South Korea makes a major reversal in its foreign policy Seoul saying this morning it will continue with the 2016 military intelligence sharing pact with Japan reports surfacing that an f.b.i. Attorney altered documents used to get a 5 a warrant to conduct surveillance on the $26000.00 truck campaign according to The Washington Post the allegation against this up be I officially is contained in a draft of Inspector General Michael Horowitz this report analyzing the F.B.I.'s Russia investigation the post explaining quote the Justice Department inspector general has found evidence that an f.b.i. Employee may have altered a document connected to a court approved surveillance of a former Trump campaign adviser but has concluded that the conduct of not affect the overall validity of the surveillance application that campaign advisor according to multiple reports is Carter page you'll recall the f.b.i. Sought to obtain warrants on page under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act or in an effort to surveil him foxes dog pyro starting today political ads are banned on Twitter Twitters policy statements say their political advantage is due to the belief that political message reach should be earned not bought so promoted tweets that reference a political party or elected or appointed officials are out as well as things like ballot measures and legislation ads from PACs and super PACs and 5 a one c. Force are not allowed either there are also restrictions on ads from advocacy groups who want to educate or raise awareness advertisers who feel unfairly rejected can appeal decision Jessica President Fox News and I'm determined Robertson this is. A dentist health and right out Center for women's imaging welcomes Dr jean long Dr Wong is an experience radiologist center for women's imaging one of the leading full service outpatient women's imaging a breast care centers in our region she is board certified in diagnostic radiology Dr Wong perceive her medical degree from the University of Buffalo school medicine and biomedical sciences completed a residency at Albert Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia. Cancer Risk Assessment. Schedule an appointment. 56 years since. Taken into custody after the Secret Service agents. The incident happened. At an external checkpoint the. Public tried to official vehicle through the gate and stopped investigators were seen searching through a black Mercedes Benz s.u.v. With a to. Texas license plate they emptied out what appeared to be large amounts of clothing and luggage in the piles on the ground it was unclear whether anything suspicious was discovered inside the vehicle Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has formally been charged on a series of corruption cases threatening the longtime leader's grip on power the attorney general in Israel has charged Netanyahu with fraud breach of trust and accepting bribes in 3 different scandals it marks the 1st time a sitting Israeli prime minister has been charged with a crime so it's a huge story out there Iran's internet blackout has now entered its 5th day as the government continues to restrict citizens access to the Web amid protests over fuel price hikes according to Internet mapping nonprofit net blocks Aranesp connection begin to drop in the city of mesh haad on Friday evening disruptions increased in extent and severe ready to create a near total shutdown across multiple cities and they're not happy about it it's about a fact they've got a friend who's a rainy and lives in Los Angeles and he tells me that the situation in Iran is very very tense Let's check in with Dr Jerome Corsi Jerry what do you think What are you hearing about the Iranian situation you wrote a book called of course the atomic program write your back in 2006 I've been worried about Iran and we're and reporting on it for all these years I think the crisis again. Has a potential all the green revolution out in the streets the gas prices have increased the. The religious leaders who are ruling Iran have not managed the economy well and of course with the impact of the sanctions that President Trump has imposed on Iran Iran has tried a war on the shipping the oil shipping in the gulf I'm not sure what Iran's going to. Next But I expect it's going to be a very dangerous point right now I think so too and give us an update what's the latest on that story you brought to us earlier this week on the blocks that you are recommending replace the wall along the Mexican border it's called Terra block t a b l o c k and it's produced by a company called has Koichi as c.e.o. Road we have now proposals in front of the president and Gerry crush are also the problem security so it's advancing if people would take a look at this on the Internet you can see this is a system that's used by the military to do rapid deployment a printer defense it's a mobile system it can be put in the border we had to the entire border secured by Election Day for under a $1000000000.00 And this proposal is gaining I think in Washington do you think the in feature an inquiry would slow down things like that. I'm not sure George I think the impeachment inquiry by Adam Schiff really suffered some setbacks as week especially when our ambassador Gordon land did not testify as expected by Gordon expected by chef that there was a quid pro quo that there was going to be a demand by President Trump to have a at best occasion of this pretty spot on and Hunter Biden. Vice President Biden in order to release the aid that was promised to Ukraine the aide was released before there was any investigation started on $100.00 Biden meetings it occurred between President Trump and the president of Ukraine who is out Selenski So it's very difficult to see how these