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And tonight our Reporter Talks to his former roommate. Rescued. The american trapped in the cave in turkey freed just moments ago. Well show you the moment his stretcher is pulled up the fda approving new covid Booster Shots as cases are rising when will they be available . More Major Medical news does a key ingredient in popular Cold Medicine actually work and remembering the 9 11 attacks the Health Battles so many firefighters are still waging, 22 years later. Announcer this is nbc nightly news with lester holt good evening im tom llamas, in for lester tonight we begin with the allout race against time playing out in morocco. The window for finding survivors is quickly closing after that devastating earthquake killed more than 2,800. But there are some signs of hope. This was a rescue earlier today. Survivors pulled from the rubble three days after the earthquake hit. And look at this new aerial showing just how extensive the destruction is and just how challenging the task is for rescuers and tonight were also getting new video of the moment the 6. 8 magnitude quake hit. Here it is you can see people fleeing in fear, running into the streets as debris falls all around them. We begin tonight there in morocco with matt bradley. Reporter tonight high in the Atlas Mountains glimmers of hope survivors brought out on stretchers somehow making it out alive after the most powerful quake to hit morocco in over a century. This man clutching his two daughters. His other two children were killed. These were the horrifying moments when this massive 6. 8 magnitude quake struck friday night, sending customers pouring out of a restaurant, buildings crashing down this man managing to escape just before the roof caved in. Here in the middle of a performance a wedding band feels this rattling and rushes out we traveled to one of the hardesthit areas in the countryside you can smell the death here between 90 and 100 people were killed in this village alone, and theyre no longer looking for survivors. She says this is her bedroom right here [ speaking in a nonenglish language ] four members of hanans family were killed in the earthquake she says everybody was taken out. Right now theyre looking for things theyre looking for their Identity Cards and other things they need in mountain villages like this one the Construction Materials are rudimentary. As you can see, faced with a magnitude earthquake like this they didnt stand a chance in some cases the remaining homes are so fragile that Aid Helicopters caused further damage tonight moroccos government is facing criticism over the pace of the response many struggling to reach Remote Areas Batua lost Seven Members of her family and her home but she still has an abundance of kindness. She insisted on making us tea but her son abdul kareem fears for the future he tells us without more help from the government this whole village may simply disappear. He says that all theyre asking for is that the government rebuilds their homes and gives them food. Thats it. Theyre not asking for much matt joins us tonight from morocco matt, timing is critical, as you know. And the moroccan government is only accepting aid from four countries what about the u. S. . Reporter well, tom, the u. S. Says theyve offered to assist but so far that offer hasnt been publicly accepted. Meanwhile, people here tell us theyre waiting on the government to provide basics like housing. Tom . And we hope that aid reaches them okay matt bradley leading us off tonight back here at home we turn now to hurricane lee. It has restrengthened to a major category 3 hurricane. Nbc meteorologist bill karins joins us now. And bill, we have a bit of Breaking News here bostons now in the cone yeah, weve expanded this northwards now including areas of nova scotia getting into the main coastline and boston and the cape and the islands are now included in the cone now, the storm will be much weaker then than it is now. And it will look a lot different. Almost like a powerful noreaster with a large wind field but we will miss bermuda, and then it looks like it will make its way on friday night into saturday towards the gulf of maine. All of our Computer Models are up here now, none of them are going directly into new england. But the storm itself is going to be expanding in size. So even if the center of the storm is 200 miles to the east, we could still see winds over 50 to 60, maybe even 70 Miles Per Hour on areas of cape cod and with leaves on the trees thats a big difference in what wed deal with in the winter time. We could have significant power outages, even without a direct hit and wed better hope this thing doesnt trend closer to the u. S. Coast in the next couple days. Thats true and well stay tracking it all week bill, we thank you for that now to that manhunt for an escaped killer in Pennsylvania Police acknowledging today they no longer have a defined search area after he slipped through their perimeter and changed his appearance george solis is there on the ground for us reporter authorities tonight revealing the manhunt for Danelo Cavalcante contained to one park just days ago is now wide open. Unfortunately, we dont have a Containment Area right now. So thats another you know, another concern and another challenge. Reporter over the weekend the elusive cavalcante somehow escaped that park, sneaking past 400 members of Law Enforcement, stealing this van, abandoning it and vanishing once again. Authorities now say cavalcantes sister has been detained by Immigration Officials but would not say if shes helped her brother. She has failed to cooperate, and so there was no value in Law Enforcement keeping her here at this point Reporter Police are warning against anyone assisting him we will prosecute you fully for those actions. Reporter franco rosa used to live with cavalcante what was he like as a roommate super quiet guy very shy wouldnt talk much he wouldnt start a Conversation Reporter they were roommates until cavalcante moved out the day before he murdered his exgirlfriend in 2021. Has he made any attempt to reach out to you no. Nothing at all and i hope he wont do it and if he does ill call the police right away reporter but he has reached out to others this is cavalcante on a doorbell Camera