Transcripts for KNFO 106.1 FM/105.5 FM/94.1 FM KNFO 106.1 FM/105.5 FM/94.1 FM 20191218 190000

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Welcome back ladies and gentlemen great to have your weathered music lovers drill seekers conversationalists all across. The fruited plain Rush Limbaugh here an $800.00 to a 2 to a a true of the fastest 3 hours in media and it adds up to the fastest week in media . So our front today would be a good time to talk to the Republican leader in the house here of the. The the day of reckoning is common the Democrats going to fulfill their. Their 3 year old dream and literally the day started out and yesterday the day started out in Pardon my French air but the media was was in pretty orgasmic mode they were just ready to explode they were so happy in the day came in their miserable today you can just see that they're not even cutting away the commentary much because the feeling of gravity. And seriousness and their heart stopping just isn't there it just it seems more routine political bickering than actually impeachment and commentators on the left throughout the cable news networks today have been very open about how unremarkable all of this seems now it is remarkable there's going to be a blemish of impeachment on on on Donald Trump's record but it is not due to anything substantive we have the Republican leader without Kevin McCarthy with us so how would you assess the the Republicans in the house performance throughout this period where you were denied opportunity call witnesses be present down in the basement and so forth he really had some obstacles in your way how would you describe the way you guys held your ground during all this we've had every obstacle they didn't they didn't do anything of the standards we did for Bill Clinton Our Nixon he tried to ram everything and I've never seen the Republicans for you tonight what you just said about the media I was just on the floor a little earlier that Democrats are down close he promised them that their numbers would be higher they're lower the president's approval rating is that all time high and you know what's going to happen at the end of this week. The Democratic conference is going to be smaller and the Republican conference is going to be bigger instead of 1903 when the majority we're only going to need 18 all because of what they've done with impeachment why do you think is this a policy miscalculation because you're right by far by far she really she really misread the public she really misread the circumstances this badly Well remember what she said in May our in March of this year she said it's so divisive and Peterman has to be overwhelming compelling and bipartisan to move forward had she waited those 48 hours she never planned that the president would release the transcript that was her fatal flaw but she admitted last week she's been working at this for 2 and a half years and when you think about this Gerri Nadya or you run to become Committee chairman and judiciary is all about impeachment he camp you have to campaign within your own party to put out campaign pieces that he'd be the best for impeachment those freshmen that gave him the majority uphold put their hand on the constitution say they will uphold it a few hours later that new freshman to leap she says I'm going to teach the mother and then you have Rascon the congressman they put before Rules Committee yesterday 2 days before the president was sworn in and he's on a speech saying he's going to each other they have planned this all along they had a timeline for the only thing they never had were the facts. Well I want to stick with policy because the political calculus here is what fascinates me and you're closer to anybody in Oliver be able to ask about it so bear with me on a all right no seriously because you know you know the image the image we get from the media of Democrats is that they're experts and they're the land on the gram and they never make any mistakes and Pelosi would not do this we were told throughout this period she wouldn't pull the trigger unless she you know and how in the world could she have me you know their objective all along congressman has been to separate Trump voters and Trump they know this depended on that they have failed in every attempt that they've made Did she really think that it's some point in the last 3 weeks that what she was doing and shift was doing a nab or was doing was magically going to cause some trump supporters to say we've had enough of this guy's got to go did they really think that I believe she thought it and she doesn't trust and Natalie she thinks Natalie is an apt but she trusted Adam Shift and this is what I believe happened. Adam Shift remember where he lied and met with the whistleblower Yeah so the whistleblower meets with Adam does it hasn't gone to the i.g. Doesn't have an attorney Adam goes to her and says I caught I got it she trusted him they went and got some freshman who have been in the military and others to write little These are the moderate Democrats which we've had enough so she decides let's go we've got a whistleblower about this phone call they weren't even on I trust at him he was a prosecutor he's only lied every time before and he's from California and she trusted in him that it would go and so she starts the president releases the transcript she can't stop now so we're going to have to change the system I put a letter out the said if you're going to set these rules will you do it exactly the standard we've done before with a have due process where