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Wanted 8 months in prison late word that a California utility is going to shut off power to more than 800000 customers in $34.00 counties to reduce the risk of wildfire in the dry windy conditions the power equipment has been blamed for devastating wildfires in the can America listening. To get answered by the next available representative. 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Commissioner Adam Silver rejecting criticism that the league bowed to China I initially apologizing 21 offended by a tweet in support of pro to mock receive demonstrators in Hong Kong the League initially came out saying the statement made by a Houston Rockets g.m. Daryl Morey was quote regrettable but that didn't really placate the Chinese Basketball Association and it absolutely infuriated u.s. Politicians on both sides of the aisle who said that China does not get to call the shots well now Commissioner Silver is trying to do over saying that he's not trying to tell others how to run their governments but in the end he's an American and he supports freedom of expression for his employees Gallagher Silver also says he hopes to meet with appropriate officials this week when he's in Shanghai where the Lakers and Brooklyn Nets are playing on Thursday meantime Chinese state t.v. Canceling broadcasts of preseason games a comedian plays defense over a viral photo from a football game by teaching Twitter haters a lesson on kindness Ellen De generous standing up to social media critics who slammed her for attending a football game with former President George w. Bush I'm friends with George Bush and fact I'm friends with a lot of people who don't share the same belief that I have we're all different and I think that we've forgotten that that's Ok that we're all different is generous facing heavy backlash after a photo went viral that showed her sitting beside the former president at this weekend's Kaun boys' game Out magazine tweeting Ellen De generous laughing it up with someone who has actively tried to harm our community feels disappointing irresponsible and dangerous as Carly Shimkus Ellen telling her audience that being kind doesn't mean only to the people who think the same way you do a spokesman for the former president says he and Mrs Bush appreciate Ellen's comments about respecting one another adding They respect her Wall Street goes back to worrying about the trade dispute with China the Dow dropped 314 point. Hello this is Dan with measured or company we are in our 42nd year of business 42 years of experience is worth a great deal to our customers we pride ourselves in offering our customers an automatic door system that works every time you push the button because we know from experience that leaving for work or taking the kids to the school and having a garage door that will not open to both frustrating face the world we have made it our goal provide it in the garage door system of additive right so for your next garage door call Mr Gore company at area code 530-743-6085 measured or company 530736085 or find this on the net at measure Door dot com That's one word measure Door dot com Thank you. In 956 his father escaped from prison in Hungary when he was facing life in jail for fighting against communism in the Soviet invasion his mother escaped at the same time and they fled to the u.k. He learned from an early age how to fight the war against fascist communists and My friends. It's important to fight it's important to never give up on anybody it's a glorious day today in sunny California I am on the road again for the Salem we were in Pasadena 2 nights ago with 2000 Patriots It was a capacity crowd for a town hall event with Dennis Prager with Larry Elder with Mark Levin and tonight I am broadcasting right now from the Katie k.z. Salem studios in Sacramento very grateful to everybody here Matt Phil Judy Sherri and chief engineer Well done a very impressive impressive crew here and tonight with Larry again and Michelle Malkin 12 they have sold seats everything of v.i.p. Tickets everything sold out for the continuation of a war for America's Soul town whole road trip today is the day the book is out you see me tweet it's official the wall for America's Soul book has been released today by Amazon you can order it noble preorders you can order the real book and it will be at your doorstep straight away. Additionally if you want to signed copy of the book that explains it all or what the left is doing where the plan came from the key conspirators the silent good against the president all the names and what it's going to take to win you can get a signed copy by going to my website said Gorka dot com s e b g o r k a and clicking on the link there you will get the copy of the book signed to you and just as a special gift from me to you 3 months free membership in my exclusive Gore because cabinet service where you get access to this show every day without the commercials exclusive behind the scenes interviews and my takes on the real story behind the fake news. Cabinet go to said Go dot com or you'll sign book and join me today let me share with you a little bit about just how deep and serious the situation is so I told you one story about the deep state fighting us in the White House refusing to give personnel over to me to do the mission I was set to do by the president and blocking those transfers and the f.b.i. Saying that the White