor says the Health Department did not issue a shelter in place. Chemicals like hydrocarbons, Carbon Dioxide andticulate matter are released. Health officials will keep an eye on stations all night alerting the public if levels become hazardous. At last check, area hospitals tell me theyre not seeing a surge in patients reap lalated. Jean elle, nbc bay area news. Jean, thank you. Scared. Confused. People starting to take pictures immediately. Within minutes of the flaring. We received dramatic viewer photos. Take a look here. Send us your pics, video any time you see breaking news. Email to isee nbcbayarea. Com. Microclimate weather alert. Fourth storm this week starting to move into the bay area. Expected to impact morning commute and potentially bring damage to a soaked bay area. Chief meteorologist jeff ranieri tracking the storm. Where do you see the storm, jeff, and impact compared to others . Mid roderate. It will compounder use. Right now. High cloud spreading through the north bay. South bay. We zoom in on the radarment activity to the north. Spotty showers. Marin, napa. And point reyes. Look ahead to tomorrow morning. The first time we are going to see consistent widespread rainfall. Wont be until 6 00 a. M. Once we hit 6 00 a. M. It will ramp down here toward south bay. Here is an overall look at first part of the time line. Scattered areas of showers throughout the area. Friday morning. Not only the rain. The wind. Could produce Power Outages and downed trees. Just in case you havent seen the numbers unream. 400 to 700 of average for the december rainfall. Its now having an if pact on the drought. We have improved 23 from exceptional level. Worst level of drought done to extreme level. Bay area still in a drought. We have seen marked changed as of off to day. Tracking more on the full storm in 15 minutes. All right. Jeff, thank you. Here is the plan for you. Before you leave the house tomorrow morning. Turn on today in the bay. Starts at 4 30. Continuous updates on impact of the morning commute and where the hot spots of rain are for you. Off awe well, twitter cost him his job . An emotional protest at san joses Police Headquarters. Wellknown veteran officer offended and scared a lot of people by what he tweeted. Stow what happens to him now . Nbc bay areas peggy bunker joins us with protestors demands. Peggy. Organizers handed the San Jose Police chief 15,000 signatures calling for officer Phillip White to be fired for tweets that outraged people in san jose and the country. Joining the protest. Several others who say their lives have been drastically altered by police violence. On the steps of san joses hall of justice an unusual sight. 100 public defenders joining together with social Justice Group debug. Demanding change of our how police treat minorities. What am i getting out of my car for . A traffic stop debug gave us this video as example. Lamar noble pulled from his vehicle in 2013 by Santa Clara County deputies. Deputies told him he had a tail light out demanded his keys. Drew their guns and pulled him from the car. After they told me to pull the keys out of the car. Thats when they was they went back. For what . I turned my car off. So not going anywhere. Im sitting here talking to you. You got my license. My registration. You got all the paper work you knee. Why would i fry to escape now . Officers arrested noble. He spent the night in jail. Yeah. My license is legit. I have no outstanding warrants. No traffic tickets. Never ben to jail. First time going to jail. The Sheriffs Office would not comment on the case. Citing litigation. Today the District Attorney jeff rosen said they believe nobel is guilty. It wasnt the only case for protesters. The das office presented wit letters calling for investigations including one from laurie val dez. Her son, josiah lost his father in february after he was shot by San Jose State University police. You have a responsibility to protect josiah. He is 5 years old. That child is scarred for life. You cant bripg hng his dad bac. Nobody can. The group that marched to Police Headquarters to demand, the san jose officer be fired after tweeting threat tenning comments. Being a native of san jose, important to me as a person of color and as chief. This is troubling for us as an organization. Now back to lamar nobels case, he allegesly was wrongly pulled from the car. That case before the judge in january. Nobels attorneys filed to dismiss the case against him. If not, the case will go to trial. Nobel insist hes was driving down the road doing nothing wrong. Jessica. Back to you. Thank you. San jose neighborhood on edge after two women were brutally attacked bay a