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At sea in Capetown The video went viral with more than 600000 views donations have flooded in Audi is offering to drive the couple anywhere they want to go and a South African beer company is offering to pay for their honeymoon the Dow is down $48.00 points this is c.b.s. News. The biggest names in politics face the questions you want answered as commander in chief what do you think America's role in the world should be Face the Nation Sundays on c.b.s. Are you facing a terrible future of getting up 3 times a night to urinate male performance problems and worse your prostate can become your worst enemy I'm Dr McGill board certified physician here at I the only labs and I'm ashamed at how most physicians don't know anything about natural methods of prostate health and remember many men who need medical treatment for the prostate often end up impotent but a healthy man can urinate easily sleep through the night in maintain his masculine prowess Naturally I didn't want men becoming impotent so to help men maintain good prostate health naturally I created my one of a kind prostate formula my prostate formula is so good that I'll pay you $100.00 to try it at urgent prostate dot com because of the rarity of the ingredients I only have a limited supply of bottles on hand visit urgent prostate dot com to get your 6 day supply right now before I run out remember try my prostate formula for 60 days and if it isn't everything I say it is then I'll give you your money back plus $100.00 on a cord with a simple honest offer at urgent prostate dot com urgent prostate dot com urgent prostate dot com. And update now on that county in Florida that said no to buying libraries digital subscriptions to the New York Times Citrus County Commissioners have called the New York Times fake news although one told us this week he thought the remark was really tongue in cheek now the Tampa Bay Times reports that the county has gotten so many e-mails that its server crashed some writers support the commissioners one saying we have enough fake news in the county but others say the commissioners are afraid of knowledge commissioner Jimmy Smith says online subscriptions would be redundant to the print versions they already get through is this cost beneficial to the community donors who contributed more than 6000 dollars to a Go Fund Me page commissioners will readdress the issue Nov 19th Peter King c.b.s. News Orlando. Tina Turner fans were elated when she showed up for the premiere of Tina the musical on Broadway last night. In New York Times review called the show one inch deep and I'm now in the Hi Deborah Bradley gas c.b.s. News. Well investment of a high degree of risk they're only suitable for as you see credit investors the year is almost over and time to take advantage of tax write off for $2191.00 of the ideal ways to write off 100 percent of your investment is participating with Encore energy and by investing in oil you'll get a tax advantaged asset that can potentially provide income for up to 20 years more and last year I had over half my life back intact benefits they keep me informed of my investment every step of the way I live on core energy and core is drilling in potentially one of the most prolific horizontal oil plays in the eastern u.s. 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The people at champions of the people dot com There are high number of projects statewide and many are on the western slope or on their last legs still expect some delays throughout the morning hours on Highway 40 west of Hayden I 70 is a handful of projects reported between junction in the front range and there are still a few projects our highways $50.16 as well all of those will start to wind down throughout the day and there will be some heavy spin traffic throughout the new games with them where they share your commute so I see how good you wrote on Facebook and Twitter from the Road studio this is a blog and chase. High Gordon deal from this morning America's 1st news the new morning program on k n f o but the Ritz Washington around the world are Colorado's high country this morning America's 1st news is your best source for Morning News Plus sports weather and Colorado road conditions too this morning America's 1st news weekday mornings 5 until 7 on k n f o. The Aspen picking County Airport vision Committee and the Aspen Institute present a public conversation about the future of aviation in a carbon constrained world Wednesday November 13th from 4 to 7 pm at the door hosier Center at the Aspen Meadows former White House climate advisor Roger Ballantine will moderate a panel of national aviation and environmental experts the event is free it's open the public for more information go to a.s.c. Vision dot com That's a ass vision dot com financial investments are very important but so are the investments of time patience and encouragement our young athletes receive from their coaches teachers and mentors I understand this and that's why I'm a proud sponsor of the Eagle Valley football on Colorado Sports Network time Edward Jones Financial Advisor Chuck small would stop by our offices at 56 Market Street in Eagle or call us at 328454748 face to face appointment Edwards. Making sense of investing member s.i.p.c. . Good people is celebrating the opening of our record dispensary in downtown basalts with 4 days of special experience to good people difference Thursday November 7th through Sunday November 10th and enjoy a store wide 