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Juli Julian Assange. Are you hoping these leaks elect donald trump president . Joining for me insight and analysis, david brooks, columnist for the New York Times and doris goodwin, trump advisor alex gas tcastellanos a Hallie Jackson. Welcome to sunday, its meet the press. From nbc news in washington, this is meet the press with chuck todd. Good sunday morning. One of those critical junk tours in a president ial race where a campaign can freeze for about a month during the olympics, the end of summer and labor daybreak. We heard two remarkably different versions of america offered by two candidates at their conventions. Donald trump sees a troubled nation that needs to be rescued. Our convention occurs at a moment of crisis for our nation. The attacks on our police and the terrorism of our cities threaten our very way of life. Any politician who does not grasp this danger is not fit to lead our country. Hillary Clintons America was to use a word perhaps more reganeske. A country where our children can dream and the dreams are within reach where families are strong, communities are safe and where love trump hates. The story out of the convention and that emotional moment when the father of a fallen army captain rebuked trump. Have you even read the United States constitution . [ cheers ] i will gladly lend you my copy. Trump yesterday seemed to question why the mother didnt speak. The story is making headlines today and appears to be another distraction that the Trump Campaign did not need. In a moment ill have my interview with the father of the fallen u. S. Captain, khizr khan. Mr. Manafort, welcome back to meet the press. Thank you, chuck. I want to play a comment mr. Khan said to me this morning responding to the most recent statements that the campaign has put out. Here it is. We have a candidate without modern compass, without entity for its citizens. The way he showed disrespect towards the gold star mother of this country, that says it all. Your wife . My wife. The brave mother of my son. Mr. Manafort, can you explain why mr. Trump went so hard after mr. Khan . Look, this is, again, the clinton narrative. Mr. Trump of course feels sorry for what the khan family has gone through just frankly as he felt sorry for the victims that spoke before the Republican Convention whose loved ones from illegal immigrant criminals coming in and being able to travel the country freely. Thats not the issue. The issue here is not the khan family, not the mendonsa family or shaw family. The issue mr. Trump is talking about and i expect the media should be talking about is protecting the American Home land from National Security risk and terrorists. Thats the point here. And mr. Trump said very clearly for months now that a policy thats been ignored, which is that he believes that we need to have a temporary suspension from stock refugees from coming in from countries that are terrorist activities are ramped or in a war. Thats the issue. Not the khan family loss, which we all regret and not the loss of other American Families. The issue is how to protect the homeland and the second part of the issue is because of these losses and that cause was the policies that were put together in january of 2009 by president clinton and secretary obama that caused isis to rise. Isis didnt exist before 2009. They exist today. They are causing the problems that were facing. These are two issues, protect the homeland and stopping the war and going after isis in a way that ends terrorism. The losses of the khan family and the other americans who have lost thats a tragedy and the only way well stop it is to focus on the real issues and thats what mr. Trump is doing and what secretary clinton did on her speech thursday was totally ignoring that. She sees an american that is mourni morning in america and if its midnight in america, its the policies of president obama and clinton all right. I got to ask you, though, it does seem as if the temperament question is coming into play. In the last three days, hes gone after a gold star parent personally and youve had to backtrack there and you yourself just did it. He called a former nato general john alan a failed general and referred to Michael Bloomberg as a little man. I got to ask you why all these insults . Does that not raise a temperament issue . I assume you would not be advising him to go about responding in this way. Well, chuck, thats i repeat the talking points of the Clinton Campaign. This is not a temperament issue. The Clinton Campaign needs to make it temperament for one reason. 70 of the American People dont believe a thing she says so putting up policies shes going to do have no credibility. Her talking about the obama administration, deserves an a. Lets talk to American Families that sit around the dinner table at night trying to figure how to pay bills. Productivity is failing. The day after her convention, you know, the deputy of commerce put out the latest Second Quarter growth, 1. 