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Passing at the president's Mar a Lago Club in Florida and lying to Secret Service agents 33 year old using Django must also be deported after completing her sentence he received nearly 8 months of credit because she's been held since her arrest in March Americans listening to new . Season is here and it's time for our best time for the year during a poor black Friday. Now for a limited time get 20 percent estimated see and select $29000.00 board. You're City Mayor Mike Bloomberg campaigning in Virginia one day after officially jumping into the presidential race explaining why he chose Norfolk to kick off his campaign just because southeastern Virginia proves that with the right candidate we can turn the areas from red to blue and we need to do that all across this country and today I'm glad to announce that I am running for president to defeat Donald Trump and she unite and rebuild America Bloomberg is skipping early voting states Iowa New Hampshire to focus on states holding primaries on Super Tuesday President Trump assigned a bill that makes certain acts of animal cruelty a federal felony. It expands 182010 law that targeted videos depicting the crushing or torturing of animals but that didn't prohibit the underlying conduct McDonald's has agreed to a $26000000.00 settlement of a long running class action suit over wages and work and vision a corporate run locations in California the agreement which covers about $38000.00 people requires the approval of a Los Angeles County Superior Court judge the lawsuit filed nearly 7 years ago against big Donal's restaurants of California made a multitude of claims including a failure to pay minimum and overtime wages and to provide required meal and rest breaks Russia could miss out on representation at the Olympics again next year over anti-doping violation the World Anti-Doping Agency's compliance review committee has proposed a 4 year ban on Russia hosting major events and a ban for the same period on flying the Russian flag at major competitions best a Geisha and a lab that are handed over by Russia in January for which the water panel says that on hundreds of were removed Russia was officially banned from last year's Winter Olympics and beyond Chang but was allowed by the International Olympic Committee to send the team under the name Olympic athlete from Russia the water executive committee will rule on these recommendations. I know Bob that drop them to my podcast if you like water if you do you're going to love me people are and simple I'm talking refreshment. Stand by for years and bring here that I never was and never will be water. Bottle to the source the base of Mount Shasta. And simple naturally that you can by calling 1890. 7. Last Ross's Mexican restaurant Yuba City offers the best authentic Mexican Everybody. Living here our number 773813811877381. Now we get endless discussion about this left wing kook Obama judge's decision that destroys separation of power in the ability of a chief executive to function I believe shall be overturned by a circuit court if not the Supreme Court I think the case law is pretty evident but the supreme but the Constitution's even clearer but we have to. Talk about that out when I when I Well that's low but in the. Legal analyst what do you think judges. Well. Well what I think at least 3 counts anyway were. So on c.n.n. Friday but he thought he was on them as n.b.c. I think anyway I want you to listen to this carefully and see if you find the problem with it that's being ignored by everybody. Everybody got 5 go what the Republicans do when he gets over to the Senate for the actual trial began its impeachment indictment in the indictment so I believe he should excuse me dummy Pietschmann is not an indictment there's no green jury nothing of the sort This is a complete railroad job so don't call an indictment they're bringing their charges they want you to think this is a legitimate criminal process it's not it's nothing to do with it it's illegitimate period go ahead. And have the Senate try whether or not they are high crimes and misdemeanors that would cause him to be thrown out of office that's a decision for them to make I hope they have the courage I hope their members this is a moment a moment when their record is you have a moment when he had a little too much pasta I hear he has a moment he can see this moment on his face right there can't you Mr Producer this is a moment. To rest from go ahead history is true they played by the rules well let me ask you a question we here on in on the phony Democrat argument that the president United States in the phone call with the present Ukraine was trying to get a foreign government to interfere with our election by going after Joe Biden the would be opponent potentially of the president correct Mr Because I have their propaganda down pretty strong so what's this Joe Biden would rather not run against Donald Trump. He doesn't want to run an instant who would run and Donald Trump are going to be chewed up pretty good and you're going to get whipped so Joe Biden is encouraging the United States Senate. To remove Should he be the nominee as potential Republican