25 percent discount on our full selection of high quality products for this limited time meet our growers visit with selected vendors and take advantage of special discounts you won't want to miss including $1.00 pre rolls with every purchase while supplies last were in the salt across from the brick Pony Club visit us a good people n.j. Dot com or call 71881022 learn more don't forget your sweat get a free hat or shirt with a purchase of 100 dollars or more to remember must be of legal age and please enjoy the response of the good people your best buds get into good people into solitude today through Sunday for your 25 percent off discount on everything in the store. Die from making enough oh stupid it's the box. Oh my gosh I just realized it's Friday come on. Holiday x. Rollin me ran a blocker just pointed out the fact that I'm getting old. And it's probably true. I'll I will explain. Throughout the course of the show. I'm just like joy to get it and my parents didn't get it either and that's fine so in that. Respect I'm old but. I don't get the music that. Is super popular right now. Now. That will get into it. And we coming up we're going to talk about 9 to 5 Come on I mean well as one of the great movies was that of the early eighty's maybe Dolly Parton. One of the all time greats of great. Singer songwriter celebrity one of the greatest celebrities of all time period I mean I realize she was the Great One of the greatest singer songwriters in country music but as far a celebrity goes she's right there at the top of the list if you can characterize celebrity as something and I guess I can just my show and I'm going to but I mean literally that movie was in Tass tick and we're talking about Asman community theaters very open sin ite In fact I should go I ended up going to the the kids version of Ghost last week I took my wife and it was fabulous I forgot In fact I left as a cash we had to watch the movie Ghost after I mean just remembering how great that movie was and how great that performance was in the black box the leader last week such an amazing job and need to do the 9 to 5 I need to do the 9 to 5 thing. So we're going to learn and how you can get tickets around talk about how you can get tickets for that as well also we got George Jensen and I have very riveting questions to ask Mr Jensen today because. And I need him to think I need him to put on his analyst cap because he thought Jenson's actually way smarter than me I mean that's a low bar I mean his musical knowledge not smarter than mine I mean let's I mean let's be real here but I have musical questions I want to ask you we're going to preview the upcoming sports weekend as far as high school football college football and pro football so you know he's not as old as me even though I think he's older than me he's not as old as me he's still hip I've lost him he's still hip and cool All that coming up here on the David Bach show here on k n f l thanks so much for tuning in on this Friday November 8 I think it's going to be like a ridiculously beautiful day out there today and tomorrow factum to get up on my ladder off my neighbor will let me use his ladder I'm going to get up on my neighbor's ladder and get the leaves out of the gutters because I mean this is like the last good week and I think to make this happen get up and get those gutters out and I saw him doing it to his gutters and he had you know the big long ladder I don't have a big long ladder my ladder doesn't get to the highest parts of the roof and since I like rarely use the damn latter I might as well ask him if I can use his because it's just sitting next to his front door and we're going to see temperatures nearing 60 degrees today in Glenwood Springs fifty's in Aspen in Vail same goes for tomorrow I think something moves in on Sunday night I'm waiting for my computer to actually see it just takes a minute to load the Weather Channel website. Because well I mean Windows Vista wasn't good when it came out 25 years ago it's still not good only me so we're going to see all that real Ok well that's Glenwood Springs damn it 63 on Saturday man if you play golf you need to. If you play golf and you the doctor still lets you play golf if you don't go to battle meant a rifle or whoever's open this weekend to go play golf for me at least Just Do It For Me Ok do it for me 63 degrees tomorrow I mean that's a shame wearing shorts today except I realize that we're running out of shorts days and I'm not really that guy sure I'm not stuck stumpy wear shorts all winter long and that's fine I get the comfort thing I get that it's really comfortable a get it I'm just not me I'm not the it's fine it's is it's way more comfortable to wear shorts in the winter time and you just throw a puffy on and you're good to go you can do the whole shorts in the winter time shorts in a puffy I almost wore flip flops but I thought are you know pushing today and pushing but it's going to be warm this weekend a nice one of your last chance to I think going to pick up dog poop all over or does that sound exciting Well you know it piles up by the time March comes around I mean just try to stick with it you know just do it as often as I can really I'm talking about pick anyway I'm doing chores this weekend you should do it too so 55 degrees on Sunday in Aspen 58 Aspen in Vail 58 in Saturday 52 today in Aspen and Vail in Glenwood Springs are going to see high temperatures reaching into the sixty's tomorrow sixty's on Sunday and then Sunday night I think it all