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With Mike last week and how are you today good morning wonderful day here in San Diego that it is that it is doing great I love this down so what are we talking about today well I think certainly the San Bernadino mass occur certainly overrides everything else that's going on in our country right now however tragic that is and for the 1st time since 1920 The New York Times has a full page ad almost full page editorial on their front page and they said this is unprecedented but that they felt that due to the lack of initiative or lack of action by our leadership at the state and federal level they're calling on the nation to be angry over what our leaders have not done about gun violence Pardon me I think that's way to talk about this for progressives is we have to acknowledge that public fear is real and legitimate people are very bad at estimating the chances that they'll be killed or hurt a terrorist attack just like an auto attack or anything else but honestly we have to acknowledge their fears and Mike has just joined us welcome Mike welcome to your show ladies and gentleman that he get through the t.s.a. Agent ladies and gentlemen Elvis is on the stage oh my gosh you know thank you so much holy smokes there's only 2 Highway Patrol cars spread out over there but I think that I don't think I got my driver's license I think you guys for getting this thing started and please forgive me for not being on time my own show. Ok so we are very very happy to have who we have here today we've got you know President we're just talking about the shooting in San Bernadino. Well that is. What we all same what what what are people's thoughts about that well as long as Mr Reagan is here I'd point out that Ronald Reagan. Was not fanatically anti Gun control of any kind I guess maybe getting shot will do that to you in 1901 he wrote editorials and coursed for things like the Brady bill and the salt weapons ban So as always reverence for Ronald Reagan is sometimes it's a bit puzzling when you get down to the actual differences that are so vast between Reagan in today's Republican Party I'm afraid I let's do this for a 2nd let me ask this question. And author of the soap and any any of the 3 of you or the not 3 the you know 6 or 7 or 8. What should we be doing right now in terms of. As Americans what should our policies be right now in terms of trying to maintain the safety and security of our country and our citizens. Well I think 1st off if we are concerned about security in our country and concerned about potential attacks certainly we have to provide adequate resources to local and state law enforcement and because those are the primary Those are the 1st responders and those are the agencies that are tasked with not only responding to but scene and forecasting whether or not they're going to be problems in their own communities however over the years we have not done that and on the other side of the coin we have guns available to everyone including terrorists and just the other day the United States Senate voted against a provision that would have precluded terrorists from buying weapons now you think that that can't make sense but let me repeat that terrorists who are on the terrorist watch list can go today into a gun show and buy an assault weapon extra capacity magazines and thousands of rounds of ammunition you know they can be told that dumb sorry you can't board an airplane today but then they can get mad leave the airport go to a gun show and buy a gun without a background that actually just doesn't make sense you know it's funny in 2011 and the earliest I remember you know al Qaeda releases these propaganda videos telling its followers what to do this is before Isis existed one of their videos told them that if any al Qaeda people are in America go to a gun show you got to get a background check there so you can load up actually advise them how to get around our background checks now you know. That's amazing Ok now you know an a k 47. Is a pretty infamous firearm. And you all have heard about the a k 47 yes oh yeah and. The the it was I guess was named for its creator. Mikhail and then the last name is k a s. H. And k. Kalashnikov Kalashnikov very good all right now and it was invented in the last years of World War 2 by the Russians and I guess people say it's superior to the weapon the basic up in that we use or know is what it would have you heard about that well it's what what I understand the weapon to be is one that you can put under water you can cover it with mud and it will still operate very simple to operate it's perhaps not as accurate as some of the assault weapons that are sold here in the United States and made by United States manufacturers but again it's a tried and true weapon of terrorists a favorite weapon of ISIS now I can go on the Web site and get a gun broker and I can buy an a k $47.00 and I'm looking now. There are 10 new steel a k $47.00 magazines 30 mags a k $47.00 for $79.00 that's a steal and frankly when you look at that and then you think What are you going to use that weapon for 1st off it is not a long rifle for do your hunting it's not something you would go bird hunting with and shot you had and how do you get a darn thing in there Mr Cheney got his friend but again. Hunting demands obviously pursue ssion and it doesn't require a 30 round magazine now for $2200.00 I can get a sag and a cane $47.00 model 104. And I can get the hunger the. Ammo $5063.00 style for that's going to cost me $529.00 and then I can get a I can get an American tactical import for $389.00 and then I can get 2 Russian 40 motor magazines for $95.00 and then it just goes and I go right on the internet I can go on the Internet and get it and I be a k. Pistol. So how do I want to know I'm Ranger I want to go to war shorting writers aren't working well I'm just saying that there's there's is. There is. No this is got to be stopped this is you can literally go and get you can arm an army. Off The Internet is that true or not true my overstayed you know because I'm sitting here reading it but I and I can do the communications command and control intelligence that but