2 . The country is not working. Its not about temperament. Thats the issue clinton tries to get you the media to recover in hopes of ignoring the real issues. Mr. Manafort, we can only cover the campaign in front of us and what the candidate says and my question is you brought up the gdp. I guess thats the question is what is mr. Trump focused on and if he gets distracted like this, why shouldnt this be an issue that concerns voters of him in the oval office if he gets d distracted by personal criticism. Look at the dnc hack. I mean, the issue there you focused on was that she that the election was rigged against sanders and sanders delegates be upset. That was isnt the issue. The issues the lack of moral conviction on the part of the Clinton Campaign that worked with the dnc to rig the system. Did you talk about the moral clarity of that decision . No. When mr. Trump talked about isnt it ironic Foreign Countries and enemies of ours might have 33,000 emails the fbi doesnt have, did you focus on that fact, the risk of National Security . No. The issues are in front of you, youre just taking the clinton narrative to focus on the American People. Does it not matter if a Foreign Government wants to take part in the election. Do you condemn that . Of course we condemn that. Thats not the issue. Mr. Trump is making the point isnt it ironic 33,000 emails that our fbi cant have that may go to National Security issues are sitting probably in the vaults of Foreign Countries, friends and enemies alike. Thats the issue. So its there in front of you. Its just the clinton narrative is putting out their talking points because they know anything she says wont have any credibility and they are getting you to cover it from their standpoint instead of the standpoint of the American People. There was another comment he made about debates. Do you plan will you clarify this. Do you plan on participating in any debates that conflict with the nfl . Look, were going to sit down with the commission and talk to them. Again, the dnc hack showed you that the Clinton Campaign was working to schedule debates against sanders, which have the least possible viewing audience. Mr. Trump is saying look, we want the maximum viewing audience. Im not sure what the dates are going to be ultimately. Mr. Trump made it very clear as recently as friday he wants the debates. He wants then to have the largest audience and well work with the commission to identify the dates. Were not going to fall ploy to the Hillary Clinton ploy that she did against Bernie Sanders of trying to have the lowest viewing audience. We want the biggest. And before i let you go, theres been some controversy about something in the Republican Party platform that essentially changed the Republican Partys views when it comes to ukraine. How much influence did you have on changing that language, sir . I had none. I didnt hear of it until after our convention was over. Where did it come from because everybody on the Platform Committee said it came from the Trump Campaign, if not you, who . It absolutely did not come from the Trump Campaign. I dont know who everybody is so nobody from the Trump Campaign wanted that change in the platform . No one, zero. Okay. Mr. Manafort, ill leave it there. Appreciate you coming on. Thank you, chuck. Earlier this morning i did speak with khizr khan. Here is a bit of that interview. Mr. Khan, welcome to meet the press. Good morning. Thank you. Look, your speech was one of the most memorable and emotional moments of the convention. Did you expect to have your speech have such an impact . Not at all. I was surprised myself. I spoke from heart. Those were my thoughts, and edited by my wonderful wife, i would read it to her while getting ready, while traveling on the train and she would edit and say no, youre not going to say this. No, this is not for the occasion. What was she telling you not to say . Were the things she didnt want you youre going to put me in trouble with her because im going to say my first words were these are my thoughts and these are my words and then pause because i was hinting by that to some pleasures that took place to steward shship of this count needs to be in the hands of the person who has model compass, who can relate, who has some empathy with the citizens he wishes to lead. This candidate is wide of vote so she ask me to not say that so i deleted that. I dont manufacture these incidents. The way he showed disrespect towards the gold star mother of this country, that says it all. Your wife . My wife. The brave mother of my son. Hero of this country. We dont take these values lightly. We are testament to the goodness of this country. We experience the goodness of this country every day. It affirms our belief that we made the right choice. But then to see when we got back home our 40 year old granddaughter said to her grandmother, why were you so upset . Why were you so sad . A 4yearold person can feel that sad ness but the candidate for the president of the United States cannot empathize with those he wishes to lead. He responded to your questions what sacrifices have you made so poignantly and mr. Trump said the following, i think i made a lot of sacrifices. I worked very, very hard and created thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs. I think they are sacrifices. I think when i employ thousands and thousands of people and take care of so