House is deemed to be an enemy of the 7th floor of the Hoover Building there were fast subtle examples of the deep state I didn't work on the n.s.c. But I had the clearances and my remit meant that I would be on n.s.c. Meetings in the skiff in the Situation Room the classified meeting room and it was remarkable I saw this phenomena repeatedly and once I saw a few times are realized. This isn't a coincidence I'd be in the meeting whatever the issue was the defeat ISIS plan in Syria how to deal with a resurgent China the question of immigration reform whatever the issue was sit in the skiff in the secure facility with the outstations with people from the n.s.c. In the room then the outstations the CIA d.i.i. State Department you name it Joint Chiefs and I'd sit there for an hour hour and a half listening as everybody in the table made their views known as the outstations took their turns and I would know that not only did nobody in the meeting mention the name of the president they never mentioned any of the things any of the objectives that he was trying to realize with the mandate that we had given him as America $63000000.00 people had given him and so I started at the end of each meeting to remind people of what the president's intent was in every case what we are there to achieve and how they have to focus on their responsibility to serve him as the commander in chief because we gave him the mandate it's a very subtle form of the deep state but today let me play you some audio from a New York Times journalist His name is James Stewart and he's written a book on the deep state but not the kind of book you'd expect because his book defends the deep state saying that what they are doing to undermine the president is a good thing they've come out of the closet the traitors the sub version the subversives. They are now proud of what they are doing Listen to James Stewart on The Today Show 8 in a sense he's right there is a date state there is a bureaucracy in our country who has pledged to respect the Constitution respect the rule of law they do not work for the president they work their Merican all and as county told me in my book thank goodness for that because they are protecting the Constitution and the people well individuals we don't have a monarch we don't have a dictator they restrain them from crossing boundaries of law what Trump calls a day in the United States is protecting the American people and protecting the Constitution it's a positive thing. So what does that mean what does this person mean what does James Stewart mean. It means that if you are subverting the will of 63000000 people who chose a president you are the real patriot that is treasonous talk that is seditious talk we have a republic for a reason we have an Electoral College for a reason that the American people speak through the election they choose the commander in chief and if you are undermining that choice you are in a mickle to the republic you are an enemy to the principles upon which it was founded let me assure you my friends 392 days to go this is the most important moment in your life when it comes to the future our collected future take nothing for granted this is going to be a political war. And they wish to take your freedoms from you one of the ways they wish to do that is by political correctness and I am very very proud to be associated with the Alliance Defending Freedom today they are in the Supreme Court they are fighting a case against a funeral home where a male employee said I am a woman and I want to wear women's clothing when I have the bereaved to attend to that that company that funeral home is being prosecuted and it is now the Supreme Court listen to Christine Wagoner with regards to why this company could not give into the insanity of political correctness Kristin Wagoner Tom Ross to consider the different competing interests that he had of his other employees of Steven c. Employee and the grieving family and determine that that wasn't going to work the e.e.o.c. Then decided to make this a test case to try to change the definition of sex discrimination under federal law to include transgender status and now or at the Supreme Court. I know it's unbelievable but it's real and this could happen to anyone not just a cake baker or a florist or this funeral home but to you your beliefs could end up seeing you persecuted these cases of very expensive can you support a.t.f. If you can please go to my website said Go could dot com s e b g o r k dot com This isn't a starving child but it's the future of our country make a donation it's tax deductible or call 866-954-3388 that's 866-954-3388 these are the cases that will define your future and your liberty. Portions of America 1st up proudly brought to you in part by the by the Alliance Defending Freedom Next the best media analyst out there Joe Concha on America 1st and after that you're clueless so stay that don't touch that dial. 