you can certainly buy them weapons I think is a really important because since the Sandy Hook School the kindergarten where they slaughtered 20 people somebody did a crazy person that was in December 2012 since then we've had 1000 about 1030 mass shootings in the United States that have killed about one of the about 1300 people and wounded about 4500 which interesting about it sounds like a good eventful night in Chicago well these are not murder I mean these are these are mass shootings I think in public where you kill more you shoot more than one person or some definition what's interesting to me is that it's understandable that we should focus on ISIS terrorism is certainly very important however there have only been depending on how you count I think for ISIS or Al Qaida although there is just starting they're just getting started yeah they are but the other 1000 have been for other reasons some of the mental illness some of them or right wing know it but John's point is correct why in the world whatever the reason is people want to do this why in the world would you make it as easy as possible here here here's here's the thing and I guess I agree with it but here's here's here's the thing. We cannot have people buying this kind of weaponry on the Internet. Just it just has to be made illegal this is not we're And our all of our politicians we have to talk common sense to our public because I don't think the public knows this and I don't think that the Senate is willing to have here means to expose it that's when you know one of the ways that we get the public to do something is by holding hearings and exposing what's going on and we don't have we don't have that going on you know and that's because you know Bernie Sanders the public is completely on board but you get 80 percent sometimes 90 percent of people in favor of some of the simpler measures. Like universal background checks at gun shows the problem is in American politics especially there's a huge difference between what people believe and which ones believe which ones believe it really really intensely what I don't think see this is what I'm saying I don't think most people know that you can go buy an a k $47.00 for $2000.00 on the on the over the Internet No and nor do most people know that they can go to a gun show and walk in and walk out with all of this without any background that's true but when I'm talking about right now when I'm focusing on is in his how in the world this couple gets so much fire power in their garage and storage and all that how did that how is that possible because here's what here's what concerns me all right and I don't know. You know what the authorities are doing about this I hope and pray they are doing something. I in vision I can see. As these individuals these misguided individuals become more adept I could see a car care as a series of different car caravans with big trucks coming and descending upon the sand in no for a power plant busting through the gates overwhelming the security. And and with enough explosives there to get inside the facility and really cause some major damage you know maybe not maybe they couldn't maybe they could. You know what if they had somebody people inside the actual Santa know for itself and of course this is true all around the United States now there is I guess what I'm asking is this judgment. This was an isolated woman isolated situation. The neighbors didn't seem to know what was going on. They were reclusive apparently actually one of the neighbors did and they said they were afraid to come forth because they were afraid of being accused of profiling. Well Ok but see that that strikes me as political That doesn't mean it's a rational fear on their part I know but that strikes me as political That sounds means excuse making out what did they sneak that there was all this armor being stored in the know they did know that up there but they said there were suspicious Well Ok but that's a good question why didn't law enforcement know because we have put restrictions on the Alcohol Firearms tobacco agency we've put restrictions on law enforcement collecting information and putting that in a common database how many bullets do you need how many assault weapons do you need why doesn't law enforcement know I mean their community has an a k 47 it's a simple question and Mike is absolutely right and what you are what you are implying is that survey after survey this is not my area of expertise but Survey after survey my understand don't let that stop you that you have that any of us Ok we have no areas of expertise it shows the surveys show overwhelmingly that Americans when polled think there are more gun control laws than there are many this is a function of all the screaming about the oppressive tyranny of gun control you know here's the thing right to bear arms I don't want to see all the arms go away because you know you never know you know I believe in the concept of came to savageness of man and make gentle the life of the world but not everybody has got aspires to that and I understand that somehow you know that you might have a need to bear arms but and I'm not talking about varying arms to shoot little innocent deer I mean I'm talking about I understand the concept of a militia but we have a right to defend our saying well that's that's the concept Ok So but here's but here's the question. And I think law enforcement should know but but more fundamentally who delivered. The who delivered the weapons and ammunitions to these people who you pianist knew Ok this is your time in this particular. They bought those weapons legally I think it was and he got your guns going to store him in sand So somebody knew somebody knew that they were selling this to someone no offense intended but to a young Muslim and they were selling this amount of stuff and not to return profile but they have to be I think we have to be a little careful on we don't want to we want to limit the extent to which we become a society of it's based on. Denunciation of your neighbors I mean what I say here's the thing here's the thing that's this is where it becomes an art right. We've seen these movies from World War 