good evening, thanks for being with us. >> our investigative unit has broken new ground with three investigations. first, happening right now, looking live at san jose, where city workers are out cleaning up a graffiti problem along 101. nbc bay area's george kityama joins us live. >> reporter: you know, some scrubbing going on right now. take a look. you can see the crews are under this overpass right now. flooded with hundreds of complaints recently. cal-trans has been closed off in two lanes while crews try to remove all the graffiti. >> it catches your eye as you drive on 101. victor figaroa sees it every day on hi way to work. >> it definitely makes the area look a lot worse. some customers are reluctant to go to a business with a lot of graffiti around it. >> it's a sanser. cancer. it starts slowly and then it just grows. >> he knows the taggers are targeting the bridges because they know it's hard to clean up. >> so we've got to be more aggressive in wrecking the fences and barriers and barricades to keep them off those bridges. >> now, the plan is to finish by 5:00 tomorrow morning. if they can't get it done, they'll be back here tomorrow night at 10:00. >> okay, thank you, george. well, a secret paper trail with handwritten notes that santa clara officials didn't know about until now. >> it's giving employees free time off. nbc bay area uncovered the documents that no one from the d.a.'s office wants to publicly address. >> it means that i have a whole nother department that i have to babysit. >> that's because of these documents. >> it points out that i really can't trust the d.a. with the payroll system. >> reporter: you're looking at what county executive jeff smith calls a second set of books, a secret system that lays out how much free time off is given to select, top-paid attorneys and the d.a.'s office. >> it's sort of an in-your-face, i'm going to do whatever i want without the realization he's dealing with public money. > >> reporter: allowing attorneys to bank days off to use or cash out later. in april, rosen told us it was to make up for a 5% bonus lost in the wake of budget cuts. >> one of core values of our organization, if you look on my wall there, transparency. this is making clear to the public what we're doing. the documents are changed to reflect that it's administrative leave. we're doing it openly and transparentally. >> reporter: smith saw these records for the first time today. handwritten notes that show crossed out numbers and math, tracking hours the d.a. gave as administrative leave. smith says no one in county payroll knew the d.a.'s office was keeping its own set of books to give employees back the 5% they lost. >> at this point, i have to find ways of monitoring what he's doing to make sure he's doing it correctly. i simply can't trust that he's making the right decisions. >> the d.a.'s office sent us this statement. there is no set of books or second payroll system. the attorney general's office is simply reviewing the administrative leave issue.4-yk0 mckayla was last seen yesterday. her brother ran inside for a minute and when he came back out, mckayla was gone. mckayla cannot speak and has the mental capacity of a one-year-old. mckayla, unforctunately cannot swim. 8-year-old layla fowler was stabbed to death said they had their suspicions that she wasn't killed by a stranger. the boy's father says he supports his son and does not believe that he could have killed his sister. >> cal-trans is in the hot seat. who's the blame for the questionable equipment and the cost overruns. >> reporter: two things are going on tonight. right now, reviewing this project. he plans to ask how they ernded up building a bridge with broken parts. >> this is 10 years late and $5.3 million owed for county budget. >> reporter: state senator is frustrated with cost overruns, delays and now a growing list of problems. the safety system is riddled with questionable parts. the integrity of thousands of other bolts is being tested. the first set of bolts, we have an answer. that's unusual. we can explain it away. the last set of bolts, we haven't had the reason for that yet. >> they end in an explanation at a state senate and housing committee hearing in sacramento tomorrow. he's putting cal-trans in the hot seat. >> i would like to quantity what did we pay, how did we get it. >> reporter: the senator would like to hold someone responsible so cal-trans doesn't cover the cost with bridge money. >> drivers are looking for accountability and security. >> that's how they fix it until i'm assured that this is not going to break. >> reporter: that hearing is tomorrow in sacramento. the federal highway administration is reviewing paperwork. staff members are expected to come here and look at the bridge later this month. >> an emergency meeting is scheduled for tomorrow to address what some homeowners call a slow-motion disaster. about two dozen homes are sinking in the city of lakeport. county officials think that water is bubbling to the surface and that it's causing that hillside to collapse. >> a key leader at the department of toxic substance control has stepped down after we revealed she owns stock in a number of companies that the department regulates. >> odette mandriagio is second in command. her decision to step down comes as a surprise to many it also comes just