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Has a prayer for you they're all priced to sell and we have to sales locations to serve you our exclusive Jayco live at the corner of 99 and 20 in our new sales bar with many great brands at $3300.00 plus a highway at the George Washington exit in Yuba City. This is America 1st and here's your host Dr so fast to endure. Thank you Steve Boyce day broadcasting from a sunny California can't wait this evening to get on stage with Mike Michelle Malkin and Larry Elder for a wall for America's Soul Train yes indeed the book is out today and the tool has begun 1200 patriots and we can't wait to meet them old this evening. How about some good news we got some good news as have some good news this is from the blaze this place sometimes in some stories you don't see anywhere else it's from Colace Garcia a cub dealership in South Carolina in the town called off has come up with an interesting deal the the owner of the dealership is called Derek Hughes and he said to the local folks Carolina affiliate we love America we love God. And we like to hunt this dealership so what does Derek use done. He is offering everyone who bought a car from his car dealership an American flag a Bible and a value for a Smith and Wesson a r 15 rifle that you can exchange at the local gun store called Locked and Loaded How did how does somebody not come up with a gun store ready called Locked and Loaded that's the response when you have for Anstice O'Rourke that famous Hispanic politician coming after your guns what do you do in America you give away off if teens with gun purchases and flags and bibles we're going to cling to them all sorry Obama because this is America another great story and this is this is the react this is when you get that warm feeling inside that it's all going to be Ok this is from the Star Tribune Star Tribune dot com So Minneapolis the the Masters the political left wing masses in Minneapolis are not happy that the president is coming there for a rally So 1st things 1st they are trying to charge the president is not a misprint $26.00 times the security fee for his location for his rally that they charged Obama not twice not 3 ice not quadruple $26.00 times the amount to just mess with him and his followers and even worse than that the Minneapolis Police Department. Has banned police officers from wearing their uniforms ahead of the event if they're going to the event if they're in the vicinity they must be in civilian clothing so what is the police union the Minneapolis police had love this this is this is how you do it so the head of the Union his name is crawl sounds like some character out of some mythological fantasy story Lieutenant Bob Crow has made up shirts selling shirts that are in the shape of Minnesota. Across the state of Minnesota and the badges of the different law enforcement agencies in the area and he's selling them at $20.00 each for his officers to wear that t. Shirt when they can't wear their uniform why crawl in an interview for the local television said my members my police officers are outraged a lot of them want to be there they want to be in the backdrop they want to have an opportunity to meet the president he's shown that he's a very very pro law enforcement president. That is how you do it don't let them bully you don't let them get away with you the next guest is one of the savviest media media analysts out there let's play Odio for our guest let's go straight to it is Ron Johnson the chalk talk show from 2 days ago this cut from Chuck told then guest will react you've got John Brennan and you're going to ask a Director Brennan What did Peter Struck mean when he texted Lisa Page on December 15th 2016 senators won't tell him No no no just not let me let me finish think what I think that is really got me thinking like you know having scorned and what does this have to do with their kids their kids it has everything to do with Ukraine now listen Senator if you know I have a I have my 3rd letter into the Inspector General Gonzales insanity asking to just confirm just confirm are you investigating those leaks that Peter Struck talked about 9 senators I have no idea we're going to I know that's that's set up what is entirely relevant to this point why a Fox News conspiracy propaganda stuff is popping up on here is no idea why that is I have no idea what we're going to hear that is if there is a senator this has a underlying exactly as President Trump is upset and why you supporters are upset at the news media Ok you're not going to meeting your Senator Johnson don't you side is John seriously deals going please answer the question then I ask you instead of trying to make Donald Trump feel better here that you're not criticizing not I'm just trying to drive with her simple question very biased mainstream What made you wince. He is Joe Concha he is media reporter and columnist for The Hill and host of Wor tonight on 7. In New York City follow him on Twitter at Joe Concha t.v. Joe is it the job of a of a t.v. Host to make digs at other channels and call that their channels conspiracy theory mongers and then shout at senators to say why you please the pleasing the president particularly sébastien when we had the past 2 years up until the moment what was released we're talking about conspiracy theories meet the press every week you can't find a transcript but mentioning Russia or that investigation I'm lame sources that are talking about x.y.z. In terms of Trump when Trump ally was and there was one that occurred while all. Who. Were Oh so I have no right to stand on that's want to I was about to look in a couple of interviews that Chuck Todd with Adam said it was like just a way out of Congress right obviously they didn't want knowledge of committee and I want our perks up without him snap who has clearly some credibility problems with us and conspiracy theories are so well some in journalism or praising Chuck plot gripping