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Throughout the country and across the globe. Joining us is ang ga leek hauser. Welcome back to the show. Thank you, robert, its wonderful to be here. A lot of people have heard of holy but may not know exactly what it is. Give us a brief overview of it. It is the festival of colors and it has multiple significant angss from the mythological to seasonal to social and we celebrate coming of the suspect of spring, welcoming spring into our lives and we move the months we celebrate usually march and april. And then we also celebrate friends and family. And whats really wonderful about holy, 2 doesnt matter who you are, you celebrate it with color, music and food. Very intwieng holiday. Yes. And lets take a look at some of those things and well discuss it afterwards. Thats a very enthusiastic celebration, uh . Yes. Is it that way throughout the time or is it somewhat solemn at times . It say festival celebrating just one day and the day is very festival and baliwood kind of pictures it more festive and shows the colors. And a lost people wear white and thats so when you get color ton you can show the color. And it makes it very lively by the music and almost become a worldwide event where people even call it, you know, color run. This is where i think the color runs come from is from the festival of holy where you put color on just to significance happiness and going away of the evil and coming of good. We want to talk a little bit about it but first of all how did cooper teen know get involved in this . This is the first itime youre going to put this on . Yes. We have done this for the 15th year later this year, but holy is going to be the first time in coupa teen know by the chamber of commerce. And the reason being that as youve seen the diverse sitdty of our population in the bay area is changing and a number of people know what holy is, it is i great way to welcome spring. And a lot of people think they know what it is, but i was talking to some friends saying it was coming up and they said well thats like hollywood but more colorful. Its not a bad definition. Baliwood is just parts of our life but holy is signified in bolly wood in different ways and its always been part of a movie and song an dance and its a great way to celebrate. Its a Huge Industry too, isnt it. Yes. Its second largest after hollywood. And what i thought and noticed that it seems to bring a lot of young people into the culture and its something that isnt, like, traditional so much as something they can relate to. Yes. And what it does is it enables our Indian Origin americans who are able to relate to it in some way or another and then participate. Youll see that later on in the show where we have our kids who have choreographed the whole thing themselves and are going to perform for us. Im looking forward to that. Give me an idea on a personal level for, you what do you get out of holy . What is it that you try to achieve on a personal level . The change of and is its like getting out of the gloomy months of winter and getting into spring and celebrating with music food and dance. Little nervous about putting it on for the first time . Yes r i am. And im hoping we can zrau a huge crowd. Its a free convenient and we want everyone to come out and enjoy the food and color and great muse zblik its something we should emphasize its not just for the indian community. No. Other people can enjoy it maybe as much or more. It say way to understand culture and share culture with everyone. And we want everybody to come out. And i think lots of people do know bolly wood and we have stonz of bollywood music playing throughout the fest. The couper teen know holy festival of colors will be on saturday april 8th from 10 00 a. M. To 2 00 p. M. And its all free to go to nbcbayarea. Com for more details. Next up the food of holy aptd drifrpgz as approximately. Stay with us for that. Impoanwhecelratgho. well what is a festival without food and drinks, and its especially important when celebrating holi. We have volunteers with the cupertino holi fest valve colors. Lets talk about the food first in terms of what do we have, hows it prepared and whats the significance in terms of the holi festival . Its one of the an shent festival of india and celebrated mostly in the northeast and northwest. And since its so globally not Everybody Knows anything about north or south. So the south people are celebrating with the whole enthusiasm. And its. What do we have here then . One of the main food that we offer is the gu teeya. Its one of the famous food which looks like a scal zone. Yes. It is made of flour and stuffed with milk fat and dried fruits. Its a sweet. Its sweet and glazed with sugar and its deep fried. Kind of a pastry. Kind of a pastry but not as people want to bring the fat down so theyre baking it. Health concerns everywhere. Health concerns everywhere. Okay. And then we have one of the most common drink which we have it during holi, its made of almond, fen nel, and cash shoes. That almost sounds like a health drink. Its a health drink just like almond mill. Okay. But sometime we mix some imagine poegs too. Should i try it now . Yes, lets all try and cheerstor holi. Cheers to holi. Very good. Its sweet. Yeah. Its tangy too at the same time. Yes. And i feel healthier already. Yes, do you. And. What do we have here over here . This is also famous in the northeast side of india and this is kind of pancake. Its also sweet deep fried pancake. Yeah. So it has all these ingredients were fen nel seed, coke coconut where are flour, sugar, milk its like a pancake. Is this something that people eat all the time or do they generally only during fest cal time. Generally fest cal time. Why is that. Because its special for that like a turkey thanksgiving kind of thing, this is for that. Okay. How does it fit into the sort of cultural characteristics of the festival . Why this type of food and high this type of drink . Holi is the end of the winter and beginning of spring, so most of the food that we cook during holi is for the Spring Season is easily de geist able. And thats why we have all these drinks because they are more soothing to the body. And in her house they have holi almost the whole day and evening is elaborate dinner. So it starts in the morning with red holi colors. And all day we play with that we have