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Independence and equality when it declared in 1965 that women have a right to privacy and birth control and in 1973 when it made abortion legal and these different choices came to fruition with the election and reelection of Barack Obama the 1st African-American president whose activist government produced a Tea Party movement and revolt that accelerated the polarization of the country and made after repeated so race an immigration mad her as never before the Tea Party and battled to stop history and stop government at each juncture the Democrats were deeply divided sometimes more than the Republicans this was true on matters of civil rights immigration and abortion. After these defining social issues were settled into law or by the u.s. Supreme Court national Democratic leaders embraced to defend the social changes in new freedoms that aligned the party with a modernize in America and its values after more than 5 decades of such choices the Democratic Party is associated with equal rights equality gender equality tolerance openness to diversity and more the Republicans like Traill bases in the south and later in the Appalachian valley and rural states across the country so each juncture they escalated their battle against these national changes the party's national leaders ignored their own deep divisions and worked inventively to show they were champions of white people during the battle over civil rights and affirmative action its leaders scorn the sexual revolution and championed to this day a constitutional amendment to make abortion illegal they were opposed to women breaking free of the patriarchal family and Winnie quality they mobilized against illegal immigration in the states and nationally fueled by Patrick Buchanan is 3 campaigns for president. Newt Gingrich led a revolution in the early 1990 s. That put the g.o.p. Into a total war footing against the Democratic Party determined to expand the liberal welfare state and marginalized conservatism but those forces defeated him. The Tea Party led the G.O.P.'s life and death battle against President Obama as Affordable Care Act fueled by Tea Party protests that elevated white racial resentment and hostility to immigrants defeating and diligent eyes in the President Obama was the last chance to stop the new America from winning. Obama's 2008 election the Wall Street bailout in the Syrian battle to pass Obamacare produced the Tea Party revolt and the Tea Party wave election in 2010 the most consequential election of our lifetime he gave the Tea Party fueled Republican Party effective control of the u.s. House and Senate 2 thirds of the governorships and more than 60 percent of the state legislative chambers which rush to radically redraw the legislative and congressional maps to ensure big g.o.p. Majorities for a decade the Tea Party led g.o.p. Pushed the country into fiscal austerity and to deconstruct government to stop Democrats from using government for positive ends or paying off its growing coalition with new entitlements the g.o.p. . This is the. Program Welcome back to Martin here with you and the line with us is our old friend Victoria Jones Washington analyst for the d.c. Radio company she is an American citizen and a reporter here in the United States although she was born in Great Britain as you will hear if you haven't heard her before she's kind of the program for all long time and does great work our Twitter handle is Victoria Jones d.c. And Victoria welcome back to the program. Thanks very much Tom it is always great to hear your voice so you sound a little somber I'm guessing that has something to do the election outcome yesterday. Well I want to think surprised me Jeremy called. Candidate in the history of habit and his campaign was a stretch you know if you will and if you run a campaign like that again a good campaign with a very simple slogan and it was it was surprising to me to do all that Jeremy campaign that you're in the cool but campaign absolutely to think and he really felt good enough to get it in the sense that he thought and good came through and it makes it oh he ignored the wishes of 17400000. Leave those people who leave the European Union many of whom. Voted for the Labor Party the left wing party of which he is but now for a very short time actually had the you know what King class people working people who supported what King Kluft policies but I don't do it yet and they feel that he has been as they should and I'm not having a position has really betrayed that I think that there's a there's a parallel here to the United States you know the Democratic Party had been opposed to when Ronald Reagan proposed NAFTA when George w. Bush Herbert Walker Bush wrote you know negotiated NAFTA and laid the whole thing out and most Democrats were opposed to these free trade deals that were being you know good for corporations and bad for American workers is so much so that in the election of 1992 Bill Clinton versus George Bush Eros protocol one in 5 votes in the United States. And I think that people quickly if I'm wrong but I think the sense of many people in the u.k. Is that joining the European Union so that people who are coming from very low wage countries or from Romania you know are Poland where wages are half of what they are in the u.k. Are those folks coming to the u.k. And being willing to work for less than Brits are willing to work for the same job has depressed the labor market and they're just like enough already and you know it's sort of like the way a lot of people in the United States feel about. You know so-called free trade your