problems. Until I see both sides the way the Great. Well. I'm sorry I'm not buying the selected out we got to you late Joe this is such an important topic can you stay on for another segment a Corsican Ok so in this segment just a just a quick question Joe Yeah you analyze this day in day out this is your job I have to ask this question do people like Chuck Todd actually think that I'm biased. You know I think you were that's the plan right but Bryant was and I think Chuck knows that in order for that to be accepted in the high and the high the. New York those who are asked all media centers are that that's what gets you a gold star from other journalists gets you a gold star in your bosses when you're on the top on one side so they've taken the decision they're going to be part is that if they're going to be activists I find hard to believe that it's any other way because this level of bias I think is unprecedented We've had examples in the past many of good journalists this isn't good journalism he is Joe Concha follow him on Twitter right now Joe Concha t.v. This is America 1st on the same radio network broadcasting to you from a mobile Relief Act dot com studios in Sacramento as part of the war on America's Soul tour tonight with Michelle Malkin and Larry Elder don't miss any segment of this show and don't forget to scribe on You Tube and on i Tunes Back with the super to Joe Concha after these messages. I'm praying and this is the Fox Business Report thoughts plunging after series of headlines raise doubts of the u.s. China trade talks set to begin on Thursday will be successful with the Dow falling $314.00 points the Nasdaq down $133.00 as the $500.00 down $46.00 and shares of Levi Strauss are slightly higher in the extended session after the iconic denim company's 3rd quarter earnings in revenue the expectations and the parent company of toys r us is turning to a competitor to restart its online business ahead of the holiday shopping season true kids Brands which owns the toys r us brands will be linking its toys r us website with Target dot com so you can purchase the toys from Target and have them delivered or pick them up at a Target store toys or as close to the amazing stores back in June of 2018 that your Fox Business report to the reverse he invested in you. 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Chili pecan pie and a delicious fish and chips are available every night but that's not all that goes on at the will of one saloon restaurant come into the Willow Glen saloon every Friday for a tender juicy cried live dinner and if you like to party it up and dance the night away definitely don't miss the Saturday night party every Saturday night with Oakland saloon the restaurant has my music surf and turf dinner and the best most. Tender baby back ribs if you look out the saloon and restaurant Come check us out located just minutes above Collins Lake County and over to the Willow Glen restaurant is the perfect place to hold your holiday parties either small book today 530-692-3005. 10230054 the. Restaurant is your health your priority. Will make it theirs too and Adventist Health and Human Services they focus on health care for women making sure that they are here for patients at every stage in a woman's life from delivering new bundles of joy to caring for your changing. Adventist health services providers can give you the expertise you need Dr Mohamad Dr Gary Barnard and physician. Assistant and 3 steps are here to serve all your health care needs the clinic is conveniently located in your city on my mobile of are and are currently accepting new patients give them a call at 530-671-8718 extension 2 make an appointment that's 53067170 Adventist and right now when services health care just before you. Make any sense out of today's news here is Dr Sebastian Gorka that is full thank you for your patience brother Joe Jim Jeparit Should we will get to you but 1st old 1st things 1st here I am slaving away in the salt mines and what happens my muse who's traveling with me walks into my studio with a strawberry smoothie to keep me going thank you to my muse you know who you are let's go back to the man the legend Joe Concha the host of Wor tonight on the 710 w. Out in New York City he also writes for The Hill the most trenchant the most incisive media commentary out there Joe I travel a lot and I get asked some questions again and again and again the one that's very popular is it's it's Mashal She's she's going to have to say not never not in a month of Sundays is she going to run but this is another conspiracy theory out there what is that Joe Concha Well it appears that Hillary Clinton well jump in and run for president in 2020 because she wants to break the glass ceiling of being the 1st woman to lose the presidency 3 times because you're going to see it actually going to save the squad Joe. Save the squad you know save the party right because you look at Joe Biden who is professionally and I said this from the beginning when he jumped on a profoundly bad candidate and now you throw some aides on there and there's whatever was on it so-called fastball isn't there anymore he can't win and Elizabeth Warren is so far to the left that once Americans hear that oh my health care is going to be taken over and you're going to do what the banks and you're going to raise taxes how much of the middle class there's no way she could win so I think Hillary is selfish enough to have actually. You're not serious I mean I took you for a serious mind the Yanks I have known you I take you through a very astute series individual lives in the real world are you really telling me and on national This is across the country to me and this is that Hillary is really potentially going to run I'm not running. 