prank on each other and do all this stuff. And in the evening we have proper meal. Does it take a long time to cook these or are they actually fairly quick to prepare . Pancakes actually has to be asked on very slow heat and you have to be really patient, too. You cannot just put it and take it out. It takes at least knife to ten minutes. Okay. On like two. And same as for this year. How do you prepare this . Its made out of flour and we roll the flour and then stuff it with milk fat and dry it. That takes time. Dried fruits. And then make it into that shape and then deep fry again the slope heat and then put it in the glazed sugar syrup. Is this going to be like Concession Stands and things at the festival or do people bring it themselves . They make at home. They make it had the whoever comes to celebrate the festival we just offer them and people eat it. Okay. And zriand drink. And its like we invite people to come and have a little taste. Usually we offer one sweet and like one its salty, a snack. Yeah. Everybody who comes in the daytime. In the enk its a proper full other things zblands the preparation of it is sort of passed on from generation to generation . Definitely. My mom used to get up at 4 00 because lots of guests came. So holi is going on and frg is prepared. Everythings got to be done traditionally, no microwaves. Nor are no, this is all proper, indian long time. I make it for one day here, i dont traditionally. Well thank you for bringing the fat evening version here. Well drink a little bit more of this during the break, okay. Anyway, thank you very much for being here. Food and drink at the holi festival and now coming up bollywood dancing here in our studio so dont miss it. Ofolloodanc he wi ougro of te. Welcome back. We are ready to celebrate holi with the dem strafgs dance. Here with our group of talented performance from lin Brooke High School and they are. Zack. Ana. Con. And ushah. Very good. Tell me something, why do you get involved . Why do young people get involved. So for any at least my parents introduced me to holi at a very young age and it turned out to be one of my favorite events of all time. It has a great impact on the Indian Culture and theres a lot of people who do celebrations and events all around the bay jury. We have good. What are we going to see. A mixture of different dance styles, hip hop, break dance, all these different styles performed to one and well be forming at the holi festival on april 8th. Very good. We are going to see contrary mixed in with these dancers here from lin brook. Enjoy. That was great. Thank you very much. All right. Bollywood dancers from lin brook high school. Our regular viewers now we usually have artistic performances at the end of our show but this time we change today up a little bit because our focus is going to be on the colors of the celebration and they can be extensive. Youll see for yourself when we come back. It will be worth it. Nobody likes a dog with bad breath. 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Bollywood, the Indian Industry has been incorporate operating the folk holi music to the bollywood music als and that has made holi music very popular and famous. And every year when the holi celebration comes in they play a lot of bollywood classics and it increases the playfulness with the color. Well hear a little bit of that music so people wont think theyre fooling around. Tell us whoa what theyre doing is and why is part of the holi festival. Applying color to each other is a part of socializing and, you know, pretty much playfulness that comes with the festivities. Tell us a little bit about this and how you got involved. This takes me back to i was their age. Had this is the boofl part of holi because no matter what age youre at, if the person next to you is your family or friend or even enemy you will apply color on to them because its the celebration of being young and wild and liking each other and having fun. Theyre not misbehaving their celebrating. Theyre bringing out the child this them and the colors are very vibrant so you can see that. Theres orange, pink, a lot of green. So, yeah. The colors as well as the music, it keeps the young people part of the tradition, part of that culture. Absolutely. It brings out the playfulness of it and people love dancing in Indian Culture so its a party. And when do people kind of start becoming a part of it . When theyre very young or when theyre a little bit older sbl you know, i think for parents, as soon as the kids can go out and play properly with colors, its fine. A lot of the times, you know, we not only play with colors we play with water guns and water balloons too. So if youre too, too young could you get hurt way water balloon. So think an age where you could walk properly outside and be by yourself would be a good age. I was very interested when i was watching the dancing and the music its very much contemporary as well as traditional. Yes. Theres a minimum of folk indian drums with modern dance music and it brings out a whole other level of energy. That with the young people who are getting involved with the festival or is the celebration itself kind has it evolved that way to kind of incorporate whats gosz on now with what happened before zbls its evolved that way. Its becoming way popular around the worl. Theres holi festivals around the world so music is very essential to it. Were going let you join in here on the celebration and again to find out more about our guests an whats happening with holi, go to our website nbcbayarea. Com and of course we are on social media. Facebook as well as twitter, and were going to let them go out celebrating holi. Thank you for watching and catch us again next week here on Asian Pacific america. Ficmera. ur estswi se usff th d. Were going to be living with obama scacare for the foreseeable future. I have no information on the tweets. Well all move forward together. For the elite eight. Good morning, welcome to sunday today. Im willie geist. Breaking news overnight, a mass shooting at a cincinnati nightclub. At least one person dead, more than a dozen are injured. Well go live to the scene to get all the details in just a moment. Plus, another saturday tweet from President Trump thats raising eyebrows, steering toward a tv take down of paul ryan that called forim

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