thoughts. That what a lot of the feel and I think that what you think in some of these working class areas where we are right it's already quite depressed. And whenever it's high unemployment. In the and other areas but we should be clear that it's not that high that. It may be good not go up that much what happened quite a lot. Because. But we could do all of the risks that. Were And so that. And this is this is sort of what happened here or you know with Hillary Clinton versus Donald Trump is that I think it was 5 or 7000000 fewer votes than Barack Obama got and you know some of the Obama voters just stayed home I mean some of them voted for Donald Trump but many of them most of them did not. Actually And probably the better analogy instead of free trade would be immigration you know and here in the United States and and in fact I was talking with Louise about this yesterday I think that there's probably And these are just wild off the top I had numbers but I'm guessing that probably about 70 percent of Americans who are opposed to. Expanding immigration into the United States I mean it was wildly spent thanks there's a reasonable you know pretty. Everybody considers a couple 100000 people a year maybe even a 1000000 people a year reasonable but you know just throwing the doors open. That that idea is probably about 70 percent of people who are opposed to that are opposed to it because they see it as depressing the labor market 30 percent of the people who are opposed to it are just opposed to it because they're just naked racists and and I think the Democrats have really hurt themselves by portraying everyone who is upset about immigration as being a racist and I think the same thing is happening in the u.k. With regard to people who are opposed to blacks or is it not. Oh I think it is a problem because you know if we of course not everybody is. A tiny minority of a. Very we'll employment issues in the u.k. I think that what your mother used to come from had a very. He has a very quick. Get. Bricks exhausted really couldn't. That's not you know you got you know what I'm suggesting you are but you go into. A kind of joke about Rex. Oh really. I wonder if there are bars in the United States where as you may not spit talk of Donald Trump. You know more fired a little bit. And Theresa May totally screw or not I didn't say. Yeah well so so so this is so now I have some of the headlines I'm reading particularly over the guardian you know the for the law for his for the progressive newspaper in the u.k. Suggests. Mr Johnson Boris Johnson is going to reinvent British politics in a way that is going to be far more sweeping than anybody is currently imagining your thoughts on that and what that might mean. Well that's because of I once again because. That's what he wants. John nobody knows what the court is going to show up next week in Parliament quite honestly because there are a number of different Oregon is it going to be a Lord Mayor of London it would quite moderate it going to be an extreme it forward Jonathan in his speech he's going to night and. Let that he think that again nobody knows what he means nobody knows what he's talking about is he taking advice from Steve BELIN. Well he's taking advice from a gentleman who. Who is sort of down on steroids a very brilliant man in his forty's. But who in 10 Downing Street who ran that campaign that he intends to get right next Friday but then he had to deal with European Union it just. Didn't Yeah. Right and he has to be very concerned if Britain does a successful blacks and it doesn't wipe out your economy and it does bring back manufacturing and it does raise wages and you know I think there's every reason to believe that all those things will happen. The other wealthy countries of Europe France and Germany in particular are going to start to say and maybe maybe we should go to where you think there are real concerns about that and I think if you look at what point you got the actual genuine that day in Europe they have really that actually could see the u.k. Leave they like. They don't want to say good yeah yeah it's remarkable So any final thoughts here Victoria where the I guess you said you're not sure where this is going to go I will have to have you back on in a week or 2 and give us a recap of you know which Boris Johnson turned out turned up. Well. One Furious one that's not so what it is what. They want a 2nd referendum on it and because they they want to go back and join the m.p. And union Yeah that's major and the 2nd one bar if you want to. Go into Number 10 you know what is going to happen to let me that can't there is a catch Tell me about this well not everybody can if you are numb but can you come out and he belonged to Number 10 Downing Street really what I mean yet he's not he's out the property of a former prime minister he's just always been living there. He belongs to number 10 so everybody's going to have to be have it all right bring to it well we have 3 cats and 2 dogs and they get along in fact one of our cats to send you a welcome back. To here and Seattle watch us on free speech t.v. Amoral what's on your mind that doing great. Unless you're what's on your mind there and think you got some great stuff going on there I listen to your Fridays with Bernie for sometime really interested in that. Post here and I'm going to do it a topic here I think it has to do with where you were even discussed how Bernie does not expose the takeover of private sector in the private sector sphere of operations instead much like down there in Portland where you're playing the commission that is to oppose any private building