2 where Nazi spies were next door in you know there was suspicion and you know I'm thinking of some of the you know over the years that there was a famous one. And I came and now the new Edward g. Robinson was the investigator everything about it was very famous movie and had a bell tower at the end and then you know it was all the drama but the point was is that he was trying to track down these kinds of people and here's what I'm saying. As a community the only way we can have security whether somebody burglarizing your house or stockpiling weapons is not if we rattie each other out but but as a community we have to protect ourselves we have to have a sense of security and not recrimination and. What do you think security security comes by the 9 the fanatics whether they're mentally ill or there isis sleeper cells denying them the mechanical ability to wreak havoc so let me ask you this question How many mass shootings were done with a 5 shot. Revolver of course none the common denominator to the mentally ill to the ISIS fanatics committing mass of massacres are assault weapons with large capacity magazines but what about what about this and what I'm saying to you is this we 1st we we we went from them having an unsuccessful bombing of the Twin Towers and then we had the Cole and I'm probably getting this in the wrong order but I think the Cole the attack on the Cole. And then we had the extraordinary flying of the planes into the various buildings which was amazingly well coordinated in mostly successful. And then we've had. You know forget for Hood we had Fort Hood we had the situation in London with the bombing in London I'm sure I'm leaving there were some things over in route not Rhodesia but. One of the African countries a major event and then of course we just had and was skipping a bunch but we just had what happened in Paris. Which was and then you had the situation with the Russian airliner you had the situation with the takeover of the catch in takeover and in in Russia of that theater. The a performing arts theatre and then now we've had the situation in Riverside County and so what I what I what I see is. And every correct me if I'm wrong but I want to lay out what these but I'm understanding that what I see is there are elements within the Muslim community who are outraged by the decadence of the West. And they see the disease are you know we're so decadent in their eyes that we are starting to infiltrate and. Corrupt in the the Muslim purity the and disrupting their historic ways of cultural ways of operating within the world and and and the reaction to that is to try to to stop that by by uniting the Muslim world by doing these various acts of self-sacrifice of you know killing themselves sort of like the kamikaze. And that they are trying to figure out. Ever new ways of terrifying us now can that grow into or is this not really they don't have the ability to this can that go into more sophisticated ways of of attacking vulnerable things like our electricity system owner the nuclear power or nuclear was true and that's what what is what I'm asking that's Is that right I said well is that possible it's possible that's what we've been trying to prevent desperately for 15 years one thing that made $911.00 so shocking was not just the scale of the carnage but the fact that a taboo was broken there's lots of terrorism in the world in 70 s. And ninety's and beyond but there was always a song unwritten rule if you do not attack inside the United States you say you don't want to think of the Chilean regime killed some dissident in Washington in the early seventy's but I think our politicians cannot tell us this right but somebody has to say that. We cannot have 100 percent security against attack that is an unattainable goal and I think both sides in this debate left and right talk about Islam in a way that I find little bit disturbing. The right talks that Islam is monolithic they're all evil they're coming to get as it's not a religion Stahl Terry thing nonsense and that sometimes the left says Well Islam is just a religion of peace and nothing else in any state in the contrary is ridiculous neither one of those things are true what we have to understand I think is that there is a civil war in Muslim countries for the future of the political organizing about religion and America we better damn be sure we're on the right side and unfortunately the simple truth is we do not have a lot of power to influence the course of events in Iraq and Libya and Saudi Arabia and Iran all we can do is stand aside protect ourselves and wait it out hoping this is a passing historical phase which if history is any indication it probably will be although it's going to be a multitasking. One But we've tolerated now all eyes the Saudis who have supported fanatical Islam and they have supported it across the world whether it be in Pakistan Afghanistan and their own country and we hope bought their oil and allowed them to carry on one in fact the moderate Islamic states are we don't we don't we don't bow down to them the same way we do to the Saudis Ok let me ask you this let's let's go back for a 2nd. What is the state and I think that's a good point that we're kind of you know sort of tolerating them doing bad things to us because we do get something out of the relationship but what is the what is your thought in this regard. The 911 Commission noted there were more than 40 intelligence articles in the presidential daily briefings from January 21st to September 11th of 2001 that related to the vents of bin Laden and in a section of the report called The drumbeat begins the commission. Highlights a late June briefing that alerts to the high probability of near term spectacular terrorist attacks resulting in a numerous casualties including a severe blow against the United States. During the next 2 weeks and that was disregarded. Do we have something like that going on now are we are we in for you know the let me give an example of if I call someone and say hey you know I'm concerned about this you know I'm concerned about some kind of potential terrorist activity most of the time the reaction that you get from the folks that