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good evening. i'm diane dwyer. two high-profile families have joined the search for a missing 15-year-old girl in the south bay. sierra lamar has been missing over a we can and two families who have both experienced the pain of a kidnapping are helping with the search and left-hand side their expertise to the family. nbc bay area's kimberly terry is in morgan hill at the site of a new search center with the latest for us. >> reporter: diane, the shut-down burnett elementary school in morgan hill will reopen tuesday as the official search center for sierra lamar. her family spent time getting things ready as they refocus their energy toward more organized searches. in gilroy, a south valley community church sunday morning services dedicated to sierra lamar. the 15-year-old was last seen on march 16th in her morgan hill home before heading to school. >> it gets harder and harder but we're hanging in there. we're hopeful. we're not giving up. >> reporter: for the first time since satisfactory went missing her family went on their first organized search today. lamar's father steve was supported by marc klaas, whose daughter polly went missing and was found dead in 1993. also with them today, michael lay, the brother of nursing student michelle lay whose body was found four months after she disappeared from kaiser medical center in hayward last year. >> no one expects the situation to develop, it just does. that's why people who have been through it, you feel so much for them. you just -- you just can't. if you find anything, it tears you up. >> reporter: steve lamar says it was helpful to learn about the search process and be able to participate himself. >> my heart's racing. you know. and i have adrenaline, you know. mentally exhausted. but i just am going on adrenaline, you know. just because i want to find anything, any clue. so i can't, you know, just sit back, you know. i have to get out there and try. >> pray for sierra. >> reporter: after more tan four hours of searching lamar's family attended a candlelight vigil at crossroads christian center in morgan hill. lamar's fellow cheerleaders were handing out pink and black ribbons signifying hope and faith lamar will return safely. >> someone, somewhere knows something about her. and maybe if enough people talk about it, it's going to come out. >> if you're watching this, know that we love you and miss you so much and a lot of people are supporting you. i know you're strong. i can't wait to see you again. i love you, sierra. >> reporter: klaas kids is hoping to organize search efforts here at burnett elementary school. the first search to start off from here 8:00 a.m. tuesday morning. if you're interested in helping come to the school. if you're interested in helping in any of the searches, come to the school. tonight in san francisco, police announced they have made an arrest in the mass killing of five people. police discovered bodies friday morning and at first said the victims had been shot and it was a murder-suicide. now authorities say they were wrong. monty francis is in front of the victims' home in city college with more. >> reporter: the suspect ss a 35-year-old man from san francisco with a criminal record. he was taken into custody early this morning. tonight we're learning about the events that led to his arrest. >> the s.w.a.t. team, they broke into the door in the front. >> reporter: eric hayes describes what he saw saturday afternoon as members of the s.w.a.t. team busted into this apartment on hayes street, looking for murder suspect ben ty look. shattered glass and a boarded window seems to suggest officers had the apartment surrounded but he wasn't home. >> that's messed up. how are you going to kill a family of five people? >> reporter: police did eventually locate him, they won't say where, and arrested him on suspicion of killing a family of five in their ingleside home friday. they arrested the suspect' brother brian on an unrelated drug charge. >> we do have some information we're following up there could be some prior gang ties involved in this situation, although we don't believe at this point in time this was gang-related. >> reporter: as for motive, police did not respond to questions about earlier reports that the killings had to do with a conflict over money. the chief of police did say the suspects knew the family and it was a targeted killing. offering assurances that there's no ongoing danger to the public. >> i want to continue to reassure the public that this incident was specific to 16 house street. >> reporter: the victims have not officially been identified by the coroner but neighbors identified them as ng shao lei and family. we've also learned victims were not shot to death, as police had previously reported, but all suffered some form of blunt trauma. the big question everyone in this neighborhood wants answered is are police searching for additional