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100000 people with a wind driven wildfire burning more than 11 square miles and 74 buildings on the northern edge of Los Angeles l.a. City council representative Monica Rodriguez seat want to make sure that we protect the public we want to protect our 1st responders and we want to continue to be able to protect your property to Wildfire related deaths so far President travel back to land in Louisiana at a campaign rally in Lake Charles the president will be urging his supporters to vote against that state's popular Democratic governor John Bell Edwards in tomorrow's open primary election Edwards gets 50 percent of people in America is listening to Fox News Hi I'm Jay foreigner c.e.o. Of Quicken Loans America's largest mortgage lender Let's talk credit card debt for a minute if you feel you're carrying too much of it you're not alone the average household in the u.s. 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Power dot com rates of exchange a 1.25 percent fee to receive a discounted rate offer cost information and conditions equal housing under license and states and unless number $30.00 then continues between Turks and Kurds in northern Syria an explosion coming very close to an outpost where u.s. Troops are located no American casualties reported nearly 2000 u.s. Troops heading to Saudi Arabia along with fighter jets and. Air defense equipment it is to protect that kingdom from Iran president wanted her out with a fired former ambassador to Ukraine told members of Congress today Maria von of it she's still employed by the State Department but answered questions anyway from 3 House committees leading an impeachment inquiry in a prepared statement obtained by Fox News Evanovich said she was told of a concerted campaign against her and that President Trump pushed for her to be removed from her post in Ukraine and its ally phone call with Ukraine's president President Trump referred to the former ambassador is bad news Ivana bitch was issued a subpoena after the State Department directed her not to meet with investigators White House lawyers say the administration won't cooperate with the impeachment inquiry on Capitol Hill Jarrett how Fox News Jane Fonda hauled off in handcuffs at the u.s. Capitol the actress was seen in a video being placed in handcuffs being escorted into a police van for trying to. Educate people to the Green New Deal a Green Deal is important. The importance of voting for the climate Fondo was demonstrating along with the group Oil Change International the protest a part of Jane's fire drill Fridays initiative according to d.m.c. She found a protest outside the Capitol every Friday as Michelle Plano he was here from the beginning after 23 years news anchor Shepard Smith announcing this afternoon he is leaving the Fox News channel along with hosting his show Shep the managing editor of our breaking news unit he said the network initially asked him just a. Question. That this is serious. 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Hello everybody Mark Levin here our number 87738138118773813811 so the House Intelligence Committee Democrats intend to have money more witnesses all of which are going to be forced to testify in secret behind closed doors history will say this is the most corrupt impeachment process ever the most corrupt impeachment process ever from beginning to what will be the end there will be books written about this too late to do us any good maybe 6 months after the fact a year after the fact 50 years after the fact it will be viewed as the most corrupt impeachment process ever the media will be viewed in absolute disrepute. Because this is where the media are supposed to really protect the American people regardless of their own ideological predilections in terms of abuse of power this is an absolute abuse of power if you hear anybody say well the House can do whatever it wants when it comes to impeachment it's not exactly right there's supposed to be a process in it what was assumed there would be a process they're going through the motions they're going through the motions present the United States his counsel is not even present to respond to what's taking place and on the Sunday shows they're going to be cheerleading all this Chuck Todd is fundamentally too political to be a logical and too stupid to even understand what's taking place if he did George Stephanopoulos same thing Jake Tapper same thing they're all Democrats are former Democrats they all worked for a campaign for Democrats Chuck Todd's wife as a Democrat operative the Democrats coming out of the n.s.c. In the Obama officials coming out of the n.s.c. Working for the committee the so-called whistle blower is a sham somehow secondhand information hearsay becomes the basis for a whistleblower complaint with newspaper articles you have them stringing together outrageous allegations that the president of the United States and his staff hid the transcript by putting it in a secure server server and all the president had to do is use executive privilege to prevent it from being released there's no expectation that it would be released didn't matter where he kept it you had people like Dick Durbin a complete moron partisan fool and others saying it's a violation of the campaign laws something of value when you ask another country to investigate your political opponent the Office of Legal Counsel which passes on constitutional matters in this country. I said no it didn't violate the campaign finance laws now they tried that last time with the non-disclosure agreements and even the southern district of New York hostile to the present United States dropped it because it's ridiculous but it doesn't matter the piece these things together you have news operations writing that the that the Bidens are being falsely accused of corruption and so forth and so