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Also this and tips regarding the whereabouts of Robert Allen multiple citizens reported seeing him walking along Karl Creek Road and using that for this information deputies were able to track over the to be parked and from there they set up a perimeter search the park in the surrounding areas and the deputies spotted Cole and attempting to flee by swimming across that you'll river and because of that perimeter was set deputies were already waiting on the other side and were able to apprehend Cullen with the exit at the water color and was arrested without incident and is currently being transported to the Humboldt County Correctional Facility and cargo says he wasn't the only one are arrested today there was also a female subject arrested who is associated with colon and she provided deputies with a false name so she is being transported as well to the correctional facility Her name is Victoria Jordan the approach deputies after Cullen had been apprehended she was I think she wanted to talk to Cullen and you know I'm not sure what exactly she said to him but they were somehow associated and she wanted to likely say Fido him in the Senate a lying about her name and that is a. Violation of the law to lead to a police officer about your name. At this time the sheriff's office isn't sure how many charges Cullen will be facing but cargoes says invading will definitely be one of them Cullen and Michelle he ran from officers on Sunday where he disabled to Sheriff patrol cars and then on Tuesday Cullen was in another high speed chase this time on old Bryson road where he damaged a county truck. Yes that was a county dump truck is how it was described to us what happened which was really interesting is county road or that the pursuit was coming down old Bryson road and you know all right the road has construction going on right now and so I county supervisor order of that dump truck be parked across the road so that the pursuit when it comes plowing through all of the construction hurting construction workers so it was actually a pretty smart move by that construction supervisor to protect this crew and that helped you know that the vehicle obviously and nobody was injured from that collision so in the end cargo says they couldn't have apprehended Cullen without the community's assistant want to thank the multiple status and supervised information to us that deputies down there told me that they didn't awesome job of just giving really good information regarding what Cullen looked like what he was wearing when they saw him what direction he went. And really if it weren't for the citizens help it would have been much much more difficult to find a kill and so we are really thankful for that detailed information and for the community working together with us you know we know that sometimes it's difficult to get community participation on the information about paces and this just goes to show how effective we can be if we all work together to see photos and videos related to this case you can visit became I didn't use Facebook page. The Brice land somewhere in the road has been declared an emergency by Humboldt County officials and will be closed near Whittemore Grove just before Redway for up to 2 weeks while repairs are being made motorists commuting to town will be asked to use old Bryson Road Public Works It's currently making repairs on the detour route came a News spoke with public works director Tom Mattson who shares the latest details on the closure in this interview Director Mattson if you would start by introducing yourself and talk a little bit about what public works does you know my limits Paul met some of the Director of Public Works for Hubbell County Public Works is responsible for all county buildings the county roads levees environmental services parks. Anything else that we can catch. The community was pretty shocked to learn that Bryson Thornton road will be closed due to this catastrophic failure of a culvert and you know people driving on that road right now don't even notice what's happening so if you would share an overview of how this problem was discovered and the science behind why this is such a big issue that has to be remediated immediately. Ok Well our road crews supervisor in the area and Garberville area noticed the shoulder sloping off the edge of the road probably a month 2 months ago and we reported it to state parks because that is in the state parks. What's happened is there is an old covert that's under the road that the the bottom has rotted out of but it's also starting to cave in which is the bigger issue and so we're concerned that it could cave in catastrophic Lee in the winter and does present not only just a safety issue but a very long term closure of the road and so we've been working very closely with state parks and we had our survey crew out there we've doing doing some plans and engineering for them and preparing our detour routes so that if we need to take this whole thing out we do it under a controlled manner and not an uncontrolled manner can you describe what the scene down there looks like and the location. I'm sure well it's within the state park so it's a very very sensitive area unfortunately the covert is 38 feet below the road and like I said previously the bottom of the long section of it is rotted out and there is a. Root plugging a section of about half of the pipe and about that