suspects if so far, the chief of mess is refusing to answer that question. meanwhi meanwhile, the medical examiner is working to determine cause of death for the victims. also in san francisco, a man was hit and killed by a muni bus just before 11:00 this morning. witnesses say the man stepped out into traffic from between parked cars when he was hit and pinned under the near hayes and fillmore street. he was taken to the hospital and pronounced dead. the bus driver has been placed on nondriving status pending investigation into that accident. police are not releasing the victim's name at this time. starting tomorrow, the u.s. supreme court is scheduled to hear one of the most important cases in decades. president obama's sweeping health care law. as nbc's pete williams reports it's a major issue in the presidential campaign. and now the justices will likely decide whether it's constitutional. >> reporter: it touched off tea party protests in the streets. >> throw out this bill! >> reporter: brought conde condemnation from republicans running for president. >> i will stop obama care in its tracks. >> reporter: made a huge change in federal law, a landmark in the obama presidency signed two yes, there is ago. >> that everybody should have some basic security. when it comes to their health care. >> reporter: but 26 states and a national business group are challenging the law's central requirement, that all americans get health insurance. here's the key question. how much authority did the constitution give congress in the power, quote, to regulate commerce? the challengers say congress has no power to reg gate people who are not involved in a commercial transaction. that means, they say, that congress cannot force people to buy something in this case, health insurance. >> the one thing congress has never tried to do before is essentially to force somebody to engage in commerce. so that the congress could then regulate their commerce. >> reporter: if congress could make people buy insurance, one federal judge said, it could order people to buy and eat broccoli to become healthier. but the obama administration says the law doesn't regulate insurance, it regulateth the entire health care market which everyone is involved with, voluntarily or not. a former top obama administration lawyer says that is regulating commerce. >> frankly, everyone is in the health care market. even the person who doesn't have health insurance is in the market. they could get hit by a bus tomorrow, they could get struck by cancer today, show up in the emergency room. >> reporter: it's commerce the administration says when the cost of treating uninsured people gets transferred to those who do have insurance, racing a family's cost by an average of $1,000 a year. can the challengers bring the case now? or do they have to wait until 2014, when the insurance mandate kicks in? >> i doubt the justices are going to say they can't decide this case. there's too much at stake. billions of dollars and they realize the nation needs an answer to this question. >> again, that was nbc's pete williams reporting. coming up next, the incredible story of a lotto winner from earlier this year who just bought another winning ticket at the very same store. but she's not keeping the money this time. we'll explain why. plus, if the thought of handing over your facebook password during a job interview makes you uncomfortable, you are not alone. why two u.s. senators are calling for an investigation. and the rain has moved on for now, and tonight, we will see a chilly night around the bay area. temperatures already dipping into the 40s, some upper 30s and 40s tomorrow morning. we're tcking our next chance of rain in your seven-day forecast. bay area ! here's big news from verizon wireless and xfinity from comcast. now get the xfinity triple play and verizon wireless together. call 855-704-7400 to sign up and get a free smartphone. choose one of our hottest phones. verizon wireless and xfinity. tv, home phone, internet and wireless together. two u.s. senators are calling for a federal investigation into employers and facebook privacy. senators chuck schumer of nock and richard blumenthal of connecticut held a news conference today. they say they are troubled by a recent report in the associated press that claims some private and public agencies are asking people who are looking for jobs for their facebook passwords as part of a background check. the senators want investigations launched by the department of justice and the u.s. equal employment commission to determine if the practice is legal under federal law. >> we believe employers have no right to ask their job applicants for many things. for their house keys. for their diaries. why should they be able to ask them to do the electronic version of the same thing? >> on friday, facebook warned employers not to ask job applicants for their passwords to the site. the company threatened legal