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We're. Told. More than 700 children who were wrecked away from their parents by immigration authorities or at the border they've still not been reunited despite Thursday's court imposed deadline to reunite all separated migrant children with their parents today in a democracy now special we spend the hour with world renowned political dissident language professor and author Noam Chomsky to talk about how u.s. Foreign policy in Central America helped cause the refugee crisis and his solutions for it. Is truly. Compensate. That we've carried out. We'll also speak with Noam Chomsky about Nicaragua economic inequality in the United States what the media is not covering and democratic socialist Alexandra Ocasio Cortez's primary victory that's rocked the Democratic establishment. Cory. Booker if you. Wish to. Speak to the recruiter Porter. Who refuses. To date Noam Chomsky for the hour all that and more coming up. Welcome to Democracy Now democracy now got or the War and Peace Report I'm Amy Goodman Federal officials say $711.00 immigrant children remain separated and in u.s. Custody after the trumpet ministration missed a court imposed deadline to reunite all $2500.00 families separated in the Us Mexico border government lawyers claim the $711.00 children are not. Legible for unification more than $430.00 of them have parents who've already been deported from the United States and response a.c.l.u. Lawyer legal learned said in a statement quote We're thrilled for the families who are finally reunited but many more remain separated the trumpet ministration is trying to sweep them under the rug by unilaterally picking and choosing who is eligible for reunification he said this comes amidst nationwide protests against Trump 0 tolerance immigration policies and Louisville Kentucky Police arrested 9 activists Thursday as they nonviolently locked themselves together to block out Live 8 hours inside an immigration court building in Washington d.c. Scores of people led by children held a sit in protest against family separations in the Hart Senate Office Building the children wore t. Shirts and blazoned with the phrase I am a child evoking the I am a man protest led by Dr Martin Luther King Jr 15 years ago. Elsewhere on Capitol Hill a majority of House Democrats joined Republicans Thursday to vote in favor of a massive $717000000000.00 military spending bill the National Defense Authorization Act the 359254 vote favors a bill that would deliver record military spending with $70000000000.00 for ongoing u.s. Wars and $22000000000.00 for nuclear weapons programs including a new submarine launch low Ewald nuclear missile the bill now moves to the Senate which could vote on it as early as next week President Trump's former personal attorney and fixer Michael Collins prepared to tell Special Counsel Robert Mueller Trump knew in advance about a meeting at Trump Tower in June of 2016 where Russians were offering dirt on Hellary Clinton the revelation 1st reported by c.n.n. Suggests Trump may have lied publicly when he said he had no knowledge of the meeting which was attended by his son Donald Trump Jr his son in law Jared Kushner Paul man of forward his campaign manager and others along with the Talia that's on that's Gaia a Russian lawyer with ties to Russia's prosecutor general Meanwhile members of the Right Wing House Freedom caucus backed off Thursday from their efforts to impeach deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein the top Justice Department official overseeing Robert Muller's investigation Republican Congress member and freedom caucus chair Mark Meadows says he will instead seek to charge Rosenstein with contempt of Congress if he doesn't turn over documents Meadows' to seeking Rosenstein has said the documents contain personal data information about intelligence sources and other sensitive information the impeachment effort came over the objections of Republican House speaker Paul Ryan as well as Attorney General Jeff Sessions who said Thursday he backed the Justice Department's number 2 official deputy Rod Rosen. They capable of the highest confidence and. In Pakistan former cricket star turned politician Imran Hahn has declared victory in Wednesday's national election ahead of a final tally expected to confirm Khan's p.t.i. Party won the largest share of open seats in parliament Khan's victory came Mrs rivals allege massive vote rigging charging that Pakistan's powerful military sided unfairly with Khan's campaign and a victory address from Islamabad home concept the election had been fair and historic. Believe this was Pakistan's most transparent election and I believe Pakistanis have never participated in an election the way they did today whatever concerns the oppositions has about rigging we are willing to investigate it with them Imran Khan promise us Prime Minister Helle stamp out government corruption while working to uplift poor Pakistanis and he promised to improve relations with China and the United States Khan's p.t.i. Party fell short of an outright majority meaning Connel need the support of at least one rival party in order to form a coalition government in the Gaza Strip Palestinians have called for renewed protests against Israel stifling blockade of the besieged territory Friday's planned protest followed the deaths of 3 Palestinians and one Israeli soldier Wednesday and after Israeli snipers massacre of 124 Palestinians while wounding some 14000 others after the nonviolent great March of return protests began in Gaza on March 30th Meanwhile Israel is preparing to release 17 year old Palestinian prisoner I had to meet me to her family on Sunday as she completes an 8 month prison sentence to Mamie became a hero to Palestinians after viral video showed her slapping a soldier near