section where the root is passed that it started the pipe is starting to collapse and right now the plan is to continue to fix older Bryson road and have that be the detour if you want to describe how that will work. So we're actually trying to target around November 20th to finish our work on old Bryce Lynn the road as many of people know Bryson road is an old and narrow road so we will be if we go to full closure we will have to be running pilot cars back and forth but we've done a lot of improvements and leveling out the road with gravel and then coming in and paving it over so it'll be a much smoother road than Pete people remember but we still will have to do a pilot controlled traffic slim partly because that road is not constructed for the 2000 vehicles a day that go through Bryce on road based on the community feedback that I've heard and I know a lot of people are wondering why there can't be a pilot car in Whitmore Grove and have one mind open instead of using old Bryson road as a detour if you would like to address that we are looking at those types of options right now but unfortunately facing the winter coming out as rapidly whatever we do in there we need to get in and get out as quickly as possible because if we open the whole thing up and then it starts to rain and pour it will be closed for a long term so unfortunately where we have to look right now at what is the quickest way we can get in and out of there and unfortunately that does mean a full closure and a detour around. And with the old Bryson road detour What does that schedule look like and how do you recommend people plan their day. No we are going to be run by running basically pilot cars on both hands and we are estimating people should at least plan for a 40 minute delays but we are not getting on set schedules because there are 2 and when we may be able to run people through quicker when there is less traffic and not have them sit there and get stacked up because there will be no construction on that road during the while we run in the pilot cars and we will be running in them both and so that we can break people up into groups that there are places that you can pass one another on that road where one lane will have to hold up while the other was passing so what we're trying to work on is just making sure that people flow through there as quickly as possible that's why we're not going to set times last week I spoke with the transportation director of the Southern Humboldt Unified School District who stated that the school bus will not be operating for those students on the other side of the repair so as far as schools go I know a lot of parents and school administrators are concerned if you have anything you would like to say that. It's going to be a delay in traffic and it's not worth the public safety to risk using Bryson road another winter without replacing or stabilizing what's there and we are still meeting with state parks over the next few days to refine the project but at this time everybody should be set for a full closure for a period of probably 10 if not more days we'll find that out after we get the full plans and construction schedule together but we are we are moving forward rapidly on this because we certainly don't want to close. On anticipated in the middle of winter and then be closed for months when Cayman news 1st aired the story and how Bryce and Thorne road would be closed a lot of folks assumed it would be the section where there is a one line stop so I'm curious while the road aides close were that section be fixed as well no that is not on our plans at this time that is again we're doing everything we can to make sure we get this road back open as soon as possible for our community the county people even though it's a state parks road we are we are all in because of how important it is to the people who live in Southern noble How is the county collaborating with state parks to take responsibility on this part of the road. Basically because of the seriousness of the situation. There is no argument we both agree that this needs to be done for the public and we'll figure it out later they are rate writing us an interagency agreement to cover our costs and they will be doing you know they have the pipe they have some of quit operators of that work for the state that they're going to put on it they're running the excavator and then they're going to theoretically fund to hire the contractor to work with them that's part of our inner agency agreement and we agreed to put the plans and do the permitting for them because we have people on staff to do that right now it's not a time for government agencies to be fighting each other over something that can be worked out later and you know compromise the public for that. Do you think the county and the state will continue to discuss the responsibility of that area sense there are multiple spots that are cause for concern yes we will we continually talk with the state about all of the roads that the public uses Metol road the Bull Creek Road diarrheal loop road they actually have a claim path of Clam Beach Road up in northern homebuilders is theirs so we continually talk with and collaborate with them. Generally we take care of our own responsibilities but like I said before this is one that we just need to put of aside our differences and get to work and fix that at this time are there any plans are resources being established to help