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Dealer stock by December 2nd 2019 see participating dealers for complete detail. Yet at Santa Clarita high school yesterday morning was planned that's what police are now saying the suspect the 16 year old student remains in grave condition 2 students were shot to death 3 others were hurt at this point after evaluating information obtained from those interviews and from the various sources and the scenes of our investigation no motive or rationale has yet been established for the subject's assault l.a. County sheriff can't wait to know who had the victims were shot at random a judge rules an ISIS bride who was born in the u.s. Can't come back left the u.s. For Syria in 2014 knew where she burned her u.s. Passport and married 3 ISIS fighters all of whom were killed her request for a 2nd chance in the u.s. And after ISIS was defeated was denied Thursday by a judge who sides with a State Department that called New Thought of a terrorist not a u.s. Citizen and not welcome in the u.s. She was born here to a foreign diplomat for the year many government the children of diplomats are not granted the right to citizenship by birthright just from an OS So Fox News Google testing out pronunciation guide its latest 2 allows users to type how to pronounce whatever it is and click a button to say it into their phone speech recognition technology will tell them whether they are correct and if not help them out. In any. Google Costa feature experimental for now it's only on mobile and only works for American English words but reps say Spanish pronunciations are coming soon Kristen good when Fox News Hulu Plus raising prices again for its online t.v. Pando to $55.00 a month prices had risen $5.00 in February Hulu is jointly owned by the Walt Disney Company and n.b.c. Universal. I'm. Gonna need to. Ask anyone who's been in the. Area for a while where they get their car to be repaired and. AAA approved the repair center which means if it's district quality standards they also offer an AC Delco. Nationwide they specialize in computer diagnostics engine perfect. Number 877381388773813811. What happened in the mall or it will. Never happen to the president's being indicted secret indictments you know all gone $40000000.00 We wasted 3 years of our lives on that and now Ukraine. And you know the basic facts are so simple they're so simple. Under Obama Ukrainians received no requested military aid that would stop the Russians and or trump they received hundreds of millions every year since his presidency began. Under Obama the Russians invaded Ukraine under trump the Russians have not have not done anything further with Ukraine under the Obama Administration's the Russians and next Crimea he did nothing. Under Obama our government barely sanctioned Putin and his government under Trump he has imposed the stronger sanctions of any modern president against another president and his minions Obama was slashing the United States military to the great pleasure of Putin and all Trump under Trump he has significantly massively increased spending on the United States military to Russia's great consternation under Obama when the Russians were cheating on one of our nuclear deals he allowed to continue under trumped Putin was warned repeatedly to cut it out he didn't. And so. Ultimately we were Druze from that deal infuriating Putin told me the president of Ukraine would you rather have Donald Trump as president the United States or Barack Obama clearly Donald Trump tell me Lattimer Putin would he rather have Barack Obama this present the United States or Donald Trump clearly Barack Obama these are the basic facts finally the Democrats have admitted that the president United States can have whatever ambassador he wants I mean it has to be he or she has to be confirmed by the Senate that's how obvious but the president gets to decide who's going to represent his foreign policy on behalf of the nation. Now we learned a lot of things here that were actually quite remarkable nothing that supports the narrative of the left the media and the Democrat Party let me 1st deal with this tweet I mean 1st of this tweet this is utterly repulsive at the choice but the staged event that took place they knew the president would eventually tweet and criticize this witness was a witness to nothing. The president did and of course Adam Schiff decided you know what we're going to do. We're going to read it. But he didn't read it he read the 1st sentence that's all they read that's all he read. He didn't read the entire tweet. The president's tweet also mentioned what the president of the Ukraine had to say about you have on a bitch that would be the former ambassador so it's quite remarkable now trying to find the damn thing Mr Because if you can find the 2 weeks handed to me I thought I had it here but the Ukrainian president was not keen on the American ambassador present night States was not keen on the American ambassador should a 3 year Simon that was coming to an end she wanted it extended She didn't get it extended She was removed it's very sad that what was done to her she was asked what kind of job she would like she became a professor at Georgetown full salary where she