that. Is is something along the lines of Ok I'll call you back next week. You know what I'm saying or they're just there does it even though they try to act like there's urgency and they've got the red the green in the blue and we have all these you know. What do they call them the Homeland Security you know police cars parked in red zones you know I don't really see I don't see much in terms of emergency in my own except maybe in New York again when you have lone wolf attacks which this one probably was even though these people were radiologically driven you have one of their tools we don't allow the sale of grenades Why do we allow the sale of high capacity magazines so it gets back to if we deny them the tools if we restrict we don't sell huge of sentiments of t.n.t. But here's the counterargument here's here's what they're going to say the terrorists are going to get that kind of firepower and the only thing that you're going to do is keep it from getting into the hands of citizens who are trying to defend themselves I mean I see that yeah I see that argument and I see the self destructive now we've got already on the phone here just John hold Give us one second Marie can you can you help straighten this out. Well I want to call it right here. All right you got it very. Well. Ok Say that again with time it'll really help us again see that again it's here on university and what pieces are. There to know to. Landed at the mid-city gym. And it's a nonprofits are here Mid City Gym is located where is that in Hillcrest or is it look at the times is just down the street from where you are located the studio I want to say regarding. What we're hearing regarding San Bernardino when again you may have already covered this and I apologize if I'm repeating something you've answered but to things we have an f.b.i. Director who has told us we need to report. If we see anything awed at without. Going any further than that so as we're talking about I under that under that theory I'm reporting the executives at Sandia Southern California Edison immediately cut. Because that's idling something we're talking about Islam so we're not talking about white males we're not talking about Christians who are killing people at abortion centers but the the talk right now is about Islam so with that frame then that is that the only thing that I should be looking at them I might say is on and I want to reported something the other thing is on civil liberties and I'm regarding doing anything about gun laws we can't we we can't go against the constitution but because of our civil liberties and yet we we have the same people who seem to be who are Ok with surveillance on all of us and civil liberties. Their conversation Imrie I have a memory hold on one second hold on as I have a letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote to John Adams and in the letter he says under no circumstances. Do I believe that the right to bear arms includes the purchase of a k $47.00 so it says it right here I've got that actually I think that's a that's a very very recently found document I just found that I just found that letter but I go back for 2nd Me Ok so let me ask you this Ok when you get on a plane if you see someone say a Muslim couple and their wife has something on where you are she just you can barely see her eyes and you see your husband he looks at you with glaring eyes like he's not really happy to see you he's very angry in his face what's your reaction. Yes. I. Know and that's a legitimate point Ok You know what listen thank you so much we're just at the end of the of the half an hour here but so people should come over to that piece bazaar that sounds like you got some really good music in the background and they have food over there as well. And that's over at City Heights City Heights and now off of land. Ok Thanks so very much for me thanks for calling in. Well what about that you know let's let's get down to the nitty gritty the husband has gas we're going to run out of we're going to run out of time we're going to come right back and we're going to get right down to some really issues here thank you for joining us on Talk of the town with former San Diego city attorney Michael Geary and the presidents courtesy of John Baker productions here on k. In s.j. Descanso 89 point one f.m. Serving San Diego. As for the women's radio hour every Wednesday at. 89 point one f.m. This is our focus is on the lives of women in San Diego today examines unique challenges explores solutions to issues and shares community resources as a way to improve. Please join us every Wednesday at 5 pm. Direct from the Golden. This is Talk of the town along. With former city attorney Michael Durant This is Michael. Welcome to Talk of the town. You listen to our show. We would have started the show with this is Douglas Holbrook and this is Michael Geary But as you know by now I'm sure that we lost Douglas he passed away 2 weeks ago and we've decided to continue on with the show in his honor. And we've come up with what we hope you will find to be a fun and entertaining show that we think he would have liked. And of course you know trying to get another co-host that could fill Douglas Holbrook shoes is an impossible task he was a political scientist he was a lawyer he was a very very active member of his community his home was the home of the former park commissioner of park it was the 1st Irving home built in San Diego Irving you know being a very very famous San Diego architect and so today. We return to the format that Douglas brought us to and it's one that you know we're going to ask you know the presidents who as you know we've had 5 presidents who regularly appear on the show 3 the 2 Bush presidents and President Clinton and then through the auspices of our former 1st lady former Secretary of State. Her seance Hillary Clinton seance consultant has made it possible for us to communicate directly with President Nixon and President Reagan and we of course appreciate former 1st lady for more former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for a line is to do that now today what we've done is we've invited all 5 presidents to be here and we've asked