a family's home in the occupied West Bank the incident came just after to me Me learned her cousin had been gravely wounded by an Israeli soldier who shot him in the head using a rubber coated steel bullet I had to meanies case to international attention on Thursday a Visiting Artist completed a massive Miro paying. Tribute to to me on the Palestinian side of the West Bank separation barrier and Bethlehem this is Palestinian activists. The for the state media with little to do as the Palestinians put be able to nationally and also surely for the release of the whole road Charles said to me we were surprised by those 3 people who came from all over the world to paint the photo of the icon of the Palestinian people and I can remember the national resistance on this apartheid wall there drawing a mural for me in order to tell the world and the occupation that we are partners in this case and that the Palestinian national resistance is the only way to peace that I was going to be patient in North Africa about $800.00 migrants rushed a heavily fortified border separating Morocco from the tiny Spanish enclave of Ceuta Thursday and a coordinated push to reach European soil where they could apply for political asylum at least 130 migrants suffered injuries and the incident many of them with injuries from the concertina wire tapping the metal fence separating the 2 territories several 100 who made it to Spanish soil successfully celebrated as they reached an immigration processing center dozens more were returned to Morocco after they were captured by police. In Laos aid groups say the toll from Monday's collapse of a $1000000000.00 hydroelectric dam is far higher than the official figure of $27.00 dead and $131.00 messing despite a government ban on foreign media covering the disaster at the b.b.c. Reports the death toll could be close to 300 another 3000 people are still stranded in Houma surrounded by floodwaters Meanwhile officials in North and Cambodia have ordered the evacuation of 25000 people downriver of the collapsed dam due to heavy flooding back in the United States at least one person has died after a massive wildfire spread into Redding California city of 90000 people dozens of homes. Have burned down one local t.v. Station had to evacuate in the middle of their broadcast last night shortly after warning viewers of the fire Facebook stock value plunged Thursday by 119000000000 dollars The largest one day drop in market value for any company in Wall Street history the crash wiped nearly $16000000000.00 from c.e.o. Mark Zuckerberg the net worth of the Facebook founder remains one of the planet's richest people with an estimated 70 $1000000000.00 in assets a new report by the group Public Citizen finds the trumpet ministrations dramatically scaled back penalties and fines for corporations that break the law the study title corporate impunity looked at 12 federal agencies finding that in most cases the number of enforcement actions taken has plummeted since President Obama's last year in office with penalties against corporate criminals dropping by an average of more than 50 percent the Environmental Protection Agency saw the biggest decrease with a 94 percent drop in fines against corporate polluters education secretary Betsy to Vos has proposed new rules that would cut an estimated $13000000000.00 in federal student loan relay for people who were defrauded by for profit colleges device this changes would roll back the so-called borrow or defense rule proposed by President Obama after the collapse of i.t.t. Tech and Corinthian college but halted by the trumpet ministration last year in response Massachusetts attorney general Mark Mara Healey tweeted Betsy device rewrote the borrower defense rule to let predatory schools cheat their students and enrich their executives no surprise devices a billionaire Republican activists heir to the Amway fortune and the sister of Blackwater founder Erik Prince last weekend of Asa's $40000000.63 foot yacht was damaged Schecter was unmoored while in port on Lake Erie and Ohio it's not clear whether the ship which is one of 10 owned by her family was let loose intentionally and in Law Center. Show us a man who was arrested for vandalising Donald Trump star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame has been bailed out of jail by another man who took a similar activities before the 2016 election 24 year old Austin Clay turned himself into police Wednesday after he used a pick ax to destroy a plaque honoring Trump he was booked on a felony vandalism charge before Isabel was paid by James Otis who dressed as a construction worker in late October 2016 as he used a sledgehammer to destroy Trump's Hollywood star and those are some of the headlines This is Democracy Now Democracy Now dot org The War and Peace Report I'm Amy Goodman Federal officials say 711 children remain separated from their parents despite Thursday's court imposed deadline for the Trump administration to reunite all migrant children separated from their parents by immigration officials at the border where than 400 of the children of parents who have already been deported from the United States well on Thursday I spoke with world renowned political dissident author and language Noam Chomsky he is the laureate professor in the department of linguistics at the University of Arizona and professor emeritus at Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he taught for more than 50 years his recent books include global discontents conversations on the rise in threats to democracy and Recreation for the American dream the temperance walls of concentration of wealth and power he joined us from Tucson Arizona and I began by asking Noam Chomsky about the trumpet ministrations family separation policy. Who are. Properly. Throughout the world taking through