changes. We're going to get out of this sick of the waiting Windows Vista has a hard time with website. Solace thinking about this today. The earliest opening in Steamboat resort they announced yesterday steamboats going to open a week from today November 15th and it's the earliest opening ever at Steamboat where the last time they opened this early it was 1906 November 16th is when they opened so I was sitting here thinking I'm all ski resorts this year are open now if you understand ski resort they don't open because this is huge profit thing all right in fact I would from an uninformed opinion I would argue that they're losing money by opening early just to start everything up to get things going so the whole idea to open early is maybe if you make this big press release Hey steamboat opening a week early the earliest week oh ever it helps frame Colorado ski season in the nation's mind that hey all these ski resorts are opening early so let's book a trip to let's go to Steamboat this winter and a basin and Lovelady Keystone all try to fight to be the 1st the resorts so they can be on 9 News and get the free marketing that says hey a basin was the 1st to open this year Keystone was the 1st to announce they were going to open and then a basin opened with a pop up and stayed up and that was made NY news it made the demo post free advertising so that's where they recover the value of opening early maybe somebody will retreat the fact all the Colorado ski resorts are open an early we should go there for Christmas which is great. The people in Wisconsin the people Minister people in Michigan the people in Pennsylvania the people in Texas they're all talking about how while Colorado ski resorts are opening early that's why they opened early it's not a profit it's a long term strategy rather than short term So my question then bringing this back around full circle I should probably say this question for Thor being that he's a ski Not now I should have brought this back the question is Is Aspen and Vale have announced that they're opening early yet if ever I don't know they're going to so my question is do Assman unveil feel pressure to open early so that they can say yeah we opened early to just underscoring the fact that the Colorado ski season is going to be epic This year it's going to be amazing this year does Aspen does Vail open early early so that the world thinks it's an iconic. And say I did that epic icon in memory so do they feel the pressure or is do they just sit back and say why we're going to do is cost our company money everybody else opened early everybody already thinks all that marketing is done I mean are there people out there that say all that's not going to ask when they didn't open early let's go to Steamboat instead. Let's go to a basin Instead let's go to comp or instead they are people doing that and I don't know that people are doing that but maybe so do they order I mean can they afford to sit back and say. Not opening early why. It doesn't really matter no. Still it doesn't really matter. What it is it are things I sit around and think about all day as I'm not Christian Knapp I'm not my Kaplan I'm not Jeff Hanley sitting around thinking we open this season but I mean it's on their radar they're they're pumping out snow hoping that they might maybe that they're opening early I mean a lot of locals they hold off on early season 1st day skiing for various reasons and then there are a lot of locals they're like yeah I got I'm going to be the 1st one on a ski 1st day this year that's how they sound too I'm asking 1st there's year so I mean the thinking is is do we open early and maybe try to boost our you know exposure maybe on the Twitter sphere on Facebook on whatever I mean do we do that to open early or do it just what why I mean. Literally why would you open early it's not like you're going to make money and he's not going to improve your bottom line now Pat from Aspen he grew up here and he knows Pat what do you think do you think we should do you think ski Co or Vaile should open early or is that bubble burst what's the point. Well here's the thing Ok talk to me Start story scheme in the sixty's 7 or 8 years old and i k what Dean didn't really start until January in open the mountains sometimes January because he never thought of things giving him Christmas night that was developed through the late sixty's and seventy's because they said hey there's a market there right right and then they risk way to March and stop but now they go into April I think with. Climate change or not I think the ski season is changing to this I think we're going to be opening at the beginning of November and probably close in the end of March and maybe more into October or even move Rick that way because the ski companies and ski areas have learned something there's a summer market they make money almost year round with their company you know there is a down time good time for skiers because you know when it's summer they don't think it will come there but now that's rectory in Snowmass or asked mountain going up the mountain doing mountain biking climbing walls also thing and they can make a lot of money maybe not as much as we are but it's better it's like you know how they sell motel rooms for half price have priced motel rooms buried in an empty motel room when your cost of running your company runs every day doesn't matter some ease their pain you you're still going to take taxes electrical and gas and all that. I think it's an economic and