we're going to give each of the presidents an opportunity to when they co-hosts slot there you're going to be it's going to be up to the audience what we hear back from the audience but the presidents are all here they're all excited you know they've been here for several hours and you know we were very happy to have them in there's been a little bit of conflict I think but but for the most part everyone is treating each other with dignity and you know the talk of the town is a very prestigious show and they all want to you know compete for this position if we decided to start off with President Clinton who is going to be the co-host and he is going to take her in the course of the show the opportunity of interviewing as his guess some more under more of the of the former presidents the 2 Bush presidents and President Reagan President Nixon and we're looking forward to a very lively show one of the things we're also going to be doing is talking about Douglas Holbrooke was. Not just a lawyer and a political scientist but he was a thinker he was he was the kind of person. You know he had he had served on important committees here in San Diego where he his home was he served on the Crime Commission he served on the state attorney general's consumer advisory commission committee and he was a nationally syndicated host of his own radio program but Douglas was also the leader of a movement that very very humorously called the Independent zone he and what he meant by that is that the independent voter Douglas was registered as an independent Douglas saw the future in the opportunity of America to move forward. With independent voters and that he attempted to organize the independent voters and had a website that I will introduce you to that that he invited people who were like minded who believed in the role of the independent voter to join up and to become part of the movement that he was attempting to lead and we'll get into that in more detail and the other general topic area that we're going to talk about today is another Douglas Holbrooke idea which is the 32 hour week and we're going to be particularly interested in hearing from President George Bush who as I understand it President Clinton will be asking some questions of because apparently President former President George Bush was having some respect problems too trying to figure out exactly how there could be a 32 hour week and but will work where he's going to work on that in President Clinton's let me not delay any further and 1st thank all the presidents for being here and giving the meats an opportunity to say hello to the audience today. How's it going everybody is going to be back President George Bush George w. Bush for president nice to have you here and go ahead next. And actually. Proud to be here tonight on or I know you're excited about possibly becoming the full time host of of talk of the town and we look forward to hearing from you President Nixon and let's move on and. You know who I am the great communicator That's why I deserve the job well now you are the only and we have to acknowledge you are the only candidate for co-hosts that have as actually had probably more experience on radio than any of us former President Reagan do you want to say a quick word or 2 about that experience. Yes I believe you're right. And that is one of the many things that qualifies me to to be a co-host all right and we hear from the others now why Alice is. This is George h. . And I I believe that I have the face for radio. Ok well that's very humble of you and now but how do you feel though about you know this is this is going to be a little bit if you know you're competing with your son or do you feel Ok with I'm not in competition with charge and I actually I don't know why he's here. Well actually please forgive me and I know there's been a little bit of a father son thing there and. You know we really would appreciate you know if we can move on and we covered all the presidents now they all Vall chimed in well here Ok Now President Clinton we're very happy to have you and honored to be here you're going to be you're going to be our co-host today and you'll be having an opportunity interview the other presidents but I have a couple questions for you and you know if you don't mind if we take up a couple of sensitive areas now many people are speculating that you could be back in the White House how do you feel about that I feel great. You know I am so proud of Hillary but I don't want to jump the gun because she has not made a perma. If she's going to run in 2016 but if she does be more than happy to help her now you are you're a new grandfather and you know Chelsea had it we saw everyone knows she is given birth and you must be very proud how do you have you adjusted to the new responsibilities of being a grandfather. Well that's a good question because I've never change a diaper before and it can be a mess and not too good at it so I'll leave that to the person you know have you have you and have you and the former 1st lady former secretary of state and soon to be perhaps presidential candidate Hillary Clinton have you. See left you with the baby now so that you had to do some babysitting services on your own you mean does she trust me well I know she trusts you but what I'm saying is have you had the opportunity to oh yeah Ok so you guys are you the. Number one designated babysitters for the new baby I don't know about number one because there are a lot of people in our family that just love the baby to pieces Ok well that's good now President Clinton and a couple other quick points. Do you think that your impeachment and your affairs with Monica Lewinsky and always will be a tough hour well let's get it out of the way and with college Jones and and the other you know. Oh well we're not going to mention all of them but but but the question is do you think that those issues are going to be brought up in the campaign the presidential campaign and I sure hope not because I don't believe that has anything to do with Hillary and what she's done or may not well but I mean is there an issue about whether you as 1st person or playing the role of 1st lady you know I call 