investigations are really going to go anywhere it's hard to see any real. Back and anything like Aid which was granted I think the. It be they were very boring these hearings were terribly boring by Adam Schiff and I don't think the American public is in favor of impeachment this point with an election just about a year away now speaking of that election I want you to circle your calendar and make yourself available to beat on the program with me that night as the returns or the results are in if you would would you join us at night I'd be delighted to George it's a great honor to be with you and I've really enjoyed it over all these years we've been together I think I was 15 years or more that keeps growing Thanks Jerry will talk to you with way before that election night to well everyone experiences that occasional last weekend when no plans come together and we find ourselves sitting at home in lieu of a life fun night out on the town right Arbor a new survey of 2000 adults finds that many people are dealing with social isolation regularly in all. They say one in 5 respondents say they're typically lonely on a Friday night nearly 2 thirds say they sometimes feel lonely over the weekend Well that's why we have Coast to Coast where you folks just turn on your radio no matter what day will always have somebody live on the program space x. Is Starship rocket prototype experience a major failure during pressurization testing a video from the scene in Texas showed the top part of the vehicle rupturing cryogenic propellant that were being loaded at the time dispersed across the facility and a large crowd that large cloud it was very serious situation here Davenport heads up the national u.s. For reporting center and appears weekly on our program and he's got a report for us tonight Peter what do you have for us good evening Georgian but a report tonight maybe a 1st for me my doing a u.f.o. Update just as a meteor shower in this instance the mana services or unicorn Revier shower is occurring over the Midwestern United States I'll have to add this wonder my u.f.o. Resume perfect and touching for just a moment on old business last week I presented 2 cases that involved the trembling or vibrating of people's houses and alert Coast listeners and an article from the Akamai Herald which asserts that the artillery practice that takes place on the Akam of firing right range during cold weather is thought to have an effect experienced by the witnesses just why the temperature may cause that effect is unclear to me George but we may have solved that case however the 2nd such case involving the young lad in Vienna Illinois who on November 14th filled his house vibrating as he watched a disc shaped craft fly overhead remains unexplained 1st case I'd like to talk about comes from court in mid-air as Tipper on area just north of the Golden Gate Bridge on the gentleman right sees a musician he writes it on the 15th of November last Friday. He witnessed a cluster of very intensely bright golden colored. Circles diversity thought they were disk when they turned the appeared to be cylinder shaped like a can of beans. Don't have any reason at this stage to necessarily believe it's u.f.o. Related but if anybody has an explanation for that phenomenon I'd love to hear from them. Second case I'd like to share with our audience Georges from the Fort Davis Murph a Texas area for Davis of course the home of the famous MacDonald observatory there Marfa famous for its so-called murder fellates But the gentleman writes it on the 16th that. Afternoon of the 16th. 1600 hours or 4 pm he was driving with 3 other people and they saw a cigar shaped object hovering over the the Texas desert they drove by and why they didn't stop I have no idea I'll try to resolve that with the witness but very unusual looking object hovering motionless. 3rd case I'd like to share comes from Idaho young woman writes that on the Sunday night the 17th of November she was accompanying their boyfriend who's afraid hauler long long haul truck driver and they saw a cigar shaped object with red flames pouring out the rear of it goes streaking overhead they saw it for about 2 seconds they estimated if we have any truck drivers who were in that area last Sunday night who saw the same thing we'd love to hear from them we'd love to get a report and my final report comes from Jekyll Island George great spot that I've reported one from this that island in the past but the birthplace of the Federal Reserve of course the gentleman who works on the airport who's experienced in watching aircraft reports that on the 18th the afternoon of the 18th of November and make that Monday I guess he saw 2 cigar tube shaped craft streak over the airport doing he has to made it $250.00 to $300.00 knots at an altitude of what he estimated to be a proximately 2000 feet they suddenly both in unison dropped to about 500 feet as they shot to the west and disappeared from sight the lead craft just disappeared from his sight the 2nd one flew to the horizon and disappeared from his as he was watching it but the. A lot of stuff going on and just in closing an administrative point for those people who follow our website we should have been updated over the weekend it's grossly out of currency just today we finally identified the computer problem we've been having for months and we should have the website updated over the weekend with over 1200 new reports for Peter in the circle your calendar like you to talk to Tom about the being with us on Thanksgiving night for your reports next week if you would Can't believe it's already Thanksgiving coming up Wow Up next the quail joins us a noted writer and researcher he's going to update us about the Yellowstone caldera about another fault line he's been following in the Pacific Northwest and much more coming up next on coast to coast you know. Real people real. So I had in the point what does her journal neighbors tell me what I don't even going to do and stance absolutely horrendous I came home I started carnivores and I called and cancelled my surgery and she said are you going someplace else I said No I'm taking care of it myself he said Ok And my problem my scan went away I uprooting exec's all over my arms you know 3 reach out try to put on a kind of or I noticed I'm looking at my arms and I said I don't have any bruises on my arms I'm always full of birds which I can't put my finger on it but I know something's happening I have to tell you that has to be accountable or. 36. 