with who are poor and. Middle. Who bore the cruel because the whole of Europe to see a little over the good deal of. Concern was. The groups who are groups that several salute those are. Oh cool people. Of course there are a lot of those who vote for the border who will give talks who are referred to. People who. Could. Pose little to give the. Group has more old school here in Europe. I want to turn to President Trump speaking earlier this month. Or so. Showing me. Our God. Oh my God. That's President Trump we were on the border recently in Brownsville going back and forth over the bridge to Matamoros Mexico we saw quite a modern mother with her child and father with his child the Guatemalan mother had been at the legal port of entry at the bridge for days on 2 different preachers told that America is full told this by the u.s. Government the question is who's being legal who's being illegal what about what the u.s. Is doing and where these migrants are desperately fleeing from Guatemala Honduras El Salvador if you can talk about the history of u.s. Involvement in these countries and what President Trump is saying do it legally. Well actually these people are fleeing from the wreckage and horrors of u.s. Policy so they quote a mole no need to go through the whole history book but at 954. Intervened sponsored a military coup overthrew a. Mildly reformist elected government since then the country has been a complete horror story hundreds of thousands of people killed the whole kinds of atrocities every a little sort of torture peaked in the 1980s under Reagan. The sum of places where people are fleeing for a 1000000 mile an hour is. There was literal genocide going on carried out by the man who Reagan cold. Still or exporter of democracy really good good when Congress imposed some limits so direct us military aid to the real small of the. Person was implemented old implementing the genocidal. American set up the international terrorist network the Us does not hire terrorists that hires terrorist states it's much more effective so why was the Israel origin Teena as long as it was on to the rule of the new on military generals on Fortunately they were overthrown by the good news Origen you know the people are still fleeing from the destruction there it's been a horror story ever since Same with all sold or were 70000 people were killed during the 1980s almost all by the security forces or trained and directed by the United States again horror story since in Honduras which not long ago had the plurality of or a few Jews the refugio flew stored at the peak after a military coup through the look that government the little government. Condemned by the entire. Or hemisphere of the world with the usual exception of President Obama Hillary Clinton refused to call it a military coup because that would have meant terminating military aid to the. Which the us continued to do. There are always been a severe repression of atrocities as they mounted sharply. Maybe the home side couple of the world refugees started fleeing there were so-called elections which were marked Well most everyone except the United States continues you know it was this one could there's 2 countries in the region from which there haven't been refugee flows one is close to recover it which happens to be the one country that sort of functions not by accident of the one country that the United States. In which you know it's there's there's not intervene militarily to overthrow the government of the group rather than the military regime of the others Nicaragua which differ which also suffered severely in the 1980 s. From the Reagans a soul split to Nicaragua was unlikely all the countries of the region that had an army to defend it in the other countries the army were the terrorists Nicaragua the army could to some extent the friend the population from the. Terrorist forces to the display of problems and to grow good hasn't been the source of refugee flows so essentially what President was saying is it will destroy your country is a slaughter you impose a brutal regimes but if you try to get out you know I'm going to come here because America is full. I wanted to continue on the situation in Nicaragua in a rare interview the Neckar are going to President Daniel Ortega recently rejected calls to step down from power and it's mounting protests and civil unrest this is press Senator Chaika speaking on Fox News on Monday. Through elected by the voters who are pretty good at it for a living so they have good in his Luthor look through a period story the term live in the room but it was in the days of the material that you're going to do or a little period in which the election is over the world there's a $21.00 who will have the next languages that are. In the us and we're. Not somebody that we'll have to see or the who will be voted in for the new administration. So that's President tenure. Nicaragua's main business association has been demanding arcade to hold early elections to a church I guess responded Nicaragua's not private property international human rights groups say over 300 people have died since their protests erupted in April and just stare ready protests and that the vast majority have been killed by pro-government forces in June we spoke with former Sandinista leader Ben Di Nia who served as the Nicaraguan ambassador to the United Nations and secretary general of the Nicaraguan foreign ministry during our taters rule. During the Sandinista rule and from 1979 to 1990 this is what then Daniel had to say on Democracy Now one has to remember he is old fart's the son used to revolution began in 1789 and ended in 9090 with the electoral defeat of them you want to go because that's the award to go over because of course Jean. New years here were 2 nations sleep to get back into power but to do this