you get the same standard of what Clinton had she knew then she was in trouble once the transcript went so she's. No to that and then she she moves that from judiciary into Intel makes it impeachment committee and then gives Adam all control where they don't even let me yield to another member I mean every advantage was to them and they saw a little tick up at the very beginning in the polls right because people didn't know what was happening but once they put their star witnesses out there and they couldn't say anything was impeachable and they they only had hearsay or they had a friend tell them and they were upset about something that's when it started to tumble and that's why she moved it a little faster and the biggest the biggest example of this she announces impeachment and an hour later and now says u.s. M.c.a. If she wants to get this over could she know she's made a mistake now she sees the independence dropping She lost a member of her own conference it is going to join the Republican Party you got to put this in perspective people have switched parties before but I cannot remember a time where someone switched from the majority to go into the minority they usually go from the minority into the majority right especially during impeachment yes now we're talking with Kevin McCarthy the Republican leader in the House of Representatives You mentioned your ISP lost in the. I think you're right on the money about the president releasing the transcript totally blowing up their plan they were thinking that they would be able to characterize that phone call however they want is in fact the whistleblowers original complaint he was terrified he was shocked he was frightened over what he had heard turns out he hadn't heard anything the transcripts released and they've got nothing so now they have to go to plan b. So you bring in Lieutenant Colonel Mehlman and all the State Department people who also. Couldn't identify an impeachable offense when asked to but. You say that she trusted. Adam Schiff Adam Schiff Congressman I say this not in any accusatory way the man's been a lying about mental things for the entire time transmit and president in the White House been lying about Trump Russia collusion claiming he had evidence he never was any evidence for the way he is in his committee chair lied in his characterization of the phone call got called on it also I'm just a parody how in the world could she put her trust it that it's got to be a devotion to. Shift the partisan rather than shift a qualified you don't understand on the Intel Committee this is the this is only one of 3 committees that the only way you get appointed to it the Democrats are the Republicans is one person the Democratic leader and the Republican leader points you and she let him be chair after she knew he lied Now just yesterday you had a judge going after the f.b.i. About 5 right what did Adam Schiff do earlier he put entire report by being the chairman of the committee and your your listeners gotta understand that committee people here and get to know knowledge that every other member in Congress never gets to know so you put a lot of trust in those individuals and he put out like the 5 the court was perfect nothing was wrong the person who's been decayed in all this is definitely a mess from the very beginning came forward and what they do they went after him so strong to get him try to remove from that committee. Devon was right on his report from the very beginning and this is Adam remember he started this impeachment too so afraid that the administration was going to block this whistleblower from coming forward then we found out he met with the whistleblower now he won't let the whistleblower come forward if you are federal prosecutor and you base an entire. Entire thing on on an informant the informant has to has to perform has to go forward has to present but now we've never seen the whistleblower all because Adam Schiff does not want us to ask him the questions Ok so you say you say that the Democrats that you've seen today they're down and out. No The answer might appear obvious but why do you think that's the case I mean they're going to get impeached and they're going to get the boat that they should be deliriously happy Ok We're going to be members and that Democratic Party but it's not the Democrat Party this is these new freshman don't call themselves Democrats they call them socialist Democrat they're going to be excited they're going to think they they kept a promise they pledged to but those who make up the majority I see I'm see I'm in the mornings they're down and I had one tell me Look I'm probably going to lose my race but now I have no choice I have to go down swinging they have let her walk Speaker Pelosi walk them out on a ledge and they've got no place to go now their heads down what accomplishment do they have for reelection that they issued more subpoenas and created a loss Well they're going to I mean that's what they're promising to keep never stop impeaching are they down because the public doesn't support them are they down because the public doesn't seem excited are they down because I don't really think they haven't been able of menses What is it that explains that they're they're down for this once they came out with the articles they were embarrassed about it they started with the whole quid pro quo they were home making that case then they moved to extortion then they went focus group and told them all to go to bribery and they don't even mention one thing in the article it's combination they don't