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I wish you guys could hear what I hear. Because if you could you would hear everything going on that you're doing right now it's as though I'm listening I'm hearing secret things I shouldn't hear during this broadcast inside your studio yet so that will be interesting we'll get through this 1st segment Nonetheless though triple h. 63965 the telephone number and I would love to hear from you today on this I guess climate Friday as. This teenage I guess the Democrats have decided that trying to convince you that we're warming the planet they're best served in doing that by hiring kids to make the sale they have brought kids in from 150 countries for something they're calling a massive climate strike today. Young people from around the world leading a massive coordinated strike from school on this day Friday September 20th to protest government and business in action on climate change it's likely to be one of the largest environmental protests in history. They say I don't know if you've been following what's going on over there at m s n b c But it is. This is I don't know just when I think they can't outdo themselves ladies and gentlemen they have outdone themselves they've absolutely outdone themselves in their climate coverage. Andrew Yang I guess we'll start with Him There's also breaking news this morning folks and I will get to it because I know you're on the edge of your seats What's the status of Bill de Blasio I will bring you the update on Bill de Blasio presidential campaign apparently it is now that the president just tweeting this morning has ruled it dead it's official he appeared on Scarborough and. And gave his eulogy of his presidential campaign so that's that's on the way don't. Don't worry we've got you all covered today but I thought we'd start with last night's climate coverage there Andrew Yang talking about. Making cattle. Raising cattle to such a degree we don't have that cut while we're off to the races what do we have from Yang give me anything from Andrew Yang crazy Yang last night anything oh perfect cars let's do that do I think that we're going to be burning fossil fuels ACA stations in the same way we do now in 2050 I really hope we do not I hope that that's a charging station I hope that you only have to use it every so often and that where we're in clean cars run even on our cars at that point yeah. We're not yet with a Yank so big between not owning cars and making cows so raising cattle making it so expensive and cost prohibitive they're going to have to pass on the cost to you eating meat will be these people are bound to determine to change your dietary habits that's the point they are going to go out of their way to change your dietary habits one way or another so Andrew yang. Andrew Yang is promised to try to do away with cars and you eating beef one way or another they're going to make it happen but this climate strike today the global climate strike. If if you can't be in the strike then of course you don't have to says the 16 year old Swedish climate activist Gretta 13 Burke Thun Berg she's the original school striker who last year began demanding more action from the government on climate change she's becoming increasingly influential figurehead and voice for Youth Climate thanks to an activism whatever the hell that is Youth Climate. I got to tell you when you listen to young people and we'll see if we can't find this clip from yesterday I had this on my podcast by the way if you are so inclined you want to go check it out a crystal ball dot com I do a daily podcast where I I feature the audiophile woman name was it Jamie she was a young woman like 17 years old Djimi something or other from Seattle and I try to be different diplomatic here and not pick on young people but you know she's 17 and I think she I think they got her from drama club the Democrats brought her up to testify on global warming and she's just beside herself she's driven to distraction so she's so emotional about the state of the she's got college applications to fill out and it's so stressful but she's so much more worried about dying in the not even being a planet that it's not it's hardly worth the effort of filling out college applications if we're all cooked to death because of our you know activity or are in action on climate change and I saw. You panicked and so full of anxious about the climate and her college applications she can't fill those out because she's worried about what we're not doing and I just like I watch these kids being used as propagandists on this issue of climate and I think to myself are the are the parents of these children proud I assume they must be I mean look I have 2 teenagers younger teenagers 14 and 13. And I love them they've got a lot to learn as anybody who's raised a teenager or has one understands there's a lot to learn and sometimes they're strong willed and they have their own opinions and I guess if my teenagers came to some kind of political opinion on their own and after talking with them and I felt at least they had some sort of well reasoned thought out position on something and they wanted to be public about it I don't guess I'd stop them but given what I know about most teenagers on balance. When they arrive at something political it's because