action against applications that violate its long-standing policy against sharing passwords. and coming up next, in her first television interview, the wife of the u.s. soldier accused of gunning down 17 afghans talks about her husband. we have matt lauer's exclusive interview. and have city employeesn influencing information about san jose's future retirement costs? nbc bay area's investigative unit uncovers new documents. [ male announcer ] the draw of the past is a powerful thing. but we couldn't simply repeat history. we had to create it. introducing the 2013 lexus gs, with leading-edge safety technology, like available blind spot monitor... [ tires screech ] ...night view... and heads-up display. [ engine revving ] the all-new 2013 lexus gs. there's no going back. conflict of interest. that's what some official saying about san jose's pension system after seeing internal documents uncovered by our investigative unit. tonight we examined the possible influence city officials have had on what's supposed to be independent information. the internal e-mails tell the story. >> do you feel like you've been lied to? >> oh, i do. i do. >> you feel like information has been withheld? >> oh, it's obvious from the e-mails that you've showed me. >> reporter: you're looking at e-mails between city employees. talking about san jose's future retirement costs. discussions about filtering information. >> they'reoing to be shocked when they see all this. >> reporter: he's talking about members of san jose's two retirement boards. they oversee multi billion dollar retirement plans. and make critical decisions about just how much public money goes toward funding pensions. >> item 2.2 -- >> reporter: to help make decisions, the board hires an independent actuary to analyze the city finances and project future retirement costs. the company currently doing the job is chiron. but chiron's independence is being questioned by board members. >> when we use outside consultants the entire foundation of the plan concept is built on the fact that they are independent. >> is any amount of influence acceptable? >> no. not at all. >> reporter: this is what they're concerned about. we obtained these e-mails between san jose's retirement services director, russell crosby, and that independent actuary, sigh ron. in this message sigh ron sent crosby the draft version of a report to be presented to the board. crosby wrote back requesting sigh ron alter slides. like this one. chiron apparently showed extending amortization to 25 years. crosby was against that. so the information was changed. >> there's definitely influence going on. >> reporter: mike runs any' ac e water firm in pittsburgh. we asked him to look through presentations, city e-mails and public documents, then give his professional opinion. overall, do you believe that information was withheld that could have affected decision-making by the retirement board? >> the information on slide six ldderom the s dwihe december presentation. >> reporter: this is the original slide six. prt here's what was actually it would have been better to have both the prior and the current table side by side. >> reporter: and chiron agreed. after crosby asked if both tables were needed chiron's ceo replied yes. chiron asked him to reconsider, so he did. the presentation was changed. >> i've been at this over 30 years. >> reporter: gene is the ceo of chiron. did anyone with the city ever ask you to change or delete slides from your realization? >> no. we've had little -- when you say city do you include staff? >> i do, russell crosby. >> they make suggestions. we give them draft slides. if we think their suggestions would enhance, there's give and take. there may be changes but nothing strikes me as significant here. >> reporter: we don't know what effect these changes had on action taken by the board. but members we spoke with say to make good decisions, they need to see the full picture. >> a few administrative items -- >> >> reporter: sean is the chair of the police and fire retirement board. >> to say i don't like this recommendation, i want you to change it, is not how the process is supposed to work. >> reporter: we found other information being withheld. he e-mailed a city employee asking how pay cuts would aect pension projections. that city employee, mike, sent this e-mail to russell crosby saying, savings for the 10% reduction in pay wth ban ie greater than i calculated. but that he would rather not point this out to the board's chair. >> does it make you upset to see that? >> i would want to understand the motivation behind it. maybe there's a good reason. but facts are facts. i think that's the job of staff is to provide that factual information to the board. >> you were not provided that information? >> that's correct. >> i would be very concerned if i were on that board. >> reporter: judy heads up the ethics department at santa clara university. we showed her some of the