owners who are. Just in the Saudi area just on their property for speaking of being out on the curate about that I have not heard of. But. You know a candidate who's a little bit different from senators of course Legion which might be democratic socialism but look 1st one to propose in the France which you. Can see under 2 are people who are having trouble paying their rent. Between the months of March November and March early for his part. Is. Subscribed actually to. Distort to do so use your. Energy in an industry and it is then used to agree to do you know I don't know if you know that I support that because half say this is this is the question of where's the common it's the you know. You can only have one power line coming into your house and so these are natural monopolies just like you know they have one water line coming in your house to one sewer line leaving your house and that's why those things never should have been privatized the person half of all the power in the United States right now is generated by power companies that are owned by cities counties or states and or in the case of the t.v. a You know it's a standalone nonprofit but it was started by the federal government under Franklin Roosevelt and the other half of the power in the United States is produced by for profit private for profit companies and the record between the 2 is dramatic the private for profit companies have more outages poor service higher rates you know it's just more fires we have more fires more to crop it so so just like I don't think that there should be private water companies I don't think that there should be private power companies but you know that's a long that's a huge step from doing like the Soviet Union did where. There's only one company in there in the entire country that only made cars that recalled a lot of those and and they were terrible 2 stroke engines and that company was the government there was. Only one company that made televisions that was owned by the government basically literally every company was under the government I don't want the government making my blue jeans or my car or my or my stereo or my my computer and neither does Bernie Sanders So I you know I know he goes he does the stressed out language and it is sort of a green new deal that he's calling for completely sustainable energy sector which would be in the instance you see you're the current That's the nationalization of your sector Yeah you're right you're right. But I but I don't see that as because because it is a natural monopoly I think it's a completely different thing from seizing companies that actually compete with each other you can't have competing power nobody's you know I can't seem to forget about a caller who invoked white Eisenhower's speech before the American Society of Newspaper Editors this was believe April 16th 1953 but I could be wrong. That is simply my recollection but I now hear it here is the speech shall I hear is one minute and 4 seconds of the speech. This may even be. They are just in. Their area everything going to mean every war to. a united states but I gave the speech but just 2 years before that or maybe 5 years before that he was the supreme allied commander he led the invasion Norman he led he let all of the all of the forces of all the allies against Hitler in World War 2 and won that war he continues. It is. He still talking about the cost of one heavy bomber to our fire you can read 3000000000 pound bombs particularly. It is. My only. Income people in my. Minor league with half a 1000000 who look we. We may be getting would enjoy or we need more power more and then even down. In autumn we might. Be pounding getting more in humanity and hanging bottom up that's why they call the course of our inspiration manatee hanging from a cross or wore a bra. And he was a Republican he was the last legitimately elected Republican president this is the guy that was my dad's hero and history to me and when I was a kid he was my hero too I mean you know I grew up in my dad's house. And we go Kathy and independence Oregon Hey Kathy what's up. Thanks for having me on I was reading that of mind an executive order regarding Medicare and in my opinion after a rigid you know initially it says how do you know how he's going to improve Medicare and make it better and all that but my take on it is that completely private Graham Whoa. That was my cake What did I miss Why did this happen. 19 October 3rd of this year. And it doesn't take effect until after the election Well that's interesting I will have to do some homework on that Kathy thank you thank you for the heads up I'll get back with you. Thanks Frank your call well I don't know if you disagree about Frank what's up. Yeah I got a question for you know you got to stop in the next Democratic president. Like you do and. While he doesn't break the law or violate the Constitution I don't think you'll have a problem. I don't think any of them to. Kill Americans would go. To the heavy duty he killed want to America and that America was fighting for the enemy which is sort of later which is just a crime profitable but I doubt if I was not a fan of. Barack Obama and his use of drones are going to give you that but I don't think that was even close to an impeachable offense that that if that's how you're conducting a war that's a whole lot of how do you care for it. When I keep teaching the next Democratic president as I said you know if the next Democratic president commits the kinds of crimes that Donald Trump has committed I'll be at the for I'll be at the front of the line to impeach him Frank you know understand. It's not