many people, even in military i was responsible along for a grown up of people for getting tvietnam memorial build in manhattan which to this day people thank me for. Im helping the vets a lot. I think himy popularity with ve is through the roof. Does that constitute the sacrifices . I appreciate his statement calling my son a hero, and making this clarification and statement. I appreciate that. But it sounds so disingenuine because of his policies, because of his rhetoric of hatred of division of dividing us and that is why i told him to read the constitution because that document wasnt just showing him the constitution, i was pointing towards the values in the constitution and the foundation of this wonderful country and this nation. I was in my another conversation i asked and i appealed to the leadership of Republican Party that they should disappoint soesuate themselv themselves. You made an association to mitch mcconnell. I remain and have tremendous respect for both of them. Republican and democrats are as patriotic as anyone else. This is a political process. Its a wonderful, beautiful political process but in that there are model ethical values of this country that need to be m maintained and managed. Second, i havent seen any it seems like my appeals are falling on deaf ears. I inplor those americans that would probably vote for donald trump in november, i appeal to them not to vote for hatred, not to vote for fear mongering, vote for unity, vote for the goodness of this country, vote for liberty and freedom. So my appeal now is to the folks that are going to be thinking to vote for trump. You said to me off camera that a lot of republicans have reached out to you in the last couple days. Tell me about those conversations. I had such both of us, mrs. Khan and i have had such a pouring of love and affection and support from all ranks of this society. Several emails, these are distinguished republican, they say it all of their lives we have voted republican. Not in this election. They said you have touched our hearts. We had these words and these parts and feelings in our hearts but we want you to me that we will not vote republican in this election. As any elected republican leader reached out to you . Id rather not to disclose the names. That is a personal trust and fate they have placed by writing to me, by speaking with me, but there are almost onethird of the emails and the documents and the calls and the messages that we continue to receive, flowers we continue to receive at home, people are coming in, strangers on the street this morning i was coming to you and i stepped out the door of the hotel, and two persons came and gave me hug. I dont know them. And they said, you have done something that our heart always had, you have given words to it. Mr. Khan, thanks for coming in and sharing your story. Thank you. Appreciate it. This cant be easy to have to relive this . Thank you. Joining me now is the Campaign Manager for Hillary Clinton, mr. Mook, welcome to meet the press, sir. Thanks. I want to start with the news involving your campaign and apparently some version of a hack into your system and the d in, nc as the hillary Clinton Campaign computer has been hacked. Chuck, as weve explained in the press, the campaign itself based on everything weve been told by the experts that are monitoring this for us constantly, the campaign itself has not been breached. The system you were mentioning is run by the dnc and entities are utilizing. What concern should the dnc and Clinton Campaign cant protect data . Well, chuck, first of all, as i said, there is absolutely no evidence the campaign has been breached. I know the dnc is taking necessary steps to protect their data and our campaign will continue to do the same. What is very disturbing about this entire situation is first that there is a foreign power aggressively breaking into dare to systems trying to apparently influence the part of the campaign but we saw the other day that donald trump made comments actually encouraging more of this behavior, more espionage in the race. So i think every voter needs to take note of this and i find it very frightening that any president ial campaign for any reason is encouraging this kind of behavior. Thats not becoming of someone whose trying to become our commander in chief and president of the United States. You heard mr. Manafort, number one, the campaign has since said hes been sarcastic. Do you take him at his word on that and manafort says the issue is the 33,000 emails. How do you respond . First of all, chuck, trump said this was a joke after it came under pressure. Im not quite sure how credible that is. Look, hes running to be president of the United States, the person in charge of all of our armed forces, the person in charge of our entire National Security apparatus. Espionage is never a laughing matter and in fact, this is not a political issue. I dont want to get this confused with the back and forth about Economic Issues or anything else. This is a matter of National Security now and i find it very frightening that donald trump is encouraging any foreign power to breach a campaign and try to influence the outcome of the election. Let me ask you