stranger. It ham penned in the middle of the day yesterday. A man broke into a home for mentally disabled on stoke street, south of valley medical center. Police say the man severely beat and sexually assaulted two women who live there. Police arrested kenneth bridges, parolee, facing 15 felony counts including kidnapping and sexual assault. New at 11 00 tonight. The photo may help free mont police find the people behind a Home Invasion robbery this week. Detectives say a man and woman were seen in the neighborhood tuesday, the same day a couple forced its way into a home. Those suspects threatened the victim with of a gun. Demanding cash and designer purses. The woman wasnt hurt. The pair in the Surveillance Video are kidded persons of interest in this case. The earthquake in august to. Night day threat for the napa neighborhood hit so hard. Scientists say they have never seen anything like it. Experts say the fault underneath about 20 homes in the Browns Valley neighborhood of napa is moving at a rate never seen before on any other fault system in the world. This is video of damage in Browns Valley caused by the 6. 0 quake in august. In the next three years, experts say the fault could slip anywhere from 2 inches to 6 inches forcing homeowners to endure major repairs. The first time scientists forecast the shifting of the ground in a residential area after an earthquake. With that one last little diddy. I surrender. Trying to bring leaf tvity to t moment. Not everyone was laughing. Michael peavy, after 12 years as head of the powerful California Public utilities commission. Peavy its bowing out at height of a scandal. Our Investigative Unit uncovered his acceptance of 165,000 in free travel, and his cozy relationship with pg e among other questionable actions. Despite accusations, dozens of people pratz edpraised him tonie a few expressed anger. Your name now gained the same levels of folks like the pope. And ali. Because really you belong in jail. The people of california have a rgt to a commission thats not painted with corporate relations and corporate interests the center of it all san bruno pipeline explosion. His last official day on the job is december 31st. Still ahead, a local startup tries a unique strategy to catch a suspected tech thief. How a dating app may have helped crack the case. Probably in your medicine cabinet. Could be the key to help you live longer. Remarkable Antiaging Research done here in the bay area. It is very because you feel like you are begging the community to help take care of the community. And with christmas just a week away, the growing concern among Charity Groups trying to make sure everyone has a happy holiday. And good evening, im meteorologist, jeff ranieri, tracking heavier rainfall to the north. The time line on this for your friday morning commute in a few minutes. A thief caught on tape, but never identified that was until a startup turned to alternative methods. The idea was to help break the case. But how they did it puzzled singles in san francisco. And the explanation how they had to go to tindr to catch a thief. Office of starredup build zoom has seen ugly days. In july the cofounder received an unusual call. Off awe he called me on my way to work. Dave, are you playing a practical joke on me. My computer is missing . After several went missing. David peterson set up a Security Camera in the office until finally. A petty crime its out of control. The woman stoele 30,000 in computers. He post herd picture with no help. He went risque and turned to tindr, a connection of two people who find each other attractive. If we put it on tindr. Thousand will see her. Some one will know. He posted this picture, i rob offices in sf. 5,000 award for identifying me. Quickly a match. Within two days, some one email a name and picture. The unusual method attractive to peterson, swiping right, tindr agrees. They wrote in a statement to nbc bay area. A creative use of our platform. We are happy to hear that tindr is helping people connect for a variety of reasons. Peterson hopes police will make a Quick Release and thinks the tindrapp may have helped his love life. My girlfriend didnt have an account. I got her. Use herd account. Created it, good news is that account is suspended. She is banned from tindr. Which i, i think is good for me. In san francisco, ian cole, nbc bay area news. Well, not nice, but naughty. Santa, rob abed a bank in san francisco. Surveillance photos, union square bank. Last saturday afternoon. The santacon pub crawl was getting under way. This man warned the teller he had a gun. Demanded cash. Got away with the cash. If you have information call sfpd. Every