hearsay I'm listening to Trump's own words well actually reading them a while well you know I've I heard him stand you know he said to Russia hey you know interfere in our election please if you can find Hillary's e-mails and that This is the. Book that in the book club is Michael Lewis's new book The risk and this is from the law. Which is titled. Lost in transition Chris Christie noticed a piece in The New York Times that's how it all started a New Jersey governor had dropped out of the presidential race in February 26th seen and thrown what support he had behind Donald Trump in late April he saw the article it described meetings between representatives of the remaining candidates still in the race Trump John Casey Cruz Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders and the Obama White House anybody who's still had any kind of shot at becoming president of the United States apparently needed to start preparing to run the federal government the guy Trump sent to the meeting was in Christie's estimations comically under qualified Christie called Trump's campaign manager Corey Lewandowsky to ask why this critical job hadn't been handed to someone who actually knew something about government Lewandowsky said we don't have anyone Christie volunteered himself for the job of the Donald Trump presidential transition team it's the next best thing to being president he told friends you get to plan the presidency he went to see Trump about it Trump didn't want said he didn't want a presidential transition team why did anyone need to plan anything before he actually became president it's legally required said Christie Trump asked where the money was going to come from to pay for the transition team Christie explained that Trump could either pay it forward himself or take it out of campaign funds jumped in want to pay for himself and he didn't want to take it out of campaign funds either but he agreed grudgingly that Christie could go ahead and raise a separate fund to pay for his transition team but not too much she said and so Christie set out to prepare for the unlikely event that Donald Trump would one day be elected press. In the United States not everyone in Trump's campaign was happy to see him on the job in June Christie received a no from Trump advisor Paul manna for the kid is paranoid about your man aforesaid The kid was jeered Christian or son in law back in 2005 when he was u.s. Attorney for the District of New Jersey Christie had prosecuted and jailed questioners father Charles for tax fraud Christie's investigation revealed in the bargain that Charles Christian had hired a prostitute it's his own brother in law whom he suspected of cooperating with Christie had videotaped the sexual encounter and sent the tape to his sister the question is apparently just seriously and Christie sense that Jared still harbored one against him on the other hand Trump from Christie considered almost a friend couldn't care less he invited Christie that is and a lot of his wedding and he pressed him to attend to his daughter of vodka and George Bush here's what he would be awkward said Christie I'm paying for the why do you know no given as. Christie view Jared as one of those people who thinks that because he's rich he must also be smart Still he had a certain cunning about him and Christie soon found himself reporting everything he did to prepare for a Trump administration to an executive committee the committee consisted of Jared. Donald Trump Jr Eric Trump Paul man a 4th Steve and Jeff Sessions I'm kind of like the church elder who counts the collection plate every Sunday for the pastors and sessions appeared on comfortable with the entire situation the elders job became more complicated in July 26th seen when Trump was formally name of the Republican nominee the transition team now moved into an office in downtown Washington d.c. And went looking for people the top 500 jobs in the federal government they needed to fill all of the cabinet positions of course but also a whole bunch of others that no one of the drum campaign even knew existed it's not obvious that if you find the next secretary of state. Much less the next secretary transformation or Taishan their mind who should sit on the board of trustees of the Barry Goldwater scholarship and excellence in education foundation by August 130 people are showing up every day and hundreds more are working part time at trying transition headquarters the quarter 17th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue the transition team made lists of likely candidates for all 500 jobs plus other lists to inform people to roll into the various federal agencies the day after the election to be briefed on whatever the federal agencies were doing they gathered the names for these lists by travel in the country and talking to people Republicans who had served in government troops closest advisors recent occupants of the jobs that needed filling then they set about investigating any candidates for glaring flaws and various in secret some conflicts of interest at the end of each week Christie handed over binders with lists of names of people who might do the job well to Jared and Donald and Eric and the others they probed everything so this is senior Trump transition official who is this person rather than the person come from they only ever rejected one person and a 4th secretary the 1st time Donald Trump paid attention any of this was when he read about it in the newspaper the story revealed that Trump's very own transition team led by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie had several $1000000.02 pay for its own staff the