it's a decision you know which happened in the past or future decisions and I think basically you're right I think maybe they should start opening early and you know see how their conditions go or be more flexible occurred right near I think whether it's typical it may not be a good early might be right there for a couple years and enemy change so I think the ski companies and you know all experience to learn to be flexible. You know your advertising is wearing your biggest bike it to people in your business or company. Same place x. And y. Are thousands tens of thousands of dollars promoting their area in Europe and North America and I think they need to be more flexible with their time but I understand it's an advertisement thing opening early really for locals you know people in the state people maybe a state awake or locals here and I've loved them open I mean we met and Kara it's getting there and we're great last year I mean I had so many days and early December and my wife and I were the only ones on the mountain it seemed like and we had kneedeep and we've been so lucky i research keep every word open but. They sometimes don't have enough people well right they always have enough b. I just it comes down to snow and it's interesting that you've been here for you were in Aspen for the majority the vast majority of your life and I always appreciate what you're saying but yeah I mean I don't they haven't announced it but and I don't know if they're going to or not but anyway chime in thanks Pat I appreciate it you're going to be welcome here I take care Pat from Aspen is one of my. Are friends and I just I got to get to commercials that's why I have to move things on the thing is that they do it essential they're not making money they're not making money haven't pass owners who have already spent their money already drop their ticket. Those are the folks that are mostly going out of state visitors maybe some but for the most part of a pass holders and they're not going to there's no lift ticket revenue exchanging hands for the most part a little bit but not a ton in pretty much the the biggest benefit is maybe somebody on the did a show will announce hey aspirins opening early or maybe on Monday on Sunday Night Football Hey Aspen in Colorado they opened early and that just if you live in and out of state area like Michigan where I grew up or Wisconsin Minnesota Pennsylvania whatever and you're thinking about new ski trip or maybe palm tree ski trip palm trees and you you hear hey they're opening early in Colorado let's go let's do a skiing in in Colorado now personally and this is no up I mean this is probably good I'm not going to go out and ski the stripe I call the strike because you're basically putting a manmade snow stripe down a run I'm not going on the stripe. I think everybody that wants to go on the stripe should I just don't feel safe too many skiers and once I don't like skiing next to people I don't like to be near anybody when I ski because you never know what that skiers going to do and trust me you can you can hurt yourself skiing in a big way and wreck your so no I'm not going it's not worth it I'd rather go to the gym and get my legs stronger up to what I've been working on now that I can get back in the gym get my legs ready for ski season so that maybe when December rolls around in there somewhere runs and a weekday when there's nobody on the Hill that's when I'm going on a hill that's when I'm gone. But I so I'm not a big fan of I don't really care if they open early or not but it is a thought because every year there's always this race to open early and that's what's going on right now we'll get into this talk into this with Thor Jensen Coming up we're asking a community theater that's what we need to talk about that's coming up next here on the David Bach show 9 to 5 great movie one of the great movies and an even better musical. Just looking at the pictures I need to get a cast list because I always love the Aspen community theater too to find out John I know Jeannie wall is in it I know she's in it are She's helping out here not in it I mean it are all talk about that in a minute I got to get to the commercial Ok but I appreciate coming in yeah the David. C.b.s. News update former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is apparently having a change of heart about running for president he's filing paperwork today to qualify for Alabama's Democratic primary correspondent Ed O'Keefe Bloomberg would make the argument that as a general election candidate he would be able to appeal across the aisle to Democrats and Republicans and people who don't affiliate with either party because over the course of his life he's been a Democrat a Republican an Independent and a Democrat once again c.b.s. News political analyst Leonard Steinhorn says money wouldn't be an issue Michael Bloomberg does not have to race at Darrent to be able to run for president he is apparently worth over 50 $1000000000.00 He will sell fun he doesn't need small donors he doesn't need big donors President Trump has just told reporters outside the White House Michael Bloomberg will fail if he joins the race c.b.s. News update I'm Deborah Broderick guess. 