they got rid of his potential competitors and many old Sunday mused backers him graced our capital in the gutter he said he had adopted the most retrograded of the situations of the church and then turned into an alliance and weaved an understanding with the us so that he was able to barely win the presidency in 2002007 but by that time he himself is no longer a son least I guess the trappings the colors are still there but his entire government has been in essence neo liberal then it becomes awful or Terry and we we repressive that's out $100.00 of them Daniel has served as president our take Nicaragua as ambassador to the United Nations as well as Secretary General of Nicaragua and foreign ministry during the Senate needs to roll 1st time around 7990 students are saying that overwhelmingly it's the government that's killed the people what are your thoughts now. Well Lou in 1990 it's true that the 1st of the there were plenty of problems even in the eighty's but by the standards of the region that stood out as a. You know almost still a record. But by the standards of the region in 1990 the. President Bush the 1st President Bush essentially. Informed the population of the core of the either you vote for a candidate or else the Contra war the terrorist war continues and horse sanctions will strangle the country and indeed. At the point of a gun the population voted the so in the midst as old partially for the internal reasons there were many things they were doing but it shouldn't have since then. It hasn't been anywhere near as bad as the other Central American countries the ones that are more or less overwhelmingly influenced by the us but it's been a lot of corruption a lot of repression or a crowd echo undoubtedly the opposition is nothing to write home about either for the most part so it's by no means a pretty situation. One would hope that negotiations could reduce the tensions and the My own view is that I think it would be a good thing for Nicaragua if. Ortega were to call early elections and. Allow them to be run with corruption and brutality but that's doesn't look as if. It's it's hard to hard to see a simple way out at this point it's very unfortunate situation we should bear in mind that in the early 1980. These The situation was extremely hopeful in the Caracal of the International even the international institutions like the World Bank and others were praising the progress of steps being taken by the sun that is the country was full of hope. Literacy campaigns dealing with poverty with the what was the Us intervention actually began in the eighty's mid 19th century and been horrible that we through but they were beginning to pull themselves out of it until the Us terrorist war began. We should bear in mind that the United States is the only country ever been condemned by the International Court of Justice for international terrorism technically lawful use of force and ordered to pay substantial reparations to Nicaragua for the attack that it was carrying out of course the Us refused refused World Court jurisdiction the World Court was condemned not only by the government. Even by the press in New York Times condemned the as a hostile forum because it had ruled against the United States of course you know the pity attention to it to the u.s. Even the veto to Security Council resolution calling on states to observe international law and then the Contra war went on the sanctions went on the other forms of subversion continued and the hopes were pretty much smashed Well you could just see the changes in expectations of attitudes and the one result was internal corruption repression. The implicit no employer. Putting But again it's a very ugly and unfortunate situation nothing remotely comparable to the countries that have been under the Us thumb. Throughout the period. But I think the point that we going back to the immigration crisis which is actually a moral crisis in the United States and comparably in Europe we should bear in mind that the immigrants do not want to leave their countries they would be very happy to stay in their own countries instead of coming here to pleasant and horse situations they can't because we have ruined their countries so the 1st step in dealing with the immigration crisis should be to help reconstruct and rebuild would we have destroyed so they won't be fleeing from the homes where they would like to live certainly within the means of a super rich country like the United States with incomparable advantages that's step one in dealing with the immigration crisis again a moral crisis not an immigration crisis Secondly. The conditions should be established so that legal what's called legal immigration I don't like the term but what's technically called that would be facilitated with decent conditions plenty of entry points lawyers provided pro bono with newest u.s. Support for immigrants so they could plead their cases. And decent conditions for lead up with incest to serve nothing like putting them in camps and stealing their children away from them and facilitating the kind of. Appeals for Soileau that are or granted. Under international law and that should be all about a clear soon certainly in a rich country like ours that's the 2nd step we might also recognize that. There are countries that have somehow managed to deal with huge flood of immigrants who are countries so take live in a poor country probably 40 percent of the population or refugees at this point driven belt from Israel. Really several is really Wars 4867 of Syrian refugees Iraqi refugees fleeing from the us invasion of Iraq. It's a poor country and there are plenty of internal probe split there some of surviving with 40 percent of the population refugees and the same is true of Jordan another poor country Kenya Africa another poor country has a huge