have the facts but also if you've spent a couple years running for Congress you asked people for a lot of money if you've gone back and done it and you've promised it was going to be a high if you ran for office and said I'd never support Nancy Pelosi for speaker but then you voted for and then you said you didn't run to be impeached now you're impeaching you're looking at your family but more importantly you're calling home on Christmas you're gonna look at your constituents and you know what you're hearing from you're going to realize you're going to be a short lived member of Congress I mean you're 31 you think you're in jeopardy. I would say more than 31 are in jeopardy 30 follow Wow Wow Can you hang on just a couple minutes yes I ask Kevin McCarthy the Republican leader in the House and we'll take a brief obscene profit right here be right back with him Stay with us so it's a time of year where everybody is doing her Christmas shopping trying to come up with a unique item and what's more unique than giving for getting rushed 247 around the clock access to America's anchorman contest they're Ok and more rushed 247 truly a one of a kind Christmas gift from hell of all that Rush Limbaugh dot com You're listening to the e.i.b. Network 6.40 am. Folks only one week left for the Chamonix Christmas and holiday sale time's running out on Shalmaneser best promotion of the year imagine that double chin in turkey neck gone with the famous gin you sell breakthrough jaw line treatment within d.l. 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A message from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Council Thursday morning as we head through the afternoon hours ice a day back into the low forty's across the central mountains would be very mild with an increase of clowns it will be breezy at times through the afternoon overnight tonight clouds will build keeping temperatures into the teens to start your day on Thursday expected to hang with us tomorrow with high staying in the thirty's we're back into the forty's near 50 this weekend. Check out the best selection of. There always stuck in the car for the dog to space to store a baby stroller. Cracks and racks today. Thank you for. Your call. Hi I'm Jennifer slaughter director of community relations at Aspen Valley Hospital are you worried about needing medical assistance after your doctor's office is closed don't stress the medical care clinic in the fall is open late on weekdays and weekends to give you the care you. 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Network we welcome back Kevin McCarthy the Republican leader in the House Congressman I couldn't do what you do I want to tell you something I saw yesterday watching the rules committee you mentioned Jamie Raskin Rascon took the place an abacus and Adler had a family emergency yesterday and these people are lying through their teeth I saw 2 bald faced lies that if I were John Collins sitting next to me I could not have been Colegio and silent the 2 lies were they continue to misrepresent what Trump was talking about when he cited article 2 it was a conversation about being able to fire Bob Muller they're taking it out of context and saying the Trump wants to be that Tater Trump was making Article 2 I can do it they know they're lying through her teeth about it he says and I couldn't sit there and not say anything the next thing he dead from tells that joke about asking the Russians to look for Hillary's emails long after she's taken a hammer to her server and used Blish beach boy whatever on the stuff and they know that trumps telling a joke and yet they are telling this lie that 5 hours later the Russians went in and hacked Hillary server after Trump gave them permission. If they're willing to lie about things like that how can you trust any of this that they are saying in any of this process. That's the perfect example of why they would get a fair process and it really comes down to this. They dislike us they dislike your listeners they dislike me they dislike you remember 2016 they called us deplorable now they want to disqualify our vote and then they openly say they say if we can't beat them that's why we have to teach and will again how hard has it been for you your expressed great satisfaction in the unity that you've not seen this kind of unity among Republicans before and it certainly wasn't there in previous houses previous speakers how hard is it then to maintain this unity it hasn't been hard but the one thing I did when I became leader is. We had to unite if we could ever win the majority you're not given the majority you have to earn it and if there's one thing I have watched is you've got to work together to get the synergy I want the very best people I didn't care if we had differences of opinion you know Jim Jordan ran against me for a leader and I'm the one who called him to become ranking member of oversight he wasn't even running for the position he sitting in the gym I said You gotta get over here I go into the steering committee they get upset with me by said he is the very best person for this job and he has done an amazing job I put him on the Intel Committee and this is what's happening we're bonding together and what's what's even more powerful in 2010 I was the cruising chairman so I was going out that's the year we beat 63 Democrats right right at this moment in time we have 200 more candidates running than we did in 2010 we have more women running as Republicans for Congress in the history we've ever had and by the way they're doing a bang up job