moment he saw its charter calls to end in the chief executive of his campaign from his office on the 26th floor of the Trump Tower and told to come immediately to his residence many floors above Ben and stuffed off the elevator to find the governor of New Jersey seated on a sofa being Howard at Trump was the apoplectic actually yelling you are stealing my money you're stealing my effin money what the f. Is this seen Bannon Trump turned on him and screamed Why are you ready him steal my having money ban and Christie together set out to explain to trump federal law. It continues from there the book is the 5th. Michael Lewis. So for Tom Hartman insider videotape is over a video You Tube whatever you want to go private private video that's available over time are but now. I'm talking this this week about Donald Trump just completely giving in to air to Juan of Turkey the president of Turkey the dictator of Turkey now. And the theory that German cushier okayed the killing there at least the capture perhaps the killing of Jamal Khashoggi. And Mom I've been Solomon and Ariel want to has the tape of it and that when he called up Donald Trump a couple weeks ago and said I want you to pull out of Syria and give me those Kurds so I can kill them and take that land that he did it because there are one threatened him and then everyone comes to the United States you know a week or 2 later and yet the whole state dinner thing is check it all out it's over a Thom Hartmann dot com I think you find it fascinating. But here with you Ok somebody called a little bit ago when asked about the. Executive order that Donald Trump signed in October and by the way Larry the cat has a Twitter page that is fun to look at it says Chief Minister to the cabinet office of a 12 year old tabby and a position in position longer than the leader of any u.k. Political party official not on Instagram where the cap. Center for American Progress American Progress dot org did a great analysis of Trump's plan to privatizing Medicare and you know the essential core of it is that it's going to forbid Medicare for all in the future pushing Medicare over Medicare Advantage anything that they do for Medicare they also have to do for Medicare advantage Medicare Advantage of course is not Medicare is privatized insurance and about a 3rd and you know that was put into place there I think around 2005 by George w. Bush and now about a 3rd of people on Medicare have it and they are in for a big surprise if they get sick because this is this is private health insurance companies and they will mess with you they will mess with you big time but she was actually right I think this is you know they're trying to destroy Medicare there's just no other way to say that they've been trying to do it ever since well every ever since that speech of Reagan's that I played the 1st hour of the program James in. Denver Hey James what's on your mind today. Oh I know I'm going to. We're going to get you're going to try to center here phone sounds like you're having some over the microphone I don't know what you're going to better Yeah that's clear right I don't want to talk about. The history of Christian aggressor than America. Right now radical right. You know you talk about history and you know Athey are and you know was was prolific in the embrace you know the Christian progressive movement in the country yes which is a movement that goes in I was back before the Civil War and what instrumental and any groundbreaking progressive legislation that we're just starting was back before the revolution and we're look at the Quakers right yeah exactly the Quakers you know abolition of them you know hugely influenced by it when I was thinking about your. Part of the 1921 Russian Act which I know is exotic but you know it was the Soviet Union a population of Soviet Union and they were going to start because. The lights controlled the farming area and because the Bolsheviks had kind of ruined the food supply and it was a movement in the Senate but by Christian her graphic it was $20000000.00 But at that time that amounted to almost 3 percent of the entire federal budget. And the food was transported. You know Petrograd and you know they have 10 to 15000000 Russian people Wow And and it was you know you can read all about it and it's something that you know I mean history teachers I mean I bring up to people because like you said Americans are so ignorant of their own history and what this country has. And you know when you look tragically in. And you know you're bringing up the cross of iron. You know you know I don't know how or is right I mean you know you look at the proportion in money that we are spending on. Or international aid or I mean really even it's any. Money compared to what we're spending on everything else corporate bailouts you know military expenditure and we're spending more and more is spending more supporting the fossil fuel industry than we are supposed to part of the Pentagon I mean when I came across that statistic this week I thought it was $300000000000.00 It turns out it's closer to $800000000000.00 Right exactly and you know we're. Going to rebut it the country has a long one tradition of Christian progress in an important progress that is you know leaders and commentators to realize that because you know there are those who are still out there and beyond it they just don't vote because the Republicans have made it out you know this false reality that I don't like well if you're Christian you going to go. Republican if you're you know not a Christian you I'm not sure that's true James what is that a nomination they got the word of