number of refugees the bungler do wish is taken in a huge numbers of refugees fleeing from Burma. But the rich countries of the world the United States the European Union are the ones or have an overwhelming responsibility for the circumstances for which the refugees are fleeing they can't help with that they can't deal with it too much for us to go somewhere else could go to a poor country but not go to the countries of the perpetrators of the conditions for which are fleeing. Moral. Rule rule we'll be back with Professor Noam Chomsky on the shake up of the Democratic establishment and the news you're not getting and 30 seconds. If the singer is silent by mariachi Florida Tolo Archie This is Democracy Now Democracy Now dot org The War and Peace Report I mean we could manage we've turned back to my interview with grown renowned political dissident linguist and author Noam Chomsky now at the University of Arizona Tucson Let's go through the upcoming midterm elections and the increasing number of Democratic Socialist candidates running who raise the issue of them grace and as one of the top issues I recently sat down with Alexandria Cortez the New York Democratic congressional candidate who's recent primary victory ended the 10 term incumbent Congressman Joe Crowley the 4th ranking Democrat in the house was being talked about as the next House speaker to succeed Palosi and I began by asking her how she achieved her staggering primary victory. I do think that the way that we wind up in New York 14 is a model for how we can win almost anywhere. I knew from the outset that you know I had no misconception of the fact that the New York political machine was not going to be doing me any favors and so I didn't I tried to kind of come in as clear eyed as possible and I knew that if we were going to win the way that progressives win on an unapologetic message is by expanding the electorate that's the only way that we can win strategically it's not by rushing to the center it's not by trying to win spending all of our energy winning over those who have other opinions it's by expanding the electorate speaking to those that feel disenchanted jacketed cynical about our politics and letting them know that we're fighting for them so so I knew that I had to build a broad based coalition that operates outside of the traditional Democratic establishment and that I had to pursue kind of in a pill journey of convincing activists that electoral politics was worthwhile and the issues. And the issues I ran on were very clear and I think it was an important part too to us winning improved and expanded Medicare for all to assure the public colleges and universities as well as trade schools a green new deal justice for Puerto Rico an unapologetic. Platform of criminal justice reform and in the war on drugs and also speaking truth to power and speaking about money and politics not just in general but how it operates in New York City in a moment I'm going to play her clip talking about immigration activism Alexandra crash of course went to the border right before Election Day In fact her plane was delayed I was concerned she wouldn't be back in New York for the primary day but if you could start by responding to this and then we'll hear what she has to say about immigration activism. Well I think there's a her victory was quite spectacular and significant event I think what it points to is a split in the Democratic Party between the roughly speaking between the popular base and the party managers the popular base is increasingly. Specially social democratic following pursuing the concerned with the kinds of progressive objectives the CIO of London those. In her remarks which should be directed not only to expanding the electorate but to the general. Working clothes poor population of the world of the middle class population of the country for whom these ideals or quite significant they can be brought to that that's one part of the poor e the other part of the party is a lot of the donor or Ian to managerial part of the new Democrat sort of called the Clintonite Democrats who are pretty much what used to be called the moderate Republicans where the Republican Party itself has drifted so far of the right that there are almost off the spectrum book the split within the Democratic Party is significant others showing up and a primer after primary will the party move in the direction of its popular base with. Centrally social democratic. New Deal style programs even beyond or will it continue to cater to the donor club. Be essentially a moderate wing a more moderate wing of the Republican Party unless that issue is. Solved I don't think the. Have a. Very good chance in the forthcoming elections I think she was right in saying that the policy issues outlined the should have a broad appeal to a very large segment of the population we should bear in mind that. The poor know almost 40 years since the new a liberal assault begun taking off with Reagan on from there. But large majority of the population are living in conditions of stagnation or decline. The real wages are for say male real wages or what they were in the 1960 s. It's been there has been productivity growth hasn't gone to the working people it's gone into the very few externally overstuffed pockets and that continues so the Labor Department just came out with its report for wages in the year in the May 28th t. And they're actually slightly declined all source of talk real wages that is wages and measured against inflation and it's apparently continuing with even further drop this is a time when a lot of crowing about the marvelous economy you know full employment and so on but wages continue to stagnate. And the Furthermore it's plainly going to get worse the Republicans are on a binge of pursuing the most the savage form of class warfare