this this woman Raskin from Arizona senator not not Rascon. She's been on t.v. a Couple times she's awesome you've got some really really fine people making the case we've got amazing Wesley hunt down in Euston a graduate of West Point if you Apaches for 8 years defending our nation right you know now we've got to defend hope he's never been elected before he said by 3 points so what happened in 2018 what went wrong other a lot of retirements 55 retirements what happened 28 team I think is a combination of things happening 2018 we were united history tells you the party in power whoever wins the White House loses on average more than 30 seats Obama lost 63 too many retirements well too many retirements. They recruit a pretty well but one thing Democrats did that no one talks about they change the election law you know in Maine that only has 2 congressional seats when you run for office only federal office you don't vote for. One person you rank them so the Republican got the most votes but he's not a sitting congressman today because the lower person they drop out and that 2nd vote gets a 1st vote now. In Pennsylvania they student got redistricting they picked up 3 seats and the biggest contribution they had was Michael Bloomberg gave them more than $110000000.00 because the difference between me being in the minority and being speaker it's less than 106000 votes there's one other factor if you want to know why President Trump went there were 8500000 people who voted for this president in 2016 who did not show up and 2018 at they showed up we know who they are where they live we have 28 more seats today we'd be in the majority by can now . I don't doubt that's true but I have a tough time understanding why if you vote for Trump and 2016 you're voting for him specific reasons as he is going in there to to do rework it throw out some things and you know that he's going to need some help to do it and you don't show up 2 years later to give him some people to help I've said that they follow him they don't follow the party right what they were they will show up for now on the one thing that the Democrats are mating a fatal flaw here they have an intensified the base if you looked at the base in the last election intensity level was on the Democrat side by 8.5 percent C.N.N.'s poll just within the last month had republicans plus 7. That would put us in the majority if you just look at the North Carolina 9 race this is one that we barely won and in 2018 and they didn't seat the individual we went from winning it for about 500 votes to 4000 if you just do that small improvement that's 13 seats out of 1000 that we need it was Debbie last Klesko that she's been she's been in Arizona she's been phenomenal today they all have Sensenbrenner they've all been just you should be very proud time is dwindling I need to ask you about process when do you think the final vote on these 2 articles will actually be on the clock tonight what time it will be somewhere between 7 and 730 tonight any chance you could delay it until midnight or 2 am no because when you have 218 you control the rules in this place Right another example how did we take the impeachment to the floor with Clinton we took it on a privilege motion so everybody could have a say so we could extend it longer if you want so the minority has more power they brought it under what is called a rule once you got to that rule they control all they control the time we can't stop it we can go do some antic will just make the clock keep running right every part of this process has been against every standard we've ever lived by I mean they they they taken the most basic that you're innocent till proven guilty and they tell the president well he could come and try to prove himself innocent I mean the idea of what they've done and I go back to this tape don't like us rush they don't like oh I know they don't leak they don't like what we believe in and they will do anything and why they hate us more than Trump they blame us for Trump Congressman I'm up to and I've got 20 seconds and I I need that to be polite thank you for being with us today making time and spending this this half hour with us and I'm going to guarantee you know millions in this on. And smiled when you reported that you have seen evidence the Democrats in the chamber today are down that's Kevin McCarthy the Republican leader in my house a quick time out and we will be right back thank you again Congress. Miners building hardware in downtown Aspen is your holiday shopping headquarters for lights and decorations never great selection of power tools that make great gifts and the snow is coming guaranteed so get your Toro snowthrower today and miners building your Aspen true value store. Most of us know that we should be wearing some kind of s.p.f. To protect our skin from the sun but a lot of us just don't do it for one reason or another that's where Elaine total effects with s.p.f. 15 comes and not only does it unique formula your skin with 7 benefits but it also has vitamin b 3 and so find a total of facts with s.p.f. 15. And start protecting and moisturizing your skin today. 