e-mails. >> i think they have good cause to be outraged. >> reporter: no doubt in your mind russell crosby overstepped his boundaries? >> absolutely, absolutely. i -- if he worked for me, i'd be look at the board, recommending termination. but he doesn't work for me, he works for the city manager, and it shows. >> reporter: russell crosby wouldn't talk to us about any of this. his boss, the city manager, said she was too busy to talk on camera. we did receive this response claiming that the city had already taken steps to eliminate the potential for conflict of interest. and if members of the retirement boards were dissatisfied with the director, they could report their concerns to her. and remember mike maylie, the ty employee who didn't want to tell the board's chair about the real numbers? december where he works now? at chiron, on san jose's retirement projections. and that c i >>toblem? >> it could be a problem, yes. >> reporter: according to chiron's contract, san jose employees are disqualified from employment. because it's a vice of city policy. >> we have revolving door restrictions for two former employees. >> reporter: maylie requested a waiver. >> all in favor, opposed? none opposed, approval. >> reporter: approved august 23rd. if you look at the dates on these e-mails it appears he began working for chiron on san jose projects before he got the okay. >> i would question whether or not bringing in someone with that much experience would in any way compromise the independence of the work they do. >> reporter: and with so many numbers crunched and data presented, board members we spoke with say any filtering of information ultimately cheats the taxpayer. should the public be outraged by this? >> they should be. they're the ones on the hook for the bill. the system is broken. >> reporter: nbc bay area news. right now we want to check in with rob high dade yeah on the weather. it was a crazy weekend. more of the same coming up? >> we'll take a pause from the crazy weather as we get the work week started. it's going to be chilly tomorrow morning. winter coat mode around the bay area. some of the temperatures dipping into the low 40s. around the north bay, 44 degrees in santa rosa. san jose, gilroy 49. 48 in san francisco. i think some of our north bay valleys by tomorrow morning will easily see some 30s. it is a little breezy too around marin county, san francisco. yes, the rain has moved on for now. other than a few freeng anksprig the coast it's going to be dry. the exception northern sonoma county might see showers along the hilltops. the main event tuesday, wind and more rain. as the sun sets, the atmosphere stabilized, as the sun set big showers popping up in the east bay hills. that's no longer the case. here is the break in between systems. you could see the clouds spilling toward the coast. during the day tomorrow, we'll see some of those high clouds moving into the bay area. this time tomorrow night, we'll probably start to see some of those showers hitting the northern fringe of sonoma county. as we go into tuesday morning, you're watching that rain drop out of the north bay. rolling through midday tuesday with showers to follow into wednesday. the second half of the week, not bad in terms of temperatures. rain totals for tuesday into wednesday, these numbers have come back a little bit from 6:00 tonight. but certainly it's the north bay. sonoma county north getting up about 1 1/2 inches of rain. .3 inches around the central bay area. it's the north bay that's going to get the brunt of this system. when we see higher rain totals in the north bay, higher know totals in the satisfactory. that's the case dean again, maybe close to a foot of snow coming in for the middle part of the week. bay area temperatures, pretty close to what we had today. low 60s around parts of the south bay and tri-valley. the coast, temperatures in the upper 50s. your three-day forecast shows you the wettest part of the work week will be during the day tuesday into early wednesday. look at the numbers. thursday and friday, the rain heads back to mendocino county. we're going to warm up. san jose friday could get close to 70. but the catch, next weekend looks like we're going to see more rain dropping out of the north bay for saturday. showers early sunday. sunday afternoon looks dry. and past that, once again tonight, long-range models going for a strong ridge of high pressure. this may be the last stretch of rain as we roll into april. showing up again for next weekend. >> just in time for our beautiful spring. now for a look at what's coming up in sports, scott reese of comcast sports net. what's going on? >> well, the flight from oakland to portland shouldn't be an issue. for the warriors it was an adventure. details forthcoming. he spent the last five seasons hearing it from giants fans. why the critics will continue to come at barry zito next. sweetheart. we need to talk. i've seen your stunts