Christ in their name that 1st embraced gay marriage before there was gay marriage and he went around ads on television that showed a gay couple being welcomed in their church. I want to say I was on the Church of Christ. And you're Christ but but I mean there is that domination is is solid and stable in the United Methodist actually which is the church I grew up in. Church my mother went to my family went to. That's where you know one of those churches is the one that's getting all this publicity because they've got the nativity scene where we're the little baby Jesus is in a cage and then you know Mary and Joseph are in a separate cage in the magic iron a 3rd cage and they're all looking at the baby like oh we can't get to that baby you know it's. Trumps caging children policy. Yeah I mean no and it's really not been completely successful but it's not anything that they've been trying to do for 30 years since Reagan. And Christians to me Yeah yeah right yeah I mean you know I mean the public and you know the Republicans have been trying to hijack the ending America's interests and I mean I'm sure I wrote a book about this about the last kind of 30 years in American politics called trickle down poverty. You know the right basically cherry picks the Bible and a bundle of money behind certain guy like Jerry Falwell or any William. Support you know arch conservative policies and part of it is to just scare off the Christians or that's a movement and put it on around. But it's important to realize that I did a huge part of our history you know it is very well said James and what the title of your book is it's an available in bookstores and things it on Amazon dot com It's called trickle down poverty Ok cool thank you very much I will I will check it out good talking with. Jim and our California Hey Jim what's on your mind at any. Time I'd like to disagree with your policy of not getting involved in crime areas times of change how much of the most important are 22 senators Korea election they need to have pressure put on a minute d.n.c. Is putting the. Post candidates if you were to interview him for 5 minutes interview all 22 candidates of course you know. Who can senators. Fuse but if you get all the Democratic candidates to get my 5 minute interview and then a beautician I don't Bible. Let the people that I'm a good. Our little take Are we need to get excited we need a court but I'm sure on the senators to hold their oath to the Constitution of the United States. Here's Jim if I may for 5 years I did a local program here in Moore in Portland Oregon in addition to this national show I did 6 hours a radio day for 5 years and my local show we did that and that is the appropriate provenance of local programming and I would hope that some of the the stations that carry my show the you know the local stations that carry my show do this with their local programming but the problem that I encountered and I and I did and the reason we came up with this policy is that it's just impossible for me to know all the politics of some other part of the country in many cases I've never even been or where I've just you know play tourist or travel through and try to seminars something and I don't know if journalists are I just don't have the time and I and I and I when I when I did this and I actually did put some good progress on who were running in primary campaigns and what I discovered was that there were other good progress in the same campaign and they're like well why are you picking that guy instead of me and I'm like oh I didn't know you were there and you know it's just it's just a mess so the only primary candidate so far that I've been doors to is Marg and by here in Portland you know because he's I think he's a good candidate and I know the local politics and I you know I know the guy I don't know him personally the guy he's running against but it was his votes Schrader and you know I'm just very unhappy with her traitor so you know I think Mark you have a word here great replacement I think the odds are slim that he'll beat him but you know it's bad but that I get your point. And it's why we have to have you know local activism local activism is a really good thing Janet in Tucson Arizona. Hi Tom can you tell me do you have any data on how many people are leaving the United States because of Trump and the Republicans I don't have a problem that people would have a lot of other countries you know that the developed countries the European countries mostly and Canada won't take us so I doubt there's that many people leaving. Why well. You know when George Bush was elected and I wasn't doing this radio show Louise and I were living in Vermont and I live and we were retired I had sold a business I checked in with the Norwegian government to see if we could emigrate to Norway because I thought George w. Bush was going to be the beginning of the end for this country and there are there are you know and my father is 100 percent Norwegian You know so I'm 50 percent our region and there are. Immigration policies were so rigorous I mean you've got to you've got to be fluent in Norwegian and you've got to pass all kinds of tests you've got to have a certain level of assets you've got to have I mean it's just it's just really tough most of these countries have. Pretty pretty severe requirements to become citizens and Canada does too and in fact a good friend of mine who is a physician is my age went to Canada this is 1520 years ago moved to Canada got a job as a professor at one of the universities and open a private practice on the side and when he got into his mid fifty's and he had a and illness