opponent is he not now why isn't this a big issue. Why don't people say Joe you really ought to shut up and stop talking you know this is a you're intimidating Gerrard's you're intimidating jurors why do you think legally unless. I got it right I mean no it's true but I got wrong actually. What about that I want you to listen carefully get is not Joe Biden trying to influence the senators there by trying to choose who he runs against because he wants Trump taken out he says it's a moment for Joe moments a big Thank God I had what the Republicans do when he gets over to the Senate for the actual trial begins in peace from an indictment in the indictment so I believe he should be impeached and have the Senate try whether or not they are high crimes and misdemeanors that would cause him to be thrown out of office that's a decision for them to make I hope they have the courage hoping remember this is. A moment when the record is group down in history who they play by the rules is he not trying to get the United States Senate to interfere with the election to take out his would be opponent this is what they do Russia collusion Tromp Russia collusion other colluding with the Russians and trying to take Trump out they have spies have all kinds of crap going on 2016 they're colluding with the Ukrainians notice the media won't say Ukrainian collusion you're training in collusion no no no because they know that exposes their party but in this fashion so he he is encouraging the use of the impeachment and trial process to select to his opponent would be is that not interfering with the election should he shut his big mouth for once what the system goal is the system may. That tropic just way too much I mean look at that he tweeted wetness tampering expression every phrase I got my God what did he do witness a. Witness me to purge now doesn't stop them from going on t.v. That is these these politicians anyway make the point that this is interference. This is an affair and I want you to listen to another rabid moron Her name is probably the j. Appall I mean it's pronounced don't blame me her name is Jay a Paul She's a congresswoman apparently. It's almost hard to believe any idiot would say this listen to this cut for go so if Democrats aren't waiting for the courts and there's clear stonewalling from the White House which Democrats believe clearly is obstruction of justice how is that not enough to proceed forward now no notice notice this idiot Briana Keller or Tyler I went out. Urging the Democrat congressman on Choose Me Congress Twix is a what is it now Mr Congress it Congress acts congressmen that's Anyway urging her on Brianna Keiler Let's listen again go ahead. Well I think that what you are saying is exactly what you're saying she saying he just doing great there and journalist what you're saying is exactly what you saying stop with the tough questions I mean you're putting me on the spot here you know I had evidence is clear it has been clear and now it has been corroborated in multiple devastating ways for the president so we are not going to allow the palace net we're talking about you know you're so right madam journalist hearing the evidence is clear it's been clear it's been clear since before you get elected you know. Not corroborated multiple times I got clear evidence corroborated multiple times in devastating ways what are you talking about I don't know I'm just glad they legalize pot go ahead there is obstruction of justice and obstruction of Congress. By saying what we need to call more witnesses we have so many witnesses listen to this city we've had all these witnesses here whistleblower no honor but no job but don't you dare go there any of these witnesses the Republicans don't know but we've had so many We're getting bored you know you don't have to sit in the secret hearings like we do there are so numerous might not this we all agree with each other you know the Republicans are so soft more can childish they want their own witnesses the crime bargain here they actually think the president has rights come on come on we just had a Federal Judge Roll the president has no rights I tell him no don't do process has to give up his taxes I have to give up one of his children you know go ahead quoting the president United States should not be away yet and you are an idiot and let's continue showing as we go through the various events on Sunday that took place. We have Mike Blumenthal did you know he's running for president. Has there ever many more charismatic short I don't think a Bloomberg What'd I say that Blumenthal right think it confused with the mikes Bloomberg this guy such a genius he out last 32 ounce drinking cups doesn't he Mr Producer Well did he how well 16 cups 16 now cups now give 2 hands Mr Producer So if you have 16 ounces in one hand and 16 ounces another what does that add up to how everybody hello here on the Mark Levin math hour and meanwhile this guy's an 80. And he wants to run for president apologize for stop and frisk which was really Rudy's idea brought crime way down and he's apologizing and like I apologize for that I should never have done stop and frisk never should never have sab stop and frisk you know when Al Franken was stopping and frisking people I thought that was kind of repulsive actually and Bill Clinton stopping and frisking people. I that's not the kind of stop and fresh that I actually meant all right I'll be right back. This is truck country and g.m.c. 