online. i can explain... jumping a ramp in a shopping cart. so 2005. wait, what? and only 3 likes? honey, it's embarrassing. carol's son got over 12 million views on that dancing squirrel video. don't you want that? i...i suppose. now go make your dad and me proud. tryomething funny. [ male announcer ] now everyone's up to speed. get high speed internet for $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one year term. at&t. scott reese in the comcast sports news room. flying isn't what it used to be. the warriors were supposed to travel to portland last night. the flight had a mechanical issue and was canceled after midnight. they went home, regrouped, started a new plane this morning. the niceties of traveling in style. when they did get there, they played basketball at the rose garden. and charles jenkins, next up in the pecking order of point guard, scored a career high 27. fourth quarter. tight game. brandon rush for three. rush from the other side. warriors up by five. however, raymond felton had the answer. under a minute to go. and the shot of the night from lamarcus aldridge, a touch on the fade-away. 18 points, nine rebounds. warriors had 20 seconds and that's what they came up with. blazers win 90-87. spring training ball in arizona. giants/white sox. those san francisco bats are struggling. philip up bear did them in today. the giants with just one hit through seven innings of play. pitching wasn't much better. barry zito serves it up to former giant a.j. pierzynski. two-run shot, 4-1 sox. next batter is alex rios. and you pretty much get the idea. zito 2 1/3 innings, 9 hits, 5 runs. and the sox win 5-2. a little cultural education now. japanese tradition calls for the ceremonial first pitch to be thrown to the opposing team's lead-off hitter. before the a's play the giants in tokyo, weeks stepped into the box before the local idols and weeks obliged with the swing and miss. didn't do that in the game. had a couple of hits, couple of rbi. a's won 5-0. kate longworth has the exclusive wrap from tokyo. >> reporter: it was finally time for the athletics to play ball after two days of traveling and workouts. with the regular season just days away, it was a great test for oakland. >> it was good. i think it's something that could have been better. but we can't complain dealing with jet lag and stuff like, that i think we did a good job and we're going to build off of that. >> it feels food to be out there. a little different environment. we've been in arizona the whole time. to come to yeah been, play exhibition games out here, definitely gets that adrenaline going a little bit more. it's nice to be out, a couple of days off, nice to be back in a competitive environment. >> after the first pitch i threw, it was kind of crazy. felt like there was a band behind me playing. obviously that's something i'm not used to. after a few pitches, kind of just became background noise and i didn't really notice it. >> reporter: with the game being played at night, several a's players visited the air force base in the morning. they gave the service people and their children a chance to talk baseball with the pros. >> pleasure to meet you. are you doing all right? >> i don't throw like this. >> who knows what kind of stance you're supposed to get to. >> this is an opportunity a lot of people don't get. and for me to be out here and just helping out in the little ways. we're out of the country, out of our comfort zone. bringing something that they want, that they want to see, that they want to be part of. that's why you play the game. >> johnny gomes said the trip gave the service people a little slice of home and the players were proud to be a part of the experience. at tokyo dome, i'm kate longworth, nbc bay area. >> the a's will actually play a couple of games that count against the mariners in tokyo wednesday. diane, one more note. the final four is set. louisville versus kentucky. ohio state against kansas. national semi finals next saturday. thanks for joining us. we do have more coverage just ahead as the search for sierra lamar expands. the missing teen's family, friends and neighbors came together for a candlelight vigil. her father speaks out as well. i want to continue to reassure the public that this incident was specific. >> a major announcement from san francisco's police chief. officers have made an arrest in the mysterious killings of five family members. the wife of the u.s. soldier accused of killing 17 innocent people in afghanistan opens up to matt lauer in an exclusive interview. welcome back. i'm diane dwyer. two high-profile families have joined the search for a missing 15-year-old girl in the south bay. sierra lamar has been missing more than a week. tonight her father speaks out about the search. nbc bay area's chem bearly terry's in morgan hill at the site of a new search center with the latest. >> reporter: the shut-down burnett elementary school will reopen tuesday as