and suddenly Canada was looking at him as somebody who's going to get expensive as he gets older they discovered in quotes that he'd been living there for like 6 years right and working and everything had a visa and it was his way to apply for citizenship and they discovered that he had a speeding ticket in the United States that he paid but as speeding ticket is technically a crime and so they kicked him out of Canada for being a criminal. Because I did not know that yeah and the real reason was you know he was going 56555657 something like that and they were just looking at him as as you know a long term liability they aggressively discourage older people from immigrating to Canada so I don't very many people are leaving the United States I you know one of my closest friends from from back in college days is spending 6 months out of the year down in Mexico but then there's a lot of Americans to. To that there's huge xpect me energies in Mexico in Costa Rica and some of these other countries. Most of them are now living there permanently and though and though the ones who are there are solid and Panama also but I doubt that the that's an exodus because of politics I think that's more people looking at people who are tired they've got a pension they've got Social Security they can live on and you know in the end those countries you can have a really high standard of living without you know on your retirement basically so And welcome back maverick and Edmonds Washington hey Mefford Thanks realistic A.B.C.'s what's up. You're welcome and thank you for doing what you do and happy Triscuit. Friday. To go I've got it when we come back from the break I'm going to tell my Friday the 13th story so anyhow but what's up Africa. Really Friday the 13th only really means that Saturday is going to be the 14 that rule it out but over the course of my life. You talked earlier in the 1st hour about. Electric good electric motor cycles and there was an article in the newspaper I think it was in. P. Article the 3rd day and there's a company here in the Pacific Northwest that has the Havilland Bieber that they have converted to electric and it will fly for an hour I was just going say I haven't made airplanes motorcycles it'll fly for now yeah yeah well well right all right there's a company called 0 that been making electric motorcycles or half a dozen years or so. So it's like your solution is it's here. Right now and I'm saving for it saving for a Tesla by the next spring because I can't wait to not burn 3000 gallons of fossil fuel here it's me and we watched and I ran over you know. We were Louise and I were on the list for the cheap Tesla the $30000.00 it was like when they 1st announced that we sent out $1000.00 and got on the list and I was like 3 years ago and then they kept missing deadlines and missing deadlines and missing deadlines and and finally our daughter. You know one of the baby and we had a grandson and we needed a car with a back seat we've been driving this little smart car that only old 2 people and the other Tesla had become so we took our name off the list and we bought a hybrid Toyota Prius plug in hybrid and. You know like I said I've only bought gas twice this year and the only time and that was you know once we drove to Seattle and once we drove you know over the sea coast and the only time I bring gasoline is if I go more than 3030 miles away yesterday I went to one of my doctor's office and which is on the other side of Portland and I was you know while I don't like Christie and they had an electric vehicle charging station right out in front so I just plugged the car in and charged up at a cost me a bucket I want to do. It was amazing. Yeah they're all over the place the charging station the. Airplane that they've got now and it's been pretty. Action I guess they need to get it cleared with the f.a.a. Or whatever but if that flying for an hour in a similar plane which I think seats board at 6 or something costs 300 to 500 dollars in fuel alone yeah because I sure feels far more expensive than regular fuel it's like $56.00 parts of the hour which is which is weird because it's cheaper to make than on let it that you put your car to rebut. The price Well it's less there's less refining it down to it if they get an oily or fuel but anyway you know that the cost per flying that plane for an hour on electricity is that what they said was between $5.00 and $10.00 Well that's the old plane right now yeah I mean that's the thing I noticed but you know like I said I haven't bought gasoline all year except for those 2 times and we just put the car in every night and my lecture bill as far as I can tell has gone up more than 5 or $6.00 a month so it's so cheap it's like 90 percent less and you know that is that if you're over real quick I hear that music anybody who was thinking about buying one of your 2 books they're really wonderful and what do you achieve Tom with those duplicated that entity of information in a very readable package sank you very much thank you Maverick appreciate it and I appreciate your comments on the role be right back it's what is it 52 minutes past the hour stick around. You know the only 2 presidents were ever impeached as you know credibly accused of crimes that rose to the level of impeachment. And then those crimes were indicted in the House of Representatives vote and tried in the Senate the only 2 presidents that had that happen by coincidence and I'm sure it's just a coincidence the only 2 presidents whose Department of Justice is the Office of Legal Counsel wrote a memo saying you can't arrest a sitting president what he's doing is too important