the tax is a good example the attacks on workers' rights. The public citizen just came out with a report on corporate impunity which is almost comical when you read it you know the administration is simply cut back radically on the any kind of. Dealing with corporate crimes and the of course the e.p.a. Is presently stopped working it's as if grab whatever you can and stuff it in your pocket before you have a chance under those conditions. The kinds of appeal that she was talking about should mean a lot to the general population notices everybody's quill aware of the tax. Was a purposeful effort to enrich the super rich and the corporate sector corporate profits of course are overflowing but it was also a effort to sharply increase the deficit which can be used Paul Ryan and others kindly announce to us right away what the plans were for the deficit could be used to undermine. Any elements of the government structure which benefit the general population. Medicare or Social Security you. Food for poor children. Anything you can do to shift the general population more to no be justified under the argument that we have a huge deficit thanks to stuffing the pockets of the rich and this is an astonishing phenomena and under those conditions a properly designed progressive program should appeal to Lawrence majority of the population but it has to be. I want to go back to the interview with Alexandria cost Cortez was really offended the Democratic Party and the kind of message. This candidate of Puerto Rican descent in New York has sent to the entire party I think the Republican Party as well but this is what she says about immigration. We have to occupy all of it we need to occupy every airport you know occupy every border we need to occupy every ice office until those kids are back with their parents period now the right wing media for example Fox News and others have kept have written about this over and over sent she made this comment about occupying airport Interestingly her area of Queens and Bronx include Rikers Island and La Guardia Airport Noam Chomsky. Well as we just heard a. Dramatic illustration of what. A courageous. Position is a true for Suppose that you can do. Swedish woman who. From taking off because it was deporting. Certain murder known Let me go to the young Swedish woman the student who you just raised who stood up on the plane this flight from Gothenburg Sweden to Istanbul because she understood that an Afghan refugee was on the flight as you pointed out and she live streamed what she did next this is what Ellen Arison had to say. To this person. Because he would most likely get killed on the street. So that was an heiress and when one of the angry passengers threatened her or threatened to take her phone away and then a flight attendant grabbed it back she went on to say when passengers talked about being inconvenienced she said they're not going to die he is going to die and there were many on the plane actually who supported her in her protest until the Afghan refugee was removed from that flight on orders of the pilot. You know although it was a murder inspiring gawked. Indication of what could be achieved by a really large scale civil disobedience Here's one young woman standing up alone to try to prevent a person from being killed in a difficult and hostile conditions. A large scale civil disobedience could achieve a great deal more but I would urge that we think and broader terms we should be considering was people are fleeing from their homes not because they want to live in slums in the in the New York they're fleeing from their homes because they flip their homes or on livable their own livable largely because of things that we have done overwhelmingly that's the reason. That tells you right away what the solution to the crisis is rebuild what we've destroyed. Compensate for the atrocities that we've carried out then the flow over of injuries will decline for those who come with asylum please or they should be accommodated in a humane and civilized way maybe it's impossible to imagine that we can reach the level of civilization of the poor countries that are absorbing refugees but it doesn't sound shouldn't seem entirely out of reach you know charm school is now linguistics professor at the University of Arizona speaking to us from Tucson clearly resistances in the air when we come back we move from resistance on airplanes to resistance on the air that's on Fox an unexpected interruption on chance cable response Stay with us. Down in the river by the war in treaty here on Democracy Now Democracy Now dot org The War and Peace Report as we continue our interview with Noam Chomsky world renowned distant linguist and author now in Tucson at the University of Arizona I asked him about a recent mix up on Fox and Friends in which the hosts thought they were interviewing former Democratic congressional candidate a current one and Kirkpatrick of Arizona who supports Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency known as ice but in fact they were actually speaking to a Massachusetts Democratic congressional candidate Barbarella Talley n. Who opposes cites here is how the interview started Good morning I'm actually here to speak directly to Donald Trump I feel that what's happening at the border is wrong I'm a mother of 4 and I believe that separating kids from their parents is illegal and inhumane I'm actually Barbarella talian I'm a state senator representing a large immigrant community and running for the Massachusetts I keep thinking about what we're putting parents through imagining how terrifying that must be for those families imagining how I would feel not knowing if I'd ever see my kids again we have to stop abducting children and ripping them from their parents' arms getting kids in cases you want to stop making 3 year olds