the official search center for sierra lamar. her family was here earlier setting things up as they refocus their energy for more organized searches. in gilroy at south valley community church, sunday morning services were dedicated to sierra lamar. the 15-year-old last seen on march 16th in her morgan hill home before heading to school. >> it gets harder and harder but we're hanging in there. we're hopeful. we're not giving up. >> reporter: for the first time since sierra wecht missing her family went on their first organized search. her father steve supported by marc klaas whose four polly went missing and was found dead in 1993. also michael lei, brother of nursing student michelle lei, whose body was found after she disappeared from kaiser medical center in hayward last year. >> people who have been through it, you just feel so much for them. >> reporter: he says it was helpful to learn about the search process and to be able to participate himself. >> my heart's racing. you know. and i have adrenaline, you know. mentally exhausted. but i just am going on adrenaline, you know. just because i want to find anything, any clue. so i can't, you know, just sit back, you know. i have to get out there and try. >> pray for sierra. >> reporter: after more tan four hours of searching lamar's family attended a candlelight vigil at crossroads christian center in morgan hill. lamar's fellow cheerleaders were handing out pink and black ribbons signifying hope and faith lamar will return safely. >> it makes her story known. someone, somewhere knows something about her. and maybe if enough people talk about it, it's going to come out. >> if you're watching this, know that we love you and miss you so much and a lot of people are supporting you. i know you're strong. i can't wait to see you again. i love you, sierra. >> reporter: klaas kids is helping to organize search efforts out of burnett elementary cool. the first is 8:00 a.m. tuesday morning. if you're interested come by the school. tonight in san francisco, police announced they have made an arrest in the mass killings of five people. the question tonight is, are police still looking for other suspects in the case? monty francis is in front of the victims' home near city college with more on that. >> reporter: the suspect they have in custody is a 35-year-old man in san francisco with a criminal record, taken into custody early this morning. tonight we're learning about the events that led to his arrest. >> the s.w.a.t. team, they broke into the door in the front. >> reporter: eric hayes describes what he saw saturday afternoon as members of the s.w.a.t. team busted into this apartment on hayes street, looking for murder suspect binh thai luc. shattered glass and a boarded window seems to suggest officers had the apartment surrounded but luc wasn't home. >> that's messed up. how are you going to kill a family of five people? >> reporter: police did eventually locate him, they won't say where, and arrested him on suspicion of killing a family of five in their ingleside home on howth street on friday. they also arrested the suspect's brother brian luc on an unrelated drug charge. >> we do have some information we're following up there could be some prior gang ties involved in this situation, although we don't believe at this point in time this was gang-related. >> reporter: as for motive, police did not respond to questions about earlier reports that the killings had to do with a conflict over money. the chief of police did say the suspects knew the family and it was a targeted killing. offering assurances that there's no ongoing danger to the public. >> i want to continue to reassure the public that this incident was specific to 16 howth street. >> reporter: the victims, all chinese immigrants, have not been officially identified but neighbors and friends have didn't guide them as ng shao lei and others. we've also learned victims were not shot to death, as police had previously reported, but all suffered some form of blunt trauma. the big question everyone in this neighborhood wants answered is are police searching for additional suspects? so far, the chief of police is refusing to answer that question. meanwhile, the medical examiner is working to determine cause of death for the victims. he's accused of killing 17 innocent people, including nine children, in an overnight shooting rampage in afghanistan. now there's word that army staff sergeant robert bales actually went back to his base after shooting people in one village, then went out again to a different village and continued shooting. also tonight the wife of that u.s. soldier is speaking out for the first time. carolyn bales spoke with nbc's matt lauer. >> you said to me awhile ago, when i asked what kind of cad he was, you said, he was so involved with his children. he loves children. >> he loves children. he's like a big kid himself. >> he is accused of killing nine children. >> right. >> innocent