he's too busy he would never go out on the golf course one 3rd of his presidency he's busy you can't arrest him and Trump now is claiming that not only can you arrest him you can't even investigate him even if he commits murder and he got a video about a president who actually did get arrested for a crime and convicted of it you can check it out over time Arbonne dot com It's one of our support of videos check it out tag your it. So just 2 quick things here and then I'll continue picking up your calls 1st of all during the break got a call from maverick and he said he was praising my to the 1st 2 of the Hidden History series of books I want to read 10 of these things the 1st 2 are out the hidden history of guns in the 2nd Amendment and the history and history the Supreme Court The Betrayal of America these are our small books there are 190 pages roughly other 997 pages and decided that it's 172 pages 170 pages and you know a book you can read in a weekend and yet I did an enormous amount of work and some deep and the Supreme Court book has got this mind boggling thing that I discovered. John Roberts wrote 4 for Ronald Reagan about how to this is one John Roberts was just a lowly lawyer in the in the Justice Department about how to blow up a Supreme Court decision how Congress can do it and it's like it had been lost to history and I found this thing and it's the last chapter of the book and I think you'll find it absolutely amazing but the. Naked pleasure plug for my books I guess but the main point that I want to make isn't so much go out and buy my book but rather if you have read either of these 2 books The Supreme Court book or the guns book please go over to Amazon and leave a review whether you like it or not. You know I think the that's just you know it's a good way for people to learn about the books and of course I you know I support local bookstores aggressively but. Even local bookstores will look at the Amazon reviews to decide how many books to get Rob in Chico California Hey Rob what's up. Good morning. And I ask this question Ernest started understand progressive isn't my guess. Are you do you you don't you are not opposed when I listen to your program which I do believe we disagree with think about policy but you're not opposed. You don't want to turn to Democratic Republic we live in so I don't know that correct but so what really would stop thing if your view is it a ruling going through this is united in. Which you have not given the opportunity for citizens to vote the way you think they would you know it's not that is what the what what Citizens United did and basically codified into earlier decisions. On 1st National Bank from 76 and 78 was what those decisions did is they is they blew up laws that were passed by Congress and signed by presidents a whole bunch of good government. Just lation that was signed by Gerry Ford was proposed by Republicans after the Nixon scandals but basically made it illegal to bribe politicians you couldn't get more than $2000.00 to a politician they couldn't have PACs or super PACs all I kind of stuff and the Talmud Act of $1710.00 of Republican Teddy Roosevelt passed but said it's a felony if a corporation gives money to a candidate for political for national political office. But you're not opposed to the system we have now let's just say if you look at the way. We have the system we have now what is progressive say that the people are just wrong and they go to the wrong people and we need to get our people into the right or even form fundamental change you know into the 3 branches of the desert but no I'm not calling for any fundamental changes Robin I'm calling to do. A couple of Supreme Court decisions that were not democratically decided Congress never said you know money should be free speech or corporations should be people no president ever said that in fact they were they were opposed to God I'm sorry. You're listening to. Hello progressive voices today and listeners I'm Katie hot and I'm Shane Mason and we're the hosts of nurse talk radio here's what we're talking about this week so before we get started Donna let's listen to this clip young woman named Elizabeth Marino who had some back surgery it's very common and surgery and the surgery work and of course after her back surgery you get a little prescription of opioids because if you need painkillers and cameras be careful with them right now she took them for a few days not very long and then when she went for a follow up visit about 2 months later the surgery worked great but she was a long way off opioids The doctor said oh well we have to test your urine just paean to a cop and boom $17850.00. So we want to think Kaiser Health News. Almost. The same fate. Even if you're out of here or. Have back a 100 or is. Just a few. Hello and welcome to Background Briefing 247 a background briefing I mean masters in today will look into a number of stories and issues in the news we begin with the executive. President which allows the Department of Education to colleges who are deemed to be tolerating anti semitism criticism of Israel. Who represented San Francisco State University professor. Against a frivolous lawsuit that targeted her academics. And threaten campus advocacy for Palestinian rights joins us he is now representing 2 palettes 2 professors sued by the Brandeis center which was founded by Kenneth Marcus a right wing pro israel operative now the assistant 2nd of education for civil rights in the prompted ministration who has been a tireless advocate for branding criticism of Israel and he sematic conflate.

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