2000000 listeners that's impressive So there's some pressure right here right now but the pressure and oppression the president tweeted at her and said that Clinton quote should enter the race and try to steal the away from over left Elizabeth Warren under the condition that she explained how and why she could delete at 33000 e-mails so of course Clinton takes the bait and she says Don't tempt me now I don't know what I can see here completely jumping in at this point because why not she says that I won the popular vote Trump is illegitimate that's my crown you should even be there if not for the Russians you wouldn't be their courses or argument so given the current crop why the hell wouldn't she run I'm babycakes about this let me let me let me push back on this I actually think she will she probably wants to and she could probably convince a self because she's come up with what I think Sean Hannity counted 58 excuses for why she lost do you think do you think this anyone around her who's going to say yeah that's a really good idea Hillary and that's really good for the party. All I can see Lanny Davis don't please get in there. Straight and it is meaningless or but that otherwise you think anybody's going to really get let's put it this way Sebastian you've seen this she's basically had a therapy tour right like she's actually been been undergoing like so it's like seeing a psychiatrist in public for the past 2 and a half to write this book store and everything else are you telling me that she isn't over this thing she isn't over this thing I don't see anybody telling her any good advice for the last 2 and a half years because she's embarrassed herself on the national stage over and over again by complaining about all those reasons you talked about why she lost except the fact that she apparently doesn't know where Wisconsin is on a map and never campaigned there once and maybe that's why she lost but that's not a rostrum state it's the Russians they messed with him up Joe don't you know right right you thought that was constant so they became Ontario and all got confusing but yeah I mean that's the thing I think he really thinks that she got robbed that Trump did have help from the Russians and that that presidency is hers by right and she will run again as a result to justify this whole wrong that happened in 2016 I say there's a 5050 chance she gets and I'm not running I am I am truly truly stunned but I tell you what. I'm just going to roll with it if you will saying it I'm going to roll with it because just to see her crawl back up onto a stage to be humiliated again by the man who destroyed her politically after she had spent $1400000000.00 for a position she thought was Oh to be full because of her agenda and her last name Joe that's going to be a delight to watch and I will be reading your columns analyzing the insanity that it represents He is the best media man out there he is Joe Concha follow him on Twitter Joe Concha c o n c h a t v Thank you my friend and keep keep crossing it with your own show I'm Sebas. This is American 1st on the Salem Radio Network from the relief factor dot com studios relief factor natural pain relief that actually makes a difference and can liberate you from your daily aches and pains how do I do this I'm sitting in a studio right now there's no t.v. 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The play Travis with us right now he is the morning host of out kick on Fox Sports radio play Travis welcome to America 1st I appreciate you guys that me thanks a lot now absolutely and Clay Why is the n.b.a. Promoting communism now. Well water mark that would be that some of their political leanings are so far left wing that they. Are just being consistent with their values explain explain their story to us so there's this tweet from a from a a manager and then And then there's a response for those of out there who are big followers of sports given the breakdown of what happened and why it's so crazy clay so yeah good going on there and if you're the Houston Rockets which are actually the most popular queen in China because you tell me who's the most heinous Chinese basketball player I've ever played for the rockets several years he is the g.m. Daryl Morey Yes and they are all in what's must be basically a goodwill like camp that's it or 2 or Asia ready to go are all of back and while he was in Japan he had not yet gone to China I don't know if you know we'll go to China at all that said that that he supported the Hong Kong protesters in. Their quest for democracy well from their time to lose its mind the n.b.a. Has no idea how they should be responding and the end result is that the n.b.a. Has been kowtow ing bending the knee if you're a fan of Game of Thrones to the to the leadership China over this tweet which is so controversial that it just endorsed. Democracy which is something that I think in general most people in America grieve with the n.b.a. Has been so ham handed in this response that they politicians in an era where nobody agrees on anything you've got Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz Democrats in the Senate agreeing with Elizabeth Warren and Chuck Schumer sorry Republicans the Senate agree with Democrats in the Senate across the entire political spectrum everybody saying what in the world is the n.b.a. Doing. Off off to the insanity of the cap and Nick and the massive drop in already in says and viewership How can you explain to us you're in this you do this every day your folks will trade you know how is the n.b.a. Out of touch with America this badly Well it's a good point and I think what is really sort of points to the n.b.a. On its own particular towards the is that the n.b.a. Has been woke in the American marketplace they told their all star game out of Charlotte North Carolina over a debate surrounding a transgender public bathroom access in North Carolina they abandoned and banned the word owner from n.p.a. Parlance because they said it had connotations of slavery and was great and sensitive film or. Leftwing opinion for he probably didn't have that many people are asking the question and certainly it's the one that I've been asking why are all of these coaches. Like the current Gregg Popovich of players like a prawn paint and certainly a commissioner like Adam Silver are quick to embrace Wolk political montra when it comes to things like banning the word owner and pulling out of the state of North Carolina for an All-Star Game and yet not simultaneously able to say you know what we believe in democracy and defending the 1st Amendment rights of one of our top executives and this week or it's not just that the n.b.a. Has been poor in the way they've responded to this issue they also have done an awful job of it pretty consistent and at present political related is going to speak out politically one would think that one of the things that you know what most for politically would be defending the rights of people around the world to look at the Oscars Look I'm not a big expert on these issues my thing is politics my thing in national security but you are you're the host of out kick in the morning you know we're talking to Clay Travis and forget about forget about forget about the committed to the principles upon which this nation was founded and not liking communism play is just stupid from a business sense. Well I think if you want to go straight business on it the n.b.a. Is terrified that they're going to lose a $4000000000.00 partner in China and oh Ok other part of this which is fascinating is that Disney owns the n.b.a. Rights Yad is also terrified that if they criticize the n.b.a. And help to make this a bigger story than it already is that the next step in her movie that they want to get into China is going to be with obstacles so this is really about for the n.b.a. Being willing to sell what's been the highest bidder through the adult Bron James thing I'm bored an athlete was offended when he told to shut up and rebel Well this is even worse than shutting up a drivelling because what's happening right now for what Braun is setting up and prevailing in a drawer think communism with his silence. And I just have to add here because I'm not a huge expert ofan the southpaw but the Create this is South bog Trey Parker and Matt Stone have put out a message in response to this insanity and this is a direct quote like the n.b.a. We welcome the Chinese senses into our homes and. We need to love money more than freedom and democracy he doesn't look like Winnie the Pooh it all too didn't 2 or 300th episode it's Wednesday at 10 Long live the great column is part of China maybe autumn's sorghum harvest be full week good now China I mean that's how you win right isn't it is not how you win Clay you make fun yes quote what happened in America today it's a work in progress now I sat there and or probably did I think it's a part of a car who actually yes I get. That you have a grill you're secure. And sometimes they often are good and quicker you know our area it feels like satire is required to address your certain that we find ourselves debating on a day to day basis to think about it the idea that the n.b.a. Is not willing to work freedom of speech or that mockery like saying oh I didn't pay for a corporate getting to go to school or queen of water we want it with a height of about 30 and ridiculous. Well you're a great guest we hope to get you back is Clay Travis morning host of outtake you can follow him on Twitter at Clay Travis a man who's used the phrase hoisted on their own petard on my show and cracked a joke that satire is something that's part of your car you are welcome back anytime my friend Clay I'm Sebastian go get this is America 1st on the Salem Radio Network on the day my new book is launched the wall for America's soul. Gold has reached its highest price in 6 years and chances are it could go much Iowa before the year ends Sebastian gold if my friends at my disk old group. If you don't add physical gold. Right now you could miss one of the greatest opportunities this year. Old group the veteran precious metals rated a plus with the Better Business Bureau get their free guide to. 