six weeks after we revealed her stock portfolio revealed a million dollars in investments after we saw companies overseen by her department. >> she was a symbol of dysfunction and a bias toward industry. she was a symbol of an ijen si in bed with pollute tors. and it's a very good thing that now she's gone. >> madriango denied our request for comment. the search for her replacement is now underway. >> vicki, thank you. still to come, the dark side of paradise. >> it's good books like this leading tourists to beautiful, yet sometimes deadly destinations. >> tonight, we're learning for the first time about another racing boat capsizing on san francisco bay. this one, five days before the artemis disaster. we're talking to the crew members, they're all fine. talking about safety and the future of america's cup. the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the america's cup race must go on, that's how some young sailors feel. a member of the artemis racing team was killed. tonight, though, we've learned that just days before that crash, an america's cup youth racing boat capsized on the bay. but, luckily, no one was injured. nbc bay area easter ri mcsweeney joins us live. >> they feel very strongly about that. that comes on the very same night that we find out that the german racing team has pulled out of the america's cup youth race. they are sighting safety concerns based on what happened to the artemis boat. they will tell you, if you want a really safe way to spend your time, sailing is not it. but, again, a lot of sports aren't it, either. >> the six crew members on board the u.s. vessel all got through uninjured. the realization that it happened. everyone went to position. everyone knew immediately what to do. >> there's risk in every sport and far less than autoor motorcycle racing. >> as a sailor, you can relate to it. on the water and kind of remembering in certain situations that you've experienced racing. >> the whole reason we're here is because we push ourselves. we want to go faster. we want to see what the next level is. that's what's gotten us here. >> the artemis racing vessel is experimental in engineering and design. the youth teams, 45 footers, like the ones used in the world series of racing on san francisco bay last fall, have been competing worldwide for years. >> i would like to see sailing evolved from where it is now. and if it doesn't stay, i don't think we would know where sailing would go after it. >> and i asked members of the american youth sailing force based here in san francisco. if they could go out on one of those 72 foot catarmarans, would they do it? they said they would do it tomorrow if they could. >> whether you're dreaming of going or you've already been, hawaii is a magical vacation spot. but there's a danger in the water that most people don't know about. specifically in kuwai where three people from the bay area have died this year alone. let's bring in alice who traveled to the island. >> one doctor we referred to referred to the drownings as the island's dirty little secret. many say visitors are being left to dangerous and sometimes deadly locations. >> it was breathtaking. really breathtaking. >> breathtaking views. enticing hawaiian waters and spectacular sunsets. traveled from the bay area to kuwai to experience its rugged beauty. that set out to cover a coastline. >> i was so close to adam when he got pulled in. >> but within a second of a crushing rogue wave, they were gone forever. >> if they dispatched a helicopter right now, it would be too late. >> several weeks later, another bay area man died after swimming on the island for a few hours. j.p. ryan witnessed yet another drowning. >> if i'm at sea level, i another em not safe. it came, i ducked and when the white out cleared, both of my friends were gone. >> since january, 11 people have drown on the island. >> a huge swell comes in that just explodes. >> the most common victim is a man in his 30s, 40s or 50s with children. and all of the sudden, the wife is a widow and the children are without a father. >> the investigative unit discovered that since 2003, 74% of those who drown here were visiting. >> it's a dirty little secret that hawaii was going to sweep under the carpet. >> each dot on this map represents one of those tragedies. >> are they happening at different locations that they weren't happening at 20 years ago? >> yes, the new locations are these rock ledges that no one knew about. >> i think there's a lot more information out there through blogs and books. >> she blames guide books and social media. it's like the secret lava pools where baker and griffiths died. >> everybody's got the opportunity to post what they want. it is free speech. we understand that. but i want to make sure that they're sending people to the right places. >> this is the area the information center won't tell tourists about. you can see a warning sign, but it's somewhat hard to see. >> you will run into a steady stream of visitors. >> the state representative tried to hold travel books liable. >> the reason i crafted that bill, it was the ultimate guide book. >> it tells you where you can access a lot of places you'd never find otherwise. >> the investigative unit talked with dodi by phone. he agreed to an interview and then abruptly cancelled, sending us this e-mail. >> warnings