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Smarts. Love to show. Us. Thank you know most of the programming on Sunday on cable is c.n.n. And m s n b c is a real freak show it's an absolute freak show you've got people like this b.s. Brian Helter-Skelter here of a woman by the name of Katie Hill So elected to the House of Representatives from the Republican area here he Trump here Irvine California she's 32 years old she was a Bernie Sanders supporter and she goes into the house and absolutely disrespects the place she has the least to affairs and at one time she's having. Relations with both her husband and he female staffer cheesey walking freak show she does not represent women she does not represent most mothers in this country most grandmothers in this country most aunts in this country most daughters in this country most granddaughters in this country she's a jackass a leftist she could not conduct herself properly so she ditched her job rather than having a full investigation by the House Ethics Committee now they're holding up like a martyr people like Brian Stelter who have no moral core no moral core whatsoever and here he is on c.n.n. Yesterday I'm Tony of the Sunday shows or freak shows. Go So what happens after you resign from your congressional seat I'm going to revenge porn ski mask a serious question when is he going to finish puberty this guy. Is that a fair question a mystery call screener One is he going to when is he going to finish puberty I mean look I have we all know the most melodious inharmonious voice that there ever has been I've been called the James Earl Jones of radio do you know that Mr Billings But Brian Stelter he sounds like static on the old Radio Shack transistor radios let's go let's go back to Brian cut so what happens after you resign from your congressional seat I'm going to revenge porn scandal well for let's say that about. You resign from your congressional seat amid a revenge porn scandal a sign or stain a revenge porn scandal it is somebody leaks photos of you naked photos of you like a husband an ex-husband and that's a revenge porn scandal and that's a good defense that at some point scandal revenge porn skin I have a suggestion as beautiful as you may think your body is don't take pictures if you take pictures don't share them sometimes marriages go south sometimes relationships go south. If you're 32 years old any member of Congress try to do the people's business rather than doing business with so many people but listen to her. Listen to how Priebus and Brian Stelter friends this let's start from the top again go right ahead. So what happens after you resign from your congressional seat I'm going to revenge porn scandal former California Congresswoman Katie Hill is remaining very risible and since speaking out against what she calls right wing media smear Hey there you go this is the media correspondent for c.n.n. Brian Stelter So it's right wing media smears So the right wing media did it while you know that. Right wing media Yes yes red state started and then they all the others picked it up opposition research I don't understand how much they know in other words if you're not sure around on government time with a government employee and there was another allegation that she had another affair with another staffer and that's when she resigned Why isn't leftwing media covering this why isn't leftwing media concerned about that I mean they're chasing non-disclosure agreements all over the world trump that what you got this guy Adam Schiff with these jokesters who are pretending to be Russian comedians right you have pictures of Trump naked and you can see shiftless salivating at where I got to go I got to go I think it's the ones on my computer I know that's somebody else. And by the way shift looks well he looks that way to me I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen Anyway let's hear people passion Brian Stelter go ahead. Resigned at the end of October after admitting she had an inappropriate relationship with a campaign staffer before coming into office that's not why she resigned there was going to be an ethics complaint an ethics investigation she didn't want this adjudicated through the Ethics Committee she wanted to be catered by Brian Stelter he's such a liar had the story came to light after a conservative blog called Red State released intimate so it's red states fault she had an affair it's red states fault she was going to be investigated by the Ethics Committee and it's red states fault that she had affair with a staffer red states thought she had a threesome threat States ought to refer to such red states right wing media maybe it's Trump maybe Trump had a role in Trump and now she's treated like an iconic woman. No 1st of all Hill lied to get into office she pretend to be a moderate and she votes for Palosi to be speaker and she's out there slamming away on the left anyway go ahead go with an