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To maintain unity in the Republican caucus in the house that's that's that's refreshing to hear whenever envy is partisan battles come up look folks I know that many of you fear and worry that when within any collection of Republicans whatever size that there's going to be a percentage of rhino is or never trumpeters in there that can't wait to undermine and so far if there are any they have stood mute they haven't arisen they haven't they haven't joined the Democrats is not one of them there's not a single Republican defection on this you know how odd that is this this may not this wouldn't happen in the 1st year and a half of Trump's term Paul Ryan was speaker and you know you go back to the 1st year of Trump's term the very 1st year for the 1st 6 months of it a lot of Republicans believe this Russian collusion stuff and didn't think Trump was going to survive and that's why they didn't get involved in helping him move the agenda particularly on reforming Obamacare and it was I can't tell you how frustrating that was for me there isn't it there was no way it could have been true Trump nobbling in the election with Rush it was just absurd from the from and that once you learn the facts it was Hillary that was actually doing it with his g.p.s. And all that. It just makes you wonder how in the world can these people not see what's plainly in front of their face but now there is total unity in opposition to this and I think that's also something Pelosi didn't figure I think whether she miscalculated or just rolled the dice Well he her way as a miscalculation but I will guarantee you. That she didn't think the polls were going to go down she wasn't going to lose support she actually thought that pulling the trigger on this was going to cause some defections that it was going to create . An attitude of defeatism that many Republicans were going to finally throw up their hands Ok they won we can stop them and join them and that has not happened though you can think whatever you want to think of them but in this case there aren't any Romneys in there apparently and their r.v. Emberg will wishy washy. Looking for the 1st chance they can do undermine Trump not in the house anyway. 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You notice the subsequent comparison to these dictators thugs in Ecuador. With these brutal dictatorships how in the world it's obscene and it's absurd just take a look at the United States economy and the vast improvement just in the 3 years that Trump has been pressed stock market up 10000 points since Trump has been president for example. The idea that there's this is just absurd this is my point they are grasping at anything now because they can't get anybody's attention with he abused his power he made a phone call to the president of Ukraine and he said some bad things are going from coal and this is very very dangerous to read at that's not getting anybody's attention here he he he views Congress he he obstructed what what what did he do he didn't let people come to know he went to court to try to stop you from being able to. Obstruct Congress in any way some of the things that they wanted to tar and feather and Sully Trump with Haven't works and now they're just reaching for anything is no different than a tin horn dictator in Ecuador or Hakeem Jeffries I've got that here some of these points I made on number 25 years ago in 302 want slavery once divided the nation but emancipate is rose up to clarify that all men are created equally suffrage once divided the nation but women rose up to clarify that all voices must be heard in our democracy Jim Crow once divided the nation but civil rights champions rose up to clarify that all are entitled to equal protection under the law we will hold this president accountable for corrupting our democracy we will impeach Donal John from his right we're going to preach Trump just like we got rid of slavery because it's one and the same this is the guy who last week went on a diatribe about Trump putting kids in cages. And he ripped into Trump for at tacking a young 60 year old climate change activist and in so doing he. Covered or revealed what it really is all about they just can't stand here is Steve in Buffalo you're next year Hello welcome that I wanted to mention was Republicans of the stork we take in the George Bush approach like you mentioned earlier in the program of the high road and not really going into the gutter like the Democrats have not one company's office in 2004 I hope that they would have learned just like Donald had to learn that you cannot play nice with the Democrats you have to play the same themes that they played in I really believe that the Democrats don't think that the Republicans will include the next Democrat president just I don't think they think that they will and I believe that if the Democrats go ahead and do that I really believe that the Democrats will never be so cavalier with impeachment again. And let me see if you do you think the Republicans will or will not do to the next Democratic president what they're doing to try if you think they will or won't Well I think the Democrats believe that they won't right I hope that the Republicans do but I think that the Democrats are kind of like trying to call their bluff and think are the Republicans don't want to. They're going to remember that Rochelle with all due respect I don't think the Democrats are even thinking about that when Didn't she Harry activated the nuclear option for electing judges he never worried that it would come back and bite them because all that mattered was the moment and the only thing that matters studies deluded didn't arrange Wacko's he's getting impeachment next to Donald Trump's name that's all that matters. They'll deal with Republicans trying to pull this stunt against them if and when it happens they're not worried about what doors they're opening they're not worried about what norms they're breaking