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Radio buy tickets at Cornerstone basalt dive nad or call 9791 is 06 for more information. And I'm Jeremy Hubbard you can count on Fox 31 to bring you the latest information during breaking news and weather. On t.v. K t v our dot com and the Fox 31 News Hour and will stay with it until the story is complete watch Fox 31 news tonight. Fox 31. Managing your investments can be a daunting task that's where Russ Andrews comes in Russ helps people all over the Roaring Fork and Eagle valleys call Russ at 927-6400 that's 927-6400 Russ Andrews offers securities and advisory services through 1st financial equity Corp f f e c He is a member of f i n r a as I p.c. . Will be Adam Sternbergh of the key to the last day of a public forum because of the steps into the. Jungle means you are in the best dog and almost do the job of staff job and loves to come and. See that's what I like about you. Because that's something you get music you get I mean obviously you can sing so you get music but you get music because you can't help but dance you who can sit still when it was a lot of people can't like my cold starts tapping whenever I hear music I just automatically I kind of I don't have control deep pockets and I remember when the movie 1st came out I absolutely I was trying to think was it early eighty's or late seventy's 79979 and in those days there was one exchange everybody their phone number was 9 to 5 and so don't you remember when people would say to you what's your phone number you'd say now do you. Know 7 now all that was at the Aspen has a 9 to 5 we got Jeannie Walla coming in from the marketing department asking. Community Theater Brandon Joseph an actor when Brando Where do you live I live here in Aspen Oh you do live here about you know in the up Ok so Country Day School all you did you told me this and it in a theater do you teach music and theater and I do your toe starts tapping you know whenever you hear a good song my butt starts shaking your your butt does start shaking. But you could always tell somebody who was really musically inclined to something happens to them when you hear a song it's interesting yeah yeah a song they like or whatever a song that makes you want to tap your toe I mean it's not that same way I love Bach but it doesn't make me want to have. You know we were talking about this morning is that Dolly she wasn't going to do this role in in this you could write that song for this for this movie really yeah and so she wrote the song and then she's like I'll play why why wouldn't they have her write the song I don't know I don't know what the content of them was a great song writers of all time one of the great singers and quite possibly one of the greatest celebrities of all time I want to you know I wonder how old she was back then 179 you know because it was 40 years ago and so it's kind of the beginning of the career. You know well and I think she was mostly famous for doing country music and it's not exactly a story like. You know Coal Miner's Daughter totally socially Maybe they felt like she would write a song that wouldn't fit but one of the most iconic roles for yeah you can never not forget that the Dolly Parton Yeah yeah she was born in 46 so in 79 she would have then there is something that's still kind of young you know that's yeah she made her way in but she was she was on her way there yeah you know anyway Ok so let's I want to talk a little bit I asked some community theater has been around forever 97575 and it's basically it was born what to give locals a chance to. I don't know just get together and put together of some form of music or performance and share it with Exactly and give people an opportunity to perform and also that other wonderful community part of getting together you know the Mickey Rooney Judy Collins who I know I know let's put on a show right we can use my dad's garage right at my mom's barn because I will make the costume it's just fun yeah yeah just I mean I was telling this to somebody last week that you know in high school I look back and of all the things I was pretty active in sports and other social things the most fun I had was in theater class and it wasn't even close your play a role or anything like Oh yeah I played roles and marries that well I got these guys on the other end and I Masterson's I Nathan Detroit and the thing is is that it was just her a lot of fun and like doing that kind of it was a lot of it's fun to be somewhere and it was never a star I was always in the background I was that's always good to be someone else and you know it was still the most fun I ever had and when you put the costume on doesn't it change everything it changes everything and then it was just it was just something about it you know and it was the rehearsals every night all the time even though I wasn't the most the leader or anything even close to being late I still had a blast this is my 1st time with Aspen community theater and it is the most find creative family I've ever been a part of in the world of theater very supportive Do you know how many people try out for this I mean do most people get a part if they try out and because I love it most people I mean they might not get the leading part is going to get they've got a well there have been years where somebody just kind of strolled in and got cast in the lead well and it's important for community theater. Present company included . You know. There's an opportunity every year to have an audience see people they've never seen before and my contention is if you move to a town like Aspen it's one of the best ways to get. In all that I 30 here I wish I would have done it sooner well that you know that's a very good like that that's a good point Janey because I mean if you move to a community like