teaches one course horrific she felt intimidated do we have that Mr Producer that audio let's go with that I don't have the number in front of me Ok Mr Producer asked for one minute trying to get to our audio and in the audio we have the moment of trying to kill time Richie got it or not I know Rich do we have it or not yes or no or we don't have it will have it after the break and what happened was the president tweeted shift in the middle the hearing read one sentence out of it. And it is cometary asked her opinion if she felt threatened and she felt threatened 1st they build her up as George Patton she's been in every hellhole strong courageous and so up at the choice that threatened her and I put out on social media and others eventually picked up why how could the tweet threaten her had going to be witness intimidation she's testifying she would even known about it if Adam Schiff haven't read part of it but he only read part of it because he's a serial liar he's he is a pathological liar he was the exchange go as we sit or testifying the president is attacking you would Twitter. Like you chose to respond. Part of one of his tweets everywhere Marie of on a bitch when turned bad she started off in Somalia how did that go. He goes on to say now see he didn't read the next that we're going to play the whole thing but he didn't go to the next sentence that he go ahead. Later in the tweet is a u.s. Presence an absolute right to appoint ambassadors. First of all. About you want to bitch. The Senate has a chance to confirm or deny the best or do they not yes advise and consent. Oh wow they actually referenced the Constitution go ahead and to the president's attack that everywhere you went turn bad. And that is that intimidate you know this is all drama it's all phony and I watch these these news guys and their legal commentators and they treat her like she is a veal cow Don't you know he very ginger the media in advance told the Republicans you better not be rough on her you know she cried during her deposition I'm thinking you just polar opposite Patton and now you're using stereotypical descriptions. To try to portray her as a weak woman now which is it the fact is she's conniving I'll say I'll explain it as the show goes on go ahead but I have such powers to be smiley Somalia and other places I actually think. Where I've served over the years . I and others. Demonstrably. Better you know for the know you haven't demonstrably made things better the Ukraine was not demonstrably better when you were the ambassador. When you were the ambassador under Obama they didn't get the military support they needed didn't get the funding they needed it wasn't until trunk came in and you were a holdover and he wanted Jap and the whole law that's taking place here the whole fiction that's taking place here is the trying to tie this. They're trying to tie this to some kind of a quid pro quo or bribery or extortion whatever the hell they call it these days but the president actually tweeted out 8 hours ago says this everywhere Marie your vantage point turned bad is that intimidating Mr Producer Mr calls green. She started off in Somalia how did that go Somalia is a death disaster right Mr Producer has to call screener then he goes then fast forward to Ukraine where the new Ukrainian president spoke unfavorably about her in my 2nd phone call with him Adam Schiff didn't read this he also didn't read from the transcript in which the new reformist Ukrainian president had little faith in this Ambassador the president goes on to say president's absolute right to appoint him basters So I would ask all the newsrooms in this country especially the one that I was watching is a reason why. When you thought this was the great moment this was the smoking gun is there a reason why you didn't post the entire graphic of the tweet is a reason why you didn't point out to the audience that Adam Schiff had rewritten the tweet by omitting information from the tweet is the reason why there was any serious discussion about how it isn't possible for this witness to have been threatened because she was there testifying effectively against the president at the direction of the Democrats they knew exactly what she was going to say that's why they have these secret these secret hearings testimony in the basement and decide which witnesses are favorable will push the narrative and which aren't and then it got worse the media kept saying Won't this be one of the charges against the president for impeachment now the words they weren't really reporting they were not ging urging are going to the Democrats don't forget to include this in your articles of impeachment the media were played for suckers those who think they're objective and those who aren't they took the signal they knew exactly what to do this was nothing but I want you to think about this for a minute while Adam Shift the prosecutor here is deciding what Republican but Republicans can do in terms of calling witnesses defense counsel if you will the prosecutor deciding what witnesses the defense can call and is extremely aggressive in telling them which witnesses they cannot call and while Adam Schiff said over and over and over and over again that we would