unnamed female campaign staffer and made other allegations against her then the daily mail piled on with other photos as well wow there were more photos Mr. Ware of I mean there were more photos what do they call this reverse porn something rather an aroma it's porn revenge reverse porn revenge I'm so triggered by all this stuff it's just unbelievable she l b g t Q Plath's What is she be mean when she's definitely all be l b g what's g. K l b g if you're lesbian aren't you also gay. Why mess up behind the times. You. Could be Q 2. Q What's the I don't think she's transition What's the plus. I'll be right back. Ladies and gentlemen I want to ask you a question did you know were drawing your cash from the bank can be very risky That's right I said it let me educate you about this banks are now required to spy on us for the government and the report any behavior they think is suspicious man oh man I was shocked as I read the secret war on cash from Swiss America this new war against cash is really a war against the constitution against all freedom loving Americans so listen to me you must read the secret war on cash get your free copy free copy by calling 802892646802892646 or visit Swiss America dot com Now this war on cash is growing daily and it also includes all forms of digital money so please get and read that secret war on cash free to my listeners by calling right now 802892646802892646. And the box office numbers are in for this weekend. Foreigner c.e.o. 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And it's debut this time around they don't sing to hit song do you want to build a snowman because cancer culture would never allow them to assume the snow person's gender and oh yeah Princess Alice has been fired after someone dug up or old offensive tweets which is not true the only royal got fired was Prince Andrew Tom Hanks as Mr Rogers bio pic a beautiful day in the neighborhood only brought in $4000000.00 but to be fair that's because people who were kids when Mr Rogers was on t.v. Spent this weekend taking their grandkids to see frozen and finally 4 versions Ferrari took home the silver medal this time around critics say the film has a tough time connecting with millennial who can't believe these guys would drive themselves instead of calling a nuber Plus it's hard to get adults excited to watch 2 people drive given the mind numbing amount of Thanksgiving road trip selfies we're about to see on Instagram and while we're on the subject if you can be one of those annoying couples who post a driving selfie at least have the decency to wait an hour when you've started fighting now that I would like have a good week everybody here Fox news commentary. Coast to coast am. The spirits of your dead ancestors alive right now in different bodies I'm George Dorian joined us on our next program as we talk about that but 1st doc Wallach from critical Health News dot com joins us to help us out just so we can stay around longer coast to coast the sun screen not repeat That's tonight 101410 am the Patriots. The best drive through coffee is just a simple way it's just a detour with 2 convenient locations in Marysville in 30 eat or in Yuba City at 560 Kalu so high way Java detour has all of your favorite coffees teas. Or you can try one of our blended favorites like a Reese's Mocha Oreo cookie latte a job a detour we can fix that rumbling belly to try one of our build your own custom brick to sandwiches so the next time you need a pick me up just drive through a job a detour near you if you've been injured in a car accident a motorcycle accident all terrain vehicle bus accident boating accident trucking accident. 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Security camera now you hear me sing the praises of simply safe home security on the show every week it's the best home security period and was simply safe you'll get everything you need to keep your home safe entry sensors motion sensors a smart lock video doorbell security cameras plus simply save offers 247 professional monitoring a police dispatch that's 3.5 times faster I know simply saves founder Chad I've known a many years he's terrific simply safe as the home security system I trust he invented So if you've been waiting and you're on the fence about getting a security system don't wait any longer go to simply safe Mark dot com to get 25 percent off your system plus a free security camera this is the best deal you'll ever find on home security where now to get the 6 lucid d.