Aspen or veil or whatever but let's say you move to Aspen and you don't have any friends this is a way to get a circle started as you just need 2 or 3 friends and once you have 2 or 3 friends and you're going out with them and then you make more friends and pretty soon you're the center of everybody's attention in town precisely and even if you're not looking for glory like that you know even if you're kind of the shy retiring type Yeah you can always so hands on costumes and put buttons on things or you know be standing on the sidelines paging the curtain absolutely there's there's a job for you it's a very inclusive group yeah everybody's welcome to be on the genie wall and Brandon Joseph Brandon you're actually you're in Europe. You're part of the cast Janie's hat part of the marketing What's your role play I play for the swarming Franklin Hart you know the I don't I haven't seen the film in literally decades but is that the boss that's the boss the Dabney Coleman role Ok So remind me again I haven't seen this film even though it's a great film a decade I haven't seen and remind me of the plot All right so it takes place in 1979 and 3 business girls working kind of with his boss who was just driving them crazy inequality you know treating them terribly sexualizing them all that kind of stuff all that terrible stuff right and they take over the office they tie him up they capture him you know they fantasize about killing him and they take over the boss and they start making the company a lot better place right you know women are greatest greatest people and they you know they can do a lot of good in this musical showcases that Ok And how long is how long is the performance like 2 and a half as it might be about to 2 hours and 15 minutes to our senses 15 minutes and it opens tonight opens tonight no opens tonight no runs pretty much just this weekend. Right or does it run last weekend and next so it's 2 weekends this Sunday is the one and only matinee a 2 Ok now I think aren't tickets like this flying aren't they I mean you guys have so knowing I bought some of this this show sells out largely because it's a bunch of our friends and family and and we want to go see him play but I want to caution people because this is the behavior that happens frequently Ok people say well I'm going to go win next week yeah I'm going to give them a chance to get really good they're good now I guarantee any good now and next week it's going to sell out it's going to sell out so go now so you can tell your friends how fabulous it is well that's exactly right and then in just go is is the bottom line because it sells out I remember I was here last year the year before I wanted to go it was also about all the performances was and it was probably the 2nd weekend yeah I was like What the heck dammit. All right let me run this longer I am warning you if you can't get a ticket next weekend you don't come complaining to me I will I'ma call you 1st thing all right I'm going to Facebook you and your daughter and we're going to hope we are going to listen to her help her sizing you so Ok so tickets are how much do we know 25 dollars 25 bucks that's a pretty cheap date for some great performance and see all your friends and locals up exactly where. Are you guys performing Aspen district theater at the Aspen district dater which is great theater Get your tickets at Aspen show tix dot com Aspen show takes dot com And literally it's going to be a great weekend and in fact I had forgotten that this was going to happen and like you know I need to do this I need to make this happen I'm going this weekend I'm going not only has a c.t. Arranged a fabulous show we have created great weather there are a lot of nights where you've got to slog through a blizzard and not this time not this time no it's going to be I were sure you're welcome I wore shorts today because you know. Well there are many short days left right right like I'm doing short but a good in those shorts to thank you I think I'm going to shorts even in November come on I'm not really I'm not shorts guy all winter you know like stumpy he wears shorts all winter long yeah and defend what Jaran forever and that's fine I guess my neighbor Oh I love somebody he's my buddy. He was wearing shorts at the Aspen high school football game the salt last week when it was like 400 degrees below 0 Ok to circle around Dolly Parton bring it stumpy lives to my God I thought I know what I do have to say there is a rumor that she might be coming tonight who Dolly Yes come on you know is somebody in the production team who went to high school you know that she might be there tonight and we won't know until she. Oh Mike see you're just saying that I not only gets hold of that do you I will fly here they're sweating while I'm talking about all for that because she wrote the music and lyrics for the whole for the entire So just like that who would it be to meet Dolly Parton I just sing her sing her song I just want to be her she is literally one of the greats in country music one of the . Great songwriter and then I believe she's one of the top celebrities ever and the battle in the world in which he says it takes a lot of money to look this cheap. Ass and show take stock and you got it asshole stop by the wheel organs out by the way or opera house pick up tickets there it's tonight at what time. And then so it's tonight Friday Saturday night 7 pm 7 pm And then there's a Sunday matinee only the 1st weekend it's not next year's You know right next week