they've been fed it I am sorry but that's just true for most kids now you may be listening and saying yourself not mine my kids are great they've been raised well and I've taught them from the beginning and that's that's that's great not picking on you if you've you know raised your kids to be of a particular political mindset but to me when you hear a kid that is spewing leftist propaganda like climate change manmade climate change it almost always comes from that Al Gore propaganda emotional place because they've been watching films since elementary school about we're killing polar bears and we only have 12 years to live and it's rooted in nothing but emotion and that's what I find so depressing frankly is the fact that these kids seem to have at teenagers 1617 years of what age. They they seem to be sincerely driven to ruin just absolute despair that they can't control the climate and they think that people on Capitol Hill somehow can which even if you accept that is true what a silly proposition that the United States government somehow has the ability to control the Earth's climate as well as the weather events that happen on the globe like it's a thermostat on the wall if only this legislative body of 435 Representatives and 100 senators could get together and a president could sign into law something that could alter the patterns of whether it's I guess our young people many young people in this country believe it. I guess unless they're just completely being used and it's all a big put on an a for ought I hope it's the latter only because if it's not to watch young people truly and that kind of turmoil and fear is maybe one of the most depressing things I've ever seen because clearly they're not being taught at home that there's something bigger than themselves that there's something bigger than the United States this there's something maybe more more grand at work whatever you may want to call that not to put on a sermonette for you here but I'm just saying if you don't have some kind of basis in something bigger than self Yes I would imagine that's a terribly miserable existence so it's just depressing to see at the age of 17 that that woman testifying yesterday on Capitol Hill that's all she's got going on so today just to let you know that is the that's the big doings I don't know if kids across is that I don't I haven't checked my local school my kids did not mention a climate strike I don't know if that's happening or yours is the New York strike is expected to attract thousands of people mostly kids parallel strikes happening in the nation's capital Boston Seattle Minneapolis Miami. Los Angeles and Denver this is truly a global strike it will be the movement's largest yet I wonder how much fossil fuel will be used to get to these strike events I assume they'll be lots of driving and parking to get there 2500 events scheduled in 150 countries. Are you participating in today's climate strike would love to know give me a ring triple 863-9625 the number triple 863-9625 Shall we get to Ok let's why not let's get let's get to the Bill de Blasio funeral It's official as of this morning President Trump tweeting it out as only President Trump can it's just the most wonderful thing. He's he's really enjoying it and as I recall the president cut a video we might have to go back and find this I remember when de Blasio announced he was getting in the race for president he cut a video from Air Force One wishing him all the best said I don't think he's going to do very well but wishing him all the best maybe we can find out later but Trump tweeted this morning oh no really big political news perhaps the biggest story in years part time mayor of New York City Bill de Blasio polling at a solid 0 but had tremendous room for growth has shockingly dropped out of presidential race New York city is devastated he's coming home. I think I don't know maybe yes yes. It's it's a sad day for America for frankly a sad day for your good Blasio mayor coming home Billy Crystal of all people may well have predicted this last night folks I don't know if we want to call this the Billy Crystal movement but he's on with cold air and this is actually not I mean Crystal I think a liberal like them pretty sure he is based on the limited things I know about the guy politically I don't think he gets terribly active politically but. It's quite an indictment actually of Scarborough what Billy Crystal saying he's in New York he's visiting the Colbert said he's just kind of talking about being out on the streets of New York and different things he sees and things that kind of annoy him or bother him he starts talking about how dirty and the trash all over New York and that that's what he calls Bill de Blasio home who knew how precious he would be take a listen to this too much garbage to Blasio What are you doing in Iowa you're going nowhere come back and clean up this city. Thank you and. So he did. They brought him home builder blah I guess he was watching call bear last night and said Ok Billy I'll come home that's pretty bad and this is what you know I might get into this a little later today the the trumpet ministration announced this week they're going to cite San Francisco for pollution stemming from homelessness this is a real story you want to talk about environmentalism let's look