community members during this closure other than the detour route no all we can do really is provide the alternative and get people through as quickly as we can until we can get this project done in the road reopened another community member was teary as a folks would be able to park in the Ruby Valley and walk or bike into town during the closure. We are looking at that but highly unlikely there will be you know if we go with the full covert replacement there will be a big hole when will the final decision be made on how to proceed this week but as it stands you stated that old brace and repairs are said to be completed on November 20th does that mean that the brace and Thorn road will also close on the 20th that is what we are hoping to be able to do is that they that we are ready the next day we close Breslin and begin digging so that would be the 21st yes current target met the dangers I'll let everybody know but right now is our current target and is that 1st thing in the morning or in the afternoon the state is already mobilizing people equipment and materials out there so it would be basically my presumption would be the morning after the. Old Boys and road is ready that we would begin on Bryson road will there be markers in case people are unaware changeable message signs should be going out there today on both sides to indicate that you know the probable construction date and the road will be closed and Tom is there anything else you would like to leave our listeners with No it's just unfortunate that the scene or infrastructure gets this bad no matter who owns it and right now like I said we're disco to put all of our agencies aside and put our heads together and work to get this done because what is good for the public is better than what's good for government again that was Tom Mattson the Director of Public Works discussing the upcoming closure of Bryson thorn road currently scheduled for November 21st the road is anticipated to be closed for up to 2 weeks director Mattson stated that crews will be working day and night to ensure a speedy repair Kaman use We'll continue to update our listeners to see photos and videos of the failed culvert you can visit they came out news Facebook page. Cal Fire will be conducting a prescribed burn tomorrow Thursday to November 14th in new and came a news interview with pulse of bona Cal Fire but Kalyan chief earlier today about the benefits and risks of prescribed burns Paul to morrow Cal Fire is planning a prescribed burn in Humboldt County if you want to give the listener some detail if correct tomorrow we do have a plan prescribe burn that's going to be 6 miles east of the community of mealand up there kind of by the airport area. About 140 acres in 5 maximum so we're going to try and get what we can a lot of the fuel moistures that actually come up and we haven't been able to get that we've been looking for but the goal is $140.00 and it's going to take one day is the plan. In the blue. Benefit So ideally you know it'll be for vegetation management how to live with the option but it's also going to help in him the health of native plant communities in the control of non native plants that are going for things like men do things grasses scotched things like that and it's going to protect and enhance woodland helmets for animal species and obviously assistance if you will the doctrine the people will see who can urea as well as there's going to be an increase in fire related traffic so we just ask that everybody because. When you know going through the area and they will see smoke and additional traffic if anybody does have a question they can call fire p.o. Line. 7761285 I know that's the 1st time etc. We could call. Can you give additional information on the Exec location of the prescribed burn. It's going to be near the kneeling there in the in that area. So yeah near the new Intel it's right around there the last time we spoke about a prescribed burn I believe in the bridge fell area there were a lot of concerned community members reaching out explaining their concern a wild land fire due to prescribed burns if you have any comment. You know I had multiple people actually call recently as last night I was on the phone until about 7 38 o'clock at night. But I'd like people to know that it is done professionally we do have all the control lines are in place we do it when there's certain prescriptions in place so it's going to meet relative humidity in the environment as well as you will want your content we are going to have multiple fire apparatus there such as fire engines hand crews water tenders and even aircraft will be available for us. To assist in this morning we do not anticipate any problems along with it and really even though it is drying out from your We've actually had some difficulty with the green grass section underneath some of the drier fuels and it we're not getting the burning that we want through this time of the year so a lot of people said hey it's really trying out we haven't had rain you know they're concerned for their safety and I do understand. If want to let people know that we are doing it safely with multiple resources and it has something called the prescription and it has to meet multiple different environmental factors prior to us starting with and so. It should be fine the plan is obviously to go well and utilize those resources to. Achieve those goals that I spoke of earlier there anything else you