68. Months to get 15 percent off you know where this story is called The Ugly Truth About Time sure if you think you've done your family favor by buying. Timeshare you name it hello I'm Chuck McDowell c.e.o. And founder of Wesley Financial Group 10 years ago I started helping folks cancel or timeshare contracts and in the process started what's now called the Tom Sure cancellation industry timeshares the only thing that you can buy that you can't tell me how much it's going to cost or when it's going to end when you bought timeshare you give them a blank check to fill out any amount they want for annual maintenance and assessment phase sound crazy the crazy thing is this never ends stop the insanity today calm office now I guarantee if we can't cancel your timeshare contract you'll pay nothing where you lied to when buying a timeshare and want out get the facts about timeshare cancellation call Wesley now for your free information kid 8096155448961554489615544 . And welcome back to coast to coast Ga Nori with you Stephen Quayle our special guest for the next couple hours writer researcher of more than a dozen books and videos dealing with advances of being in technology and civilizations is documentary film production company Gena sex productions films the true legends of the series all over the world in search of the Lost Cities and giants of history who were the builders of the very very big Mecca lithic a structure Zob of the ancient world Steve is a talk radio host he's been doing that for a long time in a now it has been warning against genetic Armageddon and here he is back on Coast to Coast even Welcome Home Well hello it's yours and it's nice to be with you and talk about the events taking place and you know it's exciting to see what's going on right now especially on the West Coast of the United States because ever since the 7 point one earthquake happened in rich. Yes the greatest earthquakes warm that I've been able to research in history is still ongoing from the 4th of July and while one destroyed the China Lake Naval weapons laboratory both up ground and below ground most people don't understand that it's one of the biggest us bases both above and below ground that we have so there is an event taking place and what's really interesting because as you know I live on the perimeter of Yellowstone National Park I've been filming it am photographing it now for almost 40 years and the thing is a lot of different production companies call me from all over the world and they want to you know discuss the elephants going to blow Yellowstone is going to blow Well I got to share with you that we've interviewed some of the most famous Balkan all adjust they had scientists at Yellowstone that have been monitoring everything there in Yellowstone the most monitored seismic area in the world I think action should be the number one job logic wonder of the world on line you know just the bucket list but here's the thing about 6 months ago I started to really feeling impressed to go and start filming the entire Cascadia range of most people don't understand that the activity under the Cascadia a region that goes all the way from pretty much southern British Columbia down everything from Baker Glacier Peak Mt Rainier Mt Adams mile St Helens Mt Hood Mt Jefferson 3 sisters Crater Lake Newberry Volcano Mt Shasta Madison Whitehall came on last and Pete and California still are active there's active magma pools underneath that and cascade of the big one is basically the warning and the alerting up people along the West Coast that forget just the San Andreas Not that that would be you know devastating and its own but the Cascadia fault line that you basically has the why. On The Phooka plate and the Gorda plate and other place which were left over from ma all the apparel on white there are subducting that means or get they're putting pressure on the North American plate and my mac goes it's going to be very very difficult Yellowstone has a point 00001 chance. Even having a mag magic moment right now which means magma would break the surface even though it's overdue isn't it well it's not really overdue You know here's the thing most people are you know the last to know interruption was 630000 years ago but the cascade region now has a one in 3 chance of going up over the next 10 years and so what was fascinating as I shared whipped up. Oh the notes say sensu and with police up and Stephanie with us back that I undertook and I really believe that this is critical timing for the most elaborate filming of the entire volcanic region in the Cascades all the way down from Obviously Washington into northern California and we filmed it in the 7 k. Which there's very few monitors that can even you know reproduce back quality one victory basic rate of I know aerial cinematographers in the world was in Oregon got in the name of Daniel Hirst and then the one that we my partner in Yellowstone filming is now post-op and these guys have done a remarkable job and I'm throwing those names out for