defend themselves in court well Barbara look out he said a lot there but she was then cut off with the shock of the Fox and Friends crew in the morning that they had the wrong Democratic congressional candidate. But this kind of media activism also just goes to the ole issue of the media Noam Chomsky the issue of Fox News becoming really state media whether you have the person who supported the sexual harasser or Roger Ailes Bill Shine now a top. Aide to President Trump in the White House that's gotten little attention so you a fox being a mouthpiece for Trump and a place for him to hear what people have to say and the other networks very much running counter to trump uncertain issues c.n.n. M s n b c But your thoughts. My frank opinion is that I must say I don't put much total tension to television so a dollar a great deal about it but in general I think the media 1st of all the Fox News is by no basically a joke as used to state media the other made you I think are focusing on issues which are pretty marginal there are much more serious issues that are being put to the so it was full of the worst of even on the case of immigration once again I think the real question is dealing with the roots of immigration responsibility for it and what we can do to overcome that and that's almost never discussed but I think that's the crucial issue and I think we find the same across the board sort of all trumps policies the one that is the most dangerous and destructive in fact poses an existential threat is his policies on the climate change from global warming that's really destructive that we're facing a and imminent threat not far removed of the enormous damage that the effects are already visible but nothing like what's going to come sea level rise of a couple of feet will be massively destructive will make today's immigration issues look like. Trivialities. It's not that the administration is unaware of this so Donald Trump for example is perfectly aware of the dangerous effects in the short term of global warming for example recently he applied to the cover. Of Ireland for permission to build a wall to protect his golf course and arland from browsing sea levels in the brooks Tillerson who was supposed to be the old in the room before he was thrown out as c.e.o. Of Exxon Mobil it was devoting enormous resources to climate change denial although he had been sitting on his desk the reports of Exxon Mobil scientists who since the seventy's in fact were in the forefront of warm warning the of the dire effects of the 6 overrating phenomenon and. What word in the language I can't find one that applies to people of that kind who are willing to sacrifice the literal existence of organized human life not in the distant future so they can put a few more dollars in. Overstuffed pockets the word evil doesn't begin to approach it these are the kinds of issues that should be under discussion instead of what's being there's a focus on but I believe our marginalia take say the huge issue of interference and. Pristine elections could the Russians interfere in our elections an issue of overwhelming concern that the media in. Most of the world it's almost a joke 1st of all if you're interested in foreign interference and our elections whatever the Russians may have done barely counts it weighs in the balance as compared with what another state does openly reasonably. With norm support is really intervention and you as it are elections vastly overwhelms anything the Russians may have done and be even to the point where the prime minister of Israel didn't and Yahoo. Goes directly to Congress without even informing the president speaks to Congress with overwhelming applause to try to undermine the president's policies what happened with Obama. And Yahoo in 2015 Putin come to give a an address to the joint sessions of Congress are trying to reverse calling on them to reverse. U.s. Policy without even informing the president and that's just a tiny bit of this overwhelming influence so if you happen to be interested in the influence of foreign influence and elections there are places to look but even that isn't true. And one of the most elementary principles of the functioning democracy is that elected representatives should be responsive to those who elected them it is nothing more elementary than that we would over will that that is simply not the case in the United States that is ample literature or mainstream. Political science simply comparing voters' attitudes with the policies pursued by the representatives and it shows that for a large majority of the population the basically disenfranchised their own representatives pay no attention to their voices they listen to the voices of the famous one percent the rich and the powerful of the corporate sector. The election's a problem for dozens. Stiller work has demonstrated the. Very conclusively that for a long period way back you a selections of the pretty much book you can predict the outcome of a presidential or congressional election with remarkable persuasion simply by looking at campaign spending and that's really one part of it lobbyists practically write legislation and congressional offices. And massive ways the. Concentrated private capital corporate sector super will. Intervene in our elections massively overwhelmingly to the extent that the most elementary principles of democracy are undermined now of course all that is technically legal but that tells you something about the way the society functions so if you want if you're interested concerned with the elections. How they operate and how they relate to what would happen to democratic society take a look at Russian hockey is absolutely the wrong place to look at well you see casually some. Attention to these matters in the media but very minor as compared with the extremely