children. >> it's unbelievable to me. it's -- i have no idea what happened, but he would not -- he loves children. he would not do that. >> this is her first television interview since her husband was charged with 17 counts of murder. you can watch more of matt lauer's exclusive interview with carolyn bales tomorrow morning on nbc bay area. the "today" show begins at 7:00. coming up next, we'll show you how congregations across the bay area and the country pay tribute to an african-american teenage boy from florida who was shot and killed. and acclaimed director james cameron isn't just into films. turns out he's an oceanography buff. and this weekend he set a deep sea diving record. around the bay area we're seeing chilly temperatures in between weather systems as we await the next round of rain and breezy conditions for the work week. we'll time that for you coming up. whoever said that "less is more" is more or less mathematically challenged. less isn't more, it's less. and the only thing more than more is a lot more. which is exactly what i get at embassy suites. more space... more down time. more family time. more me time. more me time. more me time. because the more more i have, the more i have to have... more. [ female announcer ] more room. complimentary drinks. free breakfast. embassy suites. get more. church services across the country and right here in the bay area sent a strong message of support to the family of trayvon martin today. the 17-year-old teenager was shot to death last month in florida by a neighborhood watch volunteer who has yet to be arrested. people at the allen temple baptist church in oakland wore hooded sweatshirts in tribute. police say george zimmerman saw the teen walking in inn a gated community wearing a dark hoodie and thought he looked suspicious. things escalated and zimmerman shot and killed the teen. zimmerman say he acted in self-defense but credit ins say the shooting was racially motivated. >> just as in the case of oscar grant there is a misperception about young black men. and the problem is that it's okay if a black man dies. >> meantime, zimmerman's attorney defended his client's self-defense claim on nbc earlier today. he says zimmerman suffered some significant injuries during the fight with martin. >> george zimmerman suffered a broken nose, an injury gash to the back of his head, grass stains on the back of his shirt. he claims trayvon martin struck him and he went down. >> a close family friend is also speaking out saying zimmerman couldn't stop crying after the shooting and now fears for his life. right now we want to check in on the weather. a whole lot of rain this weekend, a little break, then more to come? >> looks like the middle part of the week, we'll be watching that next round coming in as early as tuesday. we'll see widespread rain coming back, this after a weekend we saw 1 to 2 inches of rain. in the meantime we have patchy clouds and a chilly night tonight. we'll see upper 30s to low 40s in many spots tomorrow morning. and monday does look to be a mainly dry day. the exception to the rule will be the far north bay. a few light rain showers as we continue to see more clouds during the day. tuesday the winds are going to pick up and rain's going to sweep out of the north bay to the rest of the bay area as we get into the tuesday afternoon commute. radar view, we did have pretty big clouds building up over the east bay hills today. dropped downpours for a brief time in the oakland hills toward the tri-valley and hills east of san jose. now for the most part the moisture is starting to scoot out toward the east of us. we have active weather through southern california into tomorrow morning. this is the break we're seeing now. during the day tomorrow, you're going to see high clouds sweeping in. that will filter out the sunshine at times. as we time the next round it should start to come in as early as this time tomorrow night for far northern sonoma county. you'll see it dropping in as we go into tuesday morning. i think midday tuesday we'll see that rain line start to sweep across the bay area. rain change is into scattered showers as we get into wednesday. look for things to warm up toward thursday and friday. rain totals for you here, tuesday getting into wednesday, it's going to be the north bay that gets the most of the this. these numbers have come back a little bit from 6:00. we saw 1 to 2 inches earlier in these models for marin county northward. perhaps the trend here will pack a bigger punch up toward sonoma county and mendocino county and weaken as it slides across the bay area wednesday. temperatures tomorrow morning, you can see how chilly it is outside. gloves and winter coat for the morning. 30s and 40s. as we get toward 1:00, warming up nicely. 