and they'll be doing strike Bassman community theater no doubt or Gasman community theater dot org Check it out and don't miss this year's version of the Aspen theater Assman community theaters production of 9 to 5 Diva I say to people if you're going to get tickets get tickets for you and your girlfriend yes or you win your bow Yeah or the best Come on you and your boss still is. That there. Was frost on the pumpkin momos breaking out of. And I've. Been. Going to say it's the price you pay to enjoy shooting sports in the great outdoors you can stay indoors if you like. The brag but I'm going to. It is so realistic. I mean the empty shells. In addition to the bang bang. Bling bling as in beautiful jewelry necklaces bracelets watches everything from the big question gorgeous rings jewelry clothing range. To 7951. A must move demographical ring a framer and. 20 . 5. And. Time to see so Bartlett we are with Berkshire Hathaway at 22 years experience helping locals find their dream home whether you've lived here all your life like I have or moved here because of the lifestyle we are your neighbors and we can help with your real estate if you're a to change your view reach us at 970-343-4643 extension 4 Find us on our website Marino Vale real estate dot com team or you know your neighbors and real estate professionals right next door to the Hansens is a place called local spirit it's the local liquor store little Spears has a great selection of beer wine and spirits in a beautiful places so he'll want to feel like a local looking at it in 2 locals fear special enough $750.00 was $19999.00 and spent Yes $2599.00 now night. Local spirit swing in. Your Jensen's coming in early because I'm washing the astore I need him to be an analysis an analyst an analyst that's what I need I'm analyzing my analyzing your brain you're going to analyze things you don't like to analyze this could be trouble for you. And Lucy highways Joe Cocker Ok I love your car and this is the thing I saw images absolutely. Did you see that I did I missed I'm not. Out there needy and sometimes yeah he was great and he still got all quirky with his movements and it was awesome that's awesome awesome. Minutes here so we're going to we're going to get into this right away Ok. On the other. Radio station yeah yeah why would you have to promote them I don't promote I don't promote them Ok we don't want anybody listening to blocker you know listen if you can it's on listen up we were talking about Skittles So of course love me some Skittles do you love Skittles yeah maybe we'll talk about that later in the next hour so course brand you know why let's get us why because they're the awesome ski boost when you're skiing do you eat them by the handful or wanted to time like. Then one or 2 at a time because usually they get really cold my jacket 49 percent of people eat on my hands I can do that. Bran and split them up by colors and it's like he's a psychopath weirdo now they're my Like when you're on the chairlift in need a little sugar boost as you're like running around Seattle of Skittles it's just you know what you know what it came from was it is. It's when you are bribing your kids to ski you and you have a handful of Skittles got you and you have a little and so that's a carry over from that I just had a case where they sweet sweet sweet where he was a like to take us for a he well they have they have to have the 10 you ones I'm talking traditional Ok sprees and then later to you know I know but they had the flavors aren't really in there not just that they're hard to distinguish between the flavors It's not like the red one taste a whole lot different than the green one but it's different not really Ok and I So he thought he'd play this song because it reminded we're talking about the Rainbow grab the rainbow or whatever so he played this song. You know this song just just bear with me I need to be an analyst and. Guess. The short. Term it's the man this is one of the great my question for you was you know because he was playing some terrible current song right in my thinking is Ok everybody knows the words to the song. You know some of them yeah I'm really bad for most people know the words of his yeah I mean people know they're digging deep into my memory. Because you're actually part of my brain those are probably exist anymore. Drowning in whiskey murders. Ok so my question to you is yes I'm listening I mean most people know the worst of the songs if they're not drowning in beer right. It's similar to John Denver songs for most people know the name the words said John Denver song most people know the words and I'm sparing you because it's Friday yeah I killed you last week yeah Molly's already played You're the played Iggy Pop I was so happy most people know the words yes I'm oh so I don't want to Barry Manilow songs why even you do know that you know I don't I write the songs that make the whole world sing you I know you know that song I stop it so my question for you is even though they're cheesy cause some people would say Kermit the Frog is cheesy I know you and I don't but some know it's cheesy Barry Manilow definitely just as cheesy as any are a lot of people think he's cheesy right but just because it's cheesy doesn't mean you don't have to like I mean you can still like it my question for you is yes I'm listening. Isn't it if you know all the words there are if you know a bunch of the words the song does not mean it's probably a great song. Even if you're saying if you know all