on they don't ask for hearings about the Bidens they don't want to know anything about 100 Biden they don't know where 100 Biden is and they have no intention of trying to find out where he is and I would. Unbelievable. And the media today are simply regurgitating what they're told by the Democrats about this former ambassador to Ukraine because they weren't there the transcript hasn't been released so the Democrats issue press releases and the media are just regurgitating the I heard at the top of the hour with these idiotic network news that I have to listen to when I want to move on to another subject right now and that is Turkey and the Kurds Mark we're tired of this don't be tired of this there's new information but I want to talk about a few things 1st I have a lot of friends in this business so we don't always agree and get along with most of them but not all of them but I hear being said now because some knucklehead wrote a column that you really can't have an ally or an alliance who wants to have a formal agreement really. Is that true that's never been true that's never ever been true we have aligned with freedom fighters and guerrilla movements throughout our history indigenous people in different parts of the world throughout our history without formal alliances or formal treaties or formal agreements I've never heard of anything so dumb I've never heard anything so down then they'll tell you we have a formal alliance with NATO and Turkey and so forth. What are we going to do go to war with Turkey who's talking about going to war with Turkey the let's start at the beginning here we needed the Kurds we needed the Kurds to help us defeat ISIS they had $11000.00 deaths helping us and we helping them fight ISIS in many instances we gave the America when they did a lot of the heavy lifting we would not have defeated ISIS effectively in this particular part of the world but for the help of the Kurds but we don't have an alliance they tell us we don't have a formal alliance with them well then why did we give the military support why are they helping us out of the goodness of their hearts and they may contrary and contradictory arguments they send the one hand it's only 50 to 100 troops they can't defend themselves anyway then the other hand they say oh we need those $50.00 to $100.00 troops none of that matters that's not the point if we don't have the ability to tell a NATO partner partner not to attack an ally that helped us defeat ISIS then we have a problem with this NATO partner and we do have a problem with this NATO partner but they don't tell you is he's making nice with Vladimir Putin where they don't tell you is he put a missile defense system from the Russian side undermine our f. $35.00 jets which is why there's a movement now including in the administration not to sell him our f. $35.00 jets but they don't tell us a s a genocidal murder has taken a democracy that was set up by Ataturk and has turned it into a quasi Islam regime and hopes to do even more and then they tell you Well that proves he's a not so you can't rely on these circular arguments are unbelievable it's not that he's a not it's had his his interests are increasingly diverting from ours there's not another NATO ally that would buy a missile defense system from the Russians not another this would be the same Turkey. That would allow us to use their airspace or operate from our bases in Turkey during the Gulf Wars anybody remember that we had a caller who fought not Gulf War who told us that the same Turkey that would not allow us to use their airspace or our bases from which to launch an attack on Saddam Hussein in Iraq we had a work around Turkey anybody remember that but we have an alliance with them we have agreements with them and then they tell us it's easy for you Mark and people like you you're not on the ground I have had men call this program who were on the ground one of them crying almost like a baby who was a medic in that Iraq war and said we needed the Kurds we need the Kurds now and then he gave medical attention occurred to were fighting side by side with us you won't find many combat veterans who fought in Iraq who were fought recently in Syria with the Kurds who agree with this policy you won't find many they'll be a few here and there but not many it's the people who sit on their asses here who think they have this all figured out who are the joke and what about America's interests we have no interest in Syria they tell us what we did and with the Kurds when we were fighting ISIS and now we don't so just abandon them or wanted to send thousands of troops there who said that put the thumbscrews on Turkey we have the ability to do it we've done it before they're the ones that are conducting themselves in an unbelievably outrageous manner not the Kurds thing credible it's incredible We're going to ban in an hour and so this is why last night I said on this program Ok the administration the president did what he did. The president also said there are Turkey attacks these people were going to put strong economic sanctions on them in fact he said we're going to bleed right their economy and so last night I said Ok let's do something President made a promise right to get us out of these endless wars everybody said Ok but he also made this promise and it sounds like he's moving in that direction I certainly hope so because today. The treasury secretary has set the foundation for broad sanctions against Turkey the president signed an executive authored order authorizing the powers but the administration will not move yet to punish Turkish individuals or entities after the country's offensive in northern Syria still Nugent threatened devastating actions in the wake of Turkey's strikes that the u.s. Has condemned now for going to be logical about this with the Code Pink route why would we even put economic sanctions on Turkey