hear from the whistleblower and now he's covering up for the whistleblower because it's covering up from stuff in a staff in the Democrat party so the person who is said to have triggered all this remains behind a curtain his lawyers who called for a coup don't hear from them anymore. Adam Schiff has denied the president's counsel the right to be in those secret depositions unheard of in American history in American history under Pietschmann circumstances and we go on and on and on you're familiar with it it's the president you see who can't get witnesses called who can't get his counsel into that room who can't defend himself and his presidency and the Office of the presidency it is he you see who's intimidated a witness by accessorizing his 1st Amendment right under the Constitution witness intimidation doesn't even meet the definition in some of my old friends on t.v. They're even they're saying you know politically it's a disaster politically why doesn't he just stop tweeting. If this president stops tweeting he's finished because then all information will be laundered through the media he can't stop tweeting he must and it's important to get information out to the American people who may not be watching cable t.v. Or network t.v. Or when or what have you so it's not witness intimidation under the law it's not witness intimidation from a constitutional perspective for somebody to defend themselves it's not witness intimidation because the witness testified to script she looked intimidated to you she looked like a hardcore tough 33 year State Department bureaucrat and there's no bureaucracy that's worse no bureaucracy that's worse but the president tweeted so they even lied about the substance of this tweet they lied about what witness tampering as they lied that she could even be intimidated as a matter of physical fact except for the fact that Adam Schiff read a truncated form that would serve his narrative and all day long and into the night this is the great thing they say they came out of the hearing there was actually something very important did come out of the hearing. At least from my perspective and I'll tell you what it is when we come back. 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Dot com. Whether you like it or not. You. Say. It's a guy's name again Mr Producer. Can print out. A karma . Prepared attention there fella our 3 I used to write for. Signal in the fellas but I guess they pay better over at media. Looks like he's a complete political warmest because I don't know I don't have to explore this I guess they pay better of the guy. I see he got into a physical alteration was said Gorgas a true mystic produce and he attacked a black eye as being white Did I see that too. I don't know I gotta figure it out he's trying to make himself famous on made so soon learn he's going to make himself infamous. Over there media. That would be Dan Abrams site The legal analyst I have a question for you by the way said footnote so you're a legal analyst in your so called journalist at a.b.c. News and you have all these websites and then you have all these t.v. Shows. Is that Ok I mean I'm going to pinion guy I give my opinion Dan Abrams is a journalist he has his lousy site called Long crime which is a left wing as his lousy site called Media which is sort of a copy of Media Matters where he hires these not all but some relatively young. And mostly stupid individuals but all hard left pretty much of the one or 2 but it's media site no it's mediocre right that's what it is but we'll get to that later more on the hearing today I will be on Hannity tonight 9 30 pm Eastern time 6 30 pm Pacific Time. I'll be right back. 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You're fond of each knew of no bribery when asked directly and under oath she knew of no extortion when asked directly and under oath she knew of no impeachable offense when asked directly and under oath she did nothing to push back on the corrupt Ukrainian regime when that corrupt Iranian regime Ukrainian regime was interfering in our election in 2016 on behalf a Hillary Clinton and against President Trump. For the 100th time Politico generate 2017 Ukrainian efforts to sabotage backfired now they want you think this is a right wing conspiracy I didn't know that Ken the Vogel who is a leftist was a right winger now writes of the New York Times attacking John Solomon Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermined Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office they also disseminate documents implicating a top try to bait and corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter only to back away after the election and they helped Clinton research damaging information on Trump and his advisors a political investigation found no you're elected president you find out that's corrupt you are in Ukrainian regime is interfering in the election and trying to feed you and you still approve of money for this regime in 20172018 that's what's remarkable the political piece went on These are the 1st 2 paragraphs a Ukrainian American operative was consulting for the Democratic National Committee met with top officials in the Ukraine embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump top campaign a matter for it and Russia according to people would direct knowledge of the situation and the Korean efforts had an impact in the race helping to force manner for its resignation and advancing the narrative that trumps campaign was deeply connected to Ukraine's Fodor the East Russia and it goes on you're free to read it we've linked to it many many many times. Again the headline in The Politico pieces Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire with their words not mine sabotage Trump backfire Now this courageous yet wallflower former ambassador to Ukraine very very busy trying to clean up corruption in Ukraine she's not really familiar with this horrible kind of familiar but wasn't that familiar hadn't really read it says she didn't do anything she didn't raise an objection she said Well it's really Washington's business when the what do we want to ask her for her she's an anti Trump or let's just be blunt it's quite obvious. And listen to her testimony why is it that Adam Schiff was trying to protect her why is that Adam Schiff was trying to leader and did in fact leader why is it if you listen carefully and if you litigate cases like I have in the past but if you really listen carefully you ought to be a lawyer to the way she answered the Republicans rarely when the answer would be anti Democrat Party narrative that she just answer the question she always kind of spun it a little bit here in because she knew her job was to perform these are performances they know what's going on this is an impeachment hearing it's a Democrat Party impeachment hearing they control the committee that's why she's witness number 3 that's why they haven't released the transcripts of other witnesses who provided testimony and partner and hold that contradict the narrative but you understand ladies and gentlemen the president tweets what which is a absolutely harmless tweet he's witness tampering and it's a political disaster and it becomes the headline No it's not the headline It's what the media make it as the headline but the headline is you're trying to impeach a president you claim it's over bribery and extortion and she's now the 3rd witness in a row their witnesses their best witnesses their star witnesses who say no. And so we have to hear all the static about tweets that are and then the media pushing Jake Tapper perfect example the media pushing telling the Democrats leading the way you know you're going to include this you know in your articles of impeachment Well yes yes of course and then you have legal analysts saying yes yes it's clearly whistle you know witness tampering No it's not and even the best of them on their say a political blunder how so because the media running with it well there's nothing the president can do about that they are trying to intimidate the president they're trying to say that he can't tweet and if he doesn't tweet he won't survive he is his best defender now finally at least one newsroom but it's taken a while is putting the entire on the screen finally and really only after a Republican who's a terrific member of Congress. From Long Island Iraq combat vet brought it up during a post hearing presser brought it up see everything Adam Schiff does his sleazy partial information leaks control over witnesses interrupting the Republicans you know I went back and I read that 7 and I have page rules those rules weren't agreed to by the Republicans that's the vote ladies and gentlemen that's the vote that took place with every Democrat except 2 and not a single republican those rules do not proscribe for Kaleb that would mean prevent the chairman who is the head of the Democrat side or the ranking member who is the head of the Republican side from shifting time among the between them says the chairman shall have 45 minutes he or the. Or the council. Doesn't say the chairman shall not provide any time to any other member and even here these legal analysts saying if you actually follow the rules you know strictly they really can't of course they can there's nothing in there that prohibits it it's a matter of interpretation and by the way what is the young lady's name that Congresswoman Stephanie Stefana come sorry I want to get her rights to find she's outstanding Elise Stefana Q showing herself to be superstar and there are several superstars on that committee imagine operating under these fascistic conditions and that's what they are I don't know what I should call it they are fascistic conditions and I want to remind you folks although you already know up with the legal analysts and the phony journalists the Constitution does not say what you legal analysts keep saying that it Pietschmann is whatever the Democrats say it is aware of the house as it is that's not what the Constitution says Why don't you read what the Constitution says out loud why don't you read what's in Madison's notes read it out loud what's taking place in the house is one of the things that they feared when they were debating whether or not even include an impeachment clause it'll be up to the Senate to control this Mitch McConnell and the Republicans and if they don't control it won't be controlled and then all will be up to us to reward those who deserve