1st night Ok 1st mate Ok very good. There are some issues I mean are there issues that will be raised about whether you can be trusted with the you know with access to insurance and the others that you know I think or I think that. Trust is earned and I think the last 14 years or so I've demonstrated that while you know we see a lot of things you know in your website really stressing healthful living and healthfulness can you tell us what kind of changes that you've gone through in the in the last you know since you had the heart attack the doctor more healthy lifestyle Yeah I would like to share and. For those of you that are just coming in with us this is Mike. With talk of the town. Joining with us today and again just to remind you those of you that may have turned in looking for. To hear his voice his wonderful radio voice that he had you know passed away 2 weeks ago and so we're moving on today and we have the former president the former president so be competing to become the new co-host of the show at this point I'd like to invite former President Bush. Are you talking about George w. Bush in gestures to a shoe No that's true and I think I can feel you out there you did a good job of pointing that out and George w. Bush thank you is sharp so you're ready to go and why don't you come on in and you can make yourself here comfortable at the interview table and we're going to we're going to allow President Clinton he's going to be our guest host he's you know and I do an excellent job so far and allow him to interview President Bush and I'm going to be here to make sure you know that it's a little this is a tough touchy think potentially would have you know 2 presidents from a different party one followed the other President Bush following President Clinton but President Clinton it's your show and best elective operation no no President Clinton I thought you said may. Is I want to be the co-host here you know I know President Bush and I understand that you were very much looking forward to George you just need to answer the questions Ok we're Ok Now look we're getting off to a little bit of a rocky start here let's let's go back the format for today if with your permission is that this will we're handing the mike microphone to President Clinton thank you for that Ok And then President George w. Bush if you would be kind enough to allow President Clinton to introduce you and to conduct an interview that would be wonderful yeah far away go ahead well mark my 1st question to you George is why would you want to be on the radio. Why not it's not like I'm doing anything else right now everybody needs to. Feel act irrelevant Well they I mean I just and please forgive me President Clinton I think it was excellent question but but I guess the really the President Bush the follow up on that is is you know why do you think that you would be a good co-host That was why would we entrust you with that important position here on Talk of the town why would we ask you ask you to take on that responsibility what is it about your background that it would lend itself to you stepping up and taking on such you know your head on any how was President for 8 years and I had. A lot of experience speaking to people like let me give you an example I promise you I will listen to what has been said here even though I wasn't here. About that one you know that that's excellent That's an excellent that's well but wish I wasn't here I'll tell you. Ok can we can we let's get down the road a little bit here because I feel like we're getting a little comp President Clinton you have some more questions for for President Bush you know George. So let me ask you in a different way what qualifies you to be a co-host of a radio show like this. I think I just I answered that I mean I was pressing out of state if I could be president with Dick Cheney I'm sure I can I can handle radio show and be co-host Ok well that's fair but you know being president of course is very many responsibilities but some people you know I'm asking this hard questions I don't think President Clinton would want to do this but but some people question whether you carried out your responsibilities as the president in a way that perhaps you know raise some questions for example you know you you said that that one of the difficulties you were having as president was connecting Iraq to the terrorists and many people wonder about whether you were you know a little bit reckless when you suggested that there were met weapons of mass destruction in that had been discovered by the British and that turned out not to be true so you know one of the things a radio show host has to have his credibility with the public so do you think that you would have that kind of credibility so that the talk of the town listeners would would find you credible. Well I think if you look back to what I did in Iraq we should only have 10000 troops where you would have a mass Well last as I had said are you have me publicly are saying I am not. I think there's a lot of credibility there President Clinton you have any follow up questions now you know. Let me ask you this doesn't have anything to do with being a co-host What did you attack Iraq I mean what I see we're going to have a little bit it's. Not only your business you know that I like a. Good guy bad guy show me where you. Guys jar changing Ok I want everyone to take a deep breath now hold on let's go back look we got in a huge fight the last time we tried to do this when you got this is a majority just only over the course Ok but let's just a 2nd let's go back over this Ok this is it we're not trying to haunt you hit me with a cow prod. Ok what we're trying to do is remember that the qualities of a co-host are the ability to be modest on the show be you know not showcase yourself but ask questions of the other person and give the other person an opportunity to to shine and say who they are and so President Clinton you know I'm not chiding you would all but do you want to try to take another run at maybe asking a sensitive question present from the President Bush that that which give him an opportunity to kind of showcase his his his background and his