think the public should know at this time. With that you know we do we do encourage people to treat the fuels around their house so we are we are allowing people to conduct that vegetation burning burning around the structures just please ensure that they have the proper permits they have an adult thing and water and hand tools to suppress the fire should we do encourage that with the appropriate permits and anybody know of any concerns they can call their local county fire station. People to see our fire call 911 again that was Paul says owner of Cal Fire but Kalyan chief discussing the details of the prescribed burn scheduled for tomorrow Thursday Nov 14th in new ink any community members with additional questions can call Sivana at 707-726-1285 update on recent activity regarding the terror against wind energy project was provided to the Rio del city council at their November faith meeting Sharon Wolfe attended the meeting and brings each highlights the Nov 5th Rio dos city council meeting included an update from city manager Kyle nop an action taken by the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors earlier in the day the agenda also included a vote on increased financial support for holiday decorations discussion of a dog park and an update on the recent p.g. And E.'s safety power shot off events. The city council had previously sent the Board of Supervisors a letter that had said they still oppose the project but if it does get approved the city would like to get some of the anticipated revenue for fixing a portion of Monument road the 2800 feet of road improvements proposed by Rio del runs from the didn't smore plateau to well within the city limits Terra Gen has stated that they would not be using monument road to access their project but it remains the shortest route and is likely to continue to be used by contractors and others the city had originally also requested the county assume responsibility for maintaining the road including the Portion within city limits however the council had withdrawn that part of the request according to an up after some discussion the board voted $4.00 to $1.00 to assess whether or not the terrace and wind energy project would provide enough revenue to make some significant improvements to Monument road the council then debated increasing the contribution to the Chamber of Commerce for reimbursement of holiday decoration expenses the city had already budgeted $1500.00 for the chamber last year the new holiday banner hung between 2 light poles on Wildwood Avenue came down as one of the poles tipped over the pole located on the property of creation's auto body needs to be replaced in order to hang the holiday decorations again this year public funds given to creations to replace the poll could be seen as a gift to a private entity which would be a legal. The Chamber proposal is for them to pay the cost of the replacement out of their funds and then the city would reimburse the chamber for other decorations in an equal amount there was some discussion on whether the arrangement to reimburse expenses is legitimate chamber president Nick Angela addressed the concern by council member Frank Wilson and Mayor Depor Carnes the only money. You know. She. Offered. Ok yeah. We were here is Sarah Palin's of all. Right. Here. There are a problem right. There are. Sort of there's a river or how are those costs and loss of interest free for the. Very $5.00 wonderful. And we have. This. Now this is you see this or that So there are more. You know already. There however. The reality is we. Are Ok. Oh we're on the. Wrong hole right you know. Every house for you or she was in there very very. Or they're not in one of the. Well or. The council decided to increase their contribution by an additional $2000.00 bringing their total to $3500.00 to the chamber and initial idea for a dog park in Rio del was on the agenda. To gauge Council interest a petition had been submitted to the city urging them to construct a dog park said that the city had briefly looked at city owned sites that might be appropriate and identified a small lot on the corner of Ireland and painter street that could work the council gave instructions to look into this further and bring it back to the council at a future meeting not then updated the Council on the recent p.g.a. Any public safety power shut off events in the city response the city utilize large generators to keep the city water and sewer plants operating although one of the generators failed the city was able to secure the usage of a rental generator for the immediate need and operations were not interrupted however a longer power shut off would have presented a problem as the city only has 48 to 72 hours worth of fuel for the generators stored it is hoped that in the future the humble Bay power plant would be able to operate independently of the grid in the meantime however humble County will likely face additional power shutoffs and should be prepared for an extended time without power video of the council meeting and the full council packet of documentation is available at the Rio del Times dot com The next meeting of the Rio del city council will be Tuesday November 19th at 6 30 pm in City Hall this is been Sharon Wolfe reporting for came out radio. The Tara Jane wind farm will be the topic of discussion once again at a Special Planning Commission meeting tomorrow Thursday Nov 14th at the Board of Supervisors chambers