at America's major cities and see the you know the tent cities and the needles in the streets I mean it's happening in my home base of Philadelphia I know you know the stories coming out of major cities in California you know has Billy Crystal and cold they are committed leftists talking about the trash on the streets of New York Bill de Blasio what the hell are you doing in Iowa come home clean up the city well over at m s n b c. We'll have that coming up over at m.s.n. B.c. They are they're stunned Apparently they just I don't know what they thought Bill de Blasio was going to accomplish or maybe he was going to turn a corner but they're not taking it well over at Morning Joe So when we return here on the Chris Plante show we will have for you the I I I guess Jay I haven't even heard the ship folks were going to listen together but I'm told they are genuinely crestfallen at them as n.b.c. That the mayor of New York has gotten out of the Democratic race for a present of the United States Triple 863965 the number My name is Chris Stigall thrilled to be with you today I'm in for Chris Plante on the Chris Plante show. There's only one Chris Plante risk show. There's a guy his name is Jordan he's a healthy guy father of 6 and he works as a guide and Alaska but then he went to the doctor and he was diagnosed with cancer stage 4 he just which from medical insurance to mete share which is a Christian health care sharing ministry the question for Jordan and his wife Jenny was is this really going to work our medical bill exceeded $160000.00 mega Share members shared all our bills and for them it was about more than just the money it's a real community Medicare is is a family a group of people that the stick with you through the hardest times of your life I just don't know how I could have done it with all men to share it's very much worth looking into there's a great reason that it's growing so fast and if you want to find out more here's the number for you 85540 Bible that's 85540 Bible 85540 Bible attention military service members if your loved one used cited combat or. 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All right welcome back to the Chris Plante show Chris Stigall filling in for Mr Plante today you can find me online Chris Stigall dot com I hope you'll check it out I do a daily podcast there are a lot of fun put that up every day for your listening enjoyment whenever you get a chance so it's spelled c h r I s s t i a l l I'm also on Twitter Facebook Instagram I even went over there on the new thing called parlor which the president says he's considering going over to Twitter doesn't shape up so it's all one word Chris Stigall c h r I s s t i g.l. Thanks for hanging out with me today Chris back on Monday so they took the news hard over there at m s n b c This morning mayor of New York City Bill de Blasio officially announcing on this Friday I guess he was hoping it would get lost in the Friday news dump but I guess I don't know how do you how do you lose a campaign that's already been lost. He goes on Scarborough today to announce big you'd think the way they covered this the way Joe Scarborough in this crew at Emmis n.b.c. Talk about this you'd think this were a major I mean you think this were Bernie or something was de Blasio even polling at a was he measuring I don't know I know he didn't make the last debate stage but I mean they I don't know what they're clinging to here but. Listen to them. To the nation such that their audience is probably more like 5 people in Manhattan Bill de Blasio is no longer a candidate for president you actually have a very important announcement to make yet and Joe let me just say up front. This last month I've had an extraordinary experience going all over this country and I want to tell you I actually think it's a lot better country than what we often see portrayed as a lot more unity out there there's a lot more hope folks don't like this moment of division and anger they want to get by. Thank you Bill Mayor de Blasio has figured out that you know once I leave the vitriolic tiny little bubble that I call my universe in New York City and I go out and I talk to people who are normal healthy functioning American citizens who actually make things work I talk to them and I find out they're not nearly the hateful crazies that I always called them as though he actually means that by the way. All right yeah a little more they are pleading with him Have you thought this through surly Mr Mayor but I have to tell you at the same time I feel like I've contributed all I can to this primary election and it's clearly not my time so I'm going to end my presidential campaign continue my work as mayor of New York City and I'm going to keep speaking up for working people. Was that me with the. What are they really shocked. You're usually a shock at him Is it me oh it is it's. What fiction are they living in that this wasn't coming in a month ago how much money did this guy blow on this nonsense to begin with. Willie Geist still pleading Please think it over Mr Mayor might say now why not give it another month. Joe why not give it another month there's more money I'm sure there's some idiots in New York that'll keep shoveling money into the the blast furnace that is this. Whole hold your campaign. Tripoli $636.00 to $5.00 said Friday folks out of the presidential race he will not be our next president this is the Chris Plante show this. Network. Courage by the number. Today. Preliminary trade negotiations between the u.s. And China are underway in Washington d.c. . The director of trade and manufacturing policy the major discussions will occur in a couple of weeks I think. The negotiations. Company . Operating with the Fox Business Report. Ever wonder why. Maybe it's because. Technology can have you speaking Spanish. I can tell you I was just. Now. 