a reason these are names going all over the world as a guy that got it done if I'm mad Geo or any of the big people watch things make a lot of these guys what I want to share is that based on all of the interviews Cascadia and the whole margin rupture that could happen I met the scientists are preparing for what as the article I sent I don't know if I think I said likes a bunch of stuff to put up but I put some you know links up for you but basically Catherine Schultz wrote an article on Cascadia the big one and it was a kill a surprise winning overview of the danger of the Cascadia fault and now with rich crest I'm going to jump from Oregon coast washing coast down into pretty much central California hardly any mention is made up that ongoing swarm of long term episodic quakes why not well there you go that's the big question when it comes and I think I have an answer finally after 6 months of interviews after talking to everybody both on record on top record I have come to the conclusion that it's all about insurance it's all about money and. Follow up on your answers for instance as you know Northern California and some areas that have sustained horrific damage from fires there are no longer allowed to have any type of Bob or no one is going to write fire insurance for him if the truth of the magma that's under this is amazing under China Lake there is a magma pool 275 cubic miles of that's a lot of magma sure and what I sent to you and I don't know if you've seen it yet or if you know Lex I just sent him an e-mail while we're on the air saying where is it so you could draw attention to a part of NASA has been flying NASA I mean I say I has been tie all those make it sound like the island has been flying over 300 flights since the 7 point one earthquake that has never happened before in their history they're looking for the magma rupture that's coming out of that pool that's had pretty much headed towards the west coast and so if you understand the movie volcano or I've ever seen it with Tommy Lee Jones It's kind of along that theme now what happened during the Cold War and this is interesting all of Southern California and if it does or does or Palm Springs and further up northern I does are basically have a lot of military bases water research facilities that in order to keep them out of the house eyeing eyes in the sky of the Russians. Moved everything underground but since the rich presser earthquake has been going on it is been absolutely almost silent in the press because I would say this be economic ramifications are as dire as the all can make and. The earthquake ramifications in terms of you know all future losses versus the present panic that would ensue if they told the truth now interesting jumped him out going to 2 ball in the Philippines when it blew up there was a u.s. Ship. Scientist still is I believe still alive named Bernard Shaw way that c h o u e t That pretty much was the 1st guy to laying long period episodic quakes to make it to just massive volcanic explosion it's so well we've got the situation at Rich press that's pretty much a way east of l.a. Pushing towards l.a. You got the San Andreas all you've got the car lock all that ship that they all connected if they're all connected when Hellboy yet by connecting they all influence each other so the Cascadia region I demand you've got multiple multiple weight fence taking place now you probably know in Oregon you're almost 4.6 earthquake constantly hold on Stephen we're in a break let's come back and talk more Stephen quail with us we'll take calls with them next hour have you lived in that region definitely check in with us get Daily Show Updates right to your inbox for free with the Coast to newsletter sign up today coast to coast am done com. There's one man who really truly gets it the reason why originalism matter when it comes to the Constitution is there's no point in having a written if you're not going to claim climate if we're not going to comply with it who says we should the Democratic Party on what basis he living and breathing constitute what they mean by that at all. Their policy in. 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If he thought anything I please the highway has always been great can be. You're listening to Coast to coast am with George Noory we'll take your calls next hour with Stephen Quayle as he talks about Cascadia the big one by the way in our care Saul it'll be item number 4 you can see the trailer to his documentary and it is frightening but you gotta watch it you've got to watch it indeed to watch a great things going on in the Art Bell vault Tom you've got some new ones for us absolutely every week we add shows to the Art Bell ball it's a collection of Art Bell classic Art Bell programs this week we've added 2 really great ones but Hopkins on abductions and Dr Roger leer on Alien Implants George we've both seen those Ellen implants up close and those shows it was so great to listen to so if you're not a coast Insider You might want to get over the coast to coast am dot com website right now all the details are right there in very important all the shows all these classic shows are heard without interruption and then of course I'm heading off. A Little Rock Arkansas tomorrow for a couple days of the earth keepers of vets Tom tell folks what they can expect Yeah this is a neat little event 2900. Ton of folks are going to be there c.j. Walker is going to talk about the consciousness of aging David Platt us we'll be there talking about the Big Foot enigma George you're going to interview James to Iran and you're going to do a q. And a session in a meet and greet with folks so this is really neat and again all that information just go to the coast to coast am dot com website and under the event section it's all there 1st event at Little Rock some looking forward to seeing our great listeners down in that region so come on by folks most information at events at coast to coast dot com and we'll be back in a moment more with Stephen quail on coast to coast am. 