about the 33,000 emails are the emails that were deleted that obviously secretary clinton says were deleted and thought to have no relevance in the state department. If there is a way to release them, would the Clinton Campaign encourage the public release of the emails . Chuck, look, this is settled and over ow. Secretary clinton went in and testified for 11 hours in front of a congressional committee. They asked her a lot of questions about this and came up with nothing. The fbi has concluded their look at this issue and so were moving on. When hillary has been out there on her economic tour talking with voters, they are asking her how to afford college and get a better job. If you can release them, do you want them released . Its just not a relevant discussion anymore. This matter is concluded. Many officials have taken a long look at this and were just moving forward. All right. Youre not taking a position on whether you want to see these emails released . Its just not a relevant question anymore because this matter has been concluded and youre asking about hypothetical emails that may or may not be there. Were just going to stay focused as a campaign, the things voters are asking. I want to talk about the influence of Bernie Sanders and i want to play for you excerpts from Bernie Sanders, essentially his first big speech after announcing for president and opposed against the acceptance speech on thursday night. Here it is and i want to get your reaction on the other side. 99 of new income goes to the top 1 . When more than 90 of the gains have gone to the top 1 , thats where the money is and we are going to follow the money. The wealthiest individuals and the largest corporations that they are going to begin to start paying their fair share of taxes. Wall street, corporations and the super rich are going to start paying their fair share of taxes. Make tuition in public colleges and universities free. Make College Tuition free for the middle class and debt free for all. Is it fair to say bern Sanders Campaign had a big chunk of influence on your acceptance speech . I think the College Affordability plan that she mentioned in there, that was something that she and senator sanders worked together on after the primary had concluded and were really proud of the plan and something part of the platform. There were a number of issues they worked together on the platform, but i actually wish we could have played some of secretary clintons speeches. Shes been talking about how the deck is stacked against middle class for sometime, that the wealthiest americans are not paying their fair share and we need to start giving working people a fair shot again. In fact, thats what shes talking about, thats what she was talking about yesterday. Thats what shes going to be talking about today on this economic tour shes doing in pennsylvania and ohio with senator kaine. How they will create more good paying jobs and get wages rising again. Got to leave it there joining us from the Clinton Campaign headquarters in brooklyn. Thanks for getting up early. Appreciate it. Thanks so much. When we come back, well g overall of this with the panel. The conventions would be enough. Think about everything thats already happened post convention and later, is russia trying to manipulate the president ial election but hacking Democratic Party computers . Ill at the beginning of the 21st century, the earth needed to find a new way to keep up with the data from over 30 billion connected devices. Just 30 billion . So, a bold group of researchers and computer scientists in Silicon Valley had a breakthrough they called. The machine. The machine. It changed the basic architecture of computing. Putting a massive pool of memory at the center of everything. And by doing so. It changed the world. Its been a part of every new technology for the last 250 years. Everything . Everything this year, Hewlett Packard enterprise will preview the machine. And the future of technology will begin. See star trek beyond. Now in theatres. Safety doesnt come in a box. Its not a banner that goes on a wall. Its not something you do now and then. Or when its convenient. Its using stateoftheart simulators to better prepare for any situation. Its giving offshore teams onshore support. And its empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesnt seem right. At bp, safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Our panel is here, alex, Hallie Jackson covers much of the republican side of the race and politzer prize winner doris and david brooks. Well, where to begin . David brooks, i just want to get your reaction. Lets start with the khizr khan. Ive been on this program a lot and felt disturbed by what donald trump said but i havent felt as nauseated when he said that about mrs. Khan. I felt and a lot of people will feel, i think it stems from lack of empathy, lack of respect, lack of basic decency and i wonder what the moral pig me is doing and when i see Paul Manafort on the program issuing regret, it didnt strike me as an emotion but just a word. Alex . I got to get you to respond to this. Sure, im not sure im worthy talking about the sacrifices families made for their country. God blessed them