right the Kurds are in our problem we have no national security interest there they tell us so why even do that I assume we're going to hear from the Code Pink Rand Paul wing the Bernie Sanders wing of the Republican Party that we shouldn't do this it's none of our business what are we doing there Turkey's an ally there in NATO why would we put economic sanctions on them for attacking that the Kurds we don't have any pact any written agreement with the Kurds because that's not the test it's never been the test it's an absurd argument so we pull these 50 to 100 soldiers who are right so what happens Turkey attacked us special forces in Syria who are not even up against the border they said it's a mistake. Newsweek a contingent of u.s. Special forces was caught up in Turkish shelling against u.s. Backed Kurdish positions in northern Syria days after President Trump told his Turkish counterpart He would the withdraw u.s. Troops from certain portions in the area a senior Pentagon official said shelling by the Turkish forces was so heavy that the u.s. Personnel considered firing back and south the fence now the Code Pink Republicans you've been hearing all this week they're going to tell you that's our fault because that's what they do that we shouldn't be there at all Newsweek has learned through both an Iraqi Kurdish intelligence official and the senior Pentagon official that special forces operating in Mostyn or hill in the majority Kurdish city of Kabbani fell under artillery fire from Turkish forces conducting their so-called Operation Peace spring against Kurdish fighters backed by the u.s. Considered terrorist by them stead of returning fire the special forces withdrew once the shelling it ceased Newsweek previously reported Wednesday that the current rules of engagement for u.s. Forces continue to be senator around self defense and no water has been issued by the Pentagon for complete withdrawal from Syria now the Pentagon official said Turkish forces should be aware of u.s. Positions down to the grid in other words the United States has told Turkey where our forces are with great specificity so at the so-called mistakes shouldn't be occurring they should be occurring and so now we have this from The Washington Times top u.s. General warns Turkey we retain the right of self defense. Top u.s. Military officials today warned Turkey that u.s. Forces in Syria retain the right of self-defense amid fears that American personnel is still in danger despite the withdraw special operation troops from the most dangerous areas along the Turkey Syria border again Turkey knows exactly where our forces are they've been told. In a hastily arranged press conference at the Pentagon Joint Chiefs of Staff General Chairman General Mark Milley told reporters he has personally in short Turkey has explicit great coordinated detail the location of all 1000 u.s. Troops stationed in Syria he's saying that the Turks have we've been in coordination with them everyone is fully aware that we are the United States military and we retain the right of self-defense our soldiers sailors airmen and Marines will defend themselves that's clear and it's one of us with anybody so now the Code Pink Rand Paul Bernie Sanders Republicans who have been hearing on t.v. And radio What are they going to say we shouldn't be there let's get out so Turkey went out of its way in my view to hit our forces it's a mistake they said maybe they hear the same voices in this country that we. Maybe they hear the same voices in this country that we'd. I'll be right back mud. 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This is life issues with Brad Mathis president of Life Issues Institute you may have heard about the elitist remark made by Emanuel Mack wrong president of France but did you hear about the response the Chron stated it wasn't possible to find a woman who was perfectly. She catered to have 78 or 9 children a flood of very well educated women throughout the world in lightened him one with a doctorate from Harvard University tweeted a photo of her with 6 of her 8 children a Stanford graduate provided a picture with her 11 kids women with degrees in music pharmacology engineering in business where in the end the president of France was educated that his elitist attitude was condescending ignorant and sexist maybe he should seek advice sounds like he could use help running things in France follow us on Twitter at life issues USA and stay informed more informed than you've ever been if you're an experienced reliable professional automobile technician and you're looking for a stable job then garden highway auto clinic is looking for you garden highway although is currently looking for new technicians in Yuba City be a part of the team garden highway clinic garden highway auto clinic offers a competitive salary plus benefits so stop by today and drop off your resume at 6 o 9 garden highway and city open Monday through Saturday from 7 30 am to 6 20 pm closed on Sunday and Texas raving about her amazing transformation thanks the Genesis I cannot get over how much and how quickly Jenna sells help me and my bags of puffiness are gone it really is the skin's fountain of youth now it's your turn to see results guaranteed and best of all risk free Sherman a is clearing out their inventory before the holiday season order genocide jawline treatment with empty out technology packed with natural peptides to target that annoying turkey neck I get the classic generous offer a bag of puffiness absolutely free yes free and for results in 12 hours the genocidal immediate effects is also free now this once in a year offers back by their 60 day 100 percent money back guarantee call 800 skin 6 o 4 or go to Jenna sell dot com. Order now for a surprise luxury gift with your water that's 800 skin 604800 skin 604 or Jenna sell dot com that's Jenna Sal dot com. One of these people position themselves as caring about American troops 1st and foremost. Like others don't do they really well tell me how we're going to build alliances in the future it's not so clean when you're fighting a war particularly when you're fighting a secret battles that are going on all over the world as I speak it's not so simple when you need to get spies and so forth and so on how does it help our troops all over the world and in future battles and in future wars if we become known as unreliable it doesn't. So they're not putting American soldiers 1st. This is called situational ethics. I'll be right back. 