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By the street bridge always paying top dollar on placer gold pickers or big or any hoard of gold coins and silver ring shiny or not. Your local coin shop those 2 gold crowns and bridges also scrap jewelry and sterling silver where we melted down turning it into a shiny gold and silver ring it's that you can invest in. Struck it rich the. Yuba City coin and for $38.00 highway by the 10th Street Bridge friendly service fair price is 755 coing know what. Kind Bob let them come. To you like water if you do you're going to love me. And simple I'm talking. Yeah 500 years and. I never and never will have water. Bottle at the source of Mt Shasta. And simple naturally. This is Michael Savage and I'm proud to be part of the Patriot 14 fan and for going through Sorry Mary and even sitting there. Welcome back to the Chris Plante show Chris Stigall filling in today and thrilled to be with you on a Friday Triple 863965 the telephone number Mr Plant back on Monday. Telephone number you just heard there remains the same would love to get you in here today on this apparent climate protest Friday if you have kids that are participating in this kids and adults from 150 countries a massive Friday climate strike I read that cities like Washington d.c. Boston Minneapolis Seattle Denver l.a. May be involved in this today one of the most powerful themes of the strike movement is that the young people have had the largest stakes in a world reshaped by climate change they feel aggrieved by the lackadaisical approach governments and institutions have taken to the problem do you is this happening in your home are young people in your home waking up every day. And I don't know if it's even worth going to school board blazers or Bill tick is that happening and if it is is that a condom series is that a conversation happening around your dinner table and is the belief then if that is happening around the dinner table. Is the belief that action from government is somehow going to make it stop I just I would love to hear someone rationally explain to me why you would encourage a young person to get that emotional and hysterical and panicked. Over the way the weather the climate and that and lead them to believe that there is a human fix to it that that humankind is making it happen and that humankind can stop it the totality of the existence of this planet it just goes to show that social media in so many ways has made us all so small our worlds are so small it makes you feel like everything that's happening is just in in the device in your hand I am convinced that people need to spend more time standing out in the middle of fields standing on ocean front standing on beaches. Standing on mountain tops I'm serious I think people need to spend more time outside of major metropolitan areas and go stand and look at the vastness of nature instead of their cell phone because if they did I am convinced these people who are in hysterics would get a grander sense and respect of of the size and scope and power of this place we inhabit called Planet Earth but I think when you do nothing but watch propaganda films on You Tube from Al Gore whoever's producing them now he's still alive Al Gore I guess he was part of this. I don't I hadn't heard he'd passed on but I haven't heard much from him as of late I guess he's part of this big climate summit on the mission b.c. They're running but trouble 863-9625 are your kids coming home with this on their minds and do you talk about it if so. I am genuinely curious give me a ring Greg's in Maryland Greg we're going to try this today I'm I think I can hear you we're having a little bit of a technical snafu here so let me try Greg welcome in they can hear me I can Ok well wonderful Our thanks taking my call I'm relatively young I'm 33 I'm not I'm concerned I mean everyone wants to protect the environment I do think you know for example over use of single use plastics is something we could you know tackle it as a society with business and government but I mean I think Greg crowed May I jump in on that raising. Can you hear me yes I don't want to interrupt your thought you're going to give you plenty of time to finish it but let me jump in on that because you know I do I do a daily show but I'm not here all the time so you and I aren't familiar with one another and I don't get to talk about this when I'm filling in for Christmas I'm sure Chris has said this many times and I'd just like to say to your point there is a distinct difference between pollution and climate and absolutely I think a lot of people don't make that distinction I'm with you I am not pro pollution and if there are things we can do to stop garbage from being dumped into the sea or what have you or you know marine life