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And walk a back to coast to coast Ga Nori with you along with Stephen Coyle will take calls with Steve next hour Steve I understand your Branson about this year was sold out and was just phenomenal It was a my you know I had the pleasure of meeting George Knapp for the 1st time and we've got people from all over the world and watching the live streaming it was fascinating George and I were talking about the u.s. Government's. exposé If you will investigate of research it's rather a big file I don't want to mention it to you. And it's mind blowing because again what we were down in the desert southwest and will be going down there again pretty soon probably every coming spring to follow up on the Stargate issue the military's response was There are real we need to recognize we're going to play an important part in the future and George one of the things I've been doing reaching out. To some scientists around the world is documenting a lot of as you know the ancient artifacts have been turning up in Mexico with the alien. Theme on that also the characters on I'm so far there's been over a catalog you know $15000.00 glyphs which would be you know ancient symbols but what's fascinating they relate to your in all of this they relate to specific places in the universe specific operating instructions for their dates and basically not only how to death some boys but how to get back to my knowledge no one's ever undertake this most and this is a way out of my we all house to do this but for sure there are some very bright guys in ancient languages and about the closest thing you can come to is combining Chinese and actually Hebrew and people need to understand something one Cern is placing on glass plates at the end of the. Aim point for their d.m. They're using glass plates with specific symbols to try and contact specific and to tease they won't tell you that outright but they will you know there's you can see it on the net what Cern has been doing and trying to reach using So what we're doing and I think I'm going to be breaking it pretty soon is basically showing people what the ancient cliff a language means not just the different rock carvings and other southwestern Australia or in the caves of France and Spain but this is a major breakthrough in the brewing and I want to thank you for letting me come on and share the artifacts Now as far as provenance of the legitimacy that's been established there's multiple archaeologists that going on the dig it's very dangerous in that part of the country just due to the internal conflicts going on in Mexico Central Mexico but fascinatingly enough that panel show shape shifters and obviously listening. George you know he was talking about some of the dogmen And you know it was it was I think pretty striking because again we're talking about entities that the Native Americans have known about for thousands of years that's right and now we're seeing mention of those same entities I presented at Branson probably one of those unusual rays of some of the detail the they had to be artist sketch because if you end up with that stuff I don't want him in a black kicking in my doors and you know I shared by I think for 2 hours at 132 point Power Point so that all if you will. Conference is available on d.v.d. And this year we're doing something amazing and I think people find it interesting due to all the asteroids and obviously the asteroid it will Mount Olivet the closest I can come to pronounce. That Remember the old song in 1603 pop Oh my mouth Yup Yep and the show got to have your daughter Stephanie sing that one foresaw yeah by the way steps doing amazing you know what I hear she just she was on the red carpet at the c.m.a. Awards and she's a hostess and. She's she's voted the up and coming Nashville Star but she's write her own music and she's you know and she's got content plus you know obviously so my daughter she's got daddy's work ethic I'll tell you that oh man I that girl puts me to shame. That I never sleep but the point that is I'm excited for because it appears this year at Branson and wrens Thursday we register them Friday Saturday and Sunday as a conference she's going to be giving a concert and she puts on one half of show when she plays any place in Nashville it's usually sold out within 10 minutes of announcing the tickets and she's been at the Operate think now 6 times you know in the last year or so that's why I decided for she's a very nice girl and by the way it's funny when where she shoots or video around or so she's. She loves horses and I'm telling you this it's amazing to see even wild horses come literally walking over tour and they just you know she's kind of like the St Francis I'm not talking about that horse world because they she just has a thing for the animal the animal that really have a thing for her and she's still an amazing moment she hasn't let it go to her head start I'm hasn't robbed her of her personality and that's one thing I think that people relate to she's real well you got to be proud of yourself let's get back to Kathryn Schulz in her New York magazine article titled The really big one she is concerned about like you are what's happening in Cascadia Absolutely and what was fascinating she even quoted one of the fine too that's a very valid last name is Goldfinger that was. Japan when the big earthquake hit there the 9.0 earthquake focus human one Yeah yeah and interesting the big one George