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Another tall tale from Elizabeth Warren Moore next. You see them all around town trucks and their service reps taking care of customers when companies use and you know they're confident and ready with their fire protection and 1st aid and safety programs and those there apparel solutions and helps keep their facility in rest rooms clean in stock so you know those companies care about their employees facilities and image when all those things work together. They're ready for business. And get ready for the work day. Until campaign trail Elizabeth Warren has been telling an anecdote about how she got fired back in the 1970 s. When she became visibly pregnant I was visibly pregnant and the principal did what principals did in those days when they locked and hired someone else that sort of thing did happen back then and society has changed for the better but did it happen to warrant new evidence has emerged including a 2007 interview where she gave a very different account of those events and actual documents that show that she wasn't fired from the job she was offered another year and an extension by the Board of Education in that school district she declined it and resigned this appears to be the latest example of Elizabeth Warren making up stories about her biography to help herself while the media hold her accountable or make excuses I'm going. To use the same if you're writing the script. You put a fake something around your neck and you lay on the ground. You get taken to a hospital that's the World War and you want to put him in a prison put him in a Russian prison for years along we should take our worship prisoners and outsource them to Russia to treat prisoners. Like weekdays from noon to 2. And 104.3 f.m. The Patriot. Bob welcome to my podcast if you like water if you do you're going to love me you are in central I'm talking. 500 here in Atlanta here. I never was and never will have water. Bottle at the base of Mount Shasta. And simple naturally that you can by calling 1896. And play. U.s. 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I would do this I would protect yourself go to Home title lock dot com Home title lock dot com All right let's take a couple calls here let's see what we have here I don't want to take any of those calls yet I'm looking at him right now how about this Stephen Newton. The treasury a very significant authorities based upon the continuing efforts. Now ladies and gentlemen I want to salute the president I think they had to pull the trigger on this quickly especially since Turkish forces had American forces and they know damn well where we are since they have an entire grid of where our military assets are and they are supposed to be an ally NATO. But my question to you folks is if you've been buying the argument that we have no role here anymore that we don't have any alliance with the Kurds. Then why would you support this. Sanctions against a NATO ally Well you wouldn't if that your mindset. Go. So far he has not been dissuaded by anything this ministration has done or the president has said what makes you confident that the announcement you just me is going to change true Squire I don't agree with your promise I'm not going to comment on specific confidential discussions that have been going on on different levels so I don't think that's a good promise but again these are very powerful sanctions we hope we don't have to use them but we can shut down the church in Chicago me if we need to. Well even if Lattimer Putin has said he's very concerned that if this keeps up the be nobody guarding the 101112000 ISIS prisoners since it's the Kurds who are guarding them and he's put out a warning that he's very worried about this and we should be too you know we lost a lot of people and a lot of treasure capturing these ISIS prisoners can you imagine 101112000 of them are free because Turkey is taking after our allies can you imagine at some believable Well I can't so I hope the put the sanctions to play sooner rather than later this is as I said this impeachment issue the most corrupt impeachment in American history in the whole process in the media the most corrupt and certainly American history modern American history certainly maybe in all of American history and it will be reported that way in history when the time comes let's go to Bruce St Petersburg Florida x. Am satellite go. Thank you once again for taking my call I'll be brief and to the point I recall when we were dealing with the hostage crisis how the news media every day said day 100 day 101 we on the right need to take control of the language what we need to start doing is 1st off not calling it impeachment what we need what we need to do is call it day whatever day it is. The Democratic Party's could and the fraud on the impeachment process we need to call it what it is it's not an impeachment process it's a fraud on the process it's a gross file a v. Everybody has their tag line that they want to use in this I don't call it a house and peaceful process as you know I've been calling it the. Democratic impeachment process of the Democratic who is the one works perfectly fine and. The problem here is actually much deeper than this the problem here is with the