On Saturday Night trying to contact a former coworker. His image drastically changed from when he escaped prison now cleanshaven authorities now say the search is entering the, quote, long game but they believe cavalcante is only growing more desperate. The more resources, the more tools we bring to bear, we will ultimately capture him. He doesnt have what he needs to last long term and george, at this point do Police Believe the fugitive is even still in pennsylvania reporter yeah, they do, tom in fact, they still believe hes right here in chester county, even with no confirmed sightings of him since this weekend. Tom . Okay. George solis for us. We want to head back overseas now to the Breaking News out of turkey that just came in. Just a short time ago rescue crews successfully brought back to the surface an American Scientist whos been trapped in a cave more than a week molly hunter has more. Reporter tonight, the extraordinary moment rescuers have been waiting for as American Scientist mark dickey is hoisted to the surface it is amazing to be above ground again reporter in the last video of dickey underground inside turkeys deep morca cave hes wrapped tightly to a stretcher, cocooned so he doesnt slip as rescuers bring him through the final feet of a mammoth 3,400foot journey to the top. In the last few hours the Stretcher Rocking and heaving but making steady progress on the pulley system. The 40yearold new jersey native, an experienced caver, suffered from severe Gastrointestinal Bleeding about ten days ago the news reached the surface saturday september 2nd. And the first medical team to reach him said he was in serious lifethreatening condition. Remarkably, they performed a blood transfusion. As you can see im up, im alert, im talking. But im not healed on the inside yet so im going to need a little a lot of help to get out of here reporter when he stabilized, the complicated rescue Mission Began on saturday and tonight the nearly 200strong Team Delivering him to safety tom, just incredible scenes in the taurus mountains. Mark dickey is out hes safe. The plan is for him to be assessed on site, then airlifted by helicopter to a State Hospital in nearby mersin, turkey tom . Okay. Great they got him out. Molly, thank you and another major story were following. The fda today approving updated covid Booster Shots to protect against new variants Miguel Almaguer with more on when they may be available and who should get them. Reporter tonights fda authorization is a major step towards new Booster Shots after the cdc meets tuesday vaccines from moderna and pfizer could go into arms by the end of the week. Drugmakers say boosters should increase protective antibodies against the latest strains including ba286 the cdc says the mutation shows the ability to infect the protected and even those whove already had covid. But it doesnt appear to be more severe. What this booster will do is protect us against severe disease. Hospitalization. And the data so far indicate that the booster is well matched to those strains. Reporter though National Covid cases are no longer tracked, some states are reporting a rise, though not a worrisome wave, in new Infections Hospitalizations are up nearly 16 , even though 97 of adults have some level of protective immunity. I was extremely exhausted, and just like bad congestion. Reporter College Senior lu maestri just caught the virus as she returned to school just like many adults have at work and at large venues last week a lot of my classes were empty because a lot of kids were reporting that they were sick reporter while the federal government will no longer pay for Booster Shots, most americans will be covered by private insurance or medicare. Local clinics are also expected to offer the roughly 120 shot for free while many new infections are mild, tonight there is concern a winter wave could be near if americans dont take precautions or get protection and miguel, you reported there cases slowly rising in some pockets of the country. So who should be getting a booster . Reporter well, tom, tomorrow the cdcs going to outline who should get a booster, but many experts believe all adults will be encouraged to get a shot, especially if they havent been vaccinated in some time tom . Okay. Miguel almaguer for us miguel, thank you for that today it was a day of memorials and ceremonies across the country, marking 22 years since the 9 11 attacks. Rehema ellis reports tonight from ground zero reporter once again a solemn day of remembrance. Bells tolling at 8 46 and 9 03, the moment when terrorists attacked the World Trade Center 22 years ago. Alvin peter capelman jr. Reporter then the emotional reading of nearly 3,000 names of those who died that day. And my poppy, Gerard Patrick sprang, firefighter from Rescue Company 3 i miss you and love you. I wish you got to take me fishing we love you, poppy reporter in attendance Vice President Kamala Harris but President Biden under criticism from conservative outlets for being the first president not to be at the white house or a Memorial Site on the anniversary. Instead he was visiting troops in alaska i join you on this solemn day to renew our sacred vow never forget never forget reporter and the tragedy is still present in so many families lives to this day as theyre struggling with lingering Health Effects from the attack 341 members of the Fire Department have died from 9 11related illnesses. Almost as many as those who died 22 years ago. He was great. Reporter jim brosis Father Joseph was one of them. He died from lung cancer this year lieutenant joseph brosi. Engine 88. Reporter and his name was added to a Memorial Wall at fdny headquarters i walk through those hallways looking at names of people i worked with, people i knew and the one thing you never want to see is one of your own Family Reporter pain for lost Family Members both fresh and lingering. I just hope youre proud of who ive grown up to be thank you for loving us, dad, and thank you for being my dad reporter Tonight A Nation Honoring a promise to never forget rehema ellis, nbc news, new york we thank rehema for that and we will never forget in just 60 seconds, two major Sports Stories were following tonight. The nba star arrested for assault, and the coach of a College Football Team Suspended over allegations