effort to void the skrooge. Christmas as you know is next week. Many local charities need help. Hundreds of kids may not get a holiday gift this time around. Nbc bay areas cheryl hurd joins from san ramon. She caught up with three organizations making a last minute push to help. Cheryl . Reporter raj, i talked to folks who run charities throughout the bay area tonight. Some of them are sur priprised r trucks are not overflowing. Now that christmas is a week away. Panic is setting in. Edna campbell the first to admit she has been crying a lot lately. Sadness is setting in because she and her daughter alea dont have Holiday Gifts for the charity for nine years. Called christmas in richmond. It has been running so long. People are like my gosh i helped them like five years. Now i get to take a break. But like, think about us we never get to take a break. You feel like you are begging the community to help take care of the community. For campbell. That is not a good feeling. She believes the economy is keeping people from giving. From the east bay to san jose. Charities are scraping to help those in need this holiday season. Right over here so we have teen boys, 151. The Ecumenical Hunger Program in East Palo Alto serving for 39 years. This year has been a struggle. Especially gifts for teen teenagerers. Some people are use louing their jobs. More families in each home. Last year the allen Rock Community Center Provides Mental Health for people in the south bay helped 4,000 families. This year, they will serve 6,000. Gifts are smaller. Some has to do with social media work. Encouraging small amounts. Small amounts from people like amanda demetrovic helping campbell this year. It feels great. Something you scant put into word. Knowing it will put a smile on someones face. If you would look to help the charities that you learned about tonight. Go to our website. Nbc bay area. Com. And click on charities. Reporting live in san ramon, cheryl hurd, nbc bay area news. Thank you, cheryl. Helping hungry this holiday season. As easy as just stopping by a safe way store. A 10 bag of groceries can make a big difference to people in need. Thanks to your generosity. 100,000 bags have been sold this year. The goal is 150,000. You have time to help. The food drive goes all the way through christmas. I walked into safe way and saw all bags out there. Ready how to be taken. Hope you are just as generous with us as you were last year. Almost there 10 a bag. Prewrapped. Easy to do at any safe way. Jeff ranieri out there with us. Yes, out in alamo, friend leap faces willing to donate. Remember that continues on. As we get a look. We have our storm on the way. Head throughout friday. Head to the safety. A good spot to take a shelter. The next storm, 220 miles away. At least a portion that will produce heavier rainfall here across the bay. Right now in doppler radar. Nothing too significant. The bay area. Spotty showers. Most heaviest rainfall remains now off off to the north. But out in advance of the storm system. We have two warnings. We want to get out to you. High surf advisory. Buoys, picking up on waves, 7 feet. Likely tomorrow. The storm rolls in. Could go as high as 15 feet. For northern coastline. Obviously, boating not a good idea for tomorrow. If you are going to the sierra. Not a major storm for the sierra. Interstate 80. Highway 50 expecting novell. 3 inches. 6 inches. Winter weather advisory in effect. Take you to the storm system. The first band of consistent rainfall will arrive. Unfortunately with some bad timing. Right here during the morning commute. 6 00 a. M. Marin. Napa. Sonoma. Santa rosa. San francisco. Then push to the south here. Definitely throughout san francisco. Mid peninsula. Down through paloalto. Mountain view. Back towards east bay. Walnut creek. Pleasant hill. 7 30. Eventually. Widespread areas of rainfall. San jose. Heavier pockets by 9 00 in the morning. Best part about the storm system. Not going to hang out all day long. Like some of the storms over the past week. By 3 00 p. M. Should see this move out. We will gradually, potentially even get a little built of sunshine in here. As we head throughout the afternoon hours. Saturday. Rainfall close by. San francisco. Best chance of holding on to a shower. Take you to microclimate forecast. Head throughout friday. Stay cold no matter where you go. Upper 50s. 60s. A few spots with heavier areas of rainfall. San jose. 60 degrees. Happiest rainfall. Storms arrive first. Coastline. Pacifica. 60. San francisco, some heavier rain there. North bay, east bay, trivalley. Upper 50s. 60. North bay. Where the storm will be arriving early in the morning. Heavier pockets expected in napa. Santa rosa. Trivalley. 