Republican Party in the Senate in particular that is not defending the president they're not defending the Constitution and they're not defending the impeachment process and I'm very concerned that when this winds up in the United States Senate it won't be handled properly including one of the options that I presented so time will tell thank you for your call my friend. Joel's Brooklyn New York the great w a b c go. To walk I was going to talk about the impeachment process being a coup also so I'm the change subjects now to boy listeners just want to tell you I want to talk about the Biden Ukraine fiasco right on the next government employee I worked for the Treasury. In the 1970 s. When I started day one well the 1st week we were lectured on on you can't profit from your position you can't do things to profit from your position and you can't and include. People in your family profiting from your position so you know just to look at that I think what he did is unbelievably treasonous and. We've had managed let me just say this but respect to your point. Most of these Democrats don't come into office very very wealthy but somehow they leave very very wealthy or soon after they leave they become very very wealthy Al Gore I've seen it reported that he's worth 150 $1000000.00 if you can believe that the Clintons at some point they were a quiet about a quarter of a $1000000000.00 I read at some point the Obama's so worth about $100000000.00 Right now the bines are worth multi-millions of dollars none none of these people were rich coming in and into office and I think this racket with the lobbyists this racket with who you know these former government officials and former government staffers and. Using the networks that they create once they're in office I think this in part is what they're protecting and one of the reasons are protecting Biden not the primary reason they're protecting him because they want him to defeat Trump if he's the nominee but a secondary reason is I believe this goes on in Washington d.c. All the time and the media have absolutely no problem with it unless they can use it against a prominent Republican or a Republican president to bring them down. I think you're 100 percent right but it systemic The Republicans are just as guilty and I don't know how to correct the system you know Bob Dole working for communists trying so obvious really got me crazy he did anyone know that yeah scrub told. Me really crazy seem to recall Trent Lott worked for a Russian bank at one point maybe I don't know these guys anything for a buck and you know. But it's amazing how the focus is taken off the Bidens how the Associated Press and these other media outlets say Well that was investigated its cover let me ask you questions or has there been a single congressional hearing any committee House Senate Republican Democrat on 100 job. There hasn't been one. So what has been investigated exactly has a United States attorney's office of the public integrity section of the criminal division a main Justice investigated Hunter a job I know so what do they mean this is been investigated and investigated you know. I worked for the lawyer and when I saw a Lois Lerner did my head spun around. I bill would I risk counsel a lot in my work when I saw the questions that we asked to the Republicans Tea Party groups yeah. They were exempt organizations I just knew it was all council driven and if it's Council driven It was chief counsel Washington and I was right to the White House and by the way the media didn't care about that either. All right my friend I appreciate your call will be right back. This is truck country and g.m.c. Has a truck for every task the g.m.c. Family and pickup trucks features a diverse line of trucks perfect for whatever task you have in mind whether you're going camping with a family or tackling a project our. Pickup trucks deliver the utility capability and premium features you expect from a g.m.c. Come see the Sierra half ton pickup down Lewis motors on police Avenue at George Washington Boulevard in Yuba City Wesley is a truck driver I drive a truck I will either a truck driver with i.r.s. 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Has ever offered if you qualify you could save thousands and you deserve a fresh start caught De Mint now for your free consultation 8049963080496300 that's 804996300 All right let's see who we have here. I apologize we have patchy New Bern North Carolina the great w b t Yes I'm here yes man right ahead then you're one of the smartest people on t.v. I get all my knowledge * about what's going on in politics and everything about you I've been watching politics since 1952 when you know what I did how was rendered so I've been in terror the real information I like to hear not what you think and your program deal with facts and I don't need to put a program together so Democrats. And the people dead who are. Right when you can't learn to accept the next day what can be called true we'll win again no matter what they do because when God is in charge of some people nobody can describe what in the way they talk about truck truck truck 24 hours every single day making people that didn't think. Was a good person but they relate in him to Jesus. So they can keep on doing what they do and he will be reelected but one thing that we could do or somebody can do to get them to concentrate on something else he will. Try kids. And. Every Jerry. And daughter Yeah Ok do I do it in the way or if they want to run for office and no never a Senate Republican or whatever makes run for something even though it may not want to but may give them distraction because they are afraid if Donald Trump if one of his kids may fall behind him all right Patsy appreciate your call. What Patsy said up front reminds me of what my father told me some time ago and I've related this to you in the past he and my