one that he had obviously 200 what 30000 people were. Damaged following tsunami and tidal wave so one of the things that's important for people to understand is that we've got precedent this isn't your porn it's not your mongrel and in our video and in our film you know but we don't be entire Oregon coast I water mark and that's pretty astonishing to do it with great astonishment the responses we've gotten from the scientists they should be even say no one's ever done this before so cavalcade you the big one Catherine Schultz received a few with surprise for a bad. Article and she's probably one of if I got to tell you something I thought that was the finest article I've ever read and I think it's on your carousel and up but the thing that people got to understand this is something that has to be brought to the public's attention because when you're talking. About the axial seem out that's what we're talking about right before we went to break we're talking about an area that's increasingly having earthquakes that are clustering quakes and that is an active volcano 300 miles west of Bandon Oregon and the thing is it's about now right around 4000 feet deep but fortunately the scientists that have sent their probes down there it's actually monitored in real time so what you've got is you've got volcanoes you've got the subduction plates and most people don't realize that the entire ring of fire you've got the oceanic plates meeting with the different continental plates and we're looking at pressure building in realms that most people can't even put into perspective the fact that Ridgecrest and the fact that obviously all of the volcano in the Pacific Northwest still have active magma under sea most people think all add stuff is dormant but both Mt Rainier and Mt Hood probably 2 of the most dangerous due to their population centers and I can tell you this when you're on top of it and I have the fortune of being know what it's like to be on the top of Mount Ranier not as a climber but in a helicopter with my sliding door open and having my entire Cameron face frozen up in the winter Fortunately with our Cineplex cameras we were able to get that you know just astonishing astonishing detail so I guess why Kathryn Schulz his article is so important they're talking about a full 'd margin rupture that could go to a 10.2 if you go beyond a 10.2 you're talking about disaster and as you know there's a paragraph in that article that says even they believe everything everyone west of Interstate 5 is dead are gone that's their that's the experts statement so my goal is to draw awareness to this because as of this summer when we were out. Filming all over Mt Hood there are no sensors out to do the environmental concern well tell you what finally I think the u.s.g.s. Got permission to put their sensors on but the the snow took them out ahead of time so they didn't get him up there so the most dangerous here's the here's the irony the most dangerous part of the ring of fire that would affect the United States is the sub monitor meaning they don't have enough monitors Meanwhile I would call this the distraction of Yellowstone takes almost the world's press nobody even mentions Cascadia it is starting now thank you thank you for letting me come on and share with people but there are 4 news services and stuff picking up by email my interviews the postings on my website because again no one's ever done it and the nice thing about being the pioneer in this is that you get to deal with information data and also and I would say this is the real picture before it's massaged Ok because I can't even talk to people on camera because they'd lose their jobs an interesting way and out 3 of the people that I'm talking to live in 2 of them live in Southeast Asia one of them lives. Closer than felt these days but in the mid Pacific and there are there by choice and also by threat I don't think people take the fact seriously that they will never be told 'd the truth and till it's underway and when it's underway will be told less than the truth so this is why the whole situation with the Cascadia region is important concurrent with that the new matter it is acting up and I think it's in the old days you remember how long ago was when Gordon Michael scallion the u.s. Navy mapped sensory arrangement of the continental United States for the 1st time now that stuff is becoming more that stuff the rearrangement California used to be called the Isles of California. And so the sea wall between that holds pretty much observe it Ocean back from going in one was very very very minimal and so the question is when will the magma 1st appear break you surface and what will they say then because NASA splaying again George they never put 300 planes in the air monitoring with the most sophisticated equipment from magnetometers infrared they're monitoring neutrons are monitoring everything you can monitor and they can they can scan some of the depth the capabilities of these instruments of classified but trust me it's measured in miles and not in feet so. The hope I have is by presenting the eyewitness testimony this film will be available in January we're in post-production right now but the trailer and encourage everybody to go watch the trailer it's only 8 minutes it's incredibly well done and it's going to be I should say this not only prophetic by I think it's going to anger a lot of people because with all the financial issues taking place in the world with the Fed having to pump money and overnight in the $100.00 to $300000000000.00 I mean it seems like every week they are doing now yeah they are and see the thing is one of the things that people recognize is a the basis of the commercial paper market and everything from retirement plans