qualifications to be a co-host Ok well try something else how about this George. What reading level do you think you are. I can use or like. I can write your laugh or my analyst and you can teach a child to read and hear her will be able to pass a literacy task. I think that asters it all right there Mark. Ok Let we should move on to the next one Ok. President Bush President Bush President Bush that I have to say that probably was a little bit of a unfair question because we know your wife Laura is a former librarian former teacher great great lady wonderful appreciator of books and I'm sure that she reads to you and you you add that opportunity to read books together my dad tell you that you know I just I mean that's true though right you guys read books together she reads to you sometimes when the books are a little harder than you know than than perhaps you know you feel comfortable so it's not like you're not gain access to those books no matter what your being level is true or actually I like pictures. Are more informative Ok so you think of the I'm one of these people that think picture one picture can is worth a 1000 words I'm already old guy so what I'm here I want to give you a chance to sort of you know correct the record and why don't you share with us some of the some of the books that you've been reading lately and sort of dispel this this myth that you're not a reader. Yeah sure so many but one of my favorite ones was. Danny Danon the homework machine. There's a very good book. You know I know that was a good one I don't quite remember that one but when I don't. Know but when did you read the dead what was that book about exactly. It's about a kid is having trouble in school. And he invented this homework machine and then the homework for. Really quite exciting Well that's that's very genius no. President Clinton did that do you feel any out you know no excuse me President Bush please please. I'm trying so hard. To get those you can't use that on the air this is we're on the air this is Talk of the town and you know we're I am correct All right so I don't mean course I'm going no position to correct you but about may I got a lot of reading time where we know you were a reader and you wrote books in your biography your excellent Bryan biography and we're going to give you a chance and I had radio experiences Well now we know you've already we have already covered that and of course your diary which was published by a very notable historian President Reagan is. It was excellent and for those of you that are just joining in this wonderful conversation of our former presidents here. To talk of the town again very happy to have you here and we hope that you'll stay with this is we have former President Clinton completing his interview of former President Bush and of course will be reversing that President Bush just really had it in a recipe book that he read that we asked about are there any other books President Bush that you enjoyed meeting as of late. Based on my whole adversarial stuff here today I'd rather not comment. Well I hope you don't feel that that I've been adversarial towards you could be honored to have you here we always appreciate you here we always get a good number of folks writing in and calling in after you've been here it's a just to let you know there's a lot of people listening and tuning in to hear what you have to say and do you would you feel comfortable just letting us know like this is say one other book that you could go ahead. Wow. I'd have to say African-American people have seen while boating. Ok All right that's very good that's a book you read that no you know well let's ignore that is just plain not racist right there I don't like to share that right here right well I think we can move on let's not this is a touchy subject and we don't want John mourning here. Well Yash me about a book All right let's let's let's do this let's let's let's let's anyone else has any more comments President Bush if you have anything else that you think that you'd like to make your case for becoming the talk of the town host co-host please make it now and President Clinton if you have any more questions go ahead now ask them and I you know I'm a conservative but I can also be in and all around you know and handle all kinds of topics and I think I'm I'm a pretty neutral person although I had President Bush George h.w. Bush we're going to come here just a moment I just want to give President George w. Bush one last opportunity to make his case it's been a little bit of a rough road for him and yeah you know he's. Been out for a last 6 years I got a little bit of a roster underneath the tire. You have rust under the tire Yeah I mean on the rim of the rim Ok I see that well anything else you'd like to say to make your case to be the co-host. Well as you know. I like to say mission accomplished I came here today and I conquered. Ok Very good well now did you conquer Georgia because you have not answered a question Ok all right now President Clinton that's why I should be number one on the mystic this is what me 1st keeps us all for you know Ok Now President Clinton we're not raiding each other anymore that you know we had the ratings those are over now we're talking about the co-host position and President Clinton who would you like to have of that of the presidents who would you like to have next who would I like to have you know no no no no not who you want as a co-host who do you want to interview because you know you're you're the one that went on with the last you know that you're. Not the last one as President George w. Bush I'm always glad he just he didn't mean that you're not last just a 2nd gentleman so no President Clinton what we want to do now is move on President George Bush thank you so much for being here we really appreciate it right now let's move on to our next interview with President Clinton who would you like to do next I would love to have the opportunity to speak with President Reagan All right President Reagan would you do is this do us the honor of coming down thank you Ok Please be seated Ok go ahead President did you know I was sitting I didn't think you could see him now I