mother voted for Barry Goldwater in 1964 and I most Jews didn't vote for Barry Goldwater fact a great deal of America didn't vote for Barry Goldwater and they were a young couple living in a basement apartment in Philadelphia you know trying to make ends meet my dad is. Quite a commercial artist they were trying to start a little nursery school and day camp which of course today he wouldn't be able to do and I said to my father you know given all the attacks on Barry Goldwater given all the things that were said about you know why did you vote for Barry Goldwater and my dad said to me but I'm even thinking about it I knew all the I'll say crap but he said I knew all the ass all the crap they said about him couldn't be true and I like the guy so I voted for him I wonder if there's some of that going on with respect to Donald Trump because if you didn't know and then you're watching Donald Trump You're watching a guy who is trying to defend himself trying to defend his country who's under constant attack by the media and academia for the Democrats and it's some point you just root for the underdog and I know he won the presidency but it's some point you root for the guy who's come who's who's taken on the world because the world's trying to destroy him I'm hoping there's a lot of people thinking like that out in the country one of the facts that is that's helpful is that the public really cannot stand the press so while the press is overwhelmingly hostile to this president the public do not trust the press and so hopefully hopefully that logic will follow its way right through election day I see all these polls. About whether or not you support the impeachment of the present some of them are really bastardized polls you know one of them at 48 percent Democrats was really weighted against the president but I don't see other polls being taken like do you believe this is a fair impeachment process do you believe that witnesses should be giving testimony in public do you believe that the president should be able to as the president should that be able to have his lawyers involved in the process do you believe the president's lawyers should be involved in examining the witnesses I mean there's a lot of questions that can be asked in polls that are not asked and polls but the questions themselves are partisan they are they are representative of the media and Democrat Party mindset and I wrote this book on freedom of the press for a reason. So we would understand that they're one in the same and you now have hosts who never before in their careers. Are calling out Democrats in the press or the Democrat media. That's thanks to one freedom of the press those of you who've read it half a 1000000 of you know exactly what I'm talking about so we've had some effect. And that's a positive thing. You're listening to the Patriot on 14. Broadcasting station. Grocery Outlet in Yuba City is your home for. Every day we work hard every day to bring our customers the brands they love pure blissful prices in grocery out the city would like to welcome all the shoppers. To come in and. It might seem like a dream but we get. Real. Bargain market at 1720. Sign up for our. Country chicken. On the highway. Christie this is right how have Krispy crunchy chicken and all the fixings for breakfast lunch and dinner and don't forget the sides. Mashed potatoes and gravy back in cheese. Call ahead. A large group. Has always been great can be. Found a. Good. Care she did. Will barrel it over to you but sitting coin in both by the bridge always paying top dollar on placer gold pickers are bigger any more to gold coins and sobering shiny or not. Your local coin shop buys those 2 gold crowns and bridge is also scrap jewelry and sterling silver where we melted down turning it into a shiny gold and sobering it's the. You can invest in. Believe struck it rich the Twin Cities Yuba City coin and bullion for $38.00 Colusa highway by the 10th Street Bridge friendly service fair prices 755 coing no one can wander off to. Your listening to the Patriots on 1410 am k m y c Marysville and 104.3 f.m. Key to a to b s Marysville there's more Mark Levin coming up after this update from Fox News. But I'm Jay Metzler another homeland security secretary is out Kevin McElwain and stepping down President Trump announcing in a tweet a short time ago the president saying McElwain and has done an outstanding job as acting secretary of homeland security he says we have worked well together with border crossings being way down Kevin now says the president after many years in government wants to spend more time with his family and go to the private sector President Trump flying to Louisiana for a campaign style rally in Lake Charles that's about to start he will be urging his supporters to vote against that state's popular Democratic governor Jon Bill Edwards in tomorrow's open primary election if Edwards gets 50 percent of the vote he wins another term the president also likely to talk about the partial trade agreement with China and now it's this afternoon Nothing is signed as yet but the president has agreed to hold off on tariffs set to go into effect on Tuesday China agreeing to buy u.s. Agricultural products again deadly wildfires in Southern California 100000 people ordered out of their homes 11 square miles burned in northern l.a. 2 fire related fatalities so far in the Midwest winds gusting up to 65 miles per hour in parts of North Dakota. Where the governor activated that state's emergency plan because of a crippling winter storm people had to be rescued when vehicles got stranded one that got stuck a bus with 42 people on board one weather related traffic death and brassica when a car skidded off an icy highway hundreds of flights canceled or delayed in the Midwest America is listening to box news. I am j. Foreigner c.e.o. 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