-o. 25 percent off and a free security camera at simply safe Mark dot com simply safe Mark dot com You know this Katie Hill. What if Katie Hill's name was Kenny Hill. And what if Kenny Hill was having these 3 sons and various affairs and so forth and then the ethics committee said Hey Kenny come over here we want to look into this one of these people that you're staffers and so forth and Kenny quits would we ever hear of Kenny Hill again Mr Producer what Kenny Hill be the leader of the men's rights movement what people be saying this is a resource reversed porn what is a revenge porn what people they'd say what a sleaze ball what us sleazeball is supposed to be doing the people's business not get in everybody else's business you're getting paid a damn good salary you just got elected your freshman are fresh women are fresh whatever. If you're Kenny Hill but I listen it's Katie Hill So Katie Hill and she's not going away quietly why not you want to shut the hell up she disgraced herself and her family oh you don't understand revenge porn whatever what I understand plenty pictures and video and good times and whatever and she's married the ex-husband now I don't care your luck to the Congress act with some respect or do you think you're not really up with the times No I'm not and most people don't do what Katie Hill did and what a lot of these media got said funny the more you dig into the media how sleazy are they are in every respect this one sleeping with that like whatever happened to Charlie Rose misdemeanors where is Chuck we never hear from Chuck Rose anymore he was on the morning show he had his own show on the. P.b.s. The pubic broadcasting system was Matt Lauer these days has a button under his desk Come on Ian. You know Nia you're an intern here hits the button a door shuts What a freak then you have this guy's on the morning Schmoe I forget his name he believes in stop and frisk but he's on the panel was like I say Mark Oh Mark Halperin I'm sorry it'll never happen again I'm sorry pal it did happen he's not running out there saying you know this is. Revenge Porn the revenge porn they're after me and I speak for all men in this regard I mean the. Trolley row so everybody wanted to be on the trolley I never understood this guy he looked like a freak to me to me you rich seriously something about him wasn't right and now Republicans and conservatives have a few of these people don't get me wrong but it seems to be an epidemic on the left like this guy Weinstein was a warning sign big Hollywood mogul looks like. He was a target practice with a b.b. Gun doesn't think so fat slob greasy skinny looks like to me as an shower in about 12 weeks and the women love him apparently they're all over the what is this going to stud to me to will but rather I'll grant so we got the me to move and it's always what the Left tell you what the left what if his name wasn't Weinstein what if it was one of his name was what's his 1st name again I forget Harvey what if his name was Henrietta but it was Henrietta Weinstein would we stop me to movement anyway you know my movement is for these left this Mr Producer and if you movement as chairman of fat is united. All right let's do this. Let's go to did you like life liberty and live in last night I'm trying to decide whether to go serious or not I'm just being honest when people tell me they loved it but then again they're my relatives Let's just listen to a little of it cut 13 go with the Democrats are doing to this president has never been done to another president in American history. 2 prior presidents who are actually impeached and found innocent they never had to face this the federal judges who were in page not all convicted only 8 of them convicted were never treated like this so let's take a look at our at our board here and just require ourselves with Western civilization due process since the Magna Carta of 1215 and thereafter the right to confront your accuser the right to cross-examine your accuser the right to call witnesses the right to cross-examine witnesses the right to present evidence. The right to counsel the right to a public trial this is basic stuff I hear people say well it's not a criminal trial the 6th Amendment doesn't apply the 4th and 5th Amendment don't apply I said due process since the Magna Carta and thereafter where do you think the framers of the constitution got the idea for the 4th Amendment the 5th the member in the 6th Amendment they didn't manufacture it hundreds of years of reformation of civilization of progress had been killed in the House Intelligence Committee by the Democrats no president in fact nobody facing impeachment has ever in American history been treated this way Now let's look at the impeachment clause you have individuals quoting Gerald Ford for the impeachment standard Who said anything the House says is of his impeachment that's a lie the Constitution says what's impeachment The President shall be removed from office on and Pietschmann for and conviction of treason bribery or other high crimes or misdemeanors keep it there does it say Gerald Ford said No Does it say it's simply a political process no and they can cite federalist 65 all they want Hamilton doesn't say that either the motivation may be political The motivation may be mob like but it's not whatever the House of Representatives says the Constitution doesn't give the House of Representatives illimitable power it doesn't get any branch of government a little more power that's what it gives it treason bribery or other crimes and misdemeanors now has the president committed apart from all the static all the bureaucrats all the civil servants all the never truckers all the Democrats all the journalists and the phony legal analysts has the president made it treason bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors let me tell you something else it's interesting we've all these former federal