of Sexual Harassment stay with us we are back now with Breaking News out of the sports world. Nba star kevin porter jr. Has been taken into police custody, and he will be charged with assault and strangulation. That according to two senior Law Enforcement officials. The Houston Rockets guard allegedly attacked his girlfriend in a New York Hotel also developing tonight, Michigan State suspended its Head Football Coach as part of an Ongoing Investigation after he was accused of sexually harassing a rape survivor. Maggie vespa has the details. Reporter tonight one of the highestpaid coaches in College Football sidelined amid an off the field scandal. I have suspended mel tucker without pay. Reporter calling it an interim measure, Michigan State university Sunday Suspending head coach mel tucker over an allegation he sexually harassed victims advocate brenda tracy. Her claim dates back to april of last year after she spoke to the team about preventing Sexual Violence. According to a usa today investigation citing her title 9 complaint, she claimed she was later on the phone with the coach when he made sexual comments about her and masturbated. In a Statement Tucker said tracys allegations of harassment are completely false, characterizing the phone call as a mutual private event between two adults living at opposite ends of the country. Nbc news has not independently reviewed the complaint. So this mornings news might sound like the msu of old it was not reporter Michigan State leaders said new developments prompted them to suspend tucker less than two years into his 95 million contract. We are focused on Prevention Work with men. Reporter tracy lectures collegiate athletes nationwide on preventing Sexual Violence after her own brutal assault in oregon in the 90s, allegedly by multiple College Football players. About her encounter with coach tucker telling usa today, the idea that someone could know me and say they understand my trauma but then reinflict that trauma on me is so disgusting to me. Students here on campus are frustrated by this news it comes just five years after that half a billiondollar settlement with victims of gymnastics doctor larry nassar. Msu leaders say a formal hearing on this matter is set for next month. Tom . Okay, maggie, thank you. Were back in a moment with new questions about Cold Medicine does it even work . 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Doesnt work as a decongestant when taken orally in a pill or liquid. Dr. Purvi parikh is a new york city allergist. Do you recommend oral p. E. . No, actually. Especially because recent studies have shown that its not very effective at all. Reporter this week an Fda Advisory Committee will have its say, evaluating evidence including from the agencys scientists that say while safe orally administered p. E. Is not effective as a Nasal Decongestant it didnt clear betsy yatess head it just wasnt working and i was miserable. Reporter if the fda pulls the generally recommended safe and effective designation from oral p. E. , youre going to have to turn to your pharmacist for medicines available without a prescription but that are kept behind the counter that medicine contains pseudoephedrine. Thats what betsy used you can tell the difference between the sudafed that you get from behind the counter versus whats just available on the shelf. Reporter the otc Manufacturers Group says oral p. E. Should stay, arguing taking the drug away could cause people to delay or forgo treatment dr. Parikh says there are Better Options they should switch to those 24hour oral antihistamines, those nasal steroids or nasal antihistamine sprays all right, anne joins us now on set. So anne, the 24hour antihistamines and the nasal sprays, you reported there theyre Better Options but as far as the oral p. E. Are there side effects . There are, tom. Headaches, nervousness, sleeplessness are all side effects but the question before the fda is not whether its safe but whether this drug actually works and we could get word tomorrow okay. Big news all right, anne, we appreciate all your reporting. Up next, the secret message tennis superstar coco gauffs dad had written on his shirt. All part of the story shes been writing her whole life well explain right after this break finally, shes queen of the court and still a teenager tennis champion coco gauff. Tonight, how shes been dreaming and preparing for this moment her whole life. Imagine at 19 winning it all Coco Gauff Taking home the u. S. Open womens title. Im just thankful for this moment. Like i dont have any words for it, to be honest reporter imagine being humble enough to praise your heroes, even when its your moment coco, the youngest american to win the u. S. Open since Serena Williams in 1999 serenas serena shes the g. O. A. T. I mean, im not i would hope to do half of what she does, but im not going to compare myself to her. Shes someone i looked up to. Reporter imagine thinking about playing center court since you were a child thats 8yearold coco dancing in the stands of arthur ashe stadium. Imagine finally making it there then losing. After facing reigning champ naomi osaka. Imagine being 15 and confronting defeat while the world watched. Then imagine training harder, playing better, and making it to the u. S. Open finals for cocos family, there from the very start of this journey, her dads shirt said it all imagine. She was gifted as a child. She always strived to do her best. Reporter for The Little Girl who we watched grow up on the court she had imagined this moment her whole life now needing a moment to realize she was no longer dreaming. I think just imagine, just imagine that your dreams can come true and youve just got to keep working for it reporter for coco her family and her fans just imagine whats next. And coco, we are rooting you on thats nightly news for this monday. Thank you so much for watching im tom llamas in new york for all of us here at nbc news, have a great night. Right now on nbc bay area news tonight, a huge sinkhole impacting several blocks in san francisco. It was like a heavy, heavy, like, sound of yosemite park, you know, the waterfall, and it was just endless, endless. How did it get so bad, and whats it going to take to fix it . Plus you

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