the words you've listened one way to know a way you'd listen to a to find the great song are you talking about like it's a it's a well written musical piece takes in your brain hurts to appear it does not mean that it does not make it a great song that Barry Manilow song numerous times and not to recall the lyrics therefore something about that song had you listening to it over and over again and therefore it must be a great song that's that's not us a true sometimes songs are jammed down your throat because back in the day you only had a radio station you're stuck with that song and so it just played in then you just have it you just have it stuck in your head so a great song does not necessarily mean that it you remember all the lyrics all time just some of the songs I have to our catchy ending is it in a well if it's a bad song through or yes you don't know the lyrics to it you don't know because you don't listen to it exactly because it's a bad song so if it's if you listen to it over and over again where you recall the lyrics it must be a good song that's that's really bad jump in your in your thinking. There's all kinds of reasons why these songs that's not true but if you know the word should be enough for you to be a part of a commercial it could be sort of a commercial that stuck in your head rap song this morning because it's part of the news and maybe we'll get into it maybe not Ok and I will not know the words of this song ever even though it's one of the more popular rap songs however for the rest of my life I will always. Have. Your fingers tapping feet. Were available everything. Valley available all the way from Aspen to Glenwood Springs get a fresh perspective for new voices or more. Interesting. World local all the time and if you haven't seen this yet or you've missed some of our stories you can catch up right now with our if weekly Journal dot com Every. In all the usual places the Roaring Fork weekly journal. People celebrating the opening of our record dispensary in downtown basalt with 4 days of special experience to good people difference Thursday November 7th through Sunday November 10th and enjoy a store why 25 percent discount on our full selection of high quality products for this limited time meet our growers visit with selected vendors and take advantage of special discounts you won't want to miss including $1.00 pre rolls with every purchase while supplies last into Salt crossing the bridge 20 club visit us a good people n.j. Dot com or call 71881022 learn more don't forget your sweat get a free hat or shirt with a purchase of one $100.00 or more to remember must be of legal age in please enjoy responsible good people the best buds get into good people in results today through Sunday for your 25 percent off discount on everything in the store. These days c.b.s. News on the hour sponsored by Mass Mutual I'm Steve k. Fan President Trump says Michael Bloomberg will fail if he enters the presidential race she's not going to do well but I think it's going to hurt Biden actually but he doesn't have the magic that they're well c.b.s. Is that O'Keefe says Bloomberg the billionaire former New York City mayor seems to be edging closer to getting into the Democratic battle we're told by his spokesman that he's increasingly concerned about the shape of the Democratic field right now and as many observers have pointed out he probably wouldn't be doing this if Joe Biden were in a stronger position c.b.s. News political analyst Leonard Steinhorn says money for a Bloomberg candidacy would be no object Michael Bloomberg does not have to race it meant to be able to run for president he is apparently worth over $50000000000.00 He will self fund he doesn't need small donors he doesn't need big donors President Trump who made his Bloomberg comments moments ago also said this morning he's not concerned about any testimony that's been given in the House impeachment inquiry the Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie says some 8000 workers have been shown the door in the long effort to bounce back from scandal we have relieved people as high as network directors after the scandals of Phoenix the scandals of 20142015 this is I think one of the strongest statements that we can make that is a new day at the Veterans initiated the calls for change complaining about extraordinary wait times for care investigators are trying to piece together what happened yesterday at a Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant in Burlington Massachusetts Fire Chief Michael Patterson says floor cleaning chemicals got to a worker who was cleaning floors this gentleman that passed away was an employee of Buffalo Wild Wings who attempted to squeegee the product out of the building when he was overcome 10 other people needed hospital treatment of folks maybe. Complaining about winter today even though the season is still 43 days away the coldest temperatures across the u.s. Today will basically be from the Great Lakes over into the northeast much of New England the great lakes states from Chicago all the way across to New York City Philadelphia even d.c. C.b.s. Meteorologist Craig Allen says deep cold swings back again next week nearly 2 months after the death of cars front man Ricco Cassidy. Reports say oh cassock cut his a strange wife the supermodel Paulina Porizkova out of his will on Instagram she said the 2 had lived together in the time right before his death Wall Street the Dow is .

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