to be rewarded and punish those who deserve to have their asses kicked out in the next election I'm telling you this if Mitch McConnell doesn't do the right thing in the Senate and if he doesn't have the power to keep the Republicans together he needs to go because he will not make room he will not make room for a successor he's going to hang in there posthumously if he has to. Going to take a little early break here now the line I'll be right back. This is truck country and g.m.c. Has a truck for every task the g.m.c. Family a pickup trucks features a diverse line of trucks perfect for whatever task you have in mind whether you're going camping with a family or tackling a project. Or a half ton pickup trucks deliver the utility capability and premium features you expect from a g.m.c. Come see the Sierra have ton pickup at down Lewis Motors. At George Washington Boulevard in Yuba City last Ross's Mexican restaurant Yuba City offers the best authentic Mexican cuisine in the north state come taste the many flavors offers that will have your taste buds thanking you and wanting more traditional appetizers combination plates the best chili verde seafood specialties like to be cheap shrimp cocktail sea bass fish tacos delicious desserts and more can be our Tuesdays and Thursdays with. 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To order the point of order is well the chairman continued to prohibit witnesses from answering Republican questions as you've done in closed hearings and. Our Question of the proper point of origin was well spent St. John was not recognized by the point is not recognized the court of order was not recognized to respond. Some is not recognized this is allowed and there are 4 tournaments grab. Is not recognized oh ranking member I'm believable you heard Jim Jordan also tremendous holy cow because that's not how you conduct itself they are power hungry they've a very slim majority 16 seats and that's going to be our folks are you angry tonight America. Make a suggestion if you're angry Tonight Show it give donations to the campaign or. Find out who these so-called moderate Democrats are these 31 particular village in their districts and give donations to the Kennedy trying to get to them you have to tolerate this. If you're sick and tired of watching certain hosts sick and tired of watching certain legal analysts people you thought you liked don't watch them anymore don't watch them anymore Trust me you'll do just fine let's hear some more elease Please go ahead my questions today will focus on 3 key themes The 1st is the role of the president when it comes to appointing our ambassadors The 2nd is longstanding corruption in Ukraine and the 3rd is 80 Ukraine earlier this week as you know we heard from George Kent and I know that Mr Kent is a colleague a friend and someone who you deeply respect in his testimony he stated all ambassadors serve the pleasure of the president you would agree with that statement correct yes and in fact he elaborated and went on to emphasize that this is without question everybody understands that you would agree with that. And in your own deposition under oath you stated quote Although I understand everyone understands that I serve at the pleasure of the president is that correct. And just so there's no public confusion you are still the addition intimidated anybody to she sounded to me to do Mr Producer She sounds like she's annoyed that the Republicans are even there yeah it's very smug and. And to me that's how she came off. And the media really are trying to position her position trump a position everybody I'm not buying it I see it with my own 2 eyes you can hear it folks go ahead correct. And in the deposition you say that you personally asked whether it would be possible to be a fellow at Georgetown University and that was arranged for me and I'm very grateful that's where you are posted today correct. Georgetown students are lucky to have you we are lucky to have you in foreign service and I again want to thank you for your tremendous public service shifting gears to corruption in Ukraine in your powerful deposition you describe quote We have a long understood that strong anti corruption efforts must form an essential part of our policy in Ukraine and now there is a window of opportunity to do that and so why is this important and why is this important to us put simply anti-corruption efforts serve Ukraine's interests but they also serve ours as well is that still your testimony. And particularly at the critical time in 2014 after the Ukrainian elections you testified that the Ukrainian people had made clear in that very election that they were done with corruption. And you also testified that the Ukrainians thought it would be a good idea to set up this architecture of a special investigative office that would be all about the crimes of corruption cracked. And I know this was before you arrived in Ukraine but you are aware that the 1st case that the u.s. U.k. And Ukraine investigators worked on was in fact against the now you're gonna stay with it it's important she's great go ahead. Yes and that was during the Obama administration. And in your testimony you and you said today the investigation was never formally