located at 825 5th Street in Eureka this meeting will start at 4 pm came a news we'll cover this meeting and bring you the highlights at a later broadcast. That thought for tonight's broadcast thank you for listening thanks to Larry Lashley for engineering and thanks to our reporter Sharon Wolf came on news it's online you can find us on came out dot org Sound Cloud Twitter Instagram and Facebook that's where you can see stories length related documents and videos if you have questions our suggestions just give us a call at 707-903-2605 or send us an e-mail at me with at k. Mud dot org reporting from our studio in Redway I'm the orange. Support for came would comes from Bryce Lynn vineyards making award winning small batch wine in humble since 1905 featuring a range of red wines from Pino noir to Cabernet Sauvignon and crisp non oak white wines tasting in 2 or Saturday and Sunday noon to 5 pm through the summer reservations not required purchase scene and private tastings it other times by appointment the winery can be reached at 707-923-2429 or by e-mail and at Bryson vineyards dot com. For over 25 years advertisers continue to trust the trader to reach their target audience the traders distributed to over 500 locations throughout humble Mendocino Trinity del Norte and Lake counties the trader feature special editions throughout the year including the cannabis connection women in business summer travel and holiday gift guides and covers local festivals and events for more information you can call 707-923-4034 or visit the trader 7 o 7 dot com The trader because it works. Kmart is supported by listeners like you and Jippo l. Mil a family owned very tap room and Restaurant located on the shoreline of Shelter Cove serving organic and locally sourced meals including locally caught fish and featuring house craft beers and root beer local wines cider and computer also offering brewery tours and growlers to go gyppo is now open Wednesday through Sunday 11 am to 10 pm more information can be reached at 707-986-7700 extension 0 Jippo dot com. They are like you are like. Under going with you why do. You have to stay here with the movie if you're married to a. Good. Friends in. Your heart I was. Welcome to this way out the international g.b.t. Radio magazine I'm Lucy chip out we are rights take it and cook and Cayman Islands us federal courts trumps religious freedom rules and pop culture peculiar come out of the closet those stories aboard this week because you've discovered this way out . I'm Tanya King Perry and I'm Sara Sweeney with a summary of some of the news in are affecting l g b t Q communities around the world for the weekend of November 9th 29000. Clear right space big tests in 2 small island countries in the South Pacific conservative churches are blocking the decriminalization of same gender sex in the Cook Islands it's been 2 years since a parliamentary draft crimes bill removed indecent acts between men and sodomy a draft committee chairman. Told reporters this week maybe because those provisions are in there in the act that's why nobody is doing it. He claims that having that in the law books is probably a deterrent to people to come out in the open and be open about it the Cook Islands queer rights group association has an online petition charging that lawmakers cling to anti-gay laws enacted under colonial rule and the influence of conservative Christian missionaries our l g b t rainbow communities continue to experience discrimination stigma homophobia violence and suicide about 17500 people call the 15 Cook Islands home it's a self-governing country in a free association agreement with New Zealand New Zealand takes the lead in defense and foreign policy in consultation with the Cook Islands the crimes bill is expected to come before the Cook Islands Parliament for its final reading in February next year moving to the western Caribbean Sea The Cayman Islands Court of Appeal has overturned a marriage equality ruling issued earlier this year the government challenge to Chief Justice Anthony Smalley's ruling and one but original plaintiffs Shantelle day and Vicky bottom Bush also won the appeals court ordered the government to expeditiously provide the couple and other lesbian and gay partners with a legal status that is what the order calls functionally equivalent to heterosexual civil marriage the justices chastised lawmakers writing that it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that the Legislative Assembly has been doing all it can to avoid facing up to its legal obligations premier album McLachlan welcomed the appeals court decision but the premier failed to explain how his government plans to deal with same gender unions given the appeals court directive. About 64000 people live in the 3 Island semi-autonomous British overseas territory the Caymans status as a territory means that the issue may finally end up at the Judicial Committee of the u.k. Privy Council a similar marriage equality case from Bermuda is already under consideration there clear couples are being allowed to marry in Bermuda while that case is pending however could there be marriage equality progress in Panama president alone and do you know the zone now says he will work to delete a ban on same gender civil marriage from a package of constitutional reforms the package is already clear the 1st vote in the national sampling the marriage ban is not the only reform that has brought students