everybody invests and real state at some level and the point being is if you have real estate that's in the hundreds of billions of dollars as it is on the West Coast what happens when the insurance can't cover let's say a Cascadian default of just unimaginable proportions so when you're dealing with a one in 3 problem are Cascadia one in 3 chance of going up next 10 years and people how do I save. As the scientists have to gauge what they say on public because again if they go against the grain of the people that fund them they lose their they lose everything they lose or nation so this is why it takes someone independent of them obviously like myself and our film company to go out and do that in order to say look this is an opinion even if you've watched the trailer there's no opinion and that there is eyewitness of some of the most prominent geologist volcanologists and the people I university levels who do this for a full scale living and even 3 of them are on record as saying of the 5 and the other 2 aren't on yet because a we just finished recording them but one of them is ahead vulcanologist geologist for Yellowstone has been for the last 50 years and he just gets it gets a chuckle out of it like I do that every time something goes on an earthquake in the United States they immediately jump to their default position Yellowstone's going to blow how can how can what can people do Steven who live along the corridor most people can't just pick up and what do they do well they have to have a plan and they have to realize that everybody has to prioritize what and that's my number one goal now is to find us number one goal you need to be aware of what takes place and what will be the most likely advance before the big one for instance they will need to know their escape routes and quite candidly when you're on the Oregon coast and some of those coastal cities there's no way to get up some of those roads in the high ground in a camper trailer way or a big truck so the maximum notice they will have is probably around 15 minutes so my goal is is to give them all to give the viewers give the people that will listen the maximum amount of knowledge as to what the volcanologists are saying. What the seismologists are saying what the geologists are saying and then they can begin to watch for Quake swarms they can begin to watch x. Feel seem out in essence if they know what's going on they can make the decision when's the best time to leave and the best time to leave obviously is before any of this stuff my God yeah You'll never get out of Dodge if it's happening just in that movie you're talking about volcano I remember the scene where people trying to escape in their cars and stuff it's impossible it is impossible and it's kind of like trying to put a 1000. Quarter sized marbles through a quarter inch hole in a funnel it can be done so fortunately they've at least marked out some of the tsunami you know evasion and escape routes but we we drove those Ok my production team drove those and. Just instantly it takes you so long that this is the thing and you just can't up you know up and leave but I think the people should have a plan and they should understand that they can at least prepare psychologically and then know that hey if I see these things going I think I'm headed to the high ground and the key is to leave before everybody else because you know those yards most people don't believe deep for they should just like most people when they prepare for a hurricane there's a lot of people that decide to stay but in the event that you have plenty of warning that's a different case and a different mindset than the people that have to respond I see like they did in the tsunami and the the famous Fukushima quake you know and that was by the way they never listen to a guy named Dr as he does who said it was coming they blew him up because you know like he was in new he was right he was right and so again what I'm saying is I don't want to be right and it's not a question of being right or wrong it's a question with me about saving. Why stop people so why did you release. The trailer now most people do album not videos of a over one hour Is it because that's not the reason I don't and I do know one and this is only up point how serious I take it pretty much dropped everything I've been focused on this with so much intensity that you know it's got to be free ever and then also I want to put at rest the people that believe that the super volcano is going to go off and you know it's going to be and I think she level it bad all right let's talk about that Stephen when we come back we're at the top of the hour plus we will take phone calls if any of you live in that region and you want to check in with us to do so was well calls next with Steven Cohen right here on coast to coast am feeling last night close to your radio grab your smartphone or computer and listen to i Heart Radio pick up the free i Heart Radio apps and the apps to or or go to I hard Radio dot com. 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Next I'm Dave Anthony Fox News that's the big question after 5 days of public hearings and 12 witnesses in the House impeachment inquiry we aren't finished yet and you never know what testimony of one person may lead to the need for testimony of another house bigger and Democrats next goals than Democrats allege bribery or extortion president trying trying to get Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden in the 216 election he insists he did nothing wrong Republican Congressman Jim Jordan 11 months before the next election based on an anonymous whistleblower with no firsthand knowledge bias against a president who work went to hell by.

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