like beware of getting slapped by a rogue wave here. officials say those warnings don't go far enough. especially when dodi includes photos like this, a child swimming in the same cove where baker and griffiths were pulled out to sea. still, we wanted to give dodi another chance to address the issues. so we went to his home. >> my name is alice kirchner from bay area news. i came by to ask you a few questi questions about your guidebook. >> i sent you an e-mail. >> reporter: you make some great points, we'd like to have you talk with us on camera. >> he refused to talk to us. joy chu said she would like to better understand just how deadly that lava pool was. >> it shouldn't have to be able to take deaths to make changes like that. i think he's the most beautiful man i'll ever know. >> reporter: and tlfts another popular waterfall that was so deadly, andrew dodi took it out of the latest edition on his book. we'll tell you about that tomorrow night. and you'll learn what else is being done to stop the tragedies. >> alice, thank you. if you have a tip, give us a call at 888-996-tips. >> let's check in one more time with meteorologist tonight. a little bit of a change the next couple of days? >> yeah, definitely temperatures are going to be going down. a little bit of change here for tomorrow. we still have a great forecast coming for tuesday. even by the noon hour, mostly sunny skies here for a good portion of the bay area with temperatures in the 70s. let's get you outside. we're on fog watch. marine layer not nearly as strong as it was this time last night. no fog, no drizzle on the godden gate bridge. that is going to be a lot better news for commuters tomorrow morning. >> again, in that seven-day forecast, big-time changes coming your way. heading out the door, around 6:00, 7:00 in the morning, you can expect temperatures in the mid 50s. pretty tempered here for most of the bay area to start. and then, by the afternoon, those streams are going to start to set into the forecast. also, the east-bay hills, it's going to keep cool air. 79 in santa rosa. so, the zempb-day forecast, the big changes come by thursday and friday. but by saturday and sunday, oh, the heat is on. just in time for your weekend, even into monday of next week. don't forget the sunscreen is. i was at a lacrosse game and i got fried. >> just ahead, a home in the southbay in such bad condition, the owner faces more than 50 criminal charges. angelina jole makes a stunning announcement about her health. oscar-winning actress is revealing personal details about her recent potentially life-saving surgery. her decision to undergo a preventive double mastectomy in april. jole's mother died from breast cancer at the age of 56. she hopes other women can benefit from her sharing her experience so openly. that will be released tomorrow. a san jose family who has complained for more than a year about piles of garbage and squatters on the property. the owner has built an addition to the roof of the home. the charges include blight, storing or accumulateing solid waste. the elderly homeowner says she cannot afford an attorney. star command, i'm detecting high levels of happiness. luscious locks there's an entire land here...with living cars. now this is flying... with style. great glittering galaxies. disneyland resort just got happier, see it all with a 3-day park hopper ticket. i now appear to be lost in a deep dark cave... the xfinity sports desk, two wins away from the conference finals. this time last year, yeah, the team was getting ready for the draft. >> it's a great start. i'm just great that people are catching on. they're giving these guys credit. it's an incredible group of men. >> the sharks finally have a playoff opponent. it's in l.a. to face the defending champion kings. they faced off only one other team with the sharks beating the kings in 2011. >> a lot of guys in here experience a lot of playoff games. we know that no series is easy. it's back and forth. how about the as back at home. 7th of the year, as up 3-1. he should be good to go tomorrow, though. very next batter, we've got back-to-back jacks. as go onto win. 5-1, the final score. one more note, we would like to wish a happy birthday to barry zito. he turned 35 today. the giants starting a two-game series against the bluejays. more news after this. a retired san jose police officer is putting his talent as a forensic artist to a new use. >> and his work is getting worldwide recognition. he's sketched women based on their own verbal descriptions and the women were stunned to see the difference. it's a great talent. >> thanks for watching us tonight. >> bye, bye. >> announcer: it's "the tonight show with jay leno," featuring rickey minor and "the tonight show" band. tonight, jay welcomes -- miranda lambert, former "tonight show" intern ross matthews, the music of pistol annies and "headlines." and now, jay leno! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television captions by vitac ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: thank you very much! welcome, everyone! hi, folks! [ cheers and applause ] welcome to "the tonight show." i tell you, i was -- i was gonna start off tonight with an obama joke. but i don't want to get audited by the irs, so forget that. [ laughter ] we

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