l.g.b. G.q. People and other mostly young progressives into the streets for days of protests marriage equality cases are stalled in Panama as Supreme Court of Justice that's to spite the nation being bound by the 2017 interim Merican Court of Human Rights ruling to open civil marriage to same gender couples will of course those November 8th announcement of opposition to the Marriage Equality ban work activist told veteran gay journalist Rex walkin or that it's not clear whether that will be enough to kill it when the National Assembly finalizes the constitutional changes the reforms would then go to a voter referendum next year to us federal district court judges more than 3000 miles apart ruled together against the latest assault on l g b t Q rights by the administration of President Donald Trump after only about a week the new Department of Health and Human Services rules set to take effect on November 22nd allow health care professionals to refuse patients treatment if they have religious or moral objections federally funded adoption or fostering agencies could also reject applications from same gender couples on the same grounds. Arbitrary and capricious is how Judge Paul angle Meyer of the u.s. District Court for the Southern District of New York described the trumpet ministrations so-called conscience rule his Nov 6th ruling found that it conflicts with Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that bans workplace discrimination based on sex he also said it violated the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act which requires providers to care for emergency room patients regardless of their ability to pay angle Myer's ruling favors lawsuits filed by New York City the state of New York the American Civil Liberties Union Planned Parenthood Federation of America and other health care related organizations angle Myer's ruling was followed up the next day by Judge Stanley bastion of the u.s. District Court for the eastern district of Washington he also ruled from the bench that the new rules are unlawful he granted summary judgment on November 7th in favor of Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson judge Bastion promise to issue his written ruling at a later date several l.g.b. T.q. And other civil rights groups have filed a separate lawsuit against the new Trump rules that's in federal district court in California. It's not completely clear from these late breaking reports how the 2 district court rulings issued affect other proposed Health and Human Services rules that allow Department funded Adoption and Fostering agencies to reject prospective queer parents on the basis of religious belief or moral conviction Meanwhile that sudden breeze you may have felt was the gust of eyebrows being raised when this word got out to u.s. Supreme Court justices meeting with a vocal and aggressive opponent of we are rights the high court has 3 l.g.b. T.q. Related queer right to work cases on its docket list this session Brian Brown heads both the National Organization for Marriage and the International Organization for the family he bragged on social media about his great day meeting with associate Supreme Court justices Samuel Alito and Brett Kavanaugh high level conservative Roman Catholic leaders also appeared with Brown and the justices in a photo posted to Brown's Twitter account the homophobia spreading International Organization for the family is a hate group according to the Southern Poverty Law Center the National Organization for Marriage is a notoriously anti queer group that fought against u.s. Marriage equality for decades they fled that losing battle field to carry their antic we're campaign to other countries mostly in Africa now the group has filed a brief in the case is pending before the Supreme Court it argues that it should be perfectly legal under federal law to fire or refuse to hire otherwise qualified l g b t Q workers based solely on their sexual orientation or gender identity. What were all those smiling people in Brown's group photo talking about it's not known but the u.s. Code sections governing judges say that any justice judge or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned a growing number of advocacy groups and progressive legal organizations are calling on Alito and Cavanagh to recuse themselves from the queer job rights cases neither justice has responded to date finally Danica Rome is the 1st out transgender person to win reelection to a u.s. State legislature the Democrat was 1st elected to the Virginia House of Delegates in 2017 for other Democratic. Candidates also won reelection in an off year election blue wave that gave the party control of both legislative chambers Democrats already hold the top executive branch offices in Virginia including Governor 2 other out trans candidates and 3 incumbents won their races across the country according to the queer candidate promoting victory fund the Nov 5th results brought the total number of out trans elected officials nationwide to $23.00 the City Council of Indianapolis Indiana saw the re-election of one openly gay member and the addition of 2 new gays and a lesbian to its ranks or as the Victory Fund described it a rainbow wave came crashing into Mike Pence's backyard on election night the queer advocacy group says that almost 100 openly l.g.b. T.q. Candidates on state and local ballots were elected if you're interested in reviewing the lengthy but comprehensive