59, danville. 58, livermore. Fiveday forecast. Has rainfall friday. Dry, saturday. Sunday. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Right into christmas thursday of next week. Much needed drying coming for san jose. Stan fran. North bay. Holding on to a chance. Saturday. Drying trend will tivcontinue. We almost forgot. Winter solstace. Sunday. 3 03. Pacific time. Suns rays on the dropping of cap corn. Dont forget the winter party sunday. See you there. Everyone. My goodness the. All this rain. Wasnt winter yet. Check for the insite in your email. Everyone. Be ready. The common medication that could help you live longer. Guess who is having fun. Jimmy fallon. Hey, everyone in the bay area. Music from fu fighter. You have to watch. Were on next. On a mission to cheat death. A billionaire wants to live to 120. How will he do it . Human growth hormones. He is taking hgh pills every day. The paypal cofounder and one of the first facebook investors is 47 years old. Lifestyle changes, paleo diet, cutting back on sugar. Also invested in several biotech companies. Not interested in hgh, this, a Study Suggests ibuprofen may help people live longer. According to researchers, texas a m, and the pills that help soothe headaches and sore backs may slow down aging as well. They found regular doses of ibuprofen, extended yeast, worms and fruit flies. Ing or nimzs are ideal for research on aging they didnt have to wait long for results due to short life spans. Before you start taking too much. Consult with your doctor. Make sure it is okay. Up next. Screaming. Good screaming. At kaiser permanente, everything you need is under one roof. Another way care and coverage together makes life easier. Okay, a little easier. Become a member of kaiser permanente. Because together, we thrive. vo rescued. Ed. Protected. Given new hope. During the subaru share the love event, subaru owners feel it, too. Because when you take home a new subaru, we donate 250 dollars to helping those in need. Well have given 50 Million Dollars over seven years. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Good evening. Geraud moncure in the sportsnet studios. Great test tonight. The hunted not the hunters. Healthy Oklahoma City squad, visiting oracle. Riding a seven game win streak. Durant, westbrook. In the lineup. This about the splash brothers, combo of durant, westbrook. First quarter belonged to the visitors. Durant, bearing the third three ball in a row. Okc. The slash brothers strike back. Second quarter. Game tied. Clay thompson. Seth curry. Rainbow triple. Bottom of the net. Up, 5552. Wining down. Durant drives. Goes down. He scored 30 points. Would not return after a sprained right ankle. Fourth quarter. Three point game. Crunch time. Harrison barnes with a mismatch. He goes to work. Game clinching bucket from the crusade. Win, 114109. I wanted to see our team. The one that takes care of the ball. It moves it. And shares it. And thats what we did. 32 assists. Ten turnovers. So, but it is not, in the nba,look you have ever sort of, solved it. I mean a constant, evolution. Andrew boguts absence from big games. Something the doves may want to get used to. The big man out indefinitely after undergoing platelet therapy on his right knee wednesday. Meanwhile, power forward, david lee. Missed 23 of 24 games this season expected to return from the hamstring injury next week. And, sharks, seven straight home win. Hosting edmonton. Picking it up in the third. San jose, power play. Pleasantton native. Shoots and scores. His First National Hockey League goal. Tied at 3. Less than a minute later. Barkley, the breakaway. The game winner. 43 sharks the final. And, 25 saves. Finally, the as roster continues to turn over or evolve. Depending on what your point of vuch view is. The catcher traded to the San Diego Padres for minor league players. Righthanded pitchers. R. J. Alvarez. Jesse hahn. The as had seven players on the al squad. With the offseason dealings, and wheelings and dealings i should say. There are two remaining. Pitchers, sean doo little. And scott kashmir. Thats it for sports. Good evening. Welcome back, a storm time line. Scattered areas of rain, overnight, and, rain, wind. Quart tire 1 2 inch expected. May see spinouts on the road. Downed trees. We have dry weather coming our way as we head throughout this weekend. Through christmas. Thats good news for us. Enjoy your friday. Thank you for joining us tonight. Byebye. Steve from studio 6b in Rockefeller Center in the heart of new york city, its the tonight show starring jimmy fallon. Toni j

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