swallowing plastic or whatever I'm for that that but I see that is wholly different than we control the weather no I mean yeah yeah 100 percent agree and you know sustainable packaging them for that you know I think it could be mostly Robert I'm very libertarian but I think there could be some you know light regulations and then business already is trying to tackle the problem you've got you know lever who is going to try to like phase out most of their you know packaging and so you know they're they know that they want to I don't want you know what that dirty environment but different in the climate but final point is just that you know we're facing a fiscal climate that is insane and I'm 33 Looking ahead and we've got trillions in debt and these useful young people for you know these green propagandists they're not even talking about the fiscal chlamydia that are approaching us and we're not doing anything about it what do you think I mean you're young enough then at 34 you certainly you're you're but almost 10 years younger than me and I know that even coming through high school and college I was starting to get a steady diet of this but you about a decade behind me in age I would gather you were fully submerged in this stuff so probably most of your peers in your age ard. Well you get in psychologically I'm sure not to sound not just but I really think I'm serious I think there's something psychological almost like an emptiness in a lot of people when they get so hysterical about controlling the weather Yeah I mean I when I was a University of Maryland had they were doing it if everyone had to take an environmental science class it didn't matter what you were majoring in you had to take an environmental science class and the class was basically a one way discussion about how we're destroying the planet the climate and we had to watch Al Gore's thing and this was 10 years ago and 12 years ago for me and you know you got to be a critical thinker but we don't teach critical thinking anymore so you know people just accept you know what they're taught and then they just regurgitate it and then they get really panicked. But I do think we should panic about the debt I mean this is scary stuff because it's it is going it's within our control we can control the debt we can stop spending you know we have and unfortunately neither party is doing that right now so. No you're right it's a it's a wonderful wonderful point and I'm really glad you made it and I'm certainly glad you pointed out the distinction because often people that have this discussion they immediately go to why don't you want clean air and clean water and that sort of thing and. The nuance in this is no no no pollution is different than climate. Climate has always changed pollution is something we do control so that's different Thank you very much Greg I appreciate the phone call let's head over to Gaithersburg Maryland and talk to Keith about it next Keith's Welcome to the Chris Plante show Krista go filling in today hi I'm doing I'm just calling it. Postponed it's a question about why it's so much and I think it's because they don't focus so much on God and religion so the loss of mother. There on the. So I have to side of them. I listen on the call is going to about my plot. Or the weather map and so in the in the since I started hearing about global warming and greenhouse gases and the big deal was fluorocarbon and the rose own home and I was talking to my father about it how concerned I was and he just said Nonsense he said global warming is caused by solar flares and that's pretty much the whole story and secondly he said the ozone hole opens up every 40 years and then it closes back up and he said in 20 years that hole is going to be closed back up to the way it was 20 years ago and they're going to come out and say well that's because we're not using 4 carbons anymore and that actually happened 6 years ago they came out and said that the ozone hole was back to its normal size and it was because of the produce use more car yeah it's all because we're not using Aqua anymore I've lost all my hair so I don't spray my hair anymore so I have. A large family and when the young ones come around and they start talking this nonsense I'm I'm so thankful that I had a father who's educated about it so I can get them all to quite that kind of understand what's really going on and how to to investigate the information and come up with a realistic approach to it. I you know just as a personal matter I mean I happen to be a Christian a believer and I don't know people in my sphere who are fellow Christians who. Articulate this. This for their faith in such a. Passionate way as people who believe in manmade climate change do they will they will fight you to the death if need be they believe this so much as an article of faith I wish I wish for our country that people poured their heart and soul into their personal relationship with God or whomever they worship if if if people put their kind of time passion and energy into that kind of relationship as opposed to climate change I think we'd all be far better off Keith. I agree that you so much for the phone call let me let you hear a little bit of what I'm talking about this woman Jamie Margolin I guess I can call you call or a woman she 17 almost 18 I think you