down in fact the more norms they can destroy the better they're not looking at this they don't have any fear of Republicans they don't think the Republicans can pull this off you're probably right they don't even think the Republicans would try it so I don't think that's even in their calculation this is the moment they are singularly focused and they have been singularly focused for 3 and a half years it is not a lie and it is not an exaggeration to say that there are many Democrats talking about impeaching Trump before he was even inaugurated folks it's in the record I made a prediction on January 23rd 2 days after Trump was an arguer I predicted every bit of this that's happening not by specific event but I did say that he would be impeached if and when they found the opportunity to do it not the reasons the opportunity predicted why and that they're never going to stop we have reached the point where they refuse to accept when they lose elections that is one of the several gentlemanly agreements that the parties have had since the days of the founding peaceful transition of power they have put us on notice that those days are over every election they lose they are going to contest they are making no bones about that and in process they are hoping to wear down Republicans into not even trying to win elections because it would be easier to lose then to win and put up with this garbage. Now I'm going to make a I'm going to remind you of a prediction that I made some time ago and I really expect this to happen I don't think it's going to happen in my lifetime so don't misunderstand don't think this is imminent but I'm telling you it's trending this way there's no other way it can trend the one thing that the Democrats cannot control is the outcome of elections so what do they do when they encounter things they can't control they get rid of them the day is coming where and a o.c. Type or Rashida to leave type or whoever a new Democrat we don't even know yet maybe not even born is going to come up with a great idea you know what elections are the problem they've already set the table you're stupid you're deplorable you're unqualified You don't have any right electing feel you know who you're electing you're too dumb you're too stupid you're too unconnected disconnected and they'll do it and no promoted as a way of saving democracy. Saving our great Constitution preventing the people from making informed mistakes like Donald Trump do not doubt me the day is coming where some Democrat or leftist is going this get serious and put forth the idea that we need to rethink how we choose leaders. Do not doubt me he makes it look easy. To rush on me I deem it worth can i Phone Carbondale 94.3. 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Redstone k 2428 The Thomasville and a focus be found at $106.00 in the Roaring Fork Valley $94.00 in Carbondale 94 point one in the Eagle Valley and one a 5.5 in Vail Newsflash due to the spread of pathogens 8 this zombie apocalypse has reached its peak world leaders have teamed up with post net to save small businesses during this crisis even with a young dad roaming post net keeps businesses alive with printing graphic design and marketing solutions yet 20 percent off your 1st post net purchase by going to beat zombies dot com Now that's beat zombies dot com limited time offer valid through October 31st only at participating plus network Asians You're listening to Canada follow f.m. The song also found on Tuesday can f o f m Lord Glengall spring. This is c.b.s. News on the hour the your home for original reporting on Pam Coulter Democrats say democracy is at stake and Republicans say it's only sham as the House debates the impeachment of the 45th president of the United States c.b.s. Is Allison Keyes reports from the moment House Speaker Nancy Pelosi open debate on the charges against the president this has been a day fraught with anger like a statement from Florida Republican Ross bando who says this process is not bipartisan This is incredibly divisive and has lowered the bar for what future presidents will face I strongly oppose the article before today and I hope that we will finally move past this nightmare but Rhode Island Democrat David Cicilline he says today is not about making history but it's about holding what he calls a long. As president accountable every member of this chamber faces a choice whether to do what the Constitution demands of the evidence requires or to turn a blind eye to the president's grave misconduct I'm Steven Portnoy at the White House the president responds to the House floor debate with an all caps tweet such atrocious lies by the radical left do nothing Democrats he exclaims calling the proceedings an assault on America and an assault on the Republican Party secretary of state might pump aoe said he would testify and produce documents for a Senate trial if it's appropriate and required by law sailors are being warned about a Russian vessel sailing in an unsafe fashion along the southeast coast of the u.s. C.b.s. Is Cammie McCormick The ship was sailing off South Carolina then Georgia and to Jacksonville Florida sometimes erratic Lee The Coast Guard said it received reports indicating the victor laying off in some cases had no running lights and it warned other vessels to maintain a sharp lookout the ship was last seen east of the Bahamas and appeared to be headed home the parents of American student auto warm beer who died after being held in a North Korean prison are pretty.

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