closed because it's frankly useful to keep that company hanging on a hook right as you're moving the Ukrainian investigation was never parted with the u.s. In the u.s. I understand it yeah although because we didn't see the Ukrainians moving forward on that we no longer partner with them on that case or in that way but let's take a very see that a step back the 1st time you personally became aware was actually when you were being prepared by the Obama State Department for your Senate confirmation hearings and this was in the form of practice questions and answers this was your deposition and you testified that in this particular practice q. And a with the Obama State Department it wasn't just generally about corruption it was specifically about Hunter Biden and barista is that correct yes it is and the exact from your testimony ambassador is quote the way the question was phrased in this model q. And a was what can you tell us about Hunter Biden you know being named to the Board of . So for the millions of Americans watching President Obama's own State Department was so concerned about potential conflicts of interest from Hunter Biden for all of Prisma that they raised it themselves while prepping this wonderful ambassador nominee before her confirmation and yet our Democratic colleagues and the chairman of this committee cry foul when we dare ask that same question to see this is the headline and one of the legal analyst. You know when they prepare for a hearing is they get all these questions. Not a big deal and they kind of dismiss them as excuse me given all the crap that comes through the microphone to these members of Congress the leading question. And why didn't the media go back and look at any of that this is incredible so in q. And A's in preparation for her hearing be confirmed as the ambassador to the Ukraine the State Department itself through a number of questions relating to. Hunter Biden in an appearance of a conflict the understand that folks here not she get about all that nothing 0 There's your headline I'll be right back. You're listening to the Patriot on 1410 am. Broadcasting station. Grocery Outlet in Yuba City is your home for bargains. Every day we work hard every day to bring our customers the brands they love at pure blissful prices the grocery out the city would like to welcome all the shoppers are smart and final to come in and. It might seem like a dream but we get. Couldn't be more real grocery outwit market 721 highway in Yuba City even more say they go to grocery outlet dot com and sign up for a. Unit Cool Hand Luke says. Done with practice too tired to cook the books do the cooking for you. There's something for all of the states salads back in sheets. At. A special. City. Is the coolest joint in town. 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K 2 a to b s Marysville there's more Mark Colvin coming up after this update from Fox News I'm Lisa Fox News a former diplomat before the House Intelligence Committee for hours on day 2 of the public impeachment inquiry hearings and a tweet from President Trump took center stage a former ambassador to Ukraine Maria Vonage told the House Intelligence Committee she was abruptly recalled from her post after a smear campaign led by allies of President Trump such as his personal attorney Giuliani I do not understand Mr Giuliani's motives for attacking in a tweet juror in a van of interest testimony President Trump questioned her service in places like Somalia and Ukraine committee Republicans largely praised her service but haven't Nunez questioned her presence not exactly sure what the ambassador is doing here today Nunez argues of Ana Mitchell's no firsthand knowledge of any conversation Democrats say builds a bribery case Helprin on Capitol Hill after the hearing committee here Adam Schiff claimed the intent by the administration was obvious what is quite clear that I think from her testimony as well as others that Rudy Giuliani in the present felt it was necessary to get her out of the way a high. Republican Jim Jordan continued to defend the president we know that the Ukraine is in even though it was withheld on hold at the time of the call and most importantly it was Ukrainians specifically presence once he never took any official action to get the aid release in his day but the White House says in part there is 0 evidence of any wrongdoing by the president and the bastard are you gonna bitch testified under oath that she was unaware of any criminal activity involving President Trump the president has granted clemency to 2 Army officers found guilty of 2nd degree murder 6 years ago Additionally Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher will have his rank restored to Chief Petty Officer he was demoted after being convicted of posing with the body of an ISIS fighter America's listening to Fox News. Holidays season is here. For the year during the poor Black Friday. Guilty on 7 counts including lying to Congress the charges related to the Russian Vesta geishas the verdict was announced stone was stoic The judge released him on his own recognizance under a gag order though the prosecution wanted him taken into custody today.

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