and they deserve our respect and sorrow and appreciation. I think there is an issue that is worth talking about here, and that is when you look at Angela Merkel in germany, shes about to get thrown out of office because of unfiltered immigration from a part of the world identity and security is compromised and donald trump has a legitimate point to make we should do something about that and thats the argument in this election. The status quo more of whats going on now, you know, basically letting that happen unfiltered or do something about it. I think there perhaps are clearer ways to make that point. Alex, i listen to the words coming out of your mouth especially in the beginning expressing sympathy for the family and there are many people, including republicans, wondering why didnt donald trump say that initially and immediately . I talked to a trump loyalest that said to me i think in two weeks people arent going to remember khizr khans name. I think people will disagree with that. A judge brought up multiple times this feels impactful to republicans as that moment did to donald trump. I think there are moments remany up cr republicans but a state department under Hillary Clinton that ignored requests for security in benghazi and debated what uniforms people should wear while people were left alone to suffer and eventually die. You know, so i think there are arguments here, to see Hillary Clinton portrayed as the candidate of moral clarity and honesty here i notice mr. Khan didnt go that far as to embrace her no, alex, i think this is a moment that will be remembered. Its almost a moment like using your word decency, have you no decency . Somehow you have a powerful story told by a man and the candidate somehow looks at the wife and say why didnt you say anything . I had a son in combat the same time as this young soldier was killed. I dont know what i would do if he was lost and im standing there behind the picture. How you can assume that kind of temper mental quality will understand other peoples points of view. I think he stood as a symbol of pride from Muslim Americans and predicted a bridge too far when he said john mccain wasnt a hero. I thought that was it. I think everything is topsyturvey. Trump talked about temperament. I think i have the best temperament. Certainly one of the best temperaments at anyone thats ever run for the office of president ever because i have a winning temperament, i know how to win because my whole life ive been winning. David, you wanted to respond. One final point. This wasnt just a comment about mr. Khan but a Campaign Based on bigotry. His campaign took off after San Bernardino and banning muslims. I know what temperament means. The guy cant obtain his attention span. His mind goes bing, bing, bing, bing to one thing after another and its just a dangerous prospect in a president to have somebody who just cant control whats going to come out of his mouth in the next 30 seconds. Donald trump has not cost any americ american soldier his life. Hillary clinton to request for security in june 2011 said please withdraw these requests because they make us look bad. That actually had concrete results and by the way, if islam were only a religion, then i think there is no single american in this country that would say we should discriminate but islam as the king of jordan said is at war with itself. There is no separation of church and state within islam. How do we treat something new like this . Do we let our openness be used to undermine our openness and tolerance against tolerance. These are issues we should debate and should not be discriminatory. Well have more time i promise in this show but i need to sneak in a break. I ask Julian Assange you do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Spending the day with my niece. That make me smile. I dont use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. 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What appears to be russias attempt to expose Democratic Party emails and sabotage the campaign does seem entirely new and claimed one victim, Debbie Wasserman schultz and wikileaks promises there is more to come. Julian assange currently facing extradition to sweden. Let me start with the wikileaks core mission in the service that you have wanted it to perform to speak truth to power, are you concerned if Foreign Government uses your entity that you have now seen wikileaks get weaponized . Well, James Clapper on friday, the head of u. S. Intelligence said theres been a lot of hyper ventilation in the press and it was impossible even to ascribe motive at this stage let alone who it is is the exact quote. We dont know enough to ascribe motivate regardless. The hyper ventilation comes from James Clapper. Thats where were starting with u. S. Intelligence. I think its extremely interesting, however, that the Clinton Campaign in order to divert attention from proof that we published that the Sanders Campaign was within the entity, not simply comments within the dnc but chain of command issuing orders to push around without attribution fake stories showing that sanders supporters were violent amongst others, that is pushed for the public and response, what does