list of winners log on to Victory Fund dot org. But there is a worrisome a done them to the good election news according to a report this week by Market Watch dot com One in 5. Adults in the u.s. Is not registered to vote ahead of what could be the most important national election of our time in 2020 the u.c.l.a. Based queer think tank the Williams Institute released a study saying that about half of. Identified registered adults are Democrats 15 percent are Republicans and 22 percent identify as independents However 21 percent of all u.s. . Adults are not registered to vote at all if you're in that latter group drop everything and go to vote dot gov and register now that's news rap global queer news with attitude for the week ending of Ember 9th 2019 follow the news in your area and around the world and informed community is a strong community news rap is written by great Gordon edited by Lucia pal produced by Brian de chaise or recorded at the studios of k.p. Of k Los Angeles and brought to you by you help keep us and ears around the world at this way up dot org Or you can also read the text of this newscast and much more and you can listen to news wrap each week by subscribing to our this way out radio You Tube channel for this way out I'm Sara Sweeney and I'm Tanya Perry. Harder and you are listening to this way the international radio show over all of our sexually diverse communities. Nothing cooler than the world's only an international team radio magazine unless it's this way out dot org at this route that work you'll find program information related videos expanded features news rap transcript and c.b.s. And downloadable material that might not be cooler than radio but there is much more this way out at this way out. And now it's time for another special feature. And Albie d.j. Known as Dr Demento became legendary in the us for raising audio kitsch to an art form and her news prime meant the late gay activist and radio producer David Fradkin David added his own kind of spice to pursuing the peculiarities of popular culture Here's a golden oldie music and comedy confection that David like to call stranger then story. Hi I'm Nurse. Was. I'm a private duty nurse specializing in bringing sunshine and happiness into your living room dining room or whatever as I live in. A very cool and Jimminy. Just for you I come bearing strange and wonderful medicines off the wall tongue in cheek music in performances with gay references these medications go down quite easily and according to the indications on the labels they are guaranteed to maybe even outrage I never said a guy who. A guy who wears glasses. And has a fag is a query for just sit back and relax as we enter the world of storing Jerde Then story right right right right right right right thank you. Thank you they're doing suggest there's also through our cinematic history in regard to homosexuality most of them in a comedic sense in Some Like It Hot Jack Lemmon's revelation to Joey Brown that they couldn't get married brought on a deadpan response but. Well nobody's perfect. Other stars of the period in films and who can forget Marlena Dietrich in a top heavy tale city a love song to my lady over a vulgar seducing college professors. Are stand and play each other's wife it was bars Groucho Marx was to say he was worn. Out in show business. This In Laurel and Hardy stay Miss Babes in Toyland made in 1936 stand disguises himself as Little Bo Peep in order to marry Silas Barnaby on the condition that a Bopeep marries him he will tear up mother Pete's mortgage the interesting element in this is not a surprise wedding Now you may hit the bride. But dealing with the reality of the situation after the fact. Well goodbye and good luck. What do you mean goodbye I'm not going with you when you know you have to stay together with Barnaby You're married to him. I don't want to start here with why. I don't. This isn't it amazing. What a person could do with a record collection and a good ear for innuendos find a song a soundtrack or a comedy album and you'll be shocked at what you can come up with the odds go out why marry well. Live week over the being the American model you're the you're home all the or or the rule the world and. The or anything Margraf they will have on it's less than $143.00 m.g.m. Musical call girl crazy the entry will include the film's famous numbers I Got Rhythm and biding my time sung by Judy Garland which you probably won't find on the entry is a song sung by Mickey Rooney there's for men too of course would never let such a thing escape his notice. When I was born and found the silver spoon in my mouth I had a barber jump well my hand. Went or came the mater carried me through those so the point is that I had the best of care are women and the head waiter wand on new life was just a board till it dawned on me that if I'd ever longer be a man among men I'd have to be manhandled not a man. Just read me rub. My hair don't you dare to handle round me with. I'm no. Baby on. The rug. My. Kids. Have been. Reading. Or even Carl Reiner interviewing Mel Brooks the 2000 year old man I'm always fascinated when you tell us personal things about the great historical figure this one intrigues me General Custer afaik. Just a moment I understand that now we're talking about General Custer General Charlie. It's general could be a fair fag generals of all generals that I know that is are you trying to prove a psychiatric do you think a