call a young woman she's testifying yesterday before the House just listen to the history 17 Think Think back to when you were 17 and what you were thinking about what concerned you at 17 what was on your mind at 17. Were you thinking and talking like this I already have like underlying issues of like anxiety and it's just really hard to grow up in a world full of ifs you know I don't think a lot of people in Congress understand the conversations that are happening every day American high schools but we're constantly asked prepare for your future study for your future do this for your future but our world is full of F.'s I'll be talking to my best friend and she'll be like yeah you know I really want to see this natural place sometime if it's going to still be around. I really want to study to be this if that is still going to be a possibility and it's just like this constant looming uncertainty and it's a weird form of of nihilism and and weird. Just fear that's that's been existing in my generation where kids are joking like what is even like the point though the World's is ending what are we starting for what are we doing and it's this kind of depression and says fear that is not just among me or my panelists here but but everyone and something that no child should ever have to fear folks this is a psychosis. This woman Jamie Margolin 17 years of age is telling you know the Democrats on Congress who brought her there the Democrats on this panel in Congress I should say they brought her up to Capitol Hill to make put on the show and I hear this and I feel sad for this girl this woman Jamie Margolin the 17 year old I think sister if if things are that rough in your life in your friend's life is it any wonder then when you start to hear about the rates of increase teen suicide if that's real if this is going to put on and this is really happening to young people in this country is it any wonder they're offering themselves and who's to blame a political movement and academia who is pumping them full of this builds to scare them to death that if there's a tomorrow. What a miserably sad existence over something that isn't even real it's. I think it's one of the saddest and biggest stories no one's talking about we we talk about it a lot as a political issue but this is a psychological issue that is really screwing with young people if if people like this woman aren't being you know aren't ringers aren't putting us on here trying to call in Topeka Kansas it's Cathy Hey Cathy thanks for calling the Chris Plante show I'm Chris Stigall filling in tonight not a trial but I was. A law that we were headed for an eye. Right on their way with him. And I brought that up. Whatever And I said oh well by a lot better. My no bottle of wine and thank God And there's no way to do it right that I can I just thank God to have. Help and thank you for the call Kathy how long does a crisis last exactly when you say we're in a crisis we've technically been in this climate crisis since the ninety's I know because I remember Al Gore talking about it when he was in the White House so how long does a crisis last can you can you be any 2 decade or more crisis crises generally mean things are about as bad as they can get it doesn't get worse than crisis and prices are usually have short shelf lives. I think I need to look up the textbook definition. Triple 863965 the number triple h. 639625 let's take one more here before the break but I want to stay with this because I think it's a very important thing you're going to hear a lot of it heading into the weekend starting today and through the weekend the children are marching to change the hearts and minds of the adults running our governments across the world climate change Friday here on the Chris Plante show let's go to Leesburg Virginia and talk to Phil about it hi feel yeah I have a gun craft I say I was you know I graduated high school and or and this is in the middle of the Cold War and we were having cold war drills you know bombing things that crawl under your desk and we all took it as basically. Nobody took it seriously I mean every once in awhile someone would and I think that's exactly what's happening there cherry picking the people that are panicked through you got people that are oh my god the world get em tomorrow but the best majority of it. In that category when they say oh we're going to go on strike. The chance to take a day off from school. Yeah the kids haven't changed much over the years they're like sure I'll get on board the climate change they give it means I can bug out of school early right exactly it great call feel like you dribble 863-9625 critical in for Chris Plante that they welcome to the weekend it's Friday on The Chris Plante show. You're listening to the Chris Plante show. On attorney spokesperson paid for by the Sendo group tension military vets incurring soldiers who served between 2002 to 2016 have you or a loved one suffered hearing loss or tinnitus after serving or while serving in the u.s. 