the Clinton Campaign do . They try to take attention away from a very serious domestic allegation about an election and try and bring in foreign policy. Well, the easiest way, mr. As assange to the head of the dni, the Clinton Campaign is pulling politics to create an international conflict. Let me ask you this this is unusual have to come out i understand. But the easteiest way to clear up, that a Foreign Government did not hand you this material . The issue at hand here is the idea that a Foreign Government is using you as a go between, is using wikileaks, this is not about accountability on public figures. This is one Foreign Government going after another Foreign Government using you as the intermediary. That seems to be a different deal than for instance a whistle blower handing material over to expose government authoritarian or Something Like that. What i can say categorically is we have published proof that the Election Campaign of Bernie Sanders were corrupt and others within the dnc. We can say that categorically with proof. To anything else, we can speculate. Its an interesting question but as a source protection organization, many sources across the world of many different types rely on to protect their identities and rights to communicate the truth to the public. And thats what were talking about here communicating i totally understand that. When a Foreign Government gets involved, there is a difference there. You said yourself thats an interesting question. Why not be fully transparent and say here is the material. Where it comes from doesnt change the facts in the material but it is helpful to know that if a Foreign Government is involved, isnt that crucial information to civilians . I think that is an interesting question. The difficulty that wikileaks has, of course, we cant, you know, go around speculating on who our sources are. That would be irresponsible. You cant speculate. You know the answer. Mr. Assange, you said you cant go around speculating. Do you not know the answer . We dont give any material away as to who our sources are. Its a security matter, we have a perfect track record let me ask you this, do you accept Accurate Information all right and on the other hand, of never revealing our sources all right. Let me ask you this, do you without revealing your source on this, do you accept information in leaked documents from foreign sources is this. What we publish is guaranteed to be true. Thats what were concerned about and readers are concerned about and the right of the general public. Isnt the right of the public to know the motive to also know the motive very serious information which is producing great journalism. The real question is what is the leg legitimacy now and accountability of what occurred where we have clear proof of sabotage. Our sources within the dnc say that they believe more had been going but what about the election . Whats the regress for the people that effectively one can argue had had a candidate as a result of corrupt practices within the dnc. Does that not trouble you at all if a Foreign Government is trying to meddle in the affairs of another Foreign Government . Its an interesting speculating question for the press that doesnt bother you . That is not part of wikileaks well, its a story. If youre asking would we accept information from u. S. Intel jens to be completely accurate and would we publish that . T the answer is yes, of course we would. Ill leave it there. Appreciate your time and you coming on meet the press this morning. You got it. Well post the full unedited interview as we do for all of our interviews on our website, meet the pre meet the press n brks krrkb cdo how donald trump can lose how donald trump can lose three huge states and stil you can fly across welcome town in minutes16, or across the globe in under an hour. Whole communities are living on mars and solar satellites provide earth with unlimited clean power. In less than a century, boeing took the world from seaplanes to space planes, across the universe and beyond. And if you thought that was amazing, you just wait. Terry bradshaw . What a surprise you know what else is a surprise . Shingles. And how it can hit you out of nowhere. I know. I had it. Cmon lets sit down and talk about it. And did you know that one in three people will get shingles . all no. Thats why im reminding people if you had chickenpox then the shingles virus is already inside you. all oooh. Whos had chickenpox . Scoot over. And look that nasty rash can pop up anywhere and the pain can be even worse than it looks. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist. About a vaccine that can help prevent shingles. Real is touching a ray. Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. Theres only one place where real and amazing live. Book a seaworld vacation package and eat free. Welcome back. I want to look at the election and why the industrial midwest is so crucial. We have Hillary Clinton and 256 electoral votes combining states solid. Donald trump leading in states that add up to 191 electoral votes and gray area and lets give her leading in four other swing states so for the sake of argument, give them to her, colorado, virginia, plus florida. Puts her at 293 electoral. Not necessarily. If trump does have a rust belt strategy that works and he scores in the industrial midwest, watch what happens. Pennsylvania, ohio, michigan and wisconsin. Throw in iowa, New Hampshire and nevada also with some blue collar voters in it and it would get trump to 257. One more than he needs. He does it without winning florida. Look, its a narrow inside straight and this assumes trump doesnt lose any other red states like georgia, arizona or utah but the point is, it can be done. Done. That means we have a safety doesnt come in a box. Its not a banner that goes on a wall. Its not something you do now and then. Or when its convenient. Its using stateoftheart simulators to better prepare for any situation. Its giving offshore teams onshore support. And its empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesnt seem right. At bp, safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. At bp, safety is never being satisfied. You doyoull see whatet but in youre really made of. After five hours of spinning and one unfortunate ride on the gravitron, your grandkids spot a 6 foot banana that you need to win. In that moment, youll be happy you partnered with a humana care manager and got your health back on track. Because that banana isnt coming home with you until that bell sings. Great things are ahead of you when your health is ready for them. At humana, we can help you with a personalized plan for your health for years to come. The earth needed to find a new waytury, to keep up with the data from over 30 billion connected devices. Just 30 billion . A bold group of researchers and computer scientists in Silicon Valley, had a breakthrough they called. The machine. It changed computing forever. And its been part of every new technology for the last 250 years. Everything . Everything this year, Hewlett Packard enterprise will preview the machine and accelerate the future. See star trek beyond. Back now with our panel, i want to discuss the state but we tape 9 00 a. M. Eastern. So at 9 32 a. M. Eastern time donald trump tweeted the follow hei ing about mr. Khan. I was vissously attacked by mr. Khan at the democratic convention. Am i not alloweded to respond . When he says i have a winning temperament because i won my whole life, he doesnt understand. Our greatest leaders learn from failure and lose. Abraham lincoln was nearly suicidal and persevered and came back. Trump would probably call him weak. Fdr lost his ability to walk and came back. You learn from making mistakes. You manage negative emotions as you said and learn somehow to listen. You have empathy for people. That is a quality that make up temperament. I think this race is about temperament. I absolutely do. Alex, i got to get you in on this. Well, i think this is an election a choice between temperament and character. Is it a new testament election where things are going swimmingly and we turn the other cheek or is this an old te testament election where we could lose it all and eye for an eye. So i think yes, there are a lot of questions about temperament but character and strength are important here, too. Were in washington. Were the protected class. Were going to survive this election without disturbance no matter what, right . Thats not true for the rest of america. This is a choice for a lot of families. I think we ought to have a little more temperament can be a little aggressive sometimes, sure, but you need strength to hold the country together and get aside of the ditch here. What strikes me about the tweet, am i not allowed to respond. Not that youre not allowed to respond but you dont have to respond to all of it and sometimes it feels as though donald trump is taking the democrats or Hillary Clinton or putting things out there and hes taking the bait they are clearly baiting him. I will say wait a minute. They are clearly baiting. Weve learned, there is no reverse gear on his car. Hes about going forward. They clearly bait him and he does take the bait. Were not in new testament or Old Testament or an inferno you both are frightening me [ laughter ] the testament, decency, he needs for him to have any chance of winning and they showed a map, i think the maps matter less this year. I think youre right. Were not playing by the normal rules of politics. By normal rules hes crushed. The violence in the world may create a vortex with no rules applying and his chance of winning, which he does have obviously is if there is unleashing of attackers drum beat of dream beat and says you cant afford gentleness and Hillary Clinton did not preempt that. Its funny, that is when i thought about this khan thing and responses and manafort, it is macro, micro, right . In the individual, this seems totally nuts the way he responds to these things, but he sticks to this argument of insecurity. It resonates with people when you go out on the campaign trail at these rallies where hes doubling down on all of the comments that hes made. People are responding to it and i think that is sometimes difficult to see when youre back in washington or in new york is when you get out in places like davenport or Colorado Springs where we were. People were going nuts for