marginal question of Russian hockey and I think we find this on issue after issue. Also on issues on which. Trump says for whatever reason is not a reasonable so he's perfectly right when he says we should have better relations with Russia being dragged through the mud for that is helpful and Ish makes Russia shouldn't refuse to deal with the United States because the us. To the worst crime of the century and the invasion of Iraq much worse than anything Russia's done but they shouldn't refused to deal with us for that reason and we shouldn't refuse to deal with them for whatever infractions and they have carried out which certainly exist this is just absurd we have to move towards better over there are right at the Russian border there are very extreme tensions that could blow up at any time and lead to what would in fact be a terminal nuclear war terminal for the species and life on earth were close to that we could ask why 1st we should do things to ameliorate it secondly we should ask why well suppose NATO expanded after the collapse of the Soviet Union in foil ation of the verbal promises to behold Gorbachev mostly under Clinton portly other book 1st Bush than Clinton expanded right to the Russian border spread it further under Obama the us has offered to bring new Ukraine into NATO that's the kind of heart of Russian Jews strategic concerns So yes there's tensions at the Russian border not notice at the Mexican border Well those are all issues that should be of primary concern for the fate of the fate of the organized human society even of the survival of the species depends on this how much tension is given to these things as compared with you know whether Trump Lloyd about something. I think. Those seem to be the fundamental criticisms of the media. Chomsky world renowned political dissident off their own language it's now a laureate professor in the department of linguistics. At the University of Arizona Tucson he taught for 50 years at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge Massachusetts tune in next week when we continue our conversation with Chomsky about Gaza Israel's new nationality law the recent Trump Putin summit Iran North Korea the war in Yemen and more and December Noam Chomsky will be celebrating his 90th birthday Oh and Happy birthday to Rob Young here at Democracy Now and democracy now has a job opening for a broadcast engineer in our New York studio find out more it Democracy Now dot org democracy now is produced by my 1st Renee Felt's name in shape Carla Wells Laura got his dinner Sam Al coffee John Hamilton Robbie Karen in the suit you're in an interest in that medium and let the rainy like to pull up on the go Maghera our engineers special thanks to back to Stanley Julie Crosby Hugh Grant David prove our real bones yesterday to ours I mean you could men get our transcripts at Democracy Now to our thanks for joining us. Serving San Diego for a quiet top monument peak in the look of the mountains this is Kate at St Paul the already do you know important one that have streaming live all along I did Ok and that's straight all the work and on this workload good Radio Lab and now with all that it said here goes history diskette So it's located in the clear back a retro State Park loosely translated diskettes old means a place of rest it was very dusty because it was a stagecoach way station during the eighties hundreds this small east county city is located at The Celt their tricks of the career market retro State Park bordering on the Cleveland National Forest diskettes are always in between Alpine and pied Valley at the center of the community is the historic town hall built in the eighty's ninety's Ok And astray is proud to be part of the diskette So community. Give social justice k n s j $18.00 and it's got so. Or this is the beginning here notes from the underground here on campus j. 89 point one f.m. Ok I missed out or again if you don't know you can also check us out at notes from the you dot com Again that's notes from the letter you dot com Always give us a call at 619528383 are going 261-952-8838 extension 3 as we are live we are live it's me and Wally Yes Dana and Wally we're missing our marijuana Madam Kristin you know there and. Our professional football player Jody Taylor just we are we have a long last week I mean it was during Comic-Con and we're trying to I can't just want to one show and you know how things go in technical difficulties and other things that are beyond our control but what we do know is we're back here live here in the studios of Ok And as Jay trying to still spread the word on information communication and a proclamation so on that note while he is me and you so why would you be talking once again common sense I want to talk about that dealing with Donald Trump supporters and talking to them because I know there's a pattern and I want to discuss it and if anyone has any idea as a lawyer experiences dealing with them as well I want them to call and at 6195 to 838 b. And share their experiences. I like that I like that I just want to talk about a little bit about not only communication but also about investing I mean well minority and other people don't know I mean it may reach reading Rich Dad Poor Dad I've talked to a lot of people in trying to understand how to invest you know there's a lot of people out there that are just now independent business owners or business people and I want to talk to you a bit about that while you know how do we get these people to learn understand how to invest in our communities right I'm really shocked because I grew up my parents had the Wall Street Journal all the time so I grew up reading that as part of my regular day and to me that was normal and then I was shocked to find out that so many people.

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