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There's something for all of steaks seafood salads even back in cheap open day at 4 Cool Hand Luke who always take you out west with their great traditions on. The City. To him loose is the 200. A perfect. County. Championship. With. A smaller. Place. For your most important day. With the kind of attention. New members can get their 1st 4 months of membership for just $99.00 a month to learn more go to Peach Tree Country Club. In North Dakota hello. Welcome back to the show. Thrilled to be with you. Hang out with me when you get a free moment maybe you're looking for a new podcast to fill some time when you're not listening to the Chris Plante show or some other favorite radio my podcast I do. And wherever fine podcasts are offered. Let's try Mike to lib one of Chris's favorite callers I know it's an honor that you took the time Mike thanks for calling the Chris Plante show My name is Chris as well so it's easy to remember Hi Mike. Thank you very much for taking my call I like to alert your listeners 1st of all that early voting in Virginia has opened today. You're out there stumping already are you all I'm already at the I'm already at the poll for the summer for early absentee voting in games going market library All right Ok on on on climate change carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas it is increasing the temperature of the planet we have to put a carbon tax on greenhouse on carbon in order to read to reduce it we have to have a balance energy plan we just cannot continue to dump carbon dioxide in the atmosphere without dramatically changing the climate Hey Mike I have to ask this carbon dioxide What is it you exhale What what do you exhale What are you expecting right well we exhale but we. Are Burning fossil fuels exhaling a great deal more carbon dioxide Yes the plant life of the planet could handle animal and human x. Failing of carbon dioxide but you are releasing a 1000 years of carbon took a 1000 years to put that carbon in the ground every year that we were going to be releasing but do you do you believe by definition we exhale a toxin. It isn't talking to our body that's why we exhale it if you have yes but what is the natural thank her baby would pass out what is the next go to higher levels it basically. Traps the heat in the atmosphere not know the percentage might help the sun do you know the percentage of carbon dioxide in the sun for Ike Do you know the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It's higher than it's ever been and it's getting higher you know as a percentage. Before people start to pass out I mean if I told you and this isn't argued. For climate 100 you only need 2 degrees in order to if I told you 400 percent and that was all that existed raise the level in the atmosphere honestly Does that impress you or not for one hundredths of one percent of the Earth's atmosphere twice before the industrial age. Very small differences can make dramatic increases in temperature. And if I told you the earth was green there was more green space on planet earth in the last 100 years than there's ever been before what would you say. The Chris Plante show continues next after this update from talks news on the Patriots 1410 am cam y.c. Marysville one of 4.3 f.m. K 2 a to b s Marysville. Down Under I'm Chris Foster Fox News President Trump has welcomed the Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison to the White House today we celebrate a long cherished and unwavering friendship between the United States and Australia will have talks today a joint news conference and a big state dinner at the White House this evening with the president's talk with another world leader that has House Democrats demanding more information and intelligence officer reported alarm at something the president promised the national intelligence director has not shared what that was publicly or with members of Congress the Washington Post and New York Times report is about Ukraine the president's attorney Rudy Giuliani on c.n.n. Last night 1st denied and then confirmed that he has tried to get the Ukrainian government to investigate Joe Biden that he bribed the president of the Ukraine in order to fire a prosecutor who was investigating his son Hunter Biden who was on the board of a Ukrainian energy company that was at one time under investigation the current mayor of New York City Bill de Blasio now this morning that he is dropping out of the Democratic Party presidential race at least 2 people have died now in flooding in southeast Texas torrential rains now considered worse than what fell during Hurricane Harvey are leaving many Houston area neighborhoods and suburbs with severe flooding law enforcement needed to rescue people trapped in cars and in homes in the Houston Heights neighborhood coming up through a full size street. Just. Like so long as in. Florida the storm is no longer considered a tropical cyclone but the rain is still falling moving over eastern Texas and even impacting parts of western Louisiana and southern Arkansas Eben Brown Fox News the protests going on around the world today demanding that governments do more about climate change a lot of kids are skipping school to it. So World leaders are participating as well America Fox News. Ever wonder why Europeans speak so many languages maybe it's because they used the number one selling language learning. 10 to 15 minute lessons in award winning technology can have you speaking Spanish French or German within weeks. But after using I can tell you I was.

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