him still and granted, these are supporters and people that make up his base but different feeling. It feels different when youre out there. Thats what we miss in washington sometimes is the urgency of the moment. It doesnt seem urgent for us for the political close but for a lot of america, they see a country facing decline and they think this may be our last chance to do something about it. Doris, it does if there was one thing the donald trump speech felt darker andme hillar clintons speech felt more optimistic. It felt like they exaggerated points. What is it . And what does the public think . Somewhere in the middle of the two points is where the country is. The country still feels i bet most people do that were the greatest country in the world. I agree with that in which hillary said but lots of problems and the problems with the middle class struggling have been going on for decades and decades and the globalization and they dont have a descent job and i dont think either party answered those problems for awhile. That group is out there ready to be angry and listened to and its going to be the democratic challenge to somehow really talk to them, not just in policy but in emotional terms. Thats what bernie did talk to them more emotionally. Trump connected emotionally and democrats. Can i say there are two countries here with one feeling extreme pain, theres opiate addiction and if i do this, i get that and that basic sense of responsibility is severed. I was struck how both conventions featured 20 or 30 grieving parents, both of them. That is not something i remember from past conventions but thats the sense of loss, crystallized that a lot of people feel. Let me sneak in one last break. 45 seconds well talk end game and sneak the battle ground. The best way to power down at night . No, not wine, but that does work too. One little switch. Plug electronic equipment into a power strip. Turn it off every night. Youll save money and time for wine. The more you know. Back with end game. Were running out of time. This map here, we have alex running a super pac thats only running ads in three states. I have to say by conventional means makes no sense. This makes no sense and we are headed into august what feels like donald trump is about to experience the john kerry 2004, august, which is basically no advertising versus an incumbent party unleashing the world. We hope to repair that and remain competitive. Hillary clintons pact is supposed to spend 250 million but yes, were in ohio, pennsylvania and florida. Thats it. Those are the only three. I think those are the states that count. If donald trump is competitive in those states, he has a shot competitive. Competitive. You have to win all three in your mind. I think he has to win all three and also, because tim kaine is going to take virginia, i think, makes that very difficult. You got bring i think it will be very tough now. I think that brings North Carolina into play. So your final four that you care about thats what you want to keep an eye on. Ohio, pennsylvania, florida, North Carolina. Im not sure the on slot of advertising in august will make that difference moving the needle. Conventions are earlier. Olympics coming up. I dont know the American Public is tuning in and paying attention. We need more [ laughter ] it is, goes to your point, david, doesnt feel like a conventional campaign. It doesnt feel like lets target the state by state. It feels like a nationalized campaign. Its about nationalized move. Frankly, if youre trying to win pennsylvania, these are long shots like steph curry shots. Not so much. Pennsylvania is like ohio. Trump rearranged the map. This is an angry working class guy election and one of the questions is is the angry white guy, is that a stronger component of this election than the hopeful endorse the maps are always the same until they are not. Right. Meaning an election we swear to got this is the map until we have an election that up ends it. When you look at huge number of states reliably democrat and republican, we are polarized because people are living next to people that believe the same thing and geographically one part of the country is one. Thats not good for a country that needs a collective sense of experience. And may be why we dont understand the experience the other is having. Absolutely. Perfect way to end the show. Sorry we dont have an extra 30, 40, 50 minutes because we could have used it. Thats it for today. Well be back next week because if its sunday, meet the press. Take a live look outside. San jose Communications Good sunday morning to you. It is 7 00 and were giving you a live look outside at the sun shining through the haze in san jose from communications hill. Looks like were still suffering some of the effects from the fire. The air quality is not doing so well out there, but the sun continues to shine. We really appreciate you joining us. I want to mention we are in our newsroom this morning, but we will not be for much longer, just a temporary thing. Yes. Were looking at poor to moderate air quality. Heres a shot in san francisco. You can see the marathon runners are off. It is foggy o

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