prosecutors and judges commenting. When this language was written there wasn't a federal criminal code you don't go to the federal criminal code to look up bribery or misdemeanors they were looking at English common law they were looking at the practices of the parliament and they borrowed language from them this was considered a higher standard when George Mason said maladministration James Madison got up and said No maladministration that means the president of the United States will be Own Oh and by the House of Representatives which is what the House of Representatives have saying today through the Democrats in this committee we assure us you damn well better abide by it we want document you damn well better give it to us we don't care about separation of powers we don't care about checks and balances where the House of Representatives and we Democrats we control it doesn't matter separation of powers doesn't matter what I damn well does matter. You know I couldn't say that better myself Mr Producer. But 14 go so we've established the president has not committed anything close to an impeachable offense will underscore that a little later in the program we've established that Obama was choking the Ukrainian government. The armaments that they needed fighting off Congress in his own administration no complaints in the State Department no hearings by Adam Schiff and his party no demands for Obama's head and he was defying the will of Congress no problem while the Ukrainians were being killed member Russia invaded Ukraine on his watch now. It's funny how the transcript of the conversation between Zelinsky and President Trump is really used at these hearings and Edition these witnesses and so-called witnesses our president their president our secretary of state their foreign minister have all said no quid pro quo no bribery no extortion nothing of the sort and the. Document that's been released to the transcript proves the point even then men tend to Colonel vim and who says Don't call me Mr Vandeman actually we citizens can call you Mr Vandeman Mr than even he has said well no the president didn't commit any offense and as far as he can tell that's nice This is from the transcript I would like you to do us a favor though because our country's been through a lot and the Ukraine knows a lot about it I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine they say Crowd Strike I guess you know one of your wealthy people the server they say Ukraine has it there are a lot of things I want on the whole situation I think you're surrounding yourself with some of the same people I would like to have the attorney general call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Muller an incompetent performance but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine whatever you can do it's very important that you do it if that's possible the media Anderson Cooper and all the hey this is a conspiracy theory don't bother with none of the Democrats on the committee have wanted to look into this not one of them what is the president talking Why is he so focused on 2016 stick with Politico left wing written by among others kind of bogo left wing so-called journalist Ukraine efforts to sabotage Trump backfired that's their headline and this is from January 27th Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office they also disseminated documents implicating a top trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter only to back away after the election and they helped Clinton's allies research damaging information on drum and his advisers a political investigation found Ukrainian American operative who was consulting for the d.n.c. Met with top officials in the Ukraine embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump top campaign and Paul matter for it in Russia according to people with direct knowledge of the situation you had this witness Fiona Hill who dismissed all of us who dismissed all the Ukrainian efforts had an impact on the race helping to force money for its resignation and eventually the narrative the trans campaign was deeply connected to Ukraine's foetid the east Russian goes on later Politico's investigation found evidence of Ukrainian government involvement in the race that appears to strain diplomatic protocol dictating the government's refrain from the gaging in one another's election so the Ukrainians online now interfere the Ukrainian corrupt regime interfered in our election on behalf of Hillary Clinton the d.n.c. An Obama. And they received the assistance of the Clinton campaign the d.n.c. And the Obama State Department Mr no whistleblower. He he met several times with this woman who was who is the the center of all this true Alexandra. And so Chalupa couldn't be called the so-called whistleblower could be called love then. He could be called but when he was about to spill the beans they cut him off. I've been reading a book about the impeachment of Andrew Johnson I've read the transcript of the Senate testimony many many years ago during the Clinton impeachment. And there were things about Johnson that were really problematic even though he stuck with the union in the north he was chosen by. Lincoln his running