can I can see you fine and you're here there are you looking good you're looking well preserved and we would like to ask go ahead give President Clinton the opportunity he I mean by that you know what I'm just going to bow out of now and just ask President Clinton go ahead take over the show and go ahead President if you have questions for President Reagan I just want to say real quick it's pleasure to see and speak with you again President Reagan I know that you had experience in broadcasting do you feel that that would qualify you to be the co-host. Yes many many decades ago I did to sports show and even though this is not a sports show I I believe I have. A lot of knowledge that I could share with the listeners Ok and I agree with that right now we're getting some ground here Mike Tyson right well now the question I guess President Reagan is were you did you ever do news or anything of that of that sort anything that would give some kind of background of the kind of work that you would be doing here I did Ok Tell us a little about that. Well I can't recall. Other them it was when t.v. Was in black and white Ok what we're really really talking about is is radio right now if you are might remember the radio programs that you did I remember my inaugural address and both times and talking to people I think that I would have a lot of personal insight to a radio show Ok And there's no doubt about that I guess the question is you were on w g h b is that I'm sorry you're on what was your radio program that you were on remember the station you were on w k I s. Let's look at what that went through in Arkansas we're going to have we're going to cause it looks as if you know in our research here it says you run g b h is that Are we wrong about that or. That was probably the the the the best one that I was on you know what you were you when you were doing sports who were you announcing. A football game Ok was that that was my favorite sport Ok get one for the Gipper Ok And did you. When you were doing your radio programs. Were you did you were you the voice of a particular team. Yes Notre Dame. You were the voice of Notre Dame are you sure you're not I think he's getting a little bit mixed up well you know it sounds like he could be padding the resume a little bit President Reagan I know you're not he wouldn't do that intentionally but we're going to he wouldn't do that intentionally but I do enjoy speaking to people Well now you know we just had we just had. President Bush on and he's going to be one of your competitors how do you think he did Ari think that he did Mark No no no no you're asking me no no President Nixon your turn isn't quite yet I know I never finish my 2nd term no but I know it's like going to share to know you know no but we're going to have your full opportunity now the question we have is for President Reagan is is how do you think George President George w. Bush did when President Clinton was interviewing him. Not very well. And what did why did you say that what I mean he was a very lively very entertaining What was what would you think I don't think people are interested in hearing a bunch of nonsense. Party pundit Ok why don't you is President Bush still here is President Bush still here of course I am here you have any reaction to me Do you think you are doing nonsense or I mean what happened I don't think it was nonsense I was get right to the core. Well now you know you know I know that you know the Bush campaign right. Ok now president President Reagan in looking into your background we see that you were. In Davenport Iowa and that the u.n. Went. Into morning so you actually grew up in the great state of Iowa true yes and I was a radio announcer It w o c. Ok in Davenport in Davenport Iowa and then and then it's looks at our research shows that you were also in a show in Des Moines as well do you not I don't get a hair home. Station. I don't want to miss no no no no President Bush you're probably thinking of we look we listen we better this is been fun. We're going to. Going to have to we're going to have to to wrap it up at this point we're going to thank all of our listeners here again it's Talk of the town is Mike McQueary thanking all of you for being here and this is Bill Clinton and for the president thank you for for joining in talk. Thank you for joining us on Talk of the town with former San Diego city attorney Michael. 89 point one f.m. And streaming live a k n a straight serving San Diego. Serving . This is. Where you can hear talk of. Monday through Friday from. 4 to 5 it's an insightful program about what our country needs to be doing to get back on track it's informative educational and even funny at times talk of the town here. Radio. On the street. From the City High sportscast center. And then everybody happy Wednesday where you're going to have a couple of different people on our radio show today we'll start with Center for Biological Diversity and then we're going to go later on into the moxy theater have . The director of our new play Come on we're just waiting a minute or 2 for our 1st guest to call in which could be any 2nd now and. I want to see if you've managed to go through the rain Ok if you're Ok that's good if you have any questions or comments and would like to go on the air with us the number to call is 6152883836195 to 88383 and so we'll be 1st talking about there's an event going on in San Diego with this organization and I think we're going to have our guests come up right this minute a low I say Hi there you want to introduce yourself. And I need endangered species kind of chordate are already tender for Biological Diversity Yes and I was just telling my viewers that we are having an event this week and event throughout the month sponsored by your organization. Yeah so let's talk about what is this organization where did it come from and how long has it been around. Sure the Center for Biological Diversity is a nationwide environmental nonprofit and been around for over 25 years now and our main goal is protecting its wild spaces and the animals that live there so it's actually protecting the environment that.

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