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It released today the war for America Saul how the left try to take down the president who's behind it and what it's going to take to stop them in 2020 or to your signed copy now it said Gore could dot com with 3 months free membership of because cabinet by private subscription service do it now s d b g o 8 dot com got to get back to some calls so many topics I haven't even touched upon today but so many great guests and cause that's got a Britta line one breath and Colorado Welcome to America 1st thank you Sebastian thank you very much for taking my call Thank you for your patience and no worries and congratulations on your book really who I do thank you thank you so why did you call call because a whole bunch of us from Colorado are having to go to the March for March in the hoping that you're going to join us on October 7th. I might do that I think that's a very good idea it's a very fun to go over the u.s. Capitol Record 10 am and you can get all the information at Mike dot com because Women for America 1st are running at Cremorne over there so excited how many of you are going from Colorado so far we even got a couple more days to add half a dozen or more try to add more you know ticket prices are going up and we got to stay overnight a couple of nights but where are put putting our pennies to gether and heading to d.c. To support our president bless you join brand let's get as many people on the streets to show our support for the president thank you for calling See you in d.c. Be safe and get as many of your friends here let's go to our good friend one more caller for the day and brain Good to hear from you hello Dr Gorka it was such a thrill to meet you at the Town Hall in Pasadena lovely to finally meet you too Yes and I was thinking of the 2000 patriots that were there there were 1000 authentic godly Horowitz stamina and. On the eve of young Kapoor I was thinking American men must ask for forgiveness and work to atone to America's women by endangering them and degrading them by tolerating the monstrous massaging mystic policies of Marx and Muhammad and not standing up to the King had been too cowardly to stand up to the New York fascist infanticide s.g.m. Feminist movement of Hillary Nancy Il Ham and a auk and all the rest well yes where are the real feminists Brant I mean you know they want to preach to us but when when one does the one of the 4 horsemen of the Democrat a part of the apocalypse stand up for the women who are suffering around the world the people of suffering in Africa from. G.m. The people who are the women who are suffering in Muslim states around the world. Demonstrates the rank hypocrisy but not here on this show Bret thank you for calling great to see you 2 days ago we are in Sacramento and we are off to meet with the packed auditorium of 1200 Patriots I can't wait my friends to join us this is a big one it's called The War for America's Soul God bless you and I look forward to meeting you if you can join us at any location and stay safe my friend stay frosty. Led to. A city service in the area has a location Come check out the newer bigger location. It's in the big building with the airplane on it we did son's class has been family owned and operated since 1906 creating beautiful living spaces and vibrant businesses in our area with excellent workmanship reasonable prices and friendly professional service. Business windows beautiful showers and much much more also specializes in pet stores give both you and your pet some freedom with the weather tight. Little. Suns online at. Browse through their portfolio of work see all the services they offer for your business and. Specialty glass by the brand new show room at 2069. Just south of the Riverside listening to the Patriot 1410 am. After the. Date. They will not comply I'm Lisa Fox News the White House sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and top Democrats saying it will not participate in the impeachment inquiry calling it illegitimate and unconstitutional as a key figure in the in Korea u.s. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon won't voluntarily appear before a House committee this is all pieced together from what Democratic lawmakers are saying what his attorneys are saying sunless in turn he also says quote ambassador is profoundly disappointed he will not be able to testify today and believes strongly that he acted at all times in the best interests of the United States and he stands ready to answer the committee's questions fully and truthfully he also adds that he will even testify on short notice once he is given permission congressional Democrat. It's also say that song when recovered personal communications from his personal devices turned that over to the State Department and that the State Department is refusing to share that with Congress and these lawmakers claim that violates the subpoena that they sent here says Ridge has been at the State Department sentencing for another couple for their involvement in the college admissions cheating scandal Fox's going all Scott has more lie Lisa Gregory and Marsha Abbott each were sentenced to one month in prison for paying $125000.00 to better their daughter's chances of entering college both better deal to police this past May the fraud and conspiracy each also will be monitored for a year after they're released pay a $45000.00 fine and must perform community service the daughter planned to attend Duke University in North Carolina they made the payments to alter her S.A.T.'s scores without her knowledge the Abbotts are the 6th and 7th parents to be sentenced in the wide ranging scandal Lisa Thanks Colonel Wall Street the Dow lost $313.00 The Nasdaq off $132.00 at the s. 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