60s around 5:00, still pretty nice, upper 50s to low 60. the wettest part of the work week tuesday. it's going to be wupdy. watch south winds picking up during the day. wednesday we see rain changing to scattered showers. and thursday and friday look to be the warmest. friday south bay locations south of san jose may get into the low 70s for a day. then we're going to see a little more rain come in. looks for saturday, sunday we clear out. we do think if that were a ten-day or 14-day forecast, we'd catch a break and warm up. in this seven-day forecast, warmest days of the week, thursday and friday. do your outdoor plans and yard work accordingly. >> except for that whole work thing that gets in the way. still ahead, two winning lotto tickets in two months at the same store purchased by the same person. we'll introduce you to ah y.y t. at bank of america, we're lending and investing in the people and communities who call the bay area home. from funding that helped a local entrepreneur start a business... to providing grants to a nonprofit which offers job training and placement... and supporting an organization working to help the environment. because the more we do in the bay area, the more we help make opportunity possible. the republican front runner in the race for the white house is headed for the bay area. "san francisco chronicle" is reporting mitt romney will take a detour from the campaign trail this week to do fund-raising in california. two days of private events are scheduled including one tomorrow in redwood city. romney's rival rick santorum is expected in the bay area this week as well in a fund-raiser thursday in alamo. talk about being lucky. two winning lottery tickets in two months at the same store, bought by the same person. you might remember in january, emily leach from mountain view was suffering from a pancreatic tumor and struggling to pay mounting medical bills when she won $1 million on a scratcher. she bought the ticket from tobacco and liquor in mountain view. tonight the story gets even more bizarre, or luckier. last week a man there recognized leach and asked her to buy him a lotto ticket. she did. and get this, that ticket matched five of the six numbers of friday's mega millions drawing. the store says the man had no idea he'd won $260,000 until he went to the store this morning. as for leach, since winning the lottery, she paid off her medical bills but she says she's still undergoing treatment for her tumor. coming up next, james cameron stars in his own real-life "20,000 leagues under the sea." ♪ [ male announcer ] no success is overnight. ♪ it's about working harder. ♪ and smarter. ♪ it's the culmination of a million decisions. it's where you see yourself going and how you choose to get there. the all-new 2013 gs. our boldest response ever. there's no going back. ♪ thousands gathered in oakland for the third annual oakland running festival, a full marathon, a half marathon, a 5k, a relay. nearly 9,000 took part this year. the rain never showed up making ate perfect day for a run. . >> it was really good, a lot of fun. it was my first half in two years. so i made pretty good time today. i'm very happy. ecstatic that it didn't rain. >> this is the third year for the marathon after a 25-year hiatus. city leaders brought it back to try to help battle the reputation for violence that oakland faces. "titanic" director james cameron became the third man ever to reach the deepest spot on earth and the first one ever to do it solo. cameron, who is also an oceanography buff, used a specially designed submarine called "deep sea challenger" to dive nearly seven miles to the bottom of the mariana trench, an area 200 miles southwest of the island of guam. it took more than two hours to descend. he spent about six hours exploring and filming the trench which for comparison is 120 times larger than the grand canyon. no one has reached the bottom of the ocean floor since 1960and those two divers only stayed 20 minutes because their submarine kicked up too much sand to see. now we'll have to wait and see that video. >> i'm sure he had hd cameras. >> do you think so? >> thanks for choosing nbc bay area news. have a good week, good night. [ teen ] times are good, aren't they, kids? it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver only from at&t. get u-verse tv for $25 a month with free hd for six months. at&t. i'm suzanne shaw. legislation has been introduced to kill all plans for high-speed rail. nbc bay area thinks it's premature to pull the plug. the new high-speed rail leadership has just forged new partnerships with regional rail lines. cal train, for example, would get a share of bullet train funds to upgrade and electrafy their existing rails. this would serve all of us in the bay area much sooner than the original plans. in 20 years, california's population is expected to reach almost 50 million. we have to improve our transportation network to support a 21st century economy. we agree with governor brown, given the choice between building more freeways and me

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