mate. He had some racial significant racial issues which made it very difficult post Civil War after Lincoln was assassinated which of these very very radical Republicans. Didn't like Johnson he was a Democrat and they didn't believe he was moving fast and make quite frankly wasn't what they were they really hung their hat on the. The 10 year Act in which Congress took it upon itself to decide that a president could not remove a cabinet secretary without the approval of Congress. There's a lot of this lawlessness going on today a federal judge ruling today that a president's closest adviser a legal issues White House counsel passed but nonetheless doesn't change and I. Must comply with a subpoena by the House of Representatives one day the history of the written part by me about all the abuses of power the violations of the Constitution I will name names in the house in the Senate in the media and on the judiciary. And with any luck that will be the history that the read 100 years from now I'll be right back thank you mugged for. The phone to. Care she needed. Her precious metals you're digging up we'll barrel it over to you the city coing in Bowie again by the 10th Street Bridge always paying top dollar on placer gold pickers or big or any hoard of gold coins and silver ring it shiny or not you go through. 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The House of Representatives the Republicans in the House overwhelmingly voted to impeach Johnson in fact for a year they had made it clear they were going to impeach Johnson it was just a matter of figuring out on what basis and that's the course what's been happening to Donald Trump the Republicans had a significant majority in the Senate to in the impeachment move to a trial in the Senate you can see the charges you can just bring them yourself or duck them yourself Google to win if you will. This Senate begins its trials extremely biased fact Johnson can't call the witnesses he wants to call. And so they there's a loving counts and they try the 1st 3 1st to go down to defeat the 3rd one goes down to defeat by one vote in the Senate adjourns Mr. You know what it did when he came back he didn't take up the. Mitch McConnell is not up to the task it's not up to the task he just not. And what's being done to Donald Trump is $100.00 times worse than what was done to Andrew Johnson which was bad enough. Which was bad enough I want to tell you about. This this socialist health care stuff looks like. A socialist health care bill so on life support in the house but Chuck Grassley his socialist health care plan is still very much alive in the Senate going to stay on this because we need to stay on this the Republicans are playing games the Democrats are full speed ahead these price controls that are pushed by both parties with different names will destroy the innovation the production of new drugs for her diseases that will just become another throw back country that rations health care rations medicine the same time drives up the price that's what happened it's time to pull the plug on the Grassley Wyden bill too as well as the Nancy Pelosi just another crazy socialist fantasy please get the facts go to true health care Facts dot com true health care Facts dot com That's true health care facts documented fact during the break. Powerful hour left I'll be right back. You're listening to the Patriot on 1410 am. Point 30. 0 who's broadcasting station. All systems are. 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Coming up after this update from Fox News 30 hours and has an awful lot of information about what happened in regard to Russia and possible collusion and what potential obstruction of Justice Moore was alluding to in his report Cox's John Roberts at the White House the Department of Justice says it will appeal the decision House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerry Nat'l are issuing a statement reading a party's pleas that the court has recognized that administration has no grounds to withhold critical witness testimony from the house during its impeachment inquiry President Tom stepped in in the case of a Navy Seal convicted of war crimes interim has given the fence secretary Mark Asper an order a law and a Navy Seal accused of war crimes to retire without losing his seal Trident esper told reporters at the Pentagon the order given by the president ends the disciplinary review for Chief Petty Officer Eddie Gallagher Gallagher was acquitted of murdering an ISIS prisoner. But convicted of posing with the corpse in Iraq in 2017 the Navy demoted Gallagher before the president reversed that decision the episode led to the terminations of Navy secretary Richard Spencer over the weekend who was accused of secretly offering the White House a favorable outcome for Gallagher thanks as Jarrett helper and on Capitol Hill America is listening to Fox News. Here. For a year during the. 20 percent estimated. 2019. And so are we start the season right. To enjoy the best deal of the season that is 20 percent estimated savings on select $21940.00. So today eligible and slick $2900.00. 61 days prior to the sale estimated see.

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