simple truth right about your heart Well no I say no not all generation one maybe but not all name to General George watch after fact that they. Generalize and fag you know that was our fag General Patton that big fat guy just how could you explain that so I'm none of these men seem we haven't any history of them being homosexual may wait a minute hold on hold on the Paladin shall much actual know you said you don't that man trouble I don't want to get these generals in fact yes federal army generals I didn't mean I think I owe it I don't want to take the time of the wreckage I'm sure you think you know many homes maybe but I don't want to go. There What good have been you got along handy like nice horses Oh no. This section is devoted to our boys 1st a song to all our boys over there. This is a song titled The military lovers. Do you lot of money. You. But. I love you as much. 1 I love you. On this Mother's Day when the military lovers now tells us what it's really like aboard a Navy ship this. Man man manly man. It's great to be on a ship. With men it's great to. Know. The great. Great. Man. And. God. Never had. Friends until the end. Though your report there's no one here. And now dedicated to our boys in politics and excerpts from the Watergate hearings courtesy. The National Lampoon Now Mr Hines we have evidence here that you had an intimate relationship with the unsuccessful assassin of Governor George Wallace Mr Bremmer a lot gotta know how intimate it was we slept together a couple times All right our good that's a minute. In New York City. Will be moved. A little twinkling old. No one. Else. Happy. Or you. Will be waiting for you. And I. Know. Something worth living. Because I was always on. Your thoughts always. Roll. You promise. You will be. Feeling better now and I'm so glad all my ass forgotten all about the time my ship does over now but I'm sure you're in good enough shape to take care of yourself remember drink plenty of liquids and don't forget to take your vitamins Oh and we should thank the people who are the active ingredients in our miracle cures Margaret Fowler and Joan Sprague for their technical assistance and the Inert Ingredients should get equal time so I'd like to thank you David Fred can for just being me this is Nurse poem and I'm just a kid again you do what I did against you in my. Red Red Robin comes Bob Bob. But wait you scheduled for a return appointment at nurse pimentos free clinic for stranger then stranger then stir a 3 cups. Up. Every right I don't remember once when I slept with a girlfriend I had a strong desire to kiss her and I did do so you want everyone to feel for x. Again nobody cares what people say lady to. Move. Things. All that and more next time on this layout. RINGBACK Thanks for choosing this way out by the nonprofit overnight productions some program material this week came from time you came Perry and Sarah Sweeney produced by Brenda Ses are and from David Fradkin Perry Como Judy Garland Mickey Rooney Tommy Smothers Martin Mull and Bing Crosby perform some of the music you heard and Kim was a composer and performed at the music this way out thanks to kicking ass out front of the Tides Foundation the Ivana foundation the estate of Christopher David Trent and Richard Markham Brad Peyton of Silicon Valley and all of the list new donors who make this program possible including Here we go look for this way out Radio one social media email to. Tom or write to us at p.o. Box 1065 percent of us California 90078 USA for co-ordinating producer Greg Graydon and every win it this way out I'm wishing to hell thanks for listening on line it this way. And on the happy station Paisley Scotland. Gainesville Florida. California and a wide array of community radio stations and other outlets around the world including this one now y'all stay tuned. Hey listeners this is Beryl Xander from Humboldt County and this is the voice of the free your community radio station in the redwoods k m u d Garberville 91 point one f.m. K m u e Eureka arcade 88 point one k l a I Laytonville 90.3 and in Shelter Cove at 99.5 and we're streaming live on the Worldwide Web site k m u d o r g support came I'd come from what they market place celebrating 24 years of service choice at the top of the hill and huge tree in arcade locally owned and operated and staffed by over $100.00 wild berries tried to offer a broad selection of humble made specialty foods and drinks a 22095. Co-op Connelly's minerals have long been smuggled into Congo's eastern neighbor Rwanda and into its eastern neighbors Uganda and Burundi earlier u.n. Reports said that during the 2nd Congo War of 1908 to 2003 President Paul Konami's government created a quote Congo desk unquote to organize the direct exploitation of Congo's natural resources Congo is a vast and 3 the size of Western Europe with unparalleled natural resources Rwanda is a tiny country the size of Vermont with relatively few It's for capita income is $773.00 but could Ami's wealth and leveraged lifestyle surpass those of most African presidents he travels in a $65000000.00 Gulfstream jet and makes over 50 overseas trips a